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The listings indicate the minimum level to achieve an effect, total success may need 1 or 2 more magnitude.


Creo Creates, heals or repairs only what is natural (anything out of context is much harder).
Creations take time to fully form. The Law of One rarely applies.
To make a mundane common object permanent magic must have (only) 1-day duration.
Cancels a malign spell of same form of equal magnitude.

Intelligo Changes nothing it only observes. The magically sensitive may sense the observation.
All effects provide their information to the caster or a target. Passive use (if possible) needs [+1].
To sense magically hidden attributes requires higher magnitude.
Magnitude for: Detection (instant, within 300 pace range (no penalty for beyond Voice range))
or Sensing (durational, 100 pace radius area-of-effect).
If target out-of-range by one band get general location, by two get its general direction.
At long range barriers reducing range are inevitable e.g. buildings, crowds, forests, mountains, oceans, etc.
Detect/Sense; into the Past [+1 + duration], the Future 1 second [+1], 4 seconds [+2], 2 rnds [+3].

Muto Changes the nature of target.

Alterations take time to fully resolve (at least a minute).
To a hold a natural form permanently must maintain magic for (only) 1 day’s duration. Unnatural
forms always revert; odd forms are unstable and have disadvantages, especially in living things.
Cancel temporarily a lower magnitude spell of the same Form for duration.

Perdo Destruction, death, ageing, decay and rust. Affects are very rarely duration limited.
Damage: to affect all in one pace radius area-of-effect about caster [+1].
Grievous damage [+1], if wound will never heal naturally [+2].
Gradually takes full affect; over Toughness hours (fatigue lasts as long) [–1],
over a week (fatigue lasts days) [–2], over a season or more (fatigue lasts a month) [–3].
Dispel equal magnitude spell of same Form; extended duration spells may recover or be ‘repaired’.

Rego Can move not change objects.

Cancel equal magnitude Rego of the same Form.
Contest Control of equal magnitude spell of same Form, no contest for control if lower magnitude.

Command Entity – once cast any increase in range & barrier adds only HALF the modifier.
Obey a command e.g. stop, cease action, come here [1], lie down [2]. Must answer a simple question [1].
Constrain target to stay near (second) target (can also be prevented from approaching closely) [2 to 3].
Target inclined to obedience [1], partially controlled [2], fully dominated [3], totally enslave mind [4];
if made to act repeatedly against its nature test Presence (one card); if pass control drops a step.
For Large entities required magnitude [+½] per Size >3 or Magnitude >3.
Will-Contest initiated between caster & target [2], opponent at Presence –1 [+2], add person to contest [+2].

Castigate & Ward NOT targeted so Barriers & Magic Resistance do not apply.
Castigation Covers an area as a Ward or in a front arc of 10-pace cone.
Castigator may enter a Will-Contest with a target Entity.
Ward Wards are 1- or 2-way. Markers or barriers are an easy (cheap) focus for larger area.
Caster may permit entry. Can be set to trigger spell if crossed, avoided if result <0.
Can be set to only hide the area (& ward); Entity won’t notice it avoids area.

Entities suffer as the Terror column, result reduced by only its Magnitude (see damage tables).
 Entity may take Backlash; each one to reduces result by 2.
 If Incorporeal; ‘Panic’ result can force it to Materialize (or Dismiss it), if Possessing Expel; from body
‘Retreat’ result can force it to Manifest, if Possessing force it to Appear.
Forms also provide mundane understanding of their form.
Comminus Combat
Sagittarius Archery & extra effects
Deus Priestly Beneficium, Inspiratio, Custodia, Maledictio
Expello Exorcism Abjure Daemon, Abjure Undead, Ab. Spirits/Fay
Auspex Second-Sight, Clairvoyance, True-Senses, Visions
Animalis Viator Senses, Tracking & Movement Super-Senses, Tracking, Wayfarer
Animal focused Fauna Animals Sway-the-Beast, Animal Telepathy, Spirit Control
and Vicissitudo, Curatio & Inflictim (animal only)
Corpus Vicissitudo Physical Alteration Lycanthropy, Augment, Metamorphosis
Body Magic Curatio Healing Invigorate, Regenerate, Anti-Age
Pupae Body affecting Invigorate, Genesis, Anima, Animal-Communion,
Control-Body, Sway-the-Beast, Endurance
Inflictim Bodily Harm
Mortuus (part) – corpus
Imprecari Life Harming Life-Drain, Inflictim, Dementia, Perdo-Flora
Mortuus Necromancy – both parts
Mentem Mortuus (part) – mentem
Mind Magic Computare Mental Improvement
Telepathy Detection & Mind-Reading Vita, Mind-Reading
Perturbatio Mental influence Mind-Alter, Befuddle, Emotions, Captivate
(Spiritus as Mentem Presence Captivate, Grandeur, Call
for only Spirits). Dominate Dementia Mental harm, Command
Imperito Mental control Call, Command, Iron-Mind, Spirit-Control
Somnio Sleep magic Sleep, Dreaming, Dreamlands
Imagonem Ceptum Senses influence Super-Sense, Clairvoyance, Veritas, Voice,
Illusions Distort Perceptions
Oculus Clairvoyance, Langua, Significatio, Veritas
Praestigia Illusions Illusions, Glamour, Mask, Control, Grandeur
Obfuscate Hiding Shadow Veil, Undetectable, Cloak Activity, Scrying Ward
Fortuna Fatalis Fate & Luck Fortune, Fated, Destiny, Trinkets, Maledictio
Fate & Luck Divinatio Divination Glimpse Past, Premonitions, Visions, Divination, Revelation
Vim Incanto Magic affecting Spell Manip., Explico, Magic-Self, Countermagic
Magic affecting Astral Astral plane Assensing, A. Man., Possess, A. Interface, A. Proj.
Daemonology Daemonic D. Vigour, Abyssal Influence, D. Control, D. Appareo
Appareo Summoning & Binding daemons, spirits, beasts, etc.
Natura Ignem Fire & Light Fiery Communion, Incedium, Calor, Lux
The Elements Aquam Water Aqua Communion, Liqua, Poseidon, Nebula
Terram Earth Earth Communion, Clay Constructs, Terra
Flora Plants Plant Communion, Herbam, Vegetation, Lignum
Tempestas Winds, Air & Weather Storm Communion, Sky, Nebula, Winds
Gelus Cold & Ice Icy Communion, Freeze, Ice & Snow
Tenebrae Darkness Shadow Communion, Obscurum, Umbra
Entropy Elemental Destruction (all Perdo-Natura)
Intervallum Locus Location Magic (teleport) Ctrl Space, Warp Space, Clairvoyance,
Teleport, Telekinesis
Time & Location Tempus Time Magic Warp-Time, Ageing, Perceive-Time, Time-Travel
ARCANE-TALENTS are narrower magic arts.
Many of them are simple magical abilities used only briefly and so less fatiguing.
Any Skill can be developed as an Arcane-Talent and thus have a ‘magical’ quality. To be as good as a
normal skill (and have magical touches) [2], as good as x2 [4].
These come from the divine, infernal, ancestors, the result of failed magic apprenticeship, etc.
They are a single specific magical effect, usually self, with an activation cost.

 Blessing create a self only effect of [3½ on self] or a choice of effects at lower magnitude
e.g. gain any animal sense as [2].
Affect is for the Scene. If lasts till Sunrise/Set or effect not self magnitude at [–1].
Maximum effect activation gives effect as [+1].

 Activation of a Blessing costs one of:

o one Fatigue (two-hours)
o one Confidence
o 1 hit (grievous)
Maximum effect activation
costs double activation cost or one Fatigue; lasting until sunrise/set, min. 12 hours.

 Your Familiar may instead gain the bonus from any suitable Blessing you activate.
 Mystical-Air (minimum) = ¼ + ⅛ per Blessing.

Common Arcane-Blessings include;

Deus based; Medium, Bless, Light, Holy-Aura, Avatar, Holy-Armour, Protection-Aura.
Fortuna based; Luck, Charmed-Life, Daredevil, Trinkets.
Corpus based; Mountain-Heart, Invigorate, Ki-Manoeuvre, Speak-to-the-Dead.
Mentem based; Empathic, Believe, Clear-Mind, Transfix, Dreaming, Sleep-Rest.
Obfuscate based; Mask, Blameless, Blend-In, Legerdemain, Outré-Veil, Unnoticed, Vanish.
Locus based; Dimensional-Pocket, Blink, Levitate, Fly, Legerdemain, Flit.
Incanto based; Cantrips, Empower-Minion, Break-Magic, Magic Resistance, Warding-Circle.


‘Specific’ Skill
As if have Skill at x2. Maximum effect activation; Skill at x3!

Great Orator
Draw people’s attention and can speak with great force & authority;
re-draw any Oratory failure, or another suitable test.

Special Voice
Bonus to any Voice test, re-test any failures e.g. commanding, menacing, endearing or mimic, etc..

Can do twelve hours work in one. Costs one extra Fatigue lasting one day.

Find things and power flows under the earth.

Gives a deep magical understanding of wild-lands and their inhabitants.

Creates precious metal or stones worth £1 (or £Mystical-Air).
Maximum effect activation, worth £2. Fatigue/Hits expended for a month or Confidence for a season.

Celerity {+2 Actions}

For Scene gain fast movement, amazing grace & balance;
Dodge Blow, Lightning Reflexes x2 & re-take any Initiative tests and
Yado: can test lower of Melee or Initiative; 1 pass Deflect weapon/arrow, 3 pass Catch/Grab.
If only lasts three rounds also gain very fast movement;
In Combat; Attacks against you are reduced by one Step
Multi-Attack; one extra two-card attack or two extra one-card attacks.
Movement; Three rounds of movement in one round (Lightning Reflexes x3).
If only one round; six rounds movement in one. High speed allows odd moves e.g. up wall, over water, etc..
Can Dodge/Parry one attack but inflict no damage that round.
If difficult need max. effect activation.

‘Companion’ is [3]. ‘Calling’ it incurs the activation cost.
Companion provides you a ‘Companion’ e.g. a special Animal (or spirit animal), Spirit, or Homunculus.
 You and your Companion have an Arcane-Link level 2.
 Spirit Companions must stay within 10 paces (no barrier) e.g. Shadow-Warrior or Shade-Warrior.
 If is your own Shadow concentration gives it [+1]; (i.e. stats all +1) but take a half of the damage it takes.
 Your Companion may be used as a Focus but fatigues (& may damage it).

Protection from ‘one specific thing’; Max. activation needed vs. powerful.
e.g. Resistance versus one thing e.g. pain/perdo-corpus, poison, disease, heat/cold/electricity, fire, etc..
Damage reduced by one magnitude e.g. effective Armour 2.
e.g. Supernaturals; powers of one type barely affected.
e.g. Undead, Lycanthropes, Daemons (not all their magic’s), etc..
e.g. Weather; natural weather barely touches you (if can’t avoid suffer only half damage).
e.g. Magic of one type of barely affects you e.g. detection, mentem, curses, damage, etc..

Can create a new supernatural of your kind. For them to be full powered costs permanent confidence.

Victim loses; 2 Fatigue (day-long), 1 hit and 2 Stun.
Caster recovers; 1 Fatigue (day-long) & 1 hit (less if Mystical-Air >2).

Life-Drain Notes
Caster gains victim(s) lost ‘life’. If high Mystical-Air; gain is loss divided by recipient’s Mystical-Air.
 If target has just injured you inflict life-drain one step higher on table (it creates a brief Arcane-Link).
 Inflict as much life-drain again for each of the following which apply;
o you take time to slowly drain the life-force (15 minutes per magnitude)
o eat victim’s flesh or drink their blood (takes magnitude minutes) but don’t gain the extra
fatigue/hits until
next sunrise/set.
o if either of above apply and the victim(s) highly emotional (e.g. in terror, pain, insanity or (sexual)
excitement) This emotion influences the recipient, though few admit that they are affected.
Situations such as insane asylums, orgies, revolution, mass fear or panic are very suitable.
 Cast with a Season’s duration also inflicts ageing (as Ageing column), and rejuvenates caster up to 1
month for each year lost, gain still divided as above. Recasting this reduces any previous rejuvenation by a
 Can ‘feed’ from several targets at once, limiting the drain of any individual.
 Draining animals leads to animalistic tendencies & tastes icky.
 May take with a Geas e.g. target only virgins, supernatural, etc..

COMMINUS For all Comminus a delayed effect requires an extra [+1].


Blessing should suit your combat style If caster wielding magic gain bonus for Self.
e.g. an animal style, drunken master, etc.
Can’t combined with magic weapon. Killing Hands Self only.
Unarmed Damage not Light and;
*As any Comminus mag. 3 effect. damage on Knock-Down, Pain or Paralyse [1],
damage on Puncture [1½], Sword [2],
*Special-Strike damage Grievous on Puncture [3],
As any Special-Strike effect of [2]. attack at Strength +1 [+1], Melee +1 [+2].

*Bane e.g. Undead, Daemons, Orcs, etc.. Venomous

Versus chosen ‘type’; Weapon Venomous [ venom mag. x 1½ ]
+1 Hit, all damage Grievous, – interval minutes, if interval hours [–1], if rounds [+1]
can sense its proximity, Poison may be paralysing, pain, negative or killing, etc.
versus it gain one Confidence.

*Maximum activation reduces any

negative penalty by –1.

Warlock Weapon Warlock Weapon Self only.

Wields with a minimum Melee 6. Wields with a minimum Melee of mag. +2.
Dagger; Melee +1 & +1 hit fire. Materialize (or improvise) a weapon for duration;
or Club; Melee +1 & +1 hit cold. Dagger, Club [1], Sword [1½], 2-handed [2].
or Sword; Strength +1 & +1 hit fire. Elemental Weapon (reach 1); damage on Fire/Cold [1].
Max. activation lasts till sunrise/set. Bonus; +1 hit elemental damage [+1], Strength +1 [+1],
Melee +1 [+2].

Dancing Weapon Dancing Weapon To cast on magic weapon [+1 to +3]

Weapon fights on its own with stats; Weapon fights on its own with stats;
Move & Defence = 3, Injury-Threshold = 1, Move & Defence = Magnitude, Injury-Threshold = 1,
Melee & Strength = 6. Melee = Magnitude +2, Strength = Magnitude x2.

Immediately at Sprinting speed
or Leap 3 paces (at target).
Make one controlled attack at Str. +2,
with additional Knock-Down damage &
opponent Pushed-Back Success paces.
And if Unarmed, attack damage not Light.

Frenzying out-of-control.
Suffer ½hit per round.
Gain; Strength +1 & Multi-Attacks.
Immovable-Will x2 & Dodge-Blow.
Reduce any negative penalty by –1.
COMMINUS For all Comminus a delayed effect requires an extra [+1].
● If caster wielding magic gains bonus for Self.

Weapon Specialism gained [2]. Study-Opponent; learn their Melee & Shoot [1].

Sword Comminus Arcane-Talent

● Deflecting magic weapons difficult; for the blow the magic instead counters a Deflect of equal mag.
● Short-term [–1] Quick cast but only lasts 4 rounds or until wielder or caster Wounded or at –2.
● Large weapon Increase magnitude by [+⅓].
● Dagger-Wield Small weapons gains any effect below and also don’t suffer Light damage penalty.
● Living Weapon Comminus effects ‘awaken’ weapon; it wields with a minimum Melee of mag. +2
and is obviously empowered (& glows, others can’t use, screams, etc.).
Favoured, dedicated, quality signature weapon makes a cheaper Focus.
● Multiple augmentations do not stack (use one or the other)! If weapon already magical [+1 to +4].

Weapon gains; Strength +1 [1], Stun +1 [1], Hits +1 [1½], Bleed +1 [1½] – only if at least 1 hit.

All the below [2], & attack gains Strength +1 [+1], & reduce any negative penalty by –1 [+1], Melee +1 [+2].

For Duration or for Next-Strike only including Quick cast (with focus signature weapon Reflexive cast):
True-Weapon Attacks; one card always Succeeds (i.e. draw one less card replace it with a Success).
or True-Strike Completely re-test a missed attack. Cast AFTER a missed attack!
Holy-Weapon Attacks gain; +1 Hit & +1 Stun both Grievous (no damage if attack off bottom of table).
or Holy-Strike +1 Hit & +3 Stun both Grievous (if attack off bottom of table only Stun 3).
Slaying-Weapon Versus one type; +1 Hit and all damage is Grievous. Need suitable knowledge & focus.
or Slaying-Strike As above and Venomous (@ –1).
Multi-Attacks Gain one extra one-card attack. At [+1]; one extra two-card attack.
or Multi-Strike Gain two extra two-card attacks.
Venomous-Weapon Weapon Venomous mag. 2 – interval minutes, if venom mag. 3 – interval hours.
or Venom-Strike Poison mag. 3 – damage interval minutes.
Expert-Weapon Melee +1. At [+2]; Melee +2.
Vorpal-Strike Next-Strike ignores two points of armour. At [+2]; ignore three points of armour.
Prone/Blind-Fight Attacks ignore any penalty from poor vision, poor position and can fight in a 360° arc.

SPECIAL-STRIKE for Next-Strike only including Quick cast (with focus signature weapon Reflexive cast):
Disarm disarm opponent’s weapon or shield. At [+2]; Break it (unless resistant).
or Knock-Down additional Knock-Down damage and Pushback 1 to 2 paces, less if opponent big
or Paralyse location struck paralysed; damage as Hold, & as normal one Success lower.
or Aimed-Strike nominate area struck to get suitable special effect e.g. elbow strike.
or Iajitsu instantly draw weapon & before combat make a one card attack
(if 2-h or wear heavy armour no attack).
or Throw Weapon Hits at range Str. paces, damage one-handed, attack on Melee or Shoot.
or Range attack hits from a 1-pace range – vs. opponent count Reach +2.
or Delayed damage delayed (for up to mag. duration) – damage can be dispelled if detected.

Call-Weapon [2] Weapon flies to your hand (10 fps, from out-of-sight). Teleport [5].
If any barrier must have Arcane-Link to weapon/armour.
Absorb-Weapon [3] Absorb into body (cast again to withdraw). If dagger [2], if 2-handed [4], if magic [+1].
COMMINUS For all Comminus a delayed effect requires an extra [+1].


Armour ARMOUR of 1 [1], of 2 [2½], of 3 [4]
Armour 3. – restricts movement as physical armour unless [+2].
Max. effect activation; Visible runic tattoos (or similar) a cheaper focus for this spell.
lasts till sunset/rise.
Improve Armour; +1 bonus [3], +2 bonus [4½], +3 bonus [6].
Materialize a Shield & Improve Shield; blocks two opponents (in 180° arc) [3],
it has one ‘Shield-Improvement’. block two Steps of damage but lose one melee card [3].
Shield defends on its own [3], but also lose one melee card [2].
Materialize Shield; Buckler [2], Target [2½], Knight [3], Kite [3½].

Don-Armour [3]; Armour floats on to you (3 fps, in-sight & voice).

If Teleports [5].

Blessed-Bolts Bow-Comminus
Caster’s next three arrows; ● Quick cast affecting next missile fired. To Delay [+1].
to-hit +2 and damage Grievous. ● If caster shooting magic gains bonus for Self.
(or two javelin throws) ● High Strength missiles need extra magnitude, Strength 8 [+½].
Maximum effect activation; True-Shot [1] One card Succeeds! (draw one less card).
also ignore one point of armour. Two cards Succeed! [2].
Piercing-Shot Ignores one point of armour [1], two points [3].
Odd-Shot [1] Damage on Stun, Knock-Down or Paralyse
Holy-Shot [1] Shoot +1 and Grievous +1 Stun & +1 Hit.
Slaying-Shot [1] +1 Hit and all damage Grievous.
Knock-Down [2] Damage on Knock-Down and
Push-Back Success paces, less if target big.
Long-Shot [2] At long-range treat triple range as normal range
and decuple range as triple range.
Poison-Shot [2] Poison mag. 3 – damage interval minutes
Trick-Shot [1+] e.g. it makes a 90º turn [1], hit another arrow [3]
– may be very impressive effect but too weak to damage.
Mass-Throw [1] Simultaneously throw two daggers and damage
is not Light.
Split-Shot Arrow splits into two shots [1], into three shots [2].
– successes split between shots.
Hail-of-Shots [2] Arrow splits into many shots;
Hits two targets per Success for low damage (as Success 1RR).
All the above can add improved chance to-hit;
one card Succeeds! (draw one less card) [+1].
Materialize one arrow [1].
SAGITTARIUS For all Sagittarius a delayed effect requires an extra [+1].
● All Quick cast affecting next missile fired. If caster shooting magic gains bonus for Self.
● For missile Strength 8 [+½], Strength 12 [+1] – for this treat 2-handed damage as Strength +2.
● Used to enchant a Bow see Rituals for use daily, etc..
● Sagittarius effects ‘awaken’ missile; it shoots with a minimum Shoot of mag. +2 and is obviously
empowered (& glows, others can’t use, screams, etc.).

Mystic Archery
Imagonem Effects
Noise arrow e.g. screaming [1], simple loud bang on impact [2].
Assassin-Shot [2] Silences the shot, the hit, & victims immediate reaction.
Fear arrow.
Invisible missile [1].
Arrow Cloud Illusory arrows mimic real ones;
3 arrows [1], 10 [2], 30 [3], add illusionary impact [+1].
Fortuna Effects
Seeking Arrow; Ignores partial cover (i.e. one Success loss) [1],
& hit unseen target (can make 180° in turns) [3],
ignore full cover & make any number of turns [4].
One-in-a-Million Shot [6].
Divining Arrow – tracking ?

Abjuration Effects
Castigation effect.

Bow Effects
Materialize an arrow [1].
Create a Bow from anything conceivably usable (lasts for duration) [2 to 3].
Crossbow drawn one round faster [1].
Absorb Bow into body (must cast again to withdraw) [3].
Bow shoots on own once a round;
Shoot = Mag. +2, Strength = Mag. x2; Defence = Mag. Injury-Threshold = 1.
Archery skill gained for duration [2], if skill at x2 [3].
Retrace an arrow’s flight [1 to 2].
Deflect (or Catch) one arrow [1], if out-of-sight [2], a weapon [2],
arrow to hit nearby or to Rebound [3], affect arrows in area-of-effect [+area].
Deflect one per round [4].

Natura Effects
Fire Hot-Shot fiery damage.
Ice Cold/Icy damage.
Wind Lightning damage.
Plant Grapple (Hold) attack
e.g. cast as short-term duration; vines which fade away, reduce Hold one Step per
Carry weight of a trailing cord, and attach it; 10 paces of light cord [2].
Aquam Shoot through water no reduction, 10 paces [1].
Terram Shoot through Barrier [1+ Barrier] – target gain barrier rating armour.
Cupid faery-shot
 May also be able to cast any Prayer peculiar to your Deity even if the effect is not listed
e.g. for Luna-Mage; teleportation by moon-light or influence the tides.


Beneficium Creo/Muto
 Frequently blessed object become Sanctified – retaining blessing.
Bless Bless an object or action; e.g. for an action or using object draw an extra
card at chance double magnitude of this spell.
Bless a person to protect from next fumble [2].
Nullify malign influence & alleviate corruption of equal magnitude
(including inspired fear, despair, emotions, commands).
Purify substance e.g. poisonous air in 3-pace radius area-of-effect [1],
breathable air for one person [3], if resting [1].
Food or Water (one ration); Freshen & Prepare [1], Create [1], Purify [1],
Preserve for 1 month [1], triple time [+1].
Light Illumination as lamplight in 3-pace radius area [duration];
As sunlight in 10-pace as daylight [+1], sunlight [+2], as a candle [–2]
radius area for scene. – each increase in area-of-effect diminishes intensity one magnitude.
Sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage, Final-Rest (necromancy) [1],
Reconciliation [1 to 3], Ordination [4].
Consecrate item [2]; make it Holy – gives 1 hit (grievous) to evil beings.
Seal an Oath to deity [1+]. Annul a sacrament e.g. Excommunicate [6].

Vita Intelligo
Detect/Sense anima [1], a specific anima [2]
– if ethereal or possessing or in item behind level 2 barrier; if passive level 4.
Store anima pattern; detection only is a level 1 arcane-link [1], level 2 [3].
'Medium' Medium; Sense spirits/entities (in the Astral) [1]. Speak with Spirits [1].
Sense Spirits (in astral) and Astral spirits can speak through target [3].
can communicate. Astral Learn target’s anima’s condition, emotional state, race, age [1],
spirits can speak thru’ you. general intentions, aims, abilities, origin [2],
You attract spirits and condition (weakness & mental illnesses) [1 to 4], target’s full abilities [3],
from them gain insights. nature (good/evil, lycanthrope, undead, chaotic, daemon, etc.) [3+],
e.g. like Glimpse-the-Past. e.g. if a murderer [2+ duration since murder], identify living-dead as such [(6 – Mystical-Air)]
Detect/Sense strong emotion (targets) e.g. enemy [1 to 2],
any death (and when) [2 + duration since death].

Might include Maledictio probably instead of Beneficium.

Maledictio Perdo
Jynx a target; fails present action fails [1], fumbles it [2].
Cast on an object affects its next use.
Hex a target to remove/diminish its effectiveness (for duration)
e.g. lame a horse [2], a sword will break [2], etc..
Unlucky (for duration) [2+], fumble frequently (for duration) [4].
Hex a place; bad luck befalls all in the location [1 +area-of-effect].
Curse target; any traditional effect or as suitable to source of your power.
e.g. insanity (knowledge god), cowardice (war god), Curse of Azathoth, etc.
Doom; befalls target’s destiny.
Retribution; if caster finally dead slayer takes magnitude damage
– casts automatically with curse arcane-link.
 For suitable effects have an arcane link level 1 to fellow disciples, if they’re under your authority level 2,
if on your holy ground level 3.


Inspiratio Muto/Rego
Voice of caster audible to all in 30-pace radius area-of-effect [1].
Target(s) understand meaning of words spoken [2 to 3] – one way only.
Target inspired by your faith; fascinated by your religion [1+],
will aid your cause [3], convert slowly to your religion [4+]
Holy-Aura Target experiences guilt for a past action [1+], & will try to atone [2+]
A bright overawing effect. – if caster knows it can specify the action.
Attacks versus self Bright Aura about target [1+], at [3] attacks versus target drop one Step
drop one Step. – an overawing effect.
Ask your patron saint a single concept question [3], ask your deity [5],
to intercede on target’s behalf [+2].
In Dominion Aura or versus Believers (& Heretics) only:
Call Arcane-Talent.
Obey a command e.g. stop, cease action, come here [1], lie down [2].
Must answer a simple question [1].
Calm or Confuse or Hold or Fear.
Sleep [1], deep Sleep [2 to 3]. Coma [5] – until awoken by caster.
In religious fervour/ecstasy [2+] – get guidance from deity, for good or ill.
Send simple dreams to a target [range], complex dreams [+1 to +3].
Avatar Avatar
Can evince any power up to [3]. Can evince any suitable ability or power less than spell magnitude
Only max. effect activation. but doing so progressively wears out the empowerment.
 Become a minor Avatar e.g. of a saint/angel/daemon or an ideal (courage, strength, chastity, etc.), etc..
 You won’t act in any way opposed to avatar. If great cause test Presence to end the effect.

Holy-Armour Custodia Rego – Sins may remove protection; piety may boost it.
Armour 2 (& restricts as such) Protects (and restricts) as Armour 1 [1], 2 [3], 3 [5],
and provides 3-point & gives magnitude elemental armour – more tiring under repeated attack.
element armour. Resist any one thing; it does half ‘damage’ (e.g. reduce one mag.) [3].
Devotion – only cast on self or area-of-effect centred on self (get self bonus)
Immovable-Will [2], Immovable-Will x2 [4]. Cool +1 [2].
Sanity/Mind harming effective magnitude @–1 [2], @–2 [4].
Cut-off mind from outside world (to aid concentration) [3].
Protection-Aura Protection-Aura; for a defensive test (saving throw) a close-by ally
For a defensive test close-by may re-test one card [1], the test [2].
allies may re-take the test.
Resurrect Self if died in god’s service [5] – casts automatically.
Divine Intervention [6] e.g. completely protect from one attack/event.
Angelic Intervention [5+]; an Angel comes to your aid.
If Angel called to possess self, gain bonus; empowers as Power-Warp.
– Angel has little regard for caster’s wellbeing and may try to possess
them if Backlash.
EXPELLO Users may fall to the practice of Daemonology or Mortuus.


Abjure Daemon or Abjure Undead or

Abjure Lycanthrope, Spirit & Fay
Holy-Ground Holy Ground / Abjuration Zone
Entities’ in area-of-effect; Entities’ in area-of-effect; take magnitude hits per minute,
take 2 hits per minute, versus Castigate it is as mag. one less (if spell half their mag.),
suffer as Stunned, suffers @–(½mag.) (as Stunned, inc. effect on any use of Powers),
vs Castigate as mag. one less. & existing magic disrupted.
Mobile with [+1] e.g. to effect area around caster as an aura.

Intelligo Ghost usually have garbled memories of their

Detect/Sense the magic & powers of ‘Entities’ [1+].
Detect/Sense ‘Entity’ [1], a specific one [2]
– if ethereal or possessing (or in item) a level 2 barrier; if passive level 4.
Spirit-Sight; can see astral spirits [1].
Store an Entity’s ‘pattern’ [2] – can use as an arcane-link level 1.
For Daemons only
Contact a Daemon [½Magnitude + 0 to 3 by knowledge of the target].
For Undead only
Learn undead type [1 to 2], level, origin, nature & aims [3], abilities [4]
– living-dead hard to spot e.g. identify vampire as such [ (6 – Mystic-Air)]
Speak to Ghost [1], Medium; ghost can speak through target [3],
Mind-Reading with Ghosts (as Telepathy).
Learn if target in Lands-of-the-Dead (beyond the veil-of-death) [† 2].
Speak to Dead (beyond veil-of-death) [† 1, to 2 clear communication +7(range)]
– can learn what they knew in life.

Blurred & muffled to ‘Entity’ senses [1 to 4],
undetectable to ‘Entities’ [5 to 6] e.g. undead [5, living-dead 6].
Make (or Stop) a Spirit visible [1*], Manifest [2*], Materialize [3*];
*target mag. 6/7 [+1], mag. 8/9 [+2], etc..

Direct-Damage to target(s) of magnitude damage.
Slaying-Attacks [2] Versus ‘Entity’; +1 Hit and all damage Grievous.
Nullifies any ‘Entity’ influence of equal magnitude – include inspired fear.

Command & Castigate/Ward against ‘Entities’ and their powers.

Castigate Eldritch Castigate Eldritch

Any Supernatural Entity; Castigate any Supernatural Entities.
Castigated as mag. 2,
or Damaged as mag.2.

 Knowledge of target (Lore skills) may let you use Foci to gain extra or alternative effects
e.g. Entity pushback mag. paces & Knock-Down damage, Lycanthrope Armour @–3, Dismiss Spirit, etc..
 Abominations can be Castigated as Daemons but count as one mag. higher than their actual magnitude.
AUSPEX Intelligo
Second-Sight Aura-Sight
● While viewing it’s very hard to perform non-magical tasks.
● Viewing dangerous; possibly shocking or you may even become the viewed.
● Difficult to deceive your senses by magic, may even spot the presence of
the invisible e.g. catch a fleeting glimpse of figure in a mirror, etc..
Open your senses (‘third-eye’) as Focusing on a target for one round per magnitude;
Second-Sight & Psychometry [3]. Learn information as Arcane-Talent Vita.
Your senses once opened to this vast Learn information as Arcane-Talent Explico:
overwhelming vista are hard to ‘close’; Sense use-of-magic [1], magic [2], any power [3+],
test Presence to do so, discern magic is illusionary [4+],
needing two Successes. spot magical spying [its mag. +2].
If you fail to do so; you perceive more Learn purpose of magic/curse/blessing/rune [1],
(as [+1]) but at maximum activation its origin, age, nature & if dangerous [2],
cost and must try again to close. type & level [3], general powers [4].
If no successes achieved also suffer Learn target’s True Mystical-Air [3],
a temporary derangement. True-Name [ entity’s Magnitude +2 ].
Psychometry; for an object or place learn user’s emotions
& thoughts at time of use [1 +½duration].
If item touched since need extra magnitude for clear info.

Fey-Sight as above and can see in deep-woods

but no Psychometry.
Good for spotting fey auras/glamours.

Veritas Senses illusions of all sorts; disguises & magical.

Identify as such illusions in area of up to equal magnitude.
Sense through a single illusion of equal magnitude but
very distorted, if lower magnitude barely distorted.

Sense danger, the supernatural, (un)holy and the ‘unseen’.
Gives mild precognition for these.

Visions see Divinatio

Gains visions as Premonitions & Glimpse-the-Past but suffer
Geas; visions may mislead and often disturbing.
Visions need triggers and vary in form e.g. near target, of short,
long, past, present, future, in dream, deaths, etc..
VIATOR part of ANIMALIS Meta-Form part of FAUNA – for animals only.


Boost-Senses Super-Senses Self only.
Caster gains; Creo
Acute Palate, Acute Hearing, Great direction or time sense [1], know number of people sensing you [2],
Spirit Sight, Night Vision, Low-Light sight [2], Infra-Red sight [2], Thermographic [3], Dark-sight [4],
Excellent Vision & Spirit sight [2], Sonar ability [3], perceive strong magic effects [2+].
Field-of-Vision 300°. Muto
Sense Improve e.g. see scents [1], taste with touch [1], Acute Palate [2],
filter out background noise [1], Acute Hearing [2], at x2 [4],
Excellent Vision [2], at x2 [4], Microscopic-sight [2+], see clear in glare [1],
Field-of-Vision 300° [1], 360° [2], spherical [3].
(Sight; range, detail clarity, spectrum. Taste & Smell or Touch; sensitivity & discrimination.
Hearing; frequency, sensitivity, discrimination & range.)
Protect one sense from overload e.g. glaring light, loud noise, etc. [1+].
Miss nothing & memorise everything while observing a person, item, or
small area [1+] e.g. remember exact route travelled [2, if blind 3],
spot traps or secret openings [1+], sense metabolic affects of lying [3],
spot illusions by their defects (of up to equal magnitude).
See round corners as if naturally [3].
Continue to perceive even while unconscious or asleep [5].

Tracking Self only.

Create 10 paces of false tracks [1], a false path [3], triple distance [+1],
over dangerous terrain [+1].
Hunter’s Mark; mark target with a detection only Arcane-Link [level (to 3)].
Caster does Grievous damage to it while marked.
Tracking Intelligo
Find tracks within 10 paces Find tracks in area [1]. Analyse one set of tracks [1+].
& analyse one set of them. Highlight tracks [1, if obscured 2 to 4], clear enough to follow Running [+1]
Maximum effect activation; Learn who/what has used a path or left tracks [1+ duration since passed],
see image of their maker. see image of maker [+2].
Learn your location [1, exactly 2]. Follow obscured/hidden path [1+].
Road Warden Learn best route to a known person, specific place (landmark)
Can sense what is happening or generic place (e.g. an inn) [range/barrier].
on a path if significant Learn origin & destination of a path [ ½ range to destination ],
e.g. fighting, damage, monster, etc. Learn origin & destination of tracks [½range to destination + duration since made]
Aware if target actively being tracked, traced or magically spied-on [1],
the target of divination [3].
Uncover hidden, obscured or overridden tracks [1 to 3],
rejuvenate tracks [1 +age],
recreate erased tracks [3 + duration since erased].
Alter appearance of 10 paces of tracks [1], triple distance [+1].
Destroy tracks as you Walk [2], Run [3], Sprint [4].
Destroy 10 paces of tracks [1], triple distance [+1].
Cloud-Detection [1+], totally obscure unless detection has extra magnitude [5].
Misguide any locating spell (or divination) on target
[range that target appears to be from true location].
VIATOR part of ANIMALIS Meta-Form part of FAUNA – for animals only.


Wayfarer Self only. Wayfarer If completely unencumbered all effects [–1].

Any Wayfarer effect up to Your mount shares your Self bonus, but needs [+1 to +2].
magnitude [3]. Creo
e.g. vertical leap of 10 paces Skill Acrobatics, Athletics or Tracking [2], & a Specialism [3].
or horizontal of 20 paces.
Move increased by magnitude. Tirelessly travel [move Pace x2].
For below if Stand/Crawl [–1], Run [+1], Sprint or Melee [+2]:
Walk Surefooted-on-any-Ground or on Narrow-Edge [1].
Walk Silently [1]. Walk on Water [1], if rough [2 to 3].
Walk Zero-Ground-Pressure [1]. Just above ground [2], avoid Traps/Wires [3].
Walk along Tree-Limbs / Ship-Masts [1], Tree-Tops [2].
Walk among Webs (doesn’t stick to target) [3].
Walk on a Surface at 90° angle [1], on Surface at 180° angle [2].
Walk leaving no Tracks & Scent [1], leaving no Trace of passing [2].
Walk and Tracks/Scent appear as an animal’s [1]. Misleading-Tracks [2]
Walk Clearing Path of minor obstructions [1], of any obstructions [3].

Underwater Movement Move Underwater as on land (& breathe) [4].

Travel in the Air as on land [5], in the Air at the speed of the wind [6].
Earth-Meld Merge into the Earth [4, to see out, turn around & walk +1].
Merge into earth/nature.
Max. effect activation Rego
can see out & move at Make Flips, Spins, Turns, Swings, Rebounds & Jumps as needed without
a crawl. slowing or unbalancing [2]. Including Leaps as below [+Leap mag.].
Leap – Quick cast, slight run-up needed
Vertically 2 paces or Horizontally 5 paces [1], double distance [+1].
Safe-Fall Fall slowly for 10 paces [1], triple distance [+1], fast fall & instant stop [+1]


As Arcane-Talents Toughen, Resilience, (Skin-)Armour & Iron-Mind


Fortitude Toughen Muto Triggers automatically if needed.

Toughness & Cool +2, Increase Toughness, Cool or Injury-Threshold;
and Injury-Threshold +1. one at +1 [2], three at +1 [3], one at +2 [3⅓],
Gain Immovable-Will. as the Blessing [3½], two at +2 [4½], one at +3 [5].

Arcane-Talents which are a limited form of Fauna

Columbrinus Fauna for snakes & suitable snake like effects. Avem Fauna for birds only.
Arachnamancy Fauna for spiders & suitable spider like effects. Piscis Fauna for fish, etc. only.
FAUNA part of ANIMALIS Meta-Form
Curatio for animals only.
Wayfarer for animals & Self only (see Viator).
Possession (animals only). Spirit-Control for animal spirits only (see Imperito).
Animal Communion Intelligo/Rego
Detect/Sense animals [1], a specific animal [2]
– to detect where target was; cast with duration modifiers,
if many people have been in way since [+1 to +2].
Learn target animal’s type, condition, age, intentions [1],
abilities, origin [2], nature (lycanthrope, chaotic, daemonic, etc.) [3].
Store an animal’s anima pattern;
for detection only is a level 1 arcane-link [1], level 2 [3].
Understand an animal [1], Speak with an animal species [2],
understand and speak with all animal species [3].
Send Thoughts to an animal (suggestions not commands) [range].
Read Thoughts [1], Memories [2], for clear information [+1]
– strongly affected by emotions of animal.
Animal Commune Experience all an animal senses [1+ range]
Experience all a target animal – but you’re influenced by the animal and what it senses.
within 3 km senses. – sense increasingly indistinct as range increases
Max. effect activation up to 30 km. (unless limit to area range), near opaque at [6].
Call animal [range], all in 30-pace radius area-of-effect [1].
It serves you [+1], or e.g. guide to a place it knows [range to place].
Call suitable mount to serve target [1 + range + ½Size>2 ]
– if for self; bonus applies.
Sway the Beast Sway-the-Beast Muto/Rego
Make animal act in any way Target-Size: Size 3 [+½], Size 4 [+1], Size 5 [+1½], etc.
desired or natural to it. Small multiply number affected e.g. rats x20
Max. effect activation; Calm, Distracted [1], Impassive or Attends to a thing [2],
lasts till sunset/rise. if animal attacked need [+2]. Flees (as mag.).
Charm Animal; sees caster as their great friend [1].
Will act in any specific way natural to it [1 to 3], to fight for you [3].
Awaken an animal from ‘bestial’ state (for duration) [2]
– limited sentience, usually friendly to caster.
Return a domesticated or feral animal to wild-state [1].
Domesticate/Tame an animal [Size, need Size days duration].
Animals not see (or see) target(s) as prey [1], treat as leader [3].
Target concealed from animal senses; partially [1 to 3],
fully hidden from animals [4].
Cavalryman Physical-Bond [2], between person & animal (or animals);
Can’t fall off, etc.. share resistance to all deprivation, fatigue, pain, healing, etc..
Call or Tame animal as mount. e.g. target (often animal) breathes for you or aids healing
Share one injury with mount, etc.. – both exhibit some of other’s physical traits.
Castigate/Ward against Animals (& Lycanthropes)
– animals need strong purpose to even try entry.
Constrain animal to stay near (second) target
(& can also prevent it from approaching closely) [2 to 3].
Command Animal; obedient [1], controlled [2], dominated [3].
Suppress Beast ‘Active-Beast’, for target ‘Beast’; sense its state [1],
Avoid Frenzying & diminishing enrage it [1 to 2], quell it [2 to 3, +1 if it Frenzied ],
Animal Enmity & related phobias. project it into a target [4] – target frenzied, probably extreme.
Quietens Mystical-Air by one level.
● For animals magnitude varies by their Size; raise magnitude by [+½] per Size >3 or Magnitude >3.


Physical-Boost e.g. lion-heart, cats-eye, rhino-hide, bull-strong, sonar, etc.
Move, Strength, Toughness, Increase Move (gets double the add), Strength, Toughness
Initiative & Injury-Threshold +1. or Initiative;
If only next one action; also one +3. one at +1 [1½], two at +1 [2], one at +2 [3],
two at +2 [4], one at +3 [4½], as the Blessing [3½].
Injury-Threshold at +1 [2], +2 [4].
Strength-Boost Can only have one Stat Enhancement at a time.
Strength +2 and Very Strong.
If for next one action only; Alternatively, may give a specific boost
Strength +2 & Very Strong x2. e.g. Powerful Grasp (grip can mark stone or tear into flesh),
Jumping Legs (e.g. Leap ½Strength paces vertically), etc..
Grip-of-Iron; Strength 6 [1], Str. 8 [2], Str. 10 [3], etc..
Body Flexibility Lightning Reflexes [2] Very Strong [2].
Strength +1, Initiative +1, Disease Resistant [2]. Poison Resistant [2].
Acrobatics – Contortionism x3! Fast-Healing [2], at x2 [3].
Need not breathe [4, if resting only 2].
Resilience Low-Light sight [2], Infra-Red sight [2], Thermographic [3],
Lasts until you heal. Sonar ability [3], Acute Palate [2], Acute Hearing [2], at x2 [4],
As Fast Healing x2. Excellent Vision [2], at x2 [4], Field-of-Vision 300° [1], 360° [2].
Maximum effect activation;
Hard-to-Kill (as Arcane-Talent). Supernaturals: Strength Good [2], Strength Great [3], Strength Except’l [4],
Strength +1 (minimum Except’l) [3½].
Supernaturals: [3½]; Agility, Strength, Toughness all minimum Great
or one of them +1.
VICISSITUDO – shape-changing – Muto-CORPUS – Muto-ANIMALIS

● Lycanthropy is strongly influenced by the lunar aura. The Moon’s may be a bonus or penalty to casting.
The Transform! Blessing may require extra activation cost (new moon), or possibly less (full moon).
● In Altered-Form suffer animalistic tendencies; lose clear reason & clear remembrance of actions,
suffer a Bane (e.g. silver) and suffer bad Backlash mutation. To avoid requires cast at [+1].
● Altered-Form has its abilities & senses e.g. can’t use tools, good sense of smell but others may be reduced, etc.
● To switch change(s) back and forth costs Fatigue.


Transform! Lycanthropy
Change into one form (size ½ to 2): As a standalone Talent the following apply:
Animal or man-beast hybrid (both available) ● Can cast only on Self and only to transform into
or bird / bat (size ½ only), ONE form at each cast magnitude.
or aquatic, insect. ● If only limited range of forms you have an implicit focus
Confers Skin-Armour 2, bonus e.g. only birds of prey, only cats, etc..
but zero vs. Lycanthrope Banes.
Altered Forms Can be as small as Size ½.
Partial change [1], animal [2], man-beast hybrid [2],
Maximum effect activation; bird/bat (of size ½), aquatic, insect [3], plant [3, more if can move],
Animal or man-beast hybrid (size 3) swarm (rodent, bird, insect, etc.) [3 to 4, if fly +1],
or bird/bat (size ¼ or 1), pool-of-liquid [4, if retaining shape & abilities 5],
or aquatic, insect, plant (size 3), inanimate item [5], mist/ethereal (slightly visible) [5], avatar [6].
or swarm or pool of liquid (size ½-2),
or flying swarm without clear reason, etc. Magnitude Modifiers:
or mist, without with no sentience. ● size alter (need min. mag. 4); to be small Size ¼ [+1],
Confers Skin-Armour 2, to be large Size 3 [+1½], Size 4 [+3], Size 5 [+4½],
but zero vs. Lycanthrope Banes. ● hybrid with extra limbs e.g. a centaur, bird-man [+1],
● copy a specific other form [+1],
● improved-form [+1] e.g. three stats at +1
or magnificent, beguiling, beautiful,
or super senses suitable to altered form.
Become Ethereal Make a Lycanthrope change form [1 to 3].
Only max. effect activation. Make Lycanthropy hard to detect [2+], undetectable [5].
Become ethereal (slightly visible). Target becomes a lycanthrope [5, +3 with full control]
Fatiguing if stressed – takes a day to develop, if lasts 1 month permanent.
e.g. if pass through wall/barrier, etc.

Power-Warp Power-Warp
Greatly empower your body, damaging and warping it and limiting your mental clarity.
Empower bonuses; Empower bonuses;
Injury-Threshold = 3, Skin-Armour 2. Injury-Threshold = 3, Skin-Armour = ½mag.,
Strength, Toughness, Initiative & Cool +2. Strength, Toughness, Initiative & Cool +½mag.
Immoveable-Will & natural weapons. Immoveable-Will & gain natural weapons.
While Empowered take 1 hit per round (of exertion).
Physical change may provide natural weapons but preclude use of tools (inc. weapons & armour).
● For animals magnitude varies by their Size; raise magnitude by [+½] per Size >3 or Magnitude >3.

N.B. A suitable change can be a Focus for an equal magnitude effect e.g. Breath Weapon.
Alter the form of a creature to that of any other creature of the same size [Size +1 to +2 by difference].
Transform an animal into a humanoid (of very limited intellect) [3+].
Gain Appendage: Grow gliding wings [2], fly (30 fps) [4], if formed from arms [–1].
Grow extra hand/arm/tentacle/tail/leg (e.g. spider) [2], a pair [3], double number or length [+1].
Grow natural Weapon; on Puncture(Light) or Grapple [1+ length(m) ]. Snake arms [1].
Weapon Venomous [ venom magnitude x 1½] – interval minutes, if interval hours [–1], if rounds [+1].
Web-Spinner (spiderman); makes 30 paces of thread per hour [1 +duration] – thread life very short-lived.
Shoots binding Web; Holds one limb Strength 4 [1], Str. +3 [+1], number of limbs held x2 [+1].
Move location of body part e.g. finger, hand [1], eye [2], head or organ [3]; separate from body [+1]
e.g. eye sprouts legs (crawl 10 fps) or wings to fly 3 fps [3] – must be in range, has arcane-link level 3.
Alter Face [1]; terrifying mask [2], look like specific person [3]. Bones thick/hard [2+].
Alter Limb e.g. double size of a limb [1], add/remove joints [2], legs become a wide tail [3].
Alter Body e.g. gills, humpback, skin impervious to poison [1],
flesh (eye lids, fat layer, colour, hair, feathers, fur, etc.), cartilage (voice box, nose, ears, antenna, stalks, spikes) [1 to 2],
appear any age, change race, compound eyes, body density, pressure adaptation flotation bladder [2],
sex, glands, body fluids, flesh/blood poisonous, excretions (e.g. web, slime), spiney, metabolism [3],
acidic blood, multi-legged, insectoid, amphibian, aquatic, avian, etc. [4].
Cocoon target (can’t move), armour (mag.) (to break free Str. > Armour x2) – need reflexive cast to catch moving target.
Shrink size (& stats): humanoid, to Size 1 [3], Size ½ [4] or animal [1+ ⅓original-Size + size-reduction (steps) ]
Grow size (& stats): humanoid, to Size 3 [4], Size 4 [6] or animal [ 1+ new-Size ].
– each size increase gives Move +1, Strength +3, Initiative –3, Injury-Threshold +1, Size-Defence +1.
Split in two; each half-size [target’s magnitude], full-size [+1], see Clone in Creo-Pupae(Corpus).

Skin-Armour of 1 [1], 2 [2½], 3 [4, or 3½ if suffer a Bane vs. it doesn’t work]. Exoskeleton

Unencumbering Armour of 1 [3] – not obvious.

Can be attuned to help against specific attacks e.g. all covering versus insect bites.

Anti-Ageing If you extended your life 20 years gain a Mystical-Air of 1 (2 if 50

 All anti-ageing magic: must cast as Permanent (if loss unnatural 1 week).
 Multiple casts do not stack, you need higher level casts for greater effect.
 Can spread cast (& cost) over time e.g. by taking ‘tonics’ to avoid ageing.
Creo Prevent ageing for 2 years [1], 3 years [2], 5 years [3], 8 years [4], 13 yrs [5], reverse ageing [+1].
Muto Slow ageing; for 3 years age at one-third rate [1], 5 years [2], 8 yrs [3], 13 yrs [4], 20yr [5], 32 yr [6].

ARCANE-BLESSING Enlarge Needs maximum effect activation!

Increase body to size 6 (7’); Move +1, Strength +2, Initiative –2, Injury-Threshold +1, (Size-)Defence +1.

Armour 2, encumbers only mildly. Maximum effect activation; lasts till sunset/rise.
or Exoskeleton Armour 3, encumbering and restrictive.

ARCANE-BLESSING Vitality No activation cost.

For next 20 years no ageing, but afterwards reduce Ageing-Interval by 2.

ARCANE-BLESSING Long-Lived No activation cost.

For 20 years draw one less ageing card each year.
CURATIO part of CORPUS part of FAUNA – for animals only.
 Casting fatigue base duration is for Days, as is duration to make ritual magic & enchantments.
 Delayed casting requires +1 extra magnitude, as not know exact nature of injury.
 Healing herbs can make cheap foci if used when fresh but do not store well.
Heal a wound of one Hit and/or Bleeding [1], 2 hits [2], 5 hits [3], 10 hits [4], 20 hits [5], etc..
– heals over a few minutes, if Muscle, Tendon, Nerve, Bone damage over hours, Organ damage days.
Injury fatigue loss also recovered by victim [+1]. Injury heals five times faster [+1].
Heal Poison or Disease inflicted damage [3 to 5] – if severe takes days to heal.
Heal Scarring [2 to 4, if severe] – one cast a small patch, two a full limb, five whole body.
Reattach a Limb; heal over a week [3], over a few hours [4] – if Limb in poor condition need extra mag.
Special Healing; casting fatigue base duration is a year! Animal Size >2; Size 3 [+½], Size 4 [+1], etc..
Regrow a missing Limb or Organ; over a month [5]. Decrepitude one point healed [5].
Resurrect cadaver [4 + ½Mystical-Air + duration dead & up to +3 if poor condition of remains]
– resurrectee initially incapacitated and not fit & able for (magnitude –4) months.
Reincarnate target [3+ ½Mystical-Air + duration dead], as an animal [–2 to 0].
– cadaver arcane-link level 3 to reduce mag. by 1. Remember much of former life.
Invigorate Arcane-Talent, see Pupae.

Heals over a few minutes, hours if broken bones. Also regain the Fatigue lost to these hits.
Heal two Hits and/or Bleeding. Maximum effect activation; five Hits, or if Grievous damage only one Hit.

ARCANE-BLESSING Regenerate Costs one Fatigue per magnitude hits.

Heal one Hit and/or Bleeding per hour, per 12 hours for Grievous damage.

Regenerate Creo & Muto Costs one Fatigue per magnitude hits. Self only.
Heal 1 Hit and/or Bleeding per 6 hours [2], per hour [3], per 15 mins. [4], 3 mins. [5].
Regrow missing limb or organ over a year [4], over a month [5].
Alleviate (cancel symptoms) a Disease, Poison or Allergy of equal magnitude for duration (cure if long enough).
Suffer less Bleeding from any wound by 1 [2], suffer 2 less [3], suffer no Bleeding [4].
Suffer less Stun from injury by 1 (as Toughness 5) [1], suffer 2 less (as Tough’ 7) [2], 5 less [3], suffer no Stun [4].
Fast-Recovery (for duration); heal in weeks not months [1], days not weeks [2], days not months [3]
– minimal bonus gained from any medical attention.
Diagnose/Identify an illness or disease [1 to 3], learn nature, symptoms and cures [3 to 6].
Learn target’s condition, emotional state, race, age [1], general intentions, aims, abilities, origin [2],
condition (weakness & illnesses) [2 to 4], if a murderer [2+ duration since murder], target’s full abilities [4],
nature (good/evil, lycanthrope, undead, chaotic, daemon, etc.) [3+] e.g. identify living-dead as such [(6 – Mystical-Air)].

Rego Animals Size >2; Size 3 [+½], Size 4 [+1], etc..

Halt a Disease or Poison progression for duration [its magnitude], if only slow progression [–1].
Transfer a wound to/from self [ Injury’s Repair-magnitude ± difference in Mystical-Air ].
Transplant a body part; finger [1], hand [2], limb [3], organ [4], head [5] – casting fatigue duration a year!
Preserve a body [1], preserve so, regardless of state of body, spirit will remain (no mental deterioration) [3].
Suspended Animation (slow activity & metabolism, not offensive) [2 or Size], still aware [+2].
Ignore wound penalty [1 + Penalty]. Block Pain (area is numb) [1 to 2]. Impurities removed from body [3].
Ignore one Injury completely for the Scene and heal by 1 hit.
Maximum effect activation needed for major injury (or suffer some penalty & bleed).

Genesis Creo
Create an Animal [ Size + ½range to habitat], a Person [magnitude], if dead [–1] – lasts only for duration.
– if a suitable object used animal can appear sooner or more easily e.g. stick to snake.
– if cast with mentem; limited, unimaginative sentience or true sentience [6].
Rain of frogs, fish, mice, etc. in 3-pace radius area-of-effect [1].
Make an animal ‘flawless’ for duration [1+ Size] – improvement to affect offspring duration must be for life.
Clone For multiple copies if stay together and act together as a crowd use area-of-effect modifier.
Create a copy of target [clone magnitude] – a full copy or lesser copy (less skilled and/or less than full size)
– max. stat = mag. x2, max. skill = ½mag., max. Power = ½magnitude.
– If cloning Self can diminish self to make clone(s) e.g. split in two half-sized [–1].
– If Clone can cast magic; Backlash also suffered by other at –1.
Create strong spider silk rope 10 paces, lasts only for duration [1].
Shoot binding web at target; Holds one limb at Strength 4 [1], Strength +3 [+1], entire body held [+2].

Invigorate Creo
Provide full day’s nourishment [1]. Relieve Stun of 1 round [1], 3 rounds [2], 10 rounds [3].
Fatigue from physical task 20% less per magnitude.
Invigorate; as Blessing [3]. Fatigue-Regain; recover one Fatigue [2+⅔Mystical- Air], to delay [+2].

For next action or combat round ignore all penalties from fatigue/Stun (not Injury).

Anima Intelligo
Detect/Sense people & animals [1], a specific animal species [1], for a specific person or animal [2]
– to detect where target was; cast with duration modifiers, if many people have been in way since [+1 to +2].
Store anima pattern; for detection only is a level 1 arcane-link [1], level 2 [3].
Learn target’s condition, emotional state, race, age [1], general intentions, aims, abilities, origin [2],
condition (weakness & illnesses) [2 to 4], if a murderer [2+ duration since murder], target’s full abilities [4],
nature (good/evil, lycanthrope, undead, chaotic, daemon, etc.) [3+] e.g. identify living-dead as such [(6 – Mystical-Air)].
Aware of target’s physical actions [1]. Learn nature of an animal extract e.g. if a sample is poisonous [1].
Ki Manoeuvre; as Blessing [3].

For one physical action one failed card Succeeds.

Animal-Communion Arcane-Talent, see Fauna.

Not including Call effect but does include:
Clairvoyance Experience all a Person senses [1+ range], limitations as those in Animal-Communion.
411 one stars, 299 two stars, 139 three stars, and 37 four-star

Sway-the-Beast Arcane-Talent, see Fauna.

Learnt as part of Pupae includes Call from Animal-Communion and Physical-Bond may be with a person.

Control Body Rego See Damage Tables for: Knock-Down/Trip or Hold target.
Target fully awake instantly [1], to set trigger conditions [2].
Do simple repetitive task at double rate [1], triple [2], quadruple [3].
Artificial body part empowered; a hand [2], limb [3], organ [3 to 4] – super functionality requires extra mag.

Target loses control of a limb [1], whole body [+2], caster controls it (puppeteer like) [+1, +2 for fine control ].
Throw target 5 paces at 10 fps [2, (Size) ] – target takes Knock-Down damage.
Float [2, (Size) ], Fly at 3 fps [4, (Size +2) ], triple height [+1] – max. height 3 paces.
Walk easily on any ground or surface at 90° angle [1], any angle [2], Stand/Crawl [–1], Run [+1], Sprint [+2]
Leap Vertically 2 paces or Horizontally 5 paces [1], double distance [+1] – Quick cast, slight run-up needed.
Fall slowly for 10 paces; triple distance [+1], fast fall & instant stop [+1]. Web doesn’t stick to target [3].

Endurance Rego
Per magnitude; Resist Heat as 10ºC less, Cold as 10ºC more and vs. heat/cold 1 pt. armour.
Resist Pain [2], if any negative penalty suffered reduced by one (or only suffer actual mechanical restriction) [3].
Suspended Animation (Feign Death); slow activity & metabolism, not offensive [2 or Size], still aware [+2].
Hard-to-Kill [3+]; don’t die (of Shock, Bleed, Injury, Poison) unless decapitated or similar but can be forced into
Suspended Animation e.g. if can’t Breathe.
Target resist Thirst or Hunger [1, or ½Size]. Need not Eat or Drink [2x duration].
Breath without lungs; resting [1], active [3]. Need not Breathe [4, if resting only 2].
Learnt as a standalone Art is self only and includes;
Fast-Recovery (for duration); heal in weeks not months [1], days not weeks [2], days not months [3]
– minimal gain from medical attention.

Resist Heat as 20ºC less, armour 2 pt., this effect lasts till sunrise/set.
Resist Cold as 20ºC more, armour 2 pt., this effect lasts till sunrise/set.
Need not Eat or Drink (provides normal nutrition), this effect lasts till sunrise/set.
Resist Pain; any negative penalty suffered reduced by one (or only suffer actual mechanical restriction).
Maximum effect activation; Hard-to-Kill (as Arcane- Talent) or enter Suspended Animation.

 If gain no benefit from eating or drinking that effect doesn’t require activation.
Inflictim Perdo-Corpus part of ANIMALIS – for animals only.
(Or as Sanguinius Arcane-Talent all effects blood based e.g. spit caustic blood to cause damage.)

Direct-Damage to target(s); of magnitude Puncture or Club damage (reduce by ½Toughness), see tables.
If Touching target increase damage by one Step on damage table.
 Special Damage; to seem a natural affliction; slow acting (see Perdo rules) e.g. suffer blood clots.
effect acts as a Poison [–1]; accumulating damage, interval 5 minutes, see poison rules.
Deadly Touch; for duration touch does 1 hit of damage [3].
Doom; if target takes any damage, they take one extra hit [3]. Destroy insect infestation [Size].

Abjuration Zone; a specific race (or Animals) in the area-of-effect suffer magnitude hits per minute.
Slaying-Attacks [2] versus a specific race or Animals; +1 hit and all damage Grievous
– Need suitable knowledge & focus (it gives no other bonus).
Weapon Venomous [ venom mag. x 1½ ] – interval minutes, if interval hours [–1], if 1 round [+1].
Destroy corpus arcane connections to target [½Mystical-Air + range/barrier].
Health Harming
 If Toughness of target high require [+1].
Target very Thirsty or Hungry, etc. [2, or 1+⅓Size]. Impotence [1]. Reduce Toughness.
Mark/Brand target [1+], Disfigure target [2 to 4, e.g. erase face].
Mutate target e.g. Bloat target massively [2 to 3], into contorted being or primitive state [4 to 5].
Target Diseased (may spread naturally) [1 to 6] e.g. foot & mouth [4], cholera [5], leprosy [6];
highly communicable (but loses virulence as spreads) [+1 to +3]; if normally immune [+1].
Any disease in target moves rapidly to acute stage (even if not normally possible) [+2 to +3].
Turn a carcass rotten (poisonous at magnitude 1) [½size], and more poisonous [+poison magnitude add].

IMPRECARI A Magic Form (as PESTIS all effects disease caused; slow to affect and [–1])

Magic Form formed of Arcane-Talents Life-Drain, Inflictim, Dementia & Perdo-Flora

Abjuration Zone; a specific race (or Animals) in area-of-effect takes magnitude hits (and again each minute),
suffers @–(½mag.) (as Stunned).

Dementia See damage tables for effects; reduce damage by Toughness & for animals Size >2
Direct damage; Fear, Stun, Pain, Lose balance, Hold, Paralyse, Coma – see damage tables for effects.
Stupefied until forced into action e.g. self-defence [1], mindless / impassive [3], & suggestible [4 to 5].
Forget occurrence [1 to 2 + duration of memory] – may be partially recalled if associated memories triggered, unless [+2].
Forget a few words or lose one idea [1+], lose train of thought [2], a skill [2], forget a friend [2 to 4].
Remove an emotion (for duration) e.g. fear [1], lose all emotions [3]. Can’t concentrate [2].
Target will compulsively betray those close to them [5]; plan & execute a murder [5], of an associate 67].
Target has a vision; of impending terrible misfortune/doom [1], of next action going disastrously wrong [1],
of themselves dead and rotting [1], of being murdered [2], dreadful consequences to their
next action or a past action [2], that the misfortune/doom will affect a loved one [+1];
see in every reflective surface [+1], & in connected item (daggers drip blood, ropes fraying, etc.) [+2]
Mind Unbalanced [1]; disoriented/confused/indecisive, knows they’re being watched, loses good judgement,
a vocal doom-laden pessimist, revels in destruction, very dishonest, quarrelsome, aggressive or violent.
MORTUUS-CORPUS – a double cost Arcane-Talent.
● At night Mortuus often gains the advantage of an Aura bonus of one suitable magic casting Gift.
● Necromancy involves work with corpses, becomes increasingly bizarre & horrifying resulting in derangement.
● Invocation necromancy often involves a very intimate relationship with the dead, rituals requiring own
body fluids and flesh and vile acts to attract the dead’s attention.

Preserve a corpse [1]. Heal damage to living-dead (see Curatio). Invoke Lands-of-the-Dead
Undeath-Surge: e.g. undead can Run for scene [ ½undead’s mag. + modifiers ], Sprint [+1].
Restoration: Restore cadaver to (un)life for duration [3 +½Mystical-Air +½duration dead, up to +2 if poor condition]
Corpse rendered into powder for easy storage and can be restored [8].
If any significant part of the cadaver is missing a hideous, uncontrollable monstrosity raised.

Learn target’s race (its nature and type), age, health and any augmentation [1]. UnDead-O’-Sense [2 to 5].
‘Read’ dead brain [as Mind-Reading + duration dead]. See last thing dead eye saw [1 + duration dead].
Detect/Sense physical living & undead [1]. Detect/Sense necromantic magic & powers, curses [1+].
Learn undead type [1 to 2], level, origin, nature & aims [3], specific abilities [4]
– living-dead harder to spot e.g. identify a vampire as such [ (5 – Mystical-Air) ].
Death; learn cause-of-death [duration since death, if cause subtle or obscured by injuries +1 to +2].

Deactivate physical undead for duration [magnitude]. Repair Undead for 1 hit [1], living-dead 1 hit [2].
Gravestorm; in 3-pace radius area-of-effect all corpses raised as undead [1]. Dead for duration [3].
Take likeness of a consumed corpse (shadow reflects true form and damage may cancel spell) [3].
Augment Undead: Parts act even if separated [4]. See Vicissitudo for other effects.
Raise Greater-UnDead; cast with an equal magnitude Raise-UnDead spell.
Raise Living-Dead [3]; slowly become a ghoul over a month (unless cured). Casting fatigue lasts 1 week.
– Base stats (before undeath modifiers) as life, but limited to raise-spell magnitude+2. Raise animal [Size].
– If die first become undead (though can be cast on a very-fresh corpse).
Turn into a lich (if fail, become Wight) [5, permanent].

 Perdo damage versus Undead reduce by ⅓Toughness or Defence.
 Touch; effect requires [–1], or for duration does any Perdo-Corpus [+3].
 Damage; can heal only magically [+1], only naturally [+1], seemingly a natural affliction [+1],
effect acts as a Poison; accumulating damage interval 5 minutes, see poison rules [–1].
Direct-Damage to target(s); of equal magnitude damage (not reduced by Toughness), see damage tables.
Slaying-Attacks [2] versus UnDead; +1 hit and all damage Grievous. Need suitable knowledge & focus.

Command & Castigate/Ward against Physical UnDead & Living-Dead and their powers.
Raise equal magnitude UnDead Cadaver (unintelligent/unspirited)
– if cast on a grave, corpses claw their way out.
– Large numbers only inclined to obey, e.g. some may have own objectives.
– Can raise physical undead from land-of-the-dead with an equal magnitude enchanted piece of corpse.
– If cast with mentem a semi-intelligent spirit bound into cadaver.
Feign Death; in suspended animation (slow activity & metabolism, not offensive) [2], still aware [4 to 5].
Graveportation – as Abyssalportation between graveyards (via dead-lands).

Life-Drain See Arcane-Blessing for rules & modifiers. Arcane-Talent can’t be Mastered.
Victim(s) lose health, as damage tables. To make loss subtle and/or pleasurable [+1]. Can give gain to target.
MORTUUS-MENTEM – a double cost Arcane-Talent.
● At night Mortuus often gains the advantage of an Aura bonus of one suitable magic casting Gift.
● Necromancy involves talking to the dead, becomes increasingly bizarre & horrifying resulting in derangement.
Invocation necromancy often involves a very intimate relationship with the dead.
● Caster has a level 1 link to the spirit of any being they personally killed.
● For these spells Ghost includes any ethereal undead or disembodied sentient or animal spirit.
● †Remains, death-site, object of great significance or even revenge or friendship forms an Arcane-Link
for indicated effects.
Heal a ghost for 1 hit [1]. Remove a taint from a Ghost of equal magnitude.
Create a connection to Lands-of-the-Dead letting its negative emotions influence all in area-of-effect [area]

Intelligo Ghosts usually have garbled memories of their life.

Detect/Sense ghost [1], specific ghost [2] – if ethereal (not actively haunting) or possessing level 2 barrier; if passive level
Detect/Sense any death (& when) [2+ duration since death]. Identify a murderer as such [1+ duration since murder].
Death; learn cause-of-death [duration since death, if cause subtle or obscured by injuries +1 to +2].
and in Mortuus only not Mentem: shade re-enacts events of its death [+1], identify the killer [+2],
& learn reasons for death [+3], & who ultimately responsible [+4]
Divine target’s remaining lifespan [ duration modifier till target will die ]. Detect/Sense anima [1].
Medium; Sense spirits (in the Astral) [1]. Speak with Ghosts [1]. Ghosts can speak through target [3].
Mind-Reading with Ghosts (as Telepathy). Store a Ghost’s ‘pattern’ [2] –use as an arcane link level 1.
ARCANE-BLESSING Speak-to-the-Dead Speak-to-the-Dead [† 7 (range), +1 to +2 for clear communication ]
Allows a conversation with dead person; Beyond the veil-of-death – learn what they knew in life.
very short & unclear on one topic or
covering one question. Need Arcane-Link † Learn if target in Lands-of-the-Dead [† 2]
Max. effect activation needed if Link weak.

Cause Fear [1+]. Cause Nightmares [1+]. Target detects as dead [2].
Ghost in ‘stasis’ for duration [magnitude].
Make (or Stop) a Ghost visible [1*], Manifest [2*], Materialize [3*]; *target mag. 6/7 [+1], mag. 8/9 [+2], etc..
Ghost of equal magnitude empower (possess) an item; must be suitable & sub-stragulum (hides Ghost’s presence)
Target’s spirit enters the Lands-of-the-Dead [7, month duration] – near-death state an Arcane-Link.

Kill target [ 1+ duration modifier till target will die in their current state, +1 if high Toughness ].
Ghostflaming-Weapon; on each attack additional Life-Drain damage of 1 hit [1], of 2 hits [3], of 3 hits [4].
Nullify Ghostly influence in 3-pace radius area-of-effect of equal magnitude (includes evil inspired fear/emotion)
– destroys any daemon/undead or daemonic/undead influence of up to half magnitude.

Rego Ghosts usually have a garbled memory of their life.

 If murdered Ghost (ethereal undead) stays for a scene if have a purpose e.g. given an order.
Retain spirit in (dead) body (no mental deterioration if preserve body) [3].
Bind equal magnitude Ghost to ‘haunt’ object or area (of any size), or Unbind or Unbind & Bind to new area.
Target partially concealed from undead senses [1 to 3], concealed from undead [4], living-dead [+1 to +2].
Command & Castigate/Ward against Ghosts & Living-Dead and their powers.
Summon equal magnitude Ghost – see APPAREO for mechanics.
Must be in a suitable place for Ghost to be summoned, and often caster safely behind a ward.
Upon Summoning automatically in a Will-Contest between Ghost and Summoner.
To summon a spirit from the Lands-of-the-Dead [ + duration-dead † ]
Necromancer may cast this on self, delayed until death, to let their ghost remain in the world.
Raise Undead of equal magnitude by forcing Ghost to possesses a prepared cadaver†;
– Base stats (before undeath modifiers) as life, but limited to raise-spell magnitude+2. Raise animal [Size].
– Prepare corpse with equal magnitude Muto- or Rego-Mortuus/Corpus or [Eldritch Lore + Magick Lore].
– Can occur (un)naturally to victims of bad deaths.
SPIRITUS Meta-Form with effects as Mentem for (All & Only) Spirits

Computare Creo
Inspired; target can re-test one card next action [1], recovers one Confidence [2 to 5, (2+ ⅔M-A.) ],
if already inspired [+1], gains one Confidence (only for duration, is not recovered) [+1].
Memory Implant [1 to 2 + duration of edited memory], restored at end of spell duration (unless over a day).
Give an animal/object/place/spell limited sentience [1], full sentience; stats limited to casters [3].
Relieve 1 round Stun [1]. Relieve mental torment [1 to 4].
Relieve a mind disease for duration (cure if permanent) [as Perdo]. Reverse mind damage of equal mag.
Increase Intelligence; +1 [2], +2 [4], +3 [6]. Gain Hypnotism skill [2], at x2 [3], at x3 [4].
Gift of clear reason, ignore prejudices, etc. [3 to 4]. Mind works irrespective of brain injury [5 to 7].
Augment Mind to help spot hidden things [2 to 5]. Gain full mental multi-tasking [2+ number of mental tasks].
Read at double rate [1], double rate [+1], with full recall [+1]. Perform a calculation [1+].
Remember a forgotten fact e.g. where I saw a face [1 to 3]. Eidetic-Memory [2 to 4].
Memorise a 300-item list [1]. Memorise everything perceived [1] e.g. exact route travelled (even if blind [+1]).
Construct a fine rhetorical argument [2+], a complex set of specious arguments [3+].
Process a large amount of data e.g. analyse all entry forms to a town to identify a spy [7+].
Correlate all information on a topic (identify connections) [2+], identify info. not known to be relevant [4+]
e.g. to deduce short-term conclusion, inference, trend, pattern [2], medium-term [3], long-term [4],
extrapolate final conclusion, fill in missing parts [5+] – with enough duration complete unfinished work.

TELEPATHY Intelligo-Mentem A Magic-Form

● Telepathy learned as standalone Magic Form requires no Somatics and incurs unobvious side-effects.
Detect/Sense anima [1], a specific anima [2] – if ethereal or possessing or in item behind level 2 barrier; if passive level 4.
– to detect where target was; cast with duration modifiers, if many people have been in way since [+1 to +2].
Store anima pattern; for detection only is a level 1 arcane-link [1], level 2 [3].
Learn target’s anima’s condition, emotional state, race, age [1], general intentions, aims, abilities, origin [2],
mental condition (weakness & mental illnesses) [1 to 4], nature (good/evil, lycanthrope, undead, chaotic, daemon, etc.) [3+],
e.g. identify living-dead as such [(6 – Mystical-Air)], if a murderer [2+ duration since murder], target’s full abilities [3].
Detect/Sense strong emotion (targets) e.g. enemy [1 to 2], any death (and when) [2 + duration since death].
Medium; Sense spirits (in the Astral) [1]. Speak with Spirits [1]. Astral spirits can speak through target [3].

Mind-Reading – a double cost Arcane-Talent.

 May be strongly affected by emotions of those read; especially animals’ emotions.
Mind-Link; two-way send & receive thoughts [1], if only send [–1] – for clear complex communication [up to +2]
THOUGHT READING – for complete & clear information [+1 to +2] *Target aware of cast unless Passive.
Aware of emotional state & intentions of target or generally for all in area-of-effect [1].
Surface Thoughts [1*] – aware of any simple lie, of actions & intentions and if mind magically influenced.
Inner Thoughts [2*] – aware of an evasive response and learn if mind affected by charms, bribery, etc.
Memories [2*]. Subconscious Memories / Deep Beliefs [3*].
Know most accessible (magnitude* x20%) of target’s knowledge for duration (bits remain after duration).
Experience all a target senses (this spell behind barrier level 2) [1+ range] – disorienting to switch sense(s) back & forth.
– sense increasingly indistinct as range increases (unless limit to area range), near opaque at [6].
Psychometry; for any object or place learn user’s emotions & thoughts at time of use [1 +½duration].
If item touched since need extra magnitude for clear information. Not resisted.
Combat-Awareness; as Melee +1 [2], as Melee +2 [4] – diminished by opponents’ barrier/resistance.
 May be acquired with Geas; must interact with targets to affect them.
 Animals: Small multiply number affected e.g. rats x20; Large: [+½] per Size >3 or Magnitude >3.

Mind Alteration
Mind/Personality Alter – subtler than Rego but less directed.
Target can tell only lies [2], only truth [3], does opposite of intended [3], swaps allegiance [4],
convinced they’re someone else [4], gain animal instincts & behaviours [4], believes as caster [5].
Memory Alter [1 to 2 + duration of edited memory], restored when spell ends, unless duration > week.
Mind-Alteration of equal magnitude reversed.
Mislead mental & magical analysis of equal magnitude (e.g. thoughts, race, profession & level, etc.)
or appear as an animal or unanalysable or as another if use a stored anima pattern.
Spirit make (or stop) it visible [1*], Manifest [2*], Materialize [3*]; *target mag. 7-9 [+1],
mag. 10+ [+2], etc..
Mental Improvement Immovable-Will [2]. Light-Sleeper [2].
Increase Mental Stats; one at +1 [2], three at +1 [3], one at +2 [4],
two at +2 [4½], one at +3 [6].
Great concentration [1], unbreakable [3].
Derangement cancelled (temporarily) [as Perdo +1].

Ego-Mind Reflexively cast. Befuddle

Counters any external mental Confuse; target befuddled, distracted, no sense of purpose,
influence and oppose it for the can’t make decision, remember task, etc. [1].
the scene. Target impassive & suggestible [3]. Target Hallucinates (delusion) [2+].
Target attention wholly focused on a place, item, person or sound [1].
Transfix Transfix
 Must Sing, Dance, etc.. ● Singing, Dancing, etc. count as concentration for this effect.
Target Group (up to 3) ‘Transfixed’. Won’t act & unaware of time passing, unless attacked or similar [2].
Max. effect activation affect up to 7. Believe; target believes a simple fact until countered [1],
must be wholly disproved [3], believes despite evidence [4+].
For one thing edit how target perceives, remembers, believes &
Believe thinks [2 to 3], for many things [+1 to +2].
Target(s) believe one thing; Believe you know their darkest secret [3+].
one target until wholly disproved, Target believes everything they themselves say [2 to 3]
a group until fallacy is countered. – e.g. a boast becomes true to the speaker!

Sway the Beast – as Arcane-Talent in Fauna.

Empathic Emotions
Sense nearby emotions. – emotion may have a locus e.g. fear caster, greatest terror, hate orcs, etc.
Can send your own (or another’s) – own or target’s emotions (on a subject) can act as a focus to change others.
emotions to all nearby. Sleep, Calm, Animosity, Mistrust, Fear/Terror, Panic, Joy/Ecstasy,
(Geas; can’t block out other’s emotions.) Passion, Despair, Frenzy, Anger, Hate [1+] e.g. mistrust ally [2].
– extreme [2+] e.g. addictive [2], @–1 [3], indulge emotion until collapse [4]
Menace Emotional Wild Swings [1], Inappropriate Reactions [2],
Aura (or gaze) intimidating. Overwhelmed by emotions [3], hedonistic desires [4].
Incites awe, dread or fear. – can be used to help break from reality, pleasure beyond pain.
Max. effect activation needed Battle-Cry Enemies Fear & Comrades Rally [3] (10 targets at [1]).
to affect a group ≤7. Vicious Mockery Stuns susceptible opponents.
Inspire Inspire target can re-test one card next action [1],
Target regains one Confidence. recovers one Confidence [2 to 5, (2+ ⅔M-A.) ],
(May require max. effect activation) gains one Confidence (only for duration, is not recovered) [+1],
– if already inspired [+1].


Charm Captivate
Target treats caster ● Influences target(s) or all in area-of-effect about self.
as great friend. ● Once cast range modifiers apply but not barriers.
or 3 targets as good friend. Charm; Target(s) sees caster as their friend (or enemy) [1],
or 7 targets see as friend. as best friend (or great enemy) [2], charm animal [½Size].
First-Impression Target desires caster: to be near (or avoid) [1],
Know how to create best to possess, idolises or lust/seduce (or hate) [1], to love [2],
possible impression on hate & revile [2 to 3], wish to serve or infatuated-by [3],
first meeting target. uncontrollable obsession [4, 3 if (sexually) attracted],
unconditional love [4], refuse to be parted from [4].
If a target not self is object of desire/loathing [+1].
Authority; Target(s) sees caster as their superior (or inferior) [2+].
Attention drawn to caster [1], must attend to caster [2 to 3],
in awe (& agreement) with caster [+1].
Battle Cry/Taunt Taunt Target must attack caster [2 to 3]
As Battle-Cry or Taunt [3]. – unless 3 successes on Cool or Presence.

PRESENCE Magic Form formed of Arcane-Talents Captivate, Call & Grandeur

● Presence spells and self only and require no Somatics and incurs mild, unobvious side-effects.

Presence +1 [2], +2 [4], +3 [6].

Call Call target(s) feel compunction, until arrive or for ½mag. duration.
Caster draws to themself; Caster draws to themselves a target [range],
one target up to 10 km all in 30-pace radius area-of-effect (people or animals) [1],
or all targets (or animals) in 100 paces generic target (e.g. a blacksmith, a mount, etc.) [1 to 2 + range],
Max. effect ignore two barrier levels. if targets preoccupied [up to +2].
They may bring useful stuff e.g. a soldier brings weapons, a predator a kill, an animal acts as guide to a place it knows,
Will-Contest initiated between caster & target [2],
opponent at Presence –1 or add person to contest [+2].

Grandeur Learnt as a standalone Arcane-Talent self only.

 Cast on the target of the attention not those influenced.
 Affects all in range, & only while in range, reduced by barriers.
Authority Impressive & convincing [1+], inspire followers’
loyalty & bravery [2+], commanding [3+].
Attention Find it hard not to attend to target [3 to 4],
& in awe of target [+1].
Majesty Majesty Treat you as important [3], a lord [4], a prince [5],
All in range treat caster as a Lord a king [6].
Dementia Perdo-MENTEM Arcane-Talent

 See damage tables for effects; reduce damage by ½Toughness & for animals Size >2.

Direct damage; Fear, Stun, Pain, Lose balance, Hold, Paralyse, Coma – see damage tables for effects.

Stupefied until forced into action e.g. self-defence [1], mindless / impassive [3], & suggestible [3 to 4].

Forget occurrence [1 to 2 + duration of memory] – may be partially recalled if associated memories triggered, unless [+2].
Forget a few words or lose one idea [1+], lose train of thought [2], a skill [2], forget a friend [2 to 3].

Remove an emotion (for duration) e.g. fear [1], lose all emotions [3]. Target can’t concentrate [2].

Target will compulsively betray those close to them [4]; plan & execute a murder [5], of an associate [6].
Target has a vision; of impending terrible misfortune/doom [1], of next action going disastrously wrong [1],
of themselves dead and rotting [1], of being murdered [2], dreadful consequences to their
next action or a past action [2], that the misfortune/doom will affect a loved one [+1];
see in every reflective surface [+1], & in connected item (daggers drip blood, ropes fraying, etc.) [+2]

Mind Unbalanced [1]; disoriented/confused/indecisive, knows they’re being watched, loses good judgement,
a vocal doom-laden pessimist, revels in destruction, very dishonest, quarrelsome, aggressive or violent.
Specific Derangement suffered by target (for duration) [1 to 5, see Imprecari]; if target’s very susceptible [–1].
e.g. insomnia, stutter, twitch, neurosis, hyperactive, mild phobia, panic attacks, hysterical pains,
indolence, prejudice, daydreamer, nightmares, morbid jealousy [1],
hallucinate, moderate phobia kleptomania, obsession, narcissism, gain second personality [2],
manic/depression, sadistic, terrors, delusions, hysterical, megalomania, epilepsy, severe phobia [3],
sociopath (violent anti-social behaviour), masochistic, catatonia/narcolepsy, paranoia, psychotic [4],
amnesia (total or continual), suicidal, regression, rapine (violent uncontrollable sexual urges), homicidal [5].
Make Derangement permanent [+2] or duration one year.

Abjuration Zone; a specific race, entity (or Animals) in the area-of-effect suffers @–(½mag.) (as Stunned).

DOMINATE Magic Form formed of Arcane-Talents Dementia & Command.

Command Object to perform its function independently [2+] – may be animated by fragment of your will and/or a spirit.
 Target Size/Magnitude: Increase require magnitude by [+½] per Size >3 or Magnitude >3
i.e. Size 3 [+½], Size 4 [+1], Size 5 [+1½], Size 6 [+2], etc., Small multiply number affected e.g. rats x20.

Call target(s) feel compunction to come, until arrive or for ½mag. duration.
Caster draws to themself; target [range], generic target (e.g. a blacksmith, a mount, etc.) [1 to 2],
all in 10 pace area-of-effect (people, spirits or animals) [1], if targets preoccupied [up to +2].
e.g. a soldier brings weapons, a predator a kill or will fight for you, an animal will act as guide, etc..
Will-Contest initiated between caster & target [2], opponent at –1 Presence or add person to contest [+2].

Mind Intrusion & Sanity/Mind harming magic & events at magnitude @–1 and Immovable-Will [2],
at magnitude @–2 & Immovable-Will x2 [4].
Make a piece of knowledge come to mind at a specific future time [1], unrecallable until then [2].
Ignore/Block Pain; e.g. limb is numb [1], of limited use [2].
Can cut-off mind from outside world (to aid concentration) [3].
Divert a single mental attack of equal magnitude to a mind in range. All mental attacks for duration [+2].
Mental-Bond between targets [2]; share mental abilities & resisting mental stress or attack e.g. will-contest,
domination (may give fresh recovery chances), etc. – both exhibit some of the other’s mental traits.

Removes any mental influence. Protects sanity from one event. Immovable-Will x2 for Scene.

Castigate Spirit.
Summon an equal magnitude Spirit. If summon to possess self gain self bonus.
Possessed by equal magnitude spirit. Spirit must be present; often Ancestor spirit, Animal spirit or Ghost.
Stats = ½(host + spirit). Resist Ageing, Disease & Poison.
Place Spirit in a construct/golem to animate it, requires a spell of higher magnitude than it.
Steal-Spirit shard from target, resolve as fatigue drain.
– each level lost leaves target suggestible, Presence –2. Five levels expels spirit from body.
– shard trapped in an enchanted item (or self). They can sense shard’s location.

Gain secret knowledge; may be from your past lives, ancestral memory or from the dream-worlds, etc..

Command – see Rego at start of Magic-Form for modifiers.

 As a standalone Arcane-Talent must have a link to target e.g. eye-contact, touch, arcane-link, etc.
Obey a command e.g. stop, cease action, come here [1], lie down, forget† [2].
– † can order target to forget an occurrence but they may recall memory if powerfully prompted.
Hold – see damage tables for effects (best of ½Presence or ½Cool reduces effect).
Constrain target to stay near target (can also be prevented from approaching closely) [2 to 3].
Put a few words in target’s mouth [1]. Must answer a simple question [1].
Target inclined to obedience [1], partially controlled [2], fully dominated [3], totally enslave mind [4];
– if made to act repeatedly against its nature test Presence (one card); if pass control drops a step.
– for target to rationalise commands given to be their own wishes (hence unknown to target) [+1].
– command can be dormant to activate in specific conditions if cast delayed or for duration till active.

Target obedient to caster for scene. If use specially made Arcane-Link to Thrall they’re Fully Dominated.
● Dream spells affect target the next time they dream, even if cast earlier.
● Give a dream event real effect on waking as Corpus two mag. lower or Mentem one mag. lower.
● Daemons work well in dreams & can usually be used even in dreamalities where magic doesn’t work.

Provides target one hour of Sleep [1+ ½Mystical-Air], double sleep hours [+1] – doesn’t stack with other sleep magic


Sleep target [1], Deep-Sleep, hard to wake [2 to 3], can’t be awoken [4], all entering area affected [+area].
Each hour’s Sleep worth 1½ hours [1+ ½Mystical-Air], 2 hours [2+½M-A], 3 hours [3+½M-A], 5 hours [4+½M-A].
Target will sleep-walk [1].

Insomnia [1]. Sleep provides no rest [2]. Catatonia, Narcolepsy [4]. Coma [5].

Deep-Sleep [1], hard to wake [2 to 3]. Coma [5] – may have strange, vivid & significant dreams.
Target requires one less hour Sleep each day [½Mystical-Air], x2 hours [+1] – doesn’t stack with other sleep magic.
Instantly fully awake [1], may set trigger conditions [2 to 3].
Continue to perceive even while unconscious or asleep [6].

You gain the full benefit of (4 – Mystical-Air) hours sleep.

You have ability to manipulate your own dreams (self only limited form of the Arcane-Talent up to [3]).

Give target a specific style of dream (no precise or unusual parameters) [1 to 4].
Bring any dream object into reality as an illusion (magnitude as in Glamour).

Observe target’s dreams [1 to 2]. Learn sleeping target’s dreams(desires) & nightmares [3+].
Allegorical Dream received on a set topic, as Divinatio-Divination and requires divination skills and time to interpret.

Daydream [1+], almost lost in walter-mitty existence [3], on a set topic [+1].
Target’s dreams affected by the emotions & dreams of all nearby or vice versa [1].
Target has strange, vivid and significant dreams [1]. Target’s dreams addictive, always want to sleep [1].
Target vividly remembers dreams [1], continually recalled in daydreams, casual thoughts, etc. [2 to 3].
Construct a complex dream effect e.g. victims dreams are filled with visions of Chaugnar-Faugn; by day they’re in a trance
state where they try to reach the dark god to offer themselves as a sacrifice [6].
Target can’t dream [1].

Rego Ward a dreamer’s dreams.

Send simple dreams to a target [range], more complex dreams [+1 to +3]. Share dreams for all targets [1].
Control target’s dreams [1+], project events/situations into target’s dreams [4+], complex dreams [+1 to +2].
Leave a dream [1], a dream-world [3].
SOMNIO – Dreamlands part of MENTEM
● Daemons work well in dreams & can usually be used even in dreamalities where magic doesn’t work.

DREAMLANDS effects; only available if learned as a standalone Art.

 Dreamlands are Astral meta-planes; use astral stats.
 A dreamer forms an Arcane-Link level 2 to the dreamscape. Injuries in Dream-lands repercuss
causing half damage in reality. If your body dies in reality, you remain in dream-realm.
Each person has their own personal Dreamscape, which connects to the general Dream-Worlds.
● In your own Dreamscape you have all your equipment and other items of significance to you, and they
may even have magical properties.
● In the Dream-Worlds and other people’s Dreamscapes you have all your dream created equipment (and
standard equipment given dreamality). Skills & magic learnt in dreams is not known in reality (costs ¼ xp)

Create equal magnitude object or creature (see Forms for magnitudes) or a half magnitude Companion
to join you for one dream (or for duration); created creatures and caster are Linked.
Gate to dreamland 1-way [8], 2-way [+1], mobile [+1] – if use heavily reduces duration.
Dream-world provides self with sustenance [1].

Learn nature, history & basic parameters of a dreamscape or dream-world or any object in it [1],
nature, history, parameters [3]. Window on a dreamscape / dream-world (all can view) [3].

Influence/Manipulate dreamscape’s/dream-world’s parameters [3+]
e.g. can control distance & time-flow in dreamality and alter dream objects.

Close a dream gate [3].

Command & Control dreamality and any entity in it; as effect magnitude from appropriate Form.
Move between own dreamscape & dream-world [1], between dream-world & other’s dreamscape [3]
Physically enter (or exit) your own dreamscape or dream-world if at an associated place in reality [5]

Enter with others?


Clairvoyance Arcane-Talent as in Oculus.

Veritas Arcane-Talent as in Oculus.

New Sense gained e.g. Low-Light sight [2], Infra-Red sight [2], Thermographic [3], Dark-sight [4],
Great direction sense [1], Great time sense [1], Know number of people sensing you [2],
Spirit sight [2], Sonar ability [3], Perceive strong magic or unnatural effects e.g. magic alarm [2+].
Gain an extra voice [2].
Gain a magic replacement for a lost sensory organ e.g. as a lost eye [4], both eyes [6].
Improve Sense by factor of Magnitude e.g. filter background noise [1], Acute Hearing [2], at x2 [4],
see scents [1], taste with touch [1], Acute Palate [2], Excellent Vision [2], at x2 [4],
Microscopic-sight [2+], see clearly in glare [1], Field-of-Vision 300° [1], 360° [2], spherical [3].
(Sight; range, detail clarity, spectrum. Taste/Smell/Touch; sensitivity & discrimination. Hearing; freq., sensitivity & discrimination).
Protect one sense from overload e.g. glaring light, loud noise, etc. [1+].
Miss nothing while observing an object, a person, or small area [1+] e.g. spot traps or secret openings [1+],
remember exact route travelled [2, if blind 3], sense metabolic affects of lying [4], spot illusion by its defects (equal mag.).
Can see round corners as if naturally [3].
Continue to perceive even while unconscious or asleep [5].

Distort Perceptions
Hallucinations suffered by target – as ‘illusion’ of one higher magnitude.
Alter how one thing perceived [1+] e.g. sword is a banana to sight [1], see all things moved 1 pace left [2],
or sense one thing completely differently (e.g. caster as an old friend) [2],
recognises no-one (suspicious of any who claim to be friends) [4], etc.
Target hears everything as having the opposite meaning [3], perceives all as opposite of the truth [5].
Parallel-Reality: All target’s senses shifted and distorted to fit a paradigm [5].
Perceptions of target(s) distorted and confused [1+].
Target fails in present action [1], fumbles it [2], fumbles frequently for duration [3].
Target confused (& fearful) [1], ears ringing disoriented [1], loses sense of balance (may fall over) [1].
Blur vision [1+]. Target spun about 180° [1]. All senses distorted [3].
Target can’t perceive one thing, unless it attracts attention e.g. not notice caster [1], can’t sense other people [4].
Target Deaf [3], can’t smell/taste [3], Blind [4], all Senses [5]. Target cannot Speak [2].
One limb is Numb [1], unusable [2], body Numb [3 to 4].
Choke or Sensory-Overload: target at negative; stunned, coughing, deafened, blurred vision, extremities numb, etc.
Control target’s perceptions [2 to 5] – perceive extra things, control background scene which the target
perceives, perceive things slightly differently or edit one thing from their perception.

Clairvoyance Intelligo
Project one sense from a fixed-point (very short-sighted) [range],
project most Senses (smell, image, sound) [+1],
experience senses of a target person or animal [+1],
from an item or mobile-point (3 fps) [+1], window others can view [+1],
sense multiple places (at once) [+1] – confusing.
– as range increases sense increasingly indistinct, near opaque at [6], unless limit to area-of-effect range.
– disorienting to switch sense(s) back & forth. This spell behind barrier level 2.

User projects one sense to any point within 3 km (ignore 1 level barrier) – indistinct sense at full range.

Langua Intelligo
Speak a language; basic or an animal tongue [2], conversational [3], as native [4]; give target language [+1]
Gift-of-Tongues; intelligible to all who hear (but not vice-versa) [as above +2].

Significatio Intelligo
Learn purpose of an item, sample or place [1]; its origin, age, nature & if dangerous [2]; its type & level [3];
general powers & significance [4]; creator and cultural & historical significance [5]; full history [8+].
Learn basic concepts of text’s meaning [1], understanding & syntax analysis, author & original language [2],
Idioms and cultural references including any translators, original language and intent [3],
decode (resisted), may help solve riddles [4+]. Analyse Speech; as above.

Veritas Intelligo
 Senses illusions of all sorts; disguises, camouflage and magical.
Identify as such illusions in area-of-effect of up to equal magnitude. Learn true nature of any target [5].
Sense through a single illusion of equal magnitude but very distorted, if lower magnitude barely distorted.
Detect/Sense magical spying of up to double magnitude of this spell (if divination vs. self get mag. bonus).
Store anima pattern; for detection use only is a level 1 arcane-link [1], level 2 [3].

POLYPHONIA a Magic Form As Imagonem but for sound only.

 Praestigia learnt as a standalone Magic Form requires a performance, fetish or talismanic Geas.
return item
Illusions fool the senses, some are directed at a target or all in an area, others affect objects in an area.
 Non-directed illusions are only resisted if opponent has reason to e.g. ‘masked’ person behaving
oddly. Target’s that resist realise they are seeing an illusion but not through it. Unrealistic illusions lower
 Illusions to affect most Senses (smell, image, sound) [+1] – need Special-Effects for touch, etc..
 Illusions add Special-Effects [+1] e.g. can feel touch & even Illusory-Damage (only lasts for duration),
cause Fear, senses illusion as their most feared opponent, etc..
 Illusions mislead up to equal magnitude magical analysis, higher levels see flaws in the disguise.
 Delayed complex active illusions require [+1 to +2].

Illusions Creo
Illusion in area-of-effect or of man-size thing which affects one sense [1], if static [–1],
for illusion to perform complex actions [+1], independent action [+1 to +2].
‘Clone’ image one magnitude easier e.g. mimic of target [1], if of self gain bonus.
Distractions: Make distracting sounds, smells & sights in area-of-effect; all in area at negative (as tables).
Will-o-t’-Wisp: Create eerie lights/sounds; move erratically [1], ‘sticks’ to target [1], fill 3-pace area [+1],
(faerie-fire) if see/hear them must follow them [3, to follow into danger 4].
Screen: shows an illusion covering a (flat) area for one Sense (Visibility, Sound or Scent);
3 m2 [1], 10 m2 [2], 30 m2 [3], 100 m2 [4], all three [+1].
– effectively blocking (at least partially) what is happening the other side.
Mark target with a detection only Arcane-Link [level (up to 3) ].

Glamour Muto
Alter Sound, Scents, Shadows, Sight or Visibility in area [1+]. Magic-Alarm ‘Silenced’ [2+].
Voice altered e.g. amplified double volume [1], only (or not) heard by (2 ) target [1], very persuasive [3].
Speech altered to have opposite meaning to all in area-of-effect [2 + area-of-effect].
Blur; as Dodge Blow [3], as Dodge Blow x2 [4].
Chameleon; blend-in (but not diminish) image, sound or smell [2, to 5 (near-invisible) ], affect all Senses [+1].
e.g. alter footsteps to sound like something else but in a quiet room may still attract attention.
If cast on an object of 3 litres [–2], 30 litres [–1].
Target’s image moved 10 cm [1], swap with another’s within 1 m [3]. Appear 2-dimensional (hide from side) [4]
Reflections altered and warped [1+]. Alter appearance of a surface/wall e.g. mirrored; 1 m2 [1], 3 m2 [2].
Merge into your own Reflection; but can’t act & senses confused [3], can act fully [4], if size <10cm [+1].
Maze; 3-pace radius area seems maze-like & hard to navigate/leave [1].
To navigate area; test each Intellect on 3 cards every mag. minutes.
Must accumulate mag. Successes, but drop one Success per extra test
If area enclosed (e.g. a room) area need not be full size. Centre may be clear i.e. hidden.

Mask Muto
Disguise Appearance (affects most Senses, for all Senses [+1])
e.g. appear any age (or other minor change) [1], alter face [1], clothes [1 to 2],
whole appearance [2 to 4], viewers can’t remember appearance [3], mimic another [+1].
Disguise as a person aided by stored pattern e.g. see Corpus, Mentem, Imagonem.
Terrifying Appearance [2], all viewers see you as their most feared opponent [4]. ‘Angelic’ [2 to 4].
Front-Face; to all in sight you appear to be facing them (even if back turned) [1], looking at them [2].
Completely change appearance & quietens Mystical-Air.
 Praestigia learnt as a standalone Magic Form requires a performance, fetish or talismanic Geas.

Direct Imagonem Rego

Project to a fixed point; a sound, smell, taste, tactile-sensation or static image (1 m2) [ range & barrier ]
e.g. (caster’s) image.
Voice audible at 300 paces or to all in 30-pace radius area-of-effect [1].
Magic-Hand (project touch): Perform one simple action [1], as good as hands for duration [4].

Record onto a medium or Project a static image (1 m2 or 1 page of writing) [1].

Record sounds, smells, tastes, touch or sight for duration of spell [1 to 3, if detail clear].
Display what you see, hear or smell/taste [1, to 3 for clear sense], all senses [+1].
Magic Alarm [range/area] – aware if anything disturbs alarm point, need muto magnitude 2+ to fool.
Speech subtly controlled to warping its meaning [3+]. Capture target’s Voice [3].
Contest control of an equal magnitude Imagonem spell, no contest for control for lower magnitude.

Bang (Deafening) or Flash (Blinding) [1] (Creo & Rego)

– in 3-pace radius area-of-effect targets put at negative (see tables), recover by 1 per round.
If Deaf / Blind damage as [–2], Loud enough to shatter brittle item [2+].

Confound-Reality [5 to 6] – instantly prevent a simple event happening, or even having happened.

Grandeur Rego As a standalone Art is self only.

 Cast on the target of the attention not those influenced.
 Affects all in range, & only while in range, diminished by (magic) barriers.
Authority Impressive & convincing [1+], inspire followers’ loyalty & bravery [2+], commanding [3+].
Attention All in range find it hard not to attend to target [2 to 3], & in awe of target [+1].
Majesty All in range treat you as important [3], a Lord [4], a Prince [5], a King [6].

All in range treat caster as a Lord.
 Obfuscate learned as a standalone Art is Self only (or around self), except for Arcane-Talent Ward.
 Illusions mislead/hide up to equal magnitude magical analysis, higher level sees flaws in the


Shadow-Veil Shadow-Veil Muto – fools perceptions rather than senses.
As Arcane-Talent at [3 to 4]. Magic-Alarm bypass [2+].
Blend-In; target (or object) fits in e.g. a local [1], a generic servant [2],
Blameless in a group not out of place [3], seen as an acquaintance [3],
As Arcane-Talent at [3 to 4]. presence unquestioned [4] – effect no use if draw attention.
Normally no activation cost Target is missed by society, ignored & not seen at all at [3+].
but if you are suspected Blameless;
activation removes suspicion. Target is not suspected in anyway appear pure, even ‘cherubic’ [3].
Hide from afar; range at which can be sensed reduced 1 range band [1]
Outré-Veil – when can been sensed clearly will seem to come upon suddenly.
You’re missed by eldritch
entities and their powers.
Ignored or even not seen. Undetectable Perdo – hides from senses.
Walk Tracelessly or Walk Silently [1], Run [2], Sprint [3].
Hidden target (to one Sense); to all senses [+1]
if not move effectively invisible by [3, (Size +1) ],
gives effective Dodge Blow [3], Dodge Blow x2 [4].
Target wholly Invisible or Silent, etc. [5].
if an Object 3 litres [–2], 30 litres [–1].
Evanesce; evidence of target’s existence fades from target’s memory [2],
goes quickly [+2], fades from media [+area, for robust media +2]
Diminish Visibility, Sound or Scent [area-of-effect],
Silence completely [+1], Unseen [+1], all three [+1].
Reflection removed from target [2].
Confusing Area; hard to navigate/leave [area-of-effect]
e.g. filled with ‘mist/smoke/shadows’.
– may include lesser diminish effects as above.
To navigate area must test, see Glamour/Maze for rules.

Cloak Activity Rego – hides from perceptions.

Legerdemain *If attracting or are centre of attention [+1 to +2], attacking [+3].
As Arcane-Talent at [3]. Legerdemain; a simple action, movement or noise is unobserved [1 to 2*].
Vanish entirely unobserved from a scene [2*].
Vanish Imperceptible – will be ignored.
As Arcane-Talent at [3]. e.g. if hidden in deep shadows or behind curtains [2*], if in the open [4*],
attacking [6].
For an Object to remain undetected; 3 litre [–2], 30 litre [–1].
Barrier blocking Sight/light, Sound or Smell in area-of-effect [1 to 4],
1-way barrier [+1].

Hidden Scrying/Divination Ward Rego

Your location can’t be Cloud-Scry [1+], totally obscure unless detection has extra magnitude [4].
Scryed or Divined until False-Scry; receive false information e.g. redirected to similar target [2 to 3].
after next sunrise/set. Misguide locating magic [range target appears to be from actual ].
Reduce Scry Intellect test success by one [+1].
Scryer tests on Intellect; Partial-Success glimpse of truth,
Full-Success some information, Total-Success true info.
Puzzle-Scry [+duration modifier], adds a Puzzle/Maze in way of any Scrying,
increases scrying time by duration modifier.
● Learned as a standalone Form it suffers an extra Geas (perhaps associated with fate/destiny).

Fate-Chance modifiers: for an important event [up to +3] e.g. death [+2], double influence in life [+2];
for an unimportant event [–1 to –3] e.g. a bet between friends for no money [–2].
● Important people influence others indirectly so the effect would have to cover them too in some
circumstances e.g. double the wealth of a man [+2], of a wealthy man [+10].
● For distant events apply range/barrier modifiers.


Luck Fortune Creo

Lucky if it really matters, Next action Lucky; can re-test it [1]. Target Lucky for duration [3].
not so much when just You can do activities to store up luck/fate. A kind of simple ritual.
gambling for money e.g. pick clovers, play patience, etc..
(& this magic obvious). Create the chance of a simple event occurring to target; 5% likely [1],
Maximum effect activation 20% [2],100% [3].
needed to influence Create a Destiny/Doom for the target
an important event. [significance of the destiny (1 to 4) + area affected by the destiny]
e.g. fight dragon to be awarded half of barony = important + influence large area [3+9].
Target recovers one Confidence [2 to 5, min. (2+ ⅔M-A.) ], gains one
Confidence (only for duration, is not recovered) [+1], if already fated [+1].

Fated Muto (& Perdo)

 If magic needs more mag. to achieve this you know before you cast.
Charmed Life For simple actions only & Reflexive cast:
You’re not lucky but fate Next action; can re-test one card [1], re-test action [2], succeed [3].
protects from serious harm. Second-Chance; re-test last action [3], if a fumble [4].
You may come close but Release target from any binding e.g. tied hands [1], net or tied-up [2],
are unlikely to die. locked manacles [5], etc..
Your destiny gives you Chance of an event occurring to target increased or decreased by a
clear vision in life. factor of 3; if it is up to 5% likely [1], 20% [2], 100% [3];
by a factor of 10 [+1], by 30 [+2], by 100 [+3].
Hide target’s fate from equal magnitude magical analysis.
Prevent an event from occurring to a target; if it is 5% likely [1], 10% [2],
20% [3], 50% [4], 100% [5].

Destiny Rego – no control how it works or the consequences.

Daredevil Protect target from next fumble [3], for duration [4].
Gain a bonus on one Influence target’s destiny (for duration) e.g. cause/prevent a casual meeting [1],
extreme manoeuvre. an arranged meeting [2+] – no control of the means or reaction to a meeting.
For very difficult actions Influence object’s destiny (for duration) [1+]
don’t re-test Successes. e.g. make an item come into a person’s possession (need range modifiers).
Oath/Pact; dedicate an Oath to the fates (very unlucky to break) [2+].
False-Destiny; target feels the pull of their apparent ‘destiny’ and may
act accordingly, though they’ve no more chance of
success than any other [1].
To perceive it is false; detection mag. = [2+ remaining duration].

Trinket Trinkets Rego

‘Find’ a simple item as Find simple small items when you need them.
needed. Magnitude depends on likelihood, rarity and usefulness.
Basic small items no activation cost.
● Learned as a standalone Form it suffers an extra Geas (perhaps associated with fate/destiny).


Maledictio Perdo
Jynx a target; fails present action fails [1], fumbles it [2].
Cast on an object affects its next use.
Hex a target to remove/diminish its effectiveness (for duration)
e.g. lame a horse [2], a sword will break [2], etc..
Unlucky (for duration) [2+], fumble frequently (for duration) [4].
Hex a place; bad luck befalls all in the location [1 +area-of-effect].
Curse target; any traditional effect or as suitable to source of your power.
e.g. insanity (knowledge god), cowardice (war god), Curse of Azathoth, etc.
Doom; befalls target’s destiny.
Retribution; if caster finally dead slayer takes magnitude damage
– casts automatically with curse arcane-link.
Sever target’s Fate/Destiny/Doom [number of targets or area affected by the destiny].

Curses use an Arcane-Link created by natural (or infernal) laws (see magic rules).
Doom this effect (and similar ones) can be started with a simple cast and builds over time.
This will draw on the caster either requiring ritual time or costing them fatiguing or Confidence.
Final magnitude require ~[ target importance (1 to 3) + area affected by the destiny ].
Maledictio can be used to trigger an Invoked Curse i.e. a powerful source can be invoked to curse those who
break an Oath sealed in its name. But this usually requires a month-long traditional ritual (ritual value ~£1).
The Maledictio caster can do so with a cast ([5], value ~£1) or a short ritual (e.g. 2 days at [3], value ~£1).
DIVINATIO part of FATALIS Divinatio is not resisted.
Most users can use only particular divination methods. The true source of the knowledge imparted varies.
● Range modifiers do NOT apply but add Barrier modifiers for location of source(s) (or target).
Secret information’s hidden nature acts as a Barrier of up to [+3].
● Enquiries of personal concern to Self gain the bonus and may trigger automatically e.g. one you care
greatly for in danger, hear your home church bells sound alarm, meet shade of just died friend, etc.
● Information of the (far) future may be inaccurate especially if Divinatio is used to affect the outcome.
● Information may be discerned in many ways e.g. by reading signs & omens, odd dreams, etc..

Premonitions Intelligo precognition

 Usually only for events of personal interest.
Gain insights into the future. May cast automatically, possibly through your dreams.
Predict the outcome of an action/event.
e.g. predict target’s next action will be a disarm attempt [~2].
e.g. for a simple guess between limited choices increase chance of success by magnitude x10%.
– for an important event [up to +3] e.g. death [+2], double influence in life [+2];
for an unimportant event [–1 to –3] e.g. a bet between friends for no money [–2].
Foresight; (if foresight can help) next action can re-test one card [1], re-test action [2].
Foreboding automatic activation, or can cast delayed on target(s)
Alert if in danger; 1 second warning [1], 3 secs [2], 1 round [3], 1 minute [4];
learn nature of the danger or direction of attack [+1], get a vision [+1], if asleep [+1].

Glimpse-the-Past Intelligo
 Usually only for events of personal interest.
Get visions of past events. May cast automatically, possibly through your dreams.
Psychometry; for any object or place (e.g. at murder site) gain glimpses of events in item’s past.
Learn user’s emotions & thoughts at time of use [1 +½duration since].
If item touched since need extra magnitude for clear information.
Hindsight automatic activation, or can cast delayed on target(s)
Highlight details presently observable that will be important (but not why) [1+ duration till relevant]
Highlight any observable omens [1], understand them [3+] e.g. show if present course is for ill.

Visions Intelligo
Gains visions as Premonitions & Glimpse-the-Past but suffer Geas; visions may mislead and often disturbing.
Visions need triggers and vary in form e.g. near target, of short, long, past, present, future, in dream, deaths, etc..

Sixth-Sense Intelligo
Sense danger, the supernatural and the ‘unseen’. Gives mild precognition for these.

Scrying/Divination Ward Rego

As in Obfuscate.

Get a revelatory insight associated with an item, place or event e.g. what I should do next.

Gain a foresight into a future of event important to your present goal or to you.

ARCANE-BLESSING Glimpse-the-Past
You get a vision of past events that are important to your present goal or to you.
DIVINATIO part of FATALIS Divinatio is not resisted.
Most users can use only particular divination methods. The true source of the knowledge imparted varies.
● Range modifiers do NOT apply but add Barrier modifiers for location of source(s) (or target).
Secret information’s hidden nature acts as a Barrier of up to [+3].
● Enquiries of personal concern to Self gain the bonus and may trigger automatically e.g. one you care
greatly for in danger, hear your home church bells sound alarm, meet shade of just died friend, etc.
● Information of the (far) future may be inaccurate especially if Divinatio is used to affect the outcome.

Divination Intelligo
Divination requires skill and time to interpret and often is received as a vision (possibly in a medium). It also
provides related contextual information not directly sought and probably confusing.
 If received as an allegorical dream, sleep can be ritual time of half its duration.
 Done in many even odd ways e.g. send a bird off so when you next meet it you know you have found the place sought.
Learn about an item, place, being/person, event/action (e.g. a death) or any set topic or statement.

Revelation Intelligo
Revelation provides simple answers to the ‘question’ but not context or deeper meaning (the greater truth).
Learn about an item, place, being/person, event/action (e.g. a death) or any set topic or statement.
For more info (at least triple no. of answers) [+1].

Divination & Revelation Arcane-Talents both include;

Perceive the connections between a target and other things (or if fate is affecting target) [1+],
learn strength of connections [2+], learn the nature/effect of the connections [4+].

Magnitudes depends on sources of the information e.g. people who know (or will know) or books:
Common knowledge [0], Personal knowledge (of many people) [1], if 10,000 sources [1],
1000 sources [2], 100 [3], 10 [4], 1 [5], no-one knows [7].
Vague information [–1 to –4]. Complex information / the reason for an event [+1 to +3]
e.g. ultimate responsibility for a death [+3], how do I activate the Eye of Ugin [+3].
If in the Past [ + ½duration since ], if in the Future [ + duration until +3 ].

e.g. what leads to my objective [4 (people who know) +2 (barrier) –3 (very vague information) = 3];
Divination: “seek the path through water” Revelation: “the north road”
who leads that army [1 (people who know) +1 (important) = 2];
Divination: “the bloody hand of the dark lord” Revelation: “Sir Viktor von Gratz”
or as a vision Divination: vision of entwined heraldries Revelation: brief vision of his heraldry
vision of major event in item’s past [3 + 3 (100 years ago) –1 (brief vision (vague) ) = 5];
is he part of the plot/conspiracy [4 (sources) +2 (deep-secret) = 6];
was he murdered [4 (sources) = 4], why was he killed [+1 (reason)= 5], who killed him [+2 (deep-reason) = 6];
learn a being’s True-Name (mag. 8) [5 (sources) +4 (½ its mag. representing deep-secret & complex info.) = 9].
learn history of an item [4 (~no. people who knew) +3 (100 years) –1 (a bit vague) +1 (many facts) = 7];
target’s astrological life-chart [1 + 9 (lifetime) –3 (very vague information) +1 (many predictions) = 8];
predict consequences if I kill him [1 + 7 (future, over one month) –2 (vague information) = 6];
predict next day travel good or bad [0 (common knowledge) +4 (time) –2 (vague information) = 2];
predict next year’s (poor) harvest [0 + 7 (1 year) +2 (important) +4 (range, area covered) = 13];
(foretelling) this city will last 1000 years [0 + 10 (1000 years) –4 (very vague info.) = 6];
you will be killed by goblins [3 (people who will know) +8½ (lifetime) –4 (limited info.) = 7½].

Spell Manipulation
 Magic countering/influencing effects include Quick-Cast and fatigue is for that spell’s duration.
If delayed only works for a single specific spell effect, or to work for any spell type [+1].
Spell-Cast Manipulation; next spell-cast of (up to) equal magnitude influenced:
Creo Empower cast for it to gain [+1].
Muto Bonus cast by one Magic-Gift – this spell-cast also gets bonus.
Alter the effect of the cast spell (e.g. to have exact opposite effect, if less of a change this spell lower mag.).
Switch target.
Mask or Hide the residual Magical/Astral Signature of cast, Erase if lower magnitude.
Perdo Disrupt cast, even if one higher magnitude (if two higher drops one magnitude).
Rego Reflect cast, but must expend one extra Confidence.
Hold spell so activation delayed for duration of this spell – must have trigger.
Spell Manipulation; one spell/magic of equal magnitude influenced:
Creo Sustain spell for this spell’s duration.
Muto Mask or Hide the spell. If this lower magnitude may partially disguise it.
Alter the effect of a spell (e.g. to have exact opposite effect, if less of a change this spell lower magnitude).
Suppress the spell/magic for duration of this spell.
If this spell one lower magnitude reduce target spell by one magnitude.
Switch target of an active spell.
Perdo Dispel spell/magic. If this spell one lower magnitude reduce target spell by one magnitude.
Rego ‘Concentration’ maintained by target on another’s spell, for max. duration of this spell.

Arcane-Link created between two targets for duration [level (up to 3) ], if target mobile [+1] – link can detected.

Explico Intelligo
 Analysis can affect the magic tested unless passive.
Detect/Sense use of magic [1+], magic [2+], any power [3+], discern magic is illusionary [4+],
spot magical spying [its mag. +2]. Illusions need [+2] to be detected.
Learn purpose of magic/curse/blessing/rune [1]; its origin, age, nature and if dangerous [2]; type & level [3];
general powers [4]; creator [5]; specific powers [6]; exact powers, weaknesses & how to dispel [7 to 8].
Learn target’s True Mystical-Air [3], True-Name [ entity’s Magnitude +2 ].
Detect/Sense daemons [1], a specific daemon [2] – all daemons are Magic Resistant and always resist detection.
– if ethereal or possessing (or in item) a level 2 barrier; if passive level 4.

Magic Self Affects the target’s magic casting.

For magic casting target object acts as an extension of target’s touch [paces long].
Target shares ‘Self’ bonus for magic cast on it by caster of this spell [2+ caster’s Mystical-Air].
Gift-Powers; give ability to cast one of your Arcane-Talent’s (not mastered) [2 +duration], one Form [+1]
Fatigue-Regain; recover one Fatigue level [2+ ⅔Mystical- Air], to delay [+2].
Quiet-Air [Mystical-Air].
Auramancy; attune target to a Power-Aura/Regio; to lose penalty [2+ Mystical-Air], to gain full bonus [+1].
Talisman [2+ Mystical-Air]; item (or area) bestows a magic cast Gift but if not used suffer two Geasa
Geasa last for as long as it was used and unless talisman destroyed one Geas permanent.
Caligo-Heart; target gains a caligo-heart [2, year duration] – gain all associated benefits & penalties
Can cast one of your Arcane-Talent’s through a target [max. cast magnitude], all your magic [+1]
– range counts from target, max. reduction two range bands, target also suffers any Backlash.
– this spell creates an Arcane-Link level 2 between targets.

 Magic countering/influencing effects include Quick-Cast and fatigue is for that spell’s duration.
If delayed only works for a single specific spell effect, or to work for any spell type [+1].
Disrupt a spell-cast of one higher magnitude (if two higher drop one mag.) – including Quick cast.
Dispel magic (one spell) of equal magnitude (if target one higher magnitude drop it by one magnitude).
Reduce spell-casts On-Target or By-Target or In Area-of-Effect by half the magnitude of this spell.
Destroy all arcane connections to target [ level of Link + ½Mystical-Air + range to link ].
Abjuration Zone in area-of-effect; casts are at Backlash +1 (& disrupts existing magic) [1] – not own magic.
As Magic Resistant [2], as x2 [4].
Ward against magic; acts as a barrier, reduce spell effects by one magnitude [1], reduce one more [+2].
Ward against ‘magical’ entities (e.g. magical constructs, etc.).

ARCANE-BLESSING Break-Magic Reflexive-Cast

Dispel one spell (magic) or Counter one spell-cast.
Especially good versus curses. If magic high-level need max. effect activation.


As if you have Magic Resistant x2. Max. effect activation or Concentrate to protect a small area.

ARCANE-BLESSING Warding-Circle Can be used to protect self or trap an opponent.

Ward in area-of-effect; mag. 2 versus all Entities.
Wardmag. +1 if max. effect activation or if Concentrate or if Focus & target knowledge (Lore skill).

ARCANE-BLESSING Empower (Minion, etc.)

You can use your vital-essence to form an Arcane-Link with target;
level 3 until sunrise/set, level 2 for ~3 days, level 1 for ~month.
Can endow ‘Minion’ with one of your Blessings or Arcane-Talent’s until sunrise/set.
Repeated use has side-effects on target. If ‘Minion’ slain caster loses 1 fatigue(day) & 2 hits.
e.g. Vampire feeds blood to target, its powers more effective on it.

Can perform tiny magical effects, even without activation cost.
Higher (up to [1]) effects are possible by paying the activation cost.
If complex or slightly more powerful need max. effect activation.
ASTRAL part of VIM Some casters also have access to Incanto magic by direct Astral means.

Second-Sight Intelligo Aura-Sight

● While viewing it’s very hard to perform non-magical tasks.
● Viewing dangerous; possibly shocking or you may even become the viewed.
● Difficult to deceive your senses by magic, may even spot the presence of the invisible
e.g. catch a fleeting glimpse of figure in a mirror, etc..
Focusing on a target for one round per magnitude;
Learn information as Arcane-Talent Vita.
Learn information as Arcane-Talent Explico.
Psychometry; for any object or place learn user’s emotions & thoughts at time of use [1 +½duration].
If item touched since need extra magnitude for clear information. Not resisted.
Perceive the truth of a Regio (or at least its first level) [3+].

Astral Manipulation
Mark a point on the astral plane [1]. Heal Astral Form for 1 hit [1].
Magic(Divine) Aura/Regio in 30-pace radius area [6], if bonus only one Gift [3], if bonus only for caster [+1].
Gate to astral-plane one-way [8], two-way [+1], mobile [+1] – if use heavily duration diminished.
– if target remains visibly Manifest for duration [–1].
– stats are higher of physical or astral can exit any point within this spell’s range & duration.
Window to the astral opened so all can view (at a fixed point) [as Assensing +2].
Mask or Hide target from magical/astral or presence detection [1 unclear, 4 completely disguised or hidden].
Mask or Hide; magic of an equal magnitude (spell).
Magical/Astral Signature residue of equal magnitude spell, Erase if lower magnitude.
Power-Aura/Regio in area-of-effect [2].
Magic-Static in area-of-effect; casts at Backlash +1 (& disrupts existing magic) [1], except casts by self [3].
Auramancy; attune target to a Power-Aura/Regio; to lose penalty [2+ Mystical-Air], to gain full bonus [+1].
Aurora-Reform; alter target’s Magical(Astral) Signature for duration (disables all arcane links) [2+ Mystical-Air].
Court-Stone; astral entities of mag. up to double stone’s magnitude may stay in it instead of being astral.
Power-Aura/Regio in area-of-effect cancelled [3]. Close an astral gate [4].
Astral Abjuration Zone; Astral-Entities in area-of-effect suffer magnitude hits per minute and
suffers @–(½mag.) (as Stunned, inc. effect on any use of Powers),
Versus Castigate it is as mag. one less and have difficulty activating Powers,
Nullifies any Astral influence of equal magnitude.
Arcane-Link created between two targets for duration [level (up to 3) ], if target mobile [+1] – link can detected.

Counter-Magic, as in Incanto.

Possession Rego – to influence target’s action need success in a Will-Contest.

Possess target (body), own body inactive [2], Host body actions at –1 unless [+1].
– To move back & forth between bodies [+1]. To retain limited control of own body [+1].
– If possessed body has no soul permanent possession requires only [+1, day-long fatigue].
– To possess Size > 2; Size 3 [+½], Size 4 [+1], Size 5 [+1½], Size 6 [+2], etc..

ARCANE-BLESSING Possession – limited control of own body.

Possess target body, to influence target’s actions need Will-Contest success.
ASTRAL part of VIM Some casters also have access to Incanto magic by direct Astral means.

Astral Interface
Sprout an intangible spiritual arm [2 + duration], pass through solid [+1 to +3].
Make (or Stop) an Astral-Form visible [1*], Manifest [2*], Materialize [3*]; *if target’s mag. 6/7 [+1], mag. 8/9 [+2], etc.
Castigate/Ward (astral-barrier) against Magic, Astral-Forms & Spirits (and their powers).
Pass through Barrier (briefly entering the Astral) [2+ Barrier]. Reach or Shoot into/out-of Astral [5].
Reach or Shoot through [1+ Barrier] – shot as versus armour of barrier rating.
Partially-Astral (Dual-Natured) [3], physically enter or exit the Astral [6]. See Astral-Projection for stats
– confusing to the senses. & have Second-Sight [1].

ARCANE-BLESSING Partially-Astral Have Second-Sight [1].

Become Partially-Astral for a Scene. Stats are average of physical & astral.
Move = (Initiative + Move)/2; Strength = (Presence + Strength +1)/2; Toughness = (Cool + Toughness +1)/2;
Initiative = ¾Initiative + ½Intellect; Defence = ⅕Cool.

Consciousness leaves your physical body and forms an astral-body (takes one turn). You appear as yourself
but altered and attired by your perception of yourself.
 Your physical body is comatose and you have no knowledge of its circumstances unless it is
 Damage to physical or astral body affects both equally (if body killed you no longer suffer its
 Astral physical stats are: (If enter physically use physical stat if higher.)
Move = Initiative; Strength = Presence; Toughness = Cool; Initiative = ½Initiative + Intellect; Defence = ⅓Cool.
Physically-Materialized stats are ⅔ astral. Partially-Astral stats; (astral stats + physical stats) x½.
 Wards: Astral traveller’s magnitude counts as [2 + Mystical-Air]
Spirit & Magic wards protect, any Physical barrier as a ward [barrier rating], entering Dreams [4*].
*Presence of a dreamer forms an Arcane-Link level 2.
Create Astral Form; Separate Body from Spirit/Mind [ 1 + range from body (barrier modifiers don’t apply) ].
You have a level 3 Arcane Link to your own Body.
 Astral & magic wards veil perception, reducing effective magnitude.
 The speed of astral travel allows for very rapid searches but perception of the mundane plane is
Detect/Sense own physical body while astral [range].
Sense real-world; e.g. get gist of conversation [1], clear perception [4], if manifest [–1], materialize/inhabit [–2].
Astral-Search – you are travelling astrally searching. Can accumulate magnitude from many casts.
Find specific linked-to or known, target or place [1 + range + barrier, if many magic items –1 to –2].
Astral-Questing An Arcane-Talent but must have Astral-Projection to learn.
As Divinatio BUT tiring & dangerous: resolve as cast but with ~triple hits/damage.

Make Astral-Self Manifest visually and/or audibly [2], Materialize physically [3], only one limb [2].

Perdo Don’t forget if not on Astral [+2] barrier modifier applies.

Direct-Damage to Astral target(s) of magnitude damage, see damage tables.
Astral-Form can Fly (30 fps) [1] – if Manifest visually 10 fps, Materialised physically 3 fps.
Allow Astral-Form to cross a spirit or magic ward of equal magnitude.
 Includes any (suitable) Corpus and Mentem effect versus Daemons.
 Any (non-defensive) use of Daemonology has especially unpleasant Backlash.

Daemonic Vigour
Daemonic-Augmentation enhance target’s body/presence [as Augment in Vicissitudo] – clearly daemonic.
Heal target but repair clearly daemonic and may cause disability, as Arcane-Talent Regenerate.
Fatigue-Regain; recover one Fatigue level [2+ ⅔Mystical-Air], to delay [+2].
Become a Daemon (avg. own stats with daemonic) [daemonic magnitude] – if unwilling no stat may drop.
Target blurred & muffled to daemon senses [1 to 4], undetectable by daemons [4 to 5].
Daemon-Plagued; possessed by minor daemon e.g. act dangerously mad or ill [1], frenzy [2],
a small mouth opens which gibbers & moans (costs one fatigue) [2+], etc..
Daemonic-Possession; as Power Warp – possessing daemon has no regard for target’s wellbeing.
Raise Daemonic-UnDead; cast with an equal magnitude Raise Daemonic-UnDead spell.

Abyssal Influence
Hide daemon’s presence, thoughts, race, alignment and level from equal magnitude magical analysis.
Make (or Stop) a Daemon visible [1*], Manifest [2*], Materialize [3*]; *target mag. 6/7 [+1], mag. 8/9 [+2], etc.
Court-Stone; summoned spiritual daemon of equal magnitude may stay in this instead of being astral.
Turn a Daemon of equal magnitude into an item; must be suitable D. & Totally-Compelled in a Will-Contest.
Abyssal Portal/Gate 1-way [11], 2-way [+1], mobile gate [+1] – if use heavily reduces duration.
Direct-Damage to Demonic target(s) of magnitude damage, see damage tables.
Slaying-Attacks [2] versus Daemons; +1 hit and all damage Grievous. Need suitable knowledge & focus.
Daemon Abjuration Zone; Daemons in area-of-effect suffer magnitude hits per minute and
suffers @–(½mag.) (as Stunned, inc. effect on any use of Powers),
Versus Castigate it is as mag. one less and have difficulty activating Powers,
Nullifies any Daemonic influence of equal magnitude.
Tendril from the Abyss; grab target by one limb at Strength 4 [1], Strength +3 [+1], drag into the Abyss at [7].
Abyssalportation, as Teleportation however Abyssal travel is not instant or safe!

Daemonic Control
Contact a daemon [½Magnitude + 0 to 3 by knowledge of the target] – it may initiate a Will-Contest
– contact increases the chance of the correct daemon being summoned.
True-Name impressed onto media [daemon’s Magnitude].
Detect/Sense demonic magic & powers, curses [1+].
Detect/Sense daemon [1], a specific daemon [2] – all daemons are Magic Resistant and always resist detection.
– if ethereal or possessing (or in item) a level 2 barrier; if passive level 4.
Sense through one of a daemon’s senses [1+ range] – disorienting to switch sense(s) back & forth
– but all daemon senses lie!
Command Object to perform its function independently [1+] – animated by a minor daemon.
Command all Daemons in the area-of-effect to perform any suitable spell of three lower magnitude
– not work if none about, Daemons can perform most types of magic.

Daemonic Appareo All of Appareo for ONLY Daemons.

 Works for all Apparitions; that is Daemons and all Spirits (including Ghosts & Elementals).
 Apparitions given complex instructions become confused, depending on intelligence, especially over time.
 Can Command, Castigate and Ward against Golems & Constructs but they are not summoned beings.

Command Entity – once cast apply only half any additional range & barrier modifiers.
Obey a command e.g. stop, cease action, come here [1], lie down [2]. Must answer a simple question [1].
Constrain daemon to stay near (second) target (can also be prevented from approaching closely) [2 to 3]
Target inclined to obedience [1], partially controlled [2], fully dominated [3], totally enslave mind [4];
– if made to act repeatedly against its nature test Presence one card; if pass control down one mag.
Increase require magnitude by [+½] per Size >3 or Magnitude >3.
Will-Contest initiated between caster & target [2], opponent at –1 Presence [+2], add person to contest [+2].

Castigate & Ward vs Entities NOT targeted so Barriers & Magic Resistance do not apply.
Castigation Covers an area as a Ward or in a front arc of 10 paces cone.
Castigator may enter a Will-Contest with a target Entity.
Ward Wards are 1- or 2-way. Markers or barriers are an easy (cheap) focus for larger area.
Caster may permit entry. Can be set to trigger spell if crossed, avoided if result <0.
Can be set to only hide the area (& ward); Entity won’t notice it avoids area.

Entities suffer as the Terror column, result reduced by only its Magnitude (see damage tables).
 Entity may take Backlash; each one to reduces result by 2.
 If Incorporeal; ‘Panic’ result can force it to Materialize (or Dismiss it), if Possessing Expel; from body
‘Retreat’ result can force it to Manifest, if Possessing force it to Appear.

Caster draws to themselves; one Entity [range], all Entities in 30 pace radius around caster [1].

Summon Apparition [ Apparition’s Magnitude ] If Botch cast you are summoned.

Must be in a suitable place for Apparition to be summoned. At end of duration returns whence it came.
● If apparition injured it will leave unless summoned for more than a scene, e.g. to stay till 0 hits must be a day.
● If cast flawed; may get a substitute e.g. an underling, their superior or an Infernal-Beast or even be dragged to Hell, etc.
● There is an arcane link level 1 between Summoner and Apparition.
● If summon a ‘horde’ of Apparitions increase number as Influence but control lessened.
● Can be summoned to re-appear later (possibly after binding) or to appear repeatedly (e.g. monthly, see
ritual magic), but level of control will be one degree less when it re-appears (or is re-summoned).
Upon Summoning may bargain or either party may force a Will-Contest on the other.
Will-Contest Compulsion After each test the contestants may agree a deal and end the contest.
Summoner Total Apparition Sub-Stragulum; will be subservient to its new master.
Summoner Full Apparition will treat Summoner as boss.
Summoner Partial Apparition will be surly and unhelpful in its service e.g. follow instructions to the letter!
Drawn Contest Apparition and summoner may make a (equal) contract.
Apparition Partial Summoner may be tricked/forced into a bad deal or must propitiate Apparition.
Apparition Full Apparition may demand dismissal or negate a contract.
Apparition Total Summoner forced/tricked out of ward.
● Get control problems if you’re Compelling more than your Presence of entities who’s Mag. > your Rego
Possession by an Apparition if suitable may give bonus as Power Warp Arcane-Talent (at its magnitude).

Bind an Apparition of equal magnitude† to ‘haunt’ an object or an area (of any size) (or a person or an event).
†For ghost remains or death site act as an arcane link level 3.
Raise Undead of equal magnitude by forcing Apparition to possesses a prepared cadaver†;
– Base stats (before undeath modifiers) as life, but limited to raise-spell magnitude+2. Raise animal [Size].
– Prepare corpse with; Eldritch Lore and Magick Lore or equal mag. Muto- or Rego- Corpus.
– Large numbers only inclined to obey, e.g. some may have own objectives.
– Can occur (un)naturally to victims of odd deaths, especially if caused by Apparition.
NATURA Meta-Form
 Mastery Gift bonuses only two of the Elemental Forms.
 Equal level in an Element is a focus to a joint cast of a non-elemental spell e.g. for Tempestas gain
wings; for Ignem breath-fire; for Terram ‘stone-skin’; for Aquam gain gills or Scrying-Pool (all water is
connected so is an arcane link for Scrying), etc..

The following are available for each Element:

Summon Elemental of equal magnitude – see APPAREO for mechanics.
On Summoning automatically in a Will-Contest with Summoner, though it may be friendly and willing.
Heal an elemental for 1 hit [1].
Cleanse; remove any taint from area-of-effect [as required].

Detect/Sense presence of Element [1], of any substance [2]. Analyse Element [1 to 4].
Find shelter [range] – this effect is cast with a combination of many elements.
Sense ‘natural’ dangers/traps [1] – barrier modifiers apply.
Communicate with Elementals [1]. Talk to the winds/body of water/fire/the earth [2].
Elemental Divinatio
Many elementalists develop Divinatio performed through the elements which may even act as a focus.
Divinations often received as a vision in the relevant element or as suitable omens.

Become partially Elemental matter giving suitable characteristics to enhance body or mind (see corpus/mentem)
e.g. quick as the wind, heart of stone/ice, strong as the ocean / earth, help to swim, tough skin, help to carry, etc..
Stranger than Vicissitudo, changes come with awkward side-effects, if more extreme see Amalgam.

Amalgam; Fuse target with ‘Element’

– Forms a weird element-humanoid hybrid, e.g. light as air, petrify (resist damage), moonbeam, etc..
– If higher magnitude gives bonuses (& flaws), may be similar to Arcane-Talent Power Warp.
– If cast for 1-day duration some limited changes may become permanent!
Elemental-Form; with restricted movement & casting [4], full abilities, but with dis/advantages of element [5].

Merge into Element; but can’t move (except with the element) and senses confused [3], if target smaller [+1],
can act fully (move in element and with its movement (except terram) ) [4],
fully meld with an area (can sense all that happens in the area) [+area].

Zone of Natural Purity in area-of-effect [1, if polluted need up to +2].
Command and Castigate/Ward against Fairies, Spirits and Elementals of the Element.

Elemental Travel (e.g. Deep-Shadow-portation)

For those with a deep understanding of an element there may be an Arcane-Link of level 0 to 2
between places special to that element e.g. for those with Locus this Link could aid Teleportation.
NATURA Meta-Form
 Mastery Gift bonuses only two of the Elemental Forms.
 Equal level in an Element is a focus to a joint cast of a non-elemental spell e.g. for Tempestas gain
wings; for Ignem breath-fire; for Terram ‘stone-skin’; for Aquam gain gills or Scrying-Pool (all water is
connected so is an arcane link for Scrying), etc..

The following are available for each Element:

Create Element; 3 paces deep by 1 pace wide and 3 pace long or to encircle or fill the area [1],
triple height, length or width [+1], increase area circled/filled [+ area-of-effect modifier],
across a barrier [+barrier modifier], moves at 3 fps [+1, etc.].
Element Shield; in front of caster provides double magnitude protection versus elemental attacks.
Cleanse; remove any taint from area-of-effect [as required].

Detect/Sense presence of Element [1], of any substance [2]. Analyse Element [1 to 4].
Aware of all that moves through the Element in a 30-pace radius area-of-effect [1] – may delay as an alarm.
Find shelter [range] – this effect is cast with a combination of many elements.
Sense ‘natural’ dangers/traps [1] – barrier modifiers apply.
Communicate with Elementals [1]. Talk to the winds/body of water/fire/the earth [2].

Guard; target protected from simple natural dangers and accidents, etc..

 † Magic countering/boosting effects include Quick-Cast and fatigue is for that spell’s duration.
If delayed only works for a single specific spell effect, if to work for any spell type [+1].
†*Dispel a Natura spell of equal magnitude (if one higher magnitude drops by one magnitude).
†*Disrupt a Natura spell-cast of equal magnitude (if two higher drops one magnitude).

Accident; target suffers fairly, simple ‘natural’ accidents (not resisted); only really dangerous by situation
e.g. a skid, only dangerous at high speed.

Animate ‘Element’; stats as an Elemental or as a suitable animal [Size] (alter stats to suit element).
Requires direction except if set to simple repetitive task.
Fine control [+1], some independence [+1].
‘Element’ Grasp; Hold one limb of target at Strength 4 [1], Strength +3 [+1], double number of holds [+1]
(not Ignem) – if emersed/surrounded in element Holds more limbs or even Whole-Body.
‘Element’ Attack; Tendrils or similar attack at Melee = magnitude +2, Strength = magnitude x2.
If caster ‘wields’ as melee weapon cast gets self-bonus and Reach = ½mag., 1- or 2- handed.
Attack Type; Aquam, Flora, Tenebrae = Grapple, Ignem = Fire, Terram = as weapon.
‘Element’ Shield; in front of caster provides double magnitude protection versus elemental attacks.

Raise Undead of equal magnitude by forcing an Elemental spirit to possesses a prepared cadaver†;
– Base stats (before undeath modifiers) as life, but limited to raise-spell magnitude+2. Raise animal [Size].
– Prepare corpse with equal magnitude [Undead + Rune Lore] or Muto- or Rego-Mortuus/Corpus.
– Can occur (un)naturally to victims of an element death e.g. if drown, burn to death, lightning struck, etc.
– If cast on a grave, corpse will claw its way out.

Fiery Communion
Summon Fire Elemental of equal magnitude – see APPAREO for mechanics.
On Summoning automatically in a Will-Contest with Summoner, though it may be friendly and willing.

Detect/Sense presence of fires & how they will spread, etc. [1 to 2].
Tell when & how an object was burnt [1+ ½duration since], see how it looked before it was burnt [+1 to +2].
See a fire & all that it illuminates [area-illuminated + range].
Infra-Red sight [2]. Thermographic sight [4]. Smoke-Sight [2 to 3].
Elemental Divinatio; Tephramancy (sacrificial ashes), Pyromancy (flames), Empromancy (sacrificial fire).

Internal-Combustion; reduce damage by ½(Toughness + Armour) – the body provides its own fuel.
Alter flammability of target [1 to 3]. Inflame Emotions of target [1 to 4].
Warm target; e.g. they will tire rapidly and become irritable, suffer heatstroke, etc. at [1 to 3], dying [5].
Fiery Augmentation
Merge into Flame/Smoke
But can’t move (except with the element) and senses confused [3], can act fully (move in air and with its movement) [4]
Flame/Smoke -Form.

Protection; experience Heat as 20ºC less, Cold as 20ºC more per magnitude, flash Heat/Cold 200ºC / –60ºC;
reduce damage by magnitude x2; up to quintuple temperature (+3 damage reduction) if only part of body.
Raise Undead of equal magnitude by forcing a Fire Elemental spirit to possesses a prepared cadaver†.
Command and Castigate/Ward against Fairies of the Flames and Fire Elementals.

Ignite flammable objects or material in area. Can ignite a flammable item without paying activation cost
Maximum effect activation, ignites even a non-flammable items.
Fire-Bolt/-Ball damage as magnitude. Flamethrower one pace diameter at a static point [+2].
Immolation-Aura [1, mild damage if touched], magnitude damage to any (nearly) touching [+mag.].
Ignite; object or all in 1-pace radius area [1], less flammable [+1 to +5 (non-flammable) ], spread from start point [–1].
target; a hand/foot (until extinguish ½ hit per minute) [1], limb (1 hit & stunned) [2], body (2 hits & dazed) [3].
Inferno; 3 paces high by 1 pace wide and 3 paces long or to circle or fill area [1] – damage mag. 1
triple height, length or width [+1], increase area Circled/Filled [+ area-of-effect modifier],
damage magnitude plus one [+1], storm moves at 3 fps [+1, etc.].
If Fill area (Rain-of-Fire) fire thin; chance of being hit per round odds are 1: area-modifier.
Blast; take Fire & Knock-Down damage at spell mag. less one.

Cremate a flammable item (10 kg/litres) [1], a cadaver [3].
Control a fire [area-of-effect], move it at 3 fps [+1], etc..
Bound-in-Fire; if act take Fire damage less ½Toughness, if act three times bonds broken.
Animate Flame; stats as an Elemental. Requires direction except if set to simple repetitive task.
Fine control [+1], some independence [+1].
Flame Attack; Tendrils or similar attack; Fire damage at Melee = magnitude +2, Strength = magnitude x2.
If caster ‘wields’ as melee weapon cast gets self-bonus and Reach = ½mag., 1- or 2- handed.
Flaming weapon; additional fire damage of 1 hit [2], of 2 hits [3], of 3 hits [4] – not more than double hits.
Flaming ‘Shield’; intense enough to act as a shield in melee (if opponent susceptible) [2].

Smoke; 3 paces high by 3 paces wide and 3 paces long or to circle or fill area [1]
(dense) triple height, length or width [+1], increase area Circled / Filled [+ area-of-effect modifier],
damage; if breathe Choking damage per round (& if pass through) [1, +1 per magnitude],
If Fill area smoke density reduced by 1:area-modifier.
Heat 1 kg object to 360ºC [1], 650ºC [2], 1100ºC [3], 1800ºC [4], 2500ºC [5] – heat 100ºC per minute.
[to melt Lead = 1; Glass (soften) = 2; Brass, Bronze, Silver, Gold = 3; Glass, Stone, Iron, Platinum = 4]
Heat 100 litre volume area (as an oven) to 140ºC [1 +duration], 200ºC [2], 280ºC [3], 400ºC [4].

Alter a fire’s temperature, colour, smokiness, smell, shape, etc. [1], make it invisible [3].
Warm (or Cool down to 0ºC) area by magnitude x15ºC for duration.
Cool 1 kg object by magnitude x50ºC (once below 0ºC half temperature reduction).
Cool 100 litre volume area to magnitude x(–50)ºC [+duration].
Focused Heat
Cuts through; Metal [1], per round 300 mm / thickness (mm), Stone [1], per round 10 cm / thickness (cm).
Triple cutting speed [+1].
Weld (metal) at 30 cm per round or Fuse all metal in 1 litre volume [2].

Extinguish all flame in area (extreme heat will re-ignite) [area-of-effect].
Destroy heat of flames in area (but still burn) [1].
Cool 1 kg object by magnitude x50ºC (once below 0ºC half temperature reduction).
Cool 100 litre volume area to magnitude x(–50)ºC [+duration].

Magic-Light – each increase in area-of-effect diminishes brightness one magnitude.
As lamplight in 3-pace area [duration]; as daylight [+1], sunlight [+2], dazzling [+3], as candle [–1]
or Beam-of-Light: base 2 pace diameter, length 10 paces
Multi- and/or changing coloured light requires Muto and extra magnitude.
Light Surface: 1 m2 area too bright to see through [2 + duration].
Bright Aura about target [1+], at [3]; all melee attacks versus target drop 1 step – an overawing effect.
Blinding-Flash in area-of-effect – targets at negative (see table) recovering negative by 1 step per round.
Bright-Flashing ‘Shield’; strong enough to act as a shield in melee [2].

Low-Light sight [2], Dark-sight [4].

Alter lights colour and intensity [1+].
Alter Shadows in 30-pace radius area-of-effect [1].

??????Damaging Light in area; in sunlight 3 hits per minute, daylight 2 hits, lamplight 1 hit.

?Merge into Light Light-Form Light-Augmentation e.g. thin as a moonbeam [3], etc..

Create deep shadows [area-of-effect] or around (mobile) target [1].
Darken area-of-effect [1 to 3; completely dark in twilight 1, in sunlight 3].
An eclipse in a 10 km radius area [11].

Control/concentrate light in area (to mag. x5 stronger).

Icy Communion
Summon Ice Elemental of equal magnitude – see APPAREO for mechanics.
On Summoning automatically in a Will-Contest with Summoner, though it may be friendly and willing.

Intelligo Elemental Divinatio;

Detect/Sense ice [1]. Analyse ice [1 to 3]. Infra-Red sight [2], Thermographic sight [4].

Walk on Ice/Snow as simple ground [1, to 3 for Sprint]. Decrease flammability of target [1 to 4].
Cool target; e.g. they will tire rapidly and become irritable, etc. [1 to 3], dying [4 to 5].
Frost Augmentation
Merge into Snow/Ice
But can’t move (except with the element) and senses confused [3], can act fully (move in air and with its movement) [4]

Flash-Freeze: Hold one limb of target at Strength 4 [1], Strength +3 [+1], double number of Holds [+1].
– if standing on Ice/Snow both legs Held. Gives Armour of ½magnitude.
Frozen in Suspended animation (slow activity & metabolism, not offensive) [2 or Size], still aware [+2].
Protect from heat/cold; per magnitude heat to 25ºC, cold of –15ºC, flash heat/cold to 200ºC / –50ºC;
reduce damage by magnitude x2; up to quintuple temperature (+2 damage reduction) if only part of body.

Raise Undead of equal magnitude by forcing an Ice Elemental spirit to possesses a prepared cadaver†.
Command and Castigate/Ward against Fairies of the Winter and Ice Elementals.

Frost attack: on target(s) or Frost-thrower one pace diameter at a static point [+2].
Cloak target in frost, suffer hypothermia if duration long enough [1].
Frost-Aura [1, mild damage if touched], magnitude damage to any (nearly) touching [+mag.].
Icy-Sheen; cover all surfaces in area with smooth slippery ice (~1 cm) [area-of-effect], if only ground in [–1].
Cool 100 litre volume area to magnitude x(–50)ºC [+duration]. Create an ice statue of 30 kg [1+].
Cool 1 kg object by magnitude x50ºC (x200ºC down to 0ºC).

Freezing Ice/Snow; in 3-pace radius area-of-effect Hold any touching it (at mag. 1) [1].
Freeze/Melt 1000 litres liquid (less if not water) or surface water to 1 cm deep in 30-pace area-of-effect [1].
Cool (or Warm up to 0ºC) area by magnitude x15ºC for duration.

Frost-Chilled weapon; additional fire damage of 1 hit [1½], of 2 hits [3] – not more than double hits.

Ice & Snow

Ice-Wall [1]; 3 paces high by ⅓ pace wide by 3 pace long or to encircle area,
triple height, length or width [+1], increase area Circled/Filled [+ area-of-effect modifier],
built across a barrier [+barrier modifier], wall moves at 3 fps [+1, etc.].
Blizzard [1]; 3 paces high by 1 pace wide and 3 pace long or to circle or fill area – damage mag. 1
triple height, length or width [+1], increase area Circled/Filled [+ area-of-effect modifier],
damage magnitude plus one [+1], blizzard moves at 3 fps [+1, etc.].
If Fill area (Rain-of-Hail) chance of being hit per round odds are 1: area-modifier.
Snow or Hail in 30-pace area-of-effect [1 +duration]; if warm [+1 per 10ºC], no cloud cover [+2], desert [+2].
Extinguish all flame in area (extreme heat can re-ignite) [area-of-effect].

Rain turns to hail/snow in 300-pace radius area-of-effect [1].
Freezing Fog in 30-pace radius area-of-effect [1], difficult to find way through or out of [3].
Cool (or Warm up to 0ºC) area by magnitude x15ºC for duration.

Encased-in-Ice; as Hold (see damage tables) & each round of action reduce Hold one mag.
but take frost damage at that mag..
Animate Ice: stats as an Elemental or as a suitable animal [Size] (alter stats to suit element).
Fine control [+1], more independence [+1].
Requires direction except if set to simple repetitive task.
Ice Attack: Shards of Ice or similar attack at Melee = magnitude +2, Strength = magnitude x1½,
(not resisted) damage is Puncture and each blow add +1 hits of cold damage.
If caster ‘wields’ the Weapon cast gets self-bonus and Reach = ½mag., 1- or 2- handed.
Throw Ice-Spear; add mag. to hit chance & damage +½mag. hits of cold damage.
Weapon formed of Ice [2], +1 hit frost damage [+1].
 Desert; use of Aquam (except Intelligo) is more difficult, requires [+1 to +2].

Aqua Communion
Summon Elemental of equal magnitude – see APPAREO for mechanics.
On Summoning automatically in a Will-Contest with Summoner, though it may be friendly and willing.
Saturate target in water (or similar) [1].
Raise the water table by 1 pace in a 3-pace radius area-of-effect [1].

Detect/Sense water. See through liquid [1]. Sonar ability [3].
Revealing Pool; as Clairvoyance (Arcane-Talent) but only to sense out from still water.
Elemental Divinatio; Hydromancy (water, ripples, waves), Ichthyomancy (fish entrails)

Walk on Water [1], Run [2], Sprint [3], on rough water [+1]. Breathe water; only [1], as-well [2].
Grasping Water; in 3-pace radius area-of-effect Hold any in it (at mag.).
Guard; target protected from simple natural dangers and accidents, etc..
Merge into Waters Water-Form Aquam-Augmentation

Target must drink three times as much as normal [1], ten times amount [2]. Drown target [5].
Lower the water table by 1 pace in 30 pace radius area-of-effect [1].

Target need not Drink [duration], if not size 2 [ +(½Size – 1) ] – cast must be for the full duration.
Raise Undead of equal magnitude by forcing an Elemental spirit to possesses a prepared cadaver†;
Command and Castigate/Ward against Fairies of the Lakes, Rivers & Seas and Water Elementals.

 Acid: Creating needs [+3] and requires equal level Perdo; it does magnitude damage (quicker if inhaled).
 Oil/Alcohol needs [+2] and requires equal magnitude Ignem. Steam?

Create 1 litre of drinkable water [1] – much less in desert.

Analyse nature, magnitude and type of a liquid/poison [1 to 4], and source [1 to 4], and cures [2+].

Alter 1 litre of liquid e.g. purify [1], neutralise if poisonous [1], to acid [2], Boil or Freeze 10 litres [1].
Work safely with poison [1+], acid [2+].
Hide distinctive taste, odour or colour of 100 ml of liquid (poison) [1+], alter liquid to penetrate flesh [1].
Aerosol 1 litre of liquid into a room or 3-pace radius area-of-effect [1], hangs in air [+1].
Enticing water; if a small amount might make you wish to drink it, for a large body may induce vertigo so you fall in, etc..

Turn 30 litres of liquid vile [1]. Make a dose (100 ml) poisonous of equal magnitude.
Dehydrate 1000 cm3 object [1]. Evaporate water 10 litres per second [1 + duration].
 Desert; use of Aquam (except Intelligo) is more difficult, requires [+1 to +2].

Double a one-pace wide stream’s flow [2+ duration].
Create Wave: one 1 pace high [1], double height [+1] – travels wave-height x10 paces before dissipating
– moving wave Push target back wave-height paces (may fall) and magnitude Knock-Down damage
Standing Wave: 3 paces high by 1 pace wide and 3 pace long or to encircle or fill area [1]
Pool of Water: 3 paces deep by 1 pace wide and 3 pace long or to encircle or fill area [1]
triple height, length or width [+1], increase area Circled/Filled [+ area-of-effect modifier],
pool is obviously deep, unless hidden for [+1], wave/pool moves at 3 fps [+1, etc.].
Wave / Pool; Hold any in it at mag. 1 [+1], may drown any Held [+1].

Detect/Sense water. See through waters [1].
Map surrounding Waters/Seas & their currents to 300-pace radius, down 30 paces below surface [1 to 3].

(Sea) Foam formation; enough to cover 3-pace radius area-of-effect (a room) [1] – slippery & smothering.

Destroy water 3 paces by 1 pace by 1 pace (3 m3, 30000 litres) of water [1] – any in it may resist.
A one pace wide stream’s flow reduced by half [1].
Turn a body of water stagnant & rank in a 3-pace radius area-of-effect [1].
Calm Waves [1]; reduce height by 1 pace for waves in 30 pace radius-of-effect, double height reduction [+2]
or reduce height by 2 paces for a single wave (10 paces long each side of target point).
Whirlpool; 3-pace radius [1] – pull affects area 3 times radius.

Part (still) water 3 paces high by 3 paces wide by 10 pace long [1] – if flowing water/sea need [+2 to +4]
Tunnel opens through still water 1 pace radius by 10 paces long [1].
Air Bubble formed underwater, size area-of-effect (maximum depth 5 fathoms) [1], double depth per [+1].
Wave control in 30-pace radius area-of-effect (or for a ship) by ±1 pace high [1], double height [+2].
A ‘propelling’ wave, move a small rowboat at 3 fps [1], 1 ton boat [2].
Undercurrent pulls target down just below the water surface [1], per one fathom down [+1].

Animate Water; stats as an Elemental or as a suitable animal [Size] (alter stats to suit element).
Requires direction except if set to simple repetitive task.
Fine control [+1], more independence [+1].
Watery Grasp; Holds one limb of target at Strength 4 [1], Strength +3 [+1], double number of Holds [+1].
– if emersed in water Holds more limbs or even Whole-Body.
Water Attack; Tendrils or similar Grapple or Club attack; Melee = magnitude +2, Strength = magnitude x2
If caster ‘wields’ as melee weapon cast gets self-bonus and Reach = ½mag., 1- or 2- handed.

Increase volume/weight x3 per extra magnitude:

Flow Liquid 100 litres/kgs at 3 fps [1], if not along a surface but through the air [+1].
Pump Liquid 30 litres/kgs per second (to 10 paces distant, moves at 1 fps, flow ~10cm radius) [1].
Hurl 1 litre of liquid at 30 fps [1] – Knockdown damage.
Spray 1 dose of water (acid/poison) at target [1].
 Desert; use of Aquam (except Intelligo) is more difficult, requires [+1 to +2].

Rains heavily in 30-pace radius area [1 +duration], if no cloud cover [+2], hailstorm [+1], in desert [+2].
Acid-Rain or Poisonous-Rain [mag. + area-of-effect modifier]; chance of being hit per round 1:2area-add

Sense through Mists/Fog/Clouds of 30 paces [1].

Clouds form, thicken or disperse in 300-pace radius area-of-effect [1].
Mist/Fog forms or disperses in 30-pace radius area-of-effect [1], if indoors area only 3-pace radius
special effects; enticing sounds/sights [+1], caustic (2 hits per minute, 1 hit if fully-covered) [3],
dense [2 to 3], can’t find way through unless resist (as below) [4].
To navigate area; test each Intellect on 3 cards every mag. minutes but reduce Successes by one.
Must accumulate mag. Successes to navigate area.
If area enclosed (e.g. a room) need not be full size. (Centre may be clear i.e. hidden).
Mist-Cloak; as Dodge Blow [3], as Dodge Blow x2 [5] – could be blown away, etc..
Clinging-Mist; wraps around target blurring vision and causing choking (@–1 by [3], @–2 by [5]).
Rain turns to hail/snow in 300-pace radius area-of-effect [1].

Mist/Fog/Clouds destroyed in 30-pace radius area-of-effect [1].
Clouds destroyed between target and the sun [1 to 3] – depending on cloud cover and winds.
Rain prevented in 30-pace radius area-of-effect [1].
Humidity in 30-pace radius area-of-effect halved [1], halved again [+1].
Storm weather in 300-pace radius area [2 + duration] – 1 pace high waves, 20 knots winds, gusts 45 knots,
rain, cloud, thunder, lessening effect out to triple the radius.

Mist/Fog/Clouds control all in 30-pace radius area-of-effect [1 to 2].
FLORA Plant Size: All small vegetation or one shrub in area-of-effect, a tree (see Treeman for size).

Vegetal Communion
Summon Elemental of equal magnitude – see APPAREO for mechanics.
On Summoning automatically in a Will-Contest with Summoner, though it may be friendly and willing.

Intelligo Elemental Divinatio; Phyllorhodomancy (pattern of petals).

Detect/Sense for specific plant types (e.g. poisonous) [1], a specific species [2]. Talk with plants [2 to 3].
Learn properties of a plant e.g. identify plant’s weakness or illness [1 to 3]
Sense-Through; dense vegetation 10 paces or wood/organic matter 10cm [1], triple depth [+1],
for clear perception [+2].
Forest/Foliage Guard; target protected from simple natural dangers and accidents, etc..
Pass through dense vegetation of 1 pace depth [1], x10 depth [+1]; 1 cm cut wood [1], triple depth [+1].
Flora-Augmentation e.g. strong as oak, willowy (Contortionism), etc..
Foliage-Fiend Amalgam; turn target into a weird plant-humanoid (or animal) hybrid.
Skin 1-point bark armour [1]. Gain energy from Photosynthesis [2+]. Flexible as Willow (bendy & tough) [3].
To magical & mental detection appear as plant [1], look like plant [2]. Change into a plant [3+ size difference]
Merge into tree or large plant mass [3 to 4], and Walk a (~man-sized) plant [5].

Raise Undead of equal magnitude by forcing a Plant Elemental spirit to possesses a prepared cadaver†.
Command and Castigate/Ward against Fairies of the Forest and Plant Elementals.

Preserve a herb [magnitude]. Food; create one ration [2]. Tree bears fruit magnitude months early.
Preserve plant material [½Size].

Detect/Sense for specific plant types (e.g. poisonous) [1], a specific species [2]. Talk with plants [2 to 3].
Learn properties of a plant e.g. find a poisonous plant extract [1], identify plant’s weakness or illness [1 to 3].

Remove poisons & by-products in a herbal dose [1]. Make one dose of an herb have effect instant [1+].
Double potency of one dose of a herb [herb magnitude].
Mix herbs in a preparation without any undesired interactions (also acts as an emulsifier/stabiliser) [1].
Food for one ration; Purify, Freshen or Prepare [1].
Crops: weed, thin, harvest, fertilise, spread seed or aid vigorous healthy growth over one acre [1].

Make one dose of plant matter poisonous [magnitude].
Cause plants to turn to autumnal state [area], winter state [+1]. Kill plant matter [area x2 or Size].
FLORA Plant size: All small vegetation or one shrub in area-of-effect, a tree (see Treeman for size).
A fruit or berry bunch is size ¼.

Creo – creations only for duration.

Create Plant [ Size + ½range to natural habitat], if dead [–1].

Vegetation [1]: 3 paces high, 3 pace long or to circle or fill area by 1 pace wide
(or 10 cm if Soft-Wood or 3 cm if Hard-Wood),
triple height, length or width [+1], increase area Circled/Filled [+ area-of-effect modifier].
If area Filled vegetation density reduced by 1:area-modifier.

Grabbing: Hold any in it (at mag.) or Thorny: giant thorns, if thorns venomous (mag. 3) [+1].
– Vegetation could be a useful arrangement of plants e.g. to sleep in, toadstool furnishings, etc..
Heal vegetation [Size], revive if dead [+ duration dead].

Detect/Sense for specific plant types (e.g. poisonous) [1], a specific species [2]. Talk with plants [2 to 3].
Sense-Through; dense vegetation 10 paces or wood/organic matter 10cm [1], triple depth [+1],
for clear perception [+2].
Aware of all sensed by plants within 30-pace radius in area-of-effect [1] – may delay as an alarm.

Awaken vegetation [area or Size] – sentient plants/trees may be easier but may return to sleep.
Vegetation in 3-pace area-of-effect becomes: Thorny [1], if thorns venomous (mag. 3) [2].
Grasping; Hold any in it (at mag.), if dense plants result +1.
Walking Plant [Size].
Grow plant [ new-Size ] – Size ±1 depending on original Size. Shrink plant [ ⅓original-Size + size-reduction ].
Alter form or type of plant material or the shape/position of plant matter [Size to Size x3].
Extinguish all burning foliage/wood in 3-pace radius area [1].

Perdo Destroy a flora spell of equal magnitude.

Cause plant magnitude damage e.g. cut staff / chop down tree 3 cm diameter per magnitude.
Kill plant matter [area x2 or Size]. Cause plants to turn to autumnal state [area], winter state [+1].

Rego Requires direction except if set to simple repetitive task.

Animate Foliage limited natural-like movement [area or ½Size], fine control [+1], semi-independent [+1]
If more animated/independent; stats as an Elemental or as a suitable animal/plant [Size].

Open/Close Path through vegetation; 300-paces or as target walks (may close behind or not) [1, 2 if dense].
Plants Grasp: Holds one limb of target at Strength 4 [1], Strength +3 [+1], double number of Holds [+1].
– if surrounded by plants Holds more limbs or even Whole-Body.
Plants Attack: Tendrils or similar Grapple/Club attack;
Melee = magnitude +2, Strength = magnitude x2, Defence = magnitude, Injury-Threshold =1.

Creo – creations only for duration.
Create Boat: 2 paces long; simple (e.g. coracle) [1], basic boat [2], specialist [3].
Rope; create 10 paces [1]. Make an arrow, quick-cast [1]. Create / Repair bow [⅓strength].
Sense-Through; dense vegetation 10 paces or wood/organic matter 10cm [1], triple depth [+1],
for clear perception [+2].
Make as strong as iron 1 pace of rope or 1 kg wood [1].
Alter form or type of plant material or the shape/position of plant matter [Size to Size x3].
Absorb 1 kg item (e.g. bow) into target’s body, re-cast to withdraw [3, +1 to +2 if item strong and/or magical].
Extinguish all burning foliage/wood in 3-pace radius area [1].

Wood item 10 kg warps [1], snaps [2], 1 kg item crumbles [1], explodes (mag. damage if holding, not resisted) [2].

Clothes come to life and Hold target (see damage tables), and to Constrict for 1 hit per round [+1].
Open door; man-sized basic wooden [1].
Wooden Weapon fights on its own: Melee = magnitude +2 If a Bow; Shoot = magnitude +2.
Strength = mag. x2. Move & Defence = magnitude, Injury-Threshold =1.
If caster ‘wields’ the wood (tendrils) cast gets self-bonus and Reach = ½mag., 1- or 2- handed.
Telekinesis Wood
See Locus-Telekinesis for effects.
Deflect (or Catch) one arrow [1], if out-of-sight [2], arrow to hit nearby or to Rebound [3],
affect arrows in area-of-effect [+area], Durational; deflects one per round [+2].
Shoot splinters/thorns/arrow/dart or spear(2h damage) for magnitude Puncture damage.
Improve Shooting Effects
● Quick cast affecting next missile fired. To Delay [+1]. If caster shooting magic gains bonus for Self.
● High Strength missiles need extra magnitude, Strength 8 [+½].
True-Shot [1] One card Succeeds! (draw one less card). Two cards Succeed! [2] (draw two less cards).
Long-Shot [2] At long-range treat triple range as normal range and decuple range as triple.
Trick-Shot [1+] e.g. it makes a 90º turn [1], hit another arrow [3], very impressive effect if too weak to damage.

Earth Communion
Summon Earth Elemental of equal magnitude – see APPAREO for mechanics.
On Summoning automatically in a Will-Contest with Summoner, though it may be friendly and willing.
†*Disrupt a Natura spell-cast of one higher magnitude (if two higher drop 1 mag.) – includes Quick cast.
†*Dispel a Natura spell of equal magnitude (if one higher magnitude drop by one magnitude).
*Counter-Magic’s fatigue is for the duration of the countered spell

Intelligo Elemental Divinatio; Geomancy.

Learn your location [1]. Locate an object, specific place (landmark) or generic place (e.g. an inn) [range/barrier].
Detect metal [1 to 3, silver 5, gold 6].
‘Read’ signs/marks on the earth, tooling marks used in making [1 to 4].
Identify weaknesses in an object/structure [1 to 4]. Talk to a Golem/Construct [1].
Sense-Through; earth 10 paces, natural-rock 1 pace, worked-stone 10cm or metal ⅓mm to 0.1mm [1];
triple depth [+1], for clear perception [+2].

Pass through 3 cm of natural rock [1], x10 depth [+1]. Pass through 1 cm cut stone [1], triple depth [+1].
Solid objects pass thru’ you without harm [7].
Guard; target protected from simple ground or underground natural dangers and accidents, etc..
Terram-Augmentation; Use Terram characteristics to enhance body or mind (as corpus/mentem).
e.g. strong as the earth, tough skin, tremor-sense, help to carry, stone-hearted, etc..
Amalgam; stone-skin (restricts movement, armour 2) [2], fists of rock [3], etc..
Terram-Form with restricted movement & casting [4], full abilities, but with dis/advantages of element [5].
Merge into ground; but can’t move and senses muffled [3], can move at crawl [4], move at a walk [5],
into object [+Size difference], fully meld with area (sense all that happens in the area) [+area].


Increase target’s ground speed movement by triple magnitude fps/kph. Reduce target’s Move (as combat table)
Walk easily on any ground or surface at 90° angle [1], any angle [2], Stand/Crawl [–1], Run [+1], Sprint [+2].
Raise Undead of equal magnitude by forcing an Earth Elemental spirit to possesses a prepared cadaver†.
Command and Castigate/Ward against Fairies of the Land and Earth Elementals.
Castigate/Ward against Constructs & Golems.

Clay Constructs
Creo – complex constructions as Wall [+1 to +3]
Building (soft-rock, 3cm): 3 paces high by 3 paces by 3 paces [3];
(soft-rock, 4cm): 5 paces high by 10 paces by 10 paces [5½].
Cage (1cm metal bars, 20cm apart): 2 paces high by 2 paces by 2 paces [2].
Create metal or stone item 1 kg [1+], e.g. broad sword [2].
Create Golem or Construct of equal magnitude.

Identify weaknesses in an object/structure [1 to 4]. Talk to a Golem/Construct [1].
‘Read’ signs/marks on the earth, tooling marks used in making [1 to 4].
Sense-Through; earth 10 paces, natural-rock 1 pace, worked-stone 10cm or metal ⅓mm to 0.1mm [1];
triple depth [+1], for clear perception [+2].

Alter Item of Metal (or Stone); Repair/Mend a 1 kg item [1]; if item complex [up to +3].
Alter 10 kg item to triple Size/Weight/Strength or Quality [1], triple again [+1], item 25 kg [+1], complex [+2].
e.g. sharpen sword [1], 1 kg iron bar to dagger [1], magnetise 0.1 kg item [1], silence item [1], etc..
Mould shape 10 kg of rock [1], at higher mag. stone moulds to your desire.

Metal item 1 kg snaps/warps [1], crumbles/shatters [2], explodes (mag. damage if holding, not resisted) [3].
Age 10 kg inanimate object 30 years [1]. Rust metal item 10 kg [1].
Weaken armour by 1 point [2], double loss [+1], if high quality/magical [+1 to +2].
Break Door; man-sized 1 cm thick [1], if stone [3], if metal [5], Break Wall (hole) [+1]. Demagnetise item [1].

Open Door; man-sized 3 cm thick [1], if stone [3], if metal 1 cm thick [4]. Magic Lock [1+].
Control Structure; minor effects (e.g. open/close unlocked doors) [1+ area-modifier], for full control [+3].
Tar covered target; Initiative/Dexterity/Movement at minus magnitude. If equal mag. Ignem is also flammable.
Petrify target (as Hold) – fully petrify [5].

ARMOUR of 1 [1], of 2 [3], of 3 [5], but it restricts movement as physical armour.

Don-Armour [3]; Armour flies on to you (3 fps, in-sight & voice). If Teleport [5].

Magic-Fingers: Perform one simple action [1], Operate a mechanism e.g. spring trap [1 to 3],
close lock [1], open lock [1 to 6+].
As good as hands (at range, for duration) [4].
Speed-Smithing Each hour spent Smithing provides 2 hrs work [1], 3 hrs [2], 5 [3], 8 [4], 12 [5], 18 [6].
But this labour fatigues at double the number of hours of actual labour.
i.e. at [2]; 4 hours labour creates 12 hours work and fatigues as if laboured for 8 hours!
Animate an Object to function independently (this may be by a spirit) e.g. a Weapon or Armour (see Bestiary).
Weapon fights on its own; Move & Defence = magnitude, Melee = magnitude +2, Strength = magnitude x2.
Injury-Threshold = 1. Weapon only does 1-handed damage (unless wielded).
If caster ‘wields’ as melee weapon cast gets self-bonus and Reach = ½mag., 1- or 2- handed.
Wall [1]; 3 paces high by 3 pace long or to encircle area-of-effect
by width; if Soft-Earth/Sand 1 pace, Packed-Earth 30 cm, Soft-Rock 3 cm or shaped Hard-Stone 1 cm [1],
triple height, length or width [+1], increase area Circled [+ area-of-effect modifier],
built across a barrier [+barrier modifier], wall moves at 3 fps [+1, etc.].
Rain-of-Rocks in area for mag. one damage [1] – chance of being hit per round 1:area-modifier.
Volcano; 5 pace radius, 5 pace high, cone 1 pace [4, +2 doubles radius & height ]; requires equal mag. Ignem.
Metallic Sheen; cover ground with a smooth near frictionless metal sheen [area-of-effect], all surfaces [+2].
Create Permanent noble-metals & gems; 1d [1], silver 6d (or 30 grams) [3], gold (2 grams) [3], 1/- gem stone [4]
Temporary duration creations lack lustre; they look fake.
Aware of all that walks on the ground 30-pace radius area-of-effect [1] – may delay as an alarm.
Detect metal [1 to 3, silver 5, gold 6].
Map the surrounding land to 300-pace radius (& down to 10 paces below ground) [1 to 3 for fine detail].

Alter Earth e.g. in 3-pace radius area-of-effect turn earth to rock or to quicksand [2],
plough one hectare [2], etc..
Ground in 3-pace radius area-of-effect: Spiky or Slippery or Grasping; Hold any on it (at mag. 1) [1].
Ground in 30-pace radius area-of-effect: Uneven (may trip), Lower the water table by 1 pace [1].

Gravity: ±1 ‘G’ in area-of-effect [3], +2 ‘G’ [5] – effect up to 10-paces high.

Levitate a 30 kg object at 3 fps [1], target [2, (Size) ].
Surface ‘Sticky’; 10 cm2 (holds 2 kg per cm2) [1], triple area [+1], double strength [+1].

Destroy 1 kg (part) of rock [1], worked stone [2], metal [4 to 6].
Land 1 Hectare; Broken, Barren (1 year), Erodes (as 10 years) [1].
Earthquake in 3-km radius area [ (Richter level – 4) x3 ].
Pit in Compacted Earth*; 1 paces long by 1 pace wide, 1 pace deep [1].
Cracks in Compacted Earth*; 3 paces x 3 pace x 3 pace; widen / cause cracks [1], breaks-up [2].

* Earth/Sand [–1], Soft-Rock [+1], Worked-Stone [+2], under Buildings or Water [+Barrier mod.]

Fissure (open or close) in Compacted Earth*; 10 paces long, 3 paces wide at top, 1 pace deep [1].
Tunnel (enclosed) in Compacted Earth*; 3 paces long, 1 pace wide, 1 pace high [1].
Rock/Sand Blast; damage as magnitude – if shoot sand double armour & attack also Blinding(Stun) damage.

Animate Terram: stats as an Elemental or as a suitable animal [Size] (alter stats to suit element).
Requires direction except if set to simple repetitive task.
Fine control [+1 to +2], more independence [+1].
Ground Grasp: Holds legs of target at Strength 4 [1], Strength +3 [+1], double number of Holds [+1].
– can slowly pull into soft ground to depth of (Strength difference) x20cm.
Telekinesis effects: increase weight x3 per extra magnitude.
Fly 3 kg at 3 fps [1]. Hurl 1 kg item at 30 fps [1]. Just move or Vibrate 30 kg item [1].
Hold object in place with force of 30 kg [1].
Deflect (or Catch) one arrow [1], if out-of-sight [2], a weapon [2], arrow to hit nearby or to Rebound [3],
affect arrows in area-of-effect [+area]. Deflect one per round [4].
 Indoors effects require [+1]. Outdoors gain an Aura bonus in suitable weather.

Storm Communion
Summon Air Elemental of equal magnitude – see APPAREO for mechanics.
On Summoning automatically in a Will-Contest with Summoner, though it may be friendly and willing.
†*Disrupt a Natura spell-cast of one higher magnitude (if two higher drop 1 mag.) – includes Quick cast.
†*Dispel a Natura spell of equal magnitude (if one higher magnitude drop by one magnitude).
*Counter-Magic’s fatigue is for the duration of the countered spell

Foresee major weather [days ahead], predict weather [∑days ahead] – lower for major weather.
Sense through 10 paces of Mist/Fog/Clouds/Dust/Smoke [1]. Sonar ability [3].
Analyse gas/air [1 to 4]. Talk to the winds [2 to 4].
Elemental Divinatio; Austromancy (winds & clouds), Ornithomancy (birds).

Rainbow forms [3+].
Weather hides sight of target from afar; range at which can be sensed reduced by one range band [1]
– when can been sensed clearly, will seem to come upon suddenly.
Storm/Wind Augmentation
Target as light as air [2], Quick-as-the-Wind (Lightning Reflexes x2, Move +1 & Initiate +1) [3], etc..
Move in the Air as on land [4]. Travel in the air at the speed of the wind [5 to 6].
Lightning/Thunder Step; move 5 paces (at 30 fps) [2], double distance [+1], damage +1 mag. [+1]
Any target passed within 1 pace takes Lightning or Stun damage mag. 1.
Merge into Winds/Wind-Form
But can’t move (except with the element) and senses confused [3], can act fully (move in air and with its movement) [4]
Elemental-Form; with restricted movement & casting [4], full abilities, but with dis/advantages of element [5].

Perdo Destroy a tempestas spell of equal magnitude.

Short of breath [1], incapable of effort [2], Suffocate (test Toughness to resist each round) [4].

Natural Lightning will not strike target [1]. Protect target from natural weather (or area-of-effect) [1].
Raise Undead of equal magnitude by forcing an Air Elemental spirit to possesses a prepared cadaver†.
Command and Castigate/Ward against Fairies of the Winds and Air Elementals.
 Indoors effects require [+1]. Outdoors gains an Aura bonus in suitable weather.

Call Lightning from the Sky to hit target, and a Blinding-Flash in area-of-effect about them.
Arc to hit next nearest target & so on, but at cumulative damage reduction of –1 step (until zero) [+1].
If target conductive damage +1 step (e.g. wet, metal, etc..).
Thunder-Blast; target takes Knock-Down damage, half Stun damage and Knockback 1 to 2 paces.
Thunderclap [2], 300-pace radius area [1], weather thundery (for duration) [3].

Ball Lightning; for duration all in area-of-effect take magnitude damage.

Rains heavily in 30-pace radius area [1 +duration], if no cloud cover [+2], hailstorm [+1], in desert [+2].
Acid-Rain or Poisonous-Rain [mag. + area-of-effect modifier]; chance of being hit per round 1:2area-add

Sense through Mists/Fog/Clouds of 30 paces [1].

Clouds form, thicken or disperse in 300-pace radius area-of-effect [1].
Mist/Fog forms or disperses in 30-pace radius area-of-effect [1], if indoors area only 3-pace radius
special effects; enticing sounds/sights [+1], caustic (2 hits per minute, 1 hit if fully-covered) [3],
dense [2 to 3], can’t find way through unless resist (as below) [4].
To navigate area; test each Intellect on 3 cards every mag. minutes but reduce Successes by one.
Must accumulate mag. Successes to navigate area.
If area enclosed (e.g. a room) need not be full size. (Centre may be clear i.e. hidden).
Mist-Cloak; as Dodge Blow [3], as Dodge Blow x2 [5] – could be blown away, etc..
Clinging-Mist; wraps around target blurring vision and causing choking (@–1 by [3], @–2 by [5]).
Rain turns to hail/snow in 300-pace radius area-of-effect [1].

Mist/Fog/Clouds destroyed in 30-pace radius area-of-effect [1].
Clouds destroyed between target and the sun [1 to 3] – depending on cloud cover and winds.
Rain prevented in 30-pace radius area-of-effect [1].
Humidity in 30-pace radius area-of-effect halved [1], halved again [+1].
Storm weather in 300-pace radius area [2 + duration] – 1 pace high waves, 20 knots winds, gusts 45 knots,
rain, cloud, thunder, lessening effect out to triple the radius.

Mist/Fog/Clouds control all in 30-pace radius area-of-effect [1 to 2].
 Indoors effects require [+1]. Outdoors gains an Aura bonus in suitable weather.

Gust-of-Wind with a 3-pace frontage of 60 kph [1], 80 kph [2], 110 kph [3], 150 kph [4], 180 kph [5]
– magnitude Knock-Down damage.
Whirlwind (45 kph); 3 paces high by 1 pace wide and 3 pace long or to circle or fill area [1],
Increase wind speed 60 kph [+1], 80 kph [+2], 110 kph [+3] – Hold target Str. 1 per 10 kph.
triple height, length or width [+1], increase area Circled or Filled [+ area-of-effect modifier],
Dust Storm [+1], Mobile moves at 10 fps [+1, etc.].
– if Fill area winds diminish to zero at centre (above 3m radius).
Create (breathable) air; 10 litres per minute [1] – person resting uses 10 litres per minute, 100 litres if active.

Hear words spoken in clear line of sight [range, –1 if wind in direction]. Talk to the winds [2 to 4].
Aware of all that moves (the air) within 30-pace radius area-of-effect [1] – may delay as an alarm.

Grasping-Winds; in 3-pace radius area-of-effect Hold any in it (at mag.).
Cause conditions for formation of tornadoes in 3-km radius area-of-effect (its size depends on area) [1].
Alter air/gas e.g. make it smell, abrasive, unbreathable, gas-to-air, etc. [area-of-effect].

Perdo Destroy a tempestas spell of equal magnitude.

Calm Winds in 30-pace radius area [1] – reduce by 10 knots for duration or a single gust by 40 knots.
Storm weather in 300-pace radius area [2 + duration] – 1 pace high waves, 20 knots winds, gusts 45 knots,
rain, cloud, thunder, lessening effect out to triple that radius.
Foul Air [area-of-effect], poisonous [+poison mag.].
Vacuum in area-of-effect [1] – if not sealed will cause a Stunning bang as air refills, like Thunder-Blast.

Weather Advanced or Delayed in 3-km radius area-of-effect; by 1 hour or move it by 3 km
[1, up to +2 for major weather front, +4 for a hurricane or next season].
Wind control in 3-pace area-of-effect; ±12 knots [1], ±20 knots [2], ±30 knots [3], ±45 knots [4], ±60 knots [5]
Aerial Bridge (walkway of air/wind) [1]; 10 paces long by 1 pace wide.
Bound-in-Winds target Held (at magnitude, see damage tables) by the winds.
Deflect one arrow [1], if out-of-sight [2], arrow to hit nearby or to Rebound [3],
affect arrows in area-of-effect [+area], Durational; deflects one per round [+2].
Winds Create Stormy Telekinesis effects
 Increase weight by a factor of three per extra magnitude.
 Maximum height 3 paces (less if encumbered), triple height [+1]. Lose magnitude crossing
Hurl 1 kg item at 30 fps [1]. Throw target 5 paces at 10 fps [2 (Size) ] – target take Knock-Down damage.
Fly 3 kg object at 3 fps [1], a person at 3 fps [4].
Fall slowly for 10 paces [1], triple distance [+1] – includes Reflective cast.
TENEBRAE (darkfire or ghostflame)

Shadow Communion
Summon Shadow Elemental of equal magnitude – see APPAREO for mechanics.
On Summoning automatically in a Will-Contest with Summoner, though it may be friendly and willing.
†*Disrupt a Natura spell-cast of one higher magnitude (if two higher drop 1 mag.) – includes Quick cast.
†*Dispel a Natura spell of equal magnitude (if one higher magnitude drop by one magnitude).
*Counter-Magic’s fatigue is for the duration of the countered spell
Low-Light sight [2], see Dark-Light [2], Dark-Sight [4]. Elemental Divinatio; Tephramancy (sacrificial ash).
Shadow-Eyes; as Clairvoyance (Arcane-Talent) but only to sense out from deep-shadows.

Shadow Augmentation
Shadow-Merge; but can’t move & senses muffled [3], can act fully (move in shadows and with there movement) [4],
if target smaller [+1], fully meld with an area (can sense all that happens in the area) [+area],
step into own shadow [–1]. If Merge into another’s shadow may enter Will-Contest.

Raise Undead of equal magnitude by forcing Shadow Elemental spirit to possesses a prepared cadaver†.
Command and Castigate/Ward against Fairies of the Night and Shadow Elementals.

Creo & Perdo
Extinguish all flame in area (extreme heat will re-ignite) [area]. Destroy heat of flames in area (but still burn) [1].
Silence or no-Scent in area-of-effect or on a target [1 to 3], if can be resisted [–2].
Caligo (dense); 3 paces high by 3 pace wide and 3 pace long or to encircle or fill area [1]
triple height, length or width [+1], increase area Circled or Filled [+ area-of-effect modifier],
Damage; causes Choking damage if pass through and per round [+1 per magnitude],
– if area Filled dark-fog density reduced by 1:area-modifier.
Darken area-of-effect [1 to 3; completely dark in twilight 1, in sunlight 3]. Eclipse in a 10 km radius area [11].
Dark-Aura about target [1], at [3]; all melee attacks versus target drop one Step – an overawing effect.
Dark-Blinding Flash in area-of-effect; targets at negative (see table) recovering negative by 1 per round.
Dark-Light Illumination – Intensity diminishes rapidly; drops one magnitude per doubling of radius.
As lamp-light in 3-pace area [duration]; as daylight [+1], as sunlight [+2], as a candle [–1]
or Beam-of-Light: base 2 pace diameter, length 10 paces.
Low-Light sight [2], see Dark-Light [2], Dark-Sight [4].

Grasping Darkness; in 3-pace radius area-of-effect Hold any in it (at mag.).
Decrease flammability of target [1 to 3].

Bound-in-Dark; if act take Life-Drain damage less ½Toughness or ½Presence, if act three times brake bond
‘Shield’ of Darkness; large enough to act as a shield in melee [2].
Cloud-Scry/Divination [1+], totally obscure unless detection has extra magnitude [4].

Creo & Perdo
Wreathed in cloak of living-shadow; grabs any assailant (reach 1) at Strength magnitude.
Deep Shadows [area-of-effect] or around (mobile) target [1].
Shadow-Aura about target [1], at [3]; all melee attacks versus target drop one Step – an overawing effect.

Low-Light sight [2], see Dark-Light [2], Dark-Sight [4].

Grasping Shadows; in 3-pace radius area-of-effect Hold any in it (at mag.).
Alter Shadows in 30-pace area-of-effect [1]. Hide in shadow [1 to 3].
Shadow Puppet; alter target’s shadow [1], it takes on limited life of its own (can distract or scare) [2], acts fully [3],
semi-materialized [4 +½Mystical-Air]; stats as its owner at Str. –3, cast magic at mag. –2, if killed owner loses Fatigue.

Actively control Shadows in 3-pace radius area-of-effect [1].

Animate Shadow: stats as an Elemental or as a suitable animal [Size] (alter stats to suit element).
Requires direction except if set to simple repetitive task.
Shadow Grasp: Holds one limb of target at Strength 4 [1], Strength +3 [+1], triple number of Holds [+1].
– if emersed/surrounded in dark/shadow Holds more limbs or even Whole-Body.
Shadow Attack: Tendrils attack; Grapple damage at Melee = magnitude +2, Strength = magnitude x2.
If caster ‘wields’ the Weapon cast gets self-bonus and Reach = ½mag., 1- or 2- handed.
‘Shield’ of Shadow; large enough to act as a shield in melee [2].
LOCUS part of INTERVALLUM Learned as a standalone Form it suffers on extra Geas.
 For Intervallum magic weight increases by a factor of three per extra magnitude.

Create link to target as an Arcane-Link [level (up to 3) ].
Container of 1 litre / 1kg; holds 5 litres, 3 kgs [1], no size (5 l / 3 kg) [2], of ⅕m3 / 35kg; holds 1m3, 100kgs [3]
interior x5 volume & x3 max. weight [+1], container x14 volume & x6 max. weight [+1],
to hold magic item (of higher mag. than this spell) [+1], to hold a specific/generic item only [x¾],
fixed access point [x¾] or tied to a vehicle [–1], if only rare access/use [x¾, or as usual modifiers].
e.g. small knife Scabbard but holds a specific full-size sword [1], for a magic sword [2].
Can see round corners as though naturally [3]. Aware of the area around you (sonar ‘like’) [area-of-effect].
Learn the measurements of anything [1 to 3]. Perfect location sense [4]. Search the Dimensions.
Detect/Sense any specific target [1]. Detect/Sense any ethereal targets [2].
Detect/Sense teleportations [range], destination [+2]. Perceive some of the truth of a Regio [4].

Clairvoyance Intelligo
Project one sense from a fixed-point (very short-sighted) [range],
project most Senses (smell, image, sound) [+1],
experience the senses of a target person or animal [+1],
from an item or mobile-point (3 fps) [+1], window others can view [+1],
sense multiple places (at once) [+1] – confusing.
– as range increases sense increasingly indistinct, near opaque at [6], unless limit to area-of-effect range.
– disorienting to switch sense(s) back & forth. This spell behind barrier level 2.

ARCANE-BLESSING Dimensional-Pocket
Pocket holds 10 litre / 10 kg. Pay activation cost to put an item into pocket.

 If significant events occur during the effect or will be altered by the spell, it requires extra magnitude
or expenditure of Confidence, permanent Confidence if death involved, possibly from the targets
Travel twice as far; if Walk [1], Jog [2], Run [3], Sprint [4], triple [+1], quadruple [+2], horse & rider [+1].
In multiple places simultaneously [2 + total number] – confusing & actions @–1, magic casts are at [–1]
can choose to be in any one of the places at any one moment [+1], do so instantly (to avoid attacks) [+2].
Warp-Space; cannot depart from area-of-effect or cannot reach area-of-effect or an item [1], on target [3],
minor effects in area (e.g. in building doors lead to wrong rooms, etc.) [1+ area-of-effect].
Fit target in space smaller than possible; half-size [2], quarter [4], eighth [5]. Target two-dimensional [6].
Gate to elsewhere one-way [8 + (2x duration)], two-way [+1], mobile [+1] – if use heavily will be limitations.
Manipulate a Regio (may also require Tempus).
Vorpal-Strike; next-strike ignores two points of armour [2], ignore three points of armour [4].
Destroy ordered space [area-of-effect] – very confusing and potentially dangerous.
Close a Gate [4]. Destroy an equal magnitude Intervallum spell.

ARCANE-BLESSING Blink Quick cast.

Vanish self from reality for a few rounds.
LOCUS part of INTERVALLUM Learned as a standalone Form it suffers on extra Geas.
 For Intervallum magic weight increases by a factor of three per extra magnitude.

Teleportation Rego
 Arrival at the correct place (without the aid of an Arcane-Link) requires knowledge of the destination
(or in right circumstances mirrors, copy (e.g. an illusion), water, trees, a door or equi-distant points from
Teleport static Target [1+ Range x2 + Barrier], an item 10 kg [1] – if item held min. mag 3,
to delay reappearance [+ delay duration (min. mag. 4) ], follow recent gate [–1].
Reach through or Speak to elsewhere [2 + range + barrier]. If ‘elsewhere’ is the Astral-plane range = 4.
Prepare a place as a teleport only Arcane-Link [level (up to 3) + max. range mod. of teleport), mobile ‘place’ [+2].
Link reduces Teleport mag. by its level.
Block teleport in 30-pace radius area-of-effect [1].

ARCANE-BLESSING Flit Quick cast.

Teleport self to a place within 30 paces.

Telekinesis Rego
 Maximum height 3 paces (less if encumbered), triple height [+1]. Lose magnitude crossing
Walk easily on any ground or surface at 90° angle [1], any angle [2], Stand/Crawl [–1], Run [+1], Sprint [+2].
Fall slowly for 10 paces [1]; triple distance [+1], for instant stop [+1].
Fly 3 kg object at 3 fps / 100g item at 100 fps [1]. Levitate a person at 1 fps [3], Fly a person at 3 fps [4].
Float a 30 kg object [1], person weightless [2].
Vibrate or just move 30 kg item [1]. Hold item in place with force of 30 kg [1].
Hurl 1 kg item at 30 fps [1] – if aimed at target does magnitude damage.
Throw target 5 paces at 10 fps [2 (Size) ] – target takes Knock-Down damage.
Deflect (or Catch) one arrow [1], if out-of-sight [2], arrow to hit nearby or to Rebound [3],
affect arrows in area-of-effect [+area], Durational; deflects one per round [+2].

ARCANE-BLESSING Levitate Max. height 10 paces (less if encumbered).

Levitate self (up or down at 10 fps).

ARCANE-BLESSING Fly May ‘float’ or display huge spiritual wings.

 Max. height 3 paces (less if encumbered).
Fly self at 3 fps.
TEMPUS part of INTERVALLUM Learned as a standalone Form it suffers on extra Geas.
 Intervallum magic must cover all targets / area effected; if an affected target interacts with others, they
must be covered, or the spell diminished, much shorter duration or falls apart.
 For Intervallum magic size/weight increases by a factor of three per extra magnitude.

Event lasts for extended time [mag. of effect + extra duration] e.g. a torch (mag. 1) burns for longer,
daylight lasts till group gets home (mag. 4 = group / 10-pace radius area, this effect probably can’t cover a smaller area).
Gain extra time; few seconds [2], 1 round [3], 2 rounds [4], 5 rounds [5], 2 minutes [6], etc..

 If significant events occur during the time or will be altered by the spell, it requires extra magnitude
or expenditure of Confidence, permanent Confidence if death involved, possibly from the targets
Travel twice as far; if Walk [1], Run [2], Sprint [3], increase factor [+1], horse & rider [+1].
At multiple times at once [1 + total number + (duration forward) or (duration past +3)],
limited by reality at only one time [+2], can choose to be at any one of the times at any one moment [+1],
do so instantly (to avoid attacks) [+2] – confusing & any magic casts are at [–1].
Warp-Time; minor effects in area (e.g. minor skips or loops in time, etc.) [1+ area-of-effect],
time loop effect; for area-of-effect cannot depart from or cannot reach [2], etc..
Time Flow rate altered for target (or area-of-effect).
Task completed by target in half time or double the time [2 + duration], quarter or quadruple [3+], etc.
For important frenetic activity less effective e.g. in combat only enough for Melee +1 [3], +2 [5].
Reverse Time for target; by 1 minute [1 + area-of-effect], 10 minutes [2], 1 hour [3], 5 hours [4], 1 day [5], etc
For an item, without Confidence cost, will ‘repair’ a damage 10 kg object, or a shattered 1 kg.
Time plays backwards at the normal rate for the target undoing anything they have done (or done in
area if area-of-effect) unlike rewind which only affects the target. However major changes to things
may require Confidence or affects other targets requiring magnitude for that expanded area-of-effect.
Gate to the Future 1-way [5 + time into future], to the Past 1-way [6 + time into past x2],
2-way [+1], mobile [+1] – heavy use reduces duration of the gate.
Manipulate a Regio (may also require Locus).

Target in complete stasis for 1 second [1], 3 seconds [2], 1 round [3], 3 rounds [4], 2 minutes [5], etc..
Destroy ordered time (e.g. skips or loops in time, etc.) [area-of-effect] – very confusing and potentially dangerous.
Destroy an equal magnitude Intervallum spell.

 All anti-ageing magic: must cast as Permanent (if loss unnatural 1 week), or will not last.
 Multiple casts do not stack, you need higher level casts for greater effect.
 If you extended your life 20 years gain a Mystical-Air of 1 (2 if 50 years).
Creo Reverse ageing by 2 years [2], 3 years [3], 5 years [4], 8 years [5], 13 yrs [6], 20 yrs [7], 32 yrs [8].
Muto Slow ageing rate; for 3 years age at one-third rate [1], 5 years [2], 8 years [3], 13 yrs [4], 20 yr [5].
Rego Stop ageing for 2 years [1], 3 years [2], 5 years [3], 8 years [4], 13 yrs [5], 20 yrs [6], 32 yrs [7].
e.g. Dorian Grey magic picture focus for anti-ageing.
Perdo Age target as ageing column on damage tables. Age a 1 kg inanimate object 30 years [1].
TEMPUS part of INTERVALLUM Learned as a standalone Form it suffers on extra Geas.
 Intervallum magic must cover all targets / area effected; if an affected target interacts with others they
must be covered, or the spell diminished, much shorter duration or falls apart.
 For Intervallum magic size/weight increases by a factor of three per extra magnitude.

Perceive Time Intelligo

Project one sense from a fixed point, at a fixed time in the Past (very short-sighted) [1 + time into past + range]
or into the Future; 1 second [1], 4 seconds [2], 2 rounds [3], 1 minute [4], [ 6+ duration until ].
project most Senses (smell, image, sound) [+1],
experience the past/future as if there (perhaps from a person’s viewpoint) [+1],
from an item or mobile-point (3 fps) [+1], window others can view [+1],
short glimpses of time (only sense ~¼ of the ‘action’) [–1], skip sensing point through time [+1],
– as range increases senses progressively indistinct, unless limit to area ranges, near opaque at [6].
– disorienting to switch sense(s) back & forth.
– historical artefact (or event) may provide an Arcane-Link of up to +3.

Perceive in arrow-time giving you ‘more time’ to react; ‘half’ rate [3], ‘quarter’ [4], etc..

Perfect time sense [1]. Perceive some of the truth of a Regio [4].
Learn when an event occurred [ ~duration since happened ], approximate time [–2].
Obtain a Revelation of the future or past of an item, place, being/person or event (see Divinatio).
Predict the outcome of an action/event; increase chance of correct guess by magnitude x15%.

Time-Travel Rego
 If significant events occur during the time or will be altered by the spell, it requires extra magnitude
or expenditure of Confidence, permanent Confidence if death involved, possibly from the targets
Travel in Time
Forward in time; a 3 kg item [1 + time forward] (if item held [min. mag 3]), a Person [4 + time forward];
Back in time; a 3 kg item [2 + time past] (if item held [min. mag 3]), a Person [5 + time past x2].
Reach through or Speak to another time; forward in time [2 + ½duration forward], back in time [+2].
Rewind Time for target; by 1 minute [1 + area-of-effect], 10 minutes [2], 1 hour [3], 5 hours [4], 1 day [5], etc..
For an item, without Confidence cost, will ‘repair’ a damage 10 kg object, or a shattered 1 kg.
Freeze Time for target or in area [3 + duration].
Loop Time for target [3 + duration] – time repeats in a loop for the full duration of the spell.
The loop often shorter than the full duration but the shorter it is the more likely any influenced
will notice something wrong and try to alter their actions and may break the spell.

Target in Suspended Animation [2 or Size].

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