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Tool Fishing Catalog

May 1999
Manual No. 770.00444-B

All information contained in this publication is confidential and proprietary property of
Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. Any reproduction or use of these instruction, drawings,
or photography without the express written permission of an officer of Halliburton
Energy Services, Inc. is forbidden.

 Copyright 1997 Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.

All Rights Reserved

Printed in the United States of America

The drawings in this manual were the most recent revisions and the best quality available
at the time this manual was printed. We recommend that you check your manual for
individual drawing clarity and revision level. Should you have equipment with revisions
later than the drawings in this manual, or should you require higher-quality drawings than
the drawings in this manual, order replacements from the Engineering Print Room in

Tool Dimensions, Environmental Ratings, and Hardware Characteristics may vary

depending upon tool model and date of release. Measurement parameters vary with
specific downhole conditions, and stated values are representative of those that may be
found under common downhole conditions. Recommended logging parameters such as
logging speed and minimum hole size are based upon average conditions, but can vary
depending upon actual conditions and local experience. Any user of data contained in
this manual agrees that Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. is not responsible, except where
owing to gross negligence or willful misconduct, for any loss, damages, or expenses
resulting from the use of data or tool specifications herein. Further, Halliburton does not
warranty the information contained herein to be accurate subsequent to the date of
publication. Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. specifically disclaims any implied
warranties such as fitness for use, or merchantability or any other implied warranties.
These data are supplied “as is” and the user thereof proceeds at his or her own risk.
Halliburton Energy Services


Revision Record

Tool Fishing Catalog

Date Description

June 1993 Initial manual release

July 1997 Revision A

May 1999 Revision B - add OEB-99/013 to Appendix D

05/99 770.00444-B Revision Record

Technical Communications - Houston Tool Fishing Catalog
P.O. Box 42800
Houston, Texas 77242-8034


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Halliburton Energy Services


Table of Contents

Section 1: Introduction to Fishing...................................................................... 1-1

Fishing Terms ....................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Personnel Requirements for Fishing Operations .................................................................................. 1-1
Prevention of Sticking........................................................................................................................... 1-2
Conditions that Cause Sticking ............................................................................................................. 1-3
Open Hole ......................................................................................................................................... 1-3
Cased Hole ........................................................................................................................................ 1-3
Initial Procedure for Stuck Cable or Stuck Tool................................................................................... 1-4
Differentiating Between Stuck Cable or Stuck Tool ............................................................................ 1-4
Special Precautions ............................................................................................................................... 1-5
Customer Relationship.......................................................................................................................... 1-6
Fishing Equipment Available................................................................................................................ 1-7
Tool Size and Price ............................................................................................................................... 1-7

Section 2: Radiation, Sealed Sources, and Abandonment................................. 2-1

Radioactive Source Considerations ...................................................................................................... 2-1
Applicable Federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulations ...................................................... 2-3
§39.15, Title 10-- Agreement With Well Owner or Operator .......................................................... 2-3
Fishing Sealed Sources or Radioactive Tools....................................................................................... 2-7
General Guidelines............................................................................................................................ 2-7
Notification of Radiation Incidents................................................................................................... 2-7
Emergency Notification to CRSO................................................................................................. 2-8
Advisement to Well Owner or operator............................................................................................ 2-8

05/99 770.00444-B Table of Contents i

CRSO Contact Information............................................................................................................... 2-8

Reporting Procedures ........................................................................................................................ 2-9

RADIATION-RPT Incident Report .............................................................................................. 2-9
Stuck Tool Retrieval Report ....................................................................................................... 2-11

Source Abandonment Report ...................................................................................................... 2-11

Sealed Source Abandonment .............................................................................................................. 2-13
Typical Abandonments ................................................................................................................... 2-13
Source and Tool Below the Producing Zone .............................................................................. 2-13
Source and Tool Above the Producing Zone .............................................................................. 2-14
Source and Tool in the Producing Zone...................................................................................... 2-14
Other Abandonment Considerations ............................................................................................... 2-14

Section 3: Cable Strength and Safety Considerations ....................................... 3-1

General Safety Considerations.............................................................................................................. 3-1
Cable Strength....................................................................................................................................... 3-1
Weak Point ............................................................................................................................................ 3-2
Weak-Point Strength ............................................................................................................................. 3-3
Weak-Point Calculation in a Vertical Hole ...................................................................................... 3-3
Safe Load Calculation........................................................................................................................... 3-5
Weak Point Reliability (Cased Hole Rehead)....................................................................................... 3-6
Construction ...................................................................................................................................... 3-6
Rig up/down ...................................................................................................................................... 3-6
Head types ......................................................................................................................................... 3-6
Rope socket strength ......................................................................................................................... 3-7
Monoconductors............................................................................................................................ 3-7
Seven conductor cable................................................................................................................... 3-7
Liability Considerations...................................................................................................................... 3-10

Section 4: Fishing Techniques Overview ........................................................... 4-1

Choosing a Fishing Technique.............................................................................................................. 4-1
Available Fishing Techniques............................................................................................................... 4-1
Cut-and-Thread ................................................................................................................................. 4-1
Reverse Cut-and-Thread ................................................................................................................... 4-2
Side-Door Overshot .......................................................................................................................... 4-2
Freeing at the Weak Point ................................................................................................................. 4-3

ii Table of Contents 770.00444-B 05/99

Section 5: Performing the Cut-and-Thread Technique..................................... 5-1
Equipment Needed ................................................................................................................................ 5-1
Dressing the Tool .................................................................................................................................. 5-2
Preparing the Cable to be Cut ............................................................................................................... 5-3
Rigging the Derrick............................................................................................................................... 5-3
Cable Assembly .................................................................................................................................... 5-3
Rope Socket Assembly ......................................................................................................................... 5-4
Cut and Thread Procedures ................................................................................................................... 5-8
Personnel ........................................................................................................................................... 5-8
Entering the Hole .............................................................................................................................. 5-8
On Depth with the Fish ................................................................................................................... 5-12
Fishing While Circulating........................................................................................................... 5-12
Positioning the Circulating Sub .................................................................................................. 5-13
Special Circulating Setup............................................................................................................ 5-15
Fishing Without Circulation........................................................................................................ 5-15
Retrieving the Wireline from the Hole ....................................................................................... 5-16
Retrieving the Fish From the Hole.............................................................................................. 5-17
Precautions for the Cut-and-Thread-Technique.................................................................................. 5-17
Potential Problems .............................................................................................................................. 5-18

Section 6: Performing the Side-Door Overshot Technique ............................... 6-1

Equipment Needed ................................................................................................................................ 6-1
Side-Door Overshot Procedures............................................................................................................ 6-3
Precautions for Side-Door Overshot ..................................................................................................... 6-5

Section 7: Performing the Freeing-at-the-Weak-Point Technique................... 7-1

Breaking the Weak Point ...................................................................................................................... 7-1
Fishing Tool Choice.............................................................................................................................. 7-1
Freeing-at-the-weak-point Procedures.................................................................................................. 7-2
Precautions for Freeing-at-the-Weakpoint Technique.......................................................................... 7-2

Section 8: Sonic Tool Fishing Sheets ................................................................. 8-1

Full Wave Sonic Tool (FWST-A), Short-Spaced Configuration....................................................... 8-2
Full Wave Sonic Tool (FWST-A), Long-Spaced Configuration....................................................... 8-3
Full Wave Sonic Tool (FWST-A), Extra-Long-Spaced Configuration............................................. 8-4
Hostile Full Wave Sonic (HFWS-A )................................................................................................. 8-5
05/99 770.00444-B Table of Contents iii
Borehole Compensated Sonic Tool (BCDT-A )................................................................................. 8-6
Borehole Compensated Sonic, Long-Spaced (BCT-EA)................................................................... 8-7
Borehole Compensated Sonic (BCT-BB) .......................................................................................... 8-8
Low Frequency Dipole Tool (LFDT-A )............................................................................................ 8-9
Circumferential Acoustic Scanning Tool (CAST-V)....................................................................... 8-10
Circumferential Acoustic Scanning Tool (CAST)........................................................................... 8-11
Circumferential Acoustic Scanning Tool (CAST-A ) ...................................................................... 8-12
Pulsed Power Multipole Acoustic Tool (XACT)............................................................................. 8-13

Section 9: Nuclear Tool Fishing Sheets ............................................................. 9-1

Natural Gamma Ray Tool (NGRT-A ) .............................................................................................. 9-2
Hostile Natural Gamma Ray (HNGR-A ) .......................................................................................... 9-3
Universal Gamma Ray (UGR-HA) .................................................................................................... 9-4
Compensated Spectral Natural Gamma Ray (CSNG-A) ................................................................... 9-5
Compensated Spectral Natural Gamma Ray (CSNG-A) ................................................................... 9-6
Spectral Gamma Ray (SGR-A).......................................................................................................... 9-7
Pulsed Spectral Gamma Ray Tool (PSGT-A ) ................................................................................... 9-8
Dual Spaced Neutron II Tool (DSNT-A ) .......................................................................................... 9-9
Hostile Dual Spaced Neutron (HDSN-A ) ....................................................................................... 9-10
Dual Spaced Epithermal Neutron (DSEN) ...................................................................................... 9-11
Compensated Neutron Tool (CNT-NA,JA,KA,LA) ........................................................................ 9-12
Thermal Multigate Decay-Lithology (TMD-L)............................................................................... 9-13
Thermal Multigate Decay Tool (TMD )........................................................................................... 9-14
TracerScan  Tool .............................................................................................................................. 9-15
RotaScan .......................................................................................................................................... 9-16
Spectral Density Logging Tool (SDLT-D )...................................................................................... 9-17
Spectral Density Logging Tool (SDLT-C )...................................................................................... 9-18
Spectral Density Logging Tool (SDLT-A) ...................................................................................... 9-19
Spectral Litho-Density (SLT-BA) ................................................................................................... 9-20
Slimhole Spectral Density Logging (SSDL).................................................................................... 9-21
Hostile Spectral Density Logging (HSDL-A).................................................................................. 9-22
Hostile Spectral Density Logging (HSDL-A ), In-Line Pad............................................................ 9-23
Compensated Density (CDT-K,M) .................................................................................................. 9-24
Gamma Neutron Tool (GNT), Cosmos............................................................................................ 9-25

iv Table of Contents 770.00444-B 05/99

Gamma Ray Neutron Tool (GNT-AD) ............................................................................................ 9-26
Hostile Gamma Neutron CCL (HGNC-A) ...................................................................................... 9-27
Gamma Neutron CCL (GNC-A) ...................................................................................................... 9-28
Gamma Neutron Slim Tool (GNST-A)............................................................................................ 9-29
Hostile Gamma Perforator (HGPS-A), Slimhole............................................................................. 9-30
Gamma Perforator Slimhole Tool (GPST-A) .................................................................................. 9-31
Gamma Perforator Large Tool (GPLT-A) ....................................................................................... 9-32
Gamma Ray Tool (GRT-LA), Coregun G/R ................................................................................... 9-33
Gamma Perforator (M157).................................................................................................................. 9-34
M187 Gamma Perforator ................................................................................................................. 9-35

Section 10: Electromagnetic Tool Fishing Sheets ........................................... 10-1

High Resolution Induction Tool (HRIT) ......................................................................................... 10-2
High Resolution Induction (HRI-B) ................................................................................................ 10-3
Hostile Dual Induction Logging (HDIL-A) ..................................................................................... 10-4
Dual Induction Logging Tool (DILT-A).......................................................................................... 10-5
Dual Induction Logging (DIL-F,G) ................................................................................................. 10-6
Dual Laterolog Logging (DLLT-A)................................................................................................. 10-7
Dual Laterolog Logging Tool (DLLT-B) ........................................................................................ 10-8
Dual Laterolog Tool (DLT-F).......................................................................................................... 10-9
Micro Spherically Focused Log, Microlog (MSFL-C).................................................................. 10-10
Micro Spherically Focused Log Tool (MSFL-A) .......................................................................... 10-11
Micro Spherically Focused Log Tool (MSFL) .............................................................................. 10-12
Microlog Tool (ML) Used With HFDT Assembly........................................................................ 10-13
Microlog Tool (ML) Used With SDLT  Assembly........................................................................ 10-14
Microguard (MGRD), DLLT-A..................................................................................................... 10-15
Micro Electric Logging Tool (MEL) ............................................................................................. 10-16
High Frequency Dielectric Tool (HFDT-A ).................................................................................. 10-17
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Log (MRIL)................................................................................... 10-18

Section 11: Cement Evaluation Tool Fishing Sheets....................................... 11-1

Cement Bond Logging Tool (M271) .................................................................................................. 11-2
Full Wave Sonic Tool (FWST-A), Cement Bond Logging ............................................................. 11-3
Cement Bond Logging (CBT-FB) ................................................................................................... 11-4
Cement Bond Logging Tool (CBT-EA) .......................................................................................... 11-5

05/99 770.00444-B Table of Contents v

Pulse Echo Tool (PET-C)................................................................................................................. 11-6
Compensated Cement Attenuation Tool (CCAT-A) ....................................................................... 11-7
Hostile Full Wave Sonic (HFWS-A), Cement Bond Logging......................................................... 11-8
Circumferential Acoustic Scanning Tool (CAST-V)....................................................................... 11-9

Section 12: Production Logging Tool Fishing Sheets ..................................... 12-1

Caged Full Bore Spinner (CFBS) Flow 2000TM ............................................................................... 12-2
Combined Pressure Temperature Density (CPTD) Flow 2000TM .................................................... 12-3
Gas Holdup Tool, Version 2 (GHT2) Flow 2000TM ......................................................................... 12-4
Hydro Capacitance Tool (HYD2) Flow 2000TM ............................................................................... 12-5
Data Adapter Tool (DAT), Flow 2000 to MUX-B .......................................................................... 12-6
Halliburton Memory Recorder Carrier (HMRC) Flow 2000TM ........................................................ 12-7
Production Logging Telemetry (MUX-GB) .................................................................................... 12-8
Stack Pressure Tool (SPT-CC)......................................................................................................... 12-9
Gamma Ray Tool, Scintillation (GRTS-A) ................................................................................... 12-10
Production Gamma Ray Tool(GRT-RB) ....................................................................................... 12-11
Temperature Logging Tool (TLT-IC)............................................................................................ 12-12
Casing Collar Locator (CCL-WA)................................................................................................. 12-13
Gas Holdup Tool (GHT) ................................................................................................................ 12-14
Hydro Tool (HYD-FC)................................................................................................................... 12-15
Fluid Density Tool (FDT-EC)........................................................................................................ 12-16
Continuous Flowmeter (FMS-HC) ................................................................................................ 12-17
Caged Full Bore Flowmeter Tool (CFFT) ........................................................................................ 12-18
HP Quartz Pressure Adapter (HPA-AA)........................................................................................ 12-19
Compensated Quartz Pressure Tool (CQPT )................................................................................. 12-20
Borehole Audio Tracer Survey (BATS) ........................................................................................... 12-21
Borehole Audio Tracer Survey (BATS), with temperature .............................................................. 12-22
Production Pressure Gauge Tool (PPGT) ...................................................................................... 12-23

Section 13: Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets ....................................................... 13-1

DITS2 Subsurface Telemetry Sub (D2TS-A) .................................................................................. 13-2
DITS Subsurface Telemetry Unit (DSTU-B) ............................................................................... 13-3
Hostile Environment Telemetry Sub (HETS-A).............................................................................. 13-4
Thru-Tubing Telemetry Cartridge (TTTC-B).................................................................................. 13-5

vi Table of Contents 770.00444-B 05/99

High Resolution Temperature Tool (HRTT-B) ............................................................................... 13-6
Combination Free Point—Backoff Tool (Dia-Log), 1.63 in. .......................................................... 13-7
DITS Casing Collar Locator (DCCL-A).......................................................................................... 13-8
Casing Collar Locator, 3.125-In. Perforating (CCL) .......................................................................... 13-9
Hostile Casing Collar Locator (HCCL-A) ..................................................................................... 13-10
Four Independent Arm Caliper (FIAC-A )..................................................................................... 13-11
Four-Arm Caliper Tool (FACT) .................................................................................................... 13-12
Hostile Environment Caliper Tool (HECT-A ) .............................................................................. 13-13
Hostile Powered Decentralizer Caliper (HPDC-A )....................................................................... 13-14
Multi-Arm Caliper Tool (MAC), 1.75-, 2.13-, 5.25-, and 8.25-in.................................................... 13-15
Pipe Inspection Tool (PIT-A) ........................................................................................................ 13-16
Multi-Frequency Electromagnetic Thickness Gauge (METG A/B).............................................. 13-17
Casing Inspection Tool (CIT-A), 6.25-, 4.5-, and 3.5-in. mandrels ................................................. 13-18
Electrical Micro-Imaging Tool (EMI-A) ....................................................................................... 13-19
Electrical Micro-Imaging Tool (EMI-B) ....................................................................................... 13-20
Six-Arm Dipmeter (SED-C), DITS Version.................................................................................. 13-21
Six-Arm Dipmeter (SED-B) .......................................................................................................... 13-22
Hostile Environment Dipmeter Tool (HEDT-A ) .......................................................................... 13-23
Four-Arm Dipmeter (FED-KB) ..................................................................................................... 13-24
Stand-Alone DITS Directional Tool (SDDT-A)............................................................................ 13-25
Sequential Formation Tester Tool (SFTT-C)................................................................................. 13-26
Sequential Formation Tester Tool (SFTT-B)................................................................................. 13-27
Selective Formation Tester (SFT-IV), 12K psi.............................................................................. 13-28
Selective Formation Tester (SFT-IV), 12K, Quartz, DITS............................................................ 13-29
Cased Hole Formation Tester (CHFT), Single Pad ....................................................................... 13-30
Cased Hole Formation Tester (CHFT ), Dual Pads........................................................................ 13-31
Cased Hole Formation Tester (CHFT), Single-Pad Quartz ........................................................... 13-32
Cased Hole Formation Tester (CHFT), Dual-Pad Quartz.............................................................. 13-33
Chamber Assembly, 2.75 Gallon ...................................................................................................... 13-34
Chamber Assembly, 2.75 Gallon, H2S Version ................................................................................ 13-35
Cased Hole Chamber Assembly, 2.6 Gallon.................................................................................. 13-36
Chamber Assembly, Segregator........................................................................................................ 13-37
Chamber Assembly, 2.6 Gallon ........................................................................................................ 13-38
Chamber Assembly, 5 Gallon ........................................................................................................... 13-39

05/99 770.00444-B Table of Contents vii

Chamber Assembly, 3 Chamber ....................................................................................................... 13-40
Rotary Sidewall Coring Tool (RSCT-A) ....................................................................................... 13-41
Sidewall Coring Tool (SWC)......................................................................................................... 13-42
Hybrid Sidewall Coring Tool ......................................................................................................... 13-43
Sidewall Clamping Geophone (SWC-30B) ................................................................................... 13-44
Sidewall Clamping Geophone (SWC-3C) ..................................................................................... 13-45
Sidewall Clamping Geophone (SWC-3C), high-temperature version........................................... 13-46
Gimballed Sidewall Clamping Geophone (SWC-3G) ................................................................... 13-47
Slimhole Seismic Profiling Tool (SSPT) ....................................................................................... 13-48
Slimhole Seismic Profiling Tool (SSPT), High Resolution........................................................... 13-49
Borehole Seismic Profiling Tool (BSPT) ...................................................................................... 13-50
Borehole Seismic Profiling Tool (BSPT-G) .................................................................................. 13-51
Borehole Seismic Profiling Tool (BSPT-M) ................................................................................. 13-52

Section 14: Cable Head Dimensions................................................................. 14-1

2 ¾-in. Hostile Load Cell Cable Head ................................................................................................ 14-2
3 5/8-in. Standard DITS Logging Cable Head.................................................................................... 14-3
Downhole Tension Device, Non-DITS............................................................................................... 14-4
3 5/8-in. DITS Load Cell Cable Head................................................................................................. 14-5
Downhole Tension Device (DTD), DITS Version .......................................................................... 14-6
Releasable Weak Point Cable Head (RWCH-A) ................................................................................ 14-7

Appendix A: Cable Stretch Information ............................................................ A-1

Cable Stretch Charts.........................................................................................................................A-1
Determining “Stuck” Depth by Measuring Line Stretch ..................................................................A-2

Appendix B: Equipment Lists............................................................................. B-1

Bowen Fishing Kit ................................................................................................................................B-1
Bowen Fishing Kit Ordering Information.............................................................................................B-3

Appendix C: OEB 96/081 (Amendment)............................................................ C-1

Appendix D: OEB 91/062, OEB-99/013 .............................................................D-1

viii Table of Contents 770.00444-B 05/99

Halliburton Energy Services


List of Figures
Figure 2-1: Actions in response to tool with radioactive material becoming lodged downhole..............2-2
Figure 2-2: Sample Field Ticket for Customer Signature ........................................................................2-5
Figure 2-3: Terms and Conditions (Back of field ticket) .........................................................................2-6
Figure 2-4: Example of Report of Incidents Involving Radiation..........................................................2-10
Figure 2-5: Radiation Tool Retrieved.....................................................................................................2-11
Figure 2-6: Report of Radioactive Material Abandonment....................................................................2-12
Figure 2-7: Source and Tool Below the Producing Zone .......................................................................2-15
Figure 2-8: Source and Tool Above the Producing Zone.......................................................................2-16
Figure 2-9: Source and Tool in the Producing Zone ..............................................................................2-17
Figure 5-1: Bowen Series 150 Overshot...................................................................................................5-2
Figure 5-2: Cut-and-thread assembly .......................................................................................................5-4
Figure 5-3: Bowen Cable-Guided Fishing Assembly............................................................................... 5-5
Figure 5-4: Subassembly Rope Socket, 27674.........................................................................................5-6
Figure 5-5: Positioning the circulating sub ............................................................................................5-14
Figure 6-1: Bowen Side-Door Overshot...................................................................................................6-2
Figure 6-2: Bowen Series 160 Overshot, 6400.........................................................................................6-3
Figure B-1: Bowen Cable Hanger and Cable Cutter ............................................................................... B-4
Figure B-2: Bowen Cable Guided Fishing Assembly, 18930 ................................................................. B-6
Figure B-3: Subassembly Rope Socket, 27674 ....................................................................................... B-8
Figure B-4: Bowen Wireline Swivel, 80777 and Spear-Head Overshot, 11810................................... B-10
Figure B-5: Bowen Series 105 Overshot ............................................................................................... B-12
Figure B-6: Bowen Series 150 Overshot, C-5148 ................................................................................. B-14
Figure B-7: Bowen Series 160 Overshot, 6400 ..................................................................................... B-16
Figure B-8: Bowen Series 150 Overshot, C-4619 ................................................................................. B-18
Figure B-9: Bowen 1-11/16 OD “Reliable” Slip-Type Rope Socket Assembly, 27674....................... B-20

05/99 770.00444-B List of Figures

Halliburton Energy Services


List of Tables
Table 3-1: Cable Tension Ratings........................................................................................................... 3-2
Table 3-2: Tension-Link Weak-Point Ratings ......................................................................................... 3-4
Table 3-3: Monoconductors, Cased Hole Rehead ................................................................................... 3-8
Table 3-4: 7 Conductor Cables, Cased Hole Rehead............................................................................... 3-9
Table B-1: Bowen Fishing Kit Contents..................................................................................................B-1
Table B-2: Bowen Cable Hanger and Cable Cutter Parts........................................................................B-5
Table B-3: Bowen Cable Guided Fishing Assembly Parts ......................................................................B-7
Table B-4: Subassembly Rope Socket, 27674 Parts ................................................................................B-9
Table B-5: Bowen Wireline Swivel, 80777 and Spear-Head Overshot, 11810 parts............................B-11
Table B-6: Bowen Series 105 Overshot Parts........................................................................................B-13
Table B-7: Bowen Series 150 Overshot, C-5148 Parts..........................................................................B-15
Table B-8: Bowen Series 160 Overshot, 6400 (Overshot OD 4½) Parts...............................................B-17
Table B-9: Bowen Series 150 Overshot, C-4619 (Overshot OD 4 3/8) Parts .......................................B-19
Table B-10: 1 11/16-in. OD “Reliable” Slip Type Rope Socket, 27674 Parts .......................................B-21

05/99 770.00444-B List of Tables

Halliburton Energy Services


Introduction to Fishing
Note: The information and procedures listed in this manual apply to Bowen Tools, Inc.
equipment only. Inform the customer that Halliburton uses Bowen technology and
recommended published procedures to retrieve stuck tools.

Fishing Terms
Keyseated - the wireline is stuck to the borehole wall.
Bird caged - logging cable that has its outer armor spread out in the shape of a bird cage. This
may be caused by the sudden relaxation of a cable under tension. It may also occur when a cable
with a loose outer armor is run through a tight pack-off.
Tool spudding - moving the tool up and down at high speeds to go through an obstruction, for
example a bridge or solidified drilling mud. Spudding may result in tool damage and cable
damage. The cable is designed to be worked in tension, not compression, which may be
especially harmful for splices.
Normal tension - surface tension on the cable at a given depth in the well, logging up the
borehole with calipers open before any tool sticking or cable keyseating occurs.

Note: The tool may become stuck before normal tension can be determined.

Personnel Requirements for Fishing Operations

The fishing team must know the procedures to follow at the first sign that the tool or cable is
stuck. See “Differentiating Between Stuck Cable or Tool” in this section. Prompt action can free
stuck cable and tools, whereas delays usually result in fishing jobs. Failure to follow procedures
precisely can lead to unnecessary loss and expense for both Halliburton and the client.
The fishing team must read and understand the substance and intent of the “General Terms and
Conditions” from the current HES Price Schedule, which specify that the customer is responsible
for all downhole losses except those resulting from Halliburton’s gross negligence. The customer
is expected to recover the equipment in good condition or pay for the loss. Halliburton allows no
credit or exemption for unsuccessful effort.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Introduction to Fishing 1-1

The fishing team must know the recommended fishing tools and procedures. Teams using the
correct tools and procedures experience a high rate of recovery.
The fishing team must also be prepared to present the advantages and disadvantages of
alternative fishing procedures so that the customer can choose a procedure reasonably certain to
Each fishing team also should include an expert in fishing operations, although the actual fishing
job may be supervised by the Halliburton district manager or a division fishing expert. Expertise
can be developed from on-the-job training overseen by an experienced fishing expert.

Prevention of Sticking
The following guidelines can help prevent a tool from lodging in the hole. To comply with
regulatory requirements and HES policy, this is especially important.
1. To minimize the possibility of radioactive sources becoming lodged in a well without
surface casing used to protect fresh water (potable) aquifers (3,000 parts per million [ppm]
total dissolved solids or less), the Well Logging Supervisor shall perform one or more of the
following procedures prior to logging with tools containing radioactive material:
a. Consult with the driller, toolpusher, or company man to obtain specific knowledge of the
borehole conditions and any special requirements to prevent radioactive sources from
becoming lodged in the well.
b. Run a caliper log to determine hole size and any problem areas.
c. Run a tool containing no radioactive source, such as an induction tool, to show that it can
pass freely. When running combination tools, consider running the tools in separate runs
to decrease the length of the tool string and the chance of it becoming lodged.
d. Place a temporary casing across sections of the hole causing problems.
2. Maintain an accurate and calibrated tension device.
3. With the ever-increasing size and weight of toolstrings, the logging engineer must be
extremely cautious when selecting the cable weak point. DITS toolstrings commonly exceed
1,000 lb.
4. If possible, run a downhole tension device as part of the standard logging string.
5. To help determine the normal tension, monitor tension readings while going into and coming
out of the hole.
6. Verify that the tool OD is the appropriate size for the borehole.
7. Gather complete data on hole history, if any, and hole condition, such as hole deviations,
build-up angle, windows, lost returns, bridges, ledges, and mud data, before beginning the
logging operation.
8. Lower the logging tool with proper cable tension and speed.
9. Avoid rapid cable descent because hole obstructions can cause tool spudding.
10. Be prepared for the bottom of the well and pick up quickly when you reach bottom. If the
tool seems to stick when picking up, do not touch bottom again.

1-2 Introduction to Fishing Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444-B 05/99

11. Keep moving; never stop longer than necessary.
12. When cable tension builds at the surface but not downhole, indicating that the cable is
keyseating but is not stuck, keep the winch moving within safe cable-tension limits. Never
pull more than 50% of the cable rating or two-thirds of the weak-point rating.

Conditions that Cause Sticking

Tool and cable sticking is caused by characteristics unique to open holes and cased holes.

Open Hole
In an open hole, the following conditions can cause the tool or cable to become stuck:
• debris on the well bottom
• mechanical keyseating of the cable at a dogleg in the borehole
• split or damaged casing shoe
• knotted, birdcaged, or broken cable strands
• differential pressure acting on the cable, bridle, tool, or possibly all three, especially across
depleted zones
• restricted hole size or bridge in the borehole can cause the toolstring to become wedged at
the head.

Cased Hole
In a cased hole, the following conditions can cause the tool or cable to become stuck:
• collapsed or damaged pipe
• entry into a reduced pipe size
• soft cement
• sand flow
• excessive logging speeds for hole conditions
• tool size exceeding limitations for casing size or conditions
• differential pressure sticking opposite perforations or casing leaks
• knotted, birdcaged, or broken cable strands
• debris in well
• cable damage by the upthrust of a perforating gun or head resulting from detonation in low
hydrostatic pressure
• wedging into packers, plugs, and landing nipples

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Introduction to Fishing 1-3

Initial Procedure for Stuck Cable or Stuck Tool
CAUTION Releasing the cable suddenly after any pull described in the following procedures has no
benefit. Releasing suddenly can cause a knot to form in the cable.
1. If cable tension increases, the cable may be keyseating or the tool may be beginning to stick.
Keep moving, but stay within safe cable tension limits.
2. If the tool is stuck on bottom, apply maximum safe tension immediately. Refer to the cable
tension ratings and weak-point data in Tables 3-1 and 3-2 in Section 3, “Cable Strength and
Safety Considerations.” Close calipers if necessary.
3. If the tool stops at a bridge in the borehole while coming out of the hole,
a. Promptly stop the winch, close all calipers, and attempt to lower the tool. Downward
travel may open the bridge or shift the tool in the hole to allow passage on the next
b. Check the tension device reading for normal free-tool cable tension (TN). The free-tool
cable tension can be measured accurately only before the tool is stuck. TN is the weight
of the cable in mud plus the weight of the tool in mud (WTM) at that depth plus the
friction of cable and tool against the borehole.
c. Note the depth of the bridge and flag the line.
d. Repeat Step 3a several times, if necessary, increasing tension only slightly each time to
avoid hanging the tool in the bridge. Watch the flag and recorder for any indication of

Differentiating Between Stuck Cable or Stuck Tool

If the appropriate tension fails to start an upward movement of the cable and tools, turn off the
power to the logging equipment, assemble the fishing team, and formulate a plan of action.

Note: Although no tension ratings are specified for spliced cable, the limitations of
spliced cable never should exceed 50% of the new cable rating.

CAUTION Do not exceed 50% of the new-cable rating or two-thirds of the normal weak-point
rating, unless the customer orders otherwise.
Cable keyseating can result from two conditions:
• mechanical binding, usually where the cable cuts into a dogleg
• differential pressure sticking, in which one side of the cable becomes embedded in the
borehole wall so that it is no longer exposed to hydrostatic pressure. Differential-pressure
sticking forces and holds the cable on the borehole wall, resulting in increased cable friction.
Treat mechanical binding and differential pressure sticking identically. No reliable method exists
to differentiate between these types of sticking, and fishing concerns are identical.
1. Determine if the cable is keyseated and the depth at which it is keyseated by referring to the
appropriate stretch chart in Appendix A.

1-4 Introduction to Fishing Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444-B 05/99

a. Increase tension slightly above normal logging tension.
b. Flag the line at the rotary table with friction tape.
c. Increase tension by any amount (while staying below maximum safe tension).

Note Increased tension of 1,000 lb is recommended because this figure is easy to read
on the stretch chart (If not possible, use 500 lbs.).
d. Flag the cable again at exactly the same elevation, and accurately measure the distance
between the marks. This distance indicates cable stretch.
e. Enter this stretch and associated tension increase on the appropriate keyseat chart for the
cable size and type in use. Determine the amount of cable which was stretched. Refer to
Appendix A for cable-stretch charts. For relatively straight holes, the amount of cable
stretched will be the total length of cable in the hole if only the tool is stuck, or the top of
the keyseat if the cable is keyseated.

Note: In directional or deviated wells, wall friction at the deviations reduces the
effective length of free cable, falsely indicating a keyseat at the deviation or at a point
shallower than the actual keyseat. The apparent keyseat may be inside the casing. It is
impossible to determine the exact location of the keyseat for this condition.
2. If the cable is keyseated, repeat Step 1 at other tensions. The keyseat tension may increase or
decrease. Record all data gathered. From the data, you should be able to determine whether
the tool is stuck or the cable is keyseated.
3. Set the drum brake with tension on the cable slightly above normal logging tension.
4. Inform the well owner or his agent that the toolstring or cable is stuck and that attempts are
being made to free the cable and tools by modest tension on the line.
5. Report the situation to the Halliburton district office. Provide complete information,
including the tool depth, keyseat test results, hole average size, casing size, type of drillpipe
tool joints, and radioactive source types and serial numbers if applicable. The Halliburton
manager will help plan the next steps and assist with presenting a fishing plan to the
customer. The Halliburton manager will arrange for fishing tools to be sent to the well.

Special Precautions
• Do not pull free from the tool until that strategy has been determined to be the most
effective procedure and all personnel have agreed. A logging tool stuck deep in a well is
easier to find with the logging cable attached.
• Do not exceed 50% of the new cable rating except at the customer’s request. Breaking the
cable may result in blame placed on a faulty cable. Remind the driller that pulling on a
keyseated cable will break it at the surface. Three weeks of fishing is typical in situations
where the cable is broken above a keyseat.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Introduction to Fishing 1-5

Customer Relationship
Note: This section does not apply if the logging contract states that Halliburton
personnel are required to perform fishing.
Remember that the customer owns the well and has a large investment to protect. The recovery
of the tools is the customer’s responsibility because of contractual obligation, and because
Halliburton cannot assume any responsibility for downhole hazards which are beyond our
control. If the tools or cable become stuck, the responsibility for retrieving the tools rests entirely
on the well operator. Anything Halliburton does must be with the operator’s approval.
Halliburton can provide advice based on past experience with available fishing equipment and
provide trained personnel to demonstrate rigging details and be available for consultation on the
fishing operation.

Note: While we owe the customer the benefit of experience, we must give advice so
that under no circumstance does it appear that we are supervising the job.
If Halliburton personnel assemble the fishing tools because of necessity or expedience, request
that the operator make up or check all joints to be certain they are properly made up and tight.
This action will serve as a reminder that the tools were properly assembled, tightened, and
inspected by the customer.
The following general terms and conditions are quoted from the HES Logging/Perforating Price
Customer shall, at its risk and expense, attempt to recover any
Halliburton equipment, tools, or instruments which are lost or lodged in
the well and if such equipment, tools or instruments are not recovered,
Customer shall pay Halliburton its replacement cost unless such loss is
due to the sole negligence of Halliburton. If Halliburton equipment,
tools or instruments are damaged in the well, Customer shall pay
Halliburton the lesser or its replacement cost or the cost of repairs unless
such damage is caused by the sole negligence of Halliburton. In the case
of equipment, tools, or instruments for marine operations, Customer
shall, in addition to the foregoing, be fully responsible for loss of or
damage to any of Halliburton’s equipment, tools, or instruments which
occurs at any time after delivery to Customer at the landing until
returned to the landing, unless such loss or damage is caused by the sole
negligence of Halliburton.
In the event a radioactive source becomes lost or lodged in the well,
Customer shall meet all requirements of Section 39.15(a) of the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission regulations and any other applicable laws of
regulations concerning retrieval or abandonment and shall permit
Halliburton to monitor the recovery or abandonment efforts all at no risk
or liability to Halliburton.
Customer further agrees that if any equipment, tools or instruments of
Halliburton sustain damage due to abrasion or corrosion by well

1-6 Introduction to Fishing Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444-B 05/99

effluents, Customer shall reimburse Halliburton for the repair or
replacement cost incurred.
In cases where it is necessary to fish for any of Halliburton’s instruments
or equipment, Customer assumes the entire responsibility for such
operations. If the Customer desires, Halliburton personnel will, without
the assumption of responsibility or liability, assist in an advisory
capacity in the recovery of such instruments. No Halliburton employee
is authorized to do anything other than advise and consult with the
Customer in connection with fishing operations. Any fishing tools
furnished by Halliburton are furnished to accommodate the Customer,
and Halliburton shall not be liable or responsible for any damage that the
Customer may incur through their use or by reason of any advice
rendered to the Customer by Halliburton’s agents or employees.

Fishing Equipment Available

Halliburton offers the following equipment for various fishing techniques:
• Bowen Series 105 and 150 fishing kits for cable-guided fishing
• Special side-door Bowen overshot (Series 160) for following the cable to the tool without
cutting the cable
Bowen instruction manuals and information on ordering parts are found in Appendix B of this
All fishing companies have an assortment of tools for the client to consider if Halliburton’s cable
or weak point has been broken in the hole.
A number of fishing companies offer the cut-and-thread method using the same Bowen
equipment. Do not leave because they have been called. Your advice may lead to the successful
recovery of the stuck tools.

Tool Size and Price

While fishing operations are being planned, give the customer the exact dimensions of the tool,
cable-head, bridle, and torpedo. Always specify the type of tool that is stuck so proper
precautions can be used to recover the tool without damage.
Tool dimensions are available in Sections 8 through 14 in this manual. More information is
available from the individual tool maintenance and repair manuals and from actual measurement
of available tools.
The customer will want to know the cost to him in case of nonrecovery or damage. Provide a
reasonable estimate if the customer requests it. To alleviate any future misunderstanding, make
the customer aware that this figure is only an estimate. Tell the customer that the actual invoice
price may be higher, depending on the fishing operations.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Introduction to Fishing 1-7


1-8 Introduction to Fishing Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444-B 05/99

Halliburton Energy Services


Radiation, Sealed Sources, and


Radioactive Source Considerations

Note: This section deals primarily with U.S. fishing operations. Although radioactive
source considerations vary from country to country, the following information may be
used as a guideline when fishing any sealed sources.
All personnel involved with fishing tools with radioactive sources must know existing radiation hazards
and recommended procedures for handling radioactive materials. Refer to Section 8-9 of the HES
Radiation Safety Procedures and Radiation Protection Program (Form 4227, Rev 0) and the section
“Agreement With Well Owner or Operator” from Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR),
Part 39, §39.15 (United States Nuclear Regulatory Commision Regulations).

Note: Immediately alert the division safety officer if the customer wants to try a
destructive fishing procedure.

CAUTION During fishing operations, Halliburton personnel must monitor the radiation level of the
mud flowline with a survey meter to verify the integrity of the downhole source in the
stuck. Alternatively, a logging tool such as a natural gamma ray tool, CSNG, for
example, can be used to monitor the radiation levels in mud pits.
Refer to Figure 2-1 for the action to take in the event a tool containing radioactive material becomes
lodged downhole. The Well Logging Supervisor (WLS) is responsible for completing each action. The
flowchart in Figure 2-1 refers to pages in this section where the WLS can find more information on the
steps in the flowchart. These steps and information are taken from Section 8-9 of the HES Radiation
Safety Procedures and Radiation Protection Program (Form 4227, Rev 0).

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Radiation, Sealed Sources, and Abandonment 2-1
Arrive on
location Ensure transport
Tool to be containers
abandoned? available for
Written Have job
agreement ticket/work Yes
with well order signed
owner? (2-3) Visually
Ensure RRP contacts inspect source
Yes CRSO before for damage
Proceed with
well logging
Ensure RRP completes
Review w/client NRC
Radiation Tool
§39.15 and Retrieved (2-11)
Tool with
radioactive source
examples (2-1, 2-13)
is stuck

Notify RRP Continue with

(2-7) logging
Ensure Halliburton Ensure well owner operations
CRSO obtains obtains permission
permission from from drilling
Remain on radiation regulatory permitting regulatory
site agency agency
Perform leak test on
source upon returning
to district office

Advise client of Refer to Emergency

responsibility per Notification List Abandon per
CFR §39.15 (2-8) plan
(2-8) (2-13)

Ensure RRP completes Ensure RRP completes

Radiation-Rpt Report of Radioactive
(2-9) Any criteria
No A Material Abandonment
on list met?


Ensure RRP Ensure CRSO has

contacts CRSO B plaque made and
(2-8) delivered to well
Shut down operations
immediately if radioactive
contamination is detected

Return to logging
operations No A
>24 hours?


Note: Numbers in parentheses refer to page

numbers in this document.

Figure 2-1: Actions in response to tool with radioactive material becoming lodged downhole

2-2 Radiation, Sealed Sources, and Abandonment Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Applicable Federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission
This section provides an exerpt from §39.15, Title 10 of the CFR. As required by these regulations, the
customer must sign an agreement before any fishing procedures begin. The customer must read the
legal terms provided on the back of the field ticket and sign in the box labeled “Customer or customer’s
agent signature” on the front of the field ticket. A sample of the field ticket is found in Figures 2-2 and

§39.15, Title 10-- Agreement With Well Owner or Operator

(a) A licensee may perform well logging with a sealed source only after the licensee has a written
agreement with the employing well owner or operator. This written agreement must identify who
will meet the following requirements.
1. If a sealed source becomes lodged in the well, a reasonable effort will be made to recover it.
2. A person may not attempt to recover a sealed source in a manner that, in the licensee’s opinion,
could result in its rupture.
3. The radiation monitoring required in §39.69(a) will be performed.
§39.69(a) Radioactive contamination control.
If the licensee detects evidence that a sealed source has ruptured or
licensed materials have caused contamination, the licensee shall
initiate immediately the emergency procedures required by §39.63 (or
as discussed in Form 4227 and Section 2 of this manual.)
4. If the environment, any equipment, or personnel are contaminated with licensed material, they
must be decontaminated before release from the site or release for unrestricted use; and
5. If the sealed source is classified as irretrievable after reasonable efforts at recovery have been
expended, the following requirements must be implemented within 30 days:
i) Each irretrievable well logging source must be immobilized and sealed in place with a
cement plug.
ii) A mechanical device to prevent inadvertent intrusion on the source must be set at some
point in the well above the cement plug, unless the cement plug and source are not
accessible to any subsequent drilling operations; and
iii) A permanent identification plaque, constructed of long-lasting material such as stainless
steel, brass, bronze, or monel, must be mounted at the surface of the well, unless the
mounting of the plaque is not practical. The size of the plaque must be at least 7 inches (17
cm) square and 1/8-inch (3 mm) thick. The plaque must contain --
(A) The word ”CAUTION”;
(B) The radiation symbol (the color requirement in §20.1901(a) need not be met);

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Radiation, Sealed Sources, and Abandonment 2-3
(C) The date the source was abandoned;
(D) The name of the well owner or well operator, as appropriate;
(E) The well name and well identification number(s) or other designation;
(F) An identification of the sealed source(s) by radionuclide and quantity;
(G) The depth of the source and depth to the top of the plug; and
(H) An appropriate warning, such as, “DO NOT RE-ENTER THIS WELL.”
(b) The licensee shall retain a copy of the written agreement for 3 years after the completion of the
well logging operation.
(c) A licensee may apply, pursuant to §39.91, for Commission approval, on a case-by-case basis, of
proposed procedures to abandon an irretrievable well logging source in a manner not otherwise
authorized in paragraph (a)(5) of §39.15, 10 CFR (Refer to this section for paragraph (a)(5) of
§39.15, 10 CFR.)
§39.91 Applications for exemptions.
The Commission may, upon application of any interested person or upon its
own initiative, grant such exemptions from the requirements of the regulations
in this part as it determines are authorized by law and will not endanger life or
property or the common defense and security and are otherwise in the public
(d) A written agreement between the licensee and the well owner or operator is not required if the
licensee and the well owner or operator are part of the same corporate structure or otherwise
similarly affiliated. However, the licensee shall still otherwise meet the requirements in paragraphs
(a)(1) through (a)(5) of §39.15, 10 CFR.

2-4 Radiation, Sealed Sources, and Abandonment Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Customer must
sign here before
any logging

Figure 2-2: Sample Field Ticket for Customer Signature

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Radiation, Sealed Sources, and Abandonment 2-5
Figure 2-3: Terms and Conditions (Back of field ticket)

2-6 Radiation, Sealed Sources, and Abandonment Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Fishing Sealed Sources or Radioactive Tools
Special consideration is necessary in the event logging tools containing radioactive materials become
lodged downhole. Fishing operations must be conducted according to HES Radiation Safety Procedures
and Radiation Protection Program Section 8-9 (Form 4227, Rev 0).
Refer to Figure 2-1 for a concise overview of steps to take when tools containing radioactive materials
become lodged downhole. Figure 2-1 contains references to sections in this document where the user
can find more specific information about the steps in the flowchart.

General Guidelines
In the event logging tools containing radioactive materials become lodged downhole, the Well Logging
Supervisor must
• Notify RRP who will contact the CRSO as stated in Notification of Radiation Incidents, page 2-7 in
this section. The CRSO will then contact applicable regulatory agencies.
• Ensure the RRP completes “RADIATION-RPT.” Refer to RADIATION-RPT Incident Report, page
2-9 this section.
• Maintain contact with operator advising of responsibilities as per Applicable Federal Nuclear
Regulatory Commission Regulations, page 2-3 this section.
• Remain on location during all fishing operations.
• Continually monitor the fluids circulating from the well at the surface for radiation by using a low
level beta/gamma survey meter. If possible, in addition to the survey meter, a gamma logging tool
should be placed in the mud return path and the output recorded.
• Shut down operations immediately if radioactive contamination is detected and confirmed during
fishing. This is extremely important as further activity can spread the contamination.
• Follow the appropriate procedures for source removal and storage as outlined in Section 5 of Form
4227 if retrieval operations are successful.
• Visually inspect source for signs of obvious damage such as abrasions or disfigurement from
• Perform a leak test on the source upon returning to district office.

Notification of Radiation Incidents

In the event a tool containing a sealed source is lodged downhole, a Well Logging Supervisor (WLS) is
responsible for initiating the notification procedures. The WLS must contact the local radiation
responsible person (RRP). It is the responsibility of the RRP to report all accidents or unplanned
incidents involving radioactive materials or radiation-producing equipment in his/her approved
facilities to the Corporate Radiation Safety Officer (CRSO) by telephone. In addition, he/she must also
report all incidents involving his/her radioactive materials or radiation producing equipment registered
on his/her inventory that may occur outside his/her approved facilities.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Radiation, Sealed Sources, and Abandonment 2-7
The RRP will contact the RSO when necessary and complete and send the appropriate formatted
incident memo, providing the details of the stuck radioactive material. The RSO will contact the
licensing agency as required by regulation.
The RRP will contact the CRSO when any of the following criteria are met.

Emergency Notification to CRSO

• Customer initiates a fishing operation contrary to Halliburton’s recommendations.
• Customer refuses to initiate an advised fishing operation.
• Source or radioactive tool is stuck in an open hole and the cable or weak point has been broken.
• Source or radioactive tool is lodged downhole in Alabama jurisdiction (land or inland waters).
• Source or radioactive tool is in danger of being damaged.
• Source or radioactive tool is not recovered on the first fishing attempt.
• Source or radioactive tool is not retrieved within 24 hours.
• Abandonment of the source or radioactive tool is imminent.
• Mud returns show an increase in radioactivity.

Advisement to Well Owner or operator

The WLS must remain in contact with the well operator and offer recommendations regarding safe,
nondestructive fishing procedures. Advise the client of his responsibility as per CFR 39.15. Refer to
“Applicable Federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulations,” this section. Make the operator
aware that fishing procedures could damage the source, and the possible consequences of
contamination associated with a ruptured source.

CRSO Contact Information

To contact a CRSO 24 hours a day, use the following options:
Jeff Pettigrew
Work-Houston, TX: 281-496-8319 (Leave Urgent Voice Mail After Hours)
Fax-Houston, TX: 281-496-8394
After Hours/Holidays/Weekends:
Nationwide Pager 800-443-7243, Pager ID 063767, Enter Your Phone Number
Home Phone: 281-856-6105

2-8 Radiation, Sealed Sources, and Abandonment Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Steve Woods
Work-Duncan, OK: 405-251-3936 (Leave Urgent Voice Mail After Hours)
Fax-Duncan, OK: 405-251-3969
After Hours/Holidays/Weekends:
Nationwide Pager 800-443-7243, Pager ID 063381, Enter Your Phone Number
Home Phone: 405-622-3523 (Leave Message on Machine)
Duncan - 405/251-3760, ask for Radiation Emergency Contact.
Houston - 281/496-8100, ask for Radiation Emergency Contact.

Note: The RSO will determine what type of notification, if any, is required for
regulatory authorities. DO NOT begin any fishing operations in Alabama or
abandonment procedures in any state until authorized by the CRSO.

Reporting Procedures

RADIATION-RPT Incident Report

After contacting RSO, the local responsible person or other designee completes a formatted memo in
the GESG Global Mailbox entitled “RADIATION-RPT.” The following instructions detail how to
complete the report.
1. Sign on to MEMO - Press PF5 to Create memo
2. Go to “Command line.” Type “include” and press enter
3. Go to “Include from MEMOID” line and type “GESG” and press enter
4. Copy “RADIATION-RPT” for inclusion by typing “C” and pressing enter. Press PF3 to exit
5. The “RADIATION-RPT” Memo is now in your mailbox.
6. Complete required information on the memo. See Figure 2-4 for example of report.

Note Once the NWA is selected, the memo will automatically copy the NWA Asset
Manager, NWA HSE personnel, and RSOs. Any other persons to be copied (cc:) (up to
4) should be added.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Radiation, Sealed Sources, and Abandonment 2-9
Figure 2-4: Example of Report of Incidents Involving Radiation

2-10 Radiation, Sealed Sources, and Abandonment Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Stuck Tool Retrieval Report
1. Follow same procedure as for the initial report, (RADIATION-RPT) only this time, select “RAD
TOOL RTRD” report.
2. Complete request information on memo. See Figure 2-5 below for example.

Figure 2-5: Radiation Tool Retrieved

Source Abandonment Report

1. Follow same procedure as for the initial report, only this time, select “R/A MATL ABND” report.
2. Complete required information in memo. See Figure 2-6 for example.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Radiation, Sealed Sources, and Abandonment 2-11
Figure 2-6: Report of Radioactive Material Abandonment

2-12 Radiation, Sealed Sources, and Abandonment Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Sealed Source Abandonment
If, after making all reasonable attempts to recover a tool containing a radioactive source, the source
remains stuck in the well, the source shall be classified as irretrievable. All abandonments must be
approved prior to commencement by the appropriate regulatory agency. If a source is classified as
irretrievable, the WLS shall:
• Contact the RRP. The RRP shall then contact the RSO.
• Discuss with the client the requirements of the applicable regulations regarding the safe
abandonment of radioactive sources. Refer to Applicable Federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Regulations, this section.
• In conjunction with the client or his representative, develop an abandonment plan which shall
Method of immobilizing and sealing in place with a cement plug, placement of an indrillable object
to serve as a deflection device (unless cement plug is not accessible to any subsequent drilling
operations), the placement of an identification plaque (if practical), and plans for the well after the
abandonment. (P&A, sidetrack, produce at a shallower depth/etc.).
• Contact the RRP with the proposed abandonment details and pertinent well information. The RRP
should notify the RSO.
• Ensure that the appropriate regulatory agency is notified and permission for the abandonment is
• Ensure RRP notifies of agency’s response to request for permission.
If the permission is denied, the RSO will discuss alternatives with the appropriate individuals and
submit an abandonment plan to the regulatory agencies.
• Report final details of abandonment to RRP.
The RSO shall obtain a well plaque and supply to the client. The RSO shall notify in writing the
regulatory agency responsible for the licensing of radioactive materials within 30 days of the
completion of the abandonment.

Note It is the responsibility of the client to notify the regulatory agency responsible for
the drilling and production of oil and gas wells. (Texas Railroad Commission,
Oklahoma Corporation Commission, Oil and Gas Board, etc.).

Typical Abandonments
The following examples are intended to aid the client, the WLS, and the CRSO in the development of
an abandonment plan. All abandonments shall be approved by the regulatory agencies prior to their

Source and Tool Below the Producing Zone

This is usually the simplest abandonment procedures. Since the tool is below the producing zone, it is
cemented in place and a 200 foot cement plug is set above the tool. Then a deflection device is set

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Radiation, Sealed Sources, and Abandonment 2-13
above the plug. Refer to Figure 2-7. A plaque with the information required in 10 CFR, part 39.15 is
prepared and mounted on the surface. Typical deflection devices include a whipstock, inverted drill
bit, drill collars, or steel ball bearings. Halliburton also offers the bottom hole kickoff assembly tool
that creates a false bottom, or mechanical plug, in the open hole that prevents cement plugs from
sliding downhole. This solution is superior to the standard whipstock device. A plug of less than 200
feet may be set, if there is not enough hole below the producing zone.

Note This option is also practical when the well is going to be plugged and abandoned.

Source and Tool Above the Producing Zone

If the tool and source are left above the producing zone and you are able to run casing past the tool,
then the tool may be cemented in place behind casing. In this case, a deflection device is not practical.
After the tool is cemented in place, a gamma-ray log must be run to verify the actual location of the
source. Refer to Figure 2-8. The customer will need to document the depth of the sources in all files
associated with the well. Perforating operations should not be conducted 200 feet above or below the
sources. Again a plaque is mounted on the surface.

Source and Tool in the Producing Zone

In this case, the tool may be cemented in place and a 200 foot cement plug set above the tool. Then the
deflection device is set and the well is side tracked. Refer to Figure 2-9. The sidetracked hole should
not be drilled within 15 feet of the source. Again, a plaque is prepared and mounted on the surface.

Other Abandonment Considerations

If a client so desires to develop an alternative abandonment plan, the client may do so. However, like
all abandonments, the procedures must be approved by the appropriate regulatory agency prior to its
Before fishing for a radioactive source, the WLS immediately should contact the RRP officer, who will
contact the division and corporate RSO. All contact between Halliburton and governmental agencies
will be through the corporate RSO, unless other arrangements have been made.
In most states, Halliburton can perform multiple fishing attempts before notifying the state or the
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). However, Alabama requires prior notification before any
fishing attempts can be performed. In Kansas and Colorado, the State agency must be notified if the
tool has not been recovered within 24 hours. Most states require notification only if the tool will be
There are no regulations that require a minimum number of fishing attempts before a tool containing
radioactive sources can be abandoned. The regulations state that all reasonable fishing attempts should
be made prior to abandonment. No further fishing attempts should be made if the source integrity will
be endangered. The decision to abandon the tool is made after all other options have been exhausted.

2-14 Radiation, Sealed Sources, and Abandonment Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Figure 2-7: Source and Tool Below the Producing Zone

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Radiation, Sealed Sources, and Abandonment 2-15
Figure 2-8: Source and Tool Above the Producing Zone

2-16 Radiation, Sealed Sources, and Abandonment Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Figure 2-9: Source and Tool in the Producing Zone

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Radiation, Sealed Sources, and Abandonment 2-17
However, if the customer has instrument protection, please refer to HES Logging/Perforating Price
Schedule which requires a minimum of three complete attempts for it to apply. An exerpt follows.
Instrument Protection
In certain areas Halliburton may offer instrument protection which offers limited
protection to the customer against the responsibility for loss of Halliburton downhole
equipment. Instrument protection may not be offered under abormal logging
conditions. Instrument protection is not available for thru-drillpipe, Coil Tubing
Conveyed, Offshore & Inland water, ToolPusher, HEAT SUITE, NMR equipment, or
third party services.
When subsurface tools and/or instruments are lost in a well due to hole conditions and
cannot be recovered by fishing operations, the replacement cost will be covered by the
following protection charge per service run in the well. Instrument protection charges
are applicable to each service performed on each trip to a well. When instrument
protection is available but not desired, customer must so indicate on the contract prior
to the commencement of operations.
The customer must make every reasonable effort to recover tools or instruments for
this protection to apply. A reasonable fishing effort is at least three complete attempts
to the top of the fish to recover the lost equipment, exclusive of attempts to recover
cable. If the customer is unable to make a fishing effort due to any cause beyond the
control of Halliburton, then instrument protection shall not apply.
Equipment covered by instrument protection shall include the cable head and all
equipment below the cable head. Instrument protection does not cover cost of repair
of recovered equipment, which will be charged as “Equipment Lost or Damaged”

2-18 Radiation, Sealed Sources, and Abandonment Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Halliburton Energy Services


Cable Strength and Safety


General Safety Considerations

WARNING No one should be on the rig floor or near the cable while the cable tension
is above normal.

Halliburton equipment is designed with an adequate safety factor if used under normal
conditions. However, a stuck cable or tool is not considered a normal condition.
Inspect the lower sheave chain to verify that it is free of nicks or other damage. Double-wrapping
the lower sheave chain does not always strengthen the connection. Tension in linked chains is
typically resolved to one wrap or the other and is not distributed between the wraps.
The upper sheave must be installed by the rig crew using a certified 14-ton chain. Make sure the
chain is properly attached to the water table beams and has been inspected and approved as
indicated by the inspection tag. Replace any chain permanently deformed by a sharp edge while
supporting a heavy load. Never use a sling to attach any sheave.
Keep the rotary table covered to avoid dropping objects into the well during rigging operations.
Determine the maximum safe tension that can be applied to the cable. The cable never must be
broken. The weak point must not be broken until the HES representative has thoroughly
discussed the situation with the customer and the customer has decided to break the weak point.
Refer to the cable and weak-point data tables on the following pages and to “Choosing the
Fishing Technique” in Section 4, “Fishing Technique Overview.”

Cable Strength
The strength of each new cable is known. Your estimate of the strength of a used cable should be
reasonably accurate; however, the actual strength of any used cable is unknown. Since the
customer often cites a broken logging cable as a reason to cancel charges, never state any tension
05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Cable Strength and Safety Considerations 3-1
capabilities of any cable. Instead, inform the customer that, because of well conditions and
efforts to free the stuck cable or tool, the cable might break before the weak point.

Note: The customer’s orders to pull on a stuck cable or tool must be without
Halliburton’s guarantee (or estimate) on the cable strength.
Never exceed 50% of the new-cable rating, except at the customer’s orders. Table 3-1 lists the
cable ratings for typical logging cable. These ratings are based on a combination of ends-fixed
and ends-free tension.
Table 3-1: Cable Tension Ratings
Camesa Rochester
Cable Size (in.) New Cable Maximum New Cable Maximum
Rating (lb.) Tension* (lb) Rating (lb.) Tension* (lb.)
Slammer (0.472) 22,000 11,000 22,200 11,100
Baby Slammer 21,000 10,500 N/A
15/32 18,000 9,000 18,300 9,150
7/16 18,000 9,000 18,300 9,150
5/16 11,000 5,500 11,200 5,600
7/32 5,200 2,600 5,500 2,750
3/16 4,000 2,000 3,900 1,950
*Maximum permissible tension without customer’s orders

Weak Point
CAUTION Never pull more than 50% of the cable rating or two-thirds of the weak-point rating.
The weak point must be chosen as the most practical compromise between “too weak” and “too
strong.” It must be strong enough to normally carry the logging tools involved until it is desired
to pull free, yet must also be able to break within 50% of the rating of the cable in use.
Recognizing that a broken cable in the hole is a catastrophe while an occasional dropped tool is
of much less consequence, the choice of the weak point must always be toward the lower rating
for each condition.

3-2 Cable Strength and Safety Considerations Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Weak-Point Strength
Always choose the weak point so that it breaks before the cable breaks or is otherwise damaged.
Although localized defects in the cable could cause it to break elsewhere, the most likely place
for the cable to break is at the sheave wheels or the measuring head.
Safety is paramount when excess tension is applied to the cable. If the cable breaks, it will likely
break above the wellhead, endangering all drilling and logging personnel on or around the rig
floor and logging unit.

WARNING The free ends of a broken cable whip violently. Make sure that all
personnel are well away from the wireline before applying unusually high
tension. Apply truck parking brakes and chocks behind wheels. Off-shore,
ensure the skid is securely restrained.
The tension at any point in the cable on the tool side of the top sheave is equal to the weight of
the cable below that point plus the weight of the tools (provided the tools are not stuck) plus any
additional tension applied to move the tools. For a vertical or near-vertical well where line
friction is negligible, the closer to the logging tool, the lower the tension in the cable. At the
weak point, the tension is the weight of the tools plus any additional tension applied to move the
tools. If the tools are stuck, weak-point tension is equal to the tension in the cable at the surface
minus the line weight.
Select the weak point so that when the tools are at the deepest point in the well, the operator can
pull the cable hard enough to break the weak point without exceeding 50% of the new cable
tension rating at the surface. To select the proper weak point, the following data must be known:
• depth of the well to be logged
• mud weight used in the well
• type of cable to be used
The weak link must be chosen according to OEB-96/081 (amended), included in Appendix C, or
the program WPCALC presently available for PCs. The help file is available for reading here.

Weak-Point Calculation in a Vertical Hole

Find the cable breaking strength and the cable weight per 1,000 feet in air or water, as
appropriate, for the cable being used. The line cable document is available here.
1. Calculate the cable weight in pounds.
In air: Cable weight = depth (kft) × cable weight in air (lb/kft)
In mud: Cable weight = WCM = WCA - (WCA - WCW) x WM/8.33
WCM = WCA - (VCA x WM),

WM = mud weight (lbs/gal)

VCA = volume of cable (gal/kft)
WCA = weight of cable in air

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Cable Strength and Safety Considerations 3-3
WCW = weight of cable in water
WCM = weight of cable in mud

2. In a vertical hole, calculate the maximum pull on the cable as :

Pmax = WCM x Z + TWP,
Z = total depth (in 1000 #s)
TWP= theoretical weak point strength
Therefore, the theoretical weak point is TWP = 0.5 x (cable rating) - WCM x Z.
3. Select the weak point with the greatest maximum breaking strength that does not exceed the
theoretical weak point. Table 3-2 lists the routinely available weak points and the rating of
each properly assembled without torque.
Table 3-2: Tension-Link Weak-Point Ratings
HLS P/N Minimum Maximum Type Stamped
Breaking Breaking Rating
Strength Strength
3.40343 2,000 2,200 Tensile Bar 2
3.30776 2,900 3,350 Tensile Bar 3
3.30769 3,900 4,450 Tensile Bar 4
707.11831 3,700 4,300 Aircraft Cable 37
3.30770 4,900 5,550 Tensile Bar 5
3.33806 5,000 Tensile Bar 5

3.30774 5,900 6,600 Tensile Bar 6

3.33805 5,900 6,600 Tensile Bar 6

707.11832 6,100 6,700 Aircraft Cable 61

3.00712 6,900 7,700 Tensile Bar 7
707.36042* 7,800** Aircraft Cable none
3.00713 7,900 8,750 Tensile Bar 8
3.00711 8,900 9,850 Tensile Bar 9
* Requires 707.36056 and 707.36058 for installation.
** Upper and lower limits not available at time of publication.

Note: 707.XXXXX denotes G-series cable heads and 3.XXXXX denotes W-series
cable heads.

3-4 Cable Strength and Safety Considerations Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
For example, select a weak point using the following data.
• Well = 17,000 ft
• Mud weight = 9.5 lb/gal
• Wireline = Camesa 15/32, 7J46RTZ
4. Look up the required information in Appendix A. The weight per 1,000 ft is found on the
first row of the Camesa tables in Appendix A.
• Cable weight in water (WCW)= 274 lb/kft
• Minimum breaking strength = 18,000 lb
a. WCM = 265 lb/kfL
b. (0.5 x 18,000 lb) - 265 lb/kfL x 17 kft = 4500 lbs
c. At a depth of 17,000 feet, a maximum pull of 4,500 lb can be applied to the weak point
without exceeding 50% of the breaking strength of the line. The strongest weak point
that can be safely used is 3.30769 (Table 3-2), with a maximum breaking strength of
4,450 lb and a minimum breaking strength of 3,900 lb.

Safe Load Calculation

After the weak point is selected, calculate the safe load that the weak point can carry. The
tension on the weak point must not exceed two-thirds of its minimum breaking. For the example
in the previous section, 3,900 lb x 2/3 equals 2,600 lb. This amount is the maximum load that can
be applied to the weak point without permission from the customer. The weight in air of some
toolstrings can approach this value.
Consequently, the maximum allowable logging tension in a perfectly vertical hole would be:
P = WCM x Z + 2/3 TWP
In our example, P = 265 x 17 + 2,600 = 7,100 lbs, and the weak point would break between
256 x 17 + 3,900 = 8,400 lbs
265 x 17 + 4,450 lbs = 8,950 lbs
if you are stuck at the tool near total depth (Note that the weak point would break within 50% of
the cable’s breaking strength).
In some cases, a weak point dictated by well conditions may not be able to safely support the
weight of the required toolstring. Stronger cable might allow a stronger weak point to safely run
the entire toolstring. If stronger cable is not available, multiple runs with a smaller toolstring
may be needed to complete the job.
The above discussion assumes a straight, near-vertical hole. A deviated or doglegged hole does
not transfer all the cable tension applied at the surface to the weak point downhole. The tension
is lost because of friction between the cable and the borehall wall. For this reason, a weak point
with a lower breaking strength generally must be used in deviated holes. For a proper
determination of a weak point in a deviated hole, please refer to OEB-96/081, included in
Appendix C, or to the program WPCALC

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Cable Strength and Safety Considerations 3-5
Note: The weak-point ratings are limited by the maximum permissible tensions for

Weak Point Reliability (Cased Hole Rehead)

The outer armors and the inner armors of any logging cable are wound in helixes which run in
opposite directions, i.e. one tends to unwind when the other gets wound up. Consequently,
regardless of the type of cable used, always use at least one inner armor (and preferably two)
when building a cased hole rope socket, as this will prevent the outer armors from unraveling.
The cones should not be reused, especially in the case of a larger line, because the brass cones
will suffer indentations which tend to become preferential paths for the strands under tension,
resulting in premature failure of the rope socket.
The actual strength of a cased hole rehead is a function of the quality of the rehead, and depends
among other things upon the level of expertise of the operator and upon the condition of the
wireline. It is good practice for each base to occasionally perform local pull tests to check local

Rig up/down
A rope socket will break prematurely if a pull is applied in a non- uniform fashion, which
generally should not happen downhole, as the length of cable involved will result in elastic
stretch first, which is equivalent to a shock absorber.
On the other hand, during rig up and rig down operation, it is possible to get hung up in the
Christmas tree or in a tool catcher while moving at excessive speeds, and the rope socket may
break at half its published rating (function of speed). This emphasizes the importance of proper
operating procedures, such as an operator weighing on the cable as the head approaches surface
at low speed (the operator becoming the shock absorber).

Head types
The following results are valid for the standard Halliburton 1-7/16 cased hole rehead, the older
design G-series 1-7/16 cablehead, the 1-7/16 cablehead manufactured by Applied Electronics
and the 3916 series 1-7/16 cablehead from Titan (also called type II); all these designs have
cones which are strand type sensitive and have compression washers (cone retainers) which are
the same for all line sizes.
No evaluation has been done for any other design, such as the 3915 design from Titan for
example, where the cone is the same regardless of the line size and where the compression
washer is a function of the line.

3-6 Cable Strength and Safety Considerations Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Rope socket strength
The following values can vary by about +/- 10% as pointed out in “Construction.”

For most monoconductor cables, the diameter of an outer armor strand is exactly the same as the
diameter of an inner armor strand (two exceptions being the 1L18 from Camesa which is a 12 x
12 design and the 1K22 series from Camesa, which is a 15 x 15 design). As a result, for these
cables, the rope socket strength is a function of the total number of armors used to build the rope
socket, regardless if they are inner or outer.
The rope socket strength for a new monoconductor line is:
85% x Total number of armors x armor breaking strength

Seven conductor cable

For all multiconductor cables from Camesa and Rochester, the diameter of the outer armor is
typically quite bigger than the diameter of the inner armor (note that the same applies to the
1L18 and 1K22 monocables from Camesa). Although it has been found in some cases that three
inner armors contribute the equivalent of one outer armor if the rope socket is perfect, we will
consider that from a practical standpoint the inner armor strength is negligible and the rope
socket strength is purely a function of the number of outer armors. The rope socket strength for
a new multiconductor line is:
For 7/16 and 15/32 cables: 85% x Number of outer armors x outer armor breaking strength
For slammer cables : 80% x Number of outer armors x outer armor breaking strength

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Cable Strength and Safety Considerations 3-7
Table 3-3: Monoconductors, Cased Hole Rehead
Cable Breaking Outer armors Inner armors Rope Socket
Strength Strength
7/32 line 5,200 lbs 18/212 # 12/212# 5/2 1,260#
(18 x 12)
0.031” 0.031” 6/2 1,440#
Camesa 1N22
7/2 1,620#
Rochester 1H22
8/2 1,800#
9/2 1,980#
10/2 2,150#
7/32 line 5,200 lbs 15/280# 15/139# 5/2 1,200#
(15 x 15)
0.0358” 0.0248” 6/2 1,400#
Camesa 1K22
7/2 1,650#
8/2 1,900#
9/2 2,150#
10/2 2,400#
5/16 line 11,000 lbs 18/430# 12/430# 5/2 2,550#
(18 x 12)
0.0445” 0.0445” 6/2 2,900#
Camesa 1N32
7/2 3,250#
Rochester 1H314
8/2 3,650#
9/2 4,000#
10/2 4,350#
7/16 line 19,500 lbs 18/776# 12/776# 5/2 4,600#
(18 x 12)
0.0585” 0.0585” 6/2 5,250#
Camesa 1N42
7/2 5,900#
8/2 6,600#
9/2 7,250#
10/2 7,900#
7/16 line 17,800 lbs 18/727# 12/727# 5/2 4,300#
(18 x 12)
0.0575” 0.0575” 6/2 4,900#
Rochester 1H422
7/2 5,550#
8/2 6,150#
9/2 6,800#
10/2 7,400#

3-8 Cable Strength and Safety Considerations Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Table 3-4: 7 Conductor Cables, Cased Hole Rehead
Cable Outer armors Inner armors Rope Socket
Breaking Strength
7/16 line 18,000 lbs 18/750# 18/400# 5/2 3,200#
(18 x 18)
0.0585” 0.0425” 6/2 3,800#
Camesa 7H42
7/2 4,450#
Rochester 7H422
8/2 5,100#
9/2 5,750#
10/2 6,350#
15/32 line 18,000 lbs 24/535# 24/335# 5/2 2,250#
0.0495” 0.039” 6/2 2,700#
Camesa 7H46
7/2 3,200#
Rochester 7H464
8/2 3,650#
9/2 4,100#
10/2 4,550#
Slammer 22,000 lbs 18/910# 18/460# 5/2 3,850#
(18 x 18)
0.0655” 0.047” 6/2 4,650#
Camesa 7H47
7/2 5,400#
Rochester 7H422
8/2 6,200#
9/2 6,950#
10/2 7,750#
1. The cased hole rehead cone has only 12 holes through which to thread the armors, which essentially
ensures that even with a new cable and a perfect rebuild, the rope socket breaking strength should be less
than half the cable breaking strength.
2. The multiplication coefficient of 0.85 is only 0.80 for the slammer cable, because due to the larger
diameter of the outer armor strands for the slammer cable, it is more difficult to build a good quality rope
socket for that line size.
3. Cable breaking strength:
Note that the rope socket breaking strength can be determined as a function of the number of armors used in
its construction because the armors work in pure tension.
For the cable itself, the armors are not parallel to the cable axis, but are wound around the core with a lay
angle which is a function of each particular cable. Consequently, the breaking strength of the cable itself is
not: Ni x BS(i) + No x BS(o)
but is given by the following formula:
Ni x cos(i) x BS(i) + No x cos(o) x BS(o)
Where: Ni = number of inner armors

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Cable Strength and Safety Considerations 3-9
i = inner armor lay angle
BS(i) = breaking strength of an individual inner armor
No = number of outer armors
o = outer armor lay angle
BS(o) = breaking strength of an outer armor

Liability Considerations
Verify all facts before rendering an opinion to the customer about what you feel caused the
fishing job. Protect Halliburton’s interests and be very cautious about making statements which
access blame or liability on the part of any party.

3-10 Cable Strength and Safety Considerations Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Halliburton Energy Services


Fishing Techniques Overview

Choosing a Fishing Technique

Though simple recovery statistics may lead the HES representative to agree with the customer’s
decision to pull free at the weak point, certain conditions call for the cut-and-thread or side-door
technique. Pulling free at the weak point cannot be recommended, however, unless the releasable
weak point is available, because of the risk of breaking the cable instead of the weak point. The
customer must consider the risks and choose the method to be used. Halliburton’s responsibility
is to give the customer complete information, experience, history, statistics, and a proper sales
effort if a preference for an inferior method is stated.

Available Fishing Techniques

If the cable is keyseated, the most practical fishing method is to cut and thread the cable through
the drillpipe. Refer to “Special Precautions” in Section 1, Introduction to Fishing. Do not break
the cable.
If the tool contains a radioactive source and is stuck in
• an uncased portion of the well,
• a position far above total depth in a cased hole,
perform the following procedures:
1. Do not pull off of the tool at the weakpoint.
2. Recommend the cut-and-thread technique (also referred to as “strip over”) to the customer.
3. Call the Halliburton district office.
4. Refer to Section 2, “Radiation, Sealed Sources, and Abandonment.”

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Fishing Techniques Overview 4-1

If the tool is short or the borehole diameter is large or unknown, the cut-and-thread technique is
the only reliable option. Before beginning any fishing procedures, the following must be
• At whatever location in the borehole the tool is stuck, the cut-and-thread technique is
preferred because of a potential 100% success rate if proper procedures are followed.
Statistically, however, the cut-and-thread technique has a tool recovery rate of only 85%.
Approximately half of the failures result from miscellaneous accidents, and the other half
result from failure to circulate during the engagement of the fish.
• The cut-and-thread method is preferred unless the ID of the drillpipe or tubing is less than
1 7/8 in. or unless the cable has a birdcage or knot. A 1 7/8-in. ID drillpipe or tubing works
well for the 1 11/16-in. cut-and-thread tools. Obtaining proper drillpipe or tubing may be
worthwhile, but there is no known way to pass a bad spot (birdcage or knot) on the cable.
• Carefully review the cut-and-thread procedures with the customer, toolpusher, and driller.
Refer to Section 5, Performing the Cut-and-Thread Technique.

Reverse Cut-and-Thread
The reverse cut-and-thread technique is similar to the cut-and-thread technique except that the
wireline remains connected to the toolstring after successful engagement of the fish and while
pulling out of the hole (The cable is cut every 90 feet).

Side-Door Overshot
• A tool stuck at the end of surface pipe is best recovered using the side-door overshot
technique. The casing ID must not be less than 5½ in. to allow the cablehead torpedo and
bridle to pass through the sidedoor. At the lower limit of casing size, any bumpers or tape on
the cablehead could cause wedging of the cable between the casing ID and the overshot.
• The side-door overshot is a practical option when the tool is stuck at a shallow depth (3,000
ft or less) in open hole. The hole should be large enough so that tool joints do not damage the

Note: The side-door overshot fishing technique should not be used on keyseated
• If a smooth logging tool will not enter a casing shoe, the side-door overshot can be run
without a grapple. The overshot, in this case, acts only as a guide for the fishing head. Little
or no damage occurs to the tool, and, if successful, no surface repairs are required for the
tool to re-enter the hole.
• If the hole is large, depth is shallow, cable is not keyseated, and procedures are followed, the
recovery rates for the side-door overshot technique approach 100%.
• Information on side-door overshot technique can be found in Section 6, Performing the Side-
Door Overshot Technique.

4-2 Fishing Techniques Overview Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 -B 05/99

Freeing at the Weak Point
• A tool that is stuck or lost in casing is usually easier to find without the cable attached. The
most common practice, if depth is not excessive, is to break the cable at weak point, remove
the cable, and rely on standard fishing tools.
• A tool stuck in open hole without a keyseated cable offers the widest choice of local fishing
options. The open hole is similar to a cased hole, if the caliper size of the hole is
approximately the same as bit size. If a long tool is stuck standing straight, it is easy to
recover if the cable is removed. For a short tool, the hole size becomes more important. The
most serious hazard when breaking the cable weak point is the possibility of breaking the
cable instead of the weak point. Cable condition must be considered when this procedure is

Note: Make the customer aware that he accepts the risks if he chooses to break the
cable weak point.
• Although breaking the weak point may seem to be the easiest immediate solution, this option
can cause subsequent problems. The customer may not be fully aware of these dangers.
• Inform the customer of the inherent risks of breaking the weak point while attempting to free
the tool through the use of increased tension. Separation of the cable from the stuck tool
prohibits the use of the cut-and-thread technique.
• If the tool is short or if the hole is large, engaging the fish with the cable disconnected may
be impossible because of adverse tool attitude in the hole.
• Fishing statistics (from the freeing-at-the-weakpoint technique) consistently show 90 to 94%
recovery rates, with many failures resulting from inferior fishing attempts.
• Information on freeing at the weak point can be found in Section 7, Performing the Freeing-
at-the-Weak-Point Technique.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Fishing Techniques Overview 4-3


4-4 Fishing Techniques Overview Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 -B 05/99

Halliburton Energy Services

Performing the Cut-and-Thread

The cut-and-thread technique uses the Bowen Series 150 or 105 Overshot and other equipment.
At least one Bowen fishing kit is required. Refer to OEB-91/062 (amended) in Appendix D for
recommended fishing kit for 3-5/8” DITS tools and 2-3/4” hostile tools. The components
currently in the kit are discussed on the following pages. The inventory for each of the three
boxes shipped with this kit appears on the inside of each box cover. The fishing kit must be
available as a complete unit when requested, and this kit and all fishing equipment must be kept
in good condition. The remote tension meter is important but is shown as an optional item
because it is not part of the warehouse kit. Ordering information for Bowen equipment and
Bowen instruction manuals are included in Appendix B.

Equipment Needed
The following equipment is needed for the cut-and-thread technique:
• Bowen fishing kit
• remote tension meter
• intercom set
• 5-ft pup joint of sucker rod (helpful if the cable was cut too low)
• 300 ft of ¼-in. rope to control the end of the cable when going over the top sheave
• 30 ft of ½-in. rope to hold the lower sheave straight
Tell the customer what subs are available in your kit for adaptation to his drillpipe. Current kits
contain subs that are 4½-in. API IF (per field requests) for the top end of the overshot top sub
and both ends of the circulating sub. The subs available previously were 4½-in. API FH.
The fishing kit is available to the customer as a courtesy. Advise the customer that this
equipment is in good working order but cannot be guaranteed.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Performing the Cut-and-Thread Technique 5-1
Note: Halliburton is not liable for any loss that might result if any part breaks,
unscrews, separates, or malfunctions.
The customer also should arrange to have three subs available that are necessary if the drillpipe
is not 4½-in. API IF, and for any other special sub that might be needed. Halliburton can advise
the customer, but the customer is responsible for all rental charges.

Dressing the Tool

Remove the grapple before attaching the Bowen overshot to the drillpipe to verify that the
grapple is the correct type and size for the tool to be fished and that it has not been damaged
during transportation. The single-wicker grapple specified for the epon or rubber-covered heads
has one cutting edge. The grapples for steel heads or bodies have several smaller cutting edges.
Always use a new grapple, and, before use, confirm that the grapple size and type are correct.
1. Seat the type “A” packer inside the overshot bowl, if the spiral grapple is used. Do not use
the type “A” packer if the basket-type grapple is used. Refer to the Bowen instruction
manual in Appendix B.
1. Screw the spiral grapple or basket into the overshot as far as it will go. Refer to Figure 5-1
and the Bowen instruction manual in Appendix B.

Top Sub Bushing Bowl Packer Grapple Grapple Guide

Seat Ring Control
Figure 5-1: Bowen Series 150 Overshot
Refer to Table B-7 in Appendix B for part ordering information.
3. Insert the grapple control; this prevents the grapple from backing out.
4. Use the standard 5-in. plain-lip guide, in most cases, which is the same size as the bowl.
Screw the plain-lip guide in place, and have the customer’s representative tighten it with a
wrench. If the tool is to be fished, choose the largest guide permissible for the hole size. Use
plain-lip guides in combination with wireline instead of a cut-lip guide. If the wireline is
keyseated and a cut-lip guide is used, the wireline could be damaged or cut.
5. Place an extension sub, if required, on the uphole end of the overshot bowl so that you can
catch more than the 6-in. provided by the standard assembly.
6. Check the top end to ensure that the 2 1/8-in. bushing or no-go sub is in place. The bushing
recovers the 2 1/4-in. hex adapter of the lower rope socket in case the cable is dropped from
the surface.
7. Place a drain sub in the assembly to allow drilling fluid to drain while tripping out with the

5-2 Performing the Cut-and-Thread Technique Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
8. Place the crossover to drillpipe on the downhole assembly.

Preparing the Cable to be Cut

1. Apply 1,500 to 2,000 lb above normal tension to the cable.
2. Secure the cable clamp to the cable. The bushings are marked for cable size. Make sure the
proper bushing size is used.
3. After the cable clamp is secured, slack off on the cable tension until the clamp supports the
weight of the cable.
4. Using locally established procedures, select where to cut the cable. A good rule is to leave 1
ft of cable above the rotary table per 1,000 ft of cable in the hole (7 ft minimum) if the cable
is not keyseated. Extra length is usually needed when the cable is keyseated.
5. On a floating rig or drillship, calculate the needed cable length by adding the maximum rise
of tide plus maximum swells and 1 ft per 1,000 ft of cable (minimum 10 ft in addition to
swells and tide).
6. Put black tape at the selected point and make a clean cut using a sledge hammer and the
Morse cable cutter (The tape will prevent the armors from flaring out and will facilitate the
building of the rope sockets).

Rigging the Derrick

After cutting the cable and securing the well end at the rotary table, lower the block that supports
the upper sheave to rearrange the sheaves in the derrick. This is necessary, since the block must
be used to handle the drill pipe. Move the lower sheave away from the rotary so that it is out of
the way of the operations on the floor.
1. Examine the derrick for the best position to hang the upper sheave. The logging unit may
need to be moved before rigging up. Hang the sheave so that it does not interfere with the
handling of the pipe.
2. Use a certified 14-ton chain to hang the top sheave.
3. On a large derrick, tie the sheave high in the derrick so that the traveling block does not run
into it when handling pipe.
4. If the traveling block runs into the top sheave on a small derrick, use a sand-line sheave or a
spare sheave in the derrick crown.
5. Instruct the derrick man on how to hang the sheave in the derrick before leaving the rig floor.
The chain must pass over the major beam of the water table.

Note: Halliburton personnel are not allowed to climb the derrick.

Cable Assembly
Bring the logging-unit end of the cable to the rotary to receive a rope socket, the overshot, and

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Performing the Cut-and-Thread Technique 5-3
weights (Figure 5-2). The well end of the cable at the rotary must receive a rope socket and

Truck End Rope Sub Swivel Overshot

of Cable Socket

Spear Rope Well End

Head Socket of Cable
Figure 5-2—Cut-and-thread assembly
Refer to Table B-5 in Appendix B for Bowen wireline swivel, 80777 and Bowen Spear-
Head Overshot 11810 part ordering information.
Excessive bending stresses can develop in the cable assembly when the assembly is forced
around large objects hanging in the derrick, such as a top drive. Guiding the equipment past a top
drive and into the drillpipe sometimes causes bending stresses leading to failure unless remedial
action is taken. If possible, use knuckle joints in the cable assembly to provide flexibility and
eliminate bending forces. Place the knuckle joints immediately above the spearhead overshot and
between the sinker bars and the upper rope socket. This arrangement reduces the possibility of
bending failure. Also, in top-drive derricks, use the longest bales. Use a Bowen swivel to
alleviate any torsion stresses imposed by the wireline.

Rope Socket Assembly

With a Bowen fishing kit, use a Bowen rope socket (“Reliable” four-slip type). The Bowen rope
socket is a convenient, quickly assembled rope socket, but it is imperative that you thoroughly
verify the assembly procedure. Insist on performing a pull test after assembly.
Select the Bowen (“Reliable” four-slip system) rope socket according to cable size. Bowen
systems are available in various cable ranges: 15/32 in. to 7/16 in., 3/8 in. to 11/32 in., and 5/16
in. to 9/32 in.

Note: Use the correct slip size for each cable and use new slips every time. Use a slip
assembly only once.
The body of the slip assembly must have a bright, smooth, tapered surface inside. Routine
inspection is necessary.
When selecting the spearhead and rope socket, verify that the assembly will not drop through the
bushing (no-go) in the top sub of the overshot. Make sure the spearhead and rope socket
assembly will pass through the drillpipe and any crossover. Inspect the parts. During assembly,
refer to Figure 5-3. Table B-3 and B-4 in Appendix B provide parts information for each

5-4 Performing the Cut-and-Thread Technique Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Figure 5-3: Bowen Cable-Guided Fishing Assembly
Refer to Table B-3 in Appendix B for Bowen cable guided fishing assembly parts.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Performing the Cut-and-Thread Technique 5-5
Proceed with the rope socket assembly as follows:
1. Cut the cable according to the guidelines in “Preparing the Cable to be Cut,” Section 5,
Performing the Cut-and-Thread Technique. Clean any mud and debris from the end of the
cable. The cable is ready to receive the rope socket assembly.
2. Screw the cap (item 1 of Figure 5-3) onto the body (item 2 of Figure 5-3). Choose the correct
cap for the wireline used.
3. Insert the wireline through the cap and the body, leaving approximately 2 to 3 ft of line
through the body.
4. Remove the “Reliable” four-slip assembly from its package and set the spring aside. Refer to
Figure 5-4 below during this assembly.


1a 1b

Figure 5-4: Subassembly Rope Socket, 27674

Refer to Table B-4 in Appendix B for Subassembly Rope Socket 27674 parts ordering
5. Place the end of the wireline into the smaller end of the cone containing the brass insert.

5-6 Performing the Cut-and-Thread Technique Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
6. While holding the line with one hand and the cone with the other, push the line into the cone.
When the brass cap has been pushed through, shake the cone and slips so that the line passes
through the slips.
7. After the line passes through the slips, position the line approximately 1 in. past the top of
the slips.
8. Place the cone and slips into the body (item 2 of Figure 5-3) by pulling the cap and body to
the slip assembly.
9. Place the spring over the end of the line and into the body (item 2 of Figure 5-3). The spring
must rest on the top of the slip assembly.
10. Screw the top sub onto the body and tighten on the well end of the cable. The top sub is
changed for the hex adapter (item 17 of Figure 5-3) after the top sub is threaded through the
overshot assembly. The plain top sub remains in place for the logging unit end of the cable.
11. After the top sub and body have been made up, push the cable inward until the cable bottoms
out into the top sub. The cable should move approximately 2 in. Refer to the “Reliable” four-
slip assembly drawing in Figure 5-4.
12. Perform a pull test when the derrick is rigged properly, the rope socket and overshot are
assembled to the logging-unit end of the cable, and the rope socket and spear are assembled
to the well end of the cable.
a. Latch the overshot to the spear while the cable clamp remains on the cable.
b. Mark the cable adjacent to each rope socket with tape or a paint stick.
c. Apply the expected working load or a minimum of 5,000 lb to the cable.
d. After one minute, check the marks on the cable to determine if the cable has moved in
either rope socket. It is normal for the line to move approximately 3/8 in. to 1/2 in. while
the slip assembly seats.
e. Decrease tension on the cable and repeat Steps c and d. There should be no additional
movement if the slips have seated properly. If there is no additional movement, proceed
to Step f. Otherwise, repeat Steps c and d until the slips seat.

Note: If the line has moved more than ¾ in. during this test, disassemble and inspect
the rope socket.
f. Decrease the tension on the cable, remove the adapter from the rope socket, and try to
dismantle the rope socket without using the extractor tool. The pull test was successful if
the rope socket cannot be dismantled and if there was no appreciable slippage. (Note the
length of line protruding into the top sub.)
g. If the drillpipe ID is large enough for the 2 1/4-in. hex adapter, pass the well end of the
cable through the overshot and threaded insert before replacing the hex adapter. The hex
adapter is larger than the insert. If the ID of the drillpipe is too small for the 2¼-in. hex
adapter, use the 11 1/16-in. alternate adapter instead.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Performing the Cut-and-Thread Technique 5-7
Cut and Thread Procedures

In addition to the regular drilling crew, the customer needs the following personnel to operate the
cut-and-thread system:
• experienced winch operator
• one worker at the rotary to engage and release the spear overshot
• one worker available to help with signaling or cable movement
The engineer, district manager, and/or fishing specialist stay on the rig floor to observe the
operation. Alertness throughout the operation will prevent costly mistakes.

Entering the Hole

1. The driller picks up the first stand of pipe and attaches the proper sub.


Adapter Sub

2. The winch operator pulls the overshot on the truck end of the cable to the derrick man.

Pipe Cable

3. The derrick man feeds the overshot into the top of the first stand of pipe.

Note: The split weights or solid bars with knuckle joints make a flexible assembly that
passes the traveling block with ease.
4. When the overshot comes through the stand of drillpipe and sub, pick up the spear and stab it
into the overshot.

5-8 Performing the Cut-and-Thread Technique Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
5. The Bowen overshot is now screwed into the sub and properly tightened, completing the
drillpipe-overshot makeup.



6. The truck winch operator pulls up on the cable, lifting the cable clamp from the rotary table.
7. Check the entire rig set-up.

8. If all equipment is in place, remove the cable clamp. Verify that the tools are firmly
tightened to avoid dropping tools in the well.
9. Tighten the makeup of the overshot and drillpipe.
10. Enter the length of the overshot, the sub, and the first stand of drillpipe into the depth tally.
11. Adjust the cable tension to 2,000 lb above normal, unless your work area has issued an
alternate rule.
12. Slowly lower the first stand of pipe into the well, monitoring the tension device.
13. Place the C-plate in the slot between the rope socket and spear. The winch operator should

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Performing the Cut-and-Thread Technique 5-9
slack off on the cable until it is supported by the C-plate. The winch operator should place
tape flags (alternately chalk or spray paint) on the cable at the truck so he can return to the
exact spot for each stand of drillpipe run.

Note: Use the intercom to communicate with the floor hands and the derrick man.
14. Release the overshot using the special tongs.

15. The winch operator pulls the overshot to the derrick operator, who should have another stand
of pipe ready.
16. Drop the overshot through the drillpipe stand and attach it to the spear. The winch operator
can use tape flags previously placed on the cable as a signal that the overshot is close to the

Note: Carefully time the downward cable motion with the pipe at rest in the proper

5-10 Performing the Cut-and-Thread Technique Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
WARNING Keep hands in a safe place while working in the proximity of the
overshot and drillpipe..
17. The winch operator again picks up on the cable.
18. Remove the C-plate from the rotary.
19. Adjust the cable tension again to 2,000 lb above normal.
20. Make up pipe stand No. 2 to pipe stand No. 1 by hand-tightening pipe stand No. 2.

Note: Do not rotate the pipe in the hole.

21. Enter the length of pipe stand No. 2 in the depth tally.
22. Slowly lower the pipe into the hole again, monitoring both pipe weight and cable tension. A
change in either one is a sign of danger. It is possible to correct only if pipe motion is kept
slow. Slow pipe movement will give you time to stop the pipe movement and pick up the
string before damage has been done.
23. Repeat Steps 1 through 22 for each stand of pipe needed to reach the fish. Tighten the weight
bars and inspect the fishing equipment every 20 to 30 stands.
24. Monitor the tripping speed. The fastest job is the job performed without accidents; going into
the hole slowly is the only safe way. Urge the operator to take the time necessary to ensure
only one trip is needed. Primary hazards include
• dropping the cable
• broken armor wire balling up ahead of the overshot
• impact of the tool on a downhole bridge that cuts the cable
• cable that doubles back around the overshot if the cable is keyseated and not removed
from the keyseat
25. The following problems also can occur.
• Failure of the spearhead rope socket leaves a broken cable in the hole. Special fishing
help and tools then will be necessary.
• If the spearhead, with the rope socket and cable accidentally are dropped into the pipe,
run the thread-through overshot with the largest applicable guide down the pipe to
engage the spear. The spearhead is probably only a few hundred feet below the rotary. If
the overshot fails, pull up the drillpipe. The bushing in the Bowen overshot catches the
hex adapter.
• When cable tension increases sharply, the cable may be keyseated, causing it to double
back outside the overshot. Pick up the pipe to decrease tension slightly. Increase the
cable tension. The large guide should free the cable ahead of the advancing overshot.
• If cable tension increases moderately fast, broken cable armor may be balling up at the
• If the cable tension increase is gradual (normal in a directional well), the elevation of the
cable spear (with normal tension plus 2,000 lb) decreases. If the cable spear begins to

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Performing the Cut-and-Thread Technique 5-11
fall below the top of the pipe as you advance into the well, place a short length of sucker
rod between the rope socket and spear.
• If a bridge is encountered in the wellbore, it should be removed by circulating the
drilling mud. A bridge is not a problem unless the cable was cut by the initial impact.

CAUTION If the stuck tool string contains a radioactive source, monitor the mud flowline with a
survey meter to verify the integrity of the source.

On Depth with the Fish

When approaching the depth of the fish, it is good practice to clean out the fish by circulating the
mud. Record the pumping rate and pressure.

Note: Circulating with mud is mandatory if cable tension increases at the depth of the
With the overshot a short distance from the fish, check the depth data. Do not misinterpret any
tension data because of incorrect depth data. Though the tool is now ready to be recovered,
remember that it has been stuck for several hours. The tool may have originally been stuck in a
bridge or hole restriction. It is now covered by cuttings and debris, which must be removed by
mud circulation.

Fishing While Circulating

Note the rate and pressure of the mud pumps. Approach the stuck tool with the mud pumps
turning slowly. This slow flushing keeps the fishing tool clean as the debris buildup at the head
of the stuck tool is removed. If at all possible, plan the job so that the fish is reached while
tension is maintained on the cable. A slack bridle at the fishing head when the overshot arrives
can be damaged and complicate the job. The tool will most probably fall free when pushed by
the overshot without damaging the bridle, but the customer will not want to take that chance.
Make sure that the mud is circulating if a bridge is encountered upon reaching the fish and
during engagement of the fish. This is accomplished by hanging the cable spearhead on a
bushing in the circulating sub. Prepare for mud circulation by performing the following steps.
1. With the spearhead hanging on the C-plate, thread the circulating sub and adapter sub over
the fishing overshot. Latch the overshot onto the spearhead, lift the cable, and remove the C-
plate. Refer to diagram a in the following figure.
2. Screw the subs into the drillpipe. Place the special bushing over the cable and into the
circulating sub. Lower the cable until the rope socket rests on the bushing. Unlatch the
overshot. Refer to diagram b in the following figure.
3. Screw the kelly into the circulating sub using a suitable drillpipe sub. Refer to diagram c in
the following figure.

5-12 Performing the Cut-and-Thread Technique Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
a b c

Bushing Drill Pipe Sub

Circulating Sub

Drill Pipe Sub

Positioning the Circulating Sub

The normal tension at the surface is known. This tension includes the tool weight. Cable
elongation, caused by the weight of the tool, is equal to the weight of the tool in mud x the depth
x the stretch constant (K) for that cable. Refer to Appendix A for the stretch constants of
standard logging cables. Refer to Figure 5-5 while performing the following steps to position the
circulating sub.
1. Evaluate the position (elevation) of the spearhead when the cable is supporting original
normal tension (Position 5 on Figure 5-5).
2. Determine the stretch constant (K) for the specific cable in use from the charts in Appendix
A. The cable elongation caused by the weight of the tool in mud is calculated by the
following equation:
elongation = WT x D x K,
WT= weight of the tool in mud
D = depth
K = stretch constant
3. The resulting value is equal to Distance B in Figure 5-5. This distance is typically about 8 ft
for a well depth of 10,000 ft.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Performing the Cut-and-Thread Technique 5-13
1 Derrick Floor

2 Spear at elevation where the cable

tension is zero at the head.

3 This length (e) must be greater

than length (d).

5 4 Spear seated in circulating sub.

5 Spear position under normal tension.

a e 3
Drill Pipe Sub
Top Tool Joint
1 1


Bottom Tool Joint


Fishing Bell

Figure 5-5—Positioning the circulating sub

5-14 Performing the Cut-and-Thread Technique Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
1. The distance (b) below elevation (Point 5 in Figure 5-5) is the spearhead elevation when
cable tension at the head is zero (position 2). Downward travel of the spearhead below Point
2 results in slack cable in the hole. The object is to provide a sufficient length of drillpipe so
that when the pipe has been lowered to the point where the overshot engages the fish, the
spearhead is still at or above Point 2.
2. If the spearhead is mounted in the circulating sub and held at elevation (Point 2), use the
drillpipe tally and the known depth of the fish to calculate the distance from the overshot to
the fish.
3. Look for a drillpipe joint or a combination of subs that places the circulating sub a few feet
higher than Distance D above point 2, or cut a new rope socket to accommodate the available

Special Circulating Setup

A main problem with the cut-and-thread technique is the difficulty of circulating drilling fluid
down to the fish when large amounts of cuttings have settled on top of the tool. The technique
described here has been used to circulate out as much as 80 feet of caving. The equipment
required includes a hydraulic stuffing box, a high-pressure tee, and suitable adapters to connect
the equipment to the drillpipe.
1. Connect the high-pressure tee and stuffing box to a joint of drillpipe.
2. Thread the overshot and cable through the entire assembly.
3. Lift the assembly and hang it above the rig floor.
4. Connect the cable overshot to the spear end of the assembly.
5. Screw the joint of pipe into the drillstring as in the regular cut-and-thread procedure.
6. Connect the mud hose to the tee, pump up the hydraulic stuffing box, and circulate the mud
as the drillstring is lowered. Circulating mud washes down an entire joint of pipe without
interruption while maintaining tension on the cable to prevent damage.

Fishing Without Circulation

An alternative method to fishing is to trip in to the fish without circulation while relying on
drillpipe weight and cable tension to signal the arrival at the fish. This procedure may or may not
decrease pipe weight if the fish is not stuck on bottom. Increased cable tension may be noticed as
the weight of the pipe moves the fish downward. Perform the following procedures to fish
without circulating.
1. After locating the depth of the fish (or bridge), double-check the distance. The correct length
of drillpipe may be available to hold tension on the cable while circulating at this depth to
clean and free the fish.
2. If the cable tension decreases when picking up the drillpipe after the first advance (or any
subsequent advance without the mud circulating), prove by equal cable/pipe motion that the
tool is moving with the overshot. This motion does not guarantee the tool has engaged the
overshot. The boot may be wedged into the overshot by debris, which can support the bridle

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Performing the Cut-and-Thread Technique 5-15
and tool while preventing the tool from entering. Engage the mud pumps at this stage.
3. The mud pressure removes the debris and boot when this situation exists, and will then drop
to the previously recorded normal reading. When the fish is truly engaged, the mud-pump
pressure will remain at an increased figure because the mud must leave through the ports in
the overshot.
4. Although interrupting circulation during a cut-and-thread fishing job is dangerous, the
procedure can be accomplished successfully. The key is that mud must be circulated a
sufficient period of time to ensure that the debris is carried to the surface.

Retrieving the Wireline from the Hole

Note: If the customer selects the reverse cut-and-thread technique, the following steps
do not apply because the wireline remains connected to the tool.
When the engagement with the fish is confirmed by pipe motion and its effect on cable tension,
and by mud-pump pressure, the weak point can then safely be broken. Perform the following
steps to retrieve the wireline from the well.
1. Reinstall the cable clamp. Request the driller to latch elevators around the cable under the
cable clamp and pull until the weak point breaks. Check the driller’s tension gauge, and
record the tension at which the weak point breaks.
If you selected the proper weak point, it should break when you apply tension equal to
approximately 50% cable breaking strength at surface. The upward pipe movement required
to break the weak point can therefore be approximated by
K(stretch constant) x D(depth) x (50% B.S. - Normal Tension)
If the weak point does not break at that point, the cablehead might be so obstructed by debris that
the tension applied at the surface does not reach the weak point. Stop pulling on the cable
clamp and start mud circulation again. Repeat this step.
2. Cut the cables to remove the rope sockets.
3. Attach the well end of the cable to the logging-unit end of the cable by tying the cable ends
together in a square knot.
4. Pull up the cable until the square knot is tight. Tape the loose ends of the cable, and remove
the cable clamp. Spool the cable onto the cable drum, pulling the knot carefully over the top
sheave and removing the drum spooling device while the knot passes. The cable clamp must
be reinstalled and the cable tension maintained by the elevators for both of these operations.
5. While the cable is removed, the driller can move the pipe up and down.
6. If the cable breaks instead of the weak point, pull the pipe until the other end of the cable is
recovered. Engage the cable clamp, and pull as before.
7. Arrange for a worker on the rig floor to catch the bridle and/or cablehead when it arrives at
the surface. Tie a ¼-in. rope to the bridle so that it can be pulled over the top sheave and
lowered to the rig floor without falling.

5-16 Performing the Cut-and-Thread Technique Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Retrieving the Fish From the Hole
Bring the drillpipe and fish out of the hole without rotating the drillpipe in the hole. Rotation
may disengage and drop the fish.
After the tool has reached the surface, determine the best way to remove it from the overshot
without damaging the tool and without dropping it or any hand tools into the well.
1. Generally, the tool must be removed from the overshot or cablehead in the vertical position.
2. Some tools can be set into slips in the rotary. With a rope attached for additional safety, the
overshot can be bumped, rotated clockwise, and removed.
3. The rat hole is often the best place to tie the tool while disconnecting it from the cable head.
4. The head and fishing bell can be left in the overshot while the overshot is being removed
from the sub and drillpipe.
5. With the overshot and head on the rig floor, bump down to release tension on the grapple,
and turn clockwise with tongs to remove.

Precautions for the Cut-and-Thread-Technique

• Do not break the cable.
• Do not break the weak point until the customer orders it.
• Treat the cable as a logging cable, not a drilling line. Slacking off quickly after a pull can put
a knot in the cable that creates unbalanced torque between the inner and outer armor, which
leads to early cable failure (birdcage).
• Give advice when asked and help when necessary, but keep the customer (operator) in
charge of the job. Do not agree to fish without a customer representative in charge.
• Give the customer a thorough description of tools, including accurate and complete
dimensions of all tools in the hole.
• Give price estimates if requested, but ensure the customer understands the costs are only
estimates. Do not make deals or concessions.

Note: The customer’s contract states “recover or pay.” Do not void this contract by
blaming Halliburton’s crew or equipment for failure.
• Use the largest guide appropriate for the hole size on the overshot.
• Using locally established procedures, select the proper place to cut the cable. A good rule is
to leave 1 ft of cable above the rotary table per 1,000 ft of cable in the hole (7 ft minimum) if
the cable is not keyseated. Extra length is needed when the cable is keyseated.
• Prepare the rope sockets according to the latest specifications. Perform a pull test to 6,000 lb
with the cable hanger in place. Remove the adapter sub, and try to dismantle it. If the rope
socket was correctly assembled, it cannot be dismantled without using the extractor tool.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Performing the Cut-and-Thread Technique 5-17
Pass the lower rope socket through the Bowen overshot before installing the 2¼-in. hex
adapter. The lower rope socket cannot pass the 2 3/16-in. bushing at the top of the overshot.
• Maintain cable tension at about 2,000 lb above normal cable tension. The excess tension and
the large guide help remove a cable from the keyseat ahead of the overshot. If the cable is
not pulled out of the keyseat in this way, it can double back, breaks armor strands, and
disrupt the fishing job.
• Trip into the hole slowly. If necessary, remind the driller or superintendent to slow down.
Any cable tension increase requires prompt correction. Running into a bridge in the borehole
with the cable wedged between the overshot and the bridge may cut the cable. Stop tripping
if any increase in cable tension is observed. Pull up and advance slowly while monitoring the
tension changes; the cable tension may need to be increased or mud circulation started.
• Any tension increase at the fish depth means the overshot is packed full of cuttings and junk.
Clean the hole by circulation.

Note: Mud circulation at the stuck tool cleans the hole of debris but does not keep the
overshot clean if the top of the tool is covered by a bridge. The weight of the pipe on the
bridge and tool can push the tool down but also can pack the overshot with foreign
material. Compacted material in the overshot can cause the overshot to engage the
fishing bell boot and bridle, but not the fishing bell. The tool then moves up or down
with the pipe, indicating that the tool has been engaged. However, when the weak point
is broken, the tool cannot be recovered. This chain of events accounts for the greatest
number of cut-and-thread failures. Planning and performing an effective fishing
procedure for each job comes only from experience. The cable should be kept tight and
yet must be hung in the circulating sub during circulation.
• Verify that the tool is engaged using a tension device and mud-pump pressure.
• Do not rotate the drillpipe while coming out of the hole.
• Remove the logging tool cautiously. Carelessness can damage an otherwise undamaged
recovered tool.

Potential Problems
Even when every precaution has been taken in the setup, preparation, rope socket assembly, and
testing, dropping the well end of the cable in the hole is still a danger. If the cable is dropped in
the hole and cannot be recovered, the cut-and-thread procedure now becomes the difficult
problem of retrieving a broken cable in the hole above a keyseat. To avoid problems associated
with dropping the well end of the cable:
• Keep the point of the spear and the dogs in the overshot in good condition. Monitor for the
correct engagement each time. The overshot locking feature is reliable, but must be properly
maintained and monitored.
• If the lower rope socket and spear (with the 2¼-in. hex nut) has been dropped, there are two
possible methods of recovery:
− The assembly may be recovered by simply running the overshot down to where it has
come to rest in the drillpipe.

5-18 Performing the Cut-and-Thread Technique Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
− Pull the pipe to recover the assembly and cable, as the 2 1/4-in. hex nut is resting on the
2 3/16-in. or 2 1/8-in. bushing in the top of the overshot. This method is impractical if
the ID of the pipe makes it necessary to substitute the 1 11/16-in. adapter for the 2 1/4-
in. hex adapter.

CAUTION Make sure every joint is made up firmly. Tool damage, lost time or both can result if the
cut-and-thread assembly unscrews at any joint.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Performing the Cut-and-Thread Technique 5-19

5-20 Performing the Cut-and-Thread Technique Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Halliburton Energy Services


Performing the Side-Door

Overshot Technique

Equipment Needed
The side-door overshot depicted in Figure 6-1 is available from Bowen Tools, Inc. Two subs
enable the overshot to connect to the following:
• 3 1/2-in. pipe with standard API line pipe thread, 8 TPI
• 2-in. external upset tubing with 2-in. round thread, 8 TPI
• upper end of the tool, if it has a 2 1/2-in. female connection, 6 TPI
If the drillpipe or tubing is a different size or has a different thread, additional subs are needed.
The customer may ask for help in obtaining these from a vendor.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Performing the Side-Door Overshot Technique 6-1
Figure 6-1: Bowen Side-Door Overshot

6-2 Performing the Side-Door Overshot Technique Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Side-Door Overshot Procedures
1. Verify that the borehole is large enough to accommodate the side-door overshot. The OD of
the side-door overshot is 4½ in., but a minimum hole size of 5½ in. is required at the point
where the torpedo (if used) must pass through the side slot. A hole size of 7 in. or greater is
recommended. If the cable or bridle is wrapped around the pipe, the hole size must be greater
than the largest tool joint or coupling, plus twice the cable diameter.
2. Support the cable at the rotary with the cable clamp.
3. Hang the upper sheave and tension device to one side in the derrick to provide clearance for
the traveling block, as explained in Section 5, “Cut-and-Thread Technique.”
1. Prepare the side-door overshot to enter the hole. Refer to Figure 6-1 and Figure 6-2 below
during this assembly.

7 5




Figure 6-2: Bowen Series 160 Overshot, 6400

Refer to Table B-8 in Appendix B for Series 160 Overshot parts ordering information.
a. Loosen the set screws, and remove the grapple control ring.
b. Remove the grapple by rotating clockwise.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Performing the Side-Door Overshot Technique 6-3
c. Remove the side plate by unscrewing the four Allen (socket-head cap) screws and
sliding the plate toward the bottom of the tool.
d. Select the correct sub, and connect the overshot to the drillpipe or tubing. Tighten with
e. Lay the cable through the side-plate opening so that it passes the roller and down through
the lower center of the overshot.
f. Reinstall the plate and the four Allen (socket-head cap) screws.
g. Select the correct size of grapple, and thread it around the cable. Slide the grapple into
the lower end of the overshot, and rotate it counterclockwise into the buttress thread of
the body.
h. Reinstall the control ring, and tighten the set screws that hold it.
5. Lock the rotary table. This is necessary since the cable will rest on one side.
6. Apply normal tension on the cable, and set the winch brake.
7. Remove the cable clamp.
8. Lower the overshot and the first joint of pipe into the hole. Check the slips. A segment of
slips may have to be removed to avoid damage to the cable.
9. Make up a second joint of pipe by hand.

Note: Do not rotate the portion of pipe in the hole.

10. Descend slowly with the pipe, monitoring the weight indicator for any increase in tension.
Stop promptly, pull up, and descend cautiously when attempting to overcome any obstacle.
11. Add subsequent joints of pipe.
12. Pipe measurements and the tally are used to estimate when the overshot is near the fish.
Consider circulating the mud if tension increases at the fish.
13. If tension does not increase at the depth of the tool, the cable has become keyseated. Do not
go deeper with the fishing assembly unless the customer wants to break the weak point.
14. If tension increases at the depth of the cable head, the tool is moving down and may be
engaged. Rotate the work string one turn clockwise (maximum) by hand to open the grapple.
15. Stop after attempting to engage the fish. Allow the twist in the drillpipe to relax, then pull up
without rotating while monitoring the weight indicator. Try to pick up the slack cable.
16. If the upward movement of pipe does not decrease cable tension, either the cable has become
keyseated or the tool is not engaged. Use an SP or other log to determine if the tool is
moving or if it is not engaged. Repeat this step, or proceed with Step 17.
17. If the tool is engaged but the cable is stuck, pull up with the drillpipe and tool to peel the
cable free from the keyseat. Take care when recovering the cable to avoid creating damaging
18. If the cable is free, reel in the cable as the pipe is removed.
19. Remove the logging tool from the well cautiously. Bump the tool down to move the grapple
up. Rotate one turn clockwise per 1 in. of withdrawal.

6-4 Performing the Side-Door Overshot Technique Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Precautions for Side-Door Overshot
• Protect the logging cable.
− The borehole must be large enough to accommodate the fishing mechanism.
− The slips must allow for the cable to pass through the rotary.
− The rotary table must be locked.
− Do not rotate the drillpipe.
− Monitor the cable tension.
− Lower the pipe slowly.
• Descending with the drillpipe while the cable is keyseated can break the weak point.
• Protect the logging tool while removing it from the overshot.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Performing the Side-Door Overshot Technique 6-5

6-6 Performing the Side-Door Overshot Technique Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Halliburton Energy Services

Performing the Freeing-at-the-

Weak-Point Technique
Before considering the freeing-at-the-weak-point technique, check the following conditions. Do
not pull until these conditions are fulfilled or have been performed.
1. Verify that the cable is not keyseated.
2. Review Section 4, Fishing Techniques Overview with the customer.
3. The customer instructs Halliburton personnel to break the weak point.

Breaking the Weak Point

1. Review the rig setup. Make sure the lower sheave chain has been inspected and is secured
properly. Check the truck wheel chocks and brake.
2. Clear the derrick floor. Do not allow anyone near the cable.
3. Study the weak-point data in Table 3-2. Slowly increase cable tension. Stop after increasing
by 500-lb increments to allow fatigue to help break the weak point.
4. Record the surface tension and tension on the weak point when the break occurs.
5. When the cable end is 500 ft from the surface, station an operator at the rotary table to
capture and restrain the loose end. Otherwise, the loose end will continue through the top
sheave and could injure personnel on the derrick floor when it falls.
6. If the cable, torpedo, or bridle fails, determine how much cable is left in the hole above the
7. Give the customer a complete description of equipment left in the hole.

Fishing Tool Choice

Many fishing companies and tools are available to the customer. Offer the customer suggestions,
but the final choice is strictly the customer’s responsibility.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Performing the Freeing-at-the-Weak-Point Technique 7-1
The Bowen Series 150 and 105 overshot are most common, and subs are available from the
Bowen fishing kit.

Note: Although some suggest that the Bowen Series 105 overshot should not be used
when fishing for a free tool, many fishing companies use the Bowen Series 150
overshots instead of their own slip-type overshot. The fish, however, must be standing
straight in the hole (or be straightened by guides) to enter the spiral grapple. The Bowen
overshot positive release is a feature many other tools do not have.
The services of a fishing company are essential if any cable remains in the hole above the tools.
The fishing team selects spears or washover pipes to suit the conditions.

Freeing-at-the-weak-point Procedures
1. Dress the overshot and securely connect it to the drillpipe. Refer to Section 5, Performing the
Cut-and-Thread Technique.
2. Approach the fish while slowly circulating mud through the drillpipe. Record the pump rate
and pressure. The circulating mud keeps the overshot clean and removes any bridge material
surrounding the fishing bell.
3. If possible, do not rotate the overshot more than one revolution to engage the fish.
4. The holes in the Bowen Series 105 or other adapter subs, such as the Bowen 150, permit the
mud to escape at a higher pressure when the fish has been engaged.
5. Warn the driller that the tool will collapse under the weight of the drillpipe and that the
tensile strength of the tool is limited to approximately 120,000 lbs for standard threaded
rings and 50,000 lbs for LSS or FWST. In compression, the sonic tool has been known to get
deformed in washouts at 5,000 lbs, while the DILT, HRIT and DLLT might break in
washouts at 11,000 lbs. Advise the driller not to place excessive weight on the tool while on
6. Do not rotate the drillpipe when coming out of the hole.
7. Remove the logging tool cautiously. When a Bowen overshot with a spiral grapple is used,
bump the tool down and rotate it clockwise one turn per 1 in. of withdrawal.

Precautions for Freeing-at-the-Weakpoint Technique

• Give the customer all tool and bridle measurements and a thorough description of any cable
left in the hole.
• Advise the customer that though the tools left in the hole are sturdy, they are still breakable.
The customer must choose the type of engagement to ensure recovery with minimal damage.
• Be prepared to offer advice during the fishing procedure.
• Review all the possible risks of this procedure with the customer.

7-2 Performing the Freeing-at-the-Weak-Point Technique Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Halliburton Energy Services


Sonic Tool Fishing Sheets

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Sonic Tool Fishing Sheets 8-1
Full Wave Sonic Tool (FWST-A) Short-Spaced Configuration
Tool Part Number: 3.30045 with 3.39068
Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 3.63 in. Min Hole: 4.13 in.
Length*: 20.41 ft Max Hole: 20 in.
3.63 in.
Weight: 365 lb
Instr ument * Add 5.00 ft for each inline centralizer (usually two).
A ssem bly

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
152.75 in. Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Real-time slowness 56.85 in.
Waveform 44.85 in.
Transm itter MSGa Display 44.85 in.

244.9 in.

R eceiver 1

Receiver 2

92.15 in.

8-2 Sonic Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Full Wave Sonic Tool (FWST-A), Long-Spaced Configuration
Tool Part Number: 3.30045


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 3.63 in. Min Hole: 4.5 in.
Length*: 28.58 ft Max Hole: 20 in.
Weight: 460 lb
* Add 5.00 ft for each in-line centralizer (usually two).

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Real-time slowness 76.5 in.
Full Waveform 64.5 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Sonic Tool Fishing Sheets 8-3
Full Wave Sonic Tool (FWST-A), Extra-Long-Spaced Configuration
Tool Part Number: 3.30045 with extra 3.32003


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 3.63 in. Min Hole: 4.5 in.
Length*: 36.14 ft Max Hole: 20 in.
Weight: 555 lb
* Add 5.00 ft for each in-line centralizer (usually two).

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Real-time slowness 76.5 in.
Full waveform 64.5 in.

8-4 Sonic Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Hostile Full Wave Sonic (HFWS-A )
Tool Part Number: 3.70000


Max Temp: 500°F (6 hr) Max Press: 25,000 psi
2.75 in. Max OD: 2.75 in. Min Hole: 3.5 in.
Length*: 30.22 ft Max Hole: 12 in.
Weight: 340 lb
* Add 3.50 ft for each in-line centralizer (usually two).
Upper 86.25 in.
Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Real-time slowness 106.94 in.
Full Waveform 100.94 in.

82.45 in.
Transmitter 1
Transmitter 2

362.63 in

Receiver 1

131.0 in.
Receiver 2

Receiver 3
Receiver 4
Receiver 5
Receiver 6

Electronics 62.93 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Sonic Tool Fishing Sheets 8-5
Borehole Compensated Sonic Tool (BCDT-A )
Tool Part Number: 3.57000 (kit)


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 18,500 psi
Max OD: 3.63 in. Min Hole: 4.25 in.
Length: 28.75 ft Max Hole: 17.5 in.
Instrument Weight: 515 lb
-- In-line, standoff, or slipover centralizers are required when running the BCDT-A

152.75 in. Hardware Tension Compression Torque
3.63 in.
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na

Transmitter Measurement Measure Point
(Not Used) (Referenced from bottom of tool)
All Measurements 91.5 in.

3.5 in.
Upper 47.25 in.

345 in.

Transmitter 1

Receiver 1

108.5 in.

Receiver 2

Transmitter 2

Electronics 36.5 in.
3.5 in.

3.63 in.

8-6 Sonic Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Borehole Compensated Sonic, Long-Spaced (BCT-EA)
Tool Part Number: 707.00565


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 4 in. Min Hole: 4.75 in.
Length*: 23.7 ft Max Hole: 17 in.
Weight: 400 lb
* Add 4.7 ft for each standard in-line centralizer (usually two). Add 7.25 ft for each
big-hole in-line centralizer (usually two).

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Real-time slowness 73 in.
Full Waveform (WF1, WF2) 136 in.
Full Waveform (WF3) 148 in.
Full Waveform (WF4) 124 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Sonic Tool Fishing Sheets 8-7
Borehole Compensated Sonic (BCT-BB)
Tool Part Number: 707.29672


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 18,500 psi
Max OD: 3.5 in. Min Hole**: 4.25 in.
3.5 in. Length*: 16.11 ft Max Hole**: 17 in.
Weight: 255 lb
58.4 in. * Add 4.7 ft for each standard in-line centralizer (usually two). Add 7.25 ft. for
each big hole in-line centralizer (usually two).
** In cased holes, the Min Csg/Tbg ID is 4 in. and the Max Csg/Tbg ID is 17 in.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Transmitter 1 Other na na na

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Real-time slowness 87 in.

Receiver 1
193.4 in.

96.0 in.

Receiver 2

Transmitter 2

Electronics 39.0 in.

8-8 Sonic Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Low Frequency Dipole Tool (LFDT-A )
Tool Part Number: 3.58000


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 18,000 psi
3.63 in. Max OD: 3.63 in. Min Hole: 5 in.
Length: 31.5 ft Max Hole: 14 in.
Section 152.7 in. Weight: 530 lb
-- Standoff or slipover centralizers are required when running the LFDT-A tool.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Monopole Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na

Dipole 45.3 in.

Transmitter Measurement Measure Point
378 in. (Referenced from bottom of tool)
Monopole 87.5 in.
Dipole 68.3 in.

Isolator /
Section 153 in.




Preamp-Mux 27 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Sonic Tool Fishing Sheets 8-9
Circumferential Acoustic Scanning Tool (CAST-V)
Tool Part Number: 707.55600 (Imaging Mode)


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 3.63 in. Min Hole: 4.5 in.
Length*: 17.9 ft Max Hole: 12.5 in.
Weight: 316 lb
Commonly run with two slip-on centralizers.
3.63 in. * Add 1.0 in. for the 5.63- and 7-in. OD heads.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints 130,000 lb 130,000 lb 600 lb-ft
Electronics Other na na na
Assembly 122.15 in. * Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Scan 2.0 in.

214.75 in

Directional 36.5 in.


Scanner 56.1 in.


8-10 Sonic Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Circumferential Acoustic Scanning Tool (CAST)
Tool Part Number: 707.01026


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 3.38 in. Min Hole*: 4.5 in.
Length**: 8.62 ft Max Hole: 17 in.
Weight: 130 lb
-- Commonly run with two slip-on centralizers.
* In cased holes, the Min Csg/Tbg ID is 4.5 in., and the max Csg/Tbg ID is 13.38 in.
** Length does not include scanning head. Add 3.8 in. for the 3.62-in. OD head, 3.75
in. for the 4.37-in. OD head, and 4.8 in. for the 6- and 8-in. OD heads.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Scan 2 in. (3.62- and 4.37-in. heads)
Scan 2.6 in. (6- and 8-in. heads)

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Sonic Tool Fishing Sheets 8-11
Circumferential Acoustic Scanning Tool (CAST-A )
Tool Part Number: 707.55000


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 3.63 in. Min Hole*: 4.5 in.
3.63 in. Length**: 12.68 ft Max Hole: 12.5 in.
Weight: 251 lb
-- Commonly run with two slip-on centralizers.
* In cased holes, the Min Csg/Tbg ID is 4.5 in., and the max Csg/Tbg ID is 13.38 in.
** Length does not include scanning head. Add 3.8 in. for the 3.62-in. OD head, 3.75
in. for the 4.37-in. OD head, and 4.8 in. for the 6- and 8-in. OD heads.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.
124.7 in.
Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Scan 2 in. (3.62- and 4.37-in. heads)
Scan 2.6 in. (6- and 8-in. heads)
152.2 in.

23.4 in.
3.38 in.

4.1 in.

8-12 Sonic Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Pulsed Power Multipole Acoustic Tool (XACT)
Tool Part Number:


Section 70.8 in. Max Temp: 302°F Max Press: 16,000 psi
Gamma Max OD: 4.750 in. Min Hole: 5.25 in.
Length: 51.0 ft Max Hole: 16.0 in.
Weight: 1,300 lb

145.2 in.
4.75 in.
Transmitter Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Section Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
12.0 in. * Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.
Dipole X
12.0 in.
Dipole Y
Measurement Measure Point
Receiver 1 (Referenced from bottom of tool)
Monopole 204 in.
Dipole 204 in.
168.0 in. Gamma Ray 542 in.
XACT is a trademark of Magnetic Pulse Incorporated
Dampers 612.0 in.

Receiver 1
12.0 in.
Receiver 2
12.0 in.
Receiver 3
12.0 in.
Receiver 4

168.0 in.


05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Sonic Tool Fishing Sheets 8-13

8-14 Sonic Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Halliburton Energy Services


Nuclear Tool Fishing Sheets

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Nuclear Tool Fishing Sheets 9-1
Natural Gamma Ray Tool (NGRT-A)
Tool Part Number: 3.28212


Max Temp: 400°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 3.63 in. Min Hole*: 4.5 in.
Length: 8 ft Max Hole*: 24 in.
Weight: 176 lb
3.63 in. * In cased holes, the Min Csg/Tbg is 4.25 in. and the Max Csg/Tbg is 24 in.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints 130,000 lbs 130,000 lbs 600 lb-ft
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
96 in. (Referenced from bottom of tool)
Gamma 16 in.

9-2 Nuclear Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Hostile Natural Gamma Ray (HNGR-A)
Tool Part Number: 3.62000


Max Temp: 500°F (6 hr) Max Press: 25,000 psi
Max OD: 2.75 in. Min Hole**: 3.5 in.
2.75 in.
Length*: 11.55 ft Max Hole**: 24 in.
Weight*: 146 lb
* The length and weight include the HGNI instrument section, which is required to
run the HNGR.
** In cased holes, the Min Csg/Tbg is 3.25 in. and the Max Csg/Tbg is 24 in.
47.4 in. Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Gamma 123.6 in.

138.6 in.

Instrument 91.2 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Nuclear Tool Fishing Sheets 9-3
Universal Gamma Ray (UGR-HA)
Tool Part Number: 707.07267


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
3.38 in. Max OD: 3.38 in. Min Hole*: 4.25 in.
Length: 4.41 ft Max Hole*: 24 in.
Weight: 45 lb
* In cased holes, the Min Csg/Tbg ID is 3.88 in. and the Max Csg/Tbg ID is 24 in.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
UGR Other na na na
Assembly * Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.


Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Gamma 15 in.

9-4 Nuclear Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Compensated Spectral Natural Gamma Ray (CSNG-A)
Tool Part Number: 3.30753 (Titanium Housing)


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 3.63 in. Min Hole*: 4.5 in.
Length: 14.9 ft Max Hole*: 20 in.
Weight: 271 lb
-- The specifications on this sheet apply to tools with a titanium detector housing. A
Low-Z housing is also available.
* For tracer surveys, the Min Csg/Tbg ID is 4.25 in. and the Max Csg/Tbg ID is 20

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
CSNG 37 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Nuclear Tool Fishing Sheets 9-5
Compensated Spectral Natural Gamma Ray (CSNG-A)
Tool Part Number: 3.30753 (Low-Z Housing)


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 8,000 psi (absolute max)
Max OD: 3.63 in. Min Hole*: 5 in.
Length: 12.9 ft Max Hole*: 20 in.
Weight: 260 lb
* For tracer surveys, the Min Csg/Tbg ID is 4.25 in. and the Max Csg/Tbg ID is 20

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na


Instrument Measurement Measure Point
Section (Referenced from bottom of tool)
CSNG 26.75 in.

3.63 in.

155.6 in.

55.7 in.


9-6 Nuclear Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Spectral Gamma Ray (SGR-A)
Tool Part Number: 707.07471


Max Temp: 350°F (15 hr) Max Press: 20,000 psi
4.0 in. Max OD: 4 in. Min Hole*: 4.75 in.
Length: 7.5 ft Max Hole*: 20 in.
Weight: 175 lb
* In cased holes, the Min Csg/Tbg is 4.5 in. and the Max Csg/Tbg is 20 in.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na

SGRA Measurement Measure Point
Assembly (Referenced from bottom of tool)
SGR 21 in.

90.0 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Nuclear Tool Fishing Sheets 9-7
Pulsed Spectral Gamma Ray Tool (PSGT-A )
Tool Part Number: 3.01434


Max Temp: 300°F Max Press: 15,000 psi
Max OD: 3.38 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 3.88 in.
Length*: 17.5 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID: 10.00 in.
3.38 in. Weight: 275 lb
* With Gamma Ray, Telemetry, CCL, and Cablehead assemblies, the length is 33.5
ft and the maximum OD is 3.63 in.

78.0 in. Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Section Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
All 72 in.

210.0 in.

Detector /
132.0 in.


9-8 Nuclear Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Dual Spaced Neutron II Tool (DSNT-A)
Tool Part Number: 3.32212


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 3.63 in. Min Hole*: 4.5 in.
Length: 10.25 ft Max Hole*: 20.75 in.
3.63 in.
Weight: 196 lb
* In cased holes, the Min Csg/Tbg ID is 4.25 in., and the Max Csg/Tbg ID is 20.75

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
Measurement Measure Point
104.37 in. (Referenced from bottom of tool)
Neutron 24 in.

123 in.




18.63 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Nuclear Tool Fishing Sheets 9-9
Hostile Dual Spaced Neutron (HDSN-A )
Tool Part Number: 3.01722


Max Temp: 500°F (6 hr) Max Press: 25,000 psi
Max OD: 2.75 in. Min Hole**: 3.5 in.
2.75 in.
Length*: 15.3 ft Max Hole**: 12 in.
Weight: 179 lb
* The length and weight include the HGNI instrument section, which is required to
run the HDSN. Add 7.04 ft when run with the in-line, bowspring decentralizer.
** In cased holes, the Min Csg/Tbg ID is 3.25 in., and the Max Csg/Tbg ID is 12 in.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
HGNI 91.2 in.
Other na na na

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Neutron 26.9 in.

183.5 in.


77.4 in.




14.9 in.

9-10 Nuclear Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Dual Spaced Epithermal Neutron (DSEN)
Tool Part Number: 3.37173


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 3.63 in. Min Hole: 4.5 in.
Length*: 7.25 ft Max Hole: 20.75 in.
Weight: 170 lb
* Length with Gamma Ray, Telemetry, and Cablehead assemblies is 23.17 ft.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Neutron 30.6 in.

3.63 in.

68.37 in.

87.0 in.




18.63 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Nuclear Tool Fishing Sheets 9-11
Compensated Neutron Tool (CNT-NA,JA,KA,LA)
Tool Part Number: 707.09661


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 3.38 in. Min Hole*: 4.25 in.
Length: 7.33 ft Max Hole*: 20 in.
Weight: 140 lb
* In cased holes (CNT-KA,LA only), the Min Csg/Tbg ID is 3.88 in. and the Max
Csg/Tbg ID is 20 in.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na

Measurement Measure Point
3.38 in. (Referenced from bottom of tool)
Neutron 20.62 in.

88 in.


Detector 73.75 in.


14.25 in.

9-12 Nuclear Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Thermal Multigate Decay-Lithology (TMD-L)
Tool Part Number: 3.00525


Max Temp: 325°F Max Press: 15,000 psi
Max OD: 1.69 in. Min Hole: 2 in.
Length*: 18 ft Max Hole: 16 in.
Weight: 70 lb
* With TTTC-B, the length is 25.2 ft.


Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints 60,000 lbs 60,000 lbs na
61.06 in. Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.
Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Sigma 78 in.

215.8 in.



150.68 in.


4.05 in.
Bull Plug

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Nuclear Tool Fishing Sheets 9-13
Thermal Multigate Decay Tool (TMD )
Tool Part Number: 707.99100


1.37 in. 6.5 in. Max Temp: 300°F Max Press: 15,000 psi
1.63 in. 4.22 in. Max OD: 1.69 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 2 in.
1.69 in.
Length*: 32 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID: 16 in.
CCL Weight: 140 lb
11.75 in.
* Includes gamma-ray and CCL sections

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
45.01 in.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
CCL 369 in.
Gamma Ray 327 in.
Sigma Formation 96 in.
Power 81.01 in.
383.92 in.

Section 81.01 in.

Detector 49.7 in.


Section 104 in.

9-14 Nuclear Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
TracerScan Tool
Tool Part Number: 3.37135


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
1.37 in. 6.5 in. Max OD: 1.69 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 2 in.
1.63 in. 4.22 in. Length*: 13.91 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID: 20.75 in.
Weight*: 90 lb
* Length and weight include closure head, CCL, and multichannel. Add 3.83 ft for
CCL each in-line male/female centralizer (usually two). Add 3.67 ft for each in-line
11.75 in.
male/male centralizer (usually one).
1.69 in.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
Telemetry and
Power Supply 53.3 in.
Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
CCL 152 in.
Gamma 17.8 in.
Temperature 3.75 in.*
* Referenced from bottom of temperature subassembly.
166.97 in.

and 87.4 in.

Bull Nose
Body 3.8 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Nuclear Tool Fishing Sheets 9-15
Tool Part Number: 3.52600


Max Temp: 300°F Max Press: 20,000 psi Max Csg/Tbg ID: 20.75 in.
Max OD: 1.69 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 2 in. Weight*: 132 lb
Length*: 22.53 ft
* Length and weight include the TracerScan tool, which is required to run the RotaScan
service. Add 3.83 ft for each inline male/female centralizer (usually two). Add 3.67 ft for
each inline male/male centralizer (in place of male-to-male adapter). An optional gyro
package is required in near-vertical boreholes (deviated less than 2 °). Various gyro
packages are available. A RotaScan-to-gyro adapter (1.95 ft) is required if the gyro
package is run.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Gamma 19.4 in.

9-16 Nuclear Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Spectral Density Logging Tool (SDLT-D )
Tool Part Number: 3.85100


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
4.5 in.
Max OD: 4.5 in. Min Hole: 5.5 in.
Length: 19.3 ft Max Hole: 22 in.
Weight: 420 lb

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints 130,000 lb 130,000 lb 600 lb-ft
Mandrel 90,000 lb 75,000 lb na
102 in. * Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Density 31.57 in.
Caliper (min) 28 in.
Caliper (max) 30 in.

4.5 in. 232.12 in.


105 in.

25.12 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Nuclear Tool Fishing Sheets 9-17
Spectral Density Logging Tool (SDLT-C )
Tool Part Number: 707.31140


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
4.5 in.
Max OD: 4.5 in. Min Hole: 5.5 in.
Length: 19.3 ft Max Hole: 22 in.
Weight: 420 lb

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints 130,000 lb 130,000 lb 600 lb-ft
Mandrel 90,000 lb 75,000 lb na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.
102 in.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Density 31.57 in.
Caliper (min) 28 in.
Caliper (max) 30 in.

4.5 in. 232.12 in.


105 in.

25.12 in.

9-18 Nuclear Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Spectral Density Logging Tool (SDLT-A)
Tool Part Number: 3.30433


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 4.5 in. Min Hole: 5.5 in.
Length: 18.83 ft Max Hole: 20 in.
Weight: 475 lb
3.63 in.
Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Mandrel na na na
Section 101.9 in.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Density 42.9 in.
Caliper 50 in.

3 in.

226 in.
4.5 in.

Assembly 84.6 in.



26 in.

10.5 in.
3.63 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Nuclear Tool Fishing Sheets 9-19
Spectral Litho-Density (SLT-BA)
Tool Part Number: 707.09565


4.5 in. Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 4.5 in. Min Hole: 5.5 in.
Length: 18.48 ft Max Hole: 22 in.
Upper Weight: 422 lb
Assembly 98.12 in.
Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
SS Spectra 24 in.
LS Spectra 29 in.
Density 29 in.
Caliper (max) 30 in.
Caliper (min) 28 in.

221.75 in

102.63 in.



21.0 in.

9-20 Nuclear Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Slimhole Spectral Density Logging (SSDL)


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 3.63 in. Min Hole: 4.5 in.
Length: 20.17 ft Max Hole: 9 in.
Weight: 364 lb
3.63 in.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Instrument Other na na na
101.9 in.
Section * Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Density 9.2 in.

242.15 in.

Assembly 106.75 in.

Pad 30.75 in.


2.75 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Nuclear Tool Fishing Sheets 9-21
Hostile Spectral Density Logging (HSDL-A)
Tool Part Number: 3.80600


2.75 in. Max Temp: 500°F (6 hr) Max Press: 25,000 psi
Max OD: 3.50 in. Min Hole: 4.5 in.
Length: 23.8 ft Max Hole: 12 in.
Weight: 456 lb
A version of this tool with an in-line pad is available for use in holes with IDs as
small as 3.5 in.
112.7 in.
Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Mandrel na na na

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Density 48.9 in.
Caliper (min) 74.04 in.
Caliper (max) 77.54 in.
270.1 in.


3.5 in.

114.5 in.



33.6 in.

2.75 in. 9.3 in.

9-22 Nuclear Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Hostile Spectral Density Logging (HSDL-A ), In-Line Pad
Tool Part Number: 3.80600


Max Temp: 500°F (6 hr) Max Press: 25,000 psi
Max OD: 2.75 in. Min Hole: 3.5 in.
Length*: 13.8 ft Max Hole: 12 in.
Weight: 176 lb
* Usually run with the HPDC-A - add 3.8 ft

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Mandrel na na na

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Density 48.9 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Nuclear Tool Fishing Sheets 9-23
Compensated Density (CDT-K,M)
Tool Part Number: 707.08715


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 4.5 in. Min Hole: 5.5 in.
Length: 9.34 ft Max Hole: 20 in.
Weight: 275 lb

3.75 in.
Hardware Tension Compression Torque
32.87 in. Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Density 23.1 in.
Caliper 18 in.

38.38 in.
4.0 in.

112.0 in.


23.75 in.

4.75 in.

2.25 in.

14.75 in.

9-24 Nuclear Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Gamma Neutron Tool (GNT), Cosmos
Tool Part Number: 707.12977


1.69 in. Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 15,000 psi
Closure 5.8 in. Max OD: 1.69 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 2 in.
Head Length: 7.2 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID: na
Inverted Length: 10.16 ft Weight: 30 lb

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
47.5 in. * Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.


Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Gamma 63.2 in.
CCL 87 in.
Neutron 13.4 in.

CCL 11.0 in.

122.3 in.

39.0 in.


Source Sub 5.0 in.

Source Sub 12.0 in.

Source 2.0 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Nuclear Tool Fishing Sheets 9-25
Gamma Ray Neutron Tool (GNT-AD)
Tool Part Number: 707.01288


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 1.69 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 2 in.
Inverted length: 6.6 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID: na
Length: 7.2 ft Weight: 29.5 lb

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Gamma 75.2 in.
CCL 53.6 in.
Neutron 10 in.

9-26 Nuclear Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Hostile Gamma Neutron CCL (HGNC-A)
Tool Part Number: 3.03600


Max Temp: 500°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 1.69 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 2 in.
Length: 8.82 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID: na
Weight: 48 lb
Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na


Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
CCL 99.4 in.
Gamma 66 in.
Neutron 21 in.

99.1 in.

105.9 in.


6.8 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Nuclear Tool Fishing Sheets 9-27
Gamma Neutron CCL (GNC-A)
Tool Part Number: 3.03800


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 1.69 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 2 in.
Length: 8.82 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID: na
CCL Weight: 48 lb

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na


Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
CCL 99.4 in.
Gamma 66 in.
Gamma Neutron 21 in.

105.9 in.

99.1 in.



6.8 in.

9-28 Nuclear Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Gamma Neutron Slim Tool (GNST-A)
Tool Part Number: 3.03700


6.39 in. Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 15,000 psi
CCL Max OD: 1.44 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 1.88 in.
Length: 7.91 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID: na
1.44 in. Weight: 33 lb

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
22.27 in. Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
Crystal (Referenced from bottom of tool)
CCL 88.5 in.
Gamma 66.3 in.
Neutron 21.3 in.

94.95 in.

44.99 in.


14.18 in.


7.12 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Nuclear Tool Fishing Sheets 9-29
Hostile Gamma Perforator (HGPS-A), Slimhole
Tool Part Number: 3.88800 + kit 3.88900


Max Temp: 450°F Max Press: 22,000 psi
Max OD: 1.69 in. Min Hole: 2.0 in.
Length*: 12.8 ft Max Hole: na
Weight*: 70 lb
* Length and weight are for tool in standard perforating configuration (with
Shock Subassembly). In stand-alone configuration, tool length is 11.57 ft and
tool weight is 60 lb.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints 30,000 lb 30,000 lb 200 lb-ft
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Gamma 19.9 in. standalone
Gamma 34.6 in. with shock sub

9-30 Nuclear Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Gamma Perforator Slimhole Tool (GPST-A)
Tool Part Number: 3.88800


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 17,500 psi
Max OD: 1.69 in. Min Hole: 2.0 in.
Length*: 11.66 ft Max Hole: na
Weight*: 62 lb
* Length and weight are for tool in standard perforating configuration (with
Shock Subassembly). In stand-alone configuration, tool length is 10.4 ft, and
tool weight is 52 lb.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints 45,000 lb 45,000 lb 200 lb-ft
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Gamma 29.0 in. with shock sub
Gamma 14.3 in. stand-alone

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Nuclear Tool Fishing Sheets 9-31
Gamma Perforator Large Tool (GPLT-A)
Tool Part Number: 3.77700


2.31 in. 12.63 in. Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 3.38 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 3.88 in.
3.12 in.
Max Csg/Tbg ID: na
GPLT Configurations Length Weight
3.25 in. Stand-Alone with Fishing Neck 9.2 ft 178 lb
16.25 in.
CCL Sub Std Perforating Config with Fishing Neck* 11.8 ft 232 lb
Opt Perforating Config (w/o shock sub) 9.8 ft 188 lb
Upper 4.74 in. Coring Config with DITS Adapters 7.0 ft 136 lb
Adapter Perforating Config with DITS Adapters 11.0 ft 223 lb
* Pictured at left
3.38 in.
Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Instrument 63.78 in.

141.34 in. Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
GPLT Configurations Gamma CCL
Stand-Alone with Fishing Neck 24.9 in. 88.8 in.
Std Perforating Config with Fishing Neck* 56.3 in. 120.2 in.
Opt Perforating Config (w/o shock sub) 32.3 in. 96.6 in.
Coring Config with DITS Adapters 21.1 in. na
Perforating Config with DITS Adapters 56.3 in. 120.2 in.

Adapter 9.71 in.
Contact Sub
1.3 in.
3.13 in.
Shock Sub
24.97 in.

1.75 in.

1.85 in.
Change 3.12 in. 7.96 in.

9-32 Nuclear Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Gamma Ray Tool (GRT-LA), Coregun G/R
Tool Part Number: 707.07334


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 4 in. Min Hole*: 4.75 in.
4.0 in. Length: 4.33 ft Max Hole: na
Weight: 100 lb
* In cased holes, the Min Csg/Tbg ID is 4.5 in.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
GRT (Referenced from bottom of tool)
Assembly Gamma 20 in.

52.0 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Nuclear Tool Fishing Sheets 9-33
Gamma Perforator (M157)
Tool Part Number: 3.18592
Gamma Perforator/M157A
1.87 in. 4.84 in.
Perforating Max Temp: 400°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Head Max OD: 3.63 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 4.25 in.
4.5 in.
Length: 8.31 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID: na*
Weight: 120 lb
* Depends on other tools in the string


Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
CCL 20.5 in.
Gamma 44.5 in.
74.88 in.
99.67 in.



5.43 in.

1.65 in.
1.85 in.
3.12 in.
5.43 in.
M157 Adapter 2.94 in.
3.625 in.

9-34 Nuclear Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
M187 Gamma Perforator
Tool Part Number: 3.17860


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 1.69 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 2 in.
Length: 7.7 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID: na*
Weight: 70 lb
* Depends on other tools in string.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
CCL 81.67 in.
Gamma 16.67 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Nuclear Tool Fishing Sheets 9-35

9-36 Nuclear Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Halliburton Energy Services



Electromagnetic Tool Fishing


05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Electromagnetic Tool Fishing Sheets 10-1
High Resolution Induction Tool (HRIT)
Tool Part Number: 3.11530


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 3.63 in. Min Hole: 4.5 in.
Length: 33.3 ft Max Hole: 24 in.
Weight: 455 lb

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints 25,000 lbs 23,000 lbs na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
HRd 105.6 in.
HRm 105.6 in.
DFL 105.6 in.
SP 105.6 in.

10-2 Electromagnetic Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
High Resolution Induction (HRI-B)
Tool Part Number: 707.29600


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 3.63 in. Min Hole: 4.5 in.
3.63 in. Length: 33.5 ft Max Hole: 24 in.
Weight: 435 lb


Instrument Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints 25,000 lbs 23,000 lbs na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
HRd 105.6 in.
HRm 105.6 in.
DFL 105.6 in.
Assembly SP 105.6 in.

402.5 in.

Assembly 257.0 in.


05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Electromagnetic Tool Fishing Sheets 10-3
Hostile Dual Induction Logging (HDIL-A)
Tool Part Number: 3.37000


Isolation 23 in. Max Temp: 500°F (6 hr) Max Press: 25,000 psi
Max OD: 2.75 in. Min Hole: 3.5 in.
Length*: 31.7 ft Max Hole: 16 in.
Weight: 260 lb
* The HDIL must be run with the Isolation Subassembly. The Isolation Subassembly
is 23 in. (1.91 ft) long and is located between the cablehead and the telemetry


Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Instrument Other na na na
Section 172.8 in.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
ILd 134.5 in.
ILm 90 in.
Short Normal 38 in.
SP 30 in.

380.5 in.


204.2 in.

3.5 in.

10-4 Electromagnetic Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Dual Induction Logging Tool (DILT-A)
Tool Part Number: 3.29931


Max Temp: 375°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 3.88 in. Min Hole: 4.75 in.
Length: 32.34 ft Max Hole: 24 in.
Weight: 450 lb

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
SP 208 in.
ILd 208 in.
ILm 164 in.
Short Guard 35 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Electromagnetic Tool Fishing Sheets 10-5
Dual Induction Logging (DIL-F,G)
Tool Part Number: 707.10217


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 15,000 psi
Max OD: 4 in. Min Hole: 4.75 in.
Length: 21 ft Max Hole: 24 in.
3.75 in. Weight: 290 lb


Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na

51.75 in. Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
LL3 20 in.
lLm 86 in.
lLd, SP 131 in.

4.0 in.
249.75 in.


198 in.


10-6 Electromagnetic Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Dual Laterolog Logging (DLLT-A)
Tool Part Number: 3.32205


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 3.63 in. Min Hole: 4.5 in.
Power and Length*: 33.25 ft Max Hole: 24 in.
Telemetry 96.0 in.
Section Weight: 568 lb
* Without microguard assembly. If the microguard is not used, a 3.63-in.OD
assembly of the same length as the microguard assembly must be attached to the
lower end of the DLLT-A sonde.

Isolation 18.0 in. Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Subassembly Tool Joints 130,000 lbs 130,000 lbs 600 lb-ft
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.


Measurement Measure Point
Measurement (Referenced from bottom of tool)
Assembly 108.0 in.
LLd* 200 in.
LLm* 200 in.
SP** (Rigid bridle) 194.75 in.
SP** (Cable electrode bridle) 180 in.
399.0 in. * This distance includes a 101.5-in. assembly (not shown) that must be attached to the
bottom of the DLLT-A if the MSFL is not run.
** The SP measure point is referenced from the bottom of the cable electrode. This
distance does not include the length of the DLLT-A or other tools in the string, such
as the DSTU or NGRT.


177.0 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Electromagnetic Tool Fishing Sheets 10-7
Dual Laterolog Logging Tool (DLLT-B)
Tool Part Number: 3.01134


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 3.63 in. Min Hole: 4.5 in.
Power and Length*: 33.91 ft Max Hole: 24 in.
Telemetry 96 in.
Section Weight: 400 lb
* Without MSFL assembly. If the MSFL assembly is not used, a 3.63-in.-OD
assembly of the same length as the MSFL assembly must be attached to the lower
end of the DLLT-B sonde.

Isolation 18 in. Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints 130,000 lb 130,000 lb 600 lb-ft
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

3.63 in.
108 in.
Measurement Measure Point
Section (Referenced from bottom of tool)
LLd* 228 in.
407 in. LLm* 228 in.
SP** (Rigid bridle) 194.75 in.
SP** (Cable electrode bridle) 180 in.
* This distance includes a 122-in. assembly (not shown) that must be attached to the
bottom of the DLLT-B if the MSFL is not run.
** The SP measure point is referenced from the bottom of the cable electrode. This
distance does not include the length of the DLLT-B or other tools in the string
such as the DSTU or NGRT.

185 in.

10-8 Electromagnetic Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Dual Laterolog Tool (DLT-F)
Tool Part Number: 707.08148


3.5 in. Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 3.5 in. Min Hole: 4.25 in.
Length: 25 ft Max Hole: 24 in.
Electronics Weight: 350 lb
Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Choke LLs 165.5 in.
Chamber LLd 165.5 in.

300.7 in.

130 in.

Electrode 97.5 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Electromagnetic Tool Fishing Sheets 10-9
Micro Spherically Focused Log, Microlog (MSFL-C)
Tool Part Number: 3.85004


3.63 in. Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 5 in. Min Hole: 6 in.
Pad Length: 19.19 ft Max Hole: 20 in.
108 in. Weight: 379 lb

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
The Microlog and MSFL services can be run concurrently or separately
4.0 in.
Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Assembly MSFL 32 in.
Microlateral 32 in.
Micronormal 32 in.
Caliper 32 in.
230.3 in.
73.7 in.

48.6 in.
Microlog 5.0 in.
Pad max

4.0 in.

3.63 in.

10-10 Electromagnetic Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Micro Spherically Focused Log Tool (MSFL-A)
Tool Part Number: 3.45020


3.63 in. Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 5 in. Min Hole: 6 in.
Pad Length: 19.19 ft Max Hole: 20 in.
108 in. Weight: 379 lb

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na


Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
MSFL 32 in.
Caliper 32 in.

230.3 in.
73.7 in.

48.6 in.

5.0 in.

4.0 in.

3.63 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Electromagnetic Tool Fishing Sheets 10-11
Micro Spherically Focused Log Tool (MSFL)
Tool Part Number: 3.33175


3.63 in. Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 5 in. Min Hole: 6 in.
Length: 10.18 ft Max Hole: 20 in.
Weight: 214 lb
4.0 in.
Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
73.7 in. (Referenced from bottom of tool)
MSFL MSFL 32 in.
Caliper 32 in.

122.3 in.

48.6 in.

4.0 in.

3.63 in.

10-12 Electromagnetic Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Microlog Tool (ML) Used With HFDT Assembly
Tool Part Number: 3.02010


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
3.63 in. Max OD*: 5 in. Min Hole: 6 in.
Length*: 27.54 ft Max Hole: 21 in.
Power and 86.5 in. Pad Length: 12.24 in. Weight*: 720 lb
Section Pad Width: 4.75 in.
* Weight, length, and OD apply to the HFDT/Microlog assembly. Max OD occurs
at pad.


Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
96 in.
Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
17.5 in. Lateral (min) 106 in.
Lateral (max) 113 in.
Normal (min) 106 in.
330.5 in. Normal (max) 113 in.
Caliper (min) 106 in.
Caliper (max) 113 in.

Mandrel 109.5 in.


3.63 in. 21 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Electromagnetic Tool Fishing Sheets 10-13
Microlog Tool (ML) Used With SDLT  Assembly
Tool Part Number: 3.30433


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD*: 4.5 in. Min Hole: 6 in.
3.63 in.
Length*: 18.63 ft Max Hole: 20 in.
Pad Length: 11.9 in. Weight*: 475 lb
Pad Width: 4.75 in.
* Weight, length, and OD apply to the SDLT/Microlog assembly.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
101.9 in. Tool Joints na na na
Instrument Other na na na

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Lateral 50 in.
Normal 50 in.
Caliper 50 in.
3.0 in.

4.5 in.
226.0 in.


110.6 in.


3.63 in. 10.5 in.

10-14 Electromagnetic Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Microguard (MGRD), DLLT-A
Tool Part Number: 3.30509
3.63 in.
Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
4.0 in. Max OD: 5 in. Min Hole: 6.5 in.
Length: 8.46 ft Max Hole: 20 in.
Weight: 214 lb

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
MGRD 11 in.
Caliper 11 in.

Mandrel 72.15 in.

101.0 in.

28.85 in.
Max. Tool OD:
5.0 in.
(with pad in
closed position)

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Electromagnetic Tool Fishing Sheets 10-15
Micro Electric Logging Tool (MEL)
Tool Part Number: 707.07102


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 15,000 psi
Max OD: 5.25 in. Min Hole: 6 in.
3.5 in. Length: 6.8 ft Max Hole: 16 in.
Weight: 85 lb

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Micronormal 18 in.
Microlateral 18 in.
Caliper 18 in.

81.0 in.

Max. Tool OD
(With pad in
Closed position):
5.25 in.

10-16 Electromagnetic Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
High Frequency Dielectric Tool (HFDT-A )
Tool Part Number: 3.02010


Max Temp: 320°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
3.63 in. Max OD*: 4.75 in. Min Hole: 6 in.
Length: 27.54 ft Max Hole**: 30 in.
Power and 86.5 in. Weight: 720 lb
Section * 5 in. with Microlog pad
** With tool centralized (21 in. with tool eccentralized)

4.5 in. Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints 130,000 lb 130,000 lb 600 lb-ft
Mandrel 150,000 lb 30,000 lb 750 lb-ft
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.
96 in.
Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
17.5 in. All (with pad closed) 99 in.
All (with pad fully extended) 106 in.

330.5 in.

Mandrel 109.5 in.


3.63 in. 21 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Electromagnetic Tool Fishing Sheets 10-17
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Log (MRIL)
Tool Part Number:


3.63 in. Max Temp*: 311°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
MRIL 10 in. Max OD: 6.00 in. Min Hole: 7.0 in.
Crossover Length: 47 ft Max Hole: 12.25 in.
Weight: 1,000 lb
* For 5 hours
Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Mandrel 50,000 lb 35,000 lb 200 lb-ft
165 in.
Section Measurement Measure Point
MPHi, MFFi, MBVi 76 in.

3.63 in.

165 in.
Section 471 in.
3.63 in.

7 in. O.D.

6.00 in.

Antenna 121 in.

4.5 in.

3.63 in.
MRIL 10 in.

10-18 Electromagnetic Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Halliburton Energy Services



Cement Evaluation Tool Fishing


05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Cement Evaluation Tool Fishing Sheets 11-1
Cement Bond Logging Tool (M271)
Tool Part Number: 3.22400


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 3.38 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 3.88 in.
Length*: 18.62 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID: 13 in.
Weight: 400 lb
3.38 in. * Add 4.21 ft for upper centralizer, 3.42 ft for lower centralizer, 4.98 ft for
multichannel telemetery assembly, 4.91 ft for gamma ray, and 1.78 ft for CCL.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Section Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
108.0 in.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Waveform 63 in.
Peak Amplitude 87 in.
TT 87 in.

223.4 in.

Receiver 1

Receiver 2

115.4 in.

11-2 Cement Evaluation Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Full Wave Sonic Tool (FWST-A), Cement Bond Logging
Tool Part Number: 3.30045 and 3.39068


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 3.63 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 4.13 in.
Length*: 20.41 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID: 20 in.
Weight: 365 lb
3.63 in. * Add 5 ft for each in-line centralizer (usually two).

Instrument Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Section Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
152.75 in.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
TT 68.85 in.
Peak Amplitude 68.85 in.
Transmitter Waveform 44.85 in.
MSG Display 44.85 in.
244.9 in.

Receiver 1

92.15 in.

Receiver 2

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Cement Evaluation Tool Fishing Sheets 11-3
Cement Bond Logging (CBT-FB)
Tool Part Number: 707.00145


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 18,500 psi
Max OD: 1.69 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 2 in.
Length*: 12.36 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID: 7 in.
Weight: 53 lb
* Three slip-over standoffs or two inline centralizers are required when running the
CBT. Add 2.2 ft for each inline centralizer.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
CCL 140 in.
Waveform, MSG 66 in.
Amplitude, TT 54 in.

11-4 Cement Evaluation Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Cement Bond Logging Tool (CBT-EA)
Tool Part Number: 707.00124


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 18,500 psi
Max OD: 3.25 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 4 in.
Length*: 18.04 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID: 13.38 in.
Weight: 245 lb
* The length does not include any centralizer, although centralizers are required
when running the CBT. Usually 3 to 5 slip-over centralizers are required.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
CCL 202 in.
Gamma 172 in.
TT, Amplitude 96 in.
MSG, Signature 84 in.
Neutron 13.5 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Cement Evaluation Tool Fishing Sheets 11-5
Pulse Echo Tool (PET-C)
Tool Part Number: 707.00625


Max Temp: 320°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 3.38 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 3.92 in.
Length: 13.67 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID*: 12.25 in.
Weight: 215 lb
* Equipment is also available to run in tubulars with IDs as large as 13.38 in.
172.8 in. w ith
quick change

Electronics 164.0 in. without PHYSICAL STRENGTHS

Section quick change Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na

3.38 in.
Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Transducer 1 74.63 in.
Transducer 2 70.63 in.
Transducer 3 66.5 in.
A fully Transducer 4 61.88 in.
transducer Transducer 5 57.88 in.
projects Transducer 6 53.88 in.
1.125 in.
beyond Transducer 7 49.25 in.
the PET Transducer 8 41.25 in.


11-6 Cement Evaluation Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Compensated Cement Attenuation Tool (CCAT-A)
Tool Part Number: 3.52199
Max Temp: 375°F Max Press: 18,500 psi
3.38 in. Max OD: 3.38 in. Min Hole: 3.88 in.
Length*: 22.67 ft Max Hole: 13 in.
Weight: 350 lb
* Includes two inline centralizers.


Telemetry/ Hardware Tension Compression Torque
101.3 in.
Tool Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Waveform, MSG 60.2 in.
Attenuation 84.2 in.
Transmitter TT 90.2 in.
Electronics/ 37.3 in. Amplitude 90.2 in.

Transmitter 1
267.2 in.

Receiver 1
89.1 in.
Receiver 2

Receiver 3

Transmitter 2

Inline 39.5 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Cement Evaluation Tool Fishing Sheets 11-7
Hostile Full Wave Sonic (HFWS-A), Cement Bond Logging
Tool Part Number: 3.70000


Max Temp: 500°F (6 hr) Max Press: 25,000 psi
2.75 in. Max OD: 2.75 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 3.5 in.
Length*: 30.22 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID: 12 in.
Weight: 340 lb
Upper * Add 3.50 ft for each in-line centralizer (usually two).
86.25 in.
Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
TT 169.94 in.
Peak Amplitude 169.94 in.
MSG 145.94 in.
82.45 in.
Transmitter 1
Transmitter 2

362.63 in

Receiver 1

131.0 in.
Receiver 2

Receiver 3
Receiver 4
Receiver 5
Receiver 6

Electronics 62.93 in.

11-8 Cement Evaluation Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Circumferential Acoustic Scanning Tool (CAST-V)
Tool Part Number: 707.55600 (Cased-Hole Mode)


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
3.63 in.
Max OD: 3.63 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 5.5 in.
Length*: 17.9 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID: 13.38 in.
Weight: 316 lb
Commonly run with two slip-on centralizers.
* Add 1.0 in. for the 5.63- and 7-in. OD heads.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints 130,000 lb 130,000 lb 600 lb-ft
Electronics Other na na na
Assembly 122.15 in.
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Scan 2.0 in.

214.75 in

Directional 36.5 in.


Scanner 56.1 in.


05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Cement Evaluation Tool Fishing Sheets 11-9

11-10 Cement Evaluation Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Halliburton Energy Services



Production Logging Tool Fishing


05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Production Logging Tool Fishing Sheets 12-1
Caged Full Bore Spinner (CFBS) Flow 2000
Tool Part Number 3.80160


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 15,000 psi
Max OD: 1.69 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID*: 2.00 in.
Length**: 3.7 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID: na
Weight: 13.25 lb
* The min ID is the minimum passage diameter with the impeller collapsed. The min ID for
logging depends on which size impeller assembly is used. They are specified by the nominal
1.69 in. casing OD. For the 5 ½-in. casing assembly, the min ID is 4.67 in. For the 7-in. casing
assembly, the min ID is 5.92 in.
** The length is given with the flowmeter fully deployed.
18 in.
Instrument Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
3 in. Spinner 13.75 in.
44.38 in.

23.38 in.

12-2 Production Logging Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Combined Pressure Temperature Density (CPTD) Flow 2000
Tool Part Number: 3.80300


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 15,000 psi
Max OD: 1.69 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 2.0 in.
Length: 3.78 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID: na
5.55 in.
Weight: 17 lb
Hardware Tension Compression Torque
1.69 in. Tool Joints na na na

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Pressure 33.28 in.
Differential Pressure 23.72 in.
45.33 in. Temperature 43.2 in.
Inclination 4.65 in.
31.42 in.

8.35 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Production Logging Tool Fishing Sheets 12-3
Gas Holdup Tool, Version 2 (GHT2) Flow 2000
Tool Part Number: 3.80071


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 15,000 psi
Max OD: 1.69 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 2.00 in.
Length: 2.79 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID: 9.63 in.
Weight: 10.75 lb
Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na


Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Gas Holdup 25.73 in.

33.47 in.

12-4 Production Logging Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Hydro Capacitance Tool (HYD2) Flow 2000
Tool Part Number: 3.81101


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 15,000 psi
Max OD: 1.69 in. Min Hole: 2.0 in.
Length: 3.62 ft Max Hole: na
Weight: 8.0 lb
Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
1.69 in.
Measurement Measure Point
23.91 in. (Referenced from bottom of tool)
Water Holdup 11.53 in.

43.39 in.

3.7 in.

8.5 in.

7.28 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Production Logging Tool Fishing Sheets 12-5
Data Adapter Tool (DAT), Flow 2000 to MUX-B
Tool Part Number: 3.80189


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 15,000 psi
Max OD: 1.69 in. Min Hole: 2.0 in.
Length: 2.67 ft Max Hole: na
Weight: 12.5 lb
Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
1.69 in.

30.7 in.
31.98 in.

1.28 in.

12-6 Production Logging Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Halliburton Memory Recorder Carrier (HMRC) Flow 2000
Tool Part Number: 3.42700


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 15,000 psi
Max OD: 1.69 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 2.0 in.
1.69 in.
Length: 5.21 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID: na
Instrument Weight: 27.0 lb*
* Weight without HMR gauge is 22 lb

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
26.75 in.
Tool Joints 50,000 lb na na

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Pressure 7.3 in.

62.48 in.

27.28 in.

8.45 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Production Logging Tool Fishing Sheets 12-7
Production Logging Telemetry (MUX-GB)
Tool Part Number: 707.02265


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 18,000 psi
Max OD: 1.44 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 1.88 in.
Length*: 3.4 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID: na
Weight: 12 lb
1.44 in.
* Add 2.33 ft for each centralizer (usually two centralizers).

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
none none


40.8 in.

12-8 Production Logging Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Stack Pressure Tool (SPT-CC)
Tool Part Number: 707.02341


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 15,000 psi
Max OD: 1.44 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 1.88 in.
Length: 2.16 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID: na
Weight: 7 lb

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.


Measurement Measure Point
From bottom of tool to side-entry port 3.62 in.
From bottom of tool to center of pressure 6.25 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Production Logging Tool Fishing Sheets 12-9
Gamma Ray Tool, Scintillation (GRTS-A)
Tool Part Number: 707.53400


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 15,000 psi
Max OD: 1.69 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 2.0 in.
Length: 2.0 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID: na
Weight: 7 lb

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Gamma 18 in.

12-10 Production Logging Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Production Gamma Ray Tool(GRT-RB)
Tool Part Number: 707.02334


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 18,000 psi
Max OD: 1.44 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 1.88 in.
Length: 2.75 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID: na
Weight: 9 lb
1.44 in.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Gamma 9 in.


33 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Production Logging Tool Fishing Sheets 12-11
Temperature Logging Tool (TLT-IC)
Tool Part Number: 707.02347


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 18,000 psi
Max OD: 1.44 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 1.88 in.
Length: 1.92 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID: na
Weight: 7 lb

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Temperature 4 in.

12-12 Production Logging Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Casing Collar Locator (CCL-WA)
Tool Part Number: 707.29845


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 18,000 psi
Max OD: 1.44 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 1.88 in.
Length: 2.41 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID: na
Weight: 10 lb


Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
CCL 6 in.

28.9 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Production Logging Tool Fishing Sheets 12-13
Gas Holdup Tool (GHT) 
Tool Part Number: 3.26538


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 18,000 psi
Max OD: 1.69 in. Min Hole: 2.0 in.
1.69 in. Length: 2 ft Max Hole: 9.63 in.
Weight: 10.75 lb

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Gas holdup 18.25 in.


24 in.

12-14 Production Logging Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Hydro Tool (HYD-FC)
Tool Part Number: 707.02352


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 18,000 psi
Max OD: 1.44 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 1.88 in.
Length: 2.5 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID: na
Weight: 8 lb

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Water holdup 7 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Production Logging Tool Fishing Sheets 12-15
Fluid Density Tool (FDT-EC)
Tool Part Number: 707.02382


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 18,000 psi
Max OD: 1.44 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 1.88 in.
1.44 in. Length: 3.26 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID: na
6.87 in.
Weight: 11 lb

Source Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Density 28.6 in.

39.1 in

Instrument 32.23 in.

12-16 Production Logging Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Continuous Flowmeter (FMS-HC)
Tool Part Number: 707.02362


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 18,000 psi
Max OD*: 1.44 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 1.88 in.
1.44 in. Length: 2.33 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID: na
Weight: 8 lb
* 1 11/16 impeller cage is also available.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.
14 in.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Spinner 3 in.

28 in.

8 in.
0.82 in.

6 in.
1.44 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Production Logging Tool Fishing Sheets 12-17
Caged Full Bore Flowmeter Tool (CFFT)
Tool Part Numbers: 707.53170 (5.5-in.), 707.53172 (7-in.), and 707.53174 (9.63-in.)


1.69 in. Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 15,000 psi
Max OD: 1.69 in.(2.13 in. for 9.63 Min Csg/Tbg ID*: 2 in.(2.4 in. for 9.63
Telemetry OD) OD)
Section 13.75 in.
Length**: 3.24 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID: See note below.
Weight: 9.3 lb
* The min ID is the minimum passage diameter with the impeller collapsed. The min ID for
logging depends on which size impeller assembly is used. They are specified by the nominal
casing OD. For the 4 ½-in. casing assembly, the min ID is 3.9 in. For the 5-in. casing assembly,
the min ID is 4.28 in. For the 5 ½-in. casing assembly, the min ID is 4.67 in. For the 7-in.
casing assembly, the min ID is 5.92 in. For the 9 5/8-in. casing assembly, the min ID is 8.54 in.
6.57 in. ** The length is given with the flowmeter fully deployed.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
38.87 in.
Tool Joints na* na na
Other na na na
* The roll pins holding the lower arms to the bottom nose are relatively weak. They
Assembly have been designed to shear under tension should anything be caught in the lower

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Spinner 14 in.

18.55 in.

12-18 Production Logging Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
HP Quartz Pressure Adapter (HPA-AA)
Tool Part Number: 707.02158


Max Temp*: 350°F Max Press: 12,000 psi
Max OD: 1.69 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 2 in.
Length: 6.1 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID: na
Weight: 14 lb
* With HP2813-E gauge

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point *
HP2813E 33.75 in.
HP2813B 28.25 in.
* Distance from bottom of tool to center of pressure transducer.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Production Logging Tool Fishing Sheets 12-19
Compensated Quartz Pressure Tool (CQPT )
Tool Part Number: 707.53350 (kit 3.10371 w/PPT-F)


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 16,000 psi
Max OD: 1.69 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 2 in.
1.69 in. Length: 4.25 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID: na
Weight: 22 lb

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na

Tool Component or Geometrical Location
Feature (Referenced from bottom of tool)
Side-Entry Port 7.1 in.
Center of Pressure Transducer 15.2 in.


51 in.

Port Body

12-20 Production Logging Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Borehole Audio Tracer Survey (BATS)
Tool Part Number: 707.12975


Max Temp: 392°F Max Press: 15,000 psi
Max OD: 1.69 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 2 in.
Length: 2.42 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID: 20 in.
Weight: 15 lb
1.69 in.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Electronic 16.18 in. Tool Joints na na na
Section Other na na na

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Audio 9 in.
29.06 in

1.4 in.

Sonde 8.75 in.

1.0 in.
3.13 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Production Logging Tool Fishing Sheets 12-21
Borehole Audio Tracer Survey (BATS), with temperature
Tool Part Number: 707.12929


Max Temp: 392°F Max Press: 15,000 psi
Max OD: 1.69 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 2 in.
1.69 in. Length: 2.52 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID: 20 in.
Weight: 15 lb

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
16.18 in. Other na na na

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Temp 2 in.
Audio 9 in.

30.24 in.

1.4 in.

8.75 in.

1.43 in.

Temperature 5.31 in.


12-22 Production Logging Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Production Pressure Gauge Tool (PPGT)
Tool Part Number: 707.53200


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 10,000 psi
Max OD: 1 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 1.38 in.
Length: 2.85 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID: na
Weight: 4.5 lb

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.


Measurement Measure Point
From bottom of tool to side-entry port 7.15 in.
From bottom of tool to center of pressure 8.65 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Production Logging Tool Fishing Sheets 12-23

12-24 Production Logging Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99


Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets 13-1
DITS2 Subsurface Telemetry Sub (D2TS-A)
Tool Part Number: 3.40424


3.63 in. Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 3.63 in. Min Hole*: 4.5 in.
Length: 6.5 ft Max Hole: na
Weight: 110 lb
* In cased holes, the Min Csg/Tbg ID is 4.25 in.

78 in.
Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints 130,000 lb 130,000 lb 600 lb-ft
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
na na

13-2 Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
DITS Subsurface Telemetry Unit (DSTU-B)
Tool Part Number: 3.34839


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
3.63 in. Max OD: 3.63 in. Min Hole*: 4.5 in.
Length: 6.5 ft Max Hole: na
Weight: 110 lb
* In cased holes, the Min Csg/Tbg ID is 4.25 in.

Instrument Hardware Tension Compression Torque
78 in.
Tool Joints 130,000 lb 130,000 lb 600 ft-lb
Other na na na

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
none na

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets 13-3
Hostile Environment Telemetry Sub (HETS-A)
Tool Part Number: 3.52021


Max Temp: 500°F (6 hr) Max Press: 25,000 psi
Max OD: 2.75 in. Min Hole*: 3.5 in.
Length: 11.5 ft Max Hole: 12 in.
Weight: 122 lb
* In cased holes, the Min Csg/Tbg ID is 3.25 in.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
none none

13-4 Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Thru-Tubing Telemetry Cartridge (TTTC-B)
Tool Part Number: 3.80280


6.0 in. Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 15,000 psi
CCL Measure Max OD: 1.69 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 2 in.
Length: 7.33 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID: 16 in.
Magnet Weight: 30 lb
8.0 in.
Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints 60,000 lb 60,000 lb na
Other na na na

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
CCL 82 in.
Gamma Ray 8.3 in.

88.0 in.
65.7 in.

Gamma Ray

8.3 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets 13-5
High Resolution Temperature Tool (HRTT-B)
Tool Part Number: 3.51724


Max Temp: 400°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 3.63 in. Min Hole*: 4.5 in.
Length: 4.43 ft Max Hole: na
Weight: 100 lb
* In cased holes, the Min Csg/Tbg is 4.25 in.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints 130,000 lb 130,000 lb 600 lb-ft
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Temperature 14 in.

13-6 Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Combination Free Point—Backoff Tool (Dia-Log), 1.63 in.


1.5 in. Max Temp: 400°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
CCL 16.87 in.
Max OD: 1.63 in. Min Hole: 1.88 in.
Length*: 24.8 ft Max Hole: 5.0 in.
Weight: 80 lb
1.63 in. * With jar in closed position. Add 5 in. for G-series cablehead adapter. Add 4.5
in. for W-series cablehead adapter. Additional conductor weights can be added
as needed. Each conductor weight is 60 in. (5 ft) long and weighs 33 lb.


Weight Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
60 in. Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Torque 45 in.
Elongation 45 in.
Compression 45 in.
CCL 181.2 in.

297.6 in.

Free Point 112.73 in.


1.5 in. 5.5 in.

Shooting 6.5 in.


05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets 13-7
DITS Casing Collar Locator (DCCL-A)
Tool Part Number: 3.33969


Max Temp: 400°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 3.63 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 4.13 in.
Length: 2.5 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID: na
Weight: 60 lb


Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
CCL 14.9 in.

Asembly 30.0 in.

13-8 Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Casing Collar Locator, 3.125-In. Perforating (CCL)
Tool Part Number: 3.41200


4.85 in. Max Temp: 400°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
1.87 in.
Max OD: 3.13 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 3.63 in.
Assembly Length: 2.5 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID: na
2.5 in. With Weight: 70 lb
11.95 in.
Hardware Tension Compression Torque
4.85 in. Tool Joints na na na
1.87 in. Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Assembly Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
CCL 15.7 in.
3.13 in.

46.1 in.
20.95 in.

34.2 in.

1.62 in.
2.1 in. Contact 2.1 in.

6.3 in. 6.3 in.


05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets 13-9
Hostile Casing Collar Locator (HCCL-A)
Tool Part Number: 3.85001


3.5 in. Max Temp: 500°F (6 hr) Max Press: 20,000 psi
2.75 in.
Max OD: 3.13 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 3.5 in.
Length: 2.1 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID: 12 in.
Weight: 30 lb

3.13 in. Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints 130,000 lb 130,000 lb 600 lb-ft
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

16.25 in. Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
HCCL CCL 14.25 in.
25.3 in.

5.55 in.
2.75 in.

13-10 Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Four Independent Arm Caliper (FIAC-A )
Tool Part Number: 3.60003


Max Temp: 400°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 3.63 in. Min Hole: 4.5 in.
Length: 13.89 ft Max Hole*: 22 in.
Weight: 310 lb
3.63 in.
* Arm extensions are available on special request.

Instrument 53.9 in. PHYSICAL STRENGTHS

Section Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Arms 2 and 4 (max) 43.61 in.
Arms 2 and 4 (min) 40.30 in.
Arms 1 and 3 (max) 46.61 in.
Arms 1 and 3 (min) 43.30 in.
Assembly 166.7 in.
56.5 in.

56.3 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets 13-11
Four-Arm Caliper Tool (FACT)
Tool Part Number: 3.34881


Max Temp: 400°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 3.63 in. Min Hole: 4.5 in.
Instrument Length: 13.58 ft Max Hole*: 24 in.
Weight: 295 lb
3.63 in.
* 60 in. with extensions


Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Arms 2 and 4 (max) 20.17 in.
Power Unit
and Sonde Arms 2 and 4 (min) 15.43 in.
Body Arms 1 and 3 (max) 23.17 in.
163 in.
Arms 1 and 3 (min) 18.43 in.

70.76 in.

32.24 in.

13-12 Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Hostile Environment Caliper Tool (HECT-A )
Tool Part Number: 3.52021


Max Temp: 500°F (6 hr) Max Press: 25,000 psi
2.75 in. Max OD: 2.75 in. Min Hole: 3.5 in.
Length: 8.54 ft Max Hole: 12 in.
Weight: 121 lb

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na


Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Arms 2 and 4 (max) without extensions 40.2 in.
Arms 2 and 4 (min) without extensions 39.0 in.
Arms 1 and 3 (max) without extensions 41.7 in.
Arms 1 and 3 (min) without extensions 40.5 in.
Arms 2 and 4 (max) with extensions 35.7 in.
Arms 2 and 4 (min) with extensions 33.6 in.
102.5 in. Arms 1 and 3 (max) with extensions 37.2 in.
Arms 1 and 3 (min) with extensions 35.1 in.
1.5 in.

48.3 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets 13-13
Hostile Powered Decentralizer Caliper (HPDC-A )
Tool Part Number: 3.81100


Max Temp: 500°F (6 hr) Max Press: 25,000 psi
Max OD: 2.75 in. Min Hole: 3.5 in.
Length: 9.2 ft Max Hole: 12 in.
Weight: 145 lb

2.75 in.
Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
61.5 in. Other na na na

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Decentralizing Arm (max) 39.7 in.
110.4 in. Decentralizing Arm (min) 34.9 in.
Washout Arm (max) 36.9 in.
Washout Arm (min) 34.5 in.
Arm 5.4 in.


43.5 in.

13-14 Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Multi-Arm Caliper Tool (MAC), 1.75-, 2.13-, 5.25-, and 8.25-in.


Upper Max OD* 1.75 in. 2.13 in.* 5.25 in. 8.25 in.
Centralizers Number of Arms 30 36 40 60
Max Temp 320° F 320°F 320° F 320° F
Max Press 15,000 psi 15,000 psi 18,000 psi 18,000 psi
Min Csg/Tbg ID 1.85 in. 2.23 in. 5.55 in. 8.53 in.
Max Csg/Tbg ID 3.56 in. 7.69 in. 9.69 in. 13.44 in.
14.75 in. Weight 25 in. 38 lb 87 lb 125 lb
Length 5 ft 6 ft 4.21 ft 4.28 ft
2.13 in.
* 2.13- to 36-arm version shown at left.

Tool Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
1.75 in. Other na na na

25.5 in. Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Caliper 9.5 in.
72 in.

2.13 in.
11.0 in.

Feeler 7.0 in.


Centralizers 6.5 in.

2.0 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets 13-15
Pipe Inspection Tool (PIT-A)
Tool Part Number: 3.42400


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 15,000 psi Length*: 15.4 ft
3.63 in. Magnet Mandrels
Max OD Weight Max Csg Min Csg Casing Range
4.31 in. 360 lb 5.0 in. 4.56 in. 5 in. (11.5 lb)
Power and
5 1/2 in. (15.5 to 23 lb)
Electronics 5.54 in. 460 lb 7.0 in. 5.74 in. 6 5/8 in. (20 to 28 lb)
7 in. (17 to 38 lb)
66 in. 7 5/8 in. (26.4 to 39 lb)
7.48 in. 740 lb 10.19 in. 7.72 in. 8 5/8 in. (32 to 40 lb)
9.16** 9 5/8 in. (32.3 to 53.5 lb)
10 3/4 in. (32.75 to 60.7 lb)
For total tool weight add 210 lb for power and telemetry and sensor electronics.
* Add 4 ft for each inline centralizer (usually two centralizers required).
** With pole extenders added.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na

Sensor Measurement Measure Point
Electronics (Referenced from bottom of tool)
48 in. Flux-leakage, Eddy current 38-in. lower pads
202 in. Flux-leakage, Eddy current 44-in. upper pads

Pole Piece

84 in.


Pole Piece

Bull Plug 4 in.

13-16 Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Multi-Frequency Electromagnetic Thickness Gauge (METG A/B)
Tool Part Number: 3.42800
Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 15,000 psi
3.38 in. Weight Length* Max O.D. Casing Range
Meas. Sect. 120 lb 8.5 ft 3.38 in.
3 3/8 Sonde 227 lb 9.5 ft 3.38 in. 4.5 in. to 7 in.
5 ½ Sonde 295 lb 11.4 ft 5.50 in. 7 in. to 13.38 in.
* Add 4 ft for each in-line centralizer (2 required).

102 in. Power 102 in. PHYSICAL STRENGTHS

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na


Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
219.31 in. Near Caliper 108.4 in. 87.4 in.
241.89 in.
Far Caliper 109.4 in. 88.4 in.
CPRD, CPRM, CPRS 77.8 in. 60.4 in.
5.5 in.
Near Thickness 78.2 in. 61.4 in.
Far Thickness 73.2 in. 57.9 in.
114.06 in.

136.64 in.


05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets 13-17
Casing Inspection Tool (CIT-A), 6.25-, 4.5-, and 3.5-in. mandrels
Tool Part Number: 3.48615


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD*: 6.25 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 6.4 in.
Upper Length**: 18.89 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID: 8.91 in.
Centralizer/ Weight: 165 lb
Closure * A 3.5-in.-OD version is available for use in tubulars with IDs ranging from 3.7 in.
Head to 4.92 in. A 4.5-in.-OD version is also available for use in tubulars with IDs
51.8 in. ranging from 4.75 in. to 6.41 in.
** Includes two in-line centralizers

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
45.5 in.
Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Caliper 63 in.
Thickness 69 in.
Differential (Anomalies) 72 in.
226.7 in.
Electronics 52 in.

6.25 in.
Coil 31.4 in.

Assembly 13 in.

Centralizer 33 in.

13-18 Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Electrical Micro-Imaging Tool (EMI-A)
Tool Part Number: 3.22290
Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 5 in. Min Hole: 6.25 in.
Length: 24.1 ft Max Hole: 21 in.
Weight: 496 lb
4.5 in.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Fiberglass Tool Joints 130,000 lb 130,000 lb 600 lb-ft
Sleeve Mandrel Body 130,000 lb 15,000 lb 600 lb-ft
Under Caliper
4.25-in. Isolator 130,000 lb 130,000 lb 600 lb-ft
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.
4.25 in.

Section 166.83 in. Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Low-mounted imaging pads 29.03 in.
(with arms retracted)
High-mounted imaging pads 31.44 in.
(with arms retracted)

288.95 in.

5.0 in.

90.68 in.


29.03 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets 13-19
Electrical Micro-Imaging Tool (EMI-B)
Tool Part Number: 3.22292
Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 5 in. Min Hole: 6.25 in.
Length: 24.18 ft Max Hole: 21 in.
Weight: 496 lb

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints 130,000 lb 130,000 lb 600 lb-ft
Mandrel Body 150,000 lb 150,000 lb 1,800 lb-ft
Under Caliper
4.25-in. Isolator 130,000 lb 130,000 lb 600 lb-ft
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Low-mounted imaging pads 19.78” (to pads 1, 3, and 5)
(with arms retracted)
High-mounted imaging pads 22.2” (to pads 2, 4, and 6)
(with arms retracted)

13-20 Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Six-Arm Dipmeter (SED-C), DITS Version
Tool Part Number: 707.72500


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD*: 4.5 in. Min Hole: 6 in.
Length: 22.31 ft Max Hole: 24 in.
Weight: 470 lb
4.5 in.
* The maximum OD is 5.5 in. when adapted for use in oil-based muds.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints 130,000 lb 130,000 lb 600 lb-ft
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.
157.3 in.
Measurement Measure Point
Instrument (Referenced from bottom of tool)
Pad 1 - 6 (min) 22.75 in.
Pad 1 - 6 (max) 25 in.

267.8 in.

4.3 in.

Caliper 74 in.

16.2 in.

5.5 in. 2.5 in.

3.5 in. 17.8 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets 13-21
Six-Arm Dipmeter (SED-B)
Tool Part Number: 707.11363


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD*: 4.5 in. Min Hole: 6 in.
Length: 22.24 ft Max Hole: 24 in.
Weight: 470 lb
* The maximum OD is 5.5 in. when adapted for use in oil-based muds.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints 130,000 lb 130,000 lb 600 lb-ft
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Pad 1 - 6 (min) 22.75 in.
Pad 1 - 6 (max) 25 in.

13-22 Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Hostile Environment Dipmeter Tool (HEDT-A )
Tool Part Number: 3.12733


Max Temp: 450°F Max Press: 22,500 psi
Max OD*: 5 in. Min Hole: 6 in.
4.5 in.
Length**: 20.9 ft Max Hole: 20 in.
Weight**: 470 lb
* The maximum OD is 5.25 in. when adapted for use in oil-based muds.
** The length and weight are for the HEDT-A only. The HEDT-A must be run in
combination with the HDTU (telemetry) and HGRT (gamma). The total length for
Section the HEDT-A, HDTU, and HGRT string is 41.56 ft.
136.25 in.
Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Pad 1 - 4 22.3 in.

250.75 in.

73.05 in.

41.45 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets 13-23
Four-Arm Dipmeter (FED-KB)
Tool Part Number: 707.10671


4.0 in. Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 18,500 psi
Max OD*: 5.25 in. Min Hole: 6 in.
Length: 17.66 ft Max Hole: 16 in.
Weight: 550 lb
* The maximum OD is 5.75 in. when adapted for use in oil-based muds.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.
Measurement Measure Point
114 in. (Referenced from bottom of tool)
Pad 1 - 6 (min) 22.75 in.
Pad 1 - 6 (max) 25 in.

212 in.

23 in.

4.5 in.
46 in.

Maximum Tool OD
(with pad in
closed position):
Water-based mud:
5.25 in.
Oil-based mud:
5.75 in.

29 in.

13-24 Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Stand-Alone DITS Directional Tool (SDDT-A)
Tool Part Number: 707.31800


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 3.63 in. Min Hole: 4.5 in.
Length: 12.5 ft Max Hole: na
Weight: 240 lb

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints 130,000 lb 130,000 lb 130,000 lb
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
All Measurements 66 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets 13-25
Sequential Formation Tester Tool (SFTT-C)
Tool Part Number: 3.31160


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD*: 6.5 in. Min Hole*: 7.5 in.
Length**: 18.88 ft Max Hole*: 19 in.
Weight: 525 lb
* Standard configuration. In slimhole configuration, the Max OD is 4.75 in., and
the Min Hole is 5.75 in. and the Max Hole is 8.63 in.
** SFTT-C only; does not include sample chambers. Overall length of cablehead,
DSTU, NGRT, and SFTT-C assembly is 34.90 ft.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints 130,000 lb 130,000 lb 600 ft-lb

Measurement Measure Point Referenced From
Sample Probe 34.5 in. Bottom of Tool
Pressure Transducer 20.65 in. Sample Probe
SP 128.15 in. Sample Probe

13-26 Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Sequential Formation Tester Tool (SFTT-B)
Tool Part Number: 3.40113


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD*: 6.5 in. Min Hole*: 7.5 in.
Length**: 22.06 ft Max Hole*: 19 in.
Weight: 675 lb
* Standard configuration. In slimhole configuration, the Max Tool OD is 4.75 in.,
and the Min Hole is 5.75 in. and Max Hole is 8.63 in.
** SFTT-B only; does not include sample chambers. Overall length of cablehead,
DSTU, NGRT, and SFTT-B assembly is 38.08 ft.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints 130,000 lb 130,000 lb 600 ft-lb

Measurement Measure Point Referenced From
Sample Probe 36.65 in. Bottom of Tool
Pressure Transducer 22.80 in. Sample Probe
SP 164.27 in. Sample Probe

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets 13-27
Selective Formation Tester (SFT-IV), 12K psi
Tool Part Number: 707.19296


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 12,000 psi
Standard Configuration Backup Shoe Large Borehole Option
3.5 in. Max OD: 5.5 in. 6.5 in. 8 in.
Min Hole: 6.25 in. 7.25 in. 8.75 in.
Electronics Max Hole: 10 in. 11 in. 13.75 in.
and Length*: 8.33 ft Weight: 150 lb
Hydraulic * SFT-IV only: does not include sample chambers.
Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
79.1 in.
Measurement Measure Point Referenced From
Sample Sample Probe 16 in. Bottom of Tool
Section Pressure Transducer 11.06 in. to 13.74 in. Sample Probe

100.0 in.

4.74 in.


Max. Tool OD:

With back-up
disc: 5.5 in.
With back-up
shoe: 6.5 in.
With large 20.9 in.
option: 8.0 in.

13-28 Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Selective Formation Tester (SFT-IV), 12K, Quartz, DITS
Tool Part Number: 707.19296 + 3.02510 kit


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 12,000 psi
Standard Configuration Backup Shoe Large Borehole Option
Max OD: 5.5 in. 6.5 in. 8 in.
Min Hole: 6.25 in. 7.25 in. 8.75 in.
Max Hole: 10 in. 11 in. 13.75 in.
Length*: 17.8 ft Weight: 150 lb
* SFT-IV only: does not include sample chambers.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na

Measurement Measure Point Referenced From
Sample Probe 16 in. Bottom of Tool
Quartz Pressure 93.3 in. Sample Probe
SP 137.2 in. Sample Probe

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets 13-29
Cased Hole Formation Tester (CHFT), Single Pad


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 12,000 psi
Max OD: 4.32 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 4.8 in.
Length: 7.58 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID*: 8.91 in.
3.25 in. Weight: 127 lb
* Larger casing can be accommodated upon special request.


and Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Hydraulic Tool Joints na na na
Section Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

79.1 in. Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
From bottom of tool to sample probe 11 in.
From sample probe to pressure Pre-test closed (min) 9.02 in.
transducer Pre-test open (max) 11.7 in.

95.1 in.

4.32 in.
5.0 in.


11.0 in.

13-30 Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Cased Hole Formation Tester (CHFT ), Dual Pads
Tool Part Number: 707.34580


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 12,000 psi
3.5 in. Max OD: 4.32 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 4.8 in.
Length: 12.83 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID*: 8.91 in.
Electronics Weight: 357 lb
and * Larger casing can be accommodated on request.
Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
79.1 in.

Sample Measurement Measure Point Referenced From
Section Sample Probe 1 44.5 in. Bottom of Tool
Sample Probe 2 38.5 in. Bottom of Tool
Pressure Transducer with 34.46 in. Sample Probe 1
pre-test closed (min)
Pressure Transducer with 37.14 in. Sample Probe 1
pre-test open (max)
Pressure Transducer with 40.46 in. Sample Probe 2
pre-test closed (min)
154.0 in Pressure Transducer with 43.14 in. Sample Probe 2
pre-test open (max)

4.32 in.

Pad #1
Pad-Block 74.9 in.
Pad #2

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets 13-31
Cased Hole Formation Tester (CHFT), Single-Pad Quartz


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 12,000 psi
Max OD: 4.32 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 4.8 in.
Length: 17.84 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID*: 8.91 in.
Weight: 355 lb
* Larger casing can be accommodated upon special request.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point

From bottom of tool to sample probe 11 in.

From sample probe to pressure 96.1 in.
From sample probe to SP 139.4 in.

13-32 Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Cased Hole Formation Tester (CHFT), Dual-Pad Quartz


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 12,000 psi
Max OD: 4.32 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID: 4.8 in.
Length: 22.57 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID*: 8.91 in.
Weight: 570 lb
* Larger casing can be accommodated upon special request.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point

From bottom of tool to

sample probe #1 44.5 in.
sample probe #2 38.5 in.
From sample probe #1 to pressure 119.4 in.
From sample probe #2 to pressure 125.4 in.
From sample probe #1 to SP 162.7 in.
From sample probe #2 to SP 168.7 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets 13-33
Chamber Assembly, 2.75 Gallon
Tool Part Numbers: 3.00250


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
4.13 in. Max OD: 4.13 in. Min Hole*: na
Length: 32.5 ft Max Hole*: na
Weight: 382 lb
2.75-Gallon * The hole or casing size is determined by the tool with which this assembly is run.
Sample 88.5 in.
Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
none none
Chamber 105.2 in.

390.0 in.

Sample 88.6 in.

Chamber 107.7 in.

13-34 Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Chamber Assembly, 2.75 Gallon, H2S Version
Tool Part Number: 3.10577
4.13 in.
3.25 in. Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 4.75 in. Min Hole*: na
4.75 in. Length: 32.5 ft Max Hole*: na
Weight: ~380 lb
2.75-Gallon * Determined by the tool with which this assembly is run.
Sample 80.05 in.
Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
5.2 in.
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.
3.3 in.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
none none
Choke 96.7 in.

5.2 in.
390.0 in.
3.3 in.

Sample 80.1 in.

5.2 in.
3.3 in.

Choke 96.7 in.


7.7 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets 13-35
Cased Hole Chamber Assembly, 2.6 Gallon
Tool Part Number: 707.19460


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 12,000 psi
Max OD: 4.32 in. Min Csg/Tbg ID*: na
4.32 in. Length: 17.57 ft Max Csg/Tbg ID*: na
Weight: 531 lb
* Determined by the tool with which this assembly is run.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.


Sample Measurement Measure Point
Chamber (Referenced from bottom of tool)
none none

210.8 in.


13-36 Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Chamber Assembly, Segregator
Tool Part Number: 707.19564


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 12,000 psi
Max OD: 5 in. Min Hole*: na
5.0 in. Length: 13.26 ft Max Hole*: na
Weight: 359 lb
* Determined by the tool with which this assembly is run.

2.6-Gallon Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Sample Tool Joints na na na
Chamber Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
none none

159.1 in.


05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets 13-37
Chamber Assembly, 2.6 Gallon
Tool Part Number: 707.19565


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 12,000 psi
Max OD: 5 in. Min Hole*: na
5.0 in. Length: 8.3 ft Max Hole*: na
Weight: 234 lb
* Determined by the tool with which this assembly is run.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Chamber Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
none none

99.6 in.


13-38 Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Chamber Assembly, 5 Gallon
Tool Part Number: 707.19566


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 12,000 psi
Max OD: 5 in. Min Hole*: na
5.0 in. Length: 16.2 ft Max Hole*: na
Weight: 324 lb
* Determined by the tool with which this assembly is run.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
5.0-Gallon Tool Joints na na na
Sample Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
none none

194.4 in.


05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets 13-39
Chamber Assembly, 3 Chamber
Tool Part Number: 707.19563


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 12,000 psi
5.0 in. Max OD: 5.38 in. Min Hole*: na
10.5 in. Length: 12 ft Max Hole*: na
Weight: 326 lb
* Determined by the tool with which this assembly is run.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
5.375 in. Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
none none

Assembly 144.0 in.

129.2 in.

4.3 in.

13-40 Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Rotary Sidewall Coring Tool (RSCT-A)
Tool Part Number: 707.31401


3.38 in. Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 4.87 in. Min Hole: 5.75 in.
Length: 18.06 ft Max Hole: 12.75 in.
Weight: 275 lb
Section 63.75 in. PHYSICAL STRENGTHS*
Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Drill 56 in., variable

4.5 in.

216.75 in.
Mechanical 83.0 in.

4.5 in.

48.0 in.

2.5 in.
22.0 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets 13-41
Sidewall Coring Tool (SWC)
Tool Part Number: 707.17681
3.5 in. Max Temp: 400°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Switch 10.2 in. Max OD: 4.5 in. Min Hole*: 6 in.
Assembly Length: 7.71 ft Max Hole**: 12.25 in.
Weight: 215 lb
* Length and weight listed are for a single gun. Up to three guns can be run in
** Optional 16-in. size available.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Max. Tool OD Other na na na
(with barrels): * Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.
4.5 in.
Measurement Measure Point

Offset distance between barrels 2.5 in.

Distance between barrels 24 and 25 36.25 in.
73.4 in. Distance from bottom of tool to lowest 16 in.
92.6 in.

Gun Body

9.0 in.

13-42 Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Hybrid Sidewall Coring Tool
Tool Part Number: 3.61009


Max Temp: 400°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 4.5 in. Min Hole: 6 in.
Switch Length: 25.5 ft Max Hole*: 12.25 in.
Assembly 72.0 in. Weight: 580 lb
SP Body * Optional 16-in. size available.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.
Max. Tool OD
(with barrels):
Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Hybrid Core Offset distance between barrels 2.5 in.
Distance between barrels 24 and 25 78 in.
Assembly 96.0 in.
Distance from bottom of tool to lowest 7 in.

306.0 in.

3.8 in.

Switch 42.0 in.

Hybrid Core
Gun 96.0 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets 13-43
Sidewall Clamping Geophone (SWC-30B)


3.88 in. Max Temp: 400°F Max Press: 18,000 psi
Max OD: 3.88 in. Min Hole: 4 in.
Electronics 4.85 in. with rails
Length**: 12. 36 ft Max Hole*: 16 in.
4.85 in. Weight: 399 lb
36.0 in.
Arm Length: 17.75 in.
* Larger hole sizes available upon special request.
** When run with a gimballed geophone, the length is ~12.91 ft and the weight is
413 lb.

5.8 in.
Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.
Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
39.9 in. Seismic 57 in.

148.3 in.

Assembly 19.1 in.

5.8 in.

Clamping 41.7 in.

13-44 Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Sidewall Clamping Geophone (SWC-3C)


Max Temp: 325°F Max Press: 18,000 psi
Max OD: 3.88 in. Min Hole: 4 in.
Length: 4.91 ft Max Hole*: 16 in.
Weight**: 120 lb
Arm Length: 12 in. (standard), 8 in. and 16 in. (optional)
* Larger hole sizes available upon special request.
** Additional weight can be added in place of the bull plug.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Seismic 47.2 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets 13-45
Sidewall Clamping Geophone (SWC-3C), high-temperature version


Max Temp: 400°F Max Press: 18,000 psi
Max OD: 3.88 in. Min Hole: 4 in.
Length: 4.91 ft Max Hole*: 16 in.
Weight**: 120 lb
Arm Length: 12 in. (standard), 8 in. and 16 in. (optional)
* Larger hole sizes available upon special request.
** Additional weight can be added in place of the bull plug.

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Seismic 47.2 in.

13-46 Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Gimballed Sidewall Clamping Geophone (SWC-3G)


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 18,000 psi
Max OD: 3.88 in. Min Hole: 4 in.
3.88 in. Length: 5.5 ft Max Hole*: 16 in.
Weight**: 140 lb
Arm Length: 12 in. (standard), 8 in. and 16 in. (optional)
* Larger hole sizes available upon special request.
** Additional weight can be added in place of the bull plug.


Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Gimballed Measurement Measure Point
Sidewall (Referenced from bottom of tool)
Clamping Seismic 45.7 in.
Geophone 2.2 in.
65.1 in.

33.8 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets 13-47
Slimhole Seismic Profiling Tool (SSPT)


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 18,000 psi
Max OD: 1 11/16 in. Min Hole: 2 in.
Length: 5.75 ft Max Hole: 7.5 in. (16 in. optional)
1.69 in.
Arm Length: 9 in. (standard), 21 in. Weight: 27.5 lb

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
na na

69 in.

13-48 Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Slimhole Seismic Profiling Tool (SSPT), High Resolution
Tool Part Number:


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 18,000 psi
Max OD: 1 11/16 in. Min Hole*: 2 in.
Length: 5.75 ft Max Hole*: 7.5 in. (16 in. optional)
1.69 in.
Weight: 27.5 lb
Arm Length: 9 in. (standard), 21 in. (optional)

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
na na

69 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets 13-49
Borehole Seismic Profiling Tool (BSPT)


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 18,000 psi
Max OD: 3.88 in. Min Hole: 4 in.
3.88 in. Length: 4.25 ft Max Hole: 16 in.
Arm Length: 8 in., 12 in., 16 in. Weight: 80 lb

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Seismic 47.2 in.

51 in.

13-50 Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Borehole Seismic Profiling Tool (BSPT-G)


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 18,000 psi
Max OD: 3.88 in. Min Hole: 4 in.
3.88 in. Length: 5.1 ft Max Hole: 16 in.
Arm Length: 8 in., 12 in., 16 in. Weight: 82 lb
NOTE: Gravity-orienting gimbal element

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Seismic 47.2 in.

61 in.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets 13-51
Borehole Seismic Profiling Tool (BSPT-M)


Max Temp: 350°F Max Press: 18,000 psi
Max OD: 3.88 in. Min Hole: 4 in.
3.88 in. Length: 3.75 ft Max Hole: 16 in.
Arm Length: 8 in., 12 in., 16 in. Weight: 66 lb

Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Seismic 47.2 in.

45 in.

13-52 Auxiliary Tool Fishing Sheets Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99


Cable Head Dimensions

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Cable Head Dimensions 14-1

2 ¾-in. Hostile Load Cell Cable Head

14-2 Cable Head Dimensions Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 -B 05/99

3 5/8-in. Standard DITS Logging Cable Head

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Cable Head Dimensions 14-3

Downhole Tension Device, Non-DITS

14-4 Cable Head Dimensions Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 -B 05/99

3 5/8-in. DITS Load Cell Cable Head

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Cable Head Dimensions 14-5

Downhole Tension Device (DTD), DITS Version
Tool Part Number: 707.31411


Max Temp: 400°F Max Press: 20,000 psi
Max OD: 3.63 in. Min Hole: 4.5 in.
3.63 in. Length: 3.66 ft Max Hole: na
Weight: 90 lb


Hardware Tension Compression Torque
Tool Joints na na na
Other na na na
* Strengths apply to new tools at 70°F and 0 psi.

Measurement Measure Point
(Referenced from bottom of tool)
Tension 24.5 in.
Compression 24.5 in.
3.38 in.
Pad Location 11.4 in.
Temperature 7.6 in.
DTD 13.5 in.
44.0 in.

3.63 in.

20.88 in.

14-6 Cable Head Dimensions Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 -B 05/99

Releasable Weak Point Cable Head (RWCH-A)

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Cable Head Dimensions 14-7


14-8 Cable Head Dimensions Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 -B 05/99

Halliburton Energy Services


Appendix A

Cable Stretch Charts

Use a stretch chart to determine the point at which the logging tool is stuck. When the stuck point
calculation yields approximately the same depth as the odometer reading, the tool—rather than the
cable—is most probably stuck. If the calculated value of the stuck point and the odometer reading
vary, the higher of the two depths should be considered the stuck point. In the latter case, the cable is
considered keyseated.
Following the cable stretch information from Camesa Inc. are cable stretch curve charts.

05/99 770.00444-B Appendix A A-1

Determining “Stuck” Depth by Measuring Line Stretch

Sometimes in logging operations a tool or the logging line itself becomes lodged or stuck at a
particular point in the well. The amount of line above the stuck point can be determined by measuring
how much the line stretches in response to a given change in tension. This determination gives the
depth of the stuck point.
To carry out this procedure, the logging line is allowed to go slack in the hole. It is then pulled in such
a way that there is no slack in the line but there is also very little increase in the line tension from the
slack condition. A piece of tape is attached to the line next to a fixed reference point adjacent to the
line. The line tension is increased either 500 lbs. or 1000 lbs.
Now find the particular table corresponding to the type of cable in use. The increased tension
corresponds to the column in the attached tables called “Slack Tension + 500 lbs.,” or “Slack Tension
+ 1000 lbs.” The distance D that the piece of tape attached to the line has moved from the fixed
reference point is measured. Find D in column 2 (if 500 lbs. Used) or column 3 (if tension increased
1000 lbs.) Read the stuck depth as the number in column 1 in the same row as D in column 2 or 3.
The weight of the line in a hole filled with air and the weight of a line in a hole filled with water are
given in columns 4 and 5 for informaiton.
The approximate slack tension for the line is given in column 4 for an air-filled hole and column 5 for
a water-filled hole.
These tables are based on an “average” system coeffecient for each type of cable. Thios coeffecient is
shown at the top of the table. For a more exact determination of stuck point, the actual stretch
coeffecient can be measured using an extensiometer such as one manufactured by Kerr Measurement
Systems, Houston TX.
As the cable tension is changed a known amount, this device accurately measures the elongation or
stretch coefficient. A table pertaining to any particular cable can be generated using this measured
stretch coefficient to generate corrected numbers for columns 2 and 3.
Simply multiply the number in column 1 times the measured stretch coefficient times 0.5 to get the
numbers in column 2. Multiply the number in column 1 times the measured stretch coeffecient to get
the numbers in column 3.

Camesa, Inc. 1615 Spur 529 P.O. Box 1048 Rosenberg, Texas Phone: (281)342-4494 Fax: (281)342-0531

A-2 Appendix A 770.00444 - B 05/99

FOR 1N42PP - 1N42PXZ - 1N42PTZ - 1N42PA CABLES

To find the depth at which the line or tool is stuck:

1. Pull adequate tension to overcome weight of stuck line.
2. Put a mark on the cable adjacent to a stationary reference point.
3. Increase the tension by either 500 or 1,000 lbs. Do not exceed 9,750 pounds total.
4. Measure how far the mark moved when the tension is increased
by either 500 or 1,000 pounds.
5. Locate stretch distance in the "CABLE STRETCH" column
and move horizontally in this row to the "DEPTH STUCK" column.
6. Read the value from the "DEPTH STUCK" column in thousands of feet.


OF 1,000 ft. (INCHES) (INCHES) (LBS) (LBS) (LBS) (LBS) (LBS) (LBS)
1 4 8 311 259 320 268 326 274
2 8 17 622 518 640 536 652 548
3 13 25 933 777 960 804 978 822
4 17 34 1244 1036 1280 1072 1304 1096
5 21 42 1555 1295 1600 1340 1630 1370
6 25 50 1866 1554 1920 1608 1956 1644
7 29 59 2177 1813 2240 1876 2282 1918
8 34 67 2488 2072 2560 2144 2608 2192
9 38 76 2799 2331 2880 2412 2934 2466
10 42 84 3110 2590 3200 2680 3260 2740
11 46 92 3421 2849 3520 2948 3586 3014
12 50 101 3732 3108 3840 3216 3912 3288
13 55 109 4043 3367 4160 3484 4238 3562
14 59 118 4354 3626 4480 3752 4564 3836
15 63 126 4665 3885 4800 4020 4890 4110
16 67 134 4976 4144 5120 4288 5216 4384
17 71 143 5287 4403 5440 4556 5542 4658
18 76 151 5598 4662 5760 4824 5868 4932
19 80 160 5909 4921 6080 5092 6194 5206
20 84 168 6220 5180 6400 5360 6520 5480
21 88 176 6531 5439 6720 5628 6846 5754
22 92 185 6842 5698 7040 5896 7172 6028
23 97 193 7153 5957 7360 6164 7498 6302
24 101 202 7464 6216 7680 6432 7824 6576
25 105 210 7775 6475 8000 6700 8150 6850

7/16" Diameter Camesa Cable Armor Wire typical breaking strength -

Stretch factor - 0.7 ft/Kft/Klbs Inner armor - 776 lbs.
Cable breaking strength - 19,500 lbs. minimum Outer armor - 776 lbs.

** Note: Chart assumes well is vertical and no friction between cable and wellbore Date: 3/6/97

Camesa, Inc. 1615 Spur 529 P.O. Box 1048 Rosenberg, Texas Phone: (281)342-4494 Fax: (281)342-0531

05/99 770.00444-B Appendix A A-3

FOR 1N38PP - 1N38PXZ - 1N38PTZ - 1N38PTA - 1N38PE CABLES

To find the depth at which the line or tool is stuck:

1. Pull adequate tension to overcome weight of stuck line.
2. Put a mark on the cable adjacent to a stationary reference point.
3. Increase the tension by either 500 or 1,000 lbs. Do not exceed 7,500 pounds total.
4. Measure how far the mark moved when the tension is increased
by either 500 or 1,000 pounds.
5. Locate stretch distance in the "CABLE STRETCH" column
and move horizontally in this row to the "DEPTH STUCK" column.
6. Read the value from the "DEPTH STUCK" column in thousands of feet.

OF 1000 ft. (INCHES) (INCHES) (LBS) (LBS) (LBS) (LBS) (LBS) (LBS) (LBS) (LBS)
1 6 12 254 213 260 219 261 220 262 221
2 12 24 508 426 520 438 522 440 524 442
3 18 36 762 639 780 657 783 660 786 663
4 24 48 1016 852 1040 876 1044 880 1048 884
5 30 60 1270 1065 1300 1095 1305 1100 1310 1105
6 36 72 1524 1278 1560 1314 1566 1320 1572 1326
7 42 84 1778 1491 1820 1533 1827 1540 1834 1547
8 48 96 2032 1704 2080 1752 2088 1760 2096 1768
9 54 108 2286 1917 2340 1971 2349 1980 2358 1989
10 60 120 2540 2130 2600 2190 2610 2200 2620 2210
11 66 132 2794 2343 2860 2409 2871 2420 2882 2431
12 72 144 3048 2556 3120 2628 3132 2640 3144 2652
13 78 156 3302 2769 3380 2847 3393 2860 3406 2873
14 84 168 3556 2982 3640 3066 3654 3080 3668 3094
15 90 180 3810 3195 3900 3285 3915 3300 3930 3315
16 96 192 4064 3408 4160 3504 4176 3520 4192 3536
17 102 204 4318 3621 4420 3723 4437 3740 4454 3757
18 108 216 4572 3834 4680 3942 4698 3960 4716 3978
19 114 228 4826 4047 4940 4161 4959 4180 4978 4199
20 120 240 5080 4260 5200 4380 5220 4400 5240 4420
21 126 252 5334 4473 5460 4599 5481 4620 5502 4641
22 132 264 5588 4686 5720 4818 5742 4840 5764 4862
23 138 276 5842 4899 5980 5037 6003 5060 6026 5083
24 144 288 6096 5112 6240 5256 6264 5280 6288 5304
25 150 300 6350 5325 6500 5475 6525 5500 6550 5525

3/8" Diameter Camesa Cable Armor Wire typical breaking strength -

Stretch factor - 1.0 ft/Kft/Klbs Inner armor - 600 lbs.
Cable breaking strength - 15,000 lbs. minimum Outer armor - 600 lbs.

** Note: Chart assumes well is vertical and no friction between cable and wellbore. Date: 3/6/97

Camesa, Inc. 1615 Spur 529 P.O. Box 1048 Rosenberg, Texas Phone: (281)342-4494 Fax: (281)342-0531

A-4 Appendix A 770.00444 - B 05/99


To find the depth at which the line or tool is stuck:

1. Pull adequate tension to overcome weight of stuck line.
2. Put a mark on the cable adjacent to a stationary reference point.
3. Increase the tension by either 500 or 1,000 lbs. Do not exceed 5,500 pounds total.
4. Measure how far the mark moved when the tension is increased
by either 500 or 1,000 pounds.
5. Locate stretch distance in the "CABLE STRETCH" column
and move horizontally in this row to the "DEPTH STUCK" column.
6. Read the value from the "DEPTH STUCK" column in thousands of feet.


OF 1,000 ft. (INCHES) (INCHES) (LBS) (LBS) (LBS) (LBS) (LBS) (LBS)
1 7 14 188 158 191 161 192 162
2 14 29 376 316 382 322 384 324
3 22 43 564 474 573 483 576 486
4 29 58 752 632 764 644 768 648
5 36 72 940 790 955 805 960 810
6 43 86 1128 948 1146 966 1152 972
7 50 101 1316 1106 1337 1127 1344 1134
8 58 115 1504 1264 1528 1288 1536 1296
9 65 130 1692 1422 1719 1449 1728 1458
10 72 144 1880 1580 1910 1610 1920 1620
11 79 158 2068 1738 2101 1771 2112 1782
12 86 173 2256 1896 2292 1932 2304 1944
13 94 187 2444 2054 2483 2093 2496 2106
14 101 202 2632 2212 2674 2254 2688 2268
15 108 216 2820 2370 2865 2415 2880 2430
16 115 230 3008 2528 3056 2576 3072 2592
17 122 245 3196 2686 3247 2737 3264 2754
18 130 259 3384 2844 3438 2898 3456 2916
19 137 274 3572 3002 3629 3059 3648 3078
20 144 288 3760 3160 3820 3220 3840 3240
21 151 302 3948 3318 4011 3381 4032 3402
22 158 317 4136 3476 4202 3542 4224 3564
23 166 331 4324 3634 4393 3703 4416 3726
24 173 346 4512 3792 4584 3864 4608 3888
25 180 360 4700 3950 4775 4025 4800 4050

5/16" Diameter Camesa Cable Armor Wire typical breaking strength -

Stretch factor - 1.2 ft/Kft/Klbs Inner armor - 434 lbs.
Cable breaking strength - 11,000 lbs. minimum Outer armor - 434 lbs.

** Note: Chart assumes well is vertical and no friction between cable and wellbore. Date: 3/6/97

Camesa, Inc. 1615 Spur 529 P.O. Box 1048 Rosenberg, Texas Phone: (281)342-4494 Fax: (281)342-0531
05/99 770.00444-B Appendix A A-5
FOR 1N22PP - 1N22PX - 1N22PZ - 1N22PA - 1N22RE CABLES

To find the depth at which the line or tool is stuck:

1. Pull adequate tension tension to overcome weight of stuck line.
2. Put a mark on the cable adjacent to a stationary reference point.
3. Increase the tension by either 500 or 1,000 lbs. Do not exceed 2,600 pounds total.
4. Measure how far the mark moved when the tension is increased
by either 500 or 1,000 pounds.
5. Locate stretch distance in the "CABLE STRETCH" column
and move horizontally in this row to the "DEPTH STUCK" column.
6. Read the value from the "DEPTH STUCK" column in thousands of feet.


OF 1,000 ft. (INCHES) (INCHES) (LBS) (LBS) (LBS) (LBS)
1 15 30 94 80 96 82
2 30 60 188 160 192 164
3 45 90 282 240 288 246
4 60 120 376 320 384 328
5 75 150 470 400 480 410
6 90 180 564 480 576 492
7 105 210 658 560 672 574
8 120 240 752 640 768 656
9 135 270 846 720 864 738
10 150 300 940 800 960 820
11 165 330 1034 880 1056 902
12 180 360 1128 960 1152 984
13 195 390 1222 1040 1248 1066
14 210 420 1316 1120 1344 1148
15 225 450 1410 1200 1440 1230
16 240 480 1504 1280 1536 1312
17 255 510 1598 1360 1632 1394
18 270 540 1692 1440 1728 1476
19 285 570 1786 1520 1824 1558
20 300 600 1880 1600 1920 1640
21 315 630 1974 1680 2016 1722
22 330 660 2068 1760 2112 1804
23 345 690 2162 1840 2208 1886
24 360 720 2256 1920 2304 1968
25 375 750 2350 2000 2400 2050

7/32" Diameter Camesa Cable Armor Wire typical breaking strength -

Stretch factor - 2.5 ft/Kft/Klbs Inner armor - 212 lbs.
Cable breaking strength - 5,200 lbs. minimum Outer armor - 212 lbs.

** Note: Chart assumes well is vertical and no friction between cable and wellbore. Date:3/6/97

Camesa, Inc. 1615 Spur 529 P.O. Box 1048 Rosenberg, Texas Phone: (281)342-4494 Fax: (281)342-0531

A-6 Appendix A 770.00444 - B 05/99

FOR 1L18RP - 1L18RX - 1L18RZ - 1L18RA - 1L18RE CABLES
To find the depth at which the line or tool is stuck:
1. Pull adequate tension to overcome weight of stuck line.
2. Put a mark on the cable adjacent to a stationary reference point.
3. Increase the tension by either 500 or 1,000 lbs. Do not exceed 2,000 pounds total.
4. Measure how far the mark moved when the tension is increased
by either 500 or 1,000 pounds.
5. Locate stretch distance in the "CABLE STRETCH" column
and move horizontally in this row to the "DEPTH STUCK" column.
6. Read the value from the "DEPTH STUCK" column in thousands of feet.


1L18RA 1L18RE
OF 1,000 ft. (INCHES) (INCHES) (LBS) (LBS) (LBS) (LBS)
1 18 36 65 55 66 56
2 36 72 130 110 132 112
3 54 108 195 165 198 168
4 72 144 260 220 264 224
5 90 180 325 275 330 280
6 108 216 390 330 396 336
7 126 252 455 385 462 392
8 144 288 520 440 528 448
9 162 324 585 495 594 504
10 180 360 650 550 660 560
11 198 396 715 605 726 616
12 216 432 780 660 792 672
13 234 468 845 715 858 728
14 252 504 910 770 924 784
15 270 540 975 825 990 840
16 288 576 1040 880 1056 896
17 306 612 1105 935 1122 952
18 324 648 1170 990 1188 1008
19 342 684 1235 1045 1254 1064
20 360 720 1300 1100 1320 1120
21 378 756 1365 1155 1386 1176
22 396 792 1430 1210 1452 1232
23 414 828 1495 1265 1518 1288
24 432 864 1560 1320 1584 1344
25 450 900 1625 1375 1650 1400

3/16" Diameter Camesa Cable Armor Wire typical breaking strength -

Stretch factor - 3.0 ft/Kft/Klbs Inner armor - 110 lbs.
Cable breaking strength - 4,000 lbs. minimum Outer armor - 280 lbs.

** Note: Chart assumes well is vertical and no friction between cable and wellbore Date: 3/6/97

Camesa, Inc. 1615 Spur 529 P.O. Box 1048 Rosenberg, Texas Phone: (281)342-4494 Fax: (281)342-0531

05/99 770.00444-B Appendix A A-7

FOR 1K22PP - 1K22PX - 1K22PZ - 1K22PTZ - 1K22PTA - 1K22PA - 1K22PE CABLES

To find the depth at which the line or tool is stuck:

1. Pull adequate tension to overcome weight of stuck line.
2. Put a mark on the cable adjacent to a stationary reference point.
3. Increase the tension by either 500 or 1,000 lbs. Do not exceed 2,600 pounds total.
4. Measure how far the mark moved when the tension is increased
by either 500 or 1,000 pounds.
5. Locate stretch distance in the "CABLE STRETCH" column
and move horizontally in this row to the "DEPTH STUCK" column.
6. Read the value from the "DEPTH STUCK" column in thousands of feet.


OF 1,000 ft. (INCHES) (INCHES) (LBS) (LBS) (LBS) (LBS)
1 13 26 94 80 96 82
2 26 53 188 160 192 164
3 40 79 282 240 288 246
4 53 106 376 320 384 328
5 66 132 470 400 480 410
6 79 158 564 480 576 492
7 92 185 658 560 672 574
8 106 211 752 640 768 656
9 119 238 846 720 864 738
10 132 264 940 800 960 820
11 145 290 1034 880 1056 902
12 158 317 1128 960 1152 984
13 172 343 1222 1040 1248 1066
14 185 370 1316 1120 1344 1148
15 198 396 1410 1200 1440 1230
16 211 422 1504 1280 1536 1312
17 224 449 1598 1360 1632 1394
18 238 475 1692 1440 1728 1476
19 251 502 1786 1520 1824 1558
20 264 528 1880 1600 1920 1640
21 277 554 1974 1680 2016 1722
22 290 581 2068 1760 2112 1804
23 304 607 2162 1840 2208 1886
24 317 634 2256 1920 2304 1968
25 330 660 2350 2000 2400 2050

7/32" Diameter Camesa Cable Armor Wire typical breaking strength -

Stretch factor - 2.2 ft/Kft/Klbs Inner armor - 139 lbs.
Cable breaking strength - 5,200 lbs. minimum Outer armor - 280 lbs.

** Note: Chart assumes well is vertical and no friction between cable and wellbore. Date: 3/6/97

Camesa, Inc. 1615 Spur 529 P.O. Box 1048 Rosenberg, Texas Phone: (281)342-4494 Fax: (281)342-0531

A-8 Appendix A 770.00444 - B 05/99

FOR 7H38RP - 7H38RX - 7H38RZ - 7H38RA CABLES

To find the depth at which the line or tool is stuck:

1. Pull adequate tension to overcome weight of stuck line.
2. Put a mark on the cable adjacent to a stationary reference point.
3. Increase the tension by either 500 or 1,000 lbs. Do not exceed 6,500 pounds total.
4. Measure how far the mark moved when the tension is increased
by either 500 or 1,000 pounds.
5. Locate stretch distance in the "CABLE STRETCH" column
and move horizontally in this row to the "DEPTH STUCK" column.
6. Read the value from the "DEPTH STUCK" column in thousands of feet.


7H38RZ 7H38RA
OF 1,000 ft. (INCHES) (INCHES) (LBS) (LBS) (LBS) (LBS)
1 8 17 240 197 252 209
2 17 34 480 394 504 418
3 25 50 720 591 756 627
4 34 67 960 788 1008 836
5 42 84 1200 985 1260 1045
6 50 101 1440 1182 1512 1254
7 59 118 1680 1379 1764 1463
8 67 134 1920 1576 2016 1672
9 76 151 2160 1773 2268 1881
10 84 168 2400 1970 2520 2090
11 92 185 2640 2167 2772 2299
12 101 202 2880 2364 3024 2508
13 109 218 3120 2561 3276 2717
14 118 235 3360 2758 3528 2926
15 126 252 3600 2955 3780 3135
16 134 269 3840 3152 4032 3344
17 143 286 4080 3349 4284 3553
18 151 302 4320 3546 4536 3762
19 160 319 4560 3743 4788 3971
20 168 336 4800 3940 5040 4180
21 176 353 5040 4137 5292 4389
22 185 370 5280 4334 5544 4598
23 193 386 5520 4531 5796 4807
24 202 403 5760 4728 6048 5016
25 210 420 6000 4925 6300 5225

3/8" Diameter Camesa Cable Armor Wire typical breaking strength -

Stretch factor - 1.4 ft/Kft/Klbs Inner armor - 300 lbs.
Cable breaking strength - 13,000 lbs. minimum Outer armor - 580 lbs.

** Note: Chart assumes well is vertical and no friction between cable and wellbore. Date: 3/6/97

Camesa, Inc. 1615 Spur 529 P.O. Box 1048 Rosenberg, Texas Phone: (281)342-4494 Fax: (281)342-0531

05/99 770.00444-B Appendix A A-9

FOR 7H42RP - 7H42RX - 7H42RZ - 7H42RTZ - 7H42RA CABLES

To find the depth at which the line or tool is stuck:

1. Pull adequate tension to overcome weight of stuck line.
2. Put a mark on the cable adjacent to a stationary reference point.
3. Increase the tension by either 500 or 1,000 lbs. Do not exceed 9,000 pounds total.
4. Measure how far the mark moved when the tension is increased
by either 500 or 1,000 pounds.
5. Locate stretch distance in the "CABLE STRETCH" column
and move horizontally in this row to the "DEPTH STUCK" column.
6. Read the value from the "DEPTH STUCK" column in thousands of feet.


OF 1,000 ft. (INCHES) (INCHES) (LBS) (LBS) (LBS) (LBS) (LBS) (LBS)
1 5 9 310 255 319 264 322 266
2 9 18 620 510 638 528 644 532
3 14 27 930 765 957 792 966 798
4 18 36 1240 1020 1276 1056 1288 1064
5 23 45 1550 1275 1595 1320 1610 1330
6 27 54 1860 1530 1914 1584 1932 1596
7 32 63 2170 1785 2233 1848 2254 1862
8 36 72 2480 2040 2552 2112 2576 2128
9 41 81 2790 2295 2871 2376 2898 2394
10 45 90 3100 2550 3190 2640 3220 2660
11 50 99 3410 2805 3509 2904 3542 2926
12 54 108 3720 3060 3828 3168 3864 3192
13 59 117 4030 3315 4147 3432 4186 3458
14 63 126 4340 3570 4466 3696 4508 3724
15 68 135 4650 3825 4785 3960 4830 3990
16 72 144 4960 4080 5104 4224 5152 4256
17 77 153 5270 4335 5423 4488 5474 4522
18 81 162 5580 4590 5742 4752 5796 4788
19 86 171 5890 4845 6061 5016 6118 5054
20 90 180 6200 5100 6380 5280 6440 5320
21 95 189 6510 5355 6699 5544 6762 5586
22 99 198 6820 5610 7018 5808 7084 5852
23 104 207 7130 5865 7337 6072 7406 6118
24 108 216 7440 6120 7656 6336 7728 6384
25 113 225 7750 6375 7975 6600 8050 6650

7/16" Diameter Camesa Cable Armor Wire typical breaking strength -

Stretch factor - 0.75 ft/Kft/Klbs Inner armor - 401 lbs.
Cable breaking strength - 18,000 lbs. minimum Outer armor - 750 lbs.

** Note: Chart assumes well is vertical and no friction between cable and wellbore. Date: 3/6/97

Camesa, Inc. 1615 Spur 529 P.O. Box 1048 Rosenberg, Texas Phone: (281)342-4494 Fax: (281)342-0531

A-10 Appendix A 770.00444 - B 05/99


To find the depth at which the line or tool is stuck:

1. Pull adequate tension to overcome weight of stuck line.
2. Put a mark on the cable adjacent to a stationary reference point.
3. Increase the tension by either 500 or 1,000 lbs. Do not exceed 11,250 pounds total.
4. Measure how far the mark moved when the tension is increased
by either 500 or 1,000 pounds.
5. Locate stretch distance in the "CABLE STRETCH" column
and move horizontally in this row to the "DEPTH STUCK" column.
6. Read the value from the "DEPTH STUCK" column in thousands of feet.


OF 1,000 ft. (INCHES) (INCHES) (LBS) (LBS) (LBS) (LBS)
1 4 7 377 311 392 326
2 7 15 754 622 784 652
3 11 22 1131 933 1176 978
4 15 29 1508 1244 1568 1304
5 18 37 1885 1555 1960 1630
6 22 44 2262 1866 2352 1956
7 26 51 2639 2177 2744 2282
8 29 59 3016 2488 3136 2608
9 33 66 3393 2799 3528 2934
10 37 73 3770 3140 3920 3260
11 40 81 4147 3421 4312 3586
12 44 88 4524 3732 4704 3912
13 48 95 4901 4043 5096 4238
14 51 103 5278 4354 5488 4564
15 55 110 5655 4665 5880 4890
16 59 117 6032 4976 6272 5216
17 62 124 6409 5287 6664 5542
18 66 132 6786 5598 7056 5868
19 70 139 7163 5909 7448 6194
20 73 146 7540 6220 7840 6520
21 77 154 7917 6531 8232 6846
22 81 161 8294 6842 8624 7172
23 84 168 8671 7153 9016 7498
24 88 176 9048 7464 9408 7824
25 92 183 9425 7775 9800 8150

.476" Diameter Camesa Cable Armor Wire typical breaking strength -

Stretch factor - 0.61 ft/Kft/Klbs Inner armor - 460 lbs.
Cable breaking strength - 22,500 lbs. minimum Outer armor - 910 lbs.

** Note: Chart assumes well is vertical and no friction between cable and wellbore. Date: 3/6/97

Camesa, Inc. 1615 Spur 529 P.O. Box 1048 Rosenberg, Texas Phone: (281)342-4494 Fax: (281)342-0531

05/99 770.00444-B Appendix A A-11

FOR 7J46RP - 7J46RX - 7J46RTZ - 7J46RA CABLES

To find the depth at which the line or tool is stuck:

1. Pull adequate tension to overcome weight of stuck line.
2. Put a mark on the cable adjacent to a stationary reference point.
3. Increase the tension by either 500 or 1,000 lbs. Do not exceed 9,000 pounds total.
4. Measure how far the mark moved when the tension is increased
by either 500 or 1,000 pounds.
5. Locate stretch distance in the "CABLE STRETCH" column
and move horizontally in this row to the "DEPTH STUCK" column.
6. Read the value from the "DEPTH STUCK" column in thousands of feet.

OF 1,000 ft. (INCHES) (INCHES) (LBS) (LBS) (LBS) (LBS) (LBS) (LBS) (LBS) (LBS)
1 5 9 321 254 338 271 341 274 348 281
2 9 19 642 508 676 542 682 548 696 562
3 14 28 963 762 1014 813 1023 822 1044 843
4 19 37 1284 1016 1352 1084 1364 1096 1392 1124
5 23 46 1605 1270 1690 1355 1705 1370 1740 1405
6 28 55 1926 1524 2028 1626 2046 1644 2088 1686
7 32 65 2247 1778 2366 1897 2387 1918 2436 1967
8 37 74 2568 2032 2704 2168 2728 2192 2784 2248
9 42 83 2889 2286 3042 2439 3069 2466 3132 2529
10 46 92 3210 2540 3380 2710 3410 2740 3480 2810
11 51 102 3531 2794 3718 2981 3751 3014 3828 3091
12 55 111 3852 3048 4056 3252 4092 3288 4176 3372
13 60 120 4173 3302 4394 3523 4433 3562 4524 3653
14 65 129 4494 3556 4732 3794 4774 3836 4872 3934
15 69 139 4815 3810 5070 4065 5115 4110 5220 4215
16 74 148 5136 4064 5408 4336 5456 4384 5568 4496
17 79 157 5457 4318 5746 4607 5797 4658 5916 4777
18 83 166 5778 4572 6084 4878 6138 4932 6264 5058
19 88 176 6099 4826 6422 5149 6479 5206 6612 5339
20 92 185 6420 5080 6760 5420 6820 5480 6960 5620
21 97 194 6741 5334 7098 5691 7161 5754 7308 5901
22 102 203 7062 5588 7436 5962 7502 6028 7656 6182
23 106 213 7383 5842 7774 6233 7843 6302 8004 6463
24 111 222 7704 6096 8112 6504 8184 6576 8352 6744
25 116 231 8025 6350 8450 6775 8525 6850 8700 7025

15/32" Diameter Camesa Cable Armor Wire typical breaking strength -

Stretch factor - 0.77 ft/Kft/Klbs Inner armor - 338 lbs.
Cable breaking strength - 18,000 lbs. minimum Outer armor - 535 lbs.

** Note: Chart assumes well is vertical and no friction between cable and wellbore. Date:3/6/97

Camesa, Inc. 1615 Spur 529 P.O. Box 1048 Rosenberg, Texas Phone: (281)342-4494 Fax: (281)342-0531

A-12 Appendix A 770.00444 - B 05/99

Stretch Chart
0.065 ft/100/1000 lbs
True Depth

05/99 770.00444-B Appendix A A-13

Stretch Chart
0.071 ft/100/1000 lbs
True Depth

A-14 Appendix A 770.00444 - B 05/99

Stretch Chart
0.075 ft/100/1000 lbs
True Depth

05/99 770.00444-B Appendix A A-15

Stretch Chart
0.080 ft/100/1000 lbs
True Depth

A-16 Appendix A 770.00444 - B 05/99

Stretch Chart
0.085 ft/100/1000 lbs
True Depth

05/99 770.00444-B Appendix A A-17

Stretch Chart
0.090 ft/100/1000 lbs
True Depth

A-18 Appendix A 770.00444 - B 05/99

Stretch Chart
0.095 ft/100/1000 lbs
True Depth

05/99 770.00444-B Appendix A A-19

Stretch Chart
0.100 ft/100/1000 lbs
True Depth

A-20 Appendix A 770.00444 - B 05/99

Stretch Chart
0.108 ft/100/1000 lbs
True Depth

05/99 770.00444-B Appendix A A-21

Stretch Chart
0.065 ft/100/1000 lbs
Drill Pipe Depth

A-22 Appendix A 770.00444 - B 05/99

Stretch Chart
0.071 ft/100/1000 lbs
Drill Pipe Depth

05/99 770.00444-B Appendix A A-23

Stretch Chart
0.075 ft/100/1000 lbs
Drill Pipe Depth

A-24 Appendix A 770.00444 - B 05/99

Stretch Chart
0.080 ft/100/1000 lbs
Drill Pipe Depth

05/99 770.00444-B Appendix A A-25

Stretch Chart
0.085 ft/100/1000 lbs
Drill Pipe Depth

A-26 Appendix A 770.00444 - B 05/99

Stretch Chart
0.090 ft/100/1000 lbs
Drill Pipe Depth

05/99 770.00444-B Appendix A A-27

Stretch Chart
0.095 ft/100/1000 lbs
Drill Pipe Depth

A-28 Appendix A 770.00444 - B 05/99

Stretch Chart
0.100 ft/100/1000 lbs
Drill Pipe Depth

05/99 770.00444-B Appendix A A-29

Stretch Chart
0.108 ft/100/1000 lbs
Drill Pipe Depth

A-30 Appendix A 770.00444 - B 05/99

Halliburton Energy Services


Equipment Lists

Bowen Fishing Kit

The basic Bowen fishing kit contains the following equipment.
Table B-1: Bowen Fishing Kit Contents
1. large box (with one each):
• cable hanger with 7/16- or 15/32-in. bushings
• extra set of bushings for 7/16- or 15/32-in. cable
• C-plate
• Bowen overshot body
• 25/16-in. grapple for plain bell and/or required size for tool
• grapple control
• guides: 3½-, 4¼-, 5¾-, and 7-in. sizes
• cable spear assembly
• clamps for 7/16- or 15/32-in. cable
• wrench for cable hanger screws
• release tongs
• wrench for T-clamp nuts
2. small box (with one each):
• circulating sub (4½-in. API IF)
• circulating bushing
• Bowen overshot adapter sub (4½-in. API IF to 3½-in. regular drillpipe)
3. weights

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Equipment Lists B-1

4. cable overshot for spear
Table B-1: Concluded
5. cable cutter
6. certified chain
7. extra clevis
8. knuckle joints
9. swivel

B-2 Equipment Lists Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99

Bowen Fishing Kit Ordering Information
The following tables list the equipment contained in the various Bowen kits and assemblies that
might be needed during fishing operations. In addition to the following tables, this appendix
contains two Bowen catalogs: Bowen Cable-Guided and Side-Door Fishing Methods and Bowen
Series 150 Releasing and Circulating Overshot. The appendix also contains a “Reliable” slip-
type assembly drawing (Figure B-3).

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Equipment Lists B-3

7 2


3 4a 4b 4c 4d

Figure B-1: Bowen Cable Hanger and Cable Cutter

Refer to Table B-2 for Bowen Cable Guided Fishing Assembly part information.

B-4 Equipment Lists Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99

Table B-2: Bowen Cable Hanger and Cable Cutter Parts
Item Description Bowen Part Quantity
Complete Cable Hanger Assembly (Bowen P/N 10380)
1 Support ‘T’ For Cable Hanger 1
2 Upper Jaw 1
3 Screw, FHM Brass, 6-31 × 3/8 8
4a Hanger Bushing, 15/32-in. B-29272 2
4b Hanger Bushing, 7/16-in. B-29272 2
4c Hanger Bushing, 5/16-in. B-29272 2
4d Hanger Bushing, 7/32-in. B-29272 2
5 Axle 2
6 Fork 8
7 Screw, Hex Head Stl ZC, ½-20 × 2 8
8 Washer, ½ Plain Brass, 0.562 × 1.25 × 0.091 8
9 Cotter Pin, Stl ZC, 1/8 × 1½ 8
Cable Cutter
1 Morse Starrett 1A 1

Note: Refer to OEB 91/062, located in Appendix C for equipment order instructions
when fishing for 3 /8-in. DITS tools or 2¾-in. Hostile tools.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Equipment Lists B-5

Figure B-2: Bowen Cable Guided Fishing Assembly, 18930
Refer to Table B-3 for Bowen Cable Guided Fishing Assembly part information.
B-6 Equipment Lists Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99
Table B-3: Bowen Cable Guided Fishing Assembly Parts
Item Description Bowen Part Quantity
1a Cap ( /32-in. cable) 15683-2.5 2
1b Cap ( /16-in. cable) 15683-3 2
2 Body 15682 2
15 7
3a Slip Assembly ( /32-in. to /16-in. 27677 2
3b Slip Assembly (3/8-in. to 11/32-in. 28487 2
3c Slip Assembly (5/16-in. to 9/32-in. 28493 2
4* Ejector Tool for slips 21136 1
5* Knuckle Joint 80378 3
6 Top Sub 15681 1
7 Sinker Bar (21/8-in. OD × 4 ft) 12729 2
8 Swivel 80777 1
9 Spear Head Overshot 11810 1
10a Oversize Guide (2 /8-in.) 11823-005 1
10b Oversize Guide (2¾-in.) 11823-010 1
11 Roll Pin (¼× 7/8 SST) 11829 2
12 Spear Head Sub 15686 1
13* C-Plate (1¼ in., fits adapter) 10384 1
14* Release Tongs 11882-005 1
15 Circulating Sub, Type C-Plate 17207 (4-1/2 IF)
16 Slotted Plug for Type C-Plate 17206 (4-1/2 IF)
17 Adapter, C-Washer Hex, 2-in. Flat 15689
18* Cable Hanger with Liners 10380 1
(Specify line size)
19* Replacement Cable Hanger Liners 29272 1
(Specify line size)
*Item listed but not shown.
Note: Specify wireline size, drillpipe connection, and OD of fish to be retrieved

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Equipment Lists B-7



1a 1b

Figure B-3: Subassembly Rope Socket, 27674

Refer to Table B-4 for Subassembly Rope Socket 27674 parts.

B-8 Equipment Lists Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99

Table B-4: Subassembly Rope Socket, 27674 Parts
Item Description Bowen Part Quantity
1a Cap (15/32-in. Cable) 15683-2.5 2
1b Cap (7/16-in. Cable) 15683-3 2
2 Body 15682 2
3a Slip Assembly (15/32-in. to 7/16-in. 27677 2
3b Slip Assembly (3/8-in. to 11/32-in. 28487 2
3c Slip Assembly (5/16-in. to 9/32-in. 28493 2
4 Top Sub 15681 1

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Equipment Lists B-9

Bowen Wireline Swivel 80777


1 7

Bowen Spear-Head Overshot 11810

4 2


1 8

Figure B-4: Bowen Wireline Swivel, 80777 and Spear-Head Overshot, 11810
Refer to Table B-5 for wireline swivel 80777 and spear-head overshot 11810 part information.

B-10 Equipment Lists Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99

Table B-5: Bowen Wireline Swivel, 80777 and Spear-Head Overshot, 11810 parts
Item Description Bowen Part Quantity
Bowen Wireline Swivel (Bowen P/N 80777)
1 Bottom Sub 80779 1
2 Garlock Seal 13978 1
3 Bearing Housing 15712 1
4 Actna Ball Thrust Bearing 13993 1
5 Connector Bolt 80773 1
6 Top Sub 15711 1
7 Spring Pin, ¼ × 1½ 2698 1
Bowen Spear-Head Overshot (Bowen P/N 11810)
1 Body 11811 1
2 Release Arm Nut 11820 1
3 Spring Washer 11817 1
4 Release Arm 11819 1
5 Release Spring 11816 1
6 Latch Spring 11815 1
7 Jaw Stop Pin 11814 1
8 Pivot Pin 11813 1
9 Jaw 11812 2

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Equipment Lists B-11




Figure B-5: Bowen Series 105 Overshot

Refer to Table B-6 for Series 105 Overshot part information.

B-12 Equipment Lists Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99

Table B-6: Bowen Series 105 Overshot Parts
Item Description Bowen Part Quantity
1 Overshot Top Sub, 4½ API IF Box to 3½ 9361 1
API-DP 8 R/in box
2 Overshot Bushing (No-Go) 9359 1
3 Bowl, SER 33836 9358 1
4 Multiwick Grapple, 25/16-in. 1448 (25/16 in.) 1
5 Control Grapple 1449 1
6a Flush (Plain) Guide, 3½-in. 4074(3½ in.) 1
6b Flush (Plain) Guide, 6-in. 4074 (6 in.) 1
6c Flush (Plain) Guide, 8-in. 4074 (8 in.) 1
6d Flush (Plain) Guide, 12-in. 4074 (12 in.) 1

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Equipment Lists B-13


Figure B-6: Bowen Series 150 Overshot, C-5148

Refer to Table B-7 for series 150 Overshot, C-5148 part information.

B-14 Equipment Lists Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99

Table B-7: Bowen Series 150 Overshot, C-5148 Parts
Item Description Bowen Part Quantity
1 Overshot Top Sub, 4½ API IF a 1
2 Top Sub A-5149 1
3 Extension Sub b 1
4 Bowl B-5150 1
5 Packer Seat Ring A-4409 1
6 Spiral Grapple B-4410 1
7 Spiral Grapple Control B-4411 1
8 Standard Guide (specify plain) A-4412 1
This part is optional and can be made locally to API specifications. The ID should be less than
the spear head sub (2¼ in.), generally 2 /8 in. Bowen can fabricate Item 2 to your specifications,
making Item 1 unnecessary.
The 5-in. OD, 24- to 36-in. long extension sub is common (specify length) for the 5-in.
overshot (C-5148).
Some locations use a basket grapple in place of the spiral grapple.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Equipment Lists B-15

7 5




Figure B-7: Bowen Series 160 Overshot, 6400

Refer to Table B-8 for Series 160 overshot 6400 part information.

B-16 Equipment Lists Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99

Table B-8: Bowen Series 160 Overshot, 6400 (Overshot OD 4½) Parts
Item Description Bowen Part Quantity
1 Top Sub, 3½ API Line Pipe 7244 1
2 Bowl 6401 1
3 Spiral Grapple, Maximum Catch Size 1448 1
2 /8-in.
4 Control Grapple 6403 1
5 Roller 6456 1
6 Roller Pin 6457 1
7 Roller Pin Screw 9568 1
8 Side Door 1
9 Side Door Screw 9568 4
10 Shear Ring 6422 1
11 Shear Ring Screw 25220 2
12 Control Grapple Screw 6459 2

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Equipment Lists B-17

Figure B-8: Bowen Series 150 Overshot, C-4619
Refer to Table B-9 for series 150 overshot, C-4619 part information.

B-18 Equipment Lists Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99

Table B-9: Bowen Series 150 Overshot, C-4619 (Overshot OD 4 3/8) Parts
Item Description Bowen Part Quantity
1 Top Sub A-4620 1
2 Bowl B-4621 1
3 Basket Grapple For 1 /16-in. B-3607 1
4 Basket Grapple Control B-3608 1
5 Standard Guide (specify plain lip) A-4622 1

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Equipment Lists B-19

Bottom Sub






Figure B-9: Bowen 1-11/16 OD “Reliable” Slip-Type Rope Socket Assembly, 27674
Refer to Table B-10 for 1 11/16-in. OD “Reliable” Slip Type Rope Socket, 27674 Parts

B-20 Equipment Lists Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99

Table B-10: 1 11/16-in. OD “Reliable” Slip Type Rope Socket, 27674 Parts
Complete Assembly No. 27674
28492 Housing Assembly
Slip Assembly
Housing Assembly No. 28492
15681 Bottom Sub
15682 Body
15683 Cap
For 15/32-in. (through 7/16-in.) Line
27677 Slip Assembly
27676 Spring
For 3/8-in. (through 11/32-in.) Line
28487 Slip Assembly
28626 Spring
For 5/16-in. (through 9/32-in.) Line
28493 Slip Assembly
28631 Spring
Ejector Tool (Extra) No. 21136
21137 Thd. Sleeve
21138 Mandrel
Bowen- Itco, Box 4567,Houston, Texas
Dwg. No. M27674
Specify cable size when ordering parts.

05/99 770.00444-B Confidential & Proprietary Equipment Lists B-21


B-22 Equipment Lists Confidential & Proprietary 770.00444 - B 05/99

Halliburton Energy Services


Appendix C
Appendix C contains a copy of OEB 96/081 (Amendment)-Maximum Logging Tension Weak Link

05/99 770.00444-B Appendix C C-1

Technology Bulletin







There has been a lot of uncertainty in the past regarding proper determination of the weak link and
maximum pull in a deviated hole, both in the literature and in people’s mind.
This OEB is an attempt at providing the theoretical background necessary to fully understand how
surface tension is transmitted to the head of the tool string, which in turn is then utilized to select the
correct weak link.
We fully realize that most of you will skip the calculations, but hopefully, all of you will understand that
the concept of pull over normal logging tension is obsolete and dangerous. A simplified formula which
will allow you to select the proper weak link at the wellsite, provided you have a hand held calculator, is
provided, and a floppy will be sent upon request, which will provide a more user friendly version, but
limited to users who have a PC with Windows available.
Once we have enough feedback available, the same program will be made available on Desktop.

Vertical Straight Hole:

In an ideal vertical hole, the logging cable would not be touching the borehole: therefore there would be
no friction applied to the cable. While logging up, the normal tension read at surface can then be
expressed as:

T = Wcm*Z + Twl

where: Wcm = buoyant weight of the cable in mud

Z = tool depth
Twl = tension on the weak link

Note that under normal logging conditions, Twl is the sum of the weight of the tool string in mud and
the friction of the tool string against the borehole: this value can only be estimated or measured, but
cannot be calculated precisely. We do know though that we want Twl to be less than 66% of the weak
link rating!

NOTICE: This document is confidential, proprietary property of Halliburton Energy Services. It is supplied for
use by Halliburton Energy Services employees only and shall not be copied, published or disclosed in whole or
in part without the prior written consent of Halliburton Energy Services.



Deviated Wells:

Let us consider a small element of cable just starting to move in the upward direction on a fixed cathead
(see figure #1):

T + dT = F + T

with T = tension on each side of the cable element

F = friction on the cable

N is a force perpendicular to the cathead due to the effects of T and T + dT.

F = N where  = coefficient of friction of cable against borehole

N = T*sin(d/2) + (T + dT) * sin(d/2)

N ≅ 2T * d/2 = T * d

Therefore: F = Td

Then: T + dT = F + T becomes:

dT =Td

dT/T =d

In real logging conditions, we obtain:

 dT/T = d
and by integrating between points 0 and 1:

T1 = T0 * exp ( *  )

Now, suppose that during logging conditions we are stuck at depth Z. Let’s call Zkb the start depth of
the kick off and Zke the end of the kick off. (see figure #2)

For the portion of the cable below Zke, we can write:

T0 = T + (Z - Zke) * Wcm * cos + (Z - Zke) * * Wcm* sin



T0 = T + (Z - Zke) * Wcm * (cos + sin)

For the portion of the cable above Zkb, we can write:

P = T1 + Wcm * Zkb

T1 = P - Wcm * Zkb

We know that: T1 = T0 * exp(*)

So: P - Wcm * Zkb = [ T + (Z - Zke) * Wcm * (cos  + sin )] * exp (*)

If we make: Zkb = Zke = Zk = (Zkb + Zke) / 2, we get:

P = T * exp( *  ) + Wcm * (Z - Zk) (cos +  sin ) * exp ( * ) + Wcm * Zk

The literature and experience give for :

metal over metal: > 0.10
metal over clay: 0.35 - 0.40
Being conservative, we shall use 0.40.


Let’s call Z3 = stuck depth

Z1 = first kick off depth, at an angle of 1
Z2 = second kick off depth, angle of 2
(see figure #3)

Between Z2 and Z3, we have:

T3 = T + Wcm * (Z3 - Z2) * (cos 2 +sin2)
T2 = T3 * exp(*|1 - 2|)
= T * exp( * |1-2|) + Wcm * (Z3 - Z2) * (cos2 + sin2) * exp(* |1-2|)

Between Z2 and Z1, we have:

T1 = T2 + Wcm (Z2 - Z1) * (cos1 + sin1)
T0 = T1 * exp(µ|1-0|)
= [T2 + Wcm * (Z2 - Z1) * (cos1 + sin1)] * exp ( * |1-0|)
= T * exp[(|1-2|+|1-0|)] + Wcm (Z3 - Z2) * (cos2 +sin2) * exp[(|1-2|+|1-0|)] +
Wcm*(Z2-Z1) * (cos1 + sin1) * exp( * |1-0|)



Between surface and Z1, we have:

P = T0 + Wcm * Z1 * (cos 0 +sin 0)
which can be rewritten:

P = T * exp [  * (|1 - 2|+|1 -0|)]

+ Wcm * (Z3 - Z2) * (cos2 + sin2) * exp [ * (|1 -2|+|1 -0|)]
+ Wcm * (Z2- Z1) * (cos1 +sin1) * exp ( * |1 - 0|)
+ Wcm * Z1 * (cos0+ sin0)

In a vertical well, this equation becomes: P = T + Wcm * Z

In a single kick off well ( 0 = 0, Z2 = Z3, 1 - 2 = 0), we get:

P = T * exp(1) + Wcm * (Z2 - Z1) * (cos1 + sin1) * exp (1) + Wcm * Z1

(i.e. formula previously obtained)


An approximate pull value to apply would be:

P = T * exp() + Wcm * Z

which is obtained for a single kick off by using: (cos +sin) * exp() = 1

with: Wcm = weight of cable in mud (lbs/ft)

Z = tool depth (ft)
 = coefficient of friction (= 0.40 in open hole, 0.35 in cased hole)
 = maximum well deviation in RADIAN

Notes: * This value results in the choice of a safer weak link than the traditional method of assuming a
vertical hole, but will still be optimistic. If there is any doubt, use the complete formula for double or
multiple dogleg.
* As always, the weak link determination is based on the assumption that you are stuck at the




Solving the above equation for T, we obtain:

T = (P - Wcm * Z) / exp()

By inputting P as the maximum allowable pull on the logging cable (50% of the new cable breaking
strength) and Z as TD (total depth), you obtain a value of T.
Rounding down T to the closest thousand unit, F, will give you the weak link value.

Having chosen the weak link with a breaking strength of F, you can now determine the maximum pull in
the well at any depth before actually running in the hole by using the following formula:

Pmax(Z) = 66%F * exp() + Wcm * Z

As a reminder, this formula means that what is important is only the tension applied to the weak link,
wherever it comes from. For this particular application, it does not matter what the tool weighs in air or
in fluid, or what the drag on the tool is.
Also, this clearly shows that there is no such a thing as pull over normal logging tension to be
considered! The weak link is already subject to the friction on the tool and we do not know what it is, so
pulling “over” anything means applying an unknown pull on the weak link (thus the legends of the
premature failures of the weak links).
One way to visualize this point is to assume the tool is stuck; if you slack off the cable, the tool will still
be stuck and the tension on the weak link will be zero: when you pull now, the maximum pull on the
weak link will only be a result of the tension on the cable, it has nothing to do with what is below, be it a
quad or an SP sub!

This emphasizes why it is important to know the maximum pull you can apply at any time: you start
getting stuck, if you are lucky you might still be in a dynamic situation with a lower coefficient of
friction (on the tool string) than in a static situation and the tool might not be stuck yet. Apply your
maximum tension straight away, do not wait, hold it and do not slack off.



Again the two formulas to use are:

Weak link found with:

F = (Pmax - Wcm * TD) / exp() with Pmax = 50% cable breaking strength
TD = total depth

Maximum pull at any depth:

P(Z) = 66%F * exp () + Wcm * Z

Appendix #1 Manual determination of F = (cos + sin)*exp()

(deg) 10 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70

(rad) .175 .349 .436 .524 .611 .698 .785 .873 .960 1.047 1.135 1.222

A = (cos+.35sin) 1.046 1.059 1.054 1.041 1.020 .991 .955 .911 .860 .796 .740 .671

B = exp(.35) 1.063 1.123 1.165 1.201 1.238 1.277 1.316 1.357 1.399 1.443 1.487 1.534

A * B = F(.35) 1.112 1.189 1.228 1.250 1.275 1.266 1.257 1.236 1.203 1.148 1.100 1.029

C = (cos+.4sin) 1.054 1.077 1.075 1.066 1.049 1.023 .990 .949 .901 .846 .785 .718

D = exp(.40) 1.072 1.150 1.191 1.233 1.277 1.322 1.369 1.418 1.468 1.520 1.574 1.630

C * D = F(.40) 1.131 1.238 1.280 1.314 1.339 1.353 1.355 1.346 1.323 1.287 1.236 1.170




Let us consider the case of a well with several doglegs.

At depth Zk, we can define: k = dogleg angle
T(2k-1) = tension on the cable below the dogleg
T(2k-2) = tension on the cable above the dogleg

Z0 = 0 = surface
There are n doglegs and we will call the tension on the weak link: T(2n) = Twl
We can write the following sets of equations:
At Z0 = surface: P = T0 + Wcm(Z1-Z0)(cos0+sin0)

At Z1 : T0 = T1*exp{|1-0|}
T1 = T2 + Wcm(Z2-Z1)(cos1+sin1)

At Z2 : T2 = T3exp{|2-1|}
T3 = T4 + Wcm(Z3-Z2)(cos2+sin2)

At Zk : T(2k-2) = T(2k-1) exp{|k-(k-1)|}

T(2k-1) = T(2k) + Wcm[Z(k+1) - Zk](cosk+sink)

At Zn : T(2n-2) = T(2n-1) exp{|n-(n-1)|}

T(2n-1) = T2n + Wcm[Z(n+1) - Zn](cosn+sinn)

At TD : T(2n) = Twl

By iterating, we can therefore obtain:

P = Wcm(Z1-Z0)(cos0+sin0)
+Twl exp[{|1-0|+...+|n-(n-1)|}]

Let us write: |k-(k-1)| = ∆k (always positive)



We can then write:

k n
n µ ∆θ i
∑ µ ∑ ∆θ i
i =1
P = Wcm * ∑ (Zk + 1 − Zk )(cos θ k + µ sin θ k ) e + Twl * e i = 1
k =1


Z0 = 0
Zn + 1 = TD

∆θ 0 = 0

If we call µ k the coefficient of friction of the cable against the borehole wall at depth Z k , the above
equation should actually be written:

k n
∑ µi ∆θ i ∑ µi ∆θ i
n i =1
P = Wcm * ∑ (Zk + 1 − Zk )(cos θ k + µ k sin θ k )e + Twl * ei = 1
k =1

This equation allows you to input different values of µ, for example to differentiate between cased and
open hole: you can input µ = µ csg in the upper section of the hole and µ = µ OH in the bottom section
of the hole, starting with this last value of µ at the dogleg below the shoe.




A program has been developed by Wes Ludwig in “Visual Basic” and is available upon request from
Operations Engineering: we will send you a floppy which can be used on a PC system, and we would
only expect to receive some feedback in return. This would allow field locations to perform training and
weak link selection at the base before (and after) the job and to then develop a local database which
would allow to better approximate the value of µ for the local conditions and lithology.

Once this feedback is available to us, the same program will be installed in the XL2K desktop software
and be available at the wellsite.


We can write:

Wcm = Wca - (Vca * Wm)

where Wcm = weight of cable in mud

Vca = volume of cable
Wca = Weight of cable in air
Wm = mud weight

In case Vca is not available, but you know Wcw (weight of cable in water), we have:

Wcm = Wca - (Wca - Wcw) * Wm / 8.33

These two formulas should allow you to calculate Wcm in any situation. Note that any other formula
(such as Wcm = depth * Wcw * 8.33 / Wm) are invalid and will give you erroneous results.









If I can provide further information on this subject, I can be reached at one of the following:

Phone: (281)496-8846
Fax: (281)496-8109
MEMOID: H020021
Internet Address:

Daniel Dorffer
Operations Engineering/Technical Services

Halliburton Energy Services


Appendix D
Appendix D contains a copy of OEB-91/062 - Recommended Fishing Kit for 3-5/8-in. DITS
tools (Amendments I and II included). Information on ordering 2-3/4-in. Hostile Environment
Tool fishing equipment is included in the body of the OEB.
Also included is a copy of OEB-99/013 - Tool Tension And Compression Values. The values
that are listed in this OEB should be used sparingly and with great caution. There are
many factors which cannot be covered in a single document that can contribute to these
numbers being misused or to be considered misleading.

05/99 770.00444-B Appendix D D-1

I (3
A Halllburton Company
DATE 12-17-91
FILE 4.1.52
NO: OEB-91/062 SECTION 13-174
Technical Staff
SUBJECT: Recommended Fishing Kit for 3-5/8" Computing Centers
All Engineers
DITS Tools

A potential problem has been discovered with trying to fish the DLLT
Cable Electrode. The problems associated with attempting to fish the
DLLT Cable Electrode by Cut & Thread are:
1. The 2-l/4" OD of part #3.36557 is to big to fit through a
2-l/8" through bore i.e. OEB 91/062 and this part remains
attached to the line after pulling out of the weak point.
2. The 2-l/4" OD part is to big to fit through restrictions
in pipe of 2-l/4" or smaller - recommend 2-l/2" pipe ID.
If the operating company wishes to run jars or heavy wall when
fishing, the ID of the drillpipe, heavywall, crossovers, and jars must
" or bigger. This will limit our ability to Cut & Thread.
be 2-l/2"
This problem has been discussed at length with engineering. It has
been determined that a complete redesign of the DLLT Cable Electrode
assembly would be necessary to eliminate these problems. At present
the DLLT Cable Electrode assembly is not scheduled for redesign due to
the success of the Rigid Bridle in eliminating all the problems
associated with the DLLT Cable Electrode.
The best solution is to convert over to the Rigid Bridle. If this is
not possible then Bowen will make the through bore on the Top Sub
(#A5149) any ID you specify. They will also make the C-Washer Adapter
(HEX) Bowen #15689 any OD you specify, at extra cost. It is suggested
that the ID of the through bore on the Top Sub be smaller then the OD
of the C-Washer Adapter in case the wireline is accidentally dropped
during fishing operations. Again, making the through bore and the
Adapter larger will restrict the pipe that can be used to Cut &I
For further assistance regarding this matter, I can be reached at one
of the following:
Phone: (713) 596-4274
Fax: (713) 496-8109 ,JL ?‘a
Telex: 6719730 HLSHOU I
Larry Rose
Open Hole Services - Houston
cc: M. Walker - Ft. Worth
E. Ortiz - 8045
A. Escorcia - 8045 Page 1 of 1
A Halllburton Company
FILE 4.1.52
NO: OEB-91/062 SECTION 13-174
Technical Staff
SUBJECT: Recommended Fishing Kit for 3-5/8" Computing Centers
All Engineers
DITS Tools

The part number for the recommended fishing kit was incorrect. The
correct number is C5148, not C5158.
We suggest that you may want to specify a 2-l/8" through bore on the
top sub instead of 2-l/2". If you are running the l-11/16" Bowen Cable
Guide Fishing Assembly for cut and thread operations, and you are
using the C-Washer Adapter (HEX) Bowen number 15689 the OD of the
Adapter is 2.309" new and will wear to approximately 2-l/4" the first
time you use it. If you order the top sub part number A5149 as a
" minimum through bore the cable can pass through the restriction
in the event that it is dropped. If you specify a 2-l/8" through bore
the adapter should not pass through this and the wireline should be
recoverable. The top sub normal through bore is 2-11/16" but Bowen
says they can and will make it to whatever you specify.
The OD of' the Bridle Electrode on the W-Series Bridle should be 1.78".
With a 2-l/8"
" ID Through bore you will still pass over the electrode,
but I would recommend circulating to keep the through bore clean while
descending over the electrode as this is a tight fit. Watch the
circulation pressure carefully, because you will probably get a surge
when the flow becomes restricted by the electrode.
For further assistance regarding this matter, I can be reached at one
of the following:
Phone: (713) 596-4274
Fax: (713) 496-8109
Telex: 6719730 HLSHOU

Larry Rose
Open Hole Services - Houston

cc: M. Walker - Ft. Worth

E. Ortiz - 8045
R. Huertas - 8045
Page 1 of 1
FILE 4.1.52 I

NO: OEB-91/062 SECTION 13-174

Dept. Managers
Technical Staff
SUBJECT: Recommended Fishing Kit for 3-5/8" Marketing/Sales
Computing Centers
DITS Tools All Engineers

The recommended fishing kit for the 3-5/8" DITS tools is a Bowen
Series 150 overshot. The complete assembly part number is C5158 and
Items Included: Part Number:
1 Top Sub A5149
1 Bowl B5150
1 Packer B3219
1 Spiral Grapple B4410
1 Spiral Grapple Control B4411
1 Standard Guide A4412
Specify a 2-l/2"
" minimum through bore on the top sub, and a 3-l/2" IF
thread box connection.
The standard guide O.D. is 5" and is full strength.
The spiral grapple is 3-21/32" listed maximum catch.
You can order larger guides,, the part number is the same as the
standard guide (A4412), but you must specify the size. You cannot
order smaller guides.
You can also order smaller grapples, the part number is again the same
as the one supplied with the kit (B4410), just specify the size. You
will need to order a smaller packer to go with the smaller grapple,
but the spiral grapple control is universal and you will not need to
order another control. The grapple you order will have an overbite of
l/32" ( it will expand to take in l/32" over maximum catch size). The
grapple should also engage anything 3/32" under the maximum catch
size. Therefore, the 3-21/32" grapple should catch anything from 3-
9/16" to 3-11/16". So, for instance if you needed to fish the 2-3/4"
Hostile Environment Tools you could order a 2-13/16" grapple part
number B4410 to go with your kit, and a 2-13/16" packer for this
grapple. Bowen has made grapples as small as 2" for this kit.
It is also recommended that you order an extension sub so that you can
catch more than the 6" you will get with the standard assembly. The
extension sub goes above the bowl and below the top sub. You should
order an extension sub 24" or 36" long with an O.D. of 5" part number
A5149 (same as the top sub).

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If you need to fish over a bridle specifying the 2-l/2" through bore
on the top sub will allow you to fish over the electrodes.

Looking up from the top sub will be a 3-l/2" IF box. If the drill pipe
in your area is usually 4-l/2"
" IF which is the usual standard you may
want to order a crossover sub , 3-l/2" IF pin to 4-l/2" IF box which
is Bowen part number 73717.

For further assistance regarding this matter, I can be reached at one

of the following:

Phone: (713) 596-4274

Fax: (713) 496-8109
Telex: 6719730 HLSHOU

Larry Rose
Open Hole Services - Houston

cc: M. Walker - Ft. Worth

E. Ortiz - 8045
R. Huertas - 8045

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Technology Bulletin No.: OEB-99/013
Date: 05/14/99
2135 Highway 6 South, Houston, Texas 77077 USA Type: Best Practices

SUBJECT: Tool Tension And Compression Values. File: 4.5.0/4.26.0

Tool Code: N/A

In reviewing the Tool Fishing Catalog and the Tool Technical Specification Catalog it is evident
that most of the tools physical strength characteristics are not included. The subject of tool
tension and compressions is a very touchy subject. It has been around for a number of years,
and has not been addressed to this point for several reasons including but not limited to issues
of liability.

The values that are listed in this OEB should be used sparingly and with great caution.
There are many factors which cannot be covered in a single document that can
contribute to these numbers being misused or to be considered misleading.

The values are a combination of actual pull tests and calculations and as such represent a
straight push or pull with no outside influences. The assumption must be made that these
numbers represent ultimate failure rather than the damage point of new tools at 70 degrees F
and 0 PSI.

Any bending moment or other contribution such as tool angle, hole
angle, rate of descent or ascent, toolstring design, tool age and
condition, borehole size and condition, pressure and temperature, the
point at which the toolstring is stuck, etc. can influence the ultimate
yield or crush.

The worst case is a tool in a hole at 40 to 55 degrees deviation, especially if it is a large hole –
for instance 12-1/4”. Buckling will be a real concern in this case because the tool is being
pushed with forces in different angles. If the toolstring contains offset subs, knuckle joints, or
flex joints they will increase the chance of buckling.

The rate of descent or ascent is important - this is why there is a limit on the rates while tripping
in and out of the hole on TPL. Reference OEB 98/037. If the hole conditions are bad, be prudent
in determining a safe speed for traversing the hole, especially when the tools are not latched
and the DTD and RFD are not operational. The driller’s Martin Decker cannot reliably read
increments of less than 10,000 lbs..

NOTICE: This document is confidential, proprietary property of Halliburton Energy Services. It is supplied for
use by Halliburton Energy Services employees only and shall not be copied, published or disclosed in whole or
in part without the prior written consent of Halliburton Energy Services.

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No.: OEB-99/013
Technology Bulletin Date: 05/14/99

These values are given without any safety factor. Our competitors usually build in a safety factor
on the numbers they present. These numbers should be used with this in mind. If the tools are
in tension (being pulled on) there is usually less bending. Because of this the tension numbers
can be approached with more confidence. When the tools are in compression (being pushed
on) the opposite is true, be careful because bending will be a problem. Use the compression
numbers with much less confidence. Also, hydrostatic pressure increases dry joint strength in
tension (dry joint – not pressure balanced) whereas hydrostatic pressure decreases the strength
of a dry joint in compression.

With these factors in mind, be extremely prudent in the use of these values. The values should
be used as guidelines only. Please read the comments following the numbers since they will
provide clues on past experience, etc..

The information provided is for DITS tools. It should be noted that the G-Series connection is
not good in tension and compression, this is the reason for requiring strengthening collars on
these tool joints during TPL operations. The G-series connection is however better in torque
than the DITS connection. The reason strengthening collars have been designed for the DITS
connections is because the DITS connection can only handle 600 ft/lbs of torque – equivalent to
someone bouncing on a large wrench (200 lbs man on a 3’ wrench). The limiting factor for the
DITS connection in torque is the locating pins shear strength.

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No.: OEB-99/013
Technology Bulletin Date: 05/14/99



130,000** 130,000** 600** **See Note 1 Below
JOINT 3-5/8”
JOINT 3-3/8” 130,000** 130,000** 600** **See Note 1 Below
**See Note 1 Below
JOINT 3-3/8” 90,000** 20,000** 600**
#PSGT String
ADIT 130,000 130,000 Prototype Tool
*Deforms as low as
BCDT 50,000 25,000*
5000 in washouts
BHPT 3-5/8” 130,000 130,000
BHPT 3-3/8” 130,000 130,000
Sonde 130,000 130,000 *2000 Safe
Scanner Head 6000* 6000* Operating
Centralizer –
90,000 20,000 Do Not Run on TPL
DITS Inline
CSNG 90,000 20,000
CSNG Low Z very low very low very low
DCCL 130,000 130,000
*As low as 11,000 in
DILT 15,000 15,000*
*As low as 11,000 in
DLLT – A/B 15,000 15,000*
DSEN 130,000 130,000
DSNT - C 130,000 130,000 3-3/8” OD Tool
DSNT - D 130,000 130,000 3-5/8” OD Tool
DSNT 130,000 130,000
D2TS 130,000 130,000
D4TG 130,000 130,000
DSTU 130,000 130,000
DTDD 125,000 125,000
DTD 16K 47,000 47,000
DTD 8K 24,000 24,000
EMI – A Bottom Only Tool
Below Caliper 13,000* 13,000* *Motor Housing
4.25” Isolator 130,000 130,000

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Technology Bulletin Date: 05/14/99


EMI – B In-line Tool
Below Caliper 150,000** 150,000** 1800* *Tool torque limit
4.25” Isolator 130,000 130,000
FACT 80,000 80,000
FIAC 80,000 80,000
Flex Joint
80,000* 143,000** *See Note 2 below
*Deforms as low as
FWST 50,000 25,000*
5000 in washouts
HFDT 150,000** 30,000 750* *Tool torque limit
HRAI 50,000 70,000 600 Prototype Tool
HRI 15,000 15,000* *As low as 11,000 in
Tool Joint 25,000 23,000 washouts
Knuckle Joint
100,000 100,000
LFDT very low very low
*At 14,000 replace
MCSA – D 100,000* 100,000* ????
rollers and rebuild
METG – A 50,000 70,000
METG – B 50,000 70,000
MGRD 80,000 80,000
*Tool torque limit
MRIL –C 35,000 35,000 200*
see Note 3 below
*Tool torque limit
MRIL Prime 32,000 37,000 1000*
see Note 3 below
MSFL 80,000 80,000
MSFL – C 80,000 80,000
NGRT 130,000 130,000
DITS Offset Sub 130,000 130,000
PIT 130,000 130,000
PSGT 90,000 20,000
*See Note 4 below
RDT 200,000* 200,000* 1200*
Prototype Tool
Rigid Bridle 130,000 130,000
RSCT 130,000 130,000
??? Connection not
Bull Plug 20,000 20,000
RWCH 130,000 130,000
SDDT 130,000 130,000
SDLT – A 90,000 77,500

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Technology Bulletin Date: 05/14/99


SDLT – C 90,000 20,000
SDLT - D 90,000 20,000
Under Caliper 13,000* 13,000* *Motor Housing
4.25” Isolator 130,000 130,000
SFT – IV 40,000 40,000
SFTT – B 100,000 100,000
SFTT – C 100,000 100,000
SWC ??? ??? ??? Connection is weak
Swivel (TESEL) 30,000 30,000 ????
XACT 100,000 100,000 600 lb ft

**Note 1: The tool joint is contained in every DITS tool. Therefore the maximum rating that can
be given to any tool is the tool joint. Any tool which has a rating higher than this can be
assumed to have a rating equal to the tool joint rating. A number of the tools rated at 130,000
lbs for instance have a sonde which would be rated much higher than 130,000 however the
DITS joint is the limiting factor and the published number only shows this limit.

Note 2: Reference OEB 93/037. These tools should be up to date as per this OEB. Any tool not
up to date will possibly fail well below this rating. The flex portion should be 3-3/8” not 2-3/4”.
Also, the top of the serpentine flex should be held by a pin PN 707.30950 (brass colored) which
will break at 120,000 lbs.. At the bottom of the flex should be a pin PN 707.30949 (silver
colored) which will break at 80,000 lbs.. This design places the pullout at the bottom of the flex
so that the serpentine section never has to be fished.

Note 3: The MRIL-C and MRIL Prime should always be run with a swivel when run on TPL.
When fishing these tools do not rotate on the tools - the Field Engineer is required to be on the
rig floor while swallowing the tool.

Note 4: The RDT is designed to handle 200,000+ lbs in tension and compression and 1200 lb ft
in torque, however the tool will be limited by the DITS joint at the top of the tool to 130,000 in
tension and compression and 600 lb ft in torque.

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No.: OEB-99/013
Technology Bulletin Date: 05/14/99

The maximum recommended pull or push on most toolstrings in Toolpusher operations will be
10,000 lbs.. Work the toolstring up and down instead of utilizing more tension or compression.
When tripping in and out of the hole on TPL tell the driller to stop before 10,000 lbs is applied to
the tools.

The toolstring strengths for the Hostile tools have not been calculated for the most part. The
torque limit on the tool joint is only 300 lb ft, so be very careful when subjecting these tools to
torque. The practice that is being used at present is to limit the toolstring to 3000 lbs over for
maximum tension and compression. As in any toolstring the toolstring design will influence the
point at which the tools will fail, but it is possible that the Hostile quad combo could bend to
touch the wall at as little as 1000 lbs over in a large borehole.

NOTE: The hostile toolstring may buckle at as little as 5000 lbs over in certain situations.
Therefore stick to the 3000 lbs over limit when running these tools. The HFWS will
probably be the weakest tool in the string.




2-3/4” Hostile
100,000** 100,000** 300** ** See Note 1 Below
Tool Joint
HDIL 20,000 5000
HDSN 100,000 100,000
HDTD 125,000** 125,000**
HECT 100,000 100,000
HEDL 100,000 100,000
HEDT 100,000 100,000
HETS 100,000 100,000
*Could Buckle as low
HFWS 35,000 5000*
as 5000 lbs.
HGNI 100,000 100,000
HNGR 100,000 100,000
HPDC 100,000 100,000
Hostile Rigid
80,000 80,000
HSDL 100,000 50,000
Bottom Only
HSDL – Inline 5000* 5000* *Tungsten Pad

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No.: OEB-99/013
Technology Bulletin Date: 05/14/99

**NOTE 1: The tool joint is contained in every Hostile tool. Therefore the maximum rating that
can be given to any tool is the tool joint. Any tool which has a rating higher than this can be
assumed to have a rating equal to the tool joint rating.



4-1/2” XH API
7-1/4” SES 940,000** 2,400,000 API*
4-1/2” IF API
7-1/4” SES 1,250,000** 2,400,000 API*
4-1/2” IF API
6-7/8” SES 1,375,000** 2,650,000 API*
4-1/2” XH API
6-5/8” SES 1,000,000** 2,400,000 API*
3-1/2” IF API
5-1/2” SES 800,000** 1,800,000 API*
2-3/8” 8 Rd EUE
3-1/4” SES 375,000*** 500,000 API* API
3-1/2” IF
3-1/2” IF API
CONNECTOR 950,000*** 250,000 API*
4-1/2” IF API
CONNECTOR 1,200,000*** 375,000 API*
2-7/8” 8 Rd EUE
CONNECTOR 150,000*** 139,000 API*

* The torque limit on these subs will be determined by the API specs for the threads or tool

** Male pin is the weak point. The tensile strength of the tool joint is the cross sectional area at
the root of the thread 5/8” from the shoulder. Hence the male pin is the weak point. Drill pipe
connection data and formulas for the calculation were taken from API 7G 14 Edition, August 1,

*** Female connections.

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No.: OEB-99/013
Technology Bulletin Date: 05/14/99

It is recommended that these subs be inspected regularly for cracks or metal fatigue via die
penetrant, ultra sonic or magna flux. Serialize the subs after inspection and keep records.

It is not acceptable to perform machine work on these subs without using an API machine shop
with proper gauges and equipment. Do not attempt to build copy or change the existing design.

It is not recommended to use a 3-1/2” IF SES in a 4-1/2” IF drillstring.

Note that if the proper SES is run it will not be the weak point in the drill string. The connections
are standard API connections and the sub design is such that the connection is the weak point.
This is not true of drill pipe since the connection is generally thicker and stronger than the pipe.


ANSYS analyses +
3-5/8” DITS Male Actual Pull Test
and Female Male PN 3.29994
Female PN 3.29996
OLD 3-3/8” DITS Male Old – PSGT String
and Female (Look Like 3-5/8” Caps)
NEW 3-3/8” DITS Male Male PN 3.74376
and Female Female PN 3.74377
2-3/4” Hostile Environment Actual Pull Test
Male PN 3.45329
2-3/4” Hostile Environment Actual Pull Test
Female PN 3.45342
MPI XACT Male ANSYS analyses +
And Female Actual Pull Test

Note that the yield will be greatly reduced if the weld is bad or the material is corroded. These
caps and their welds are not inspected. It is a good idea to pull test these caps as is standard
practice with lifting equipment.

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No.: OEB-99/013
Technology Bulletin Date: 05/14/99

For further assistance regarding this subject I can be reached at:

Phone: 281-496-8109
Fax: 281-496-8109
Internet Address:

Larry Rose
Technical Services

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