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New Hire Training Expectations Agreement

Welcome to TTEC! We’re pleased to have you on board and anticipate that your employment
here will be both satisfying and productive.

Your new hire training will consist of up to 4 weeks of classroom training and 2 weeks of nesting
in which you can graduate to production when you’ve demonstrated the skills learned in training
at any time. Your attendance and attention in these classes are required for your success.
Please read the policies below; if you feel uncomfortable with any of the requirements, please

speak with your trainer immediately.

During the new hire training program, participants report to the trainer. Unprofessional
behavior is not tolerated and the use of cell phones, instant messaging programs and personal
email (Hotmail, Gmail, etc.) are not permitted during training.

You are not permitted to plug chargers or flash drives/storage devices in any equipment.
Computers must be locked when you walk out of the training room. Streaming media for any
reason outside of performing required work duties is unapproved and may result in disciplinary
action, up to and including termination.  Streaming media includes audio, video and games.
In addition, participants are required to stay alert, awake, pay full attention and participate in all
activities. Failure to meet any of these requirements may result in disciplinary action up to and
including termination.  

Due to the amount of information covered on a daily basis in training it is mandatory that all
participants attend training in its entirety. Participants who miss one day of the new hire
training class or nesting will receive a verbal written warning for attendance, any
subsequent absence or tardy is subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. If
more than one day is missed, the trainer will consult with the Human Capital and Training
Departments to decide if the participant will be allowed to continue in the class. Please notify the
trainers if you are not able to attend. Training is scheduled based on the schedule you were hired

Participants must arrive on time for all classes. Arriving more than eight minutes late (either
at the beginning of the day or after a scheduled break or lunch hour) is considered tardy;
two unexcused instances of tardiness are the equivalent of one day absent. Participants who are
tardy twice during new hire training class or nesting will receive a verbal warning for attendance,
any subsequent absence or tardy is subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.

Anyone leaving early from class without prior approval at the time of hire will be considered
absent from that class. Classes include all activities on the new hire training schedule including,
but not limited to, sales training, product training, computer training, soft skills training, floor
activities and nesting. Students are also required to stay for the duration of any class until
released by the trainer. If one must leave early it needs to be pre-approved by the trainer, and
may be considered tardy. Violating the absence or tardiness policy may be subject to disciplinary

All requests for time off during the initial training period (doctor appointments, planned trips,
etc.) must have been pre-approved by a Hiring Manager, Training Manager or the PSL prior to
your hire date. If you requested pre-approved time off please verify the time and dates with your
class manager on day 1 of training. Please keep in mind that although your time off may be
excused as pre-approved it will still count as an absence, meaning any additional unapproved
time missed could result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.

In order to represent Google Ads on the floor, participants will need to be Google Ads certified
by taking the Google Search Certification exam and a Call Certification. Google Search
Certification must be completed with a score of 80% while the call certification passing score is
70%, and are valid for one year from the test date.  If needed, tests may be re-taken one time
each. Re-taken tests must be completed within one week of the originally scheduled test.
 Passing all new hire training tests are one requirement for employment with the program.

Duplication and distribution of study materials, including but not limited to practice quizzes,
Google Certification Exam questions, notes from classes and Google or Revana confidential
documents and presentations is not permitted.  Doing so constitutes a breach of confidentiality
and could result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.

All new hires will be provisioned with several pieces of equipment by either Revana or Google.
New hires are responsible for equipment and any damage including misplaced or lost items,
broken, damaged beyond repair, removal of company property from the office, and intentionally
defacing equipment. Damaging equipment can require that the new hire pay the cost of
replacement up to the values below:

Chromebook - $454
Chrome Workstation - $665
Headset - $75
OTP Token - $15
Building Access Badge - $15

Per the language above, in addition, interviews and skills assessments could be conducted by a
Trainer, Training Manager, Sales Manager, Q&A Manager and/or Google Coach to confirm
placement within the Google Program. I understand the New Hire Training Agreement and will
adhere to the training and attendance standards, including the possibility of program removal if I
fail to pass the Search Certification and Graduation Call, to which I will be provided with two
opportunities to pass.

Print Employee Name Employee Signature Date

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