Lesson Plan 3: General Objectives

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Name of student Teacher: Himanshu Kumar Class: VII

Subject: English Period:1st

Chapter: The Ashes That Made Trees Bloom (Prose) Time: 30 minutes

General Objectives:
Students will be able to:

• Improve their communication skills.

• Comprehend the meaning of the paragraph while reading.
• Develop their imagination.
• Enrich their active and passive vocabularies.
• Develop and nurture values among the learner.,
• Generate interest among the learners for English language and literature.

Specific Objectives:
Students will be able to:

• Read the story with correct pronunciation.

• Comprehend the meaning of the paragraph while reading.
• Identify and form sentences from the difficult words in the story.
• Explain the gist of the story.

Student’s Previous Knowledge:

Students are supposed to have a workable knowledge and command over language.

Teaching Aids:
• Images

• Charts

Teaching Method:
• Narration method.

Pupil Teacher Activity Student’s Response (Expected)

Many years ago, there lived an old Japanese couple who were
rice farmers and had a pet dog.
One day the old farmer was working in his rice field.

Teacher ask student to summarize the last class in brief. The dog bought the rice farmer trying to draw his attention to a
particular spot.
The rice farmer followed the dog to the spot the dog started
digging at the earth with its paws and found a glittering pile of
The rice farmer and his wife invited their friends to a feast to
celebrate their new world and pampered the dog.
Now a wicked couple also lived in the same village. When they
heard about the gold, they decided to get the dog to find a
treasure for them.

They dragged the frightened dog to their house and tried to

feed him but he refused to eat.

When they took him outside their dog began digging under a
pine tree the old couple began digging quickly hoping to find
buried treasure.

What you think what would they have got? Mixed responses.

Statement of Aim: Today we will be continuing the same story “The Ashes That Made Trees Bloom” by William
Eliot Griffis.

Teaching Student – Teacher Activity Students’ Response Teaching Aid Blackboard

Points Work
Reading After having a quick recap of Students will follow the
aloud the previous day, model instructions and
reading of the story will be proceed in the same
done. Here, the Student- manner as asked to do.
teacher will ask the students to
stand one by one and read
aloud. Also, to ensure
Participation of all genders in
the classroom Student-teacher
will instruct the students to
stand next person who are not
of similar gender of his/her
own. This will ensure
Participation of both boys and
girls equally in the classroom.
Exposition to Teacher will ask students if they Students will note
difficult word are facing /observing any down difficult words
and difficult word in the poem. and try to form
Pronunciation Teacher will write down difficult sentences.
Drill words and pronunciation them
by defining their meaning.
Teacher will ask students to
form new sentences.


• covetous: greedy
• crone: old woman (old
man’s wife)
• flung: threw
• carcass: dead body
• mortar: bowl
• pounding: crushing;
• envious: feeling or
showing envy.
• stingy: miserly
Explanation Then the covetous old fellow, Students listen
of the story with a spade, and the old crone, carefully.
with a hoe, began to dig; but
there was nothing but a dead
kitten, the smell of which made
them drop their tools and shut
their noses. Furious at the dog,
the old man kicked and beat
him to death, and the old
woman finished the work by
nearly chopping off his head
with the sharp hoe. They then
flung him into the hole and
heaped the earth over his
carcass. The owner of the dog
heard of the death of his pet
and, mourning for him as if he
had been his own child, went at
night under the pine tree. He
set up some bamboo tubes in
the ground, such as are used
before tombs, in which he put
fresh flowers. Then he laid a
cup of water and a tray of food
on the grave and burned
several costly sticks of incense.
He mourned a great while over
his pet, calling him many dear
names, as if he were alive. That
night the spirit of the dog
appeared to him in a dream and
said, “Cut down the pine tree
over my grave, and make from
it a mortar for your rice pastry
and a mill for your bean sauce.”

So, the old man chopped down

the tree and cut out of the
middle of the trunk a section
about two feet long. With great
labour, partly by fire, partly by
the chisel, he scraped out a
hollow place as big as a small
bowl. He then made a
long handled hammer of wood,
such as is used for pounding
rice. When New Years’ time
drew near, he wished to make
some rice pastry. When the rice
was all boiled, granny put it into
the mortar, the old man lifted
his hammer to pound the mass
into dough, and the blows feel
heavy and fast till the pastry
was all ready for baking.
Suddenly the whole mass
turned into a heap of gold
coins. When the old woman
took the hand-mill, and filling it
with beans began to grind, the
gold dropped like rain.
Meanwhile the envious
neighbour peeped in at the
window when the boiled beans
were being ground. “Goody
me!” cried the old hag, as she
saw each dripping of sauce
turning into yellow gold, until in
a few minutes the tub under
the mill was full of a shining
mass of gold. So, the old couple
were rich again. The next day
the stingy and wicked
neighbour came and borrowed
the mortar and magic mill. They
filled one with boiled rice and
the other with beans. Then the
old man began to pound and
the woman to grind. But at the
first blow and turn, the pastry
and sauce turned into a foul
mass of worms. Still more angry
at this, they chopped the mill
into pieces, to use as firewood.

Recapitulations / Exercises:

1. Why did the neighbours kill the dog?

2. Mark the right item.

(I) The old farmer and his wife loved the dog

(a) because it helped them in their day-to-day work.

(b) as if it was their own baby.

(c) as they were kind to all living beings.

(ii) When the old couple became rich, they

(a) gave the dog better food.

(b) invited their greedy neighbours to a feast.

(c) lived comfortably and were generous towards their poor neighbours.

(iii) The greedy couple borrowed the mill and the mortar to make

(a) rice pastry and bean sauce.

(b) magic ash to win rewards.

(c) a pile of gold.

Home Assignment:
• Why the old neighbours in the story is not getting the desired outcome.

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