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Early Childhood Education and Care

Student’s Name
Tutor’s Name

Part A
Observations, Document and Analyzing Information about the Children
The 1st Template is about Secondary Information of the child
There should be three copies where one is for each child
Once is complete then add the template to the portfolio of the child
a) Information of the child record
The 1st Child
Initials of the 1st child
Birth Date:
Number of years:10
When started ELC ( Early Centre of Learning)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Repetitive of Separation

When time for dropping off A from the service Mum registers the iPad and offers a hug to her
before departing from the service. Mum enquires the tutor to offer her some cuddles since this
will make her feel comfortable before leaving her.
Learning Objectives
Documenting the objectives set aimed at the child for the outcomes in learning:
Outcomes in learning Objectives
Outcome 1 Should have the ability in sharing out the
thoughts towards the peers and socialize with
them with a lot of respect, care and empathy
Outcome 2 Should have the ability towards understanding
the equity and know the sharing and
understanding in taking turns.
Outcome 3 Should have the ability towards creating a
good relationship with the peers and
controlling properly the emotions.
Outcome 4 Should have the ability towards gaining the
confidence, ways to cooperate, be creative,
imagination power and have persist in activity
Outcome 5 Should have the ability to communicate non-
verbally also verbally by a variety of
materials within and get to know the patterns
and symbols.
b) Discussion of the Information from the family
What is the background of the child?
The child has the following interests
The child is interested in making of cars, reading of books, running, arts and crafts, dancing
and singing.

There are no any concerns about the child.

c)Discussion of the information from the colleagues

Colleagues’ names who were consulted:

c)Comments of the colleagues on various development domains:

Physical Social Language Cognitive
The growth remains The child understands The of the child is The child has
normal, not what must desire or more developed and advanced and have a
experiencing some not to desire and if advanced when good memory since
delays in the not so the child compared to others has the ability to
development and the throws tantrums. The within since the child recall many things
child have good child is independent likes like reading which the child reads
balancing skills and and when invited by books and this aids from the books and
is using the scooter. his peers or educators the literacy and knows some
the child will language characters and can
cooperate. recognize peers’
Signature of Student Date

2nd Template is about the Anecdotal Observation

There should be three copies where one is for each child.

This template is used towards providing a brief account about enclosed and open-air
involvement and is supported using the photos in the observations.
Once complete the template of the portfolio of the child is added.
a) Outdoor experience observation
1st Child
Background: Outdoor setting
Experience description:
This was the experience for melting block ice where A together with her peers were melting
block ice by the use of water spray.
Observational focuses:
Reaction of the child, responds towards the asked questions, movement, socialize with the
The following was observed which includes the reaction of the child and socializing.

In this experience, child’s cognitive, emotional, and physical development were observed.
When we started the ice block experience, child showed excitement on his face as he started
giggling and kept saying, “(his name) turn! (his name) turn!”. He seems eager to get his turn to

spray the ice block with water and when he and his peers were given the chance to hold the ice
block, he straight away said, “Cooooold!” after holding it.
Observational analysis which includes relationships, preferences in playing, strengths,
interests learning and behavior.

With the experience done, the child could be seen freely expressing himself and his thoughts
throughout the experience. His relationship with his peers is wonderful, he didn’t push or do
anything that would cause incident during the experience and even gave the water spray to his
friend next to him willingly when he was done spraying. Child also has great physical skills;
he loves running and playing catch with his friends and would also jump lots with them.
b) Experience of indoor observation
Background: Indoor setting
Experience description:
The activity of coloring the book that the child loves
Observational focuses:
The reaction of the child is to answer the questions the is being asked and movements

The following was observed which includes the reaction of the child in playing and

In this experience, his cognitive, emotional, and physical development were observed. The
child will be identifying colors using the crayons and color pencils that will be provided to
him, I also brought a printed-out copy of a character in one of the books he loves to read,
which is, “Jack and the Beanstalk”. When we were coloring, I made sure to let him have his
own decision of whatever color he would like to use. In this case, I only did the experience
with him and not with a group.

Observational analysis that includes relationship, behaviors, strengths, preferences in

playing and interest.

It was similar to how he responded during the previous experience done with him. In this
experience, I kept asking him about the colors of the crayons he picks although he couldn’t
answer me straightaway because he was so focused on coloring, I could see he would still try
his best when I ask him again. It may be because it was only the two of us in this experience
and my attention was only for him but nonetheless, he did a great job with the activity we did.

Signature of the Date


3rd Template is about the Running Record

There should be three copies where one is for each child.
Using the running recorded template in providing a well full, exactly description for child who
is participating a 15 minutes activity.
In this time three observation are made and a complete portfolio of the child template is made.

Information of the record of the child

1st Child
Activity description:
Activity of coloring

Number of the Observation Time Observations

1 2:00 pm Once the child was given the
paper the child took it and
looked at it for a while and
started smiling and later

released it was a photo.

2 2:05 pm The child was given the
crayons and started coloring
the photo.
3 2:08 pm The child was happy after
finished coloring and
comment to the child that the
job was good then the child
Observational analysis
a) The Development of the child

In this activity, child’s hand-eye coordination was developed and practiced. It showed how he’s
capable of holding the crayons on his hand without having a hard time and started coloring the
photo without any assistance. The colors and lines he made in the photo showed he’s slowly
improving his hand muscles. For his cognitive skills, he was also able to answer the questions I
asked him as he was familiar with the story, “Jack and the Beanstalk”. When we started talking
about the colors, he’s shown me how he’s familiar with some of those.
b) Interests, ideas and knowledge

Child is very interested with stories and reading books or any activity he sees which is related
to a book he reads really gets his interest and attention. He was so focused during this activity
and listened to me very well.


For this activity, not much social interaction was done since it was only the two of us doing it,
but he was able to share his thoughts well for his age when we were talking
Me: Did you like Jack?
Child: Yes, he in the tree! He was so happy when I commended him for doing a great job in
coloring it.

Child was able to learn more about the colors we used. When was asked about the colors child
used at wrist, he only kept saying, “Red!” to most of it even if the color is different? I started
telling him the color’s name where he goes to repeat after what I said.

Signature of Student Date

4 Template is about Jotting
There should be three copies where one is for each child.
Using the jotting to aid in writing notes quickly which are informal of anything important that
is noticed where one should make sure that at least there is di-jotting in everyday and is
analysis. If one wants to make making a lot of jotting many copies are taken and a complete
portfolio of the child template is made.
Information of the record of the child
1st Child

a)1st Day Jotting

1st Day -1ST Jotting
The was holding the book, “Jack and the Beanstalk and The Very Hungry Caterpillar”, I asked
him which one he would like to read, and he responded, “Beanstalk” He played with the Lego
blocks and rode in the cars in the outdoor yard.
1st Day -2nd Jotting
We did a pumpkin bread where he participated and answered the educator’s questions.
We did the ice melting activity.
When I asked him if he wants to do the educator’s play dough activity, he immediately ran to
the table (where the playdough was) and sat down.
1st Day Jotting Analysis
Child would have times where child was asked by the educators to sit still, he listened and sat
still. Whereas there would be another time where the educators would be calling his name three
times and he would still not respond but it only happens when he’s doing something else, like
dancing or playing in the sandpit.
b)2nd Day Jotting
2nd Day -1st Jotting
We read the book “Jack and the Beanstalk” again also played with the bubbles where child was
seen laughing and jumping to catch the bubbles, child would scream a little each time he gets to
pop a bubble. Child was keen to answer the names of the animals in the story we read.
2nd Day -2nd Jotting
When doing a taking turn activity, he would say “Me!” again and again, the educators would
then explain to him to, wait for his turn. He also played with trucks with his friends. He
participated in the coloring activity I did with him.
2nd Jotting Analysis
During the playdough activity today, child kept saying, even when the other educators told him
to wait for his turn, and because he kept saying that, he ended up being the last one to have the
playdough for not being able to wait.
c)3rd Jotting
3rd Day 1st -Jotting
The child would sing and dance a lot when a song is played in the class When his name gets
called to do an activity, he would straightaway run to where the activity is. His imagination
goes beyond when using the soft blocks. Today, he said he will do a ship using the soft blocks.
3rd Day 2nd -Jotting
He would show enthusiasm during arts and crafts activities.
He played in the sandpit today and used sand shapers. We had a few shapes like fish, ice cream,
crab, and many more where we imagined we were cooking and eating them.
3rd Jotting Analysis
During the arts and crafts activity, we did with the educators, we made leaf paints using autumn

colors. When child was called, once again, he ran to where the activity is taking place and sat
on the chair.

4th Jotting
Date :11/11/2021
4th Day 1st Jotting
Child shows confidence and focus when doing arts and crafts activity or even when reading
books. Today, he saw one of his peers doing hand paint and started copying it. He was so
focused that he was not answering my questions. The child who could communicate clearly and
would tell you what the child is feeling.

4th Day 2nd Jotting

The child was also able to share his thoughts to his peers without difficulties and would also
explore different areas in the yard to add to his learning. Overall, he has a great potential and
would grow into a wonderful child!

4th Jotting Analysis

Child is able to follow instructions in every experience being done with him and could catch up
to what the educators or me are saying. He knows how to persevere to experience the
satisfaction of achievement.

5th Day Jotting


5th Day 1st Jotting

The child was able to practice his hand-eye coordination, concentration, and cognitive skills
were improved in this activity.
5th Day 2nd Jotting
The child is also able to share his thoughts to his peers without difficulties and would also
explore different areas in the yard to add to his learning. Overall, the child has a great potential
and would grow into a wonderful child.

5th Jotting Analysis

The child would have days where child would listen straightaway when being asked to do and
not do something while child will have days where child would not listen at all but by talking to
him and providing a nice explanation, child would follow you and calm down.
Signature of the Date

5th Template is about Learning Story Template

There should be three copies where one is for each child.
Using the illustration from the learning story template about the learning of the child, learning
is used to evaluate and describe the learning and has suggested the following experiences.

The photos have been included in the learning story.

Then the portfolio of the child template was added and completed.

1st Child
The following is the photo

Describing the learning:

This learning is mainly focused on him showing his fine-motor skills and cognitive skills. The
main purpose of coloring activity related to the book he loves to read is to develop his
concentration and coordination.

Evaluating the learning

Child did a very wonderful job in following the instructions I gave him. Child was also asked
to identify the names of the colors in this activity to which he successfully did with my
guidance and teaching. Aside from that, he was able to practice his hand-eye coordination,

concentration, and cognitive skills were improved in this activity.

Up Next
The child could do a story telling arts and crafts related to “Jack and the Beanstalk” story.
Child can create it himself and stick some natural resources like leaves on it to make it more

Signature of the Date


6th Template about Record a Conversation

There should be three copies where one is for each child.
Using this template about the record conversation that a child may have one must make sure
have the child some questions that will stimulate discussion and then the portfolio of the child
template was added and completed.

1st Child
Providing a summary of the conversation:
It was when child and another peer wanted to use the same toy, which the peer got first.
Me: Child, you need to wait before you get your turn since your friend got it first.
Child: No! My turn.
Me: Child, Remember, we need to wait before we get our turn. You can ask your friend nicely
that you will borrow it after he finishes playing with it instead of trying to snatch it. Do you
want him to snatch a toy from you?
Child: No… Me: See? So, we have to wait for our turn. Is that clear?
Child: Yes, then my turn. Me: Yes, that is right. What do you say to him?
Child: Sorry…

This is what was learnt from the child conversation:

In this conversation I had with child, I saw how child tried to snatch a toy from another friend
who first played with the toy. It is not about forcing them to do what you want them to do but
trying to be calm while explaining to them how what they are doing is wrong, they would be
able to understand the situation and follow you.

Signature of the Date


7th Template is about Sample Work of the Child

There should be three copies where one is aimed at each child.
Putting the sample work for Child and completing template and placing the sample in it.
1st Child
Providing a brief analysis of knowledge of the child, thoughts, interest and ability.

When the child is being asked questions, he would confidently answer them. A great example
was how he just kept saying “red” to the colour even when it was a different colour already.
On the other hand, when it is about the book he reads at home or a book he reads in the
service, he would sit down straightaway, look at the book and listen to you when you start
reading the story.

Signature of the Date

Summative Assessment Child 1
Summary of Learning and Development
Current Strength and Interest:
Child is very interested with stories and reading books or any activity he sees which is related
to a book he reads really gets his interest and attention. He was so focused during this activity
and listened to me very well. We had to still practice some of his words.


With the experience done, the child could be seen freely expressing himself and his thoughts
throughout the experience. His relationship with his peers is wonderful, he did not push or do
anything that would cause incident during the experience and even gave the water spray to his
friend next to him willingly when he was done spraying.

Play preferences:
It was similar to how he responded during the previous experience done with him. In this
experience, I kept asking him about the colors of the crayons he picks although he could not
answer me straightaway because he was so focused on coloring, I could see he would still try
his best when I ask him again.
For this activity, not much social interaction was done since it was only the two of us doing it,
but he was able to share his thoughts well for his age when we were talking.
Learning and Development Progress

Outcome 1 Children have strong sense of Identity

Should have the ability in sharing out the thoughts towards the peers and socialize with them
with a lot of respect, care and empathy.
Outcome 2 Children are connected and contribute to their world

Should have the ability towards understanding the equity and know the sharing and
understanding in taking turns.

Outcome 3 Children have a strong sense of wellbeing

Should have the ability towards creating a good relationship with the peers and controlling
properly the emotions.

Outcome 4 Children are involved and confident learners

Should have the ability towards gaining the confidence, ways to cooperate, be creative,
imagination power and have persist in activity doing.
Outcome 5 Children are effective commutators

Should have the ability to communicate non-verbally also verbally by a variety of materials
within and get to know the patterns and symbols

Family comments and goals

There are no any concerns about the child.

Planning to support further learning and development:

Child’s hand-eye coordination was developed and practiced. It showed how child is
capable of holding the crayons on his hand without having a hard time and started coloring the
photo without any assistance. The colors and lines he made in the photo showed he’s slowly

improving his hand muscles.

Summative Assessment Child 2

Summary of Learning and Development
Current Strength and Interest:
Child is very interested with stories and reading books or any activity he sees which is related
to a book he reads really gets his interest and attention. He was so focused during this activity
and listened to me very well. We had to still practice some of his words.


With the experience done, the child could be seen freely expressing himself and his thoughts
throughout the experience. His relationship with his peers is wonderful, he didn’t push or do
anything that would cause incident during the experience and even gave the water spray to his
friend next to him willingly when he was done spraying.

Play preferences:
It was similar to how he responded during the previous experience done with him. In this
experience, I kept asking him about the colors of the crayons he picks although he could not
answer me straightaway because he was so focused on coloring, I could see he would still try
his best when I ask him again.
For this activity, not much social interaction was done since it was only the two of us doing it,
but he was able to share his thoughts well for his age when we were talking.
Learning and Development Progress

Outcome 1 Children have strong sense of Identity

Should have the ability in sharing out the thoughts towards the peers and socialize with them
with a lot of respect, care and empathy.
Outcome 2 Children are connected and contribute to their world

Should have the ability towards understanding the equity and know the sharing and
understanding in taking turns.

Outcome 3 Children have a strong sense of wellbeing

Should have the ability towards creating a good relationship with the peers and controlling
properly the emotions.

Outcome 4 Children are involved and confident learners

Should have the ability towards gaining the confidence, ways to cooperate, be creative,
imagination power and have persist in activity doing.

Outcome 5 Children are effective commutators

Should have the ability to communicate non-verbally also verbally by a variety of materials
within and get to know the patterns and symbols.

Family comments and goals

There are no any concerns about the child.

Planning to support further learning and development:

Child’s hand-eye coordination was developed and practiced. It showed how child is
capable of holding the crayons on his hand without having a hard time and started coloring the
photo without any assistance. The colors and lines he made in the photo showed he’s slowly
improving his hand muscles.

Summative Assessment Child 3

Summary of Learning and Development
Current Strength and Interest:
Child is very interested with stories and reading books or any activity he sees which is related
to a book he reads really gets his interest and attention. He was so focused during this activity
and listened to me very well. We had to still practice some of his words.


With the experience done, the child could be seen freely expressing himself and his thoughts
throughout the experience. His relationship with his peers is wonderful, he didn’t push or do
anything that would cause incident during the experience and even gave the water spray to his
friend next to him willingly when he was done spraying.

Play preferences:
It was similar to how he responded during the previous experience done with him. In this
experience, I kept asking him about the colors of the crayons he picks although he could not
answer me straightaway because he was so focused on coloring, I could see he would still try
his best when I ask him again.
For this activity, not much social interaction was done since it was only the two of us doing it,
but he was able to share his thoughts well for his age when we were talking.
Learning and Development Progress

Outcome 1 Children have strong sense of Identity

Should have the ability in sharing out the thoughts towards the peers and socialize with them
with a lot of respect, care and empathy.
Outcome 2 Children are connected and contribute to their world

Should have the ability towards understanding the equity and know the sharing and
understanding in taking turns.

Outcome 3 Children have a strong sense of wellbeing

Should have the ability towards creating a good relationship with the peers and controlling
properly the emotions.

Outcome 4 Children are involved and confident learners

Should have the ability towards gaining the confidence, ways to cooperate, be creative,
imagination power and have persist in activity doing.
Outcome 5 Children are effective commutators

Should have the ability to communicate non-verbally also verbally by a variety of materials
within and get to know the patterns and symbols

Family comments and goals

There are no any concerns about the child.

Planning to support further learning and development:

Child’s hand-eye coordination was developed and practiced. It showed how child is
capable of holding the crayons on his hand without having a hard time and started coloring the
photo without any assistance. The colors and lines he made in the photo showed he’s slowly
improving his hand muscles.


1ST Child
Record of discussion with educator:
The educators explained to him why it had to happen, Educator: “child, I told you to wait,
right? But you kept saying, me! Me! Me! Even when we’re telling you that you will get your
turn. He frowned, him: “child, turn.” Educator: “Yes, child turn but you will be the last this
time.” His face became sad after hearing it.

Name of Educator:
Signature of Educator:
Record of discussion with parent:

Using the jotting to aid in writing notes quickly which are informal of anything important that
is noticed where one should make sure that at least there is di-jotting in everyday and is
Experience 1

Short description of experience The child is well experienced according to his ability
Relationship to goals The relation goals are well maintained
What are the learning outcomes of LO1
this experiences Child had ability in sharing out the thoughts towards the
peers and socialize with them with a lot of respect, care
and empathy.
Child had ability towards understanding the equity and
know the sharing and understanding in taking turns.
Child had ability towards creating a good relationship
with the peers and controlling properly the emotions.
Child had ability towards gaining the confidence, ways to
cooperate, be creative, imagination power and have
persist in activity doing.
Child had ability to communicate non-verbally also
verbally by a variety of materials within and get to know
the patterns and symbols

Part E Questions
Question 1
Assessment principles
Observation tools Reliability
The child captured all the interest
All the methods used in the observation were

Bias free
The observations methods were suitable
hence bias free

Summative Reliability
The child captured all the interest

The observation in the summative were all
Bias free

This was free on all data captured

Question 2
To maintain the observation and assessment were inclusive: by ensuring that they are conducted
Question 3
What did you do well when working with Child is very interested with stories and
child 1 reading books or any activity he sees which is
related to a book he reads really gets his
interest and attention. Child was so focused
during this activity and listened to me very
well. The child should be given practice of his
How do you feel you could have to improve With the experience done, the child could be
in child 1 seen freely expressing himself and his
thoughts throughout the experience. His
relationship with his peers is wonderful, he
did not push or do anything that would cause
incident during the experience and even gave
the water spray to his friend next to him
willingly when he was done spraying.
How would you do different next time in This learning is mainly focused on him
child 1 showing his fine-motor skills and cognitive
skills. The main purpose of coloring activity
related to the book child loves to read is to
develop his concentration and coordination.

Part C
Facilitate self -Assessment Process
Quality Area 1:Educational program and practice
Good mastery of the content, well presented, environmental considerations and good
collaboration with the child.
Few areas need to be improved for example the language used between the child and the
interviewer should be simple to the both parties involved.

Quality Area 2: Children Health and Safety

The growth remains normal, not experiencing some delays in the development and the child
have good balancing skills and is using the scooter.

The delays in the development and the good balancing skills should be improved .
Quality Area 3: Physical Environment
The environment was well conducive to the child and the made the jotting easier.
The background for the jotting activity should be improved by making it easier for the child to
collaborate well in these observations.

Quality Area 4: Staff arrangements

The staff is well arranged and this improved the impressive for the child.
Staff arrangement will be more if the enclosed layout of the staff is encouraged.

Quality Area 5: Relationship and children

Relations between the children was positive and this improved their cooperation.

Children are encouraged to been playing together as this will encourage for better

Quality Area 6: Collaborative partnership with families and communities

Children were more collaborative with their families and also the communities there was no
any conspiracy among them.

More ways of improving the collaboration ways should be employed.

Quality Area 7: Leadership and service management

The skills for the leadership and management were well coordinated

More of the skills in the leadership and management should initiated.

Information collection checking and sharing

With the experience done, the child could be seen freely expressing himself and his thoughts
throughout the experience. His relationship with his peers is wonderful, he didn’t push or do
anything that would cause incident during the experience and even gave the water spray to his

friend next to him willingly when he was done spraying.

Part C: Develop A Quality Improvement Plan (Case Study)

Standards Elements
Should have the ability towards creating a Cooperate with others peacefully .
good relationship with the peers and
controlling properly the emotions.
Should have the ability towards Understanding
understanding the equity and know the
sharing and understanding in taking turns.
Standards National Law and National Regulations
a) service that provides education and care to
children where the education and care is
primarily provided or
shared by parents or family members of the
children and a parent or family member is
readily available for the
period that the child is educated and cared for
and retains responsibility for the child;
b) a secondary school or college providing
education and
care to the children of students attending the
school or college where a parent of each child
retains responsibility for the child while the
child is being educated and cared for;
c) a service providing education and care
primarily to children preschool age or under
that transports its
equipment and materials or staff to one or
more locations on each occasion that the
service is provided;
Related Requirements
All the related requirements should be well observed and maintained like:

Should have the ability in sharing out the thoughts towards the peers and socialize with them
with a lot of respect, care and empathy.

Should have the ability towards understanding the equity and know the sharing and
understanding in taking turns.

Summary of Strengths

Using the jotting to aid in writing notes quickly which are informal of anything important that
is noticed where one should make sure that at least there is di-jotting in everyday and is

Improved areas and related elements
Standards Issue Identified in self-assessment
Considerations Self-assessment is most beneficial when it is
done in a way that is relevant to the context of
your service. When planning and
implementing your self-assessment ensure that
it suits the needs, capacity and context of your
Plan Self-assessment is a process. It requires
participation from your whole service
community and adequate time to complete it
without additional pressure. Planning will
ensure the self-assessment process is effective.
Improvement Plan
Elements Outcome Priority How to How to Date
achieve this measure the 11/11/2021
goal and success
what are the
Communicat Child had 1 listening to Changes in
e feedback ability to someone’s communicative
regularly communicate passion participation
non-verbally points, you skills as
also verbally will build measured by
by a variety rapport in the the FOCUS
of materials relationship were compared
within and across three
get to know groups of
the patterns children: those
and symbols with speech
only (SI),
those with
only (LI) and
those with both
speech and

Part D : Developing A site visit Plan

Communication plan
Should contain the following :
1.Identify the purpose of your communication.
2.Identify your audience.
3.Plan and design your message.
4.Consider your resources.
5.Plan for obstacles and emergencies.
6.Strategize how you will connect with the media and others who can help you spread your
7.Create an action plan.
Staff involved
Teachers .the family members and the relative , and the friends

With the experience done, the child could be seen freely expressing himself and his thoughts
throughout the experience. His relationship with his peers is wonderful, he didn’t push or do
anything that would cause incident during the experience and even gave the water spray to his
friend next to him willingly when he was done spraying.

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