Mint Mobile: Style Guide Information On Content

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Mint Mobile

Style Guide

Information on Content
DOMAINS: TRUE Telecommunications TRUE Hardware
TRUE Marketing TRUE Mobile Service
TRUE Cell Phone TRUE Software
TEXT TYPE: TRUE Informal tone TRUE Product FAQ
TRUE Middle Register TRUE Product Review
TRUE Website Content TRUE Product Policy
SOURCE AUTHOR: Client-side web content creator
AUDIENCE: FALSE Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) TRUE General public

Based out of the United States, English is not their first language, Age group 18+, All
Audience demographics: genders, looking for a cost-effective phone plan
CONTENT FUNCTION: TRUE User Interface Content FALSE PR Content
TRUE Advertising Content FALSE
TRUE Support Content FALSE
TRUE Merchandising Content FALSE
Literal or Transcreation? FALSE Literal TRUE Transcreation
Processes that resulted in the creation of the source content:

Source materials were created by following a web dev process

Needs assessment, Discovery / Research, Content creation, Prototyping, Development, QA and Review, Launch.
Materials were mostly created in HTML, with some assets created in Adobe Creative Cloud

Processes that will result from the creation of the target content:

Target content will be published on the product website which would be publicly accesible, especially meant for potential
Target content will go through an initial file cleanup and preflight, TEP , review, DTP if needed, final sign off, delivery
Publication type FALSE For information purposes only TRUE For public dissemination
Stylistic Guidelines
Literal or Transcreation? FALSE Literal TRUE Transcreation
Stylistic Instructions
1) Keep same style and voice as source content. Clear, Friendly, and Concise
2) For text format follow target language convention
3) Use short and simple sentences
4) Please allow for special considerations based on content function. Eg, advertising content should also be
interesting and engaging.
Other notes on style

Follow target conventions for Date, Time, Numbers etc.

Mechanical Guidelines
PROPER NOUNS: Handle document, job, and organization titles as follows:
Capitalize all major words in the title.
ACRONYMS: As a general rule, please handle acronyms as follows:
If no official acronym exists, please use the following conventions:
Please use the English acronym followed by a translation of the English acronym in
ACCENTS & DIACRITICS: Handle accents and diacritics as follows:
Do not use accents and diacritics on CAPITAL letters.
PUNCTUATION: Use punctuation rules as per the regulations of the target language
ADDRESSES: As a general rule, please leave addresses as is in the target.
PHONE NUMBERS: For phone numbers, please add the international dialing code +1, unless a toll‐free
DATES: Format dates as follows:
Use slashes.
Month | Day | Year
Express year in 4 digits
Express in full form
Express as number
MEASUREMENTS: Follow these conventions for measurements:
Convert all measurements to the imperial system.
CURRENCIES: Keep all prices in dollars across all target languages since the product is sold to be used

Other instructions?
Product and brand names should not be translated in most cases, feature names can normally be translated, always
seek approval before translating a name

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