BRM Assignment 1

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A. Problem Statement
How increasing customers brand awareness and taking franchise owners into confidence can
improve revenue.

B. Research Questions
How to market the variety of facilities offered to clients by the different types of hotels in
Holiday Hospitality Corp?
How to ensure the franchise owners are cooperative in implementing in the plans of Tom Oliver?

C. Objective
To understand how the classification should be conveyed to the consumers, so that they can
understand the benefits and differentiating factor attached with each variety of hotels.
To make the franchise owners fully cooperative towards all his plans.

D. Theoretical Framework
The issue lies in the inability of the consumers to distinguish between the product offerings by
holiday inn. Product differentiation makes the process of selection for the customer easier and
manages their expectations thus increases their satisfaction.
With better differentiation Holiday inn will be able to provide services to the satisfaction of the
customer. Thus, increased customer satisfaction will lead to increase in customer loyalty thus
increasing the revenue as the satisfied customer will use the services again and will encourage
others in their networks too.
To make any strategy successful the organization needs the support from the stakeholders and for
them to buy into the vision of the organization. In the case of holiday inn franchise owners also
contribute to the confusion among the customers regarding the product differentiation. Mr. Oliver
needs the support of franchise owners to make his strategy successful as they are the ones who
will be implementing it on the ground i.e., better maintenance of facilities and services provided
to customer and highlighting the differentiated services to consumers.
Mr. Oliver need to take the franchise owners into confidence that the proposed strategy will be
beneficial to them also and will increase the supply chain surplus at each stage.

E. Justification of Framework
The skills required by the job and the rewards are independent variables. They form the basic
requirements for the job and the employee performance. A highly skilled employee will perform
better than an unskilled employee.
Valence of rewards is a moderating variable. Higher rewards based on better job performance
will motivate the employee to perform better. It will play an indirect role as the reward size will
influence the performance.
Job satisfaction and motivation are intervening variables. An employee having the right skill set
for the job will be able to perform better and will earn more performance based rewards. Hence
the employee will be more satisfied of, and better motivated to do the job.
Performance is the dependent variable. The final employee performance depends on the skill set
and the rewards the employee will receive for the job.

F. Prepare variable flowchart of Case

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