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Based on MonsoonSIM version: 9

By: Ilham Maulana Saud Nov-07-2021 | Page 1 of 12

Game Report MonsoonSIM


Title: Config Match 6

Game Code: 16768_38600
Certified Facilitator: Ilham Maulana Saud
Version: 9
Created: 2021-11-07 05:11:19

By: Ilham Maulana Saud Nov-07-2021 | Page 2 of 12

Game Report MonsoonSIM

The Configurations

. Chat and Activity Monitoring Allow [Runtime] Yes

. Learner See Scoring Matrix Allow [Runtime] No

GEN : General
. Location Attributes Show [Runtime] Yes

. Unit of Measurement

.. Foreign Currency USD

.. Distance km
.. Local Currency AUD
.. Area m2

. Client 1 Allow [Runtime] Yes

.. Client 1 Company Name [Runtime] Big Co

.. Client 1 Terms of Payment [Runtime] 5 Day

.. Credit Rating [Runtime] AAA

.. Client 1 Exporter [Runtime] No

. Client 2 Allow [Runtime] Yes

.. Client 2 Company Name [Runtime] Broadway Inc

.. Client 2 Terms of Payment [Runtime] 5 Day

.. Credit Rating [Runtime] AAA

.. Client 2 Exporter [Runtime] No

. Client 3 Allow [Runtime] Yes

.. Client 3 Company Name [Runtime] Main Inc

.. Client 3 Terms of Payment [Runtime] 5 Day

.. Credit Rating [Runtime] AAA

.. Client 3 Exporter [Runtime] No

. Client 4 Allow [Runtime] Yes

.. Client 4 Company Name [Runtime] VIP Ltd

.. Client 4 Terms of Payment [Runtime] 5 Day

.. Credit Rating [Runtime] AAA

.. Client 4 Exporter [Runtime] No

. Location 1 Allow [Runtime] Yes

.. Location ID Adelaide, South Australia, Australia [588]

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Game Report MonsoonSIM

. Location 2 Allow Yes

.. Location ID Brisbane, Queensland, Australia [590]

. Location 3 Allow Yes

.. Location ID Hobart, Tasmania, Australia [591]

. Location 4 Allow Yes

.. Location ID Melbourne, Victoria, Australia [593]

. Location 5 Allow Yes

.. Location ID Perth, Western Australia, Australia [592]

. Location 6 Allow Yes

.. Location ID Sydney, New South Wales, Australia [594]

. Location 7 Allow Yes

.. Location ID Townsville, Queensland, Australia [589]

. Product 1 Allow [Runtime] Yes

.. Name [Runtime] Apple Juice

.. Initial Price [Runtime] 26 AUD

.. Unit of Measurement [Runtime] Pack

.. Dimension [Runtime] 0.0033 m2

.. Initial Costs [Runtime] 15 AUD

. Product 2 Allow [Runtime] Yes

.. Name [Runtime] Orange Juice

.. Unit of Measurement [Runtime] Pack

.. Dimension [Runtime] 0.0033 m2

.. Initial Price [Runtime] 29 AUD

.. Initial Costs [Runtime] 17 AUD

. Product 3 Allow [Runtime] Yes

.. Name [Runtime] Melon Juice

.. Unit of Measurement [Runtime] Pack

.. Dimension [Runtime] 0.0033 m2

.. Initial Price [Runtime] 31 AUD

.. Initial Costs [Runtime] 19 AUD

. Product 4 Allow [Runtime] Yes

.. Name [Runtime] Box

.. Unit of Measurement [Runtime] Sheet

.. Dimension [Runtime] 0.0006 m2

.. Initial Costs [Runtime] 1.2 AUD

By: Ilham Maulana Saud Nov-07-2021 | Page 4 of 12

Game Report MonsoonSIM

. Product 5 Allow [Runtime] Yes

.. Name [Runtime] Straw

.. Unit of Measurement [Runtime] Piece

.. Dimension [Runtime] 0.0006 m2

.. Initial Costs [Runtime] 1.4 AUD

. Product 6 Allow [Runtime] Yes

.. Name [Runtime] Apple

.. Unit of Measurement [Runtime] Unit

.. Dimension [Runtime] 0.001 m2

.. Initial Costs [Runtime] 8 AUD

. Product 7 Allow [Runtime] Yes

.. Name [Runtime] Orange

.. Unit of Measurement [Runtime] Unit

.. Dimension [Runtime] 0.001 m2

.. Initial Costs [Runtime] 10 AUD

. Product 8 Allow [Runtime] Yes

.. Name [Runtime] Melon

.. Unit of Measurement [Runtime] Unit

.. Dimension [Runtime] 0.001 m2

.. Initial Costs [Runtime] 8 AUD

. Environmental Impact 1 Allow [Runtime] Yes

.. Impact 1 Name [Runtime] Energy Usage

.. Impact 1 Unit of Measurement [Runtime] kWh

. Environmental Impact 2 Allow [Runtime] Yes

.. Impact 2 Name [Runtime] Carbon Emission - Production

.. Impact 2 Unit of Measurement [Runtime] kgCO2e

. Environmental Impact 3 Allow [Runtime] Yes

.. Impact 3 Name [Runtime] Waste

.. Impact 3 Unit of Measurement [Runtime] g

. Environmental Impact 4 Allow [Runtime] Yes

.. Impact 4 Name [Runtime] Carbon Emission - Shipping

.. Impact 4 Unit of Measurement [Runtime] kgCO2e

FIN : Finance

By: Ilham Maulana Saud Nov-07-2021 | Page 5 of 12

Game Report MonsoonSIM

. Journal Entry Allow [Runtime] Yes

.. Journal Posting Maximum [Runtime] 10

. Approval Process Control Allow [Runtime] Yes

. Loans 1 Allow [Runtime] Yes

.. Current Ratio Requirement [Runtime] 2

.. Loan Terms [Runtime] 10 Day

.. Loans Type [Runtime] Fully Amortized Loan

.. Name [Runtime] Easy Money

.. Credit Rating Requirement [Runtime] Not used

. Loans 2 Allow [Runtime] Yes

.. Loans Type [Runtime] Interest-Only Loan

.. Credit Rating Requirement [Runtime] AAA

.. Loan Terms [Runtime] 35 Day

.. Name [Runtime] Maxi Profit

.. Current Ratio Requirement [Runtime] 5

. Initial Cash [Runtime] 5,000,000 AUD

. Overdraft Interest [Runtime] 60 %

. Overdraft limit 2,500,000 AUD

. Depreciation 60 Day
. Accrual Accounting Allow [Runtime] No

.. Vendor Credit Limit Allow [Runtime] No

. Maximum Delinquent Payouts [Runtime] 50

. Overflow Fee Awful

. Research and Development Allow [Runtime] Yes

.. Required rate of returns [Runtime] 15%

.. Evaluation day (after investing) [Runtime] 15 Day

PMN : Procurement
. Vendor Out of Stock Allow [Runtime] Yes

. Vendor 1 Allow [Runtime] Yes

.. Type [Runtime] Finished Goods

.. Name [Runtime] VFG1

.. Lead Time [Runtime] 1 Day

.. Payment Terms [Runtime] 5 Day

.. Credit Limit [Runtime] 4,000,000 AUD

By: Ilham Maulana Saud Nov-07-2021 | Page 6 of 12

Game Report MonsoonSIM

.. Importer [Runtime] No

. Vendor 2 Allow [Runtime] Yes

.. Type [Runtime] Finished Goods

.. Name [Runtime] VFG2

.. Lead Time [Runtime] 1 Day

.. Payment Terms [Runtime] 5 Day

.. Credit Limit [Runtime] 4,000,000 AUD

.. Importer [Runtime] No

. Vendor 5 Allow [Runtime] Yes

.. Type [Runtime] Finished Goods

.. Name [Runtime] VendorX

.. Lead Time [Runtime] 3 Day

.. Payment Terms [Runtime] 5 Day

.. Credit Limit [Runtime] 4,000,000 AUD

.. Importer [Runtime] Yes

. Vendor 3 Allow [Runtime] Yes

.. Type [Runtime] Raw Material

.. Name [Runtime] VRM1

.. Lead Time [Runtime] 1 Day

.. Payment Terms [Runtime] 5 Day

.. Credit Limit [Runtime] 4,000,000 AUD

.. Importer [Runtime] No

. Vendor 4 Allow [Runtime] Yes

.. Type [Runtime] Raw Material

.. Name [Runtime] VRM2

.. Lead Time [Runtime] 1 Day

.. Payment Terms [Runtime] 5 Day

.. Credit Limit [Runtime] 4,000,000 AUD

. Vendor 6 Allow [Runtime] Yes

.. Type [Runtime] Raw Material

.. Name [Runtime] VendorY

.. Lead Time [Runtime] 1 Day

.. Payment Terms [Runtime] 5 Day

.. Credit Limit [Runtime] 2,000,000 AUD

. Blanket PO Allow [Runtime] Yes

By: Ilham Maulana Saud Nov-07-2021 | Page 7 of 12

Game Report MonsoonSIM

. Future Delivery Allow [Runtime] Yes

RTL : Retail
. Consumer Store Loyalty [Runtime] High

. Holiday Allow [Runtime] Yes

MKT : Marketing
. Marketing Program 1 Youtube
. Marketing Program 2 Instagram
. Marketing Program 3 Meta
. Marketing Report Fee 50,000 AUD

FCS : Forecast

ECM : E Commerce
. E Commerce Demand Estimated [Runtime] 30,000

. Post to Buy Allow [Runtime] Yes

. Post to Sell Allow [Runtime] Yes

WHS : Warehouse/Logistics
. Distance Travel / Day [Runtime] 500 Distance Unit (km/miles)

. Environmental Impact 4 [Runtime] 0.001 kgCO2e / km

. Transport Company 1 Allow [Runtime] Yes

.. Name [Runtime] SafeTrans

. Transport Company 2 Allow [Runtime] Yes

.. Name [Runtime] QuickShipper

. Transport Company 3 Allow [Runtime] Yes

.. Name [Runtime] FastTrack

. Distance Fee [Runtime] 6 AUD / km

. Trip Fee [Runtime] 7,000 AUD / Trip

. Ship Now Allow [Runtime] No

B2B : B2B
. Initial Demand 80,000 / Product / Day

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Game Report MonsoonSIM

. Bid Allow [Runtime] Yes

. B2B Shipment Allow [Runtime] Yes

PRD : Production
. Product 1 Bill of Material 1 Box (Unit)
2 Straw (Unit)
1 Apple (Unit)

. Product 2 Bill of Material 1 Box (Unit)

2 Straw (Unit)
1 Orange (Unit)

. Product 3 Bill of Material 1 Box (Unit)

2 Straw (Unit)
1 Melon (Unit)

. Equipment 1 Allow [Runtime] Yes

.. Equipment 1 Name [Runtime] Machine A

.. Equipment 1 Production Capacity [Runtime] 10,000 Unit / Day

.. Equipment 1 Price [Runtime] 300,000 AUD

.. Equipment 1 Dimension [Runtime] 200 m2

.. Equipment 1 # of Staff Required [Runtime] 2 Person

.. Equipment 1 APQ Break Point [Runtime] 65 %

.. Equipment 1 Equipment Overhaul Day [Runtime] 3 Day

.. Equipment 1 Equipment Overhaul Fee [Runtime] 40,000 AUD

.. Equipment 1 Environmental Impact 1 [Runtime] 0.001 kWh / unit

.. Equipment 1 Environmental Impact 2 [Runtime] 0.00042 kgCO2e / unit

.. Equipment 1 Environmental Impact 3 [Runtime] 0.005 g / unit

. Equipment 2 Allow [Runtime] Yes

.. Name [Runtime] Machine B

.. Production Capacity [Runtime] 6,000 Unit / Day

.. Price [Runtime] 200,000 AUD

.. Dimension [Runtime] 150 m2

.. APQ Break Point [Runtime] 70 %

.. # of Staff Required [Runtime] 1 Person

.. Equipment Overhaul Day [Runtime] 4 Day

.. Equipment Overhaul Fee [Runtime] 50,000 AUD

.. Equipment 2 Environmental Impact 1 [Runtime] 0.002 kWh / unit

.. Equipment 2 Environmental Impact 2 [Runtime] 0.00000042 kgCO2e / unit

.. Equipment 3 Environmental Impact 3 [Runtime] 0.003 g / unit

By: Ilham Maulana Saud Nov-07-2021 | Page 9 of 12

Game Report MonsoonSIM

. Equipment 3 Allow [Runtime] Yes

.. Name [Runtime] Machine C

.. Production Capacity [Runtime] 15,000 Unit / Day

.. Price [Runtime] 400,000 AUD

.. Dimension [Runtime] 300 m2

.. # of Staff Required [Runtime] 3 Person

.. APQ Break Point [Runtime] 75 %

.. Equipment Overhaul Day [Runtime] 3 Day

.. Equipment Overhaul Fee [Runtime] 50,000 AUD

.. Equipment 3 Waste 1 [Runtime] 0.0005 kWh / unit

.. Equipment 3 Waste 2 [Runtime] 0.000012 kgCO2e / unit

.. Equipment 3 Waste 3 [Runtime] 0.002 g / unit


MNT : Maintenance
. Asset Breakdown Allow [Runtime] No

. Periodic Maintenance Fee [Runtime] 15,000 AUD

. Buy Sensors Fee 30,000 AUD / Set

. OEE Impact on Environment [Runtime] Linear

. Availability Maintenance Fee 8,000 AUD

. Performance Maintenance Fee 7,000 AUD
. Quality Maintenance Fee 5,000 AUD

. Payroll Tax Allow [Runtime] No

.. Gross base vs Net base salary [Runtime] Gross base salary

.. Payroll Tax Value [Runtime] 15 %

.. Payroll Tax Period [Runtime] 20 Day

. Initial Staff Salary Expense [Runtime] 350 AUD / Day

. Planned Dept Headcount 4 Person

. Salary Expense Increase By 5 % / 10 Day
. Hire Fee [Runtime] 15,000 AUD / Staff

. Staff Training Fee [Runtime] 15,000 AUD / Staff

. Staff Counselling Fee [Runtime] 2,000 AUD / Staff

. Staff Transfer Fee 15,000 AUD / Staff

By: Ilham Maulana Saud Nov-07-2021 | Page 10 of 12

Game Report MonsoonSIM

. Staff Dismiss Fee [Runtime] 1,000 AUD / Service Days

. Staff Issues and Resign Allow [Runtime] Yes

. Staff handling when location is started or closed Automatic hiring and dismissal

. OCEAN Factors Allow [Runtime] Yes

.. PMN Expected Dept OCEAN factors [Runtime] [O] Openness:Don't Care

[C] Conscientiousness:Don't Care
[E] Extroversion:70 %
[A] Agreeableness:Don't Care
[N] Neuroticism:Don't Care

.. RTL Expected Dept OCEAN factors [Runtime] [O] Openness:70 %

[C] Conscientiousness:70 %
[E] Extroversion:70 %
[A] Agreeableness:Don't Care
[N] Neuroticism:Don't Care

.. MKT Expected Dept OCEAN factors [Runtime] [O] Openness:70 %

[C] Conscientiousness:70 %
[E] Extroversion:70 %
[A] Agreeableness:Don't Care
[N] Neuroticism:Don't Care

.. WHS Expected Dept OCEAN factors [Runtime] [O] Openness:Don't Care

[C] Conscientiousness:70 %
[E] Extroversion:Don't Care
[A] Agreeableness:Don't Care
[N] Neuroticism:Don't Care

.. B2B Expected Dept OCEAN factors [Runtime] [O] Openness:70 %

[C] Conscientiousness:70 %
[E] Extroversion:70 %
[A] Agreeableness:Don't Care
[N] Neuroticism:Don't Care

.. PRD Expected Dept OCEAN factors [Runtime] [O] Openness:Don't Care

[C] Conscientiousness:70 %
[E] Extroversion:Don't Care
[A] Agreeableness:Don't Care
[N] Neuroticism:Don't Care

.. MRP Expected Dept OCEAN factors [Runtime] [O] Openness:Don't Care

[C] Conscientiousness:70 %
[E] Extroversion:Don't Care
[A] Agreeableness:Don't Care
[N] Neuroticism:Don't Care

.. MNT Expected Dept OCEAN factors [Runtime] [O] Openness:70 %

[C] Conscientiousness:70 %
[E] Extroversion:Don't Care
[A] Agreeableness:Don't Care
[N] Neuroticism:Don't Care

.. HCM Expected Dept OCEAN factors [Runtime] [O] Openness:Don't Care

[C] Conscientiousness:Don't Care

By: Ilham Maulana Saud Nov-07-2021 | Page 11 of 12

Game Report MonsoonSIM

[E] Extroversion:Don't Care

[A] Agreeableness:Don't Care
[N] Neuroticism:Don't Care

.. SRV Expected Dept OCEAN factors [Runtime] [O] Openness:40 %

[C] Conscientiousness:40 %
[E] Extroversion:40 %
[A] Agreeableness:Don't Care
[N] Neuroticism:Don't Care

SRV : Service
. Complaint Allow [Runtime] Yes

. Services 1 Allow Yes

.. Name Marketing Srv

. Services 2 Allow Yes

.. Name Franchise Srv

. Services 3 Allow Yes

.. Name Technical Srv

By: Ilham Maulana Saud Nov-07-2021 | Page 12 of 12

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