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Honesty . Sincerity .


Woori Consulting
Document No : 002/WOC/HRD/II/2019
Date : 19 Feb 2019
Receiver : Mrs. Kim Min Gyu
CC : Mr. Lee Kwang jae
Subject awareness discipline
[ The Purpose ]
To increase dicipline awarness to Amployees

Plan Action;
1. Every morning HR Manager will conroll employee who comes late from 7;51 am to 8;00 am
infront of finger print and will give verbal warning to them friendly.
2. Every two weeks, HR will review the number of late days and if employee is late 3 times
during 1st and 2nd week so HRM will talk diretly to him/her for soft remainder and then the
Employee must sign the verbal warning records and make commitment by him/her self to
improve the dicipline..
3. The Next two weeks (3rd week & 4th week), HR will review again the absensi and will continue
to give the next level verbal warning for the employee who still come late after sign first
verbal warning. Meanwhile, HR will review the numbers of late days every employee from 1 st
week to 4th week, for those who is late 3 time during 4 weeks and never sign verbal warning
so HR will do the same as first verbal warning to the employee. The verbal warning is valid for
two weeks.
4. If employees got 3rd verbal warning so the next violence is entitled to SP I. The scheme
Warning letter is the same with verbal warning.
5. The writen warning is valid for 6 months, it means if the employee conduct the same violence
after 6 months so the level starts at beginning but if the employee conduct the same
violences or other violence within six months, so he/she will entitle to next level writen
warning untill 3rd level written warning.
6. For those employee who has 3 rd written warning letter shall be entitled for termination and
just deserve to get compensation as stated in article no 156 for 1 x service period year x

Refernce Regulation; Man Power Regulation No 13 year 2003

MULAI BERLAKU / [Effective Date]
Pengajuan Proposal Persetujuan Surat Izin tetap ini berlaku sejak ditetapkan dan ditandatangi
oleh Management.
[Proposal Approval of Permit Letter Form will applies since was established and signed by

PIC Sofridawati GM Heru Laksana Director Lee Kwang Jae President Kim Min Gyu

Address 12780 Graha Permata Pancoran Blok B 10-11 Jl.Raya Pasar /

Tel. (+62-21)7918-9201 Fax. (+62-21)7918-4264 / /

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