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Annals of Library Science and Documentation 1986, 33(1-2),27-30



Department of Botany
Burduum University
Burdwan 713104

6869 citations received by the American journal it only predicts that certain portion of the
of Agricultural Economics and Indian journal of literature becomes obsolete as time passed. It
Agricultural Economics during 1970 to 1980 should be borne in mind that obsolescence is
have been analysed and half life of the litera- characterised as a reduction in the citing of a
ture determined from American and Indian written knowledge with time. A decrease in the
point of view, through citation analysis. Results citing of a document does not imply a decrease
show that book literature decays faster than in the value of the information that it contains,
journal literature. only it is not cited.
There are a good number of cases where
INTRODUCfION citation analysis has been applied to indicate
the age of literature of a particular discipline.
The use .of literature of a particular discipline Some of the important ones are Earle and
reaches a maximum after a certain period of Vickery in social sciences [1], Line in anthro-
time from their date of publication and there pology, criminology, environmental planning
its use gradually decreases. Many scientists have and political science [2], Xhinesse and Osgood
tried to measure the relationship between the in psychology [5]. The scope of the present
time (age of the literature) and the amount of paper lies in analysing the citations appended
literature that cease to be used. This type of to the research papers in agricultural economics
relationship is usually expressed by the term contributed by American and Indian authors,
'obsolescence'. Enormous literature have been with a view to finding out the distribution of
published on obsolescence, but there is no citations in different age groups.
clear cut definition of it. However Line and
Sandison [3] said that if something is less and METHODOLOGY
less used it is said to 'obsolesce' and when its
use ceases it is 'obsolete'. So obsolescence of Citations that appeared in the form of reference
literature implies two things: the amount of and footnotes have been collected from the arti-
documents used and the time that has passed, cles published in the American journal of Agri-
calculating from the moment a document is cultural Economics( AjAE) and Indian journal
published and used - the use of information of Agricultural Economics (!JAE) between I

in past. Also some scientists have used the con- 1970 and 1980 (both years inclusive). The
cept 'half life' of the literature [4]. It is the differences in the years of publications of the
period of time during which half of currently citing and the cited documents have been taken
cited literature is published. as the relevant age of the particular citation. If
Keeping this in mind a measure of obsoles- both the citing and the cited documents happen-
cence of literature in agricultural economics ed to fall in the same year, the difference was
has been attempted through citation analysis. noted as zero. After recording the relevant ages
This method gives no idea about the identifica- of all the citations in slips, they were then
tion of the document which becomes obsolete, tabulated for observations.
* Related article by the author appeared in
Annals Sep-Dec 1985, Vol. 32 (3-4), p.93-98

Vol 33 Nos 1-2 March-June 1986 27


OBSERVATION AND DISCUSSIONS tion, and as the age of the information increases
its relative use gradually decreases. On the other
The total number of citations recorded were hand, information published in books was
6869 out of which 3793 (i.e. 55.21%) belonged heavily used after one year of its publication
to journal citations and 3076 (i.e. 44.78%)
and then as the age of information increases
belonged to book citations. If should be empha-
its use also decreases. In this case the half-
sized at this stage that the major portions of the
contributions in both the journals were by the life for journal literature is five years and that of
authors belonging to their own nationality, i.e. for book literature is slightly over four years
American in AJAE and Indian in fJAE. Only 32 but less than five years.
contributions out of 296 (i.e. 10.8%) in AJAE
and 30 contributions out of 192 (l.e. 15.6%) [ournalurise distribution of citations in dif-
in If AE were by authors of foreign origin. This ferent age groups
clarifies that the age of citations appended to
the contributions of AJAE would reflect the Analysis of the journalwise distribution of the
mind of American authors whereas that (,f percentage of citations in different age groups
fJAE would reflect the mind of Indian authors. shows (Table 2) that the maximum number
While calculating the years of difference to all of journal citations belonged to the age group
the citations, it was found that, journal cita-
0-2 years and that of book citations 0-1 years,
tions in AJAE ranged from '0' (zero) year
when considered from American point of view.
to 63 years whereas those in IjAE ranged from
o (zero) year to 56 years and book citations This remains the same when considered from
in AJAE ranged from 0 (zero) year to 156 Indian point of view. 50% of journal citations
years whereas those in IfAE ranged from 0 used by American and Indian authors were 0-5
(zero) year to 51 years. However. it was found years of age, that of book citations were 0-4
that very few citations in both the journals years of age. 75% of journal and book citations
exceed 30 years of difference. Taking this as an used by American authors belonged to age
advantage, the whole range of years have been groups respectively of 0-10 years and 0-9 years,
divided into groups such as 0,1,2,3,4, ...,19,20, and that of by Indian authors belonged to the
21-25, 26-30, 31 and above. age groups respectively of 0-9 years and 0-8
years. On the other hand, 90% of journal and
Distribution oj citations in different age groups. book citations used by American authors
belonged to the age groups respectively of
Analysis of the number, percentage and cumu- 0-17 years and 0-16 years and that of by 'Indian
lative percentage of journal and book citations authors belonged to the age groups respectively
in each year interval shows that (Table 1) the of 0-15 years and 0-14 years. A close look into
maximum percentage of journal citations used the Table 2 shows that book literature decays
by agricultural economists are of 2 years of age, faster than journal literature. It can also be
and those of book citations are of one year of noticed that upto the level of 50% of journal
age. 50% of journal citations used by agricultural and book citations, both American and Indian
economists were within 0-5 years and that of authors show same tendency, but at the level of
book citations were slightly over 0-4 years. To 75% and 90% of journal and book citations,
cover 75% journal citations it required 0-10 Indian authors used more current literature
years and that of book citations required 0-9 than their American counterparts.
It can also be noticed from the Table that Periodwise distribution of citations in different
as the year difference increased, the percentages age groups
of the total number of journal citations increas-
ed reaching a maximum at year difference 2 and Period wise distribution of citations against
then its use gradually decreased suggesting that different age groups shows (Table 3) that maxi-
information published in journals was heavily mum percentage of citations belonged to the age
used after two years from its date of publica- group of 0-2 years for both the years 1970

28 Ann Lib Sci Doc

Table 1: Distribution of citations in different age groups
Age Journal citations Book citations
groups ------------------- -------------------------
No. % cumula- No % cumula-
tive% tive%
0 173 4.56 164 5.33
1 339 8.93 13.49 360 11.70 17.03
2 491 12.94 26.43 354 11.50 28.53
3 370 9.75 36.18 331 10.76 39.29
4 297 7.33 44.01 285 9.26 48.55
5 264 6.96 50.97, 219 7.11 55.66
6 239 6.30 57.27 180 5.85 61.51
7 224 5.90 63.17 158 5.13 66.64
8 210 5.53 68.70 158 5.13 71.77
9 182 4.79 73.49 150 4.87 76.64
10 130 3.42 76.91 104 3.38 80.02
11 133 3.50 80.41 78 2.53 82.55
12 99 2.61 83.02 60 1.95 84.50
13 70 1.84 84.86 63 2.04 86.54
14 77 2.03 86.89 46 1.49 88.03
15 63 1.66 88.55 42 1.36 89.39
16 49 1.29 89.84 39 1.26 90.65
17 46 1.21 91.05 37 1.20 91.85
18 43 1.13 92.18 30 0.97 92.82
19 45 1.18 93.36 31 1.00 93.82
20 41 1.08 94.44 23 0.74 94.56
21-25 110 2.90 97.34 72 2.34 96.90
26-30 49 1.29 98.63 31 1.00 97.90
31 and above 49 1.29 99.92 51 1.65 99.55

Table 2: Coverage in years of maximum percentage, 50%,75% and 90% of citations in AJAE and
------ ----------------- --------- ------------------------
Form Maximum 50% 75% 90%
-------------------- ------------------------------------
AJAE Journals 0-2 0-5 0-10 0-17
IJAE Journals 0-2 0-5 0-9 0-15
AJAE Books 0-1 0-4 0-9 0-16
IJAE Books 0-1 0-4 0-8 0-14
---------------------- ----------------------------------
Vol 33 Nos 1-2 March-June 1986 29

Table 3: Coverage in years of maximum percentage, 50%, 75% and 90% of citations in 1970 and

Form Year Maximum 50% 75% 90%

Journals 1970 0-"2 0-4 <.0-8 0-11

Journals 1980 0-2 0-5 0-10 0-18

Books 1970 0-1 4..0-4 0-7 0-12

Books 1980 0-2 0-4 0-9 0-16

and 1980, and that of book citations belonged other disciplines by different workers. Xhignese
to the age group of 0-1 years for the period and Osgood [5] showed that only 35% of the
1970 and 0-2 years for the period 1980. 50% citations in 21 psychological journals published
of the cited journal literature for the period in 1960 were to materials more than 10 years
1970 and 1980 belonged respectively to the age old. The 1901 to 1940 period accounted for
groups of 0-4 years and 0-5 years and that of 38% of citations in 1950 and this figure fall
cited book literature belonged respectively to to 12% in 1960.
the age groups of slightly over 0-3 years and
0-4 years. 75% of the cited journal literature ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
for the period of 1970 and 1980 belonged res-
pectively to the age groups of slightly over 0-7 The author is grateful to Dr. M. Mahapatra,
years and 0-10 years, and that of cited book Reader, P.G. Dept. of Library and Information
literature belonged respectively to the age science, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, for
groups of 0-7 years and 0-9 years. And lastly his encouragement and valuable help.
90% of the cited journal literature for the period
1970 and 1980 belonged respectively to the age
groups of 0-11 years and 0-18 years and that of
for book literature belonged to the age groups
Earle P, Vickery B C: Social Science literature use
of 0-12 years and 0-16 years. The above analy- 1.
in U.K. as indicated by citations. Journal of Docu-
sis clearly indicates that there is a tendency to
mentation 1969, 25, 123-141.
use older literature for the period 1980 than
that of 1970. It also shows that book literature
2. Line, M B: The influence of the type of sources
decays faster than journal literature.
used on the results of citation analysis. Journal
of Documentation 1979,35,265-284.
3. Line, M B, Sandison, A: 'Obsolescence' and changes
As seen from the above analysis, book literature in the use of literature with time. Journal of Docu-
decays faster than journal literature in the mentation 1974,30,283-350.
field of agricultural economics. Line [2] has
reported that in anthropology, criminology, 4. Meadows, A J: Communication in Science, London.
environmental planning and political science Butterworths, 1974.
journal references decay much faster than book
references. Periodwise age distribution shows 5. Xhignesse, Louise V and Osgood, Charles E: Biblio-
the tendency of using older literature for the graphical citation characteristics of the psychologi-
period 1980 compared to 1970. Periodwise cal journal network in 1950 and 1960. American
age distribution has also been reported in Psychologist 1967, 22, 778-791.

30 Ann Lib Sci Dnc

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