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Trisha May V.

BSA 1-10



(Salvador P. Lopez )

Before reading:
1. What do you know about the Philippines’s role in World War II?
2. Where is Bataan? What is its importance in World War II?
3. Discuss the roles of the Japanese, the Americans and the Filipinos in
World War II.
4. What is the importance of Easter Sunday in Holy Week? What do you think is
the connection between Holy Week and the Fall of Bataan?

1. During the World War II we play the most vital role because we are the
fighters our troops sacrificed themselves just to kill the Japanese Invaders that
wants our country to be seized and under their own power. The combination
of the American and Filipino troops both fight for our rights , land and the
whole country against those people who wants us to fall under their own
hands and leadership

2. Bataan is situated in Central Region of the Philippines. It is a province

bordered by the provinces of Zambales and Pampanga.

One of the well known reason why is it important on the history of the World
War II, it is because the World War II bloodily happens in Bataan due to the
Japanese Invasion. Back then we are under by the Americans but the Japanese
Army invaded our country. The Filipino's and American troops run by Douglas
MacArthur they fought against the Japanese Invaders. Sadly majority of our
troops surrendered and they are forced to march from Bataan to
Tarlac( Bataan Death March)

3. The roles of the Japanese in the World War II are the what we called invaders
they are the one who wants to occupy the Philippines as their own, for them to
have power. The roles of the Filipinos and the Americans are the one who
protects us from the invaders which are the Japanese during that time. They
don't want us to be under by the Japanese Regime. They fought for our rights
and land.

4 . The Holy Week is important because it reminds the sacrifice of the son of
our God. He only proves that during this day the God love's us ,the people.
And also in this week we celebrates the miracle that happened when God
raised his son from the dead as well as the destruction of the power of the sin
and death. Easter it is one of the most important festival that we have as a
On the other hand the connection between Holy Week and the Fall of
Bataan are related to each other. The Holy Week we mourn and cogitates
about the sacrifice, suffering for us to atone for guilt that we committed. Just
like what happened in the World War II that presides in Bataan, the American
and Filipino troops fought against the invaders that wants to conquer our
country they sacrifice their own lives , the bloody and miserable experiences
like torturing them for doing the death march. They died due to hunger and
fatigue. It was also all about the unreasonable faith that whenever darkness
swallows us the never ending light of faith will still shines and glows just like
life over death

(1)Bataan has fallen. The Philippine –America troops on this war –ravaged and
blood –stained peninsula have laid down their arms. With heads bloody but
unbowed, they have yielded to the superior force and numbers of the enemy.
(2) The world will long remember the epic struggle that the Filipino and
American soldiers put up in the jungle fastness and along the rugged coast of
Bataan. They have stood uncomplaining under the constant and gruelling fire of
the enemy for more than three months. Besieged on land , and blockaded by sea,
cut off from all sources of help in the Philippines and in America, the intrepid
fighters have done all that human endurance could bear.
(3) For what sustained them through these months of incessant battle was a
force that was more than merely physical, it was the force of an unconquerable
faith --- something in the heart and soul that physical adversity and hardship
could not destroy! It was the thought that native land and all that it holds most
dear, the thought of freedom and dignity and pride in those most priceless of all
our human prerogatives.

While reading questions:

1. What can you observe about Salvador Lopez’s writing style and choice of
2. What effect do they have on you?
3. Explain what the speaker meant by “the force of unconquerable faith”?


1. Since he is journalist and diplomat you can see based on his writings that it
always has it's own substance. Some of those provokes debates and like this an
eye opening speech that discusses or informed us the Philippines and the
World that Bataan has fallen. He make used of descriptive words for us to fully
grasp, feel, understand and imagine the experiences of the American-Filipino
troops during their battle against Japanese invaders. The detailed discussion
and explanation of that bloody fight. As you can see in the third paragraph, he
wants to convey a deeper meaning and feelings into something. He wants us
to realize the reason of the hardships and sacrifices of our troops the
unconquerable faith and determination they gave.

2. A not so long but informative and eye opening speech makes my mind and
heart blown away. Even though this happens in the past until now I can still
imagine and feel the scenario or the battle. It also empowers me more to fight
for my rights ,freedom and dignity. The knowledge and the catastrophic
scenario that happened will serve as my knowledge and weapon. The essence
of this writings which is the courage and heroism will be empower. We must
not forget the sacrifice waged and the blood spilled that our heroes shared just
to get our freedom, democracy and peace.

3. The force of unconquerable faith only means that even though blood spilled
numerous people died, the never ending faith remains untouched or stills the
same. Because our faith always combined with heart and soul they are the ones
that will never be conquered, vanished or destroy. The fighting spirit to fight
physically will degrades time after time but the persistence of our faith during
that time will never be destroy. It is one of the most priceless thing that our
troops gave in that battle.

(4) The adversary, in the pride of his power and triumph, will credit our troops
with nothing less than the courage and fortitude that his own troops have shown
in battle. Our men fought a brave and bitterly contested struggle. All the world
will testify to the almost superhuman endurance with which they stood up until
the last, in the face of overwhelming odds.
(5) But the decision had to come. Men fighting under the banner of any
unshakeable faith are made of something more than flesh, but they are not
made of impervious steel. The flesh must yield at last , endurance melts away,
and the end of the battle must come.
(6) Bataan has fallen, but the spirit that made it stand--- a beacon to all liberty –
loving people of the world—cannot fall!!
(7) All of us know the story of Easter Sunday. It was the triumph of light over
darkness, life over death. It was the vindication of a seemingly unreasonable
faith. It was the glorious resurrection of a leader, only three days before defeated
and executed like a common felon.
(8) Today, on the commemoration of the Resurrection, we can humbly and
without presumption declare our faith and hope in our own resurrection, our
own inevitable victory.
(9) We, too, were betrayed by Judases. We were taken in the night by force of
arms, and though we had done wrong to no man, our people were bound and
delivered into the hands of our enemies. We have been with mock symbols of
sovereignty, denied by weakling, lashed with repeated oppression, tortured and
starved. We were given gall to drink and we have shed our blood. To those who
look upon us from afar it must seem the Filipino people have descended into
hell, into the valley of death. But we know that the patient and watching men
who said their simple prayers in the hills of Bataan, have not lost faith and we
know that the hushed congregations in the churches throughout the land , drew
from the gospel as Mass renewed hope in the resurrection. To all of them we give
today the message of the angel of Easter morning :”Be not afraid, for He is risen”.
(10) We, too, shall rise. After we have paid the full price of our redemption, we
shall return to show the scars of sacrifices that all may touch and believe. When
the trumpets sound the hour we shall roll aside the stone before the tomb and
the tyrant guards shall scatter in confusion. No wall of stone shall then be strong
enough to contain us , no human force shall suffice to hold us in subjection, we
shall rise in the name of freedom and the East shall be alight with the glory of
our liberation.
After – reading questions:
1. Who do you think is the audience meant for this speech? Why was it in
2. How was pathos used in this speech?
3. How was logos used in the speech?
4. Does it have any relevance to society or the individual , even though we are
no longer occupied by Japan? Explain your answer.
5. What is the purpose of the speech?

1. An audience is one or more people who come together to listen to the
speaker. Audience members may be face to face with the speaker or they may
be connected by communication technology such as computers or other
media. The audience may be small and private or it may be large and public.
We should know the audience by means of their wants, needs values etc , so
that our speech will be directly intended to them . The audience of this speech
our the Filipinos and the of course the whole people around the globe.

It is made or written in English for us all to understand, feel and imagine the
whole picture the scenario the catastrophic battle that happened. Since
English is our Universal language most of the countries around the world will
understand the speech if it is written in English. For me the writer also wants to
convey the faith, sacrifices and hardships of our troops not just Filipino troops
but also American troops. He also wants to commemorate and always
remember the sacrifices they gave will be remembered always.

2. As you can see the whole speech was full of feelings and emotions. Each line
is described or conveyed imaginatively to us the audiences. He persuade us
and open our eyes in the drastic battle. You can also read in the speech the line
unconquerable faith which he used to influenced and persuade more. The
emotional appeal he used to deliver the tragic story behind the speech. He
effectively used the language in written manner because he catches our
attention us the audiences to grasp the deeper meaning of the speech .

3. Logos are used in the speech, the 3 paragraph of the speech which he
empowers and more his own idea or belief that the most powerful force that
they have our not physical strengths but the unshakable faith and hardship’s
they made will never be destroy. In the speech he also discuss more of his
personal idea and beliefs in the said battle it can be seen in the ninth part of
the speech. Because of that he made some argumentative side or part in the
speech that seems to be debatable if we dive in it deeper.

4. Bataan has fallen, signaled the start of liberation struggle that was to rank
the Filipino's among the world's most intense and courageous freedom
fighters. Even though we are now a democratic country we still must
commemorate and rededicate ourselves to the memory of the heroes and
martyrs in that period. The heroism, sacrifice ,physical courage and unshakable
faith only testifies the greatness of our people. It is within the context of our
past and in the perspective of the future, that we should view the present
problems that we face.
5.It is in appreciation of these sacrifices undergone for our sake by our
forebears that we of this generation must strive towards the enhancement not
only of our own lot, but also of the succeeding generations of Filipinos.
Inspired by the example of nobility of character, patriotism, and service of
those who in Bataan, Corregidor, and elsewhere, have hallowed the Filipino soil
with their blood and the tears of their loved ones, we of this generation should
endeavor to build in this part of the world a nation strong and united

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