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Read the text to find out what beaches are described and what the intention of the
description is.


Ardent lovers of the each would only understand the true joy and ecstasy that is felt
when you feel your feet sinking into the sand and when the light spray of the azure waters fall
gently on the face! Miles and miles of golden sands, the roaring waves, the beautiful horizon
and the wind rushing through your hair is probably just one of the few reasons why I love being
at the beach! The peace and tranquility that is felt out here can definitely not be compared to
anything else in this world.

Whatever the reason, genuine lovers of the golden sands would always be in pursuit of
the most beautiful and serene beaches one can find around the world! This is probably the
reason why one such place does crop in my mind when I speak about beautiful beaches, which
are the beaches of Kauai. The Kauai beaches are some of the most gorgeous and picturesque
beaches ever; with each having its own uniqueness.

Some of the Kauai beaches offer an adventurous kind of fun whereas the others, with
their own Kauai beach resorts and gorgeous beach villas tend to spoil you in full style. The Kauai
beach vacations can therefore promise you completely fun filled holidays that would surely
leave you asking for more. Kauai forms a part of the oldest and is also the largest of the Hawaiian
Islands. Such is the beauty of the islands of Kauai that it has witnessed the shooting of more
than 70 Hollywood movies and many television shows as well.
ecstasy /ˈek.stə.si/ – a feeling or state of very great happiness
azure /ˈæʒ.ər/ – bright blue in colour like the sky
tranquility /træŋˈkwɪl·ɪ·t̬i/ – quietness
gorgeous /ˈɡɔː.dʒəs/ – beautiful and attractive
picturesque /ˌpɪk.tʃərˈesk/ – (of a place, building, scene, etc.) pretty, especially in a way that looks



Read the text again. Give synonyms of the underlined words and translate the phrases
into Vietnamese.
• gorgeous and picturesque beaches
• ardent lovers or the beach
• gorgeous beach villas
• joy and ecstasy
• peace and tranquility
• golden sands
• serene beaches
• roaring waves
• adventurous kind of fun
• azure water

Extreme adjectives describe a thing, a place or a person of very high quality or in very great
degree, like brilliant - extremely clever - or gorgeous - very beautiful and attractive. Travelogues
or tourist advertisements often use (1) extreme adjectives, and (2) compelling and impressive
words - tranquility or spoil you in full style - to show the writer's such strong feelings about certain
places and to make such strong impressions on readers that they will want to travel there too.

To transfer successfully the text, to improve and intense its intention, we are to describe the things
or places in our own language and may use the following three techniques to translate extreme
adjectives and other compelling words.

(1) choose one equivalent Vietnamese adjective:

* gorgeous beach villas: những biệt thự tráng lệ nằm bên bờ biển
* peace and tranquility: không khí bình yên tĩnh lặng
(2) use a pair of adjectives
* serene beaches: những bãi biển bình yên thơ mộng
(3) use an adverb with an adjective
* ardent lovers of beaches: những kẻ say mê biển đến cuồng nhiệt
* roaring waves: những con sóng rù rì không ngừng nghỉ
(4) use a simile or metaphor
* azure water: nước xanh như ngọc

Relative clauses often begin with relative pronouns - who, which, whose, whom, that - or with
relative adverbs - when, where, why. When there is a lack of equivalence in English-Vietnamese
grammar structures, it is sometimes appropriate to omit words or phrases that are not essential
to the meaning or impact of source text.

Very often relative pronouns "who", "which", and "that" that function as subjects are omitted in
translation. Look at the examples:

a. There are very few artists who have enjoyed much material success in their own lifetimes.
➔ Rất ít nghệ sĩ có được thành công vật chất khi còn sống.
➔ Hiếm có nghệ sĩ nào ngay lúc sinh thời đã đạt đến phú quý vinh hoa.
b. The elephant that trampled the village was drunk on fermented fruit.
➔ Con voi dẫm nát ngôi làng này đã bị say vì ăn trái cây lên men từ trước.
Relative pronouns can be translated if they start a non-defining relative clause
c. Umberto, who saw it with his own eyes, refused to believe that Hulk Hogan was in a movie.
➔ Umberto, người đã tận mắt đi xem, nhất định không chịu tin rằng Hulk Hogan có xuất hiện
trong bộ phim.
➔ Umberto đã tận mắt đi xem bộ phim đó và cho rằng Hulk Hogan không hề xuất hiện trong
In other cases, connectors can be translated in various ways
d. Deserts are arid land areas where more water is lost through evaporation than is gained
through precipitation.
➔ Sa mạc là những vùng đất khô cằn nơi (có) lượng nước bị mất đi do bốc hơi nhiều hơn
lượng nước có được qua thẩm thấu.
➔ Sa mạc là những vùng đất khô cằn vì ở đó lượng nước bị mất đi do bốc hơi…
Translate the sentences with the underlined relative clauses.
- the true joy and ecstasy that is felt when you feel your feet sinking into the sand
- This is probably the reason why one such place does crop in my mind when I speak about beautiful
beaches, which are the beaches of Kauai
- The Kauai beach vacations can therefore promise you completely fun filled holidays that would
surely leave you asking for more
- Such is the beauty of the islands of Kauai that it has witnessed the shooting of more than 70
Hollywood movies and many television shows as well.

Translate the whole text into Vietnamese

1. Complete the sentences below with appropriate given words or phrases.

to live on the planet conventional tourism environmental and cultural factors

attractions cultural integrity ecological tourism cultural heritage

Ecotourism, also known as _______________, is a form of tourism that appeals to

ecologically and socially conscious individuals. Generally speaking, ecotourism focuses on
volunteering, personal growth, and learning new ways to _______________. It typically involves
travel to destinations where flora, fauna, and _______________ are the primary
Responsible ecotourism includes programs that minimize the negative aspects of
_______________ on the environment and enhance the _______________ of local people.
Therefore, in addition to evaluating _______________, an integral part of ecotourism is the
promotion of recycling, energy efficiency, water conservation, and creation of economic
opportunities for the local communities.

2. Translate these sentences into English by filling the gaps with appropriate words or
1. Châu Á đã trở thành địa điểm du lịch phát triển nhanh nhất thế giới vào lúc số người du lịch ra
nước ngoài nhiều hơn bất kì thời gian nào trước đó.
Asia has become the fastest-growing _______________ in the world at a time when more people
_______________ than ever before.
2. Hà Nội thời mở cửa không những chỉ đẹp bởi các tòa nhà cao tầng, các khách sạn, nhà hàng mà
còn bởi những di tích lịch sử được bảo tồn và trùng tu cẩn thận.
Hanoi _______________ is beautified not only by high-rises, hotels and restaurants but also by
carefully preserved and restored _______________.
3. Thành phố Huế với những kiệt tác về kiến trúc cung đình, những lâu đài lăng tẩm đã được
UNESCO xếp hạng là một trong những di sản văn hóa của nhân loại.
Hue city with masterpieces of _______________; castles and mausoleums has been recognised
by UNESCO as one of _______________ of mankind.
4. Để hấp dẫn du khách, tạo sự hứng thú để du khách trở lại nhiều lần, các thành phố du lịch cần
chú trọng bảo quản thắng cảnh thiên nhiên, di tích lịch sử, nâng cấp cơ sở hạ tầng đồng thời phát
triển các dịch vụ du lịch.
To attract visitors and to create interests so that visitors may come back many times,
_______________ must pay attention to _______________ and historical relics, upgrading
infrastructure as well as developing _______________.

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