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Bul of Entry For Home Consumption [Refer Bil of Enry Regulations, 1976] Licence No, ow ole S= Sen Pr Enty Stamp Ino Dep 5 No and Dae Coons Hows Taper” Tarr Name neat ‘mew cose Cou Aas Cota Veuck Nae ouan Nond The Poof Cooney of Congamcat io ang Dae ater Shipment Cateen) ent Coe Dae FacRAGES QUANTI Goons cusToMs ABDITONAT fe i pune Durr I fat [em [oak Ja [Reps [Somer eet RANE [OORT [me ano” OT] | est fac fee ; five acm Joon ol fom [RE | | 5. fom yom faite fase (2. BSE lsat [oe lesa | | er (oe ce Ne ae = Jee ey (comms (OM Pe cme | | se ese : is” fs" the an lava” ter fli 8 cy” fay : ees hae Ele a eww fas "| aw | olelotolo|-o | o]@] » latart@] a fanfast Gross Weight TOTAL NUMBER OF PACKAGES (N WORDS), TOTAL AMOUNT OF DUTY GN WORDS) Import Clerk RUPEES. (By pipoi ‘ypewten) ‘SI Invoice Freight Insu- Currency Ex Landing/ Miscel- Total Landing Assessable No. Value ance Cade change Local lancous Valuo Charges Value (i Fercign Rate Agency Charges (in Rupees) arene) Commis Rupees) FoBce. sion Pica cr 1 2 3 4 5 “Tora “TC. Licence or C.CP. No, and Dat/Par_ To be warchowied within Bond registered under ‘Declaration t be aged by te Custom House Agent) 1. We apy free to depot he god covered by ths Bill of Baty in {fers warhoue Being publ! [ive wuchoaseeppie/Licesed der te Cstoms At 1962 12. UWe dete tht the enter of hs Bil ot Ey for pode pond spin Bil ff Laing Now died aren aco fine with tha ioe No te. ‘ed bet docamens psec hte I We ole ht Ue hve nt receved ey eer document oe formation owing ilar pce, ve, uty ‘or dston of the sd god a that Samy ine heater Uwe cv sy Socunens fe tempore shoeing ‘ran ste of fst Uwe ll ted'SNo/0.G4. No. Exemption Noted vey fromthe Nise Se ee he hited ones. (Ince begining ofthe raon (Git) | “Sealer Gane ‘of Teter of Autor, Nan fpeson of acusl removal rom Supt Bond Ip“ scart ti frm is {© om ives No at Dat). decks Bont Cle by Co wn Aaa aausaishoiinn Satin Clanton inte petted fom ens) Regier Lene) Audited Date of Depot of ‘Sa mst ye por of Goode in te ware Se gros coer yt Bl of tows Een. (Assaant Gomminsone of Preventive ~nc Da Sigs of te Cio Coston] Bond Deparment Ofer Hoe Agat With Custom House Agent DECLARATION (Tobe signed by an Imported) 1. MWe apply for eave a depast the goods covered by this Blof Baty inthe. warchowse tring» publipavae wateboure appoitedicensed under the Customs Act, 1963 2, We deta ht the contents of ivoie(s) No). ated OFM nd ‘of ther document relating to the gods covered by the tid invoices) and preset herewith ‘ae ive and coneat i every respect. on ‘Without Custom*2. We desl thatthe contents of tis Bil of Entry for goods imported agsins Bill of Lading House Agent, Now. ated a in secordance withthe Invoice Now ded... and obet ocunents posted bewvth We slo declare tha, the content ofthe above-mentioned invoices ‘nd deciments ae ke and Comet in every respect. 4. We deca that Ie have noe received and donot know of any cher documents o information showing #difereot price, valve (inladingTocal payments, wheter as commission or othe) ‘quanlty or description of the ssid goods and hat If at sey time hereafter, Ve discover any information showing tdiferent state of facts, Ve wil immediately make the same known to the” Commissioner of Customs 4. WW ‘declare that goods coveced by the bill of entry have been imported on cuceight prchoss/consipnment account 5, We omvare net connected wit the supplerdmanafaturers a¢-— @) AgenvdstnbutovindenteBrachiStbsidiaryconeesioaie, and (©) Collborstor ented to the use ofthe trade mat, patent oe design, (©), Otherwise than a ondinryfnpsters or buyers. 6. WWe declare thatthe method of awoicing hak not change since the date on which my/our books ‘of accounts andor agreement with the supplies were examined previously by the Customs Howse. Signatre of Importer. 7 ‘Adres. ‘site out whichever is inpplicale. (FOR CUSTOM HOUSE USE) Documents presented with ill of ent. Date of receipt in (Check ere ations document required 1. tnvoie. Appraising group (Cental Exchange Unit 2. Packing List. soe Dally List ‘Trade rum 3, Bank Dra nnn - Lap. CRAD. 4 Insurance Memo/Plicy MCD. Key Register MCD. Manifest posting 5. Bill of Lading of Delivery Orde nnn ON DUPLICATE COPY ONLY. 6. Inport LicenceCstom Clearance Permit oes 1. Cette of Orig. 8 - 9 man a 0, ICBE. & C. Nosffeation No. 396-Cus, dated It August, 1976]

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