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Module 3 God Creates

Class No.

Name: Ashley Kate L. Lupo Block: C Date: September

26, 2021
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I. Based on your informal argumentation and our discussion, how should the Creation Stories
be interpreted? Complete the table below.
Creation Stories
Concept of: Tiruray Genesis 1:1 - 2:25
Lines from the Story Theological Truths / Lines from the Story Theological Truths /
Interpretation Interpretation
A. God (nature, “There already lived in Superhuman limited A1. A2.
heaven a superhuman power. He/she doesn’t
power, etc.) being… were able to create. He/she even asks
change any object to from others (prophet) for
other forms.” materials. Someone is
more powerful than them
who could have created
everything (the prophet
or another god).

There must be a
hierarchy in terms of
power: God,
superhuman, human.
B. origin of "From the parts of Plants came into B1. B2.
Mentalan, various food existence because of
everything crops grew,,,,as the first human.
banana tree”. In the beginning, God Because he is the
created the heavens supreme entity, God
Animals like pig, rats and and the earth. The
other animals that cause is superior to the
earth was without form
destruction are created universe itself. And
and void, and darkness
by Sinonggol. was over the face of this merely goes to
the deep. And the Spirit show that there was
of God was hovering indeed nothing before
over the face of the God created his
waters. creations.

C. human “He touched one of the Human are created and C1. C2.
central figures.. he would killed by superhuman
(nature/strength never again directly directly and indirectly
and weakness increase his human (hunger).

‘It is said that had it not Human were originally

been for the jealousy of immortals.
Sinonggol, we should all
be living as immortals.”

D. God-man God was only mentioned Superhuman is the D1. D2.

once. mediator / mediates God
relationship and man.
Then the Lord God God is the supreme
formed a man from the commander, and we, the
dust of the ground and
human population, are
breathe into his nostrils
the breath of life, and his followers. And
the man became a because he is our divine

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Module 3 God Creates
living being. creator, we must obey his
commandments to grasp

E. man-woman “Sualla then took one of Omat (human) was E1. E2.
the man’s ribs and made originally man. Woman
relationship a woman of it.” was created out of the
man’s rib to stop the man
from being sad and
lonely. So woman and
man were one.
F. purpose of “Out of jealousy, Sinonggol Pigs and rats are F1. F2.
threw down her comb which transformed by a god
human and became the first pig – to eat (Sinonggol) only to
other creations and destroy the first banana “Be fruitful and multiply God created mankind to
destroy plants.
and other crops. She also and fill the earth and multiply and populate the
spit out her buyo which subdue it, and have Earth, as well as to care
became the first rats and dominion over the fish of the rest of his creations.
thus to this day the rats eat of the sea and over the
and destroy our crops.” birds of the heavens Other creations were
and over every living also made to give resources
thing that moves on the and to exist in the world that
earth.” God created.

“Be fruitful and multiply

and fill the waters in the
seas, and let birds
multiply on the earth.”

G. goodness “ There already lived in Jealousy is tantamount to G1. G2.

heaven a superhuman love. So there’s no
being whom the Titurays distinction of evil and
knew as Sualla. goodness.

Superhuman is both
H. evil Sualla had a sister and evil. H1. H2.
named Sinonggol who
lived in Bonggo, the God allows both good
kingdom of the dead.” And the Lord God The world needs a proper
and evil. commanded the man, balance of good and evil.
..” Sinonggol did all of saying, “You may surely Without the presence of
this because she loves eat of every tree of the evil, there can be no
us.” garden, but of the tree of good, and vice versa.
knowledge of good and Furthermore, temptation
evil.” is one of the most well-
known sorts of evil with
which we, humans, are

I. human suffering Human suffering is just I1. I2.

“But we must also take an effect of the love of
into consideration that Singonggol.
Sinonggol did all of this
J. death because she loves us.” Death and destruction J1. J2.
caused by a superhuman
(Sinonggol) is an
expression of love.

II. How are you going to address the following questions on human existence in relation to
himself, others, nature and God?

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Module 3 God Creates
a. Choose one of the questions.
b. Explain in 200 words.
c. Express your answer in three points and arrange them in bullet or number.
d. You may formulate your own question and attempt answering it. It should still be relevant to this

Sub-Topics. Questions
1. Human Existence Is God still creating? Is He still at work?
2. Human Dignity Does the human person’s worth dependo on his/her achievements?
3. Human Suffering (Recall a tragic experience of yours, others or any event that had happened in the past.)
Was it God’s plan to me or to others?
4. your formulated

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