Observaciones Financieras 6

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6 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Friday 20 November 2020

Antonio Weiss March ructions put the spotlight back on role of non-bank institutions in trading y MARKETS INSIGHT

Amazon drone Cold steel Thyssenkrupp takes axe to 5,000

more jobs after falling to annual loss of €5.5bn
UK watchdog
holds key to
ambitions fly Virgin’s £31bn
tie-up with O2
through a Javier Espinoza — Brussels
Kate Beioley and
Nic Fildes — London

rough patch The UK competition watchdog has

taken full control over the review of a
proposed £31bn merger between Vir-
gin Media and telecoms operator O2
and agreed to fast-track its probe after
both companies sought to speed up the
process when it moved to London from
3 R&D and production staff shed Brussels.

3 Retailer resorts to external help Liberty Global and Spanish group Tele-
fónica, the respective owners of Virgin
Media and O2, struck a landmark deal
Dave Lee — San Francisco team within our larger Prime Air organ- to combine their British operations in
isation to allow us to best align with the May, a tie-up that would possibly have
Amazon is laying off dozens of R&D and needs of our customers and the busi- been overseen by the European Com-
manufacturing staff working on its ness,” said the company. “For affected mission. The O2-Virgin agreement is
delivery drone project and has turned to employees, we are working to find roles expected to reshape UK telecoms by
outside help to get its much-delayed in the areas where we are hiring that uniting the country’s second-largest
ambitions off the ground. best match their experience and needs.” broadband network with the largest
In recent weeks the company has Amazon would not disclose how mobile operator.
reached tentative deals with two com- many staff it now had working on the “These are incredibly important UK
panies to build parts for what has been drone project. At the time of writing, the markets, that continue to evolve, and
billed as a future delivery method for company’s public-facing recruitment the deal needs to be carefully reviewed
smaller packages. site lists 57 open roles on Prime Air, to make sure that consumers are pro-
Terms of the agreements with FACC mostly related to software and systems. tected,” Andrea Coscelli, chief executive
Aerospace of Austria and Aernnova FACC and Aernnova specialise in of the Competition and Markets
Aerospace of Spain were being finalised, making composite components for Air- Authority, said yesterday.
said a person familiar with the plans. bus, Boeing, Bombardier and other avi- The watchdog said it would fast-track
Additional deals with third parties ation clients. Neither responded to the process unless it received any objec-
requests for comment on the deals. tions to that decision. It is accepting
Amazon’s Prime Air will operate a views on how the deal could affect com-
Prime Air plans to operate hexagonal electric drone that can fly up petition until November 26.
a drone that can fly up to to 15 miles and carry packages weighing News that the CMA would oversee the
under five pounds, according to details The group said it expected a further loss of €1bn this financial year as restructuring costs spiral — Wolfgang Rattay/Reuters process and that Virgin and O2 had
15 miles and carry parcels released in mid-2019. requested that it go straight to an in-
weighing up to five pounds In March, Amazon said it was bring- Joe Miller — Frankfurt executives in 15 months, Thyssen­- Shares in Thyssenkrupp, which had depth probe, for a decision by the mid-
ing in David Carbon, a former Boeing krupp is under the leadership of an already lost roughly 80 per cent of dle of next year, was first reported by the
Thyssenkrupp fell to a full-year loss
could be reached soon, the person said, executive, to replace Gur Kimchi, who outsider, former Bosch executive their value over the past three years, Financial Times.
of €5.5bn and said it would cut 5,000
following Amazon’s “request for pro- had led Prime Air for seven years. Martina Merz, who gave up the chair- fell 3.4 per cent yesterday. Liberty Global and Telefónica con-
more jobs as pressure mounts to
posal”, sent to a number of companies in David Benowitz, head of research at manship of the company’s supervi- Last month the group revealed it firmed in a joint statement the request
speed up the sale of underperform-
the drone sector over the past year. DroneAnalyst, said Amazon is trailing sory board to take the executive reins had received an approach for its steel to fast-track the process. “We have been
ing businesses.
Deliveries at scale by drone, envi- what is now a highly competitive field, in October 2019. unit, which employs 27,000 and made in close contact with the CMA and
sioned by Jeff Bezos, founder of Ama- with rival Walmart set to begin trialling The Essen-based company, which In May, Ms Merz outlined a restruc- a loss of €946m in the last financial Ofcom throughout this process and are
zon, in 2013, are still a “years away” deliveries with Zipline, a drone com- employs 100,000 people, warned that turing plan that would result in sev- year, from UK mogul Sanjeev Gupta’s confident the transition will be seam-
prospect, said the person, with develop- pany in San Francisco. “It’s not meeting it expected a further loss of at least eral smaller businesses — with com- Liberty Steel. Neither group disclosed less. Our view remains that this trans-
ment set to progress in the new year. the lofty goals and the original vision €1bn this financial year as restructur- bined sales of more than €6bn a year details of the approach. action is pro-competitive and we con-
Last year, Jeff Wilke, Amazon’s head quite yet,” he said. ing costs spiral. and 20,000 workers — leaving the The division, which has been strug- tinue to expect closing around the mid-
of worldwide consumer business, told Amazon’s intended approach is to Unable to escape a steady decline group, and the remaining units being gling to compete against cheaper dle of next year,” they added.
an audience in Las Vegas that drone land its drone near the customer’s over the past decade, Thyssenkrupp run under a loose holding structure. imports, has been hit by its reliance However, Brussels’ decision to refer
deliveries were imminent. “We expect home, presenting obvious concerns sold its lifts business to a private The extra job cuts announced yes- on business from the car industry. the deal to the CMA still comes as a blow
to scale Prime Air both quickly and effi- around safety. equity consortium for €17bn in Feb- terday bring the total number of roles The sector, which is forecast to con- to the telecoms groups, who had been
ciently, delivering packages via drone to The US Federal Aviation Administra- ruary, to help pay down debt and fund at risk to 11,000, almost 7,000 of them tract by almost a quarter in 2020, hoping for a swift decision from the
customers within months,” he said in a tion is making prospective delivery pension liabilities. in Germany. Thyssenkrupp refused accounts for roughly 40 per cent of commission.
blog post accompanying his address. drone operators meet strict criteria in The group has continued to bleed to rule out forced redundancies. “The Thyssenkrupp’s steel sales. Both companies are banking on the
Amazon characterised the lay-offs as order to begin even limited testing. In cash in its remaining businesses. Free next steps could be more painful than The group is in exploratory discus- CMA treating the merger of the cable
part of a transitional phase for the unit, August, Amazon received its Part 135 cash flow, excluding any income from the previous ones,” Ms Merz said, “but sions with other steelmakers, includ- broadband and mobile companies as
which this year received US regulatory certification allowing some highly con- mergers, collapsed to negative €5.5bn we will have to take them.” Her “pri- ing Sweden’s SSAB, and is talking similar to BT’s £12.5bn takeover of
approval to begin limited testing. trolled testing to begin, though the com- in its most recent financial year, mary objective” was to win back the to Berlin on potential financing, say mobile group EE in 2016, which was
“As part of our regular business oper- pany has not yet shared details of where which ran to the end of September. confidence of capital markets and people familiar with the matter. cleared by the watchdog without requir-
ations, we are reorganising one small it intends to run its flights. Having cycled through three chief “stop the bleeding”. Lex page 18 ing any remedies.

Contracts & Tenders

Google adopts bank manager role in mobile deal with US lenders
credit unions in the US. Apple’s ground- There is an obvious precedent for this
Inside business breaking credit card with Goldman alliance. It closely follows the deals that
Sachs has become the model for Apple struck for the iPhone more than a
Technology arrangements like this, as well as a decade ago, when mobile operators
strong motivator for other financial lined up to sell the device. Those
Richard institutions to get off the sidelines and
find a way to work with Big Tech.
arrangements left the tech company
with full control over the user experi-
Waters Google’s would be the first regular Big
Tech bank account, though almost cer-
ence, and it turned the phone company
— or in this case, the bank — into the
tainly not the last. provider of an essential, but increas-
A lot has changed since Google first ingly undifferentiated, “back-end”
showed up at the financial services service.

decade ago, when the big- party. At the time, smartphones were in As AT&T found after striking the first
gest consumer tech compa- their infancy, and the tech companies partnership with Apple for the iPhone,
nies first showed an inter- were open about their goal of disrupting though, there is still a lot to gain from
est in financial services, the any industry they entered. The tapping a big new market. For Citibank,
banking world dug in for an upheaval they had already caused in the this could become a way to access to
all-out war. Now that Big Tech is finally media world marked them out as unre- retail deposits at scale — as well as to
stepping deeper into finance, hostilities liable partners. draw in millions of new customers.
between the two camps have eased. But Distrust of Big Tech is still strong. But Keeping the ability to cross-sell other
given the scale of the tech companies’ the reach of their mobile technology financial products to Plex account hold-
ambition, that is unlikely to be the end and the changing ers will be key. The bigger question is
of the story. expectations of Distrust of Big Tech how far Google will want to go in serving
Google’s attempt to promote a new users have made all of its users’ financial needs.
style of mobile bank account is the latest them impossible to remains strong but the For now, it may own the customer
sign that a new rapprochement is in full ignore, and finan- reach of their mobile experience, but it won’t own the cus-
swing. Like a number of the internet cial services of all tomer. The transaction data remains
giant’s services over the years, Google kinds are being technology has made with the bank, and Google’s ability to
Pay has been through long fallow peri- reimagined for a them impossible to ignore use it is severely limited. Only in one
ods without much in the way of innova- younger genera- narrow way — and then, only if a user
tion. It is used on only around 4 per cent tion brought up on smartphones. opts in — will it get to make use of trans-
of the 2.5bn Android devices around the The outlines of the Google arrange- action data, to serve up personalised
world, according to Statista. ment highlight the common ground offers from other merchants inside the
The app is now going through a two- that tech and financial services compa- Pay app. A full understanding of its
stage revamp. The first, this week, adds nies have found. The banks will main- users’ financial lives would be hugely
new bells and whistles to make it more tain the accounts, while Google Pay will valuable to Google in its broader adver-
engaging as Google tries to make up for act as the “front end” for accessing and tising business.
lost time. It will now be a place to keep managing them. That means the user For now, tech companies such as
tabs on your bank and credit card experience will essentially be owned — Google see much more to gain from
accounts, as well as a conduit for Google and branded — by Google. working with the banks than trying to
to serve up personalised offers from The account will keep the branding of take them on. Their willingness to turn
merchants. the bank, but opportunities for differen- these into lasting relationships of
The second step is the more ground- tiation seem minimal. The accounts — mutual interest will be an important
breaking. Next year, users will be able to all carrying the name Plex, as in Citi Plex test of how trustworthy they will seem
open and manage a mobile bank — will need to meet a set of specifica- to other industries in future.
account directly from the app, starting tions set by Google, for instance, no fees
with Citibank and 10 other banks and and no minimum balance. richard.waters@ft.com

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