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 Name – Rimzeem Dambhare

 Title of the Project: - Emotional Intelligence and Quality of Work Life

among employees of PowerGrid
 Duration: - 3 months
 Start – 20/04/2020
 End – 20/07/2020
 Company Name: - PowerGrid Corporation of India Ltd.

 Summary: -

In the second month of the internship, I started with my research topic “Emotional
Intelligence and Quality of Work Life among employees of PowerGrid”.

As both the parameters, i.e. EQ and QWL, are very important in workplace. EQ is the ability
to use emotions effectively and it’s the foundation for high-performing relationships. To
various people, EQ means different things:

1. A concept that cannot be tested or proven scientifically.

2. Recognizing a hidden trait that others refer to as:

a. Interpersonal and intrapersonal giftedness

b. Charisma.

c. Higher emotional and social awareness.

3. A synonym for "social skills."

EQ is more essential for achieving life success. Your EQ is a measure of your ability to
understand other people, their motivations, and how to cooperate with them.

You won't get very far if you don't have emotional skills in hand, if you don't have self-
awareness, and if you can't handle your disturbing emotions, no matter how clever you are.
What exactly is EQ?

1. The ability to recognise your own and others' emotions with precision

2. The ability to capture emotions and use them to activities such as thinking and problem-

3. The ability to control and manage emotions, particularly the ability to cheer up or calm
down others.

People who are emotionally intelligent know how to make their workplaces and the world a
better place. The foundation for living is EQ. Anyone who can connect will be able to
advance much more quickly in life than others.

Receiving and accepting negative feedback without taking it personally is a crucial element
of every manager's job. An excellent illustration would be our official activities on a daily
basis. There might be an email with a stronger tone than is required. Not quickly and
defensively replying to the email would help to balance the issue while also making a
powerful statement about "perceived" higher EQ level.

A human resources department is required in any business. When you hire people, taking care
of them and watching out for their needs and growth benefits not only the firm but also
everyone involved.

 HR ensures a higher level of staff retention. Employee turnover may have a negative
impact on a company's productivity and reputation. Their bottom line may be
impacted as well, especially because hiring and training a new employee cost twice as
 HR is in charge of dispute resolution and management. Disruptions are unavoidable,
and your company requires an arm that can deal with them professionally and
maturely, while maintaining heart and compassion, to safeguard the firm and
everyone involved.
 Human Resources is in charge of training and development. Employees' abilities are
kept up to date through ongoing education, participate in and contribute current and
unique ideas to the company.

Quality of work life (QWL) is an organizational approach that allows employees at all levels
to actively and efficiently shape the organization's environment, techniques, and outcomes.

The purpose of QWL is to achieve the twin goals of increased organizational effectiveness
and better employee quality of life at work. QWL covers an individual's emotions about all
aspects of work, including financial compensation and benefits, job security, working
environment, and organizational and interpersonal connections.

 Outcomes: -
- EQ can have a major impact on mental wellbeing
- EQ can also be a factor in physical health
- People with high EQ are better at motivating themselves
- Emotionally intelligent workers go further in their careers
- Positive employee attitudes toward their work and the company.
- Enhanced organizational effectiveness
- Enhance stakeholder relations and credibility

 Future Course of action: -

Switch your career- Some jobs do not have the flexibility to allow you to leave work at
work. It is ingrained in our brains that we have to work a 9-5 job to be successful but this is
not true. There are so many options for remote work. With advances in technology and
companies, it is possible to have a career from the comfort of your home.

Leave work at office- When you bring work home with you it leads to extra stress for you
and your family. You need to set boundaries for yourself. These boundaries need to be set in
your mindset and in a physical way. Plan to get home at the same time every day. This way
you will be motivated to get your work done before you leave every day.
 Conclusion: -

The way a company attracts, hires, inspires, and keeps its employees is vital for the success.
Organizations nowadays must be more adaptable if they wish to grow their staff and enjoy
their commitment. As a result, organizations must develop a plan to improve workers' quality
of work life (QWL) in order to meet both organizational goals and employee demands.

The actions we create in our life are mostly based on our emotions and emotional
intelligence. It makes sense that when individuals have a great sense of communication and
organizational skills, they will be led to having the ability to make proper decisions and
interactions with others. In this global age, it is necessary to compile a high sense of
emotional awareness.


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