Concrete Moisture Content Measurement Using Interdigitated Near-Field Sensors

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Concrete Moisture Content Measurement Using Interdigitated Near-Field


Article  in  IEEE Sensors Journal · August 2010

DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2010.2040175 · Source: IEEE Xplore

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4 authors, including:

Md Nazmul Alam Rashed Bhuiyan

University of South Carolina University of South Carolina


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Concrete Moisture Content Measurement Using

Interdigitated Near-Field Sensors
Md. Nazmul Alam, Student Member, IEEE, Rashed H. Bhuiyan, Student Member, IEEE,
Roger A. Dougal, Senior Member, IEEE, and Mohammod Ali, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—The efficacy of a meander and a circular interdig- power management circuitry on board to be fully functional.
itated sensor in detecting and measuring the moisture present In [6], Saxena and Tayal described a parallel-plate capacitor as
in wet concrete samples is demonstrated. Analytical, simulation, a moisture sensor. The sensor consists of a Wein bridge oscil-
and measurement results of interelectrode capacitance for sam-
ples with different moisture contents show good agreement. As
lator, a capacitance bridge, a differential amplifier, a band-pass
moisture content increases from 0% to 6%, the interelectrode ca- filter, a rectifier circuit, and an analog meter. Ong et al. [7]
pacitance that predicts the moisture content increases by 126.4% proposed a 24 MHz embedded LC resonant sensor for moisture
for the meander sensor and 187% for the circular sensor. Regres- content measurement, which requires a large external loop and
sion analysis of the measured data demonstrates that for moisture an impedance analyzer.
content less than 6% the relationship between the measured To maintain the integrity of concrete structures and to allow
capacitance and the percent moisture content is predominantly
linear. minimum disruption, an embedded sensor should occupy as
small space as possible. The sensor should also only have very
Index Terms—Concrete, interdigitated sensor, moisture sensor. few and small components. To address these issues, we propose
a planar interdigitated sensor fabricated on a very thin substrate.
I. INTRODUCTION Because of its thin planar construction the interdigitated sensor
can be easily embedded in concrete for moisture content mea-
N ORDER TO ensure public safety, routine monitoring,
I and inspection of the health of civil infrastructures such as
bridges, overpasses, and buildings is very important. According
surement. Our proposed sensor occupies a very small space.
In recent years, interdigitated sensors have drawn the at-
tention of researchers due to their low cost and simplicity.
to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS), in 2005 about They have found application in humidity sensing [8], chemical
26.2% bridges were structurally deficient in the U.S. [1]. The sensing [9], [10], gas detection [11], resin curing [12], etc.
main causes of bridge failure were floods and collisions [2]. For In our research group Bhuiyan et al. [13] have designed and
rehabilitation and maintenance, field data are needed as man- developed interdigitated sensors which can detect insulation
dated by the National Bridge Inspection Program. In most cases, faults in unshielded power cables. This was achieved by ap-
bridge health monitoring is done by using ground penetrating plying a low frequency signal and then measuring the resulting
radar (GPR) [3] which is time consuming and costly. Innova- interelectrode capacitance of the sensor. It was shown that
tive sensor technology can provide a cheap and a more reliable a half circular sensor was less sensitive to its position with
solution. Wireless sensors can be used to detect the presence of respect to the sample under test than a meander sensor.
moisture and crack in concrete or the corrosion in the steel re- In this paper, the efficacy of two interdigitated sensors in
inforcement bar, etc. For active wireless sensors, their batteries moisture sensing in concrete samples is studied. First, the me-
can be charged by sending wireless power from outside without ander sensor introduced in our earlier work [13] was used. Then,
damaging the structure [4]. a full circular interdigitated sensor with larger field penetration
Moisture detection in civil infrastructure has been investi- depth was designed, built, and tested. Experimental measure-
gated by researchers in the past. Xing et al. [5] developed a ments were performed to determine the sensor interelectrode ca-
2.4-GHz integrated parallel-plate soil moisture sensor system. pacitance by varying the moisture content of concrete samples
The sensor detects the phase shift caused by the changes in the with both types of sensors. Measurement results are compared
dielectric constant of soil which is related to the soil moisture with results obtained from analytical equations and simulations
content. This sensor needs a number of components, such from Maxwell 3-D solver.
as a phase locked loop (PLL), voltage controlled oscillator This paper is organized as follows. In Section II, the basic
(VCO), phase shifter, phase detector, microcontroller, and interdigitated sensor geometry, operating principles and its ana-
lytical model are discussed. In Section III, the details of sensor
Manuscript received September 09, 2009; revised December 10, 2009; fabrication and the experimental setup and measurement proce-
accepted December 23, 2009. Date of current version May 21, 2010. This dure are described. All results are presented and discussed in
work was supported in part by the U.S. Office of Naval Research under Grant
N00014-02-1-0623. The associate editor coordinating the review of this paper
Section IV followed by the conclusion in Section V.
and approving it for publication was Prof. Okyay Kaynak.
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University
of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 29208 USA (e-mail:;
II. SENSOR GEOMETRY, CIRCUIT, AND ANALYTICAL MODEL;; An interdigitated sensor is a coplanar structure consisting
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at of multiple parallel fingers. The sensor can measure material
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSEN.2010.2040175 dielectric constant by applying fringing electric fields into the
1530-437X/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE

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Fig. 3. Unit cell representation of interdigitated sensor.

The substrate has zero conductivity, so the current is due to the

capacitive effect only. Also, since the opamp is operating in the
inverting mode, it is obvious that
Fig. 1. Typical geometry of an interdigitated sensor.

Fig. 3 shows a unit cell of an interdigitated sensor without the

conducting backplane. Using the conformal mapping method
Scapple [16] derived the total per unit capacitance for an inter-
digitated meander sensor as


where and are the elliptic integrals

of modulus and , respectively [16]. The
first part on the right-hand side of the equation resembles the
capacitance of the material under test and the substrate and the
second part resembles the capacitance of the trapped material in
Fig. 2. (a) Block diagram of sensor circuit and (b) its equivalent circuit. between the interelectrode gap. In (2), it is assumed that there is
no conducting backplane. If a conducting backplane is present
and the substrate is very thin, then the field lines that penetrate
the substrate end at the backplane and not at the sensing elec-
material. The electrodes of the sensor must be in contact with
trodes. So the substrate capacitance has no contribution to .
the material under test. Fig. 1 shows the geometry of an inter-
A more accurate expression for per unit capacitance is found in
digitated sensor [13]. To learn more about the sensor structure
and its operation, the reader may review [12]. Three types of
electrodes are present, namely the driving electrode, the sensing
electrode, and the guard electrode. A sinusoidal voltage is
applied to the driving electrode and the output voltage is
measured from the sensing electrode. Guard electrodes and a
conducting backplane are used to shield the sensor from the in-
fluence of external fields [14]. Another important term is the
penetration depth of the field which is directly related to the where is the corrected per unit capacitance. is the cor-
spatial wavelength, . The penetration depth is approximately rection factor. For the meander sensor, the correction factor is
equal to 1/3 of [15].
A popular method to find the dielectric constant of a material (4)
is the short-circuit current method, which is shown in Fig. 2.
A low-frequency voltage is applied to the driving electrode where is a constant. For the typical meander sensor that was
while the sensing electrode is connected to a precision opamp used in our experiment the value of is 0.02. If the electrode
(AD708). The opamp acts as an inverting amplifier where a length is and the total number of unit cells is then the total
known capacitor is used for feedback. capacitance
We used a simplified circuit model in Fig. 2(b) to calculate
the capacitance between the driving and the sensing electrodes. (5)

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Fig. 5. Ansoft Maxwell 3-D model of full circular sensor.

Concrete block samples were prepared using concrete mix.

The age of the samples was more than one year at the time of
the measurement. The dimensions of the samples were 15 cm
15 cm 2 cm and 15 cm 15 cm 4 cm.
The wet basis for the moisture content in a material is defined


Fig. 4. (a) Experimental setup to measure C for concrete samples and where is the mass of the specimen with water and is the
(b) placement of the sensor in the samples. mass of the specimen in dry condition. The moisture content of
a material by volume can be calculated as
To detect the percentage of moisture in concrete, two interdig- (7)
itated sensors were designed and fabricated. One was a meander
sensor and the other was a circular sensor. Two sensor configu- where is the density of concrete in dry condition and is
rations were chosen to create different field penetration depths. the density of water.
The meander sensor is simpler and has smaller field penetra- For measurement the sensor was placed between two concrete
tion depth than the circular sensor. For the same field penetra- samples. First, the sensor output voltage was measured for
tion depth, the circular sensor covers a larger surface area than the samples in dry condition. Since was known, the capac-
the meander sensor. The electrode width, height, gap, and spa- itance was found using (1). After completion of the mea-
tial wavelength of the meander sensor were 1.125 mm, 17 , surement in dry condition, the concrete samples were weighed
1.125 mm, and 4.5 mm, respectively. Thus, the field penetration in a scale to determine . Then, the samples were placed in
depth for the meander sensor is about 1.5 mm. For the circular a 13.5-l water bucket and were completely submerged in water
sensor these dimensions were 1.5 mm, 17 , 2 mm, and 7 mm, for two days.
respectively. Hence, the field penetration depth for the circular Wet samples were taken out from the water bucket. Since ex-
sensor is about 7/3 mm. The meander sensor was fabricated on cess water present on the concrete surface had the potentials for
a 10 mil thick Duroid 5880 ( ) substrate and the circular erroneous results (high and high ) due to the high per-
sensor was fabricated on a 31 mil thick Duroid 5880 substrate. mittivity of water the outer surfaces of the samples were wiped
Referring to Fig. 1, the meander sensor had seven driving elec- off using a dry cloth.
trodes, four sensing electrodes, and two guard electrodes. The A detailed experimental measurement setup is shown in
length of each electrode was 20 mm. For the circular sensor Fig. 4. The sensor was placed between the wet concrete sam-
(see Fig. 5), the inner diameter of the innermost sensing elec- ples. At regular periodic intervals, was recorded and the
trode was 6 mm. The circular sensor had 12 driving electrodes, weight of the concrete samples was measured. For each
ten sensing electrodes, and two guard electrodes. Both sensors reading, was found using (1) while the moisture content
were coated with very thin perylene coating to avoid short cir- was found using (6) and (7). Thus, for each case, a new
cuit with the concrete, especially in the wet condition. A 1-kHz, and its corresponding was found. Since the evaporation
10-V (peak) sinusoidal signal was chosen for . The ampli- rate depended on the environment, the ambient temperature and
tude of the signal was small enough to prevent the opamp from the air flow, an external fan was used to make the evaporation
saturating. The feedback capacitor was 100 pF. process faster.

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Fig. 7. Comparison between the measured, analytical and simulated data for
the meander sensor.

The sensitivity of the circular sensor is 5.454 pF/ percent change

in moisture content.

B. Comparison Between Experimental and Simulation Results

Ansoft Maxwell 3-D was used to simulate the sensor re-
sponses for both the meander and the circular sensors. Fig. 5 is
an example of the simulation model which was used for the full
circular sensor. In the simulation, we were not able to account
for the moisture content directly. In [17], experimental data of
relative permittivity and conductivity versus frequency for four
different levels of moisture content in concrete (from Fig. 2
of [17]) are available. These data are valid for the frequency
range of 10 MHz to 1 GHz. We extended their curves down to
1 kHz using curve fitting in Matlab. Then, we developed linear
Fig. 6. Measured capacitance, C versus moisture content, M for (a) the relations between the relativity permittivity and conductivity
meander sensor and (b) the full circular sensor. with percentage of moisture content using curve fitting. The
resulting relative permittivity and conductivity values were
used in our Maxwell simulations. The relative permittivity ( )
IV. RESULTS and conductivity ( ) of the concrete samples that were used
A. Experimental Results in our simulation and analytical studies (3)–(4) were: 4.4323,
0.000224; 6.0333, 0.0009; 7.177, 0.00215; 8.549, 0.00444; and
Measured versus data for both the meander and the 9.693, 0.007 for moisture contents of 0%, 1.816%, 3.1135%,
circular sensor are shown in Fig. 6. A linear regression analysis 4.67%, and 5.968%, respectively.
was also performed on the measured data. From Fig. 6(a), in In Maxwell 3-D, the solution type was electrostatic. The
dry condition while for , driving electrodes were set to 10 V and the other electrodes
. The presence of water in the wet concrete clearly re- including the backplane were set to 0 V. The default boundary
sulted in the increase in (126.4% increase). The sensitivity condition, the Neumann homogeneous condition was used. The
of the meander sensor is 0.519 pF/percent change in moisture capacitances between the driving electrodes and the sensing
content. Fig. 6(a) also shows that the coefficient of determina- electrodes were computed for the four different cases.
tion when . Measured versus Since equations (2) to (5) can only correctly describe the ca-
results for the circular sensor are shown in Fig. 6(b). Since the pacitance for the meander sensor, analytical results were ob-
field penetration depth of the circular sensor is larger than that tained only for the meander sensor.
of the meander sensor the resulting linear regression curve in Comparison between the experimental, simulation, and ana-
Fig. 6(b) is steeper than the curve in Fig. 6(a). The coefficient of lytical data for the meander sensor is shown in Fig. 7. As seen,
determination . In dry condition in general the agreement between all three is quite good. Some
while with , (187% increase). deviation is observed at higher moisture content levels. Fig. 8

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tance. The disagreement between the simulation and measure-
ment data can be due to the following. First, as mentioned, in
our Maxwell simulations the exact values of the relative permit-
tivity and conductivity of concrete at 10 kHz and as function of
moisture content was not available. We used curve fitting to ex-
trapolate data from the measured permittivity and conductivity
data of concrete that was valid from 10 MHz to 1 GHz. Since
Maxwell does not use moisture content values directly accurate
values of relative permittivity and conductivity are essential to
obtain accurate simulation results. Second, perhaps during the
Md. Nazmul Alam (S’09) received the B.Sc. and
wiping off of the concrete surface there was some standing water M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from the
on the concrete surface. Although the outside concrete surfaces Bangladesh University of Engineering and Tech-
were wiped off with a dry cloth but the uneven surface might nology, Dhaka, Bangladesh, in 2006 and 2008,
have allowed for some water to still remain on the surface. In Since 2009, he has been a Graduate Research As-
the future one may envision that such sensors in miniature form sistant with the Microwave Engineering Laboratory,
will be integrated with wireless modules and embedded inside Department of Electrical Engineering, University of
South Carolina, Columbia. His research interests in-
concrete samples for moisture content measurement in order to clude sensor design and integration, RFID, and de-
prevent premature corrosion of the steel reinforcements. signing of microwave antennas.

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of South Carolina. Downloaded on June 09,2010 at 19:24:54 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Rashed H Bhuiyan (S’09) received the B.Sc. and Mohammod Ali (M’93–SM’03) received the B.Sc.
M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from the degree in electrical and electronic engineering from
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Tech- the Bangladesh University of Engineering and
nology, Dhaka, Bangladesh, in 2003 and 2005, Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh, in 1987, and the
respectively. He is currently working towards the M.A.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees, both in electrical engi-
Ph.D. degree in the Department of Electrical Engi- neering, from the University of Victoria, Victoria,
neering, University of South Carolina, Columbia. BC, Canada, in 1994 and 1997, respectively.
He is the author of multiple international con- He was with the Bangladesh Institute of Tech-
ference and journal papers. He also served as a nology, Chittagong, from 1988 to 1992. From
faculty member with the Bangladesh University of January 1998 to August 2001, he was with Ericsson
Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, from 2003 to Inc., Research Triangle Park, NC. Since August
2005. His current research interests include miniature electromagnetic sensor 2001, he has been with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University
design, antennas, and RF circuits. of South Carolina, Columbia, where currently he is an Associate Professor. He
had also held appointments as a Visiting Research Scientist with the Motorola
Corporate EME Research Laboratory, Plantation, FL, from June to August
2004. He established the Microwave Engineering Laboratory at the University
Roger A. Dougal (M’82–SM’94) received the Ph.D. of South Carolina in 2001. He is the author/coauthor of over 100 publications
degree from Texas Tech University, Lubbock, in and five granted U.S. patents. His research interests include miniaturized
1983. packaged (embedded) antennas, meta-materials and their antenna applications,
He leads the Power and Energy Group, Elec- distributed wireless sensors and rectennas, and portable/wearable antennas and
trical Engineering Department, University of South their interactions with humans (SAR).
Carolina (USC), Columbia, which has a principal Dr. Ali is the recipient of the 2003 National Science Foundation Faculty Ca-
research focus in the general area of power elec- reer Award. He is also the recipient of the College of Engineering and Informa-
tronics. As a member of the Board of Directors tion Technology Young Investigator Award and the Research Progress Award
of the Electric Ship Research and Development from the University of South Carolina in 2006 and in 2008, respectively. He
Consortium, he oversees USC’s activities related to was the Technical Program Co-Chair of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation So-
new power generation, processing, and distribution ciety’s International Symposium in Charleston, SC, in 2009. He has also served
technologies for ships. He is also the Site Director for a new NSF-spon- as a member of the Technical Program Committee for the IEEE Antennas and
sored Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Grid-connected Propagation Society’s International Symposium for a number of years. He has
Advanced Power Electronics, which is a joint project between USC and the served as a reviewer and panelist for grant proposals for a number of federal and
University of Arkansas. Also, since 1996, under sponsorship of the Office of local funding agencies. He is an Associate Editor for the IEEE ANTENNAS AND
Naval Research, he has overseen development of the Virtual Test Bed software, WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS.
which is a comprehensive simulation and virtual prototyping environment
for multidisciplinary dynamic systems. This environment has been applied
in studies of electric systems for navy ships, electrochemical power sources,
hybrid power sources, power electronics, and controls.

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