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Group 4: Reasons of water pollution.

The natural environment not only affects wild animals but also human life. The
earth used to be clean and fresh many years ago because of not being suffered the
bad result from human, it is gradually being damaged and might be totally
destroyed in the future. Despite the fact that human realise the importance of
saving environment, they still do not do the best thing to stop it completely. One of
natural resource which is for all of species in the world – water, it is the life of
mankind. However, the water resources are being seriously threatened.

According to UNEP's water pollution statistics, 60% of the water in the rivers of the three
continents of Asia, Africa and Europe is polluted. According to Unicef, the 5 countries
with the most polluted water sources are: Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, China and
Vietnam. There are many causes of water pollution including natural and afiticial
ones. Water pollution refers to dirtying of water resulting in chemical, physical or
biological alteration in the condition of water making such water harmful to anyone
who utilizes it.

The natural causes of water pollution such as: floods, melting snow which put
garbage or animal carcasses into the water. Disposing solid waste in water sources is
the main cause of water pollution. Most of these wastes are made of plastic, which by
nature, is non-biodegradable. Plastics take over four hundred years to decompose in
water and as such, they move in different places before they finally decompose.

But in fact, the percent of water pollution increasing or decreasing based on

artificial causes and they are mainly happened by human. Untreated domestic and
industrial wastewater has been dug into the environment. Almost all daily-life
wastewater is still untreated and discharged directly into the environment. The garbage,
wastewater from daily activities poured directly into ponds, lakes, rivers and streams
reduces the amount of oxygen in the water, making it difficult for the plants and animals
here to survive.

Moreover, agricutal cultivation uses too much plant protection substances and it seriously
affecting domestic water resources. Many farmers use pesticides and chemical fertilizers
to make these toxic substances seep into the ground and into the groundwater,
contaminating the groundwater environment. In particular, there are households who use
banned chemicals to fertilize and irrigate crops that are not only harmful to human health
but also make water pollution worse. In addition, oil spills also cause severe pollution of
water sources and mass death of marine life.

Water pollution not only causes direct dangerous consequences to the health and lives of
people, animals and plants on the planet, but also leads to a declining
economy.Although there are many measures to treat water pollution, they are temporary
and water pollution is still onging. If human continue to be subjective with this problem,
the consequences will be worse and worse and lead the earth to the extinction faster.

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