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Jehan Rowena T.

Narciso EDFD 202

Reaction paper on the article

The Indispensable Role of Culture in Shaping Children’s Learning


The author, Jin Li, gave a comparison between how the Chinese learners think

vis-à-vis the European American learners. According to the study between the two

learning models, the Chinese model is virtue oriented; while the European American

model is mind oriented.

The author studied that the children’s learning beliefs are similar and based on

their culture’s models. How the children build their learning beliefs are based how their

mothers influence them. Hence, their way of thinking is also influenced by their mothers.

Chinese Learning Model

The article regarded the Chinese Learning Model as traditional and in

accordance with the influence of their parents. Children of the Chinese descend are

more leaning towards rote learning, teacher-centeredness, and passivity of children.

Since Chinese and other Asian families are closely knit, their children tend to emulate

their families’ behavior, ways, and traditions. It may be said that if the parents are

exposed to rote learning and other ways of learning, their children may also be similar

with them.

However, there are also Chinese families who immigrated to the West and thus

exposing them to other learning models. For instance, if a child, whose learning

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background was based on the Chinese model but migrated to a western country, his or

her learning style may be adapted from what he or she is exposed to.

According to the conceptual map of the Chinese learning model, they represent

the following concepts: heart and mind for learning, purpose of learning, and

achievement standards. The primary goal of this model is moral and social self-

perfection. Their preference is learning the skills and concepts perfectly for their own

benefit. This model also promotes commitment, passion for learning, and respect for

teaching authorities. They also referred to this model as “virtue oriented”. Since mastery

of the topics is important to them, children are given drills and activities until they have

mastered the skill given to them.

In a study about how children understand their learning, children were given

different scenarios to be completed and that they need to respond to. Chinese children

talked more about learning virtues, seriousness of learning, social benefits to self and

others, respect for and their desire to emulate the high achiever, and compliance with

parental expectations. These children are more concerned with how dedicated they

should be in studying and learning.

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European American Learning Model

On the other hand, the European American learning model suggested that they

are mind oriented. This model may be divided into two concepts: the learning process

and individual’s characteristics. The children exposed to this model manifest their being

inquisitive, active learners, being open-minded, being creative, and different aspects of

learning are also evident. From this model, they encourage children to understand the

world, develop their personal ability and skills, and pursue their personal goals as

learning processes. Children are more exposed to hands-on activities, how to think

deductively and imaginatively, and how to communicate their learning. They are also

asked to communicate their personal opinions and insights creatively. With this manner,

they are given an opportunity to express their ideas on certain ideas and not just on the

literal level of thinking.

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