The Work Specified in This Section Includes:: PSCA II/div1/02 35 00

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PSCA II\div1\02 35 00


The work specified in this section includes:
1. Providing all necessary manpower, materials and equipment to install timber piles at the
locations as shown on the Contract Documents and Drawings in accordance with the procedures
and criteria described in these specifications and the contract documents.
2. Providing all necessary manpower, materials and equipment to pre-excavate, spud or pre-
augering at pile locations to ease driving operation, if necessary.
A. Section 02100 - Site Preparation
B. Section 02200 – Earthwork
C. Section 02351 – Auger Pressure Grouted Displacement Piles
A. Engineering Documents
1. Geotechnical Engineering Study for the proposed Lowe’s at Kings Plaza Shopping Center
performed by Langan Engineering and Environmental Services, dated 11 April 2003.
2. Construction Drawings.
B. Reference Codes and Standards:
1. Pile load testing and pile installation work shall be performed in full compliance with applicable
requirements of New York City Building Code (NYC Building Code) and requirements of
authorities having jurisdiction.
2. All work and materials under this section shall be treated in full accordance with the latest
revision of the applicable specifications of the American Wood Preservers Association (AWPA)
and ASTM. These specifications include the following:
a. AWPCAC1: All Timber Products-Preservative treatment by Pressure Processes.
b. AWPCA C3: Piles-Preservative Treatment by Pressure Processing.
c. AWPCA M4: Standard for the Care of Preservative Treated Wood
d. ASTM D25: Standard Specification for Round Timber Piles
A. Site Information:
1. Subsurface investigations have been performed at the site by the Owner. The logs and material
samples from the investigations are available for review by the Contractor. Typical subsurface
profile consists of miscellaneous fill overlying a layer of organic clayey silt with varying
percentages of peat, which in turn is underlain by alternating layers of fine sand and of medium
to fine sand. Subsurface obstructions, from former structures are known to exist throughout the
site. Contractor shall examine the results of the subsurface investigation performed within the
site prior to bidding. However, data on indicated subsurface conditions are not intended as
representations or warranties of accuracy or continuity between soil strata. It is expressly
understood that the Owner will not be responsible for interpretations or conclusions drawn there
from by Contractor. Data are made available for convenience of Contractor. Additional test
borings and other exploratory operations may be performed by the Contractor, subject to the
Owner’s approval, at no cost to the Owner.
2. Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessment were performed at the Site and is available
for review by the Contractor. The Owner makes no predictions or representations regarding the
character or extent of soil, rock, groundwater, or other subsurface or environmental conditions to
be encountered during the work. Conditions are not intended as representations or warranties of
accuracy or continuity between investigations. The Contractor shall make his own deductions of
the subsurface or environmental conditions which may affect the methods or cost of
construction of the work hereunder, and he agrees that he will make no claims for damages or
compensations, except as are provided under the agreement, should he find conditions during
the progress of the work different from those as calculated and/or anticipated by him.
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Bronx, New York 100% Submission
PSCA II\div1\02 35 00

Additional borings and other exploratory operations may be performed by Contractor, at the
Contractor’s option and following the Owner’s approval. No change in the Contract Sum will be
authorized for such additional exploration undertaken by the Contractor.
3. The Contractor, by careful examination, shall inform himself as to the nature and location of the
work; the conformation of the ground; the nature of the subsurface and environmental
conditions; the location of the groundwater table; the character, quality and quantity of the
materials to be encountered; conditions of the neighboring / bordering structures and utilities;
the character of the equipment and facilities needed preliminary to and during the execution of
the work; and all other matters which can in any way effect the work.
4. The Contractor shall be held to have visited the site and to have familiarized himself with the
on-site existing conditions and neighboring / bordering buildings, properties, and utilities.
5. The Contractor shall investigate the conditions of public thoroughfares and roads as to
availability, clearances, loads, limits, restrictions, and other limitations affecting transportation
to, and ingress and egress of the site. The Contractor shall conform to all New York City and
State, and Federal regulations in regard to the transportation of materials to and from and at the
job site and shall secure in advance such permits as may be required.
A. Neighboring / Bordering Structures:
1. In performing the work of this Section, or any other related Section, the Contractor shall take
care so as not to affect the stability and integrity of existing neighboring / bordering buildings
and structures or induce settlements in them.
2. Prior to commencement of any work, the Contractor shall consult the records and visit existing
neighboring/bordering structures, and note all conditions and limitations which might affect the
work required under this Section.
B. Existing Utilities:
1. The contractor shall locate existing underground utilities in and beyond the areas of work. If
utilities are indicated to remain in place, provide adequate means of support and protection
during the work.
a. Should uncharted, or incorrectly charted, piping or other utilities be encountered during
the work of this Section, consult utility owner immediately for directions. Cooperate with
Owner and utility companies in keeping respective services and facilities in operation.
Repair damaged utilities to satisfaction of utility owner.
b. Do not interrupt existing utilities serving facilities occupied by Owner or others, during
occupied hours, except when permitted in writing by the Construction Manager and then
only after acceptable temporary utility services have been provided. Provide minimum of
48-hour notice to the Construction Manager, and receive written notice to proceed before
interrupting any utility.
C. The responsibility for any damage to neighboring/bordering buildings, structures, utilities, sidewalks,
pavement, and other facilities in the vicinity resulting from the Contractor’s work of this Section will be
entirely his, and he shall take whatever measures are necessary to prevent the same.
D. Monitoring:
1. The Contractor shall establish monitoring points on neighboring / bordering structures and
sidewalks, subject to the Owner’s approval, to adequately monitor and otherwise keep him
informed of the conditions of these structures and sidewalks during the work..
2. As a minimum, monitoring points shall be established at the ground level at each corner of each
neighboring / bordering structure, and at 20 ft (minimum) spacing along the ground surface
along sidewalks.
3. Additional monitoring points shall be established and monitored away from the site so as to
establish initial elevations with distance from the site.
4. Establish and monitor all elevation points to an accuracy of 0.005 ft. Measure monitoring point
elevations at least twice a week during pile installation and sheeting, bracing, and underpinning
installation, and more frequently as needed when installation is immediately adjacent to
buildings. Record and report elevation of each benchmark at least twice a week while
installation is in progress.
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Bronx, New York 100% Submission
PSCA II\div1\02 35 00

5. Should monitoring point readings indicate a displacement exceeding 0.125 inch between two
consecutive readings or a cumulative displacement exceeding 0.25 inch, halt pile installation;
excavation; and sheeting, bracing, and underpinning operations until corrective action has been
provided by the Contractor and is acceptable to the Owner and Engineer. The above threshold
criteria are tentative; it shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to monitor conditions during his
work to assure the protection requirements specified herein are maintained.
6. The above described monitoring is the minimum required. The Contractor shall establish all
necessary monitoring measures as necessary to inform him of the conditions around the site and
that his work is not adversely impacting surrounding structures.

7. Contractor shall submit his monitoring plan consisting of monitoring point locations and method
of monitoring to the Construction Manager for review by the Owner’s Geotechnical Engineer.
E. Examine drawings to determine sequence of operations, and relation to work to other trades. Start of
work will signify acceptance of field conditions and will acknowledge coordination with other trades.
A. Contractor shall submit for approval directly to Owner's Architect/Engineer, with copy to Owner, the
1. Within 15 days of the acceptance of the Proposal and prior to pile installation, submit, for the
Engineer's approval, a detailed construction procedure and schedule for all the Work related to
the installation of piles and pile caps.
2. Manufacturer’s and/or Supplier’s certificate certifying that pile material complies with the
requirements specified herein.
3. Manufacturer’s and/or Supplier’s certificate certifying that method of treatment, chemical
composition and amount of retention of the preservative complies with requirements specified
4. A scaled plan showing clearly the designation and location of all piles by an identification
system, including cut-off elevations and column lines.
5. Pile driving hammer and cushion specifications prior to the start of any pile driving operation.
6. A scaled survey showing as-built location of piles as driven. The survey shall be prepared by a
licensed Professional Surveyor and shall include off-set distances with respect to the proposed
locations, as-built cut-off elevations, and deviations from vertical. The measurements shall be
done with a precise optical surveying equipment and shall be accurate to 0.005 ft.
A. Codes and Standards:
1. Perform work specified herein and shown on the Contract Drawings in compliance with
applicable requirements of the NYC Building Code and requirements of all state and local
authorities having jurisdiction.
B. Quality Controlled Inspections:
1. All pile installation shall be performed under full time supervision and quality control inspection
by a New York State licensed Professional Engineer.
2. Contractor shall notify Owner's Geotechnical Engineer a minimum of 24 hours prior to start of
Work subject to controlled inspection.
C. Contractor’s Responsibilities:
1. The Contractor performing the work specified herein shall have at least five years experience in installing
Timber Piles including at least three projects of equivalent size and complexity as this Contract. The
Contractor’s Professional Engineer and Professional Land Surveyor shall be licensed in good standing in
the State of New York.
2. The Contractor shall cooperate with the Geotechnical Engineer to facilitate the progress of the
A. Deliver materials to the project site in such quantities and at such times to assure the continuity of pile
installation operations, and to maintain the project schedule. Carefully handle pile materials by means
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Bronx, New York 100% Submission
PSCA II\div1\02 35 00

of rope slings or other means so as not to damage the materials.

B. Concentrated loads, which occur during stacking or lifting, shall be kept below the level that would
produce permanent deformation or overstress of the material. Damaged material will be rejected and
shall be removed from the site.



A. The timber pile shall be Class A Southern Pine, Douglas Fir or approved equal, and shall conform with
the requirements of ASTM D25. The piles shall have a circular cross-section, a minimum diameter of 8-
inch at the tip with uniform taper, and the corresponding butt diameter specified in Table 2 of ASTM D
B. The pile shall be of adequate size and strength to withstand driving stresses to achieve minimum 30 ton
allowable bearing capacity.
C. All piles shall be driven in one piece. Splicing of the timber piles is not permitted.
D. Timber piles shall be in perfect condition free of cracks, voids, decay, marine borer attack, insect attack
and Limnoria damage. All knots and rims shall be trimmed or smoothly cut flush with the surface of the
pile or swell surrounding the knot. Unsound or cluster knots, splits and shakes are prohibited.
E. Piles shall be straight. The center axis of piles shall not deviate from a straight line more than one (1) inch
for each ten (10) feet of length. Short crooks shall not deviate more than two and one half (2 ½) inches
from straightness in any five (5) feet. Spiral grain shall not exceed one-half (1/2) of a complete twist in
any twenty (20) feet of length.
F. Butts and tips of piles shall be sawed square with the axis of the piles and shall not be out of square by
more than 1/10 in/in of diameter.
G. Timber piles shall be pressure treated in accordance with AWPA C3. The retention of CCA preservative
shall not be less than 0.8 pounds per cubic foot for Southern Pine; the retention of ACZA preservative
shall not be less than or 1 pound per cubic foot for Douglas Fir as specified in AWPA specifications.
Tops of the piles after cut-off shall be treated in accordance with AWPA M4.
1. Certification: Upon delivery, but before unloading piles from the truck, the Contractor shall
furnish the Engineer three (3) copies of a certificate of inspection, issued by an approved
independent testing laboratory, certifying that the piles were free of decay, were properly peeled
and otherwise prepared before treatment, and that the method of treatment, the chemical
composition and the amount of retention of the preservative conform to the requirements of this
Section. Material inspection and certifications cost shall be borne by the Contractor.
H. All piles shall be equipped with a protective driving booth type tip such as T-10150 Rival Booth as
manufactured by Associated Pile and Fitting Corporation or approved equal.


A. General
1. Furnish pile driving equipment of a type generally used in standard pile driving practice,
operated at the manufacturer’s specified rate, to develop the required rated energy per blow.
2. In driving all piles in the work, the same make and model of pile hammer shall be used
throughout; the operation of hammers with regard to speed, height of fall or stroke, pressure and
all other variable factors must be the same; and the methods used in driving piles shall be
substantially the same.
3. Production piles shall be installed with the same pile driving equipment (i.e. hammer, cushion,
leads etc.) used for the index piles.
4. Pile driving equipment (i.e. hammer, cushion, leads etc) shall be in perfect conditions and
operating order.
B. Hammer
1. Furnish pile driving hammers of a size and type to deliver consistently effective dynamic
energy, suitable to the piles to be driven and to the subgrade material into which they are to be
driven, when operating at not less than 75% efficiency of the rated driving energy.

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350 Marconi Street November 16, 2009
Bronx, New York 100% Submission
PSCA II\div1\02 35 00

2. Piles shall be driven with a single action steam or air hammer with a minimum rated energy of
15,000 ft-lbs. The hammer shall be kept in first-class condition so that the length of stroke will
be accurately maintained at all times during driving. The capblock material shall have uniform
elastic properties during driving, providing superior energy transmission, and shall be replaced if
crushed, burned or damaged. Any hammer not operating in accordance with the manufacturer’s
specifications shall be deemed unsatisfactory by the Geotechnical Engineer and shall be
replaced immediately by the Contractor.
3. Air compressors shall be of sufficient capacity to provide 25 percent additional air above that
shown in the manufacturer’s specification for air-driven hammers.
C. Leads
1. The leads of the pile driving rig shall be fixed at least at two points. The points shall be at least
half the length of the leads apart in order to maintain adequate alignment.
2. Use fixed rigid type pile driver leads that will hold the pile firmly in position and in axial
alignment with the hammer to ensure support of the pile during driving. Free-swinging leads
will not be permitted. Extend leads to within 2 ft. of the elevation at which the pile enters the
3. Leads shall be of sufficient length so that the use of a follower will not be necessary. Suitable
anvils or cushions shall be used to prevent undue damage of the pile butts. Pile driving shall be
continuous for each pile.



A. A pre-construction meeting shall be held and attended by the Owner, Construction Manager, Pile
Contractor, Geotechnical Engineer, and the Structural Engineer. The Pile Contractor’s proposed and
submitted drilled pile installation and load testing means and methods shall be presented and discussed at
this meeting. The Construction Manager will document the meeting and any modifications to the
submitted procedures agreed upon.
A. Strip Asphalt, grade and level the ground surface adequately to prepare the site for pile driving
B. Layout pile locations in the field in accordance with the Contract documents and design drawings.
C. Potential obstructions to pile driving exist in the fill. Contractor shall pre-excavate, spud or pre-auger to
remove any obstruction that may interfere with driving operation or may cause damage to the pile. All
pre-excavation, spudding or pre-augering shall be done at no additional cost to the Owner.
D. Pile Length Markings: Mark each pile’s length by painting a horizontal line, at 1’0” intervals. Mark the
number of feet from the pile point in 5’-0” intervals.
A. The Contractor shall deliver or arrange to delivery piles to the project in such quantities and at such times
to assure continuity of pile driving operations for the project schedule. Carefully handle piles by means
of ropes slings or other means; do not use peaveys; cant hooks or other sharp tools.
B. Delivered piles are subject to the inspection and approval by the Owner's Geotechnical Engineer prior to
C. The piles shall be stored in orderly groups above ground and blocked at predesignated points during
storage to minimize bending stresses. Piles exhibiting variations beyond specified limits will be
considered distorted and shall not be used in the work. The piles shall be lifted from designated lifting
points in accordance with the Manufacturer's specifications.
D. Concentrated loads, which occur during stacking or lifting, shall be kept below the level, which would
produce permanent deformation, or over stress of the material. Damaged piles will be rejected from use in
the performance of the work and shall be removed from the site.

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Bronx, New York 100% Submission
PSCA II\div1\02 35 00

A. General
1. No piles shall be driven in the absence of the Geotechnical Engineer.
2. All piles shall be driven by such methods and equipment as not to impair their strength and as to
ensure pile shafts retaining the initial driving resistance and lateral support of the soil.
3. Drive all piles using approved pile driving equipment and materials (i.e. hammer, cushion,
leads, driving shoe etc) specified above.
4. The Contractor shall coordinate the work such that the pile driving shall be continuous once the
pile is 10 ft or more into the bearing stratum.
5. The piles shall be driven sufficiently into the NYC Building Code class 7-65 material below the
organic materials to provide a minimum 30 ton allowable bearing capacity.
6. Minimum final pile driving resistance over the last foot of penetration into the bearing stratum is
30 blows per foot for a 15,000 ft-lbs rated energy hammer in accordance with the ENR formula
given the NYC Building Code. Driving resistance developed in the last foot of non-bearing
materials (i.e. organic materials) shall be deducted from the final driving resistance obtained in
the bearing stratum, as required by the NYC Building Code.
7. Piles that did not reach the bearing stratum and/or that did not provide the required final driving
resistance shall be rejected. Replacement pile or piles shall be driven at locations determined by
the design engineer at no additional cost to the Owner.
8. Carefully maintain the center of gravity for each group or cluster of piles to conform to the
locations shown on the drawings. Where piles are driven out of location, the Engineer may
require that an additional pile or piles be driven at a location and in a manner, which he may
specify. The unacceptable pile may be left in place or pulled, as the Engineer directs, without
additional payment to the Contractor for driving or pulling.
9. Carefully plumb the leads and the pile before driving. Take care during driving to prevent and
to correct any tendency of piles to twist or rotate.
10. If, during the driving of any piles, and of the piles previously driven show signs of heaving or
lifting, the Contractor shall redrive such piles to the required load-bearing capacity without
additional cost to the Owner.
11. Cut-off: After each pile has been driven and accepted, cut it off at the required top elevation.
Make cut perpendicular to the axis of the pile. The cutoff ends become the property of the
Contractor who is responsible for their removal and disposal.
B. Driving Tolerances
1. Piles shall be driven at locations shown in design drawings. Location of installed piles shall not
deviate more than 3 inches in any direction from the locations shown in design drawings.
Replacement pile or piles shall be driven at locations determined by the design engineer at no
additional cost to the Owner.
2. Piles shall be driven plumb unless otherwise noted in design drawings. Deviation from vertical
for installed piles shall not exceed 2% (or 1 inch horizontal per 4 feet of length). Replacement
pile or piles shall be driven at locations determined by the design engineer at no additional cost
to the Owner.
3. Piles that were damaged, cracked or broken during and after driving shall be rejected.
Replacement pile or piles shall be driven at locations determined by the design engineer at no
additional cost to the Owner.

A. Installation of piles shall be subject to quality control inspection by the Owner's Geotechnical Engineer,
on behalf of the Owner.
B. The Owner's Geotechnical Engineer shall log the driving of each pile and determine when the pile has
reached the specified depth and driving resistance.
C. No pile shall be installed without the presence of the Owner's Geotechnical Engineer.
D. The Owner's Geotechnical Engineer shall notify the Contractor immediately of any defective piles and
advise the Contractor of appropriate remedial action. The Owner's Engineer shall communicate with the
Structural Engineer for revisions, additions, or replacement piles.

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Bronx, New York 100% Submission
PSCA II\div1\02 35 00

A. Damaged piles, and piles driven outside the required driving tolerances, will not be accepted.
B. Piles rejected after driving may be withdrawn or abandoned and cut-off, and additional piles driven to
replace the rejected units at the newly designated locations
C. Piles rejected after driving may be withdrawn or abandoned and cut-off, and additional piles driven to
replace the rejected units at the newly designated locations.
D. Solidly fill spaces that are left by withdrawn piles that will not be filled by new piles, using cohesionless
soil material such as gravel, broken stone, and gravel sand mixtures. Place and compact throughout the
length of the space.
E. Drive additional pile or piles where the pile centerline deviation exceeds 3 inches and an analytical
determination indicates the load on any pile exceeds 110% of the design load.
A. Tops of piles shall be cut off square at the elevation indicated on the Drawings. All work necessary to
extend pilecaps to piles driven or damaged below the cutoff level shall be done at no extra cost to the
Owner. This includes, but is not limited to, excavation, sheeting, bracing, pumping, and backfilling. All
excess pieces of timber shall be removed from the site and disposed of in a legal manner by the
Contractor without any cost to the Owner.
A. No extra payment will be made to the Contractor for the overcoming of obstructions under any conditions
B. Spudding, pre-augering may be performed by the Contractor at their own expense and with the approval
of the Engineer for Controlled Inspection.
C. Excavations to remove obstructions may be performed by the Contractor at their own expense.
D. Additional piles driven in another location because of obstructions at any elevation are subject to the
approval of the Engineer of Record as specified under “Damaged or Displaced Piles”. The Contractor
must provide additional piles at his own expense and pay for the redesign and additional costs involved in
construction of pile caps and tie-beam.
A. Upon completion of the installation of piles in each area of the foundation, as determined by the Owner's
Engineer and/or Construction Manager, the Contractor shall prepare a scaled as-built survey. This as-built
survey shall include as-driven location of piles in reference to the building column lines and deviation
from vertical.
B. The as–built survey shall be submitted to the Owner's Engineer for approval before construction of the
piles caps in any area.
C. The submission of the as-built survey shall be completed in a timely manner such that if any additional or
replacement piles are required, they can be executed prior to the Contractor demobilizing off the project
A. All debris resulting from excavation of objectionable material, removal of obstruction, cut-off butts, and
any material not to remain as part of the construction is to be removed and disposed of by the Contractor
in a legal manner at no additional cost to the Owner.
B. The site shall be cleaned at frequent intervals and no material shall be stored on the site in a manner,
which would obstruct the easy access of equipment and personnel.

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350 Marconi Street November 16, 2009
Bronx, New York 100% Submission

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