Salmonella A Review On Pathogenesis Epidemiology and Antibiotic Resistance

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Salmonella: A review on pathogenesis,

epidemiology and antibiotic resistance

Shu-Kee Eng, Priyia Pusparajah, Nurul-Syakima Ab Mutalib, Hooi-Leng Ser,

Kok-Gan Chan & Learn-Han Lee

To cite this article: Shu-Kee Eng, Priyia Pusparajah, Nurul-Syakima Ab Mutalib, Hooi-
Leng Ser, Kok-Gan Chan & Learn-Han Lee (2015) Salmonella: A review on pathogenesis,
epidemiology and antibiotic resistance, Frontiers in Life Science, 8:3, 284-293, DOI:

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Frontiers in Life Science, 2015
Vol. 8, No. 3, 284–293,

Salmonella: A review on pathogenesis, epidemiology and antibiotic resistance

Shu-Kee Enga,b , Priyia Pusparajaha , Nurul-Syakima Ab Mutalibc , Hooi-Leng Sera , Kok-Gan Chand and Learn-Han Leea∗
a Jeffrey Cheah School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Monash University, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Bandar Sunway, Malaysia; b School
of Science, Monash University, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Bandar Sunway, Malaysia; c UKM Medical Centre, UKM Medical Molecular
Biology Institute (UMBI), Bandar Tun Razak, Cheras, Kuala Lumpur 56000, Malaysia; d Division of Genetics and Molecular Biology,
Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
(Received 20 October 2014; accepted 11 May 2015 )

Salmonella is one of the most frequently isolated foodborne pathogens. It is a major worldwide public health concern,
accounting for 93.8 million foodborne illnesses and 155,000 deaths per year. To date, over 2500 Salmonella serotypes have
been identified and more than half of them belong to Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica, which accounts for the majority
of Salmonella infections in humans. Salmonella infections that involve invasive serotypes are often life threatening, neces-
sitating appropriate and effective antibiotic therapy. The emergence of multi-drug-resistant (MDR) Salmonella serotypes is
having a great impact on the efficacy of antibiotic treatment, and an increasing prevalence of MDR strains may lead to an
increase in mortality rates of Salmonella infections. Epidemiological studies indicate that MDR Salmonella serotypes are
more virulent than susceptible strains, as reflected by increased severity and more prolonged disease in patients infected by
MDR strains. Preventive measures have been proposed to eliminate the spread of Salmonella infection. While the main-
tenance of effective food hygiene and water sanitation remain the cornerstones, additional measures such as restriction of
indiscriminate use of antibiotics in food animals are important. This review provides an overview of Salmonella infection,
and discusses the nomenclature, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, epidemiology and antibiotic resistance of Salmonella.
Keywords: Salmonella; multi-drug resistance; enteric fever; foodborne

Introduction uncooked animal food products. The slaughtering pro-

Salmonella infection remains a major public health con- cess of food animals at abattoirs is considered one of
cern worldwide, contributing to the economic burden of the important sources of organ and carcass contamination
both industrialized and underdeveloped countries through with Salmonella (Gillespie et al. 2005). The emergence
the costs associated with surveillance, prevention and treat- of antibiotic-resistant foodborne pathogens has raised the
ment of disease (Crump et al. 2004). Gastroenteritis is concern of the public as these pathogens are more virulent,
the most common manifestation of Salmonella infection causing an increase in the mortality rate of infected patients
worldwide, followed by bacteraemia and enteric fever (Chiu et al. 2002).
(Majowicz et al. 2010) (Figure 1). Salmonella is a rod-
shaped, Gram-negative facultative anaerobe that belongs
to the family Enterobacteriaceae (Barlow & Hall 2002). Classification and nomenclature
Within the genus Salmonella, around 2600 serotypes have Salmonella was first discovered and isolated from the
been identified with the use of the standard Kauffman– intestines of pigs infected with classical swine fever, by
White scheme and most of these serotypes have the ability Theobald Smith in 1855. The bacterial strain was named
to adapt within a variety of animal hosts, including humans after Dr Daniel Elmer Salmon, an American pathologist
(Allerberger et al. 2003). Salmonella and Campylobac- who worked with Smith. The nomenclature of Salmonella
ter are the most frequently isolated foodborne pathogens, is controversial and still evolving. Currently, the Cen-
and are predominantly found in poultry, eggs and dairy ters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) uses the
products (Silva et al. 2011). Other food sources that are nomenclatural system of Salmonella recommended by the
involved in the transmission of Salmonella include fresh World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Cen-
fruits and vegetables (Pui et al. 2011). In general, food tre (Popoff et al. 2003). According to this system, the
animals such as swine, poultry and cattle are the prime genus Salmonella is classified into two species, Salmonella
sources of Salmonella infections. The major dissemina- enterica (type species) and Salmonella bongori, based on
tion routes of the pathogens involve trade in animals and differences in their 16S rRNA sequence analysis. The type

*Corresponding author. Emails:;

© 2015 Taylor & Francis

Frontiers in Life Science 285

Figure 1. Incidence rate of enteric fever and gastroenteritis in different regions around the world.

species, S. enterica, can be further classified into six bacterial capsular surface and are the least common anti-
subspecies based on their genomic relatedness and bio- gens found in the serotypes of Salmonella. Virulence (Vi)
chemical properties (Reeves et al. 1989). The subspecies antigens, a special subtype of K antigen, are found only in
are denoted with roman numerals: I, S. enterica subsp. three pathogenic serotypes: Paratyphi C, Dublin and Typhi.
enterica; II, S. enterica subsp. salamae; IIIa, S. enterica A formal identification of a specific serotype can be car-
subsp. arizonae; IIIb, S. enterica subsp. diarizonae; IV, ried out by comprehensive serotyping of all the antigenic
S. enterica subsp. houtenae; and VI, S. enterica subsp. determinants of the bacterium. However, most clinical
indica. Among all the subspecies of Salmonella, S. enter- laboratories prefer to conduct simple agglutination reac-
ica subsp. enterica (I) is found predominantly in mammals tions to antibodies or antisera specific to the somatic O
and contributes approximately 99% of Salmonella infec- antigens with the intention of grouping Salmonellae into
tions in humans and warm-blooded animals. In contrast, six serogroups, designated A, B, C1, C2, D and E. This
the other five Salmonella subspecies and S. bongori are grouping system provides valuable information for epi-
found mainly in the environment and also in cold-blooded demiological studies and allows genus identification of
animals, and hence are rare in humans (Brenner et al. Salmonella infections (Wattiau et al. 2011). To date, over
2000). 2500 serotypes have been identified; more than 50% of
In addition to the classification of subspecies based these serotypes belong to S. enterica subsp. enterica, which
on phylogeny, Kauffman and White developed a scheme accounts for most of the Salmonella infections in humans
to further classify Salmonella by serotype based on three (Guibourdenche et al. 2010). The term ‘serovar’, which
major antigenic determinants: somatic (O), capsular (K) is synonymous to serotype, is commonly used in the lit-
and flagellar (H) (Brenner et al. 2000). The heat-stable erature. Although the species name ‘Salmonella enterica’
somatic O antigen is the oligosaccharide component of has been adopted by the CDC and WHO for years, it
lipopolysaccharide located at the outer bacterial mem- has not been accepted officially by the Judicial Commis-
brane. A specific serotype of Salmonella can express more sion. Therefore, the naming of a particular Salmonella
than one O antigen on its surface (Hu & Kopecko 2003). serotype usually omits the subspecies; Salmonella enterica
The heat-labile H antigens are found in the bacterial flag- subspecies enterica serotype Typhi, for example, is short-
ella and are involved in the activation of host immune ened to Salmonella ser. Typhi or S. Typhi in the literature
responses. Most Salmonella spp. contain two distinct genes (Brenner et al. 2000).
that encode for the flagellar proteins; these bacteria have
the special ability of expressing only one protein at a time
and are, therefore, called diphasic (phase I and II). Each Pathogenesis
serotype expresses specific phase I H antigens which are The severity of Salmonella infections in humans varies
responsible for its immunological identity, whereas phase depending on the serotype involved and the health status of
II antigens are non-specific antigens that can be shared by the human host. Children below the age of 5 years, elderly
many serotypes (McQuiston et al. 2008). The surface K people and patients with immunosuppression are more sus-
antigens are heat-sensitive polysaccharides located at the ceptible to Salmonella infection than healthy individuals.
286 S.-K. Eng et al.

Almost all strains of Salmonella are pathogenic as they A, B and C. Since the clinical symptoms of paratyphoid
have the ability to invade, replicate and survive in human fever are indistinguishable from typhoid fever, the term
host cells, resulting in potentially fatal disease. ‘enteric fever’ is used collectively for both fevers, and
Salmonella displays a remarkable characteristic during both S. Typhi and S. Paratyphi are referred as typhoid
its invasion of non-phagocytic human host cells (Hansen- Salmonella (Connor & Schwartz 2005). Humans are the
Wester et al. 2002) whereby it actually induces its own sole reservoir for the two strains of typhoid Salmonella.
phagocytosis in order to gain access to the host cell. The The organisms are transmitted via the ingestion of food or
remarkable genetics underlying this ingenious strategy is water contaminated with the waste of infected individu-
found in Salmonella pathogenicity islands (SPIs), gene als. Enteric fever is characterized by an incubation period
clusters located at the large chromosomal DNA region and of one week or more, with prodomal symptoms such as
encoding for the structures involved in the invasion pro- headache, abdominal pain and diarrhoea (or constipation),
cess (Grassl & Finlay 2008). When the bacteria enter the followed by the onset of fever (Bhan et al. 2005). Diarrhoea
digestive tract via contaminated water or food, they tend is more commonly observed in children, whereas patients
to penetrate the epithelial cells lining the intestinal wall. with immunosuppression are more likely to develop con-
SPIs encode for type III secretion systems, multi-channel stipation (Thielman & Guerrant 2004). During the illness,
proteins that allow Salmonella to inject its effectors across enteric fever displays a specific fever pattern with an ini-
the intestinal epithelial cell membrane into the cytoplasm. tial low-grade fever ( > 37.5°C to 38.2°C) which slowly
The bacterial effectors then activate the signal transduction develops to high-grade fever ( > 38.2°C to 41.5°C) in the
pathway and trigger reconstruction of the actin cytoskele- second week. If the patient is left untreated, fever can per-
ton of the host cell, resulting in the outward extension or sist for a month or more (Patel et al. 2010). Besides fever,
ruffle of the epithelial cell membrane to engulf the bacte- infected patients may also develop myalgia, bradycardia,
ria. The morphology of the membrane ruffle resembles the hepatomegaly (enlarged liver), splenomegaly (enlarged
process of phagocytosis (Takaya et al. 2003). spleen), and rose spots on their chest and abdomen
The ability of Salmonella strains to persist in the host (Kuvandik et al. 2009). In endemic regions, approximately
cell is crucial for pathogenesis, as strains lacking this abil- 15% of the infected patients develop gastrointestinal com-
ity are non-virulent (Bakowski et al. 2008). Following the plications which include pancreatitis, hepatitis and chole-
engulfment of Salmonella into the host cell, the bacterium cystitis. Haemorrhage is one of the most severe gastroin-
is encased in a membrane compartment called a vacuole, testinal complications that occur as a result of perforation
which is composed of the host cell membrane. Under nor- of Peyer’s patches, lymphatic nodules located at the ter-
mal circumstances, the presence of the bacterial foreign minal ileum, resulting in bloody diarrhoea. On top of that,
body would activate the host cell immune response, result- the ability of typhoid Salmonella to survive and persist in
ing in the fusion of the lysosomes and the secretion of the RES results in relapse in approximately 10% of the
digesting enzymes to degrade the intracellular bacteria. infected patients (Parry et al. 2002).
However, Salmonella uses the type III secretion system
to inject other effector proteins into the vacuole, causing
the alteration of the compartment structure. The remod-
elled vacuole blocks the fusion of the lysosomes and this Salmonella strains other than S. Typhi and S. Paratyphi are
permits the intracellular survival and replication of the bac- referred to as NTS, and are predominantly found in animal
teria within the host cells. The capability of the bacteria to reservoirs. NTS infections are characterized by gastroen-
survive within macrophages allows them to be carried in teritis or ‘stomach flu’, an inflammatory condition of the
the reticuloendothelial system (RES) (Monack et al. 2004). gastrointestinal tract which is accompanied by symptoms
such as non-bloody diarrhoea, vomiting, nausea, headache,
abdominal cramps and myalgias. Symptoms such as hep-
Clinical manifestations atomegaly and splenomegaly are less commonly observed
Based on the clinical patterns in human salmonellosis, in patients infected with NTS (Hohmann 2001). Com-
Salmonella strains can be grouped into typhoid Salmonella pared to typhoid infections, NTS infections have a shorter
and non-typhoid Salmonella (NTS). In human infec- incubation period (6–12 h) and the symptoms are usually
tions, the four different clinical manifestations are enteric self-limiting and last only for 10 days or less (Crump
fever, gastroenteritis, bacteraemia and other extraintesti- et al. 2008). Gastrointestinal complications of NTS infec-
nal complications, and chronic carrier state (Sheorey & tions include cholecystitis, pancreatitis and appendicitis,
Darby 2008). while the perforation of the terminal ileum has no associa-
tion with NTS infections (Hohmann 2001). Infants, young
children, elderly people and immunocompromised patients
Enteric fever are highly susceptible to NTS infections and develop
Salmonella Typhi is the aetiological agent of typhoid more severe symptoms than normal individuals (Scallan
fever, while paratyphoid fever is caused by S. Paratyphi et al. 2011).
Frontiers in Life Science 287

Bacteraemia and other extraintestinal complications occurs predominantly in underdeveloped countries (Hardy
Salmonella bacteraemia is a condition whereby the bac- 2004).
teria enter the bloodstream after invading the intesti-
nal barrier. Almost all the serotypes of Salmonella can Epidemiology for enteric fever
cause bacteraemia, while S. Dublin and S. Cholearaesuis
In 2000, the incidence of enteric fever was estimated to
are two invasive strains that are highly associated with
be 22 million cases resulting in 200,000 deaths worldwide,
the manifestations of bacteraemia (Woods et al. 2008).
predominantly in underdeveloped countries (Crump et al.
Similar to enteric fever, high fever is the characteris-
2004). The incidence and mortality rate of enteric fever
tic symptom of bacteraemia, but without the formation
vary from region to region, but the mortality rate can be
of rose spots as observed in patients with enteric fever.
as high as 7% in spite of antibiotic therapy.
In severe conditions, the immune response triggered by
Enteric fever is endemic in many regions of the African
bacteraemia can lead to septic shock, with a high mor-
and Asian continents as well as countries such as in
tality rate. The clinical manifestation of bacteraemia is
Europe, South and Central America, and the Middle East.
more commonly seen in NTS infections than in typhoid
The incidence of enteric fever in the USA and some Euro-
Salmonella infections. The difference in the clinical mani-
pean countries is low, with the total number of Salmonella
festation is believed to be associated with the presence of
cases being less than 10 per 100,000 annually. Most of
the spv (Salmonella plasmid virulence) gene in NTS which
the cases reported in these countries are related to travel,
causes non-typhoidal bacteraemia, based on genetic anal-
with the disease being imported by foreigners or travellers
ysis (Guiney & Fierer 2011). Although the mechanism of
returning from Africa, India or Pakistan (Molbak et al.
the gene to enhance the virulence traits of NTS remains
2002; Cooke et al. 2007). Israel has a very low incidence
unclear, expression of the gene is required to prolong apop-
of enteric fever and this has further reduced from 0.42
totic cell death and this may allow the bacteria to persist
to 0.23 cases per 100,000 from 1995 to 2003. However,
in the host cells for a longer period (Gulig et al. 1993).
the pattern of the causative organism reflects an increasing
Approximately 5% of patients infected with NTS develop
number of cases of S. Paratyphi, with this organism being
bacteraemia and, in some cases, extraintestinal compli-
isolated from 57.4% of the patients reported with enteric
cations occur, with the lung being the most commonly
fever in Israel (Meltzer et al. 2006). This appears to match
compromised organ. Other extraintestinal complications
the worldwide increase in infection caused by S. Paraty-
include cellulitis, urinary tract infections, pneumonia,
phi, especially in Asian countries in which these strains
endocarditis and meningitis (Shimoni et al. 1999; Arii
are responsible for more than 50% of the incidence of
et al. 2002).
enteric fever (Woods et al. 2006). The increase in S. Paraty-
phi infection raises concern over the effectiveness of the
typhoid fever vaccines in use and highlights the need for
Chronic carrier state
more extensive epidemiological study of the pathogen.
The status of chronic carrier is defined as the shedding Many Asian countries, including China, India, Viet-
of bacteria in stools for more than a year after the acute nam, Pakistan and Indonesia, have high incidence rates
stage of Salmonella infection. Since humans are the only of enteric fever, exceeding 100 cases per 100,000 popu-
reservoir of typhoid Salmonella, carriers of S. Typhi and lation annually. Compared to other Asian countries, Pak-
S. Paratyphi are responsible for the spreading of enteric istan and India have the highest incidence rates of 451.7
fever in endemic regions, as the common transmission cases and 214.2 cases per 100,000 population, respectively
route is the ingestion of water or food contaminated with (Ochiai et al. 2008). The incidence of enteric fever reported
the faeces of chronic carriers (Bhan et al. 2005). About worldwide is actually more of an estimate as investi-
4% of patients with enteric fever, predominantly infants, gations of enteric fever are usually conducted on large
elderly people and women, may become chronic carriers outbreaks while isolated cases are often underreported.
(Gonzalez-Escobedo et al. 2011). In contrast, the carrier In many developing countries, especially in sub-Saharan
state of NTS is less frequent, with an occurrence rate of Africa, the limited diagnostic resources and proper surveil-
0.1% in patients with non-typhoidal salmonellosis. This is lance tools result in poor characterization of the burden of
because the primary reservoir of NTS is animals, instead enteric fever.
of humans (Hohmann 2001). In endemic regions, enteric fever occurs more fre-
quently in infants, preschool and school-age children. Epi-
demiological studies for the past few years show that the
Epidemiology annual incidence of enteric fever among children below 5
NTS infections, which cause self-limited illness, are the years old was approximately 25 per 100,000 population in
most common Salmonella infections and occur worldwide. China and Vietnam, while the incidence in India and Pak-
In contrast, enteric fever, caused by typhoid Salmonella, istan reached up to 450 per 100,000 annually (Mweu &
is associated with a high morbidity and mortality rate and English 2008).
288 S.-K. Eng et al.

Epidemiology for non-typhoid Salmonella infections (HIV)-infected patients, and these invasive strains confer
Gastroenteritis is the most common Salmonella infection a mortality rate up to 25% (Gordon et al. 2008). In con-
worldwide, accounting for 93.8 million cases which result trast, the invasive disease caused by NTS is less frequently
in 155,000 deaths per year (Majowicz et al. 2010). Based reported in Asia (Khan et al. 2010).
on data for 2001–2005 provided by SalmSurv (a foodborne In the USA, data provided by the Foodborne Diseases
disease surveillance network supported by WHO), the most Active Surveillance Network (FoodNet) show that NTS
common isolated serotype responsible for NTS infections infections were most commonly reported in that region,
worldwide was S. Enteriditis (65%). This was followed with an incidence of 17.6 cases per 100,000 population
by S. Typhimurium and S. Newport, which contributed annually, and these organisms have been reported as being
12% and 4% of the clinical isolates, respectively (Galanis the largest contributor to death statistics (39%) among all
et al. 2006). Salmonella Enteriditis was the most common foodborne pathogens (Barton Behravesh et al. 2011). As
serotype in Asia, Latin America and Europe, accounting mentioned by CDC, the most recent outbreak (2010) in the
for 38%, 31% and 87% of the clinical isolates, respec- USA involved the contamination of eggs by S. Enteriditis,
tively. In Africa, S. Enteriditis and S. Typhimurium were resulting in 1939 cases of NTS infections across 16 states.
the two most common serotypes reported, occurrring in Some common factors associated with the Salmonella
26% and 25% of the isolates, respectively. In contrast to the outbreaks include incomplete cooking of food products,
countries mentioned previously, S. Typhimurium (29%) improper storage and direct contact with raw ingredients
was most frequently reported in clinical isolates in North (Lynch et al. 2006). The food products that are pre-
America, followed by S. Enteriditis (21%) (Galanis et al. dominantly associated with the outbreaks include animal
2006). products such as milk, poultry and eggs, as well as food
In spite of improvements in hygiene and sanitation, products such as chocolate and peanut butter (Table 1).
the incidence of NTS infections continues to increase, Unlike typhoid Salmonella, animals are the major
creating a burden in both industrialized and underdevel- reservoir of NTS. The transmission of NTS infection to
oped countries (Majowicz et al. 2010). The incidence of humans can occur through the ingestion of food or water
NTS-associated disease is estimated to cause 690 cases contaminated with infected animals’ waste, direct contact
per 100,000 population in Europe while the incidence of with infected animals or consumption of infected food ani-
NTS infection in Israel is around 100 cases per 100,000 mals. The worldwide incidence rate of NTS infection is
annually (Weinberger & Keller 2005). Invasive NTS is high as the strains can be found naturally in the environ-
endemic in underdeveloped countries, especially in sub- ment and in both domestic and wild animals including
Saharan Africa, with high occurrence rates in children cats, dogs, amphibians, reptiles and rodents. The diver-
below 3 years old and human immunodeficiency virus sity of possible reservoirs of infection results in significant

Table 1. Selected major outbreaks of Salmonella spp. from 2002 to 2014.

No. of cases
Year Serovar reported Food source Country Remarks Reference

2014 Salmonella Infantis, 300 Live poultry USA 80% of the reported ill CDC (2012)
S. Newport or S. Hadar people had contact with
live poultry a week
before the illness began
2012 Salmonella Bareilly and 425 Raw yellowfin tuna USA Present in the frozen raw CDC (2013)
S. Nchanga yellowfin tuna product
known as Nakaochi
2010 Salmonella Montevideo 272 Red and black USA Found in the pepper added CDC (2010)
pepper/ to the meats
2007 Salmonella Tennessee 628 Peanut butter USA Found in the environmen- CDC (2007)
tal samples collected
from the plant
2005 Salmonella Oranienburg 126 Alfalfa Australia Alfalfa at a production OzFoodNet (2006)
2002 Salmonella Oranienburg 439 Chocolate Germany S. Oranienburg isolated Werber et al. (2005)
from chocolate (high
fat content) displayed
a higher level of heat
Frontiers in Life Science 289

challenges for public health authorities to control the isolates that are resistant to nalidixic acid and ceftriaxone.
infections (Swanson et al. 2007; Dione et al. 2011). This phenomenon has raised concern among public health
authorities regarding both clinical management and pre-
vention of the infection (Crump et al. 2011). A surveillance
Antibiotic resistance
study on 135,000 clinical isolates of NTS was conducted
The emergence of antimicrobial resistance in Salmonella in Europe from 2000 to 2004, and the data showed that
strains is a serious health problem worldwide (Chiu et al. 15% of the isolates displayed MDR phenotype and 20% of
2002). In the early 1960s, the first incidence of Salmonella the isolates were resistant to nalidixic acid (Meakins et al.
resistance to a single antibiotic, namely chloramphenicol, 2008).
was reported (Montville & Matthews 2008). Since then, the
frequency of isolation of Salmonella strains with resistance
towards one or more antimicrobial agents has increased Spread of resistance
in many countries, including the USA, the UK and Saudi The emergence of Salmonella with antimicrobial resistance
Arabia (Yoke-Kqueen et al. 2008). Antimicrobial agents is mainly promoted by the use of antibiotics in animal
such as ampicillin, chloramphenicol and trimethoprim– feed to promote the growth of food animals, and in veteri-
sulfamethoxazole are used as the traditional first line treat- nary medicine to treat bacterial infections in those animals
ments for Salmonella infections. Salmonella spp. resis- (Hyeon et al. 2011). This poses a high risk of zoonotic
tant towards these agents are referred to as multi-drug disease with the transmission of MDR Salmonella strains
resistant (MDR). from animals to humans via the ingestion of food or water
For many years, the phenotypic trait of MDR was contaminated with the animals’ faeces, direct contact or
widely distributed among S. Typhi and, at a lower rate, the consumption of infected food animals (Holmberg et al.
among S. Paratyphi (Rowe et al. 1997). Africa and Asia are 1984). Moreover, MDR Salmonella strains were found in
two continents with a high isolation frequency of S. Typhi some exotic pet animals such as tortoises and turtles, as
displaying MDR phenotype. In a surveillance study con- well as their water environment, and this could result in a
ducted in five Asian countries, India, Pakistan and Vietnam higher risk of zoonotic infections in humans through direct
had higher rates of MDR isolates of S. Typhi than Indone- contact with these animals (Trust & Bartlett 1979; Shane
sia and China (Ochiai et al. 2008). Other reports present et al. 1990).
similar data, with a high rate of MDR isolates of S. Typhi
in Pakistan, India, Nepal and Vietnam, while in China,
Indonesia and Laos the incidence rate of MDR S. Typhi Mechanisms of resistance
is relatively low (Chuang et al. 2009). Studies show that the serotypes of Salmonella displaying
With the emergence of resistance towards tradi- MDR phenotype have the ability to generate various types
tional antibiotics, fluoroquinolones and extended-spectrum of hybrid plasmids. The majority of the gene cassettes
cephalosporins have been introduced as the antimicrobial located within these plasmids consist of resistance genes
agents of choice in treating MDR S. Typhi (Sood et al. that confer the antimicrobial resistance property of the
1999). However, reports show an increase in the number serotypes against traditional antibiotics such as chloram-
of cases with typhoid Salmonella developing resistance phenicol, tetracycline, ampicillin and streptomycin (Guerra
towards fluoroquinolones. In countries with a higher inci- et al. 2001, 2002). The emergence of Salmonella serotypes
dence of MDR isolates, S. Paratyphi displays a higher with reduced ciprofloxacin susceptibility is a result of chro-
level of resistance towards fluoroquinolones compared to mosomal mutation at the quinolone resistance-determining
S. Typhi (Hasan et al. 2008). Nalidixic acid resistance, regions of the gyrA gene (Chiu et al. 2002). Some
which is used as an indicator of reduced susceptibility of serotypes of Salmonella have begun to develop resis-
ciprofloxacin and other fluoroquinolones, is displayed by tance towards broad-spectrum cephalosporins as a result
isolates from Pakistan, India and Vietnam, with high inci- of mutated genes that encode for extended-spectrum β-
dence rates of 59%, 57% and 44%, respectively (Ochiai lactamases, hydrolysing antibiotics with β-lactam rings
et al. 2008). such as cephalosporin and cephamycins (Carattoli et al.
As for NTS, the number of strains developing MDR 2002).
phenotype has increased in many countries since the first
emergence of MDR S. Typhimurium DT104 strains in
1990 (Helms et al. 2005). Based on data from 2005 to Clinical relevance
2006 presented by the National Antimicrobial Resistance The development of multi-drug resistance in the serotypes
Monitoring System (NARMS), 84% of clinical isolates of Salmonella has a significant impact on the antibiotic
of NTS displayed MDR phenotype and 4.1% of the iso- treatment of Salmonella infections. Infections that involve
lates had reduced susceptibility to cephalosporins in the the invasive serotypes are often life threatening and require
USA. NARMS presented data (from 1996–2007) which effective antibiotic treatment. Quinolones and third gener-
are more comprehensive, reporting the emergence of NTS ation cephalosporins have been the antibiotics of choice
290 S.-K. Eng et al.

in treating infections with MDR Salmonella (Karon et al. of antibiotics in food animals and their feed (Talbot et al.
2007). However, the emergence of Salmonella serotypes 2006).
resistant to quinolones and cephalosporin poses a new
challenge in treating infected patients, and the lack of an
effective antibiotic therapy may lead to an increase in the Conclusion
morbidity and mortality rates.
Salmonella infection remains a distressing public health
The emergence of MDR Salmonella has also resulted
concern worldwide. The genetic make-up of the
in the increased severity of bacterial infections in humans
Salmonella strains permits their adaptation in various envi-
and animals. Epidemiological studies show that MDR
ronments, including human, animal and non-animal hosts.
Salmonella strains cause more severe or prolonged syn-
This increases the difficulty in eliminating the bacteria.
dromes than susceptible strains, implying that the MDR
Moreover, the emergence of MDR Salmonella strains
strains are more virulent than the susceptible ones (Travers
poses a great challenge in terms of effective treatment
& Barza 2002). Data show that patients infected with MDR
of the infections caused by these strains. Several preven-
Salmonella strains are more ill and septic at the onset of the
tive measures have been proposed to stop the spread of
disease, and the illness is typically accompanied by high
Salmonella infection, and the restriction of indiscriminate
fever, enlargement of the spleen and liver, and abdominal
use of antibiotics in food animals is by far one of the most
swelling (Buch et al. 1994).
effective measures.
Two vaccines have been approved for the prevention
Prevention for enteric fever, but no licensed vaccines are available for
Contaminated water or food is the major transmission S. Paratyphi and NTS infection. Further research on the
route of enteric fever. Historically, the USA and West- development of vaccines for all Salmonella strains may
ern Europe were endemic for enteric fever; however, the potentially result in great benefits for affected countries.
incidence of Salmonella infection decreased significantly
with proper food and water sanitation, pasteurization of
milk and other dairy products, and elimination of the use Disclosure statement
of human faeces in food production. A decrease in the No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
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