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1. Lomov inherited Oxen Meadows from –

a) uncle and aunt b) parents c) sisters d) brothers.
2. Nataliya wears a negligee ___ here ‘negligee’ refers to –
a) a tight gown for wearing inside b) a loose gown for doing household work. c) an
apron. d) a shirt.
3. Anton Chekhov was a famous –
a) American playwright b) Russian playwright c) Indian playwright d) English playwright.
4.  Who utters the name of Volchanetsky –
a) Natalya b) Chubukov c) Lomov d) Natasya.
5. Squeezer is the son of –

a) Harness and Chisels b) Rock and Roll c) Rimi and Jhim d) Lalu and Vulu.

6. “I don’t want anything of yours, and don’t intend to give up what I have” – This is
said by –

a) Lomov to Natalya b) Natalya to Lomov c) Chubukov to Lomov d) Lomov to Chubukov.

7. Chubukov ordered Lomov to shut up or he would shoot him like a – (2017)

a) partridge b) dog c) fox d) wolf

8. Lomov, Chubukov and Natalya approach marriage –

a) with the sense of practicality. b) with a sense of romanticism. c) with a sense of

idealism. d)with the sense of cynicism.

9. Lomov gave…………to Mironov for his dog. (2018)

a) 120 roubles b) 125 roubles c) 25 roubles d) 85 roubles

10. Natalya suggested that Lomov should not go after foxes but – (2019)

a) catch black beetles b) go after horses c) shoot partridges d) go for the doctor.

11. Lomov hoped to go for shooting – (2020)

a) Before the harvest b) in November c) in June d) after the harvest.

12. The word ‘pedigree’ means-

a) forefathers b) ancestry c) relation d) succession.

13. The word ‘guzzling’ means –

a) drunkard b) robber c) lawyer d) hunter.

14. Chubukov had the habit of using the phrase –

a) that is b) et cetera c) so d) so on.

15. “The Proposal” is a –

a) comedy b) tragedy c) farce d) tragi-comed

16. The peasants of Chubukov’s grandfather used to bake bricks for Lomov’s
a) aunt’s grandmother b) aunt’s grandfather c) grandfather d) uncle

17. Who does Chubukov call a "lovesick cat"?

a)Lomov B) himself C) his maid D) Natalya

18.  According to Lomov, what amount would be good enough for buying squeezer?
a) 60 Roubles b) 35 Roubles c) 25 Roubles d) 40 Roubles

19. "Spit it out!" - This expression means -

a) just take it b) just say it c) just leave it d) just listen to 
20. According to Lomov on the Manusinsky hunt, Squeezer was worrying -
a) a beetle b) a shee c) a fox d) a rat

21.The co-passenger who boarded the train at Saharanpur, noticed the girl’s –
(a) face (b) hair (c) dress (d) eyes

22. The narrator said that the girl had  –

(a)  an intriguing face  (b) an attractive face  (c)  an interesting face  (d) an amusing face

23. Kalam is respectful to his father because -

(a) his father sold all his valuables to educate him. (b) his father used to read
namaz everyday before dawn. (c) his father led an honest and austere life. (d) his father was
very laborious
24. According to Jainulabdeen, adversity in life -
(a) is a blessing in disguise. (b) a curse (C) is good as it presents scope for introspection. (d)
is good as it makes man cautious.
25. The title ‘Tsar’ belonged to the – a) Prime Minister of Great Britain b) President of
Russia c) King of Japan d) King of Russia.

26. The wounded man swore to revenge himself on the Tsar because the Tsar – a)
unprisoned his brother b) seized his kingdom c) executed his brother and seized his property
d) killed his brother.

27. The rhyme scheme of ‘Shall I compare thee’ is- a. abab b. abba c. aabb d. abcd
28. 16. The poet asserts that his friend will never lose possession of his- a.
Property b. Health c. Beauty d. Wealth
29. The name of the poet of the poem “The poetry of Earth” is –

a) Gieve Patel b) John Keats c) William Shakespeare d) Arthur Rimbaud.

30. What is the form used in the poem ‘Asleep in the Valley’ ? a)
Petrarchan Sonne b) Shakespearean Sonnet c) Russian Sonnet


1. When ______ last _________ blood ceased flowing, the man revived and asked ________
something _____ drink ________ Tsar brought fresh water and gave it ________ him.

2. Do as directed
a. The man who had entered the compartment broke into my reverie. (Split into two Simple
b. Bring him back. (Change the voice)
c. This is not a correct approach. (Rewrite as an affirmative sentence)
d. “I do not know you, and have nothing to forgive you for.” said the Tsar. (Turn into an
indirect speech)
e. His smile is like an infant’s. (verb form of smile)
f. The most important thing in the world was science. (positive degree)

3. Error Correction:
It could be a fascinate game.( fascinated/fascinating/fascination)

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