Vergara Thesis Proposal

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The Effectiveness of Theoretical Driving Course and Variety of Assertive Training in

Reducing Traffic Violation of Motorist of Selected Barangay in Lipa City

A Thesis Presented To The

Faculty of Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice

Kolehiyo ng Lungsod ng Lipa

Marawouy Lipa City

In Partial Fulfillment of The

Requirements For The Degree of

Bachelor of Science in Criminology



Navarro, John Lloyd D.

Ramos, John Rey D.

Vergara, Jerome M.

Cadano, Donnabel M.

Rebeca, Comia S.
Chapter 1

Problem and Its Background

1.1 Introduction

Many years ago, most people would have taken for granted the premise that training pre-

licensed drivers would lead to more driving skills and fewer accidents. Indeed, this assumption

led to the creation of a professional driving school industry in the United States in the 1930s.

According to the National Automotive history collection Back then, driver’s education was a

normal part of the school curriculum. Today, high school students seeking driver’s education

must turn to the variety of privately owned driver training schools. Socialites Driving School

takes pride in being the pioneer driving school in the Philippines having been established in 1969

as stated by Philippine Primer. If only drivers received proper training and road safety education,

vehicular accidents would significantly reduce.

Well-trained drivers can make the road safe for everyone. Aside from that, they also

make a good value for businesses and organizations alike. Having up-to-date knowledge on road

safety can help prevent the dangers of the road and save the business from damages and

liabilities Lendrum’s Driving School. (2021). Disregarding traffic rules has already been a

common scenario in this bustling city 80 kms. south of Manila, a sign that a nation’s economic

progress has jammed traffic even in places outside the Philippines’ capital city. Drivers of public

utility vehicles load and unload passengers in areas anywhere they want. Motorists park vehicles

at the no parking zone. Drivers make U-turns in areas where they are prohibited from doing so.
Adding to Lipa City’s traffic woes are the illegal terminals that sprout just about anywhere in the

absence of the required special use permit and the colorum public utility vehicles that ply on the


These are some of the problems that our traffic enforcers encountered Sooner the land

transportation office filed a Memorandum Circular no. 2020-2134: Guidelines relative to the full

implementation of the LTO Automated certification and education of student drivers. Whereas,

All Student permit applications, including applications for Foreign Student permit and those with

expired SPs who will apply for new SPs beginning 3 August 2020, will require Theoretical

Driving Course (TDC) Certificates electronically transmitted to the L TO-IT System. Through

this stricter process, the Land Transportation Office aims to ensure that driver licenses are given

to disciplined individuals with more than average driving skills and extensive knowledge on road

safety and established laws

1.2 Statement of The Problem

The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of Theoretical Driving Course

in reducing traffic violation of motorist of selected barangay in Lipa City Specifically, the study

aim to provide answer in to the following question:

1. What is the perception of the respondents on the effectiveness of Theoretical Driving

Course in terms of:

1.1 Reducing traffic violation

1.2 Traffic law enforcement

1.3 Traffic management

1.4 Traffic education

2. How to acquire Theoretical Driving Course Certificate?

3. Is there a significance relationship between Theoretical Driving Course and Traffic


4. How numerous are the traffic violators during before and after the implementation of

Theoretical Driving Course?

5. How effective is Theoretical Driving Course in prevention of traffic violation?

6. What proposal can be made for The Enhancement of The Theoretical Driving Course

in maintaining traffic rules and regulation

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