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YIJOM-3762; No of Pages 8

Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 2017; xxx: xxx–xxx, available online at

Clinical Paper
Orthognathic Surgery

Cone beam computed R. M. G. Santos1, J. M. De Martino1,

F. Haiter Neto2, L. A. Passeri3
Department of Computer Engineering and

tomography-based Industrial Automation, School of Electrical and

Computer Engineering, University of
Campinas, Campinas, SP, Brazil;
Department of Oral Diagnosis, Piracicaba

cephalometric norms for Dental School, University of Campinas,

Piracicaba, SP, Brazil; 3Department of
Surgery, School of Medical Sciences,
University of Campinas, Campinas, SP, Brazil

Brazilian adults
R. M. G. Santos, J. M. De Martino, F. Haiter Neto, L. A. Passeri: Cone beam computed
tomography-based cephalometric norms for Brazilian adults. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac.
Surg. 2017; xxx: xxx–xxx. ã 2017 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Abstract. This study established cone beam computed tomography (CBCT)-based

cephalometric norms for Brazilian adults, including the assessment of sexual
dimorphism. An observer performed McNamara’s cephalometric analysis twice on
60 CBCT datasets acquired from patients with a normal dental occlusion, divided
equally into two groups by sex. Welch’s t-test was applied to assess differences
between the sexes in hard tissue cephalometric measurements, and Dahlberg’s
formula was used to calculate measurement error introduced by the observer. The
cephalometric measurements of effective mandibular length, effective midfacial
length, maxillomandibular differential, and lower anterior facial height presented
sexual dimorphism. Linear measurements had error 0.78 mm, and angular
Key words: orthodontics; cephalometry;
measurements had error 1.24 . The results show that (1) the CBCT-based three-dimensional imaging; dental occlusion;
cephalometric norms established in this study are reliable for use by researchers and reference values.
clinicians, and (2) Brazilian adult males and females have similar craniofacial
morphology, with males possessing larger jaws than females. Accepted for publication 6 June 2017

Since its introduction by Broadbent in and maxillofacial surgery, introduced by outcomes, mainly because they amplify
1931, cephalometric radiography has been Mozzo et al. in 19982. CBCT has been values and distort the correct location of
the standard craniofacial imaging tech- gaining acceptance over radiography, cephalometric landmarks4,5. Besides over-
nique used by clinicians for evaluating since the latter produces undesirable coming these problems, CBCT provides
and planning the treatment of orthodontic effects inherently related to perspective an accurate and reliable three-dimensional
and orthognathic surgery patients1. How- projection, such as size and shape distor- (3D) image of the patient’s skull5–7.
ever, its position has been increasingly tion, superimposition, and misrepresenta- Among other advantages, CBCT allows
challenged by cone beam computed to- tion of anatomical structures, which can clinicians to virtually orient the head after
mography (CBCT), the state-of-the-art jeopardize cephalometric analysis3. These the image acquisition process, obtain the
imaging technique in the field of oral effects affect cephalometric measurement 3D position of cephalometric landmarks

0901-5027/000001+08 ã 2017 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Santos RMG, et al. Cone beam computed tomography-based cephalometric norms for Brazilian
adults, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2017),
YIJOM-3762; No of Pages 8

2 Santos et al.

virtually identified on anatomical undergone surgery of the facial bones or porion, left and right orbitale, basion,
structures of the head, and perform 3D who had an abnormal facial asymmetry, and nasion hard tissue cephalometric land-
cephalometric measurements8. and CBCT datasets with severe noise. marks were first marked on the recon-
Prior studies have shown that cephalo- structed skull (Table 1, Fig. 2). Next,
metric measurements performed on the FH, midsagittal, and transporionic
craniofacial images acquired from planes were created (Fig. 1). The FH is
cephalometric radiography and CBCT the least-squares best-fit plane to the left
present statistically significant and The four steps described below were per- and right porion and left and right orbita-
clinically relevant differences9–11. Conse- formed on each CBCT dataset by one le22. The midsagittal plane intersects the
quently, cephalometric norms derived observer. The last two steps were basion and nasion landmarks and is or-
from the traditional radiographic analyses performed twice for the estimation of thogonal to the FH plane. The transpor-
are not adequate for CBCT-based cepha- the technical error of measurement ionic plane intersects the midpoint
lometric analyses. Additionally, the (TEM)20. The second observation was between the left and right porion, and is
ever-increasing use of CBCT imagery in done almost 2 years after the first obser- mutually orthogonal to the other two
routine clinical practice has also pushed vation. A graphics software toolkit was planes. Finally, the three planes were used
the need for cephalometric norms based on developed by the first author specifically to set up a 3D Cartesian coordinate sys-
CBCT technology12. for these steps. The Python programming tem, where the origin is the intersection
Cephalometric norms are of paramount environment (version 2.7.7; Python point between these planes. The x-axis is a
importance from a clinical point of view, Software Foundation, Beaverton, OR, leftward vector normal to the midsagittal
as they provide useful guidelines for clin- USA) and its NumPy (version 1.7.1; plane, the y-axis is a frontward vector
icians in planning orthodontic and surgical NumFOCUS, Austin, TX, USA), PyQt normal to the transporionic plane, and
treatments. CBCT-based cephalometric (version 4.11; Riverbank Computing the z-axis is a downward vector normal
norms have been established for Ltd, Wimborne, Dorset, UK), and VTK to the FH plane.
Chinese13–15, Indian16, Korean17, and (version 6.1.0; Kitware Inc., Clifton Park, In step 3, the hard tissue cephalometric
Turkish18 populations. However, CBCT- NY, USA) extension packages were used landmarks required to perform McNa-
based cephalometric norms for Brazilians to produce the toolkit. mara’s cephalometric analysis were
appear to be lacking. This study aimed to In step 1, the patient’s skull was virtu- marked on the reconstructed skull
contribute to the establishment of such ally reconstructed (Fig. 1). The marching (Fig. 2). The 3D definition shown in
norms. In summary, the well-known meth- cubes algorithm was applied to the CBCT Table 1 was used, where unpaired land-
od of cephalometric analysis developed by dataset to build a high-resolution 3D geo- marks are located in the midsagittal plane
McNamara in 1984 was applied to a data- metric model representing the hard tissue and paired landmarks lie on either side of
base of CBCT images acquired from adult surface of the head21. For greater preci- this plane.
male and female Brazilian subjects19. sion, different contour values were con- In step 4, McNamara’s cephalometric
Furthermore, sexual dimorphism was sidered for bones and teeth since both have analysis was performed on the midsagittal
assessed statistically. different radiodensitiy values. plane by orthogonally projecting the land-
In step 2, the reconstructed skull was marks. For paired landmarks, the midpoint
precisely placed in a standardized position between the two was projected orthogo-
Materials and methods
oriented to the Frankfort horizontal (FH) nally onto the midsagittal plane. Cephalo-
This study conformed to the ethical and midsagittal reference planes (Fig. 1). metric reference lines and planes used in
standards and procedures for biomedical To accomplish this, the left and right McNamara’s cephalometric analysis are
research involving human subjects of the
National Health Council of Brazil. The
study was reviewed and approved by the
Human Research Ethics Committee of the
School of Medical Science at the
University of Campinas.

Data collection
A total of 60 CBCT datasets acquired from
Brazilian adults of European descent (30
male and 30 female) were obtained from
the clinical archive of the Division of Oral
Radiology, Piracicaba Dental School,
University of Campinas. Inclusion criteria
were the following: CBCT datasets from
patients with a normal dental occlusion,
age 18–35 years, and presence of all teeth
(wearing or not dental braces or implants);
the CBCT datasets had to have a large field
of view (16 cm in diameter and 13–22 cm Fig. 1. A reconstructed skull placed in a standardized position oriented to the midsagittal,
in height) and voxel size 0.4 mm3. The transporionic, and Frankfort horizontal planes. Three-dimensional hard tissue cephalometric
following exclusion criteria were applied: landmarks are represented by magenta spheres of 1-mm radius; only the nasion and left porion
CBCT datasets from patients who had are visible in this view of the skull.

Please cite this article in press as: Santos RMG, et al. Cone beam computed tomography-based cephalometric norms for Brazilian
adults, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2017),
YIJOM-3762; No of Pages 8

Cephalometric norms for Brazilians 3

Table 1. Three-dimensional definition of the cephalometric landmarks used in McNamara’s cephalometric analysis.
Name Definition
1. Nasion (N) The point where the frontonasal and internasal sutures intersect
2. Anterior nasal spine (ANS) The point on the tip of the anterior nasal spine
3. Point A (A) The most posterior point on the intermaxillary suture
4. Pogonion (Pog) The most anterior point on the mandibular symphysis
5. Gnathion (Gn) The most antero-inferior point on the mandibular symphysis
6. Menton (Me) The lowermost point on the mandibular symphysis
7. Basion (Ba) The lowermost point on the midline of the anterior rim of the foramen magnum
8. Orbitale (Or) The lowermost point on the margin of each orbit
9. Pterygomaxillary fissure (Pt) The most posterosuperior point on the margin of each pterygomaxillary fissure
10. Upper incisor (UI) The most anterior point on the midline of the labial surface of each upper central incisor
11. Lower incisor (LI) The most anterior point on the midline of the labial surface of each lower central incisor
12. Gonion (Go) The point where the line bisecting the angle formed by extending the posterior ramus
border and the inferior body border intersect the gonial angle of each mandibular ramus
13. Condylion (Cd) The most posterosuperior point on the midline of each mandibular condyle
14. Porion (Po) The uppermost point on the margin of each external acoustic meatus

Fig. 2. Three-dimensional hard tissue cephalometric landmarks marked on a reconstructed skull. They are represented by magenta spheres of
1-mm radius. For paired landmarks, only that located on the right side of the skull is shown.

Please cite this article in press as: Santos RMG, et al. Cone beam computed tomography-based cephalometric norms for Brazilian
adults, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2017),
YIJOM-3762; No of Pages 8

4 Santos et al.

Table 2. Cephalometric reference lines and planes used in McNamara’s cephalometric analysis.
Name Definition
1. Frankfort horizontal plane The line crossing the Po and Or landmarks
2. Mandibular plane The line crossing the Go and Me landmarks
3. Facial plane The line crossing the N and Pog landmarks
4. Facial axis The line crossing the Pt landmark and the point where the mandibular and facial planes
intersect (named constructed gnathion)
5. Nasion perpendicular The line crossing the N landmark and orthogonal to the Frankfort horizontal plane
6. Basion–nasion line The line crossing the Ba and N landmarks
7. Point A vertical The line crossing the A landmark and orthogonal to the Frankfort horizontal plane
8. Point A–pogonion line The line crossing the A and Pog landmarks

defined in Table 2, and the cephalometric statistical computing environment was Linear measurements had error of
measurements used in McNamara’s used to perform the statistical analyses. 0.78 mm, and angular measurements
analysis are listed in Table 3. had error of 1.24 .
Statistical analysis A total of 1200 hard tissue cephalometric
measurements were performed for this CBCT-based cephalometric norms for
The mean value of the two observations study (60 subjects  10 measurements  2 Brazilian adults were established in the
was used to calculate the cephalometric observations). CBCT-based cephalometric current study (Tables 4 and 5).
norms. Welch’s t-test, an adaptation of norms for Brazilian adults are presented in McNamara’s cephalometric analysis was
Student’s t-test for comparing two inde- Tables 4 and 5. Only four out of 10 hard performed to generate these normative
pendent normal samples with unknown tissue cephalometric measurements indi- values. Orthogonal projection of 3D hard
and unequal variances, was applied to cated sexual dimorphism: effective man- tissue cephalometric landmarks onto the
calculate the probability (p-value) of sex- dibular length, effective midfacial length, midsagittal reference plane and the mid-
ual dimorphism for each of the hard tissue maxillomandibular difference, and lower points between paired landmarks were
cephalometric measurements23. Dahl- anterior facial height (Table 6). This assess- used to perform this analysis. Sexual
berg’s formula was applied to estimate ment considered a significance level of dimorphism was also assessed.
the TEM introduced by the observer20. 0.01. The statistical analysis of the cephalo-
The R (version 3.1.0; R Foundation for The TEM of the hard tissue cephalo- metric norms revealed that males and
Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria) metric measurements is shown in Table 7. females have similar craniofacial mor-

Table 3. Cephalometric measurements used in McNamara’s cephalometric analysis.

Name Definition
Maxilla to cranial base
1. Nasion perpendicular to point A (NpA) The distance (in millimetres) from the A landmark to the nasion perpendicular
If the point is more posteriorly positioned than the reference line, a negative sign is
Mandible to maxilla
2. Effective mandibular length (EML) The distance (in millimetres) between the Cd and Gn landmarks
3. Effective midfacial length (EMdL) The distance (in millimetres) between the A and Cd landmarks
4. Maxillomandibular difference (MD) The difference (in millimetres) between EML and EMdL
5. Lower anterior face height (LAFH) The distance (in millimetres) between the Me and ANS landmarks
6. Mandibular plane angle (MPA) The antero-inferior angle (in degrees) between the Frankfort horizontal and mandibular
7. Facial axis angle (FAA) The postero-inferior angle (in degrees) between the basion–nasion line and the facial axis
Mandible to cranial base
8. Pogonion to nasion perpendicular (PogNp) The distance (in millimetres) from the Pog landmark to the nasion perpendicular
If the point is more posteriorly positioned than the reference line, a negative sign is
9. Upper incisor to point A vertical (UIAv) The distance (in millimetres) from the UI landmark to the point A vertical
If the point is more posteriorly positioned than the reference line, a negative sign is
10. Lower incisor to point A–pogonion line (LIAPog) The distance (in millimetres) from the LI landmark to the point A–pogonion line
If the point is more posteriorly positioned than the reference line, a negative sign is

Please cite this article in press as: Santos RMG, et al. Cone beam computed tomography-based cephalometric norms for Brazilian
adults, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2017),
YIJOM-3762; No of Pages 8

Cephalometric norms for Brazilians 5

Table 4. CBCT-based cephalometric norms for Brazilian adults—males.

95% CI Range
Name Mean SD SEM
Lower Upper Min Q1 Q2 Q3 Max
1. NpA (mm) 2.23 4.01 0.73 0.74 3.73 5.24 0.94 1.93 4.12 10.33
2. EML (mm) 118.55 5.57 1.02 116.47 120.63 108.72 115.33 117.30 122.69 133.87
3. EMdL (mm) 88.21 4.59 0.84 86.49 89.92 78.77 85.21 88.30 91.07 96.90
4. MD (mm) 30.34 4.24 0.77 28.76 31.92 21.97 28.51 30.31 31.73 42.64
5. LAFH (mm) 68.93 6.99 1.28 66.32 71.54 54.33 62.52 69.70 73.90 83.45
6. MPA ( ) 23.19 6.02 1.10 20.94 25.44 10.38 19.34 23.87 27.83 32.92
7. FAA ( ) 89.52 5.26 0.96 87.55 91.48 81.04 85.44 89.93 92.75 98.35
8. PogNp (mm) 1.45 6.44 1.18 0.95 3.86 9.87 3.98 2.31 6.51 13.77
9. UIAv (mm) 5.57 1.94 0.35 4.85 6.29 1.99 4.25 5.34 6.78 9.47
10. LIAPog (mm) 2.69 2.51 0.46 1.75 3.62 2.04 0.95 3.13 4.50 8.28
CBCT, cone beam computed tomography; SD, standard deviation; SEM, standard error of the mean; 95% CI, 95% confidence interval of the mean;
Min, minimum value; Q1, lower quartile; Q2, median; Q3, upper quartile; Max, maximum value.

Table 5. CBCT-based cephalometric norms for Brazilian adults—females.

95% CI Range
Name Mean SD SEM
Lower Upper Min Q1 Q2 Q3 Max
1. NpA (mm) 1.76 2.75 0.50 0.73 2.79 5.28 0.04 1.24 4.10 6.89
2. EML (mm) 110.48 3.16 0.58 109.30 111.66 102.91 108.42 110.82 112.39 116.60
3. EMdL (mm) 83.51 2.52 0.46 82.57 84.45 78.65 82.01 83.19 84.83 89.07
4. MD (mm) 26.97 3.30 0.60 25.74 28.20 19.87 24.34 27.12 29.04 33.25
5. LAFH (mm) 64.31 5.80 1.06 62.15 66.48 52.66 60.17 65.33 67.64 75.41
6. MPA ( ) 24.88 4.10 0.75 23.35 26.41 16.35 21.58 24.48 27.92 34.69
7. FAA ( ) 88.54 4.67 0.85 86.80 90.29 78.26 86.51 88.79 92.16 97.90
8. PogNp (mm) 0.05 5.81 1.06 2.22 2.12 11.99 5.15 1.20 4.05 9.03
9. UIAv (mm) 5.88 1.60 0.29 5.28 6.48 3.43 4.64 5.45 6.63 9.70
10. LIAPog (mm) 3.84 1.51 0.28 3.28 4.40 1.06 2.92 3.88 4.71 6.97
CBCT, cone beam computed tomography; SD, standard deviation; SEM, standard error of the mean; 95% CI, 95% confidence interval of the mean;
Min, minimum value; Q1, lower quartile; Q2, median; Q3, upper quartile; Max, maximum value.

phology; however males have larger jaws (Table 7). Therefore, the cephalometric the two porions or the midpoint between
than females (Table 6). Other studies have measurements are reliable for use by them. Altogether, there are six different
also detected sexual dimorphism in researchers and clinicians. However, the ways of setting up the FH plane. In order to
CBCT-based cephalometric measure- normative values suggested in this paper minimize error caused by different setups
ments performed on samples of other should be used with discretion, as the total of the FH plane, an alternative and more
populations13–15,17,24. These studies also number of patients involved in this study robust method was used in this study: the
show that adult males have craniofacial was small and consequently the statistical least-squares best-fit plane to both pairs of
dimensions larger than those of females. power is weak. porions and orbitales22. The midsagittal
The statistical analysis of TEM In CBCT-based 3D cephalometry, both plane is created from two unpaired land-
indicated no clinically relevant differences the FH and midsagittal reference planes marks located on the cranial bones and one
between the two observations, considering are usually defined by three unpaired landmark located on the upper or
that errors in linear measurements of points8,13,14,16,17. The FH plane is created lower jaw. However, these three land-
1 mm and angular measurements of either from both porions and one of the marks do not necessarily produce a mid-
1.5 are clinically acceptable two orbitales or the midpoint between sagittal plane orthogonal to the FH plane.
them; or from both orbitales and one of Moreover, the landmarks located on the
Table 6. CBCT-based cephalometric norms jaws are subject to changes in position
for Brazilian adults—difference between Table 7. Technical error of measurement following orthognathic surgery. Consider-
males and females. (TEM) for the cephalometric measurements. ing these problems, only two unpaired
Name Differencea P-value Name Dahlberg’s formula landmarks located on the cranial bones
1. NpA (mm) 0.47 0.599 1. NpA (mm) 0.31 – basion and nasion – were used in this
2. EML (mm) 8.07 0.0001 2. EML (mm) 0.32 study. These were chosen because they are
3. EMdL (mm) 4.70 0.0001 3. EMdL (mm) 0.69 postero-anterior far apart from each other
4. MD (mm) 3.37 0.01 4. MD (mm) 0.78 and are in McNamara’s analysis.
5. LAFH (mm) 4.62 0.01 5. LAFH (mm) 0.50 The hard tissue cephalometric landmarks
6. MPA ( ) 1.69 0.21 6. MPA ( ) 0.84 of McNamara’s analysis were originally
7. FAA ( ) 0.98 0.451 7. FAA ( ) 1.24 identified on cephalometric radiographs
8. PogNp (mm) 1.50 0.347 8. PogNp (mm) 0.20 and not on CBCT scans, where depth and
9. UIAv (mm) 0.31 0.507 9. UIAv (mm) 0.34
10. LIAPog (mm) 1.15 0.05 accurate information about the 3D anatom-
10. LIAPog (mm) 0.18
ical structures are available. Therefore, the

Please cite this article in press as: Santos RMG, et al. Cone beam computed tomography-based cephalometric norms for Brazilian
adults, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2017),
YIJOM-3762; No of Pages 8

6 Santos et al.

definitions of these landmarks had to be incorrectly defined, and the gonion, pter- ing that the measurement differences
adapted accordingly for the 3D analysis, ygomaxillary fissure, and lower incisor between the two sides of the subjects’
as presented in Table 1. These definitions landmarks were not defined. (4) Accord- skulls are not statistically significant or
are based on the craniometric and 3D ing to the authors, 3D hard tissue cepha- clinically relevant17. Therefore, individual
cephalometric definitions presented by lometric measurements were performed in cephalometric measurements on each side
Swennen et al.8, White et al.25, and the first study. However, it is not clear of the skull were not performed, as has
Phulari26. As the skull is not quite symmet- whether these measurements were truly in been done by other researchers14,15. It is
ric, the unpaired landmarks were not 3D. Hard tissue cephalometric measure- important to note that maxillofacial sur-
identified on the midline of the skull ments, similar to those presented in this geons rectify problems of craniofacial
(midsagittal reference plane), but on the paper, were performed in the second asymmetry based on the midsagittal plane
midline of the bone where they are located. study. However, maxillomandibular dif- and not on normative values.
The basion, pterygomaxillary fissures, and ference, mandibular plane angle, facial It is also important to observe that 3D
porions are difficult to identify. The axis angle, and lower incisor to point cephalometric measurements were not
postero-inferior view of the skull is useful A–pogonion line were not calculated. performed as done by Wong et al.14, firstly
for identifying the basion. The pterygomax- These shortcomings were carefully because McNamara’s cephalometric anal-
illary fissures are identified in the lateral addressed in the current study. ysis is 2D and it was not a goal to change
view of the skull, but they are hidden behind Cephalometric radiography inherently this analysis. The objective was to take
the zygomatic process of the temporal bone. produces two-dimensional (2D) craniofa- advantage of CBCT-based 3D cephalom-
The porions are also identified in the lateral cial images with size and shape etry to produce accurate and reliable ceph-
view of the skull, but the inferior view is distortions, superimposition, and misrep- alometric norms. Secondly, since CBCT is
required to determine the margin of the resentation of the anatomical structures3. not currently the standard craniofacial im-
external acoustic meatus, i.e. the depth of On the other hand, CBCT produces 3D aging technique in routine clinical prac-
these points in the cranium. craniofacial images, which naturally over- tice, norms compatible with both
Wong et al.14 and Liang et al.15 also comes these undesirable effects5–7. CBCT cephalometric radiography and CBCT
applied McNamara’s cephalometric anal- also presents the advantage of allowing the were established. For radiography, the
ysis to CBCT datasets in order to establish generation of the traditional images used magnification factor needs to be consid-
cephalometric norms. These studies, how- in clinical orthodontics, such as lateral and ered.
ever, present the following deficiencies: postero-anterior cephalometric and pan- Cephalometric measurements per-
(1) The reconstructed skulls were posi- oramic radiographs. Additionally, CBCT formed on CBCT images are more
tioned relative to the FH and midsagittal images enable clinicians to position the accurate and reliable than those performed
reference planes in the first study. Howev- patient’s virtual head after image acquisi- on radiographic images28. Moreover,
er, a coronal plane, required to set up a 3D tion, to obtain 3D coordinates of cephalo- cephalometric analysis of CBCT images
Cartesian reference system, was not con- metric landmarks, to carry out 3D using orthogonal projection avoids the
sidered by the authors. In the second study, cephalometric measurements, and to per- size distortion inherently associated with
information about the standard position of form other useful applications that are not perspective projection of radiographs.
the skull was not provided. (2) In the first possible using radiographs8. However, However, studies show that cephalometric
study, the FH plane was defined from two CBCT has not replaced radiographs main- measurements performed on CBCT
orbitales and one porion (either left or ly because it exposes the patient to more images using orthogonal projection are
right), and the midsagittal plane was de- doses of radiation than radiography for different from those performed on radio-
fined from the nasion, sella, and anterior standard orthodontic documentation. graphic images9–11. Therefore to take full
nasal spine. Standardization of the FH Therefore, CBCT has just been used for advantage of the analysis of CBCT images
plane is required, otherwise it may pro- cases in which 3D visualization is neces- using orthogonal projection, it is neces-
duce different measurement outcomes27. sary, such as the diagnosis and treatment sary to define appropriate CBCT cephalo-
The anterior nasal spine is not recom- planning of patients with severe craniofa- metric norms. The current study seeks to
mended for setting up the midsagittal cial problems. contribute to the definition of such norms.
plane, because it is situated on a breakable Size distortion is an artefact of radiog- Since McNamara’s composite norms
bone of the maxilla. Moreover, the land- raphy caused by the emission of X-rays were derived from the analysis of almost
marks used hardly ever produce planes from the source in increasing divergent 1000 X-ray images, and recent studies
orthogonal to each other. In the second angles passing through the patient’s head have used fewer than 100 CBCT
study, the FH plane was defined from the until reaching the X-ray detector, where images13–18, it is argued that, for now,
porion and orbitale in the right lateral the 2D craniofacial image is created. In the cephalometric norms originated from
view. Inadequate frontal orientation of present study, to avoid such distortion, cephalometric radiographs should contin-
the skull was not addressed in that paper. cephalometric measurements were per- ue to be used by clinicians for CBCT-
(3) Conventional and 3D definitions were formed based on orthogonal projection based cephalometric analysis. In order to
adopted for the hard tissue cephalometric instead of the typical perspective projec- compare the cephalometric norms from
landmarks in the first and second studies, tion of cephalometric radiography. As a the present study with McNamara’s com-
respectively. The 3D definitions result, normative values without enlarge- posite norms, it is necessary to resize the
established by Swennen et al.8 were ment were produced. The cephalometric norms of the present study using the
adopted in the first study. However, the measurements were also performed on the magnification factor reported by
pterygomaxillary fissure was not men- midsagittal reference plane, because the McNamara19. When the magnification
tioned, and the upper and lower incisors magnification factor of cephalometric factor is considered, the differences in
were not equivalent to McNamara’s anal- radiography is measured on this plane. the measurements performed on radio-
ysis. In the second study, the gnathion, This study used CBCT datasets of sub- graphic and CBCT images are not
gonion, and upper incisor landmarks were jects with normal facial asymmetry, mean- statistically significant9,29.

Please cite this article in press as: Santos RMG, et al. Cone beam computed tomography-based cephalometric norms for Brazilian
adults, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2017),
YIJOM-3762; No of Pages 8

Cephalometric norms for Brazilians 7

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Improvement of Higher Education of a dry human skull. Am J Orthod Dentofac
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113–116 mm in length and lower face of
63–64 mm in height when the midface is 7. Kamburoglu K, Kolsuz E, Kurt H, Kılıç C,
Özen T, Paksoy CS. Accuracy of CBCT mea-
90 mm in length; and a mandible of
Competing interests surements of a human skull. J Digit Imaging
122–125 mm in length and lower face of
67–69 mm in height when the midface is There are no relationships/conditions/cir-
95 mm in length. Considering the 8% cumstances that present a potential con- 8. Swennen GR, Schutyser F, Hausamen JE.
magnification factor reported by flict of interest. Three-dimensional cephalometry: a color at-
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Please cite this article in press as: Santos RMG, et al. Cone beam computed tomography-based cephalometric norms for Brazilian
adults, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2017),
YIJOM-3762; No of Pages 8

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Please cite this article in press as: Santos RMG, et al. Cone beam computed tomography-based cephalometric norms for Brazilian
adults, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2017),

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