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Cac tai khoan giao djch c6 co phieu/ch(mg chT quy/chung quyen c6 bao dam neu tc;1i mt,1c 3 I
Trading accounts having shares/fund certificates/covered warrants mentioned at item 3 above:
.................... tc;1i c6ng ty chung khaan/ln the securities company: ..... .
5. S6 IU'Q'ng, ty 1$ co phieu/ch(l'ng chi quy/ chung quyen c6 baa dam nam giCJ' tm6'c khi thl,l'c hi$n
giao djch/Number, ownership percentage of shares/fund certificates/covered warrants held before the
transaction: 900.000 cl> phif!u, ty I� 0.043%.
S6 IU'Q'ng, ty 1$ chung khoan CO' s6' (neu tc;1i mt,1c 3) nam giCJ' tm6'c khi thl,l'c hi$n chung quyen c6
bao dam */Number, ownership percentage of underlying securities (which are mentioned at item 3) held
before executing the covered warrants *;
6. S6 IU'Q'ng co phieu/chung chi quy/ch(l'ng quyen c6 baa dam dang ky mua/ban/cho/dU'Q'C
cl10/t�ng/dU'</C lc;111y/ll 1U'a ke/d1uy�11 11hU'Q'ng/nh�n chuy�n nhll'Q'ng/hoan d6r!/Vumber of shares/fund
certificates/covered warrants registered to purchaselsaielprnsentlbe presented/donate/be
donatedlmhentltransterlbe tramferred/swap:
- Loc;1i giao djch dang ky (mua/ ban/ cho/ dU'Q'C cho/ t�mg/ dU'Q'C tc;3ng/ thua ke/chuyen
nhU'Q'ng/nh$n chuyen nhU'Q'n!=J/hoan doi)!Type of transaction registered (to purchase/sell/present/be
prnsented/donatelbn dnnntodlinheritltransferlbe transferrtildlswap: Dan.
- S6 IU'qng co philfiu/ch(mA chi quy/Ght'rng (lllyAn c6 bdo dnm d5ng ky gi8o ciich/ Number of
s/Ja1eslfu11u c&1tlfludt&slwv&1C:uJ warrants registered for tradmg: 900.000 c6 phl�u.
7. Gia tr! gino dich dv· !<ion (tfnh thoo monh giA)rrh0. expected Vflluei nf trnnsRc:tinn (which
calculated based on par valufi}: Sl.000.000.000 d6ng.
Gia tr! ch(rng quy�n c6 bao dam (theo gra phat hanh g�n nhat) giao djch dl,I' kien (doi v6'i chung
quycn c6 bao dam)/ Value of covered warrants (at the latest issui11v J>lic:&) &XJl&c:f&cl to l1& tu,cltHI (for
c;uvr:m::u Wc::Jllc::Jll(S).
8. S6 IU'Q'ng, ty 1$ co phieu/chung chi quy/chung quyen c6 bao dam dl,I' kien nam giCJ' sau khi tht,1'c
hi¢n giao dich/ Number and 9wnership percentage of s/Ja11;:;s/fu11u r..;1;:;1/ifiuat&skuv&11:1u wa11a11ts &xµected
to hold after the transaction: 0 cl> phieu, ty I� 0%.
9. Mt,1c dfch thl,l'c hi$n giao djch/Purpose of transaction: Tai CO' du danh mi.ic dilu tU'.
10.PhU'ang thuc giao djch/Method of transaction: Kh&p l�nh va/ho�c thoa thu�n.
11. Thc>'i gian dl,I' ki�n ll'il,l'c lii$11 yic:1u djcl1/PxpHc:tHd trnrfina timA· tir ngAylfrnm 2..111JlO'l1 cf�n
* s6 IU'r;mg, ty I� ch(fnQ kf1ua11 cu sa 11flm giO, f<Ji ngAy tMng Mn giao djchl Number,ownership
percentage of underlying securities held at the day of the notice:

N01i nh�n:
- NhlJ' tren;
- TCT SCIC (6!§ bao cao)
- LU'u: VT, DTTC

T� Oinh Ha

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