Danger Unit 5

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a menacing look/gesture = угрожающий (making

you think that someone is going to do something
2. have tentative plans ( not confident/ not agreed)
.3. to take a sneaky peek at the presents under
the Christmas- незаметно подсмотреть
speed up reactions=ускорение реагирования
4.a defiant child=непослушный /dɪˈfaɪənt/. concerned about the welfare (COMFORT))
5.a fleeting glimpse= мимолетный взгляд +// fire broke out=started
6.had a brief look /visit She tried to run, but was hampered by her heavy
7.a cautious approach suitcase. (затруднять в выходе)/ hampered by bad
8 surreptitious glances at the clock= тайком = / weather.
ˌsʌr.əpˈtɪʃ.əs/. Sarah's behaviour is always
9.He gave her a furtive glance - незаметно
подглянуть /ˈfɜː.tɪv exemplary.=образцовый (suitable to be copied by
other people:)/ɪɡˈzem.plər.i/
10. it aims to take an unflinching look at the lives
of working girls,( пристально взглянуть
conjure up images of - в голове возникают образы
на=not frightened)
for the fact that=в связи с тем, что
11.Under their drill sergeant's steely gaze=
nonetheless- however
неприклонный взгляд
become committed= loyalty
12 fierce жестокий +winds/competition
The hope is that the church will remain intact,=
14.She had an intent look on her face.=
останется неизменной
пристальный/ полон решимости -giving a lot
of attention to something
She painstakingly explained how the machine
worked.= with a lot of care= кропотливо

He'll be a great asset /ˈæs.et/ to the team.= a useful

or valuable quality, skill, or person: (с1)

back to the straight and narrow =If you keep on

danger ( unit 5 ) the straight and narrow, you behave in a way that is
honest and moral: на правильном пути

under imminent threat/imminent danger= /ˈɪmɪnənt/

-coming or happening very soon. =надвигающийся,
dog eat dog world человек человеку волк
syn= looming obstacle =the looming crisis
The newspapers are always full of doom and gloom
(= bad news and unhappiness) полон отчаяния и
doom and disaster lurk at every turn. смерть и
катастрофа поджидают на каждом шагу
doom and disaster lurk at every turn. смерть и
The negotiations have been fraught with
катастрофа поджидают на каждом шагу
There are dangers/risks inherent in almost every
put myself in a grave danger - подвергать
sport.=присущий, свойственный-existing as a 1.I caught a glimpse of her through the door.- смертельной опасности ( (VERY SERIOUS)
natural and basic part of something. tough choice/ мельком увидеть (o see someone or something
call very briefly or suddenly)
2.At first sight, I knew that house was perfect for
risk-averse society=общество,избегающее риска me.= c первого взгяда
3.At first glance, these methods seem like standard=
Few people are averse to the idea of a free holiday НА ПЕРВЫЙ взгляд
(opposed=против ) 4.fixed me with this glare= пристально смотрел на
took a calculated risk= принимать взвешенный 5.Diane took a quick peek at herself in the mirror.=
риск ,быстро взглянуть
6.I took a peek at the boss's computer, and it looks
inherent in all people.= присущий людям =existing like there's a round of layoffs on the way.=
as a natural. подглянул ( usually secretly )
holds a certain level of inherent risk. 7.cast a glance at=бросить взгляд на (I always
cast a glance at my desk to make sure I have
everything before I leave the office at night.)
8. avoid gaze= избегать пристального взгляда

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