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TEU 2 , My Oe Oe ne a EXERCISE 1.1 The law of machine is P = aW + b, where P is the effort and W, the load in /b. Sketch a eaeh showing the relation between P and W, given P 60 75 100 125 145 Ww 225 300 430 560 600 Find P when W = 500. Ris the resistance to motion of a train at speed V. Find a law of the type R= aV?+ b connecting R and V using the following data Rkgton 8 10 152 V(km/hr) 10 20 30 40 50 Numerical Mathods The resistance R of a carbon filament lamp was measured at various values of voltage V and the following observations were made. 62 70 78 84 92 R 73 70.7 69.2 678 66.3 (Ranchi B.Tech 1986) Assuming a law of the form R = a/V + b, find by graphical method the best values of a and 5. 44 the co-efficient of frictién between a belt and pulley and y, the velocity of the belt in ft/min, are connected as shown in the following table: ay 500 1000 2000 4000 6000 # 0.29 0.33 - 0.38 045 0.51 r The probable law is 2 =a + Vv. Test graphically the accuracy of this law and if it is true, find the values of a and b. Fit a curve of the form y = ae to the following data: x 1 2 = 4 5 6 y 14 27 40 55 68 300 RT The following observations are corresponding to pressure and specific volume of dry saturated steam. Fit a curve of the form PV" = & by graphical method. vO 384 20 B51 444 3.03 231 a 10 20 50 100 150 200 ANSWERS 1. P=0.21W+12, P=117 2. a= 0.0085, b= 7.35 3. a=1120, b=55.1 4. a=0.2 b= 0.0044 5. y= 7.943 e 08192 6 PV 3 = 501 1.16 Numerical Methods: EXERCISE 1.2 The weights of a calf taken at weekly intervals are given below. Fit a straight line using the method of group averages. Age in weeks 1 2 3 4 Bs 6 7 8 9 10 weight 52.5 58.7 65 70.2 75.4 81.1 87.2 95.5 102.2 108.4 2. Fitacurve of the form y= ax" to the following set of observations by the method of group averages: : x 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 (ki ee y 1.06 1,33 - 1.52 1.68 1.81 191 2,01 2.4L 3. Fit a curve of the form y = ab* using the method of group averages for the following data: x 2 4 6 8 10 12 y 732 8.24 9.20 10.19 11.01 12.05 4. Convert the equation y = b/x(x — a) to a linear form and hence, determine a and b which will fit the following data using the method of group averages: x 8 10 15722000 40. y 13 14 15.4 163 17.2 17.8 5. The following data represent test values obtained while testing a centrifugal pump. Assuming the relation to be H= a + bO+c?, where Q is the discharge in liter per second and H, head in meter of water, find the relation by the method of group averages. Q 2 25 -3°35 .4.45 5 55. 6° H 18 17.8 175 17 15.8 148 13.3 11.7 9 (MU, B.E., 1971) 6. The temperature 9 of a vessel of cooling water and the time 1 in minutes since the beginning of observation are connected by the law of the form @= ae” + ¢. The corresponding values of t and @are given by: - 0 1 2 = 5 7 10 1s 20 ‘0 52.2 488 46.0 43.5 39.7 36.5 33.0 287 26.0 Empirical Laws and Curve Fitting 1.17 Find the best values of a, b and c using the method of group averages. Fit a curve of the form y = a + bx * to the following data using the method of group averages. 1 2 4 6 10 16 y 15 45 165 364 1004-2564 Fit a curve of the form y = a + bc* to the following data using the method of group averages. Pe er Vee ascsie Bf a 78 13.2 236 44.8 87 ANSWERS y= 46.048 + 6.104 x, 2. y= 0.4851 x93 y= (6.7468) (1.0505), 4. a= 0.2039, b= 0.051 5S8+2.10-05@ 6. a= 29.5393, b= - 0.09968, c= 21:98 y= 5+ 10x? 8. y=2.26 + (0.3) (2.077 EXERCISE 1.3 A simply supported beam carries a concentrated load P (Ib) at its midpoint. Corresponding to various values of P, the maximum deflection ¥ (in) is measured. The data are given below. Find a law of the type Y= a + BP by the method of least squares. - 100 125 140 160 180 200 Yy 0.45 0.55 060 0.70 0.80. 0.85 (Shivaji B.E., 1984) In the following table, y is the.weight of potassium bromide which will dissolve in 100 gm of water at temperature x°C. Find a linear Jaw between x and y using least square method. ah 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 gm) 53.5 Se5) 652 22706. 75:5 80.2 85.5 90 By the method of least squares, find the curve y = ax + bx? that best fits the following data : x : 2 3 4 5 y 18 5.1 89 14.1 19.8 Find the parabola of the form y= a + bx + cx? which fits most closely with the following observations by the method of least squares. 7 ees -2 -1 0 : 2 3 y 4.63 2.11 0.67, 0.09 0.63 2.15 4.58 (Kerala B.E., 1985) Empirical Laws and Curve Fitting 1.29 5. By the method of least squares, fit asecond degree curve y= atbrtex to the following data : oo ey 2 6. By the method of least squares, fit a parabola y= a+ bx + cxtothe © following data. 3.07 12.85 31.47 57.38 91.29 (Mangalore B.E., 1985) 7. Fit an equation of the form y = ae™ to the following data by the method of least squares. 8. The voltage v across a capacitor at time ¢ seconds is given by the following table. Use the principle of least squares to fit a curve of the form v = a e“ to the data: 7 ee ps0 os 28 12 8G es 9. Fita curve of the form y = ae to the following data in least square sense: x 0 2 4 ———— ee y 5.012 10 31.62 10. Fita curve of the “form y=ar tothe data given below in square sense: x 1 2 3 4 5 y 71 278 62.1 110 161 1.30 Numerical Methods ll. Fit a curve of the form y = az’ in least square sense to the following observations: (Calicut B.E., 1988) 12. Fit a curve of the form y = ab’ in least square sense to the data given below: 144 «172.8 207.4 = 248.8 298.5 (Karnataka B.E., 1993) 13. Fita curve of the form y= ab" in least square sense to the data given below: : x 1 2 3 4 y 4 nN 35 100 14, Fita straight line y= ax+ b and also a parabola y= ax? + bx + cto the following set of observations: Calculate the sum of squares of the residuals in each case and test which curve is more suitable to the data. ANSWERS 1. ¥=0,004P + 0.048 2. y= 54,35 + 0.5184x 3. y=137x + 0.5322 4. y= 1.243 ~ 0.004x + 0.222 5. y=—143.55x-0.2722 6, y=0.34—0.78x + 0.9927 . y= ens 8. v= 146.3 eo 9. y= 4,642 eae 10. y= 7.173 x!92 5012x197 12, y= 99.86 (1.2)" : 33 (2.95 14.y=9.1x-35 y=2.2°4+03x+1.4 E, = 70.7, E,=2.5, E, < E,, parabola is the best curve of fit. Empirical Laws and Curve Fitting 1.35 27.14 = 10a + 30,33335 + 102.5¢ 101.14 = 30.3333a + 102.5b + 369.05¢ Solving, we get a= 1.399, b =—1.7856 and c = 0.6567 :. From (i) the required parabola is y= 1.399 — 1.7856x — 0.6567x? oe EXERECISE 1.4 Use the method of moments to fit a straight line to the data given below : (MK.U.,1976) Fit a parabola of the form y= ax? + bx + c to the data ae 1 4 3 4 y Rose, by the method of moments. (Coimbatore, B.E.,1988) ANSWERS y= 1.1845 + 0.523 1x y = 0.74% + 0.063x + 1.53 EXERCISE 2.4 Solve x + 6x + 20 = 0, one root being — 2. Solve x? — 12x? + 39x ~ 28 = 0, whose roots are in arithmetic progression. (M.U., B.E. 1995) Solve x4 ~ 2x3 - 21x? + 22x + 40 = 0, whose roots are in arithmetic Progression. Solve 27x? + 42x2,- 28x — 8 = 0, the roots of which are in pee progression. (M.U,, BE. 1994) Solve x4 + 15x3 + 70x? + 120x + 64 = 0, whose roots are in geometric progression. |. Solve the equation 6x? — I 1x?—3x +2 = 0 whose roots are in harmonic progression. ‘Numerical Methods Solve 15x‘ — 8x° — 14x? + 8x — 1 = 0, whose roots are in harmonic progression. Solve x’ — 8x? + 9x + 18 =0 given that two of its roots are in the ratio. 1:2. . The equation x! — 4x3 + px? + 4x4 ¢ = 0 has two pairs of equal roots. Find the values of p and g. Solve the equation x4— 8x? + 14x? + 8x— 15 =0, given that the sum of two of the roots is equal to the sum of the other two. Solve x‘ — 8x° + 23x? - 28x + 12 = 0, given that the difference of two roots is equal to the difference of the other two. Solve the equation x* ~ 8x° + 7x? + 36x —36 = 0, given that product of two roots is negative of the product of the remaining two. Solve x* — 4x? — 20x + 48 = 0, given that the relationship between two roots, a and £ is a+ 2B=0. Find the conditions in which the cubic x + px? + gx + r = 0 should have its roots in (i) arithmetical progression (M.U B.E., 1993, 1994) (ii) geometrical progression and (iii) harmonic progression. Solve the equation 3x*~ 4x? + x + 88 =0, given that 2— V7is a root. Solve 3x° — 4x! — 42x° + 56x? + 27x — 36 = 0, given that ¥2+ V5, -V2—V5 are two roots. ANSWERS 143i,2 2° 14,7 -4,-1,2,5 4. -2/9,-2/3,-2 -2,-4,-1,-8 6. -12, 2, 1/3 -1,1, 13, US 8 36-1 p=2,q=1 10. . —1,1,3,5 = 12.2.3 12, 3,-2,1,6 6 py -Ipg+27r=0 (ii) pr=g (iii) 2g? - 9pgr + 27P- = 0 . 22iV7,- 8/3 16. ¥2# ¥5,-Vv2+ V5, 4/3 2.46 Numerical Methods EXERCISE 2.2 If a, f, and yare the roots of the x’ + px + q = 0, then find @ La? (MU. BE, 1994) (i) La2p and (ii) Dat . If a, Band yare the roots of x + px? + gx + r= 0, find the values of (i). Lie Gi) L@ Gi) Dep (iv) 2 (B? + py+ P) (vy) LGt y- ay, and (vi) Le + AY B+ Y If a, Band yare the roots of x + px? + gx + r= 0, form the equation whose roots are @) a By? Gi) af, By ay Gili) @(B+ 7”), B(y+a), y(a+B) and (iv) @+ By, B+ Vay, y+ Vap. If a, Band yare the roots of the equation x? + px + q= 0, obtain the equation whose roots are (i) a+fp-4fty-ay+a-p (MU. B.E., 1993) Gi) (a+ BY (r+ &} B+ yar B), (y+ a) (Bt) If @, Band yare the roots of x’ - 7x + 6 = 0, form an equation whose roots are (8— 7)2,(y- a), (a- BY. ~ (Raipur B.E., 1987) If a, B, and y are the roots of 2x° + 3x?— x1 =0, obtain an equation whose roots are (1 ~ a)!,(1— BY",(1 — (Kerala B. Tech, 1988) If a, fi, and yare the roots of x —3x + 1 = 0, form the equation whose (a= 2) (B~2) (y-2) (@+2) (B+2) (7 +2) If Gis a root of » + x? - 2x— 1 = 0, then prove that 0? — 2 is also a roots are root. : (MU, B.E., 1993) If a, f, and yare the roots of x° + 2x? + 3x + 3 = 0, prove that ot gv ? (ary +i? Gay 7 Find the equation whdse roots are —3 times those of x43 4x2 6x 4429 Find the equation whose roots are with opposite signs to those of x5 ~ Axt + 3x9 Sx? 4-11 = 0. Find the equatio. vhose roots are reciprocal of the roots of XL 1xt + 78 — 8x2 + 6x — 13 = 0. 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. 20. 19, Theory of Equations 2.17 Diminish by 3 the roots of x* + 3x° — 2x? 4x-3 = 0. Diminish the equation x* — 8x° + 19x? -12x + 2 = 0 by 2 and hence solve it. (MU, BE., 1996) Increase the roots of 3a‘ +1 2x" -- 10x? + 15x -9 = 0 by 4. Find the equation whose roots are the roots of the eqution x — 4x7 — 3x —2 = 0 increased by 2. (MU, B.E., 1995) Remove the second term in x‘ — 8x? —x° + 68x + 60 = 0 and solve it. Diminish the roots of the equation x* — 4x3 ~ 7x? + 22x +24 = 0 by 1 and solve it. Increase the roots of the equation x‘ — 2x — 10x? + 6x + 21 = 0 by 2 and solve it. Solve x’ — 4x + 5x-2=0, given that it has a double root. ANSWERS @) 34 (i) 3q Gii) 2p? @) ~@r) (ii) pq—3r-p° (iii) pq - 2q?—pr (iv) 2p? - 3g (Vy) 24r-p Gy? + Qq-p?)y?+(G—2pry-r?=0 Gi) y-g? + pry—P=0 Gili) y - 2g + (pr +q°)y + (P — prq)=0 (iv) Y+2py + tMyt pq-r=0 (i) Y-2pyt+4q=0 (i) y-pyr-g?=0 y—42y + 441y-400=0 6. 3y-11%+9y-2=0 y+ 33" +27y+3=0 . . A+ OP + OP + 162y 4324 =0 » PAY t3y+5ytyt 1 =0 13y' — 6 + 8° — Ty? + Ly 1 =0 . V+ 1S + 799" | 17By + 129=0 . Yt 5% +6=0,24N3, 2442 3y¥ — 46y8 + 254? - 577 y + 411 =0 . Y-10P+31y-32=0 -1,-2, 5,6 18. -2,-3, 2,3 142V2, 4v3 20. 12 w enn wes EXERCISE 2.3 Solve x + 4x4 +28 +2 +4x+1=0 Solve S+xt+x+2+x+1=0 Solve 6x5 + 11x! 33x? - 33x? + 11x +6 =0 (MU, BE, 1987,1990, 1996) Solve 2x6— 9x5 + 10x4—- 3x2 + 10x7-9x+2=0 Solve x4 — 2x? + 3x2-2x+1=0 (MU, B.E., 1986) Solve 2x1 +x? - 62 +x+2=0 (MU, BE, 1986) Solve x— 10x? + 26x*- 10x+1=0 : Solve x! + 6x? — 5x? + 6x+1=0 (MU, B.E,, 1988) Solve 6x5— x — 43x° + 43x + x-6=0 (MU, B.E, 1991) Solve S-xt+x-+x-1=0 . Solve x6 + 2x5 + 2x4 2x? -2x-1=0 (MU, B.E,, 1994) |. Solve 6x5 — 35x! + 56x4- 56x? + 35x- 6 =0 (MU, B.E., 1986) Solve 3x6+x5—27x + 27°-x-3=0 |. Show that the equation x4 — 3x° + 4:7 — 2x + 1 = 0 transforms into a reciprocal equation by diminishing the root by 1. Hence solve it. (MU, B.E., 1990) . Show that x‘ — 10x’ + 23x? — 6x — 15 = 0 can be transformed into a reciprocal equation by diminishing the roots by 2. Hence solve it. (M.U, B.E., 1993, Coimbatore B.E., 1988) 14. 15. nee Theory of Equations 2.23 ANSWERS a | 1, ea chev 2 . 1,2, 12,-3,-18 4, 2, 12, 35 | ale N3i 2 evi Lev3i 6112-12 2 2 AG 8. a1enlh teat 1,2, 12,-3,- 13 10. 1, ee ta -14V3i -14-V3i 2 2 = 2. 1,2, 1/2,3, 1/3 Pal 38 Oy cane unl — 5434 y-10+ 205 eee 4 9421 14.05 i i EXERCISE 3.1 1. Find a root of the following equations correct to three decimal places, using the Bisection method. (i) e-+x-T=0 Gi) -2x-5=0 (iii) 8 -3x-5=0 (Bangalore, B.E., 1989) . (iv) 2 -44-9=0 (Mysore, B.E., 1987) (vy x1-x-10=0 (S. Gujarat BE., 1990) (vi) x-cosx=0 (BU, BE, 1995) (vii) 3x-e°=0 (viii) 3x = VC + sinx) (ix) x log, x- 12=0 2. Using Bisection meth: ‘od find the negative root of x —4x +9 =0, cor- rect to three decimal places. 3.14 Numerical Methods 3. Find a root of the following equations correct to three decimal places, using Iteration method. (i) #+x-100=0 (i) x=%+sinx (iii) 3x - 6 = log, x (iv) xe*-cosx=0 (v) sin x= e"~—3x (vi) 2x-7-log,,x=0 x x! x i (vii) l-x+ 2-4 ay? Gt * 4? ~ GN =0 . Finda negative root of x’— 2x + 5 = 0, correct to three decimal places, using Successive Approximation method. . Find a root of the following equations correct to four decimal places using the method of False Position (regula false method). (i) 8-4x-9=0 (i) 9 +22 +10x-20=0 Gi) 8 -4x-1=0 (iv) #-'-8-1=0 (vy) xer=2 (vi) esinx=1 (vii) x= cos x (viii) xtanx=~1 in (2.5, 3) (ix) x log,,x = 1.2 : ANSWERS (i) 2.105 (ii) 2.095 iii) 2.280 (iv) 2.706 (v) 1.813 (vi) 0.739 (vii) 0.619 (viii) 0.392 (ix) 2.740 — 2.706 (i) 4.331 - (ii) 1.497 (iii) 2.108 (iv) 0.518 (v).0.360 (vi) 3.789 (vii) 1.445 — 2.095 (i) 2.7065 (ii) 1.3688 (iii) 0.2541 (iv) 1.7365 (v) 0.8526 (vi) 0.5885 (vii) 0.7391 (viii) 2.7981 (ix) 2.7406 EXERCISE 3.2 Using Newton-Raphson method, find a root correct to three decimal places of the following : 1. 2-32 + Tx-8=0 (MU, B.E,, 1992) 2. -3x-5=0 (Kerala B.Tech 1989) 3. 8-5x+3=0 (Gulbarga B.E, 1993) 4. x-x-10=0 5. xt-x-13=0 6. e=1t+2x 7. xe*—cosx=0 (Gujarat B.E., 1990; BU, B.E., 1995) 8. etsine=1 9. x= 1000 10. 3x-1=cosx (BR, B.E., 1993) i. -x 12. =0 13. 14, x(1-log.)=0.5 (M.U, B.E., 1987) 15. 3x—ett+sinx=0 16. xsinx+cosx=Onearx=7 (Karnataka B.E., 1993) 3.30 47. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Numerical Methods Find the interative formulae for finding LN, 3, 4NN where Nis a positive real number. using Newton’s method. Hence evaluate V/N17, 3N10, 4¥25. Find a negative root of the following equations using ‘Newton’s method. (@) P-#+x4100=0 (ii) x — 21x + 3500=0 Find by Homer's method the root of the following equations correct to three decimal places. (@) 8+ 3x2-12x-11=0 (ii) P+ +x-100=0 Gii)xe — 6x - 13 = 0 (iv) -3x41=0 (v) 8 -30=0 (vi)xt +9 - 42 - 16-0 A sphere of pine wood, 2 metres in diameter, floating in water sinks to the depth of A metre, given by the equation 3 +2,5=0. Find h correct to two decimal places using Horner’s method. Find a negative root of x? — 2x + 5 = 0 correct to two decimal places using Horner’s method. Find all the roots of the following equations by Graeffe’s method squaring thrice. (i) 8-42 + 5x-2=0 (i) 8-27 -5x+6=0 (iii) 28 — Sx? - 17x + 20=0 (M.U, B.E., 1991) (iv) 2 - 9x2 + 18x-6=0 (v) P-x-1=0 ANSWERS . 1.674 2. 2.279 3. 1.834 . 1.856 5. 1.961 6. 1.256 0.518 8. 0.589 9. 3.592 . 0.607 11. O.SHE 12. -1.934 . 0.653 14, 0.187 15. 0.360 - 2.798 17, 0.24246, 2.15466, 2.236 (i) 4.264 (ii) -16.56 . (i) 2.769 (ii) 4.264 (iii) 3.177 (iv) 1.532 (vy) 3.107 (vi) 2.231 . 117 21. -2.094 (i) 2,1,1 (ii) 3,-2,1 (iii) 7.018, — 2.974, 0.958 (iv) 6.3, 2.3, 0.4 (v) 1.3247, - 0.6624, + 0.56221 EXERCISE 4.1 Solve the following equations by Gauss elimination method L 3xtdy-2=8, xt y+z2=3, x+2y-z=2 2. x-ytz=1, -3x+2y-32=-6, 2x-Syt4z=5 3. lOxty+z= 12, 2x + 10y+z= 13, 2x+2y+ 102= 14 : (MU, B.E,, 1991) 4 Woy +22=2, xt Wy—32=5, x-y-2=3 (Ranchi, B. Tech, 1987) 5. 10x, +x,+x,=18.141,x, +x, + 10x,=38.139, x, * 10x, +x, = 28.140 i (MU, B.E., 1991) 6. xty+z=66, x-ytz= 2:2, xt 2y+3z= 15.2 (North Bengal B Tech, 1987) 7. Qetdyt22=15, t+yt22=-5, 4xty-22=0 (M.U, B.E., 1989) Simultaneous Linear Algebraic Equations 4.17 8 wtytz=10, 3x+2yt+3z= 18, xt 4y+ 9z= 16 | (Bangalore, B.E., 1990) 9. 2x, +2x,+x,= 12, 3x, + 2x, + 2x,=8, Sx, + 10x,— 8x, = 10 (S.Gujarat, B'E., 1990) 10, x+2y— 122 + 8w=27, Sxt dy + 7z~2w=4, ~3x+7Ty+ 92+ Sw= 11, 6x- 12y-8z+ 3w=49 : (M.U, B.E., 1987) Solve the following equations by Gauss - Jordan method LH. Qe-3ytz=-1, xt 4y+52=25, 3x—4y+2=2 (MU, BE., 1993) 12, 2e+y+z=12, 3x+2y+3z= 24, xt 4y +92 = 34 13. 10x+y+z=12, x+ lOy+z=12, x+y + 10z= 12 (Bhopal B.E., 1991) 14. x+2yt+z=8, Wxt3yt4z=20, 4xt+3y+2z= 16 (Punjab, B.E., 1987) 15. 4x-y—z =-7, x-Sytz=-10, x+2y+6z=9 16. 2x+2y-z+1=4, 4x+3y—z+21=6, Sx + Sy—3z + 4¢= 12, 3xt3y— 22+ 2t=6 17, $x, +x, +x, +x,= 45 x, + 7x, +x, +4x,=2° x, +x, + 6x, tx,=-55 x, +x, +x, +%,= Find the inverse of the following matrices using Gauss elimination method. ai 10 2 133 2 1 2 Soe is, |} 4 3) yo. |? 2 Tl 2019 7 39 4 134 122 (oo ANSWERS 1 13 2. -2,3,6 3. 141 4. 2,0,-1 S 1.234, 2.348, 3.455 6, 1.2,2.2,3.2 7, -3.0556, 6.6667,-2.778 8 —-7,-9,5 EXERCISE 4.2 Solve the following equations by Factorisation (or Triangularisation) method. 3x+y+2z= 16; 2x-6y+ 82=24; Sx+4y-3z=2 3x + 2y t+ 7z= 32; 2xt 3y+z=40; 3x + 4y—-7= 56 10x+y+z=12; 2x+ lOy+z=13; xt+y+5z=7 (MU, B.E., 1991) 28x + 4y—z= 32; x+3y+ 10z=24; 2x + ITy + 42z=35 2x—y+z=0.3;—-4x + 3y-2z=-1.4; 3x-8y + 3z=0.1 10x + Ty + 82+ Tw =32; 7x+ Sy + 62+ Sw = 23, 8x + 6y +10z + 9w = 33; 7x + Sy + 92+ 10w=31 Solve the following equations by Crout's method ie 8. 9. 10. 11. xt3yt+82=4,x4 4yt3z=—-2; xt 3y+4z=1 (MU, BE, 1991) 2x — 6y + 8z= 24, Sx+ 4y—3z=2; 3xt y+2z= 16(M.U, BE., 1993) 10x + y + 2z = 13; 3x + 10y+z= 14, 2x + 3yt 10z= 15 (Madurai, B.E., 1987) 9x —2y+z=50, x+Sy—3z= 18, —2x+2y+ 7z=19 10x +y+z= 12, 2x+ ly +2=13, 2x+2y + 10z= 14 (Coimbatore, B.Tech., 1988) ‘Simultaneous Linear Algebraic Equations = 4.35 12. 3Bxty+22=3, 2x—3y-z=-3, x-2ytz=4 ‘13. 10x, + 9x, + 6x, + x, = 26, 11x, + 6x,-%, +2x,= 18 x,-Tx, +3x, + 6x,=3, Tx, +x, +x, “ex = 10 14, Sxtytztw=4, xt Tytz+4w= 12, xtyt6rtw=-5, xtytz+4w=-6 Find the inverse of the following matrices using Crout's method. [2°40 § 124 as [74 8 -16 as |3 2! -6. 2 -20 213 1314 G4 8-113 9 an|6 7 3 2 9 5 16 11 ANSWERS Gd) 35 Q) 7,9,-1 @) 14,41 (4) 0.996, 1.5070, 1.8485 (5) 1.6,-0.8,-3.71 (©) 11,11 19 9 3 O faa (8) 1,3,5 @) 1,11 (10) 6.13, 4.31, 3.23 q) 1,1,1 (12) 1,2,-1 (13) 1,.1,1,1 (14) 1,2,-1,-2 -41 12 -26 ie ; ‘ aaa ae 6) = ee ~ (15) F959] 2 1 8 (16) 35 24 125 -25 -25 a 0 -2 0 -5 1 1 1 (17) | 287-67 -630 65 -416 97 913 -94 EXERCISE 43 Solve the following system of linear equations by (i) Gauss and (ii) Gauss Seidel iteration method. Lo Qetytz=4xt2yt+c=4xtyt+2z=4 2.0 Bxtyt+z=8 Wet dy+z= 4; x4 3y452=5 3.0 Set 2ytz= 12, x4 4yt2z= 15, x4 2y + 52= 20 4.56 Numerical Methods Ox + 2y + 42=20, x + ly + 4z= 6, 2x— dy + 102 = —15 Sax ty +z= 110, 2x + ISy+ 62= 72, —x + 6y + 272= 85 (M.U, B.E., 1993) 28x —4y -—2 = 32, xt 3yt 102 = 24, 2x + I7y + 4z= 35 Sx—-y+z= 10, 2x+4y= 12,xt y+ 52 =~1(Bangalore, B.E., 1990) 10x, ~ 5x,—2x, =3, 4x, ~ 10x, + 3x, = -3, x, + 6%, + 10x, =-3 10x + 2y +2 =9, 2x + 20y—2z = 44, Dx + By + 102 = 22 10x, + 7x, + 8x, + 7x = 32, Tx, + Sx, + 6x, + 5x,= 23; Bx, + 6x, + 10x, + 9x= 33, Tx, + 5x, + 9x, + 10x,= 31 Solve by relaxation method the following equations: i. 12. 13. 14, 15. co a Ox + 2p +2= 50, x+ Sy—32= 18,-2x + 2y + 72 = 19 3x + Qy—22= 11, 4x + 2p + 132 = 24, 4x—4y + 32 =-8 (MU, B.E., 1993) 4.215x—1.212y + 1.1052 = 3.216 2.120x + 3.505y— 1.6322 = 1.247 1.122x- 1.313y + 3.9862 = 2.112 10x — 2y ~3z = 305, -2x + 10y— 22 = 154, -2x—y + 102= 120 Be, tx, +x, +x 145 2x, + 10x, + 3x, +x,=-8 x, — 2x, — 20x, + 3x= MA, 3x, + 2x, + 2x, + 19x, = 53 ANSWERS x=Ly=Lz=1 x= 0.876, y= 0.919, z= 0.574 x= 0,996, y= 1.95, 2=3.16 x= 2.733, y= 0.986, z x= 2,556, y= 1.722, z= 1.055 x, = 0.342, x, = 0.285 , x, = 0.505 1.996, z= 3.001 x=1,x,= 1,x,= 1,2, = 1 = 6.13, y=4.31,7=3.23 x= 1.35, y= 2.103, z= 2.845 x= 0.943, y = 1.239, z= 0.673 x= 32, y=26,7=21 x, = 2,%,=0,%,=-5,x,=3 x= 1.013, y= EXERCISE 5.1 Tabulate the forward differences for the given data: 1 2 i. 4 bi 6 7 8 9 1 8 27 64 125 216 «343. S12, 729 Form a table of backward differences of the function Sf (x) = - 3x7 - 5x-7 for x=-1, 0, 1, 2,3, 4, 5. Form the difference table of f, = x *— 5x? + 6x‘ +x—2 for the values of x=—3,-2,-1,0, 1, 2,3. Extend the table in both directions to give fabsIots Show that (i) y=, + Ay, + Ary, + AY, (ii) V'¥,= ¥- 2. +, ii) &y,=y.-2y, + Ye Ify,=3, y, = 12,y,=81, ¥,= 2000, y,= 100 show that Aty, = —7459. if the interval of differencing is unity, prove that (i) Asin x = 2sin'%4 cos (x + 4) Gi) SF@)= FeafarD » ci sua (2) meat by iii) Atan ye tan-| nt 2 2%(1-x) ee Gann 5.32 Numerical Methods ll. 12. 13. 14, (v) Abe (e+ 1)Ge + 2) + 3)] = 40a + 1) + 200 + 3) Sx+12_]_ 10x +32 x? 45x46) (x+2)x+3(x+4x +5) (vi) A? [ (vii) Atet=(e-lYe wy aru « ——oa! (Will) 4°) = a r+2)... +A) If his the intervel of differencing, prove that (i) Aeos2x=—4sin*h cos2(x + h) (Kerala B.E., 1989, M.U, B.E., 1996) (ii) Wart 4= (ayaa (iii) Arsin(ax + b) = 2sin(ah /2y'sin (acros mater) Show that (i) A[(1-a)1-22)(1-3)] = -36 if h= 1. (ii) A(-2 1-22 1-3 1-Axt)] = 24 2" x 10! IF A= 2. Find the seventh term of the sequence 2, 9, 28, 65, 126, . . . and also find the general term. Evaluate Af (x) if f(x) is i 1 @ Jaraers) OD Gre DGE Taare D Find A? f (x) if f(x) is (x + 1)(3x + 43x + 7)... Gx 419) Express the following in factorial notation. (i) SQ) =2P - 3 + 3x-10 (i) f@) =P -2+x-1 (iii) f(x) = 3x4 — 48 + 6 + 2x t+ 1 (iv) f () = xt — 3x — 5x7 + 6x—7 and get their successive forward differences. Obtain the function whose first difference is x° + 3x? + 5x + 12. Express the following in factorial notation taking h = 2 and find their differences of second order. (i) SQ) = Tx + 128 - 6x2 + Sx-3 iil) SQ) = - 3x? + 5x47 Finite Differences §.33 15. Prepare a forward difference table for values (x, y,), i= 1,2, 3,..7. _— _ Indicate the propogation error ¢ introduced in the tabulated value of Ve 16- The value of a polynomial of degree 5 are tabulated below. Iff(3) is known to be an error, find its correct value. x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 f@) i 2 33 254 1025 3126-7777 17. A polynomial function is given by the following table: = x 0 1 2 3 A o 6 S@) 0 3 14 39 84 155 258 Form a difference table and explain how the correctness of the arithmetic may be checked. 18. Find y, ify, =9, y, = 18, y,=20, y, = 24 and the third differences are constant. 19. Assuming that the following values of y, belong to a polynomial of degre 4, compute the next three values. cs 0 1 2 3 4 B 6 7 f@) 1 -l i) -l 1 = = = 20. Find the missing term in the following table: x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 f@) 2 4 8 - 3264 128 21. Find and correct a single error in y in the following table: x 0 1 7 3 4 5 6 ie f@) 0 0 1 6 24 60 120 210 22. With the usual notations prove that (i) EA=AE (ii) EV=VE=A (iit) E=(A/8¥ (MU, BE, 1996) (iv) V=1-(1+ Vy" (v) A=8E"; V=5E" (vi) (+ AXI-V)=1 5,34 Numerical Methods (vii) A? = (1 + ANS (viii) pS=A E+ 4A (ix) B8= Wt 5, B= BH 'Ad (I= AQ +Ay"=V(L- Vy" eee (xi) pd= (A+ V) Gil) w= Tra x . 1 Gait) Br =E°-2E'+1 (xiv) #= 14 G8 (Coimbatore B.E., 1985) (Qw) E= zy, (xvi) V?= PD?- D+ z WDA +++ (Madurai, B.E, 1989) ay, (wii) S-g S EE (MU. BE, 1997) (wii) 1+ A\G- I= 1 (MU, B.E, 1997) 23) Show the following at @ Wy,=VY, (i) dhe =Af,-Af, (it) (A+ VP + =8 (iv) (AE) = 6 & sin +h) Oo Saint h)+ FeinGerh) ~ 2(cosh -1) {sin (x +h) +1] (vi) _ =ARtKRD AL ae 2 (i) Fer togay 7 T+ Tog +) 24) Use the method of separation of symbols to prove that (uj—u,) — x (uty) + (t= 1) = Au Buty Up 25) be Ae Au, 26) y,=Vy— PTC AI gy HCN Iga EI AY Finite Differences 5.35 2 2 Hx | wx ie 21) a ee ee 28) u,+7C, Au, +°C, Au, + =u, 47C, Au, tC AM to 29) Sum the series to » terms: (i) 123423.44+34.5+--- ii) 4.5.6.+5.6.7+6.7.8+--- (ii) 254+5.84+8.11+-°- 30) Using the method of finite differences, find the sum to n terms of the series whose nth term is m(n—1) (1-2). 31) Using the method of finite differences, find the sum of the first (i) squares and (ii) cubes. 32) Sum the series using the identity of Example 5.15. : Ae oes dx gir ee ae f 4x 10x? | 20x? | 35x* GOT apt or tar ty 33) Using Montmort’s theorem, sum the series 1,.34+3.5x45.77+ 7.9 +--- ANSWERS 9) 344, (tl) +1 192 10) DAL])= Yor 4 4) 4 8)(x+ 12)(x4 16) WAS 6) = ae yar aire tieeINGr 11) Af (x) = 459270 (3x +19) (3x + 16) (3x + 13) (3x + 10) 12) (f(x) = 2+ 3x + 249-10 (ii) F() =x) + x) 15 (iii) f(x) = 3x + 144 15x FYE, (iv) f(Q) = 29 + 9x + 11x + 5200-7 5.36 Numerical Methods 1 13) f@)= . ax Sx +12" + constant 14) (i) FQ) = Tx! + 96x + 262? + 97x40 -3 AF (x) = $6x° + 576x" + 1048x9 + 194 At f (x) = 336x® + 2304 + 2096 Gi) f= XO) 4 3X + 3XO KT AS (x) = 6x2 +1209 + 6 A? f(x) = 24x 424 15) f(x) =244, error =-10 18) y,= 138 19) 31,129,351 20) 16.1 21) Error is atx = 2; y(2)=0 29) (i) Emr) (#2) (n+4) Gi) ; [ @r+6) (+5) (+4) (n+3) 360] (iii) n Gr? + 6n +1) 30) Lot) (DD 2) 2 2 31) @ nine 0OnLd ai) n ws 1) 3x x) 32) Me@te—x+5) Gi) eB G) 346x—x? (ey 33)

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