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Unit — Speed and Acceleration

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Activity Due Activities and Worksheets Completed Points

Date and
1 Frame of Reference

2 Note sheet for formulas

3 Distance vs. Displacement

4 Graphing a Skate Boarder’s

5 Speed and Velocity
6 Calculating Speed
7 Speed Graph

8 Describing Motion
9 Acceleration
10 Graphing Acceleration

11 Solving Speed and Acceleration

12 Car Race
13 Motion Lab

14 Quiz on Speed/Acceleration
Frame9 of Reference
Ac the very moment you read this, you are hurtling through Laarntnq Goals
pace at 30 kilometers per second.That’s equivalent to nearly When you are finisfled with this
65.000 miles per hour How is it possible for you to sit there and !es.son, you should be able to
read these words while you are traveling thu fast? Because the
speed of everything in the universe has to be measured relative Descrlb how different
frames of reference affect
to something else. You hive probably heard someone say that
your observations of the
verything’s relauve. Were they talking about science? Probably motion around you.
tot, but in science all motion is relative, and to measure the
speed or any object it’s important to understand frames of • !dentlly frames of reference
in a picture or story.
[f you ride the bus to school in the morning you undoubtedly
spend some time looking out the window. Part of the sensation
of motion you feel while riding comes from the up-and-down
and back-and-forth movement that comes with a bumpy bus
ride. But even if the ride were perfectly smooth, you would still
know that you were moving. Why? Because most of us treat the
earth as a stationary frame of reference. In other words, we
assume that the earth isn’t moving.Therefore, as you look out
the bus window and observe the scenery as you pass by you
assume that you are the one in motion.
What if you didn’t consider the earth a stationary frame of
reference? Then you might believe that your bus was stationary;
and the earth was moving past you! Although it seems to be an
unusual way to view the world, that perspective doesn’t violate
a single law of physics.
Consider an astronaut on board the space shuttle. She cer
tainly doesn’t view the earth as a stationary frame of efeicace.
From her point of view, the earth is an enormous, spinning
sphere. While those of us on earth experience one sunrise every
24 hours, an astronaut obiting Earth sees 16 sunrises in the same History Connection
period of tirne.Astronauts hive a different frame of refei’ence to
the sun than you do. For centuries, th. greatest
Having a stationary frame of reference is essential to finding astronomers in Europe
one’s way around the world. Image how different it would be to believed that the stars, the
sun, and the planets moved
drive across the city if you couldn’t assume that the earth is in circular orbits arour4
stationary. How would you know how far to drive in any direc Earth. In the 16 century, a
tion? The problem would be even worse if there were no roads Polish astronomer named
to toUow. That was exactly the problem faced by sailors who Copernicus proposed that
traveled across the ocean before compasses were invented. Earth and the other planets
moved around the sun
From our point of view (assuming the earth is stationary), the instead. Talk about radical!

3 stars appear to toilow circular paths across the sky.There is one

‘tar however, located directly above the North Pole that doesat

earth. ft was the North Stai
change position relative to the vided
obile manufacturer), that pro
Polaris (now a famous snowm to
nce that early sailors needed
the stationary frame of refere
an ocean without landmarks.
tind their way in the middle of truly
there is no such thing as a
ft Ls import:ant to realize that you
stationary frame of reference
. If you are riding in an airplane,
cnay decide to use the aiplanc
is your reference frame. Howe
see the ground apparently
if you look out the window you
vin g bel ow you . But eve n if you change your mind and make
the earth your stationary frame
of reference, the earth is still
vin g aro und the sun . Fu rth erm ore, the sun is moving as par
rrzo what
Ties are moving. Therefore,
of the gairry, and all of the gIIa
reference, Is moving in an
is not moving in one frame of e
ody’s moving according to som
othet In other words, everyb ,
st common frame of reference
bodyThe earth may be the mo
t it is the ‘correct one.
but there is no rule that says tha

What are the framengs of

reference for pa three ers
in each of these JL.JLZ1LZ1— IL_

a a I a
Motion, Force, and Energy
2Disp Equation Units Definition








Mornen turn


Equation Units Definition
Gravi tcitional
Elastic Potential

Energy K : spring constant

Kinetic Energy
Name: —

Block: —

Distance vs. Displacement

Before we taLk about motion, it is important to understand the difference between

distance and displacement. Distance is the total Length of a path over which an object
travels. This path may or may not be a straight line. Displacement is a measure of the
straight line distance and direction between the beginning and ending of a path over
which an object travels. Displacement can be equal to but never Larger than distance.

The purpose is to:

1. Demonstrate the difference between displacement and distance.
2. Practice making measurements.

The grid below contains a hidden treasure chest. To find it, follow the directions and
draw a continuous line on the grid. Place an X at the end of your line. This is where
the key to unlock the treasure chCst fits.
One side of a square = 1 cm. The diagonal of one square equals 1.4 cm.

1. From start go 2 cm N, then 8. 2.8 cm SE 15. 4cmN
2. 6cmE 9. 1 cm S 16. 2cmE
3. 5cmS 10. 6cmW 17. 2 cm S
4. 6cmW 11. 2.8 cm NW 18. 2cmE
5. 2.8 cm NW 12. lcmN 19. 2cmN
6. 5cmN 13. 2.8 cm SE 20. 1.4 cm SW
7. 6cmE 14. 5cmS Place X here.

What is the total distance to find the treasure?

) Graphing A Skate Boarder’s Distance
Use the graph paper provided and
graph the skate boarder’s distance.
Label the x axis as Time (seconds) and
the Y axis as distance
(meters). Determine the range of
values needed for each axis. After
completing the graph, Answer the que
stions below.

[ Time (Sec) I Displacement Time (Sec) Displacement Time (Sec) Displacement

lo__- o.o 5.5 0.6 11
L5 3.5
0.3 6 0.0 11.5 1.6
1 1.0 6.5 0.1 12 0.5
L5’ 2,3 7 0.5 12.5 0.0
Z 4.0 7.5 1.8 13 0.2
2.5 5.0 8 3.2 13.5 0.7
3 5.3 8.5 4.8 14 1.6
3.5 5.3 9 5.3 14.5 3.2
4 5.0 9.5 5.5 15 4.5
4.5 4.0 10 5.2 15.5 5.2
5 1.9 10.5 4.7

1. How far was the skate boarder from the sta

rt after 6 seconds?

2. During the 15.5 seconds, how many times

did the skate boarder return to the starting
a. 0 b. 1 c.2 d.3 e.4
3. Approximately how far did the skate boa
rder travel during the 15.5 seconds?
a. 5.5 m b. 11.0 m c. 13.75 m d. 16.7 m e. 27.5m

4. What is the skate boarder’s displacemen

t at 9.5 seconds?
a. 5.5 m b. 11.0 m c. 13.75 m d. 16.7 m e. 27.5m

5. Did the skate boarder end at the star

ting point?
) 6. This skate boarder probably was?
a. going down a long ramp b. going up a tong ramp c. in a half pipe


6-2 Speed and Velocity
Sveed Learning Goals
one of the basic tenets of the particle theory of matter is that all When you are finished with rhis
particles are in constant motion.The random movement of lesson, you should be able to
particles is one of the types of motion that all of us experience Describe how different
daily. The ride to school, walking through the halls between frames of reference affect
classes, and the movement of a hockey puck in a game of boot your observations of the
hockey are a few more ways that motion might affect you. motion around you.
Whatever the object, the most common way that people de • Describe and interpret mo
scribe motion is by talking about its speed. tion graphically.
While all of you use the concept of speed daily, not everyone
can define what speed is (and what it isn’t). In science, quanti • Distinguish between speed
ties like speed are called rares.A rate is defined as a quantity
and velocity.
divided by time. Speed is the distance an object travels in a • Calculate when a moving
certain amount of time. To calculate an object’s speed, you object will arrive at a given
divide the distance the object has moved by the elapsed time. point.

speed =
For large objects like cars and long distances speed is usually
J expressed in kilometers per hour (km/h). Many other units are
also in common use such as miles per hour (mph) and meters
per second (mis). Ships and airplanes use nautical miles per
hour (knots).Whatever units you choose to use for speed, the
relationship .berween distance and time is the same.

Cantant Speed
Suppose that at a track meet one of the runners travels around
the 400 m track in 58 seconds. What is his speed? The answer
may be found by substituting these numbers into the speed
400 m
speed= =6.9 rn/s
58s /1
It is also possible to use the speed formula to calculate dis
tance and time. As with the density formula, you can use a for Figure 6.1 Find the right equation
mula triangle to rind the proper equation. If you are planning a by covering the variable you are
trip, and you know the distance to your destination, you can looking for and reading the fcrmIa
calculate the approximate time that your trip will take if you from the rern’nng o.
know your average speed. Suppose that you plan to drive to
Duluth which is 250 km from St. Paul. If your average speed is
3 u km,h then ‘ou can calculate ‘your tra’iel time using the


distance 250 km
time= =
90 km /h
speed to
sci en tif ic ca lcu lat ion s you should be careful
As with all
its and show your work.
include the proper un
ph at constant sp
c4stance-tme gra each unit
ls the same distance in
When an object trave ph
is sai d to be mo vin g at constant speed. A gra
of time, it

gure 6.2.
an object is shown in Fi
of the mo tio n of su ch nt
dis tan ce -ti me gr ap h of an object at consta
80 Notice that a a graph
d is a str aig ht lin e. Be cause it’s a straight line,
60 spee future dis
be used to predict the
of constant speed can
e of the ob jec t by extrapolation. Extrapo
a tance or tim past the
pr oc es s tha t inv olv es extending the line
10 is a that
91011 ta. Fo r ex am ple , fro m the graph it is clear
3 4 5 6 7 5 current da ery second. On
tance of 10 meters ev
0 1 2
ob je ct tra ve ls a dis
the object will
ble to predict that the
Tim. (a)
-time graph of an that basis, it is reasona though
Figure 6.2 The distance 20 0 m et er s in 20 seconds—even
d is a straight line. have tra ve led
object at constrt spee ar on the graph itself.
those data don’t appe

Average Speed everyday

jec ts rar ely tra ve l at a constant speed in your
Ob ently
the tim e yo ur m ot ion is interrupted frequ
life. Most of result, most
sto ps , sta rts , an d ch anges of direction. As a
by ge speed
ph at variable spee
d world involve an avera
Distance-time gra calculations in the real ct travels
hi ch is de fin ed as th e total distance an obje pre
w Figure 6.3 is a graph re
th e el ap se d tim e.
250 divided by veling at a
nt in g th e m ot io n of an object that is not tra
se aight. Each
e that the line is not str
a constant speed. Notic represents
t of th e gra ph th at has a different slope
segm en speed
sp ee d. Th e sp ee do m eter in a car gives the
100 a different d).
the instantaneous spee
o 50 at any instant (called
0 3
1 1.5 2 2.5
o 0.5
Time (h)
e mo st co mm on ly m isused terms in science
Two of th rents)
re 6.3 Th e dis tan ce -ti me graph of an d an d ve loc ity . M an y students (and their pa
Figu sp ee at have
d shows that the locity are two words th
object wfth a variable spee times. be lieve that speed and ve s refer to
object changed speeds
e me an ing .W hil e it is true that both term
the sam n of the
re complete descriptio
a rate, velocity is a mo
moving object.
-motjonof a ther reports on the even
ing news
If you watch the wea ing the
y ha ve no tic ed th at the weatherperson giv
you ma les per
“the winds will be 25 mi
forecast never says that e “Winds
ays hear something lik
hour.” Instead, you alw les per hour.”
ni gh t wi ll be ou t of the northwest at 25 mi the
the dif fer en ce ? W hic h forecast gives you
Do you see
t the wind?
most information abou

The diierence herween speed and velocity, then. is straight
krward. Velocity includes speed and direction. Suppose you

) ire tracling north in a c ii at 100 km/hr ‘our speed is 100 kin!

hr. but your vdocir’’ is tOt) km/hr north. If you turn east, your
-peed is unchanged, but your new velocity would he 100 km/hr c4slance-Time graph
(_.js r.
Cooperative Activity
Work with a partner to create a story
based on the distance-time graph. Be
creative Make sure the details of your .4
story are consistent with the data on the U 200
graph. I


a 50

0 2 4 6

Time (ii)

Practice Exercises
1. A car travels 240 kilometers in 3 hours. What is the average speed of the car during
3 time?

2. The average speed of a cruise ship is 50 km/h. How far will the ship travel in 14 hours?

3. It is 1 2:OC noon. The local weather bureau is tracking a violent storm that is traveli
eastward at 25 kmlh. It is 80 kilometers west of Henry Sibley High School. If school gets
done at 2:30, will the students be able to leave before the storm arrives?

Speed Problem Period

Directions: Solve the following speed problems. Use the triangle to help solve the
problems. Show all your work. Circle your answer.

1. Calculate the speed for a car that went a distance of 125

kilometers in 2 hours time.

2. A baseball is thrown a distance of 20 meters. What is its speed if it takes 0.5

seconds to cover the distance?

3. How much time does it take for a bird flying at a speed of 45 kilometers per hour
to travel a distance of 1,800 kilometers?

4. A comet is cruising through the solar system at a speed of 50,000 Idlometers per
hour for 4 hours time. What is the total distance traveled by the comet during
this time?
5. If Steve throws the football 50 meters in 3 seconds, what is the average speed
(velocity) of the football?

6. If it takes Ashley 3 seconds to run from the batters box to first base at an average
speed (velocity) of 6.5 meters per second, what is the distance she covers in that

7. Bart ran 5000 meters from the cops and an average speed (velocity) of 6 meters!
second before he got caught. How long did he run?

8. If Justin races his Chevy S-1O down Highway 37 for 2560 meters in 60 seconds,
what is his average speed (velocity)?

9. Mike rides his motorcycle at an average speed (velocity) of 20 meters/second for

500 seconds, how far did he ride?



You will be creatingline graphs tha

t represent two car trips. Use
data below to constrict yo.1r gra
phs. Label the axis appropriatelygraph paper and the
(x axis = time).
Traveler 1:
Traveler 2:
time (minutes) distance (miles)
0 time (minutes) distance (miles)
5 15 0 0
10 5 1.5
15 10 4
5 .

20 15 5
12 *

25 20 12
30 25 17
25 30
35 31 24
40 35 24
38 40
45 45 24
50 45 29
53 50
55 58 34
60 55 39
62 641
65 64 44
70 83 46
64 70
75 64 50
75 53
Both travelers are traveling to a des
tination that is about 64 miles awa


1. Which traveler made it to the destination within 75 minutes?



2. speed between 0-15 minutes (in miles per hour)

3. speed between 15-55 minutes (in miles per hour)

4. speed between 55-65 minutes (in miles per hour)

— 5. speed between 65-75 minutes (in miles per hour)

6. average speed for enti tnp 1n miles per hour)

7. Was this person (traveler 1) ever speeding? If so when?

8. When you look at the graph, how can you tell when the person was traveling fastest?

9 When you look at the graph, how can you tell when the person was traveling slower

10. How does the graph show when the person was stopped?


(Traveler 2)

11. Speed between 0-15 minutes (in miles per hour)

12. Speed between 15-30 minutes (in miles per hour)

13. Speed between 30-40 minutes (in miles per hour)

14. Speed between 40-60 minutes (in miles per hour)

15. Speed between 60-75 minutes (in miles per hour)

16. Average speed for entire trip (in miles per hour)

17. Did this person ever make it to their destination (according to your data)?

18. Describe what was happening during this trip (when was the person on side
streets/slow traffic, when were they on the highway etc.)
____ ____
____ _ ____ ____________

Name Date (lass


Section 1 Describing Motion

A. an object changes its position relative to a
reference point
1. far an object has moved
2. and direction of an object’s change in posi
tion rom the
starting point

3. an object travels per unit of time

1. change over time

2. Calculation for speed: speed = distance /

3. Speed that doesn’t change over time—__
____________ speed
4. Speed is usually not constant; usually an
object has speed.
5. of motion when speed is changing:
speed = total I total travel time
6. at any given point in time

C. A distance-time displays motion of an object over time.

1. Plot distance on a(n) axis.

2. Plot time on a(n) axis.

D. and direction of an object’s motion

:i E. Motion of Earth’s crust—so we don’t notice

Section 2 Acceleration

A. in velocity’s rate
1. acceleration—speed is increasing.

2. acceleration—speed is decreasing.

3. When an object changes speed or

, it is accelerating.
B. Calculating acceleration

1. Acceleration = / time

2. Change in velocity = initial velocity


3. Unit for acceleration—meters per

4. Positive 1c:erarion—’sitve number w!rh a hLe n i :r E

4g;on 33
____ ____ a ____
____ ____
—an ____

Date Class


Notetaking Worksheet (continued)

5. Negative acceleration—nega
tive number with a
slope on a velocity-time graph )
leration—Roller coasters
C. Amusement park acce

1. Changes in cause acceleration.

cause acceleration.
2. Changes in

Section 3 Motion and Forces

A. push or pull that one body applies to another
to change.
1. A force can cause an object’s
time, they create a
2. When two or more forces combine at the same

are equal in and opposite in

3. Balanced forces
/ or are in the same direction.
4. are unequal in size and

B. Inertia and Mass

object’s resistance to any change in motion
have greater inertia.
2. Objects with greater
object moving at a constant velocity
3. Newton’s
moving at that velocity unless a net force acts on it, an object at rest
will stay at rest unless a )
net force acts on it.

at work
C. Auto crashes—the law of
bçlt keeps moving at the car’s speed even after
1. A passenger not wearing a seat
the car stops.
as the car slows down and stops.
2. A passenger wearing a seat belt


Learning Goals
When you are finished with this Just like speed and velocity; acceleration is a rate. In the case of
lesson, you should be able to
acceleration, it is the rate that velocity changes with time.The
Describe the effects of faster velocity changes, the greater the acceleration.The relation-
acceleration on objects at rest
and in motion. change in velocity v
acceleration = = —

• Distinguish between accel change in time

eration and constant speed.
ship can be represented mathematically as
• Calculate acceleration.
The greek letter deita is used in this case to mean “change in.” It
• Graph acceleration. is used often in science to describe rates. People tend to get a
little sloppy when they talk about acceleration.Technicaliy,
acceleration is always a change in veiocity with time, but often,
for simplicity; we talk about a change in speed and call it accel
cration.Mthough not technically correct, problems rarely arise
as a result of the inconsistency;
Think of instances when you experience acceleration.You
could probably fill your lab notebook with xmples from only
one day. Every time your velocity changes even the slightest bit
you are undergoing acceleration.Think of how many times you
change the velocity of your pen while taking notes in English
Large passenger jets accelerate from 0 to over 100 miles per
hour in a few seconds as they roll down the runway during take
off If the jet’s acceleration is not large enough, it could run out
of runway before reaching a high enough speed to
begin flying. (At which point the quality of the
inflight movie would be the least of the passengers’
worries.) Fighter jets that take off and land on giant
aircraft carriers need extra acceleration to get airborne on the
extremely short runways.A catapult attaches to the front wheels
of the plane and helps the engines produce the huge accelera
A big v produces a tion that is required.
big acceleration. Sometimes a small acceleration is desired. large vehicles like
school buses generally lack the power to accelerate quickly, and
it’S a good thing because large accelerations on a school bus
without seatbelts would probably cause backpacks to fly around
and make for an even more uncomfortable ride.Also, it is a lot
easier to chase down a bus as it pulls away from your stop if the
speed of the bus isn’t changing very fast.
Recall that velocity indudes speed and direction, and con-
north. What are three ways
sider an object traveling at 25 rn/s
that the object can accelerate?
This lesson will focus on different
out what causes acceleration
types of acceleration (Well find

Pa5itive an Negative Acce(eraticn

ation they imagine the
When most people think of acceler
the seat of a roller coaster or
feeling of being pushed back into
0 to some breakneck speed
some other vehicle as it goes from
that’s certainly an important
(OK, breakneck vclocity).While
half of the story.That kind of
type of acceleration, it’s less than
described as positive accelera
acceleration is more completely
ula again. It can also be
tion. Consider he acceleration form
written as
final velocity starting velocity


a changeintime

t the starting velocity is 0

where in the case of a car at a stopligh
ething like 100 km/hr. In
and the final velocity is probably som
= +100 kmJhr.The accelera
that case v = 100 km/hr -0 km/hr Acceleration Graph
icates that velocity is increas
tion is a positive number which ind
ake a look at the first
ing during the period of acceleration.T 140
sample exercise below, and make
sure you can see where all the
numbers come from. — 100
Figure 6.4 shows a plot of speed vs.
time for a certain car.
What is the overall acceleration of the
car from 0 to 138 km/h? -—/--—
Step 1 What do you know?
-- —
———— —
final velocity =138 kin/h 0 2 46 6 10
starting velocity =0 km/h Time (a)
time =9 s
e? Figure 6.4 Plot of speed vs. time
Step 2 What are you trying to calculat showing positive acceleration.
acceleration =?
te given numbers.
Step 3 Write the formula and substitu

- a —

— final velocity starting velocity

changein time

Step 4 Solve and check units.

138km/h 0km/h =15.3 km/h/s
What if velocity decreases during the time period? What’s the
Acceleration Graph word for that situation? Scientists don’t consider that case to be
very different from the more obvious one (increasing velocity),
120 and usually refer to it as negauve acceleration. Non-scientists
often call negative acceleration deceleration. Any possible confu
100 —— - sion about whether velocity is increasing or decreasing is
avoided in calculations involving acceleration by using a nega
tive sign to indicate negative acceleration. Consider the follow
ing sample exercise.
j) 30
Figure 6.5 shows what happened when the car from the
20 previous problem saw a police officer. What was the cars
0 ---1P average rate of acceleration between 2 and 6 s?
Step 1 What do you know?
0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (s) final ve!ociry = 23 km/h
starting velocity =80 km/h
Figure 6.5 Plot of speed vs. time
showing negative acceleration, time = 4 s
Step 2 What are you trying to calculate?
acceleration =?
Step 3 Write the formula and substitute given numbers.
1w final velocity starting velocity

change in time
Step 4 Solve and check units.

23km/h - 80km/h =-14.3km/h/s

Notice that the answer to the the previous exercise has a

negative sign.That indicates that the object—whatever it hap
pens to be—is slowing down.
Although most people have a basic understanding of accel
eration (since they do it constantly), some students have trouble
with the units. Most of the trouble can be avoided, however, if
you carefully consider the definition of acceleration—the
change in speed per unit time. Given that definition you might
expect the units of acceleration to look like a speed or velocity
unit divided by a time unit.
v rn/s
acceleration=—= =m/s/s
t S

Don’t let strange looking units like rn/s/s intimidate you. It

per second. In other words,
may help to think instead about rn/s
an acceleration of 2.5 rn/s/s means
that the velocity of the )
2.5 rn/s every second.Assum
object in question is increasing by lime Velocity
e of velocity vs. time for the
ing a constant acceleration, a tabl (s) (mis)
graphical representation of
object would look likeTable 6.1.A
graph is straight line pointing
the data is found in Figure 6.6 The 0 0.0
constant and positive.
upward because the acceleration is
1 2.5
Graph of constant acceleration 2 5.0
3 7.5
4 10.0

5 12.5

a Table 6.1 Table of

I ——/—
6 — --- acceleration data

—— -/-— Figure 6.6 Graph of
data from Table 6.1

7— 4 5 6
showing the relation
ship between speed
and time for constant 3
0 1 2 3
Time (a)

Practice Exercises
. it reaches
at the bottom of a hill. Three seconds later
1. A rollercoaster is moving at 25 m/s
the top of the next hill, moving at 10 rn/s
. What is the acceleration of the rollercoaster?

is trav elin g at 60 km /h. It acc eler ates to 85 km/h in 5 seconds. What is the acc
2. A car
eration of the car?

turns green, the

city of 0 km/h. Three seconds after the light
3. A car at a stoplight has a velo
the acceleration of the car?
car has a velocity of 30 km/h. What is

__ __________ _____

Names Row



Ue the attached graph to answer the following questions. The graph represents a

1. Between which points was the car accelerating (more than one answer)?

2. Between which po nts was the car decelerating (more than one answer)?

3. Between which points was the car traveling at a constant speed?

Calculate the acceleration between the following points. Remember the formula for
acceleration: A Vf. Vjf Show your work (set up the problem). UNITS!!

4. Acceleration between A-B:

5. Acceleration between B-C:

6. Acceleration between C-D:

7. Acceleration between fl-B:

8: Acceleration between E-F:

9. Acceleration between F-G:

1 Acceleration between G-H: —

I ei
11. Where was acceleration the greatest (between which points)?
12. How does the graph show this?

13. Where was deceleration the greatest (between which points)?

14. How does the graph show this?

15. Where was the car traveling at a constant speed (between which points)?

18. How does the graph show this?

17. Did the car ever stop during the trip? How can you tell?

See the diagrams attached (A, B and C) V

17. Which graph represents the following? V

A car at a stop sign accelerates to 30 mi/br in 30 seconds. The car cruises at this
speed for 10 minutes. The car then enters the highway and accelerates to 60 mi/hr.
The car cruises at this speed for 15 minutes. The car exits the highway and slows to
a stop.

18. Pick up a sheet of graph paper and graph the following.

Acaratrestspeedsupto35mi/hrira25seconds. Itstaysthisspeedfor6minutes.
The car then enters the highway speeding up to 55 mi/br (it taks 15 seconds to speed
up to 55). The car is in stop-and-go traffic where is slows down to 20 mi/br 3and
over the course of 15 minutes. The car then exits the highway at 55 miibr, slows
down to 35 mi/lw (deceleration takes 4 seconds). It encounters 2 stop signs during the
next 10 minutes. The car then reaches its destination and slows to a stop and parks.
•Before graphing be sure to label your x-axis and y-e.xis. Time should be on the x-a.xis.
‘Be sure you have enough room to graph the entire trip (time and velocity).
‘Use the entire graph.
Staple graph to this sheet and urn i.
cc 02
St .cl
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— ________.————-,___



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Period Date

Speed and Acceleration

1. Does the speedometer of a car
read average speed or instantan
how do you know? eous speed?

2. If the speedometer of your car

reads a constant speed of 40kmlh
constant velocity? r, can you say the car has a
Explain your answer.

3. What two controls on a car cau

se a change in speed?

What control causes a change

in velocity?

4. What is the acceleration of a

car that travels in a straight line
at a constant speed?
5. Describe a situation in which
you can accelerate even though
your speed doesn’t change.


6. It takes Serina 0.25 hour to drive

to school. Her route is 16 km lon
speed on her drive to school? g. What is Senna’s average


7. In a competition, an athlete thre

w a flying disk 139 meters through
traveled at an average speed
of 13.0 m/s. How long did the disk the air. While in flight, the disk
GIVEN: remain in the air?

During that time, he speeds up from 5 mIs
8. A runner coversthe last straight stretch of a race in 4 s.
this part of the race?
to 9 mIs. Wbat is the runner’s acceleration in


e travels at the speed of sound (340 m/s) to the

9. If you shout into the Grand Canyon, your voic p the Gra nd Canyon at a spot
r an echo. How dee
bottom of the canyon and back, and you hea you sho ut?
s after
where you can hear your echo 5.2 second


dro p with an ave rag e acc eler mIs If an object falls from a tall building,
ation of 9.8 2
10. Falli ng obj ects
ed of 48 m/s?
how long will it take before it reaches a spe


eleration of 1.8
in 2.5 s. The ball traveled at a constant acc
1 1. Josh rolled a bowling ball down a lane ed of 7.6 m/s by the time it reac hed the pins at the
m/s2 down the lane and was traveling at a spe
when it left Tim’s hand?
end of the lane. How fast was the ball going
GiV!N WORK:--— --—--

The Name:_______________
CarRace Period: 1 2 3 4

1. The graph below represents three cars during the first minute of a race. Using the.
following information, draw another curve on the grid representing the motion of CarD.
This car moves as follows,.
a. Car D accelerates from a rest position at 0 seconds to reach a speed of 120.0 km/s at
5.00 seconds.
b. Car D maintains this speed for 5.00 seconds, then decelerates to 30.0 1cm/s at 20.0
c. It then accelerates to reach a speed of 90.0 km/s at 30.0 seconds and maintains this
speed for 5.00 seconds.
d. Car D then decelerates to 55.0 km/s at 40.0 seconds, further decelerates to 40.0 kuils
at 50.0 seconds and then accelerates to 120.0 km/s at 55.0 seconds and maintains that

120 Ii14#
. .,,—

Iji I-
110 I1L—-.

100 ..

4 .. . . ‘ “ V !,
90. -
- -.-‘- .



: fr’s
Car r.}2
A — — — 10 15 20 25 30, 33 40 45 50 55 60
C — — — —
Time (s)

2. What does the vertical axis represent?

3. What does the horizontal axis represent?
4. Over which je period is Car A’s acceleration the greatest?
5. Over which i! period is Car A’s speed the greatest?
6. Over which time period is Car C’s acceleration the greatest?
7. Over which period is Car C’s speed the greatest?
8. What is Car B’s speed at 7.5 seconds?

Physical Science Motion

Car Race (Green) edited 5/15/07
9. Other than when at rest, over which time period is Car A’s acceleration at zero?
10. Other than when at rest, over which time period is Car B’s acceleration at zero?
II. Over which time period is Car C’s acceleration at zero?
12. Which car has traveled the farthest at the end of one minute?
Explain how you know:

13. Which car appears to have had a reckless driver?


14. Which car appears to have stalled during the race?


Show Your Work! 4 steps (‘what you don’t know, 2 what you know, 3 the equation and 4 the
math). Watch your units! Watch your significant figures!
15. What is the acceleration of car “A” from 0 to 60.0 seconds? Is this constant acceleration?

16. What is the acceleration of car “B” from 0 sec. to 15.0 sec.?

17. What is the acceleration of car B from 15.0 to 60.0 seconds?

18. What is the acceleration of car C in the first 5.00 seconds?

19. What is the acceleration of car C from 5.00 to 60.0 seconds?

20. What is the acceleration of car D from 0 to 60.0 seconds?

Physical Science Motion

- Car Race (Green) edited 5/15/07

Motion Graphs
:, this lab, you will use graphs
to investigate motion. The
motion and will be drawn by the graphs will represent your
calculator. own
Graphs can be used to repres
ent motion. For example, if
object as time goes by, you can you track the position of n
make a plot of distance vs. tim
detector will track your pos e. In this lab the motion
ition and the calculator will
your motion. The motion detec draw a distance vs. time graph
tor sends out a pulse of hig of
listens For the echo. 3y con h frequency Sound and then
tinually sending pulses and
detector tracks your position listening for echoes, the motio
over a period of time. This n
calculator and generates a information is fed to the
graph of distance vs. time.

Using LabQuests and Motio

n Detectors
Motion detector should be
plugged in to “DIG 1”.
Turn the LabQuest on.
Under sensors tap on sen
sor set—up. Wait for next screen.
Find “DIG 1” and choose mo
tion detector. In the column
“rn” should be chosen. Tap on the right,
OK. You will hear a clicking
it is ready to colLect data. sound indicating

To start collecting data, tap

the green arrow in the low
(You will hear a rapid er left corner.
clicking sound)

To view just the speed gra

ph (time vs. position), tap the
then “show graph”, and ch graph heading,
oose Graph 1. If you want
acceleration gra to view the
ph (time vs. velocity) choose
Graph 2.
To collect data for another
trial, click on the speedome
left hand corner. ter in the upper

After experimenting with

the motion detector a bit, try
) graphs on the Following pa
f your LabQuest, 5how
ges. When you have the gra
to match the
ph on the scr2en
your reacher. Describe the mo
oh the graphs. tion you made to

1. Explain what you did to match this

T ph
2. Explain what you did to match this gra

3. Explain what you did to match this graph_

___ ____ )

4. Explain what you did to match this graph

S. Explain what you did to
match this graph________

6. Explain what you did

to match this graph

7. Explain what you did
to match this graph

8. ExplaIn what you did
to match this graph

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