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Cadet College Esa Khel Covid-19 Vacations Homework

Name: Ahsan Rehmat

GC: 93
CLASS: 11th C

Lesson 1
Button Button

Ans: when Mr. Steward came, Norma wanted to avoid him and she posed that she
was bussy. But Mr Steward insisted on talking to her. That is why she
considered the tone of Mr. Steward offensive.


Ans: Arthur believed in good moral values and did not want to get money by
killing someone. He disagreed with his wife because he believed that it was
immoral to lol someone for the sake of money. He was of the view that even
killing an unknown person was a murder.


Ans:Norma gave many reasons to persuade her husband to agree with her. She
wanted to get $ 50,000 (fifty thousand dollars) to fulfill her desires. She
thought it an easy way to get money and change her life style.


Ans: Steward continued persuading Norma because he realized that it was easy to
convince her for pushing the button until. He guessed it so when she made a
telephone call to him and that she had been crazy to know all about button
unit. Secondly, Mr. Steward knew that it was easier to persuade a woman than a


Ans: Norma persuaded her husband by giving different reasons such as that it
would be some psychological research or a game played by some eccentric
millionaire. She added that with $50000 they could easily visit Europe, buy a
cottage on the island, a car, furniture, nice apartment and nice clothes.


Ans: The significance of Arthur's life insurance policy was for $ 25000 with
double indemnity for death. It has a great significance in the story because
that was the money, which she would get after the death of her husband.

Lesson No :3

Dark They Were, And Golden Eyes

Ans: Harry wanted to go back to the Earth because Martian climate seemed
unfavorable and dangerous to him. He believed that he did not belong to the
Mars and realized that he, his family and the people from the Earth were
beginning to lose their Earthliness. He felt that there was a dangerous Martian
virus that would dissolve their intellect, burn away their past and change
their physical appearance.


Ans: The climate was very severe for the people of Earth. They faced foggy
environment at nights, blazing hot summers and quiet autumns. The wind that
blew there was hot and arid as if it would flake away their identities. The air
did something to houses, the painted houses flaked and peeled and all the
boards were wrapped of shape.


Ans: The Bittering Family became deeply upset when they heard of news of war on
the Earth. The daughter, Laura began to weep and the mother held onto her
husband Mr . Bittering and the daughter. They were submerged in fear of being
stranded on Mars and no one would rescue them.


Ans: Harry advised the people to build a rocket and fly back to the Earth. He
was of the view that all rockets had blown up on the Earth due to war. No more
rockets were left and if they did not build a rocket, they would not be able to
go back.


Ans: A Martian virus could be very dangerous for them. It could destroy them,
change their appearance and change them to aliens. It can make them dark
colored and golden eyed.

Lesson No:6

The Reward


Ans: The subject which was being discussed in the club was opportunity and
determination. Some said that opportunity was required for the success, while
others were of the view that determination was necessary for success.


Ans: Gorgios went into politics in order to convince his people. He told them
how the glory of their country and of it throne would be increased if the post
of a Court acrobat were created. He further said that it would be a lesson to
all the nations to have a young athlete at Court exhibiting perfect physical
fitness and how such an example would strengthen their soldiers against their


Ans: The parents of the Gorgios believed that not only determination, but
opportunity was essential for a person to be successful. Determination requires
an opportunity to come forward and prove itself.


Ans: Before the inauguration, a tight-fitting suit of red velvet was made for
Gorgios. The throne-room was changed into a gymnasium. Great curtains of red
and gold were hung along walls, high swings of acrobats hung down from the
ceiling, and a row of meat hurdles was arranged on the polished floor.


Ans:Gorgios was both happy and sad at that time. He felt happy because he
acheived his life's ambition. But at the same he felt tired of his life's long
term efforts, he was unable to show acrobat play. It took a very long time to
realize his dream. These feelings made him sad.

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