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LEARN STORIES AND MESSAGE THAT ENLIGHTENS! To start the episode I have a question
that has been bugling in my mind for about a minute now, is it only me, that sometimes we
wonder and tend to ask ourselves ““How can I strengthen my faith and forge a deeper
relationship with God?.”

Joanna: Charr!! That was deep? But back to the point, Yes, sometimes we can't just help
ourselves to wonder things spiritually right? But the true question for you netizens is, can you
still remember the 7 sacraments? What about the sacraments of initiation? Well, worry no more
because in today's episode we are going to discuss and elaborate the sacrament of Baptism.

Lowie: Sooo, embrace yourselves, listen and learn,  only here in “Netizens TV”!

Joshua : To start things off, our first letter sender is from macasandig Cagayan de Oro City,
Named Marilou. Let us listen to her story…

Lakiesha: Dear netizens, I am  marilou,I would really need some advice right now
regarding my situation with my sister, marites. It has been 2 years since she gave birth
to his son,  junior. And yes, that was her first son, just last week I asked her as to when
she is planning to baptize him since he is already turning 2 yrs old. I was saddened by
her reply of “Is it still necessary? It's already 2021. Aren't those baptisms some old
traditions?. Please help me give some advice to my sister to let her realize the
importance of the Sacrament of Baptism 

Sincerely, marilou 

(mag video si lakeisha nga ga sulat murag ikaw si marilou ikaw ang letter sender at the
same time mag record ka reading this part.)


LOWIE: Oh I see, the problem here is not with our letter sender, marilou but with her sister
mariets. And the problem is that She was unsure whether to continue her son's baptism. Well, it
seems to me that she doesn't fully grasp the significance of baptism,  “What does the sacrament
of baptism truly means” But before we answer that netizens, let us first understand what is the
sacrament of initiation?

joanna: Yes lowie, Sooo, The Church celebrates seven sacraments, which are divided into
three categories. One of them is called The sacrament of initiation which includes baptism,
confirmation and eucharist. These sacraments lay the foundation of every Christian life.

joshua:yes,But the question now is, what does baptism truly mean? To put it simply. According
to the catechism for Filipino catholics, Baptism means we receive a new life in Christ. Thus,
through the cleansing power of water that will be sprinkled our poured in our head,  it
takes away our original sin and gives us a new life in the Holy Spirit.
LOWIE: Yes. We must understand netizens that baptism's first effect is to unite the baptized
with Christ, their risen lord. In fact, baptism is called “enlightenment” because the
baptized receive Christ the light of the world.

JOSHUA: Yes you are right, marites are just like any ordinary Filipino catholics who are unsure
and do not consider baptism as relating us directly to Christ. That’s why we are here to correct
you guys and have a renewed understanding of Baptism. Now that we are united with Christ ,
baptism's second effect is to unite us with others as members of christ body, which is the

JOANNA: So to marites and marilou, baptism is a celebration of a new life in Christ and as new
members of the church. As Filipino catholics who are devoted to becoming one with Christ,
receiving the sacrament of baptism lays the foundation towards completely immersing ourselves
into the world free from original sin and the hope to be guided by the Holy Spirit.  Because
baptism enables us to be and subsist in Christ. 

Lowie: Thank you marilou for that letter and I hope we have enlightened your sister towards the
significance of baptism and what it really means in our life as christians. . 

Joshua: Moving on, for the next part of our discussion, we have invited a fellow devoted
christian from Cagayan de Oro city  who is all willing to share her experience on her baptism.

Rayjean: dear netizens, I just wanna share a little bit of my story in hopes of inspiring
everyone out there who are feeling lost. We all know how this pandemic has affected our
spiritual well being the past few months, it felt stressful and the problems seem to never
have an end. Then I reflected and asked God for a sign on what I should do to have
peace of mind. That's when I realized that the time would be perfect for me to get
baptized. The thing about baptism is that we have seen it as an event only for newborn
babies where everyone can be baptized to be in union with Christ. After receiving the
sacrament of baptism I felt that I was being renewed and I also gave myself a
commitment with the Lord and the church, that I will always follow His will and trust His
plans for me, to always pray with Him and share His goodness to everyone. I just wanna
share a message that it is not too late to find and follow God. 

Sincerely rayjean.

Joanna: Thank you for that wonderful story rayjean  about the sacrament of baptism…Indeed,
baptism is a sacrament of faith. What Rayjean had experienced is what had been traditionally
called “baptism of desire”. Since by their lives these persons show an implicit desire for

Lowie: Yes, you are right joanna, Baptism is also “ the sacrament of faith by which men and
women, enlightened by the grace of the holy spirit, respond to the gospel of christ.”

Joshua: That's right netizens, just like rayjean, her initial faith prompts her to ask for baptism.
The rite of christian initiation of adults, clearly shows that baptism is not something we just
passively receive, but rather demands  a “proper disposition of soul” and an active, personal
response that continues throughout the faith life of the baptized. 

Lowie: Now let's jump right into our next segment “An enlightenment: Ask us
anything”. For today's question we have it here from Balulang, Mr. Elai.

Ellai: Good Day viewers and listeners of Christ! I just wanna ask about the Seal of
Baptism, as I just witnessed my niev\ce being baptized, I noticed the priest placing his
hand\s on my nieces forehead doing a cross, what does that imply? I mean , does it
have any significance to the sacrament of baptism? 

Lowie: I'd like to take on your question of what is the implication of putting a
cross in a baptized person's forehead.  Water is a symbol of divine life, grace,
new birth, growth, power, deliverance, cleansing and the covenant. A priest
puts a cross in the baby's forehead as it  symbolizes Jesus' love for us as
depicted through the crucifixion.

Joanna: Yes that a good point lowie, but back to your question on the seal of baptism.
the three sacraments, Baptism, confirmation and Orders, imprint a permanent sign or
seal called “CHARACTER”. That is why these sacraments can only be received

Joshua: Yes you are right Joanna and thank you for that additional fact lowie, the
“character” is Christ's permanent mark on us, effecting a real change in our
relationship to him and the church. Thus, through the baptismal seal or character, we
all now share in Christ's priesthood, and thereby enabling us to actively participate in
the church. 

Lowie: Indeed, the baptismal seal represents the decision of God which cannot be
withdrawn. To all netizens, let us remember what St. Paul reminded the Corinthians:
“He has put his seal upon us and given his spirit in our hearts”. I hope we have
enlightened you, ellai about the the Baptismal seal. 

Joanna: For our last question for today's segment : “An enlightenment: Ask us
anything”. We have here lakeisha from indahag. 

Shelby :Good day viewers! I just wanna ask about how baptism works as a tool for
salvation, what if a person wasn't baptized yet and died would that mean that he/she
won't be saved? Circumstances like this makes me ask and be curious on how things

Joshua: What an interesting question we have here. TO clarify things up let me

explain how baptism works.We know that God wills “all men to be saved and come to
know the truth” (1 Tim 2:4-6). Therefore, the Church also teaches that: those who,
through no fault of their own, do not know the Gospel of Christ or his Church, yet
sincerely seek God, and moved by grace, strive by their deeds to do His will as it is
known to them through the dictates of their conscience, can attain eternal salvation.

Lowie: Yes indeed! Additional facts again, we have traditionally called this as
“baptism of desire,” Likewise, those who, although they have never been baptized
with water, die for the faith or for perfect charity, are said to have gained salvation
through a “baptism of blood.”

Joanna: Now there we have it , always bear in mind that God loves every human
being equally as the church  entrusts the unbaptized children who have died to God’s mercy
upon his will of universal salvation. Above all, let us all remember that baptism is a free gift of
God's grace. Because we who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death.
Through baptism into his death we were buried with him so that, just as Christ was raised from
the dead by the glory of God, we too might live a new life. 

Joshua: That's it for today episode of “Netizens TV” on the sacrament of baptism. As
always, we hope we have enlightened you as much as how we enjoy learning and
teaching you guys about the religion christianity.  Bye!!

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