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Dr. Yogeshwari Phatak Abhishek Rami
Kratika Deokar
Khushi Bajaj
Shashank Paliwal
Sidharth Tripathi

Mischief and Misdeed
Questions and Answers
Q1. What you call mischief or misdeed? Give at least five
arguments in the favour and far.
Misdeed: A misdeed is a type of bad behavior, especially behavior
that's immoral. If you get caught stealing someone’s lunch, you’ll be
punished for your misdeed.
Mischief: Mischief is a word for things that are a little bad or reckless
but ultimately harmless. Hitting someone with a spitball is mischief.
Hitting them with a rock is dangerous and therefore much worse than
mischief. Making mischief can be fun, as long as it doesn't get out of
hand. People who do a lot of mischief are called "mischievous."
As of our point of view the idea of stealing costly phone cannot be
considered as mischief. It is a misdeed because: -
First, the act of stealing someone expensive phone to fulfill personal
desire is completely against the ethics as they all are adults.
We cannot state that they are children who are unaware with the fact
that stealing is crime. A misdeed is type of bad behavior.
Third, there idea behind stealing was just tom steal the phone through
which they can get money to fulfill their desire.
The act that three of them was committed was a misdeed as two of
them was directly involved whereas one of them highly supported the
misdeed by eating out with them.
Hence, we conclude this was a misdeed.
Q2. Define the behavior and hobbies of all the friends.
1. Behavior of Siddharth was crazy of every thing and supportive
towards friends and hobby of watching movies.
2. Vipul behavior is rational and hobby is more of eating food.
3. Riya behavior is quiet and peaceful and hobby is to help others.
4. Vini is aggressive and erratic in behavior and hobby is to always
enjoying with friends.
Q3. If you in the place of Riya, what else could be done for
Riya was very quiet & peaceful and her decision to call their parents
was really appreciable but being in her place I could suggest that first
of all she could tried to convince her friends that were going in wrong
path and their idea of stealing is not good. She could have contacted
their parents earlier so that they can try to stop their friends from
doing this crime.
Q4. How their behavior can be set on the right side.
Sidharth, Vipul, Vini were going in wrong direction but Riya also
understand few things
Sidharth, Vipul, Vini can be described the problem & consequences
they may face if somebody caught them doing the crime. All three
should realis how privileged they are. Try to create an understanding
between parents and three of them create harmony.
Riya should be made understood that clarity in making points &
convincing people to do right things is also a part of good deed.
Q5. Elaborate discuss their parts of being.
1. Sidharth is more strong part of being is Mind because he thinks
before doing any work.
2. Vipul strong part of being is of physical body he always looks for
eating food.
3. Riya strong part of being is psychic being she is emotional kind of
person. She is more stable than her friends, who do not think before
they act.
4. Vini is strong part of being is vital being because its behavior is
aggressive in nature.

Thank you

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