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Guide Questions for the autobiography

Must be in your own point of view man gud bal and try to find primary sources
like photos nimo nga maconnect sa mga gipangsturya nimo kay pwede na
nato magamit other than birth certificate.

What famous quote can describe your life?

Which 3 adjectives can be used to describe you as a person?
How did your parents get acquainted?
Were you the first, second, or third child?
Where did you live when you were a child (in the country, suburbs, town, or large city)?

What are your relations with parents and other relatives?

Do you have close friends that you know for years? What are your favorite
memories with them.
Did you spend a lot of time outdoors? Did you gain any skills from playing there?
Describe the moments that shaped your personality or made a major change in your perception
of life
What was the most anticipated holiday for your family?
Does your family have any traditions that are not related to holidays?
What was the most important and valuable gift in your life?

Who influenced your personal development?

What are your best and worst childhood memories?
Which events influenced your choice of a program for college?

What are your main achievements in life?

What was the most memorable day in your life?

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