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JEE – MAIN (B) is at the mid point of line AB

Objective Questions (C) lies to the left of A

(D) none of these

Coulomb’s Force
Q. 7 Two point charges in air at a distance of 20 cm.
Q. 1 One quantum of charge should be at least be equal from each other interact with a certain force. At
to the charge in coulomb. what distance from each other should these charges
be placed in oil of relative permittivity 5 to obtain
(A) 1.6 × 10-17 C,
the same force of interaction –
(B) 1.6 × 10-19 C,
(A) 8.94 × 10-2 m (B) 0.894 × 10-2 m
(C) 1.6 × 10 C,
(C) 89.4 × 10-2 m (D) 8.94 × 102 m
(D) 4.8 × 10 C,
Q. 8 A certain charge Q is divided at first into two parts,
Q. 2 An electron at rest has a charge of 1.6 × 10-19 C, It (q) and (Q-q). later on the charges are placed at a
starts moving with a velocity v = c/2, where is the certain distance. If the force of interaction between
speed of light, then the new charge on it is – the two charges is maximum then –

(A) 1.6 × 10-19 Coulomb (A) (Q/q) = (4/1) (B) (Q/q) = (2/1)

1 2 (C) (Q/q) =(3/1) (D) (Q/q) = (5/1)

(B) 1.6 × 10-19 √1 − (2) Coulomb
Q. 9 Two small balls having equal positive charge Q
(C) 1.6 × 10 -19 √(1) − 1 Coulomb (Coulomb) on each are suspended by two
2 insulating strings of equal length ‘L’ metre, from a
1.6 ×10−19 hook fixed to a stand. The whole set up is taken in
(D) Coulomb
2 a satellite in to space where there is no gravity
(State of weight lessness) Then the angle (𝜃)
between the two strings is –
Q. 3 Which one of the following statement regarding
electrostatics is wrong ? (A) 0° (B) 90°
(A) Charge is quantized (C) 180° (D) 0° < 𝜃 < 180°
(B) Charge is conserved
(C) There is an electric field near an isolated Q. 10 There equal charges (q) are placed at corners of a
charge at rest equilateral tringle. The force on any charge is –
(D) A stationary charge produces both electric and
𝐾𝑞 2
magnetic fields (A) Zero (B) √3

Q. 4 When the distance between two charged particle is 𝐾𝑞 2 𝐾𝑞 2

(C) (D) 3√3
halved, the force between them becomes – √3𝑎2 𝑎2

(A) One fourth (B) One half Q.11 Two charge 4q and q are placed 30 cm. apart. At
what point the value of electric field will be zero-
(C) Double (D) Four times
(A) 10 cm. away from q and between the charge
Q. 5 Five balls, numbered 1 to 5, are suspended using
separate threads. Pairs (1,2),(2,4),(4,1) show (B) 20 cm. away from q and between the charge
electrostatic attraction, while pairs (2,3) and (4,5)
(C) 10 cm. away from q and out side the line
show repulsion. Therefore ball 1 :
joining the charge
(A) Must be positively charged
(D) 10 cm. away from 4q and out side the line
(B) Must be negatively charged
joining them.
(C) May be neutral
(D) Must be made of mental Q. 12 Four charges are arranged at the corners of a square
ABCD, as shown. The force on +ve charge kept at
Q. 6 Two point charges of same magnitude and opposite
the center of the square is –
sign are fixed at points A and B, A third small point
charge is to be balanced at point P by the B C
electrostatic force due to these two charges The +q -q
point P : +Q -Q
-2q +2q
(A) Zero
(A) lies on the perpendicular bisector of line AB
(B) Along diagonal AC
(C) Along diagonal BD (C) Along OC
(D) None of these
(D) Perpendicular to the side AB
Q. 19 A total charge of 20 𝜇C is divided into two parts
Q. 13 Two free positive charges 4q and q are a distance l and placed at some distance apart. If the charges
apart. What charge Q is needed to achieve experience maximum coulombian repulsion, the
equilibrium for the entire system and where should charges should be :
it be placed from charge q –
4 𝑙
(A) 5 𝜇C , 15 𝜇C
(A) Q = q(negative)at
9 3
(B) 10 𝜇C, 10 𝜇C
4 𝑙
(B) Q = q(Positive)at (C) 12 𝜇C, 8 𝜇C
9 3

𝑙 40 20
(C) Q = q(Positive)at
(D) 𝜇C , 𝜇C
3 3
(D) Q = q(negative)at

Q. 14 A charged particle q1 is at position (2,-1,3) the

electrostatic force on another charged particle q 2 at
(0,0,0) is :
𝑞1 𝑞2
(A) (2𝑖̂ − 𝑗̂ + 3𝑘̂)
56 𝜋 ∈0

𝑞1 𝑞2
(B) (2𝑖̂ − 𝑗̂ + 3𝑘̂)
56 √14 𝜋 ∈0

𝑞1 𝑞2
(C) (𝑗̂ − 2𝑖̂ − 3𝑘̂)
56 𝜋 ∈0

𝑞1 𝑞2
(D) (𝑗̂ − 2𝑖̂ − 3𝑘̂ )
56 √14 𝜋 ∈0

Q. 15 There charges +4q, Q and q are placed in a straight

line of length l at points at distance 0, l/2 and l
respectively from one end of line. What should be
the value of Q in order to make the net force on 1 to
be zero ?
(A) -q (B) -2q
(C) -q/2 (D) 4q
Q. 16 Two similar very small conducting spheres having
charges 40 𝜇C and -20 𝜇C are some distance apart
now they are touched and kept at same distance. The
ratio of the initial to the final force between them is
(A) 8:1 (B) 4:1
(C) 1:8 (D) 1:1
Q. 17 Two point charges placed at a distance r in air exert
a force F on each other. The value of distance R at
which they experience force 4F when placed in a
medium of dielectric constant K = 16 is –
(A) r (B) r/4
(C) r/8 (D) 2r
Q. 18 Six charges are placed at the corner of a regular
hexagon as shown. If electron is placed at its center
O, force on it will be –
−𝑞 𝐴 𝐵 3𝑞

−2𝑞 𝐹 𝐶 −2𝑞

𝑞 𝐸 2q
(A) Zero
(B) Along OF
JEE – MAIN charges, at a distance x from any one charge. The
field at P is E, E is plotted against x for values of x
Objective Questions from else to zero to slightly less than l. which of the
following best represents the resulting curve ?
Electric field and field lines
Q. 20 Two similar charge of +Q, as shown in figure are
(A) (B)
placed at A and B, -q charge is placed at point C
midway between A and B -q charge will oscillate if O L O L
+Q C +Q (C) (D)
A -q B O L O L

(A) It is moved towards A Q.27 A particle mass m and charge Q is placed in an

(B) It is moved towards B electric field E which varies with time t as E = E 0
(C) It is moved upwards AB sin𝜔. It will undergo simple harmonic motion of
(D) Distance between A and B is reduced amplitude.
Q. 21 If Q = 2 coulomb and force on it is F = 100 newtons. 𝑄𝐸 2 𝑄𝐸0
Then the value of field intensity will be – (A) (B)
𝑚𝜔2 𝑚𝜔2

(A) 100 N/C (B) 50 N/C 𝑄𝐸0 𝑄𝐸0

(C) √ (D)
𝑚𝜔 2 𝑚𝜔
(C) 200 N/C (D) 10 N/C
Q. 28 The magnitude of electric force on 2𝜇C charge
Q. 22 Four equal but like charge are placed at four corners placed at the center O of two equilateral tringles each
of a square. The electric field intensity at the center of side 10 cm, as shown in figure is P If charge
of the square due to any one charge is E, then the A,B,C,D,E and F are 2𝜇c, 2𝜇c, 2𝜇c,- 2𝜇c, -2𝜇c, 2𝜇c
resultant electric field intensity at center of square respectively, them P is :
will be :
(A) Zero (B) 4E
(C) E (D) 1/2E
Q. 23 If mass of the electron = 9.1 × 10−31 Kg. charge on (A) 21.6 N (B) 64.8 N
the electron = 1.6 × 10−19 coulomb and g = 9.8 m/s2.
Then the intensity of the electric field required to (C) 0 (D) 43.2 N
balance the weight of an electron is :
Q. 29 A charged particle of charge q and mass m is
(A) 5.6 × 10−9 N/C (B) 5.6 × 10−11 N/C released from rest in an uniform electric field E,
(C) 5.6 × 10−8 N/C (D) 5.6 × 10−7 N/C Neglecting the effect of gravity, the kinetic energy
of the charged particle after ‘t’ second is :
Q. 24 A point charge 50 𝜇C is located in the XY plane at
𝐸𝑞𝑚 𝐸2 𝑞2𝑡 2
the point of position vector 𝑟̅0 = 2𝑖̂ + 3𝑗̂. What is (A) (B)
𝑡 2𝑚
the electric field at the point of position vector 𝑟̅ =
8𝑖̂ − 5𝑗̂. 2𝐸 2 𝑡 2 𝐸𝑞 2 𝑚
(C) (D)
𝑚𝑞 2𝑡 2
(A) 1200 V/m (B) 0.04 V/m
Q. 30 There is a uniform electric field in X-direction. If the
(C) 900 V/m (D) 4500 V/m work done by external agent in moving a charge of
Q. 25 A point charge q is placed at origin. Let 𝐸̅𝐴 , 𝐸̅𝐵 and 0.2 through a distance of 2 metre slowly along the
𝐸̅𝐶 be the electric field three points A(1,2,3), B(1,1, line making an angle of 600 with X-direction is 4
-1) and C(2,2,2) due to charge q. then [i] 𝐸̅𝐴 ⊥ 𝐸̅𝐵 joule, then the magnitude of E is :
[ii] |𝐸̅𝐵 | = 4|𝐸̅𝐶 | select the correct alternative
(A) √3 N/C (B) 4 N/C
(A) Only [i] is correct
(C) 5 N/C (D) 20 N/C
(B) Only [ii] is correct
Q. 31 Charges 2Q and -Q are placed as shown in figure.
(C) Both [i] and [ii] are correct The point at which electric field intensity is zero will
be :
(D) Both [i] and [ii] are wrong
Q. 26 Two identical point charges are placed at a
separation of I.P is a point on the line joining the
(A) Somewhere between -Q and 2Q with a at origin. Graph is between a & b and distance
x from a E is taken positive if it is along the line
(B) Somewhere on the left of -Q joining from a to b from the graph, it can be decided
(C) Somewhere on the right of 2Q that :

(D) Somewhere on the right bisector of line joining

-Q and 2Q

Q. 32 The maximum electric field intensity on the axis of (A) a is positive, b is negative
a uniformly charged ring of charge q and radius R
will be : (B) a and b both are positive
1 𝑞 1 2𝑞 (C) a and b both are negative
(A) (B)
4𝜋𝜀0 3√3 𝑅 2 4𝜋𝜀0 3 𝑅 2

1 2𝑞 1 3𝑞 (D) a is negative, b is positive

(C) (D) 𝑖
4𝜋𝜀0 3√3 𝑅 2 4𝜋𝜀0 2√3 𝑅 2
Q. 37 The given figure gives electric lines of force due to
Q. 33 A nonconducting ring of radius R has uniformly two charges q1 and q2 what are the signs of the two
distributed positive charge Q a small part of the ring, charges ?
of length d, is removed ( d<<R) the electric field at
the center of the ring will now be :

(A) Directed towards the gap, inversely proportional

to R

(B) Directed towards the gap, inversely proportional (A) Both are negative
to R
(B) Both are positive
(C) Directed away from the gap, inversely
proportional to R (C) q1 is positive but q2 is negative

(D) Directed away from the gap, inversely (D) q1 is negative but q2 is positive
proportional to R
Q. 38 If electric field is uniform, then the electric lines of
Q. 34 The charge per unit length of the four quadrant of forces are :
the ring is 2𝜆, -2 𝜆, 𝜆 and - 𝜆 respectively. The
(A) Divergent (B) Convergent
electric field at the centre is :
(C) Circular (D) Parallel

Q. 39 The figure shows the electric lines of force emerging

from a charged body. If the electric fields at A and
B are EA and EB respectively and if the distance
between A and B is r, then :

𝜆 𝜆
(A) − 𝑖̂ (B) 𝑗̂
2𝜋𝜀0 𝑅 2𝜋𝜀0 𝑅

(C) 𝑖̂ (D) None
2𝜋𝜀0 𝑅
(A) EA < EB (B) EA > EB
Q. 35 The direction (𝜃) of 𝐸⃗ at point P due to uniformly
charged finite rod will be : (C) EA = (D) EA =
𝑟 𝑟2

Q. 40 Select the correct statement :

(A) The electric lines of force are always closed


(A) at angle 300 from x-axis (B) Electric lines of force are parallel to
equipotential surface
(B) 450 from x-axis
(C) Electric lines of force are perpendicular to
(C) 600 from x-axis equipotential surface
(D) none of these (D) Electric line of force is always the path of a
positively charged particle.
Q. 36 Two point charge a & b, whose magnitudes are same
are positioned at a certain distance from each other
𝐸0 𝑎3
JEE – MAIN (A) 𝐸0 𝑎3 (B)

Objective Questions 𝐸0 𝑎3 𝐸0 𝑎2
(C) (D)
3 2
Gauss’s law and it’s application
Q. 47 Figure shows a charge Q placed at the centre of open
Q. 41 In a region of surface, the electric field is in the x face of a cylinder as shown in figure. A second
direction and is given as 𝐸⃗ = 𝐸0 x 𝑖̂. Consider an charge q is placed at one of the positions A,B,C and
imaginary cubical volume of edge a, with its edges D out of which positions A and D are lying on a
parallel to the axes of coordinates. The charge inside straight line parallel to open face of cylinder. In
this volume is : which position(s) of this second charge, the flux of
the electric field through the cylinder remains
(A) Zero (B) 𝜀0 𝐸0 𝑎3 unchanged ?
1 1
(C) 𝐸0 𝑎3 (D) 𝜀0 𝐸0 𝑎3
𝜀0 6

Q. 42 Electric flux through a surface of area 100 m 2 lying

in the xy plane is (in V-m) if 𝐸⃗ = 𝑖̂ + √2 𝑗̂ + √3 𝑘̂

(A) 100 (B) 141.4 (A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

(C) 173.2 (D) 200 Q. 48 If the electric flux entering and leaving a closed
surface are respectively of magnitude ∅1 and ∅2 then
Q. 43 A cylinder of radius (R) and length (L) is placed in the electric charge inside the surface will be:
a uniform electrical field (E) parallel to the axis of
the cylinder the total flux for the surface of the ∅2 − ∅1
(A) (B) (∅1 − ∅2 )𝜀0
cylinder is given by :

(A) 2𝜋R2E (B) 𝜋R2E (C) 𝜀0 (∅2 − ∅1 ) (D) 𝜀0 (∅2 + ∅1 )

𝜋𝑅 2 + 𝜋𝑅 2 Q. 49 Electric charges are distributed in a small volume.

(C) (D) Zero The flux of the electric field through a spherical
surface of radius 20 cm surrounding the total charge
Q. 44 A hemisphere (radius R) is placed in electric field as
is 50 V-m. The flux over a concentric sphere of
shown in fig. total outgoing flux is :
radius 40 cm will be :

(A) 50 V-m (B) 75 V-m

(C) 100 V-m (D) 200 V-m

Q. 50 Figure shows two large cylindrical shells having

(A) 𝜋R E 2
(B) 2𝜋R E 2 uniform linear charge densities +𝜆 and - 𝜆 Radius of
inner cylinder is ‘a’ and that of outer cylinder is ‘b’
(𝜋R2 𝐸) A charged particle of means m, charge q revolves in
(C) 4𝜋R2E (D)
a circle of radius r. Then, its speed ‘v’ is : (Neglect
Q. 45 An infinite, Uniformly charged sheet with surface gravity and assume the radii of both the cylinders to
charge density 𝜎 cuts through aspherical Gaussian be very small in comparison to their length.)
surface of radius R at a distance x from its center, as
shown in the figure. The electric flux through the
Gaussian surface is :

𝜆𝑞 2𝜆𝑞
(A) √ (B) √
2𝜋𝜀0 𝑚 𝜋𝜀0 𝑚

𝜋𝑅 2 𝜎 2𝜋(𝑅 2 − 𝑥 2 )𝜎 𝜆𝑞 𝜆𝑞
(A) (B) (C) √ (D) √
𝜀0 𝜀0 𝜋𝜀0 𝑚 4𝜋𝜀0 𝑚

𝜋(𝑅−𝑥)2 𝜎 𝜋(𝑅 2 − 𝑥 2 )𝜎 Q. 51 A charge Q is placed at a distance of 4R above the

(C) (D)
𝜀0 𝜀0 centre of a disc of radius R. The magnitude of flux
through the disc is 𝜙 Now a hemispherical shell of
Q. 46 A square of side ‘a’ is lying in xy plane such that two
of its sides are lying on the axis. If an electric field radius R is placed over the disc such that it forms a
closed surface. The flux through the curved surface
𝐸⃗ = 𝐸0 x 𝑘̂ is applied on the square. The flux
(taking direction of area vector along outward
passing through the square is :
normal as positive), is –
A) Zero (B) 𝜙

(C) - 𝜙 (D) 2 𝜙

Q. 52 The volume charge density as a function of distance

X from one face inside a unit cube is varying as
shown in the figure. Then the total flux (in S.I. units)
through the cube if (𝜌0 8.85 × 10−12 𝑐/𝑚2 ) is :

(A) ¼ (B) ½

(C) ¾ (D) 1

Q. 53 Three charges q1 = 1 𝜇𝑐, q2 = 2 𝜇𝑐 and q3 = -3 𝜇𝑐

and four surface S1, S2, S3 and S4 are shown. The
flux emerging through surface S2 in N-m2/C is –

(A) 36𝜋 × 103 (B) -36𝜋 × 103

(C) 36𝜋 × 109 (D) -36𝜋 × 109

Q. 54 A surface enclosed an electric dipole the flux

through the surface is –

(A) Infinite (B) Positive

(C) Negative (D) Zero

Q. 55 A positive charge q is placed in a spherical cavity

made in a positively charged sphere. The centres of
sphere and cavity are displaced by a small distance 𝑙
Force on charge q is :

(A) In the direction parallel to vector 𝑙

(B) In radial direction

(C) In a direction which depends on the magnitude

of charge density in sphere.

(D) Direction can not be determined.

(C) 4 : 1 (D) 1 : 4

JEE – MAIN Q. 61 A charged particle ‘q’ is shot from a large distance

with speed v towards affixed charged particle Q. It
Objective Questions approaches Q upto a closest distance r and then
returns. If q were given a speed ‘2v’, the closest
Electrostatic potential and potential energy distance of approach would be :
Q. 56 A flat circular fixed disc has a charge +Q uniformly
distributed on the disc. A charge +q is thrown with
kinetic energy K, towards the disc along its axis. The (A) r (B) 2r
charge q : 𝑟 𝑟
(C) (D)
2 4
(A) May hit the disc at the centre
Q. 62 At a certain distance from a point charge, the electric
(B) May return back along its path after touching the field is 500 V/m and the potential is 3000 V. What
disc is the distance?
(C) May return back along its path without touching (A) 6 m (B) 12 m
the disc
(C) 36 m (D) 144 m
(D) Any of the above three situations is possible
depending on the magnitude of K Q. 63 Figure represents a square carrying charges +q, +q,
-q, -q at its four corners as shown. Then the potential
Q. 57 Three equal charges are placed at the three corners will be zero at points:
of an isosceles triangle as shown in the figure. The
statement which is true for electric potential V and
the field intensity E at the centre of the triangle is :

(A) A, B, C, P and Q (B) A, B and C

(C) A, P, C and Q (D) P, B and Q

(A) V = 0, E = 0 (B) V = 0, E ≠ 0 Q. 64 A semicircular ring of radius 0.5 m is uniformly
(C) V ≠ 0, E = 0 (D) V ≠ 0, E ≠ 0 charged with a total charge of 1.5 × 10-9 coul. The
electric potential at the centre of this ring is:
Q.58 Electric potential is a :
(A) 27 V (B) 13.5 V
(A) Vector quantity
(C) 54 V (D) 45.5 V
(B) Scalar quantity
Q. 65 The kinetic energy which an electron acquires when
(C) Neither vector Nor scalar accelerated (from rest) through a potential difference
of 1 volt is called:
(D) Fictious quantity
(A) 1 joule (B) 1 electron volt
Q. 59 ABC is equilateral triangle of side 1m. Charges are
placed at its corners as shown in fig. O is mid-point (C) 1 erg (D) 1 watt
of side BC the potential at point (O) is :
Q. 66 A particle of charge Q and mass m travels through a
potential difference V from rest. The final
momentum of the particle is :
(A) (B) 2Q√𝑚𝑉

(A) 2.7 × 103 V (B) 1.52 × 105 V 2𝑄𝑉

(C) √2𝑚 𝑄𝑉 (D) √
(C) 1.3 × 103 V (D) -1.52 × 105 V
Q. 67 If a uniformly charged spherical shell of radius 10cm
Q. 60 A particle A has charge +q and particle B has charge has a potential V at a point distant 5cm from its
+4q with each of them having the same mass m. centre, then the potential at a point distant 15cm
when allowed to fall from rest through same from the centre will be :
electrical potential difference, the ratio of their speed
𝑉 2𝑉
VA : VB will be : (A) (B)
3 3
(A) 2 : 1 (B) 1 : 2 3
(C) 𝑉 (D) 3V
Q. 68 A hollow uniformly charged sphere has radius r. If Q. 75 Figure shows equi-potential surface for two charges
the potential difference between its surface and a system. At which of the labeled points point will an
point at distance 3rfrom the centre is V, then the electron have the highest potential energy :
electric field intensity at a distance 3r from the centre
is :

(A) V/6r (B) V/4r

(C) V/3r (D) V/2r (A) Point A (B) Point B

Q. 69 A hollow sphere of radius 5cm is uniformly charged (C) Point C (D) Point D
such that the potential on its surface is 10 volts then Q. 76 If ‘n’ identical water drops (assumed spherical each)
potential at centre of sphere will be : charged to a potential energy U coalesce to form a
(A) Zero (B) 10 volt single drop, the potential energy of the single drop is
(Assumed that drops are uniformly charged) :
(C) Same as at a point 5cm away from the surface
(A) n1/3U (B) n2/3U
(D) Same as at a point 25cm away from the surface
(C) n4/3U (D) n5/3U
Q. 70 If a charge is shifted from a high potential region to
low potential region, the electrical potential energy. Q. 77 In a regular polygon of n sides, each corner is at a
distance r from the centre. Identical charges are
(A) Increases (B) Decreases placed at(n – 1) corners. At the centre, the intensity
is E and the potential is V The ratio V/E has
(C) May increase or decrease magnitude.
(D) Remains constant (A) r n (B) r(n – 1)
Q. 71 A particle of mass 2g and charge 1 𝜇C is held at rest (C) (n – 1)/r (D) r(n -1)/n
on a frictionless horizontal surface at a distance of
1m from a fixed charge of 1mC. If the particle is Q. 78 When the separation between two charges is
released it will be repelled. The speed of the particle increased the electric potential energy of the charges
when it is at distance of 10 m from the fixed charge
is : (A) Increases (B) Decreases

(A)100 m/s (B) 90 m/s (C) Remains the same

(C) 60m/s (D) 45 m/s (D) May increases or decrease

Q. 72 When the separation between two charge is Q. 79 When a negative charge is released and moves in
decreased, the electric potential energy of charges electric field, it moves towards a position of :

(A) Increases (B) Decreases (A) Lower electric potential and lower potential
(C) May increase or decrease
(B) Lower electric potential and higher potential
(D) Remains the same energy

Q. 73 You are given an arrangement of three point charges (C) Higher electric potential and lower potential
q, 2q and xq separated by equal finite distances so energy
that electric potential energy of the system is zero.
Then the value of x is : (D) Higher electric potential and higher potential
2 1
(A) − (B) −
3 3 Q. 80 Two identical thin rings, each of radius R metre are
2 3 coaxially placed at distance R metre apart. If Q1 and
(C) (D) Q2 coulomb are respectively the charges uniformly
3 2
spread on the two rings, the work done in moving a
Q. 74 Two identical particles of mass m carry a charge Q
charge q from the centre of one ring to that of the
each. Initially one is at rest on a smooth horizontal
other is :
plane and the other is projected along the plane
directly towards first particle from a large distance (A) Zero
with speed v. The closed distance of approach be :
(B) q(Q1 – Q2)(√2 − 1) /(√2. 4𝜋𝜀0 𝑅)
1 𝑄2 1 4𝑄2
(A) (B)
4𝜋𝜀0 𝑚𝑣 4𝜋𝜀0 𝑚𝑣 2
(C) q√2(Q1 + Q2)/ 4𝜋𝜀0 𝑅
1 2𝑄2 1 3𝑄2
4𝜋𝜀0 𝑚𝑣 2
4𝜋𝜀0 𝑚𝑣 2
(D) q(Q1 – Q2)( √2 + 1)/ (√2. 4𝜋𝜀0 𝑅)
Q. 81 In an electron gun, electrons are accelerated through
a potential difference of V volt. Taking electronic
charge and mass to be respectively e and m, the
maximum velocity attained by them is :
(A) (B) 1/V

2𝑚 𝑉2
(C) (D) ( )
𝑒𝑉 2𝑒𝑚

Q. 82 In a cathode ray rube, if V is the potential difference

between the cathode and anode, the speed of the
electrons, when they reach the anode is proportional
to :(Assume initial velocity = 0)

(A) V (B) 1/V

(C) √𝑉 (D)

Q. 83 A hollow metal sphere of the radius 5 cm is charges

such that the potential on its surface is 10 V. The
potential at the centre of the sphere is :

(A) 0 V (B) 10 V

(C) Same as at point 5 cm away from the surface out

side sphere

(D) Same as a point 25 cm away from the surface

Q. 84 Two similar conducting spherical shells having

charges 40 𝜇C and -20 𝜇C are some distance apart.
Now they are touched and kept at same distance. The
ratio of the initial to the final force between them is

(A) 8 : 1 (B) 4 : 1

(C) 1 : 8 (D) 1 : 1

Q. 85 If the electric potential of the inner mental sphere is

10 volt & that of the outer shell is 5 volt, then the
potential at the centre will be :

(A) 10 volt (B) 5 volt

(C) 15 volt (D) 0

Q. 86 An infinite number of concentric rings carry a

charge Q each alternately positive and negative.
Their radii are 1,2,4,8 …. Metres in geometric
progression as shown in the figure. The potential at
the centre of the ring will be :

(A) Zero (B)

(C) (D)
8𝜋𝜀0 6𝜋𝜀0
JEE – MAIN Q. 93 The equation of an equipotential line in an electric
field is y = 2x, then the electric field strength vector
Objective Questions at (1,2) may be :

Relation between field and potential (A) 4𝑖̂ + 3𝑗̂ (B) 4𝑖̂ + 8𝑗̂

Q. 87 When charge of 3 coulomb is placed in a uniform (C) 8𝑖̂ + 4𝑗̂ (D) −8𝑖̂ + 4𝑗̂
electric field, it experiences a force of 3000 newton,
Q. 94 The electric field in region is given by : E =
within this field, potential difference between two 𝑎𝑥 2 𝑦
points separated by a distance of 1 cm is : (4axy√𝑧)𝑖̂ + (2𝑎𝑥 2 √𝑧)𝑗̂ + ( )𝑘̂, where is a
positive constant. The equation of an equipotential
(A) 10 volt (B) 90 volt
surface will be of the form :
(C) 1000 volt (D) 3000 volt
(A) z = constant/[x2y2] (B) z = constant/[xy2]
Q. 88 In a region where E = 0, the potential (V) varies with
(C) z = constant/ [x4y2] (D)None
distance r as :
Q. 95 A charge 3 coulomb experience a force 3000 N when
(A) V ∝ (B) V ∝ 𝑟 placed in a uniform electric field. The potential

difference between two points separated by a
(C) V∝ (D)V =const, independent of (r) distance of 1cm along the field lines is :

Q. 89 An equipotential surface and a line of force : (A) 10 V (B) 90 V

(A) Never intersect each other (C) 1000 V (D) 9000 V

(B) Intersect at 450 Q. 96 A uniform electric field having strength 𝐸⃗ is

existing in x – y plane as shown in figure. Find the
(C) Intersect at 600
p.d. between orgin O & A (d,d,0)
(D) Intersect at 900

Q. 90 The potential difference between points A and B in

the given uniform electric field is :

(A) Ed(cos𝜃 + sin𝜃) (B) -Ed(Sin𝜃 - cos𝜃)

(C) √2𝐸𝑑 (D) None of these

Q.97 Uniform electric field of magnitude 100 V/m in

(A) Ea (B) E√(𝑎2 + 𝑏 2 )
space is directed along the line y = 3 + x . Find the
𝐸𝑏 potential difference between point A(3,1) & B(1,3)
(C) Eb (D) ( )
(A) 100 V (B) 200√2 V
Q. 91 An equipotential surface and an electric line of force
(C) 200 V (D) 0
(A) Never intersect each other
Q. 98 A,B,C,D,P and Q are points in a uniform electric
(B) Intersect at 450 field. The potential at these potential at these points
(C) Intersect at 600 are V(A) = 2 volt. V(P) = V(B) = V(D) = 5 volt.
V(C) = 8 volt. The electric field at P is :
(D) Intersect at 900

Q. 92 An equipotential surface is that surface :

(A) On which each and every point has the same


(B) Which has negative potential

(C) Which has positive potential

(D) Which has zero potential

(A) 10 Vm-1 along PQ Q. 105 In a certain region of space, the potential is given by:
V = k[2x2 – y2 +z2]. The electric field at the point
(B) 15√2 𝑉𝑚−1 along PA (1,1,1) has magnitude =
(C) 5 Vm-1 along PC (A) k√6 (B) 2k√6
(D) 5 Vm along PA
(C) 2k√3 (D) 4k√3
Q. 99 The variation of potential with distance r from a
fixed point is shown in figure. The electric field at r
= 5 cm is :

(A) (2.5) V/cm (B) (-2.5) V/cm

(C) (-2/5) cm (D) (2/5) V/cm

Q. 100 In the above question, the electric force acting on a

point charge of 2 C placed at the origin will be :

(A) 2 N (B) 500 N

(C) -5 N (D) – 500 N

Q. 101 The electric potential V as a function of distance x

(in metre) is given by :

V = (5x2 + 10x – 9) volt

The value of electric field at x =1 m would be :

(A) -20 volt/m (B) 6 volt/m

(C) 11 volt/m (D) -23 volt/m

Q. 102 A uniform electric field having a magnitude E0 and

direction along positive X-axis exists. If the electric
potential V is zero at x = 0, then its value at x = +x
will be :

(A) Vx = xE0 (B) Vx = -xE0

(C) Vx = x2E0 (D) Vx = -x2E0

Q. 103 An infinite nonconducting sheet of charge has a

surface charge density of 10-7 C/m2. The separation
between two equipotential surface near the sheet
whose potential differ by 5V is :

(A) 0.88 cm (B) 0.88mm

(c) 0.88m (D) 5× 10-7 m

Q. 104 In a uniform electric field, the potential is 10 V at

the origin of coordinates, and 8V at each of the
points (1,0,0),(0,1,0) and (0,0,1). The potential at the
point (1,1,1) will be :

(A) 0 (B) 4V

(C) 8V (D) 10V

JEE – MAIN field of 1.0 × 105 N/C. The maximum torque on the
dipole is :
Objective Questions
(A) 0.2 × 10-3 N-m (B) 1.0 × 10-3 N-m
Electric dipole (C) 2.0 × 10-3 N-m (D) 4.0 × 10-3 N-m
Q. 106 If an electric dipole is kept in a uniform electric field, Q. 113 A dipole of electric dipole moment P is placed in a
then it will experience : uniform electric field of strength E. If 𝜃 is the angle
(A) A force (B) A couple and mover between positive directions of P and E, then the
potential energy of the electric dipole is largest when
(C) A couple and rotates (D) A force and moves 𝜃 is :

Q. 107 An electric dipole consists of two opposite charges (A) Zero (B) 𝜋/2
each of magnitude 1 × 10-6 C separated by a distance
2cm. The dipole is placed in an external field of 10 (C) 𝜋 (D) 𝜋/4
× 105 N/C. The maximum torque on the dipole is : Q. 114 Two opposite and equal charges of magnitude 4 ×
(A) 0.2 × 10-3 N-m (B) 1.0 × 10-3 N-m 108 coulomb each when placed 2 × 10-2 cm apart
form a dipole. If this dipole is placed in an external
(C) 2 × 102 N-m (D) 4 × 10-3 N-m electric field of 4 × 108 N/C, the value of maximum
torque and the work required in rotating it through
Q. 108 The ratio of the electric field due to an electric dipole 1800 from its initial orientation which is along
on its axis and on the perpendicular bisector of the electric field will be : (Assume rotation of dipole
dipole is : about an axis passing through centre of the dipole)
(A) 1 : 2 (B) 2 : 1 (A) 64 × 10-4 N-m and 44 × 10-4 J
(C) 1 : 4 (D) 4 : 1
(B) 32 × 10-4 N-m and 32 × 10-4 J
Q. 109 The region surrounding a stationary electric dipole
(C) 64 × 10-4 N-m and 32 × 10-4 J
has :
(D) 32× 10-4 N-m and 64 × 10-4 J
(A) Electric field only
Q. 115 At a point on the axis (but not inside the dipole and
(B) Magnetic field only
not at infinity) of an electric dipole
(C) Both electric and magnetic fields
(A) The electric field is zero
(D) Neither electric nonmagnetic field
(B) The electric potential is zero
Q. 110 Due to an electric dipole shown in fig., the electric
(C) Neither the electric field nor the electric
field intensity is parallel to dipole axis:
potential is zero

(D) The electric field is directed perpendicular to the

axis of the dipole

Q. 116 The force between two short electric dipoles

separated by a distance r is directly proportional to:

(A) r2 (B) r4
(A) At P only (B) At Q only
(C) r-2 (D) r-4
(C) Both at P and at Q (D) Neither at P nor at Q
Q. 117 The electric potential at a point due to an electric
Q. 111 An electric dipole of moment 𝑃⃗ is placed at the dipole will be :
origin along the x-axis. The angle made by electric
𝑝.𝑟 𝑝.𝑟
field with x-axis at a point P, whose position vector (A) k (B) k
𝑟3 𝑟2
makes an angle 𝜃 with x-axis, is :
𝑘(𝑝.𝑟 ) 𝑘(𝑝.𝑟 )
1 (C) (D)
𝑟 𝑟2
(where, tan𝛼 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜃 )
Q. 118 4 charges are placed each at a distance ‘a’ from
(A) 𝛼 (B) 𝜃 origin. The dipole moment of configuration is :
(C) 𝜃 + 𝛼 (D) 𝜃 + 2𝛼

Q. 112 An electric dipole consists of two opposite charges

each of magnitude 1.0 𝜇C, separated by a distance
of 2.0 cm. The dipole is placed in an external electric
(A) 2qa𝑗̂ (B) 3qa𝑗̂

(C) 2aq[𝑖̂ + 𝑗̂] (D) none

Q. 119 An electric dipole is placed at the centre of a sphere.

Mark the correct options.

(A) The electric field is zero at every point of the


(B) The flux of the electric field through the sphere

is non-zero

(C) The electric field is zero on a circle on the sphere

(D) The electric field is not zero anywhere on the

JEE – MAIN (A) r < R1 only (B) r > R1 and R1 < r < R2

Objective Questions (C) r ≥ R2 only (D) r ≤ R2 only

Q. 126 An uncharged sphere of metal is placed in a uniform

Conductors and self-energy and electrostatic electric field produced by two large conducting
potential parallel plates having equal and opposite charges.
Then lines of force look like :
Q. 120 A sphere of radius 1 cm has potential of 8000 V. The
energy density near the surface of sphere will be :

(A) 64 × 105 J/m3 (B) 8 × 105 J/m3

(C) 32 J/m3 (D) 2.83 J/m3

Q. 121 A neutral spherical metallic object A is placed near

a finite metal plate B carrying a positive charge. The
electric force on the object will be :

(A) Away from the plate B

(B) Towards the plate B Q. 127 You are traveling in a car during a thunder storm. In
order to protect yourself from lightening, would you
(C) Parallel to the plate B prefer to :
(D) Zero (A) Remain in the car
Q. 122 A positive point charge q is brought near a neutral (B) Take shelter under a tree
metal sphere :
(C) Get out and be flat on the ground
(A) The sphere become negatively charged.
(D) Touch the nearest electrical pole
(B) The sphere becomes positively charged.
Q. 128 A positively charged body ‘A’ has been brought near
(C) The interior remains neutral and the surface gets a neutral brass sphere B mounted on a glass stand as
non-uniform charge distribution. shown in the figure. The potential of B will be :
(D) The interior becomes positively charged and the
surface becomes negatively charged.

Q. 123 Three concentric conducting spherical shells carry

charges as follows : +4Q on the inner shell, -2Q on (A) Zero (B) Negative
the middle shell and -5Q on the outer shell. The
(C) Positive (D) Infinite
charge on the inner surface of the outer shell is :
Q. 129 The amount of work done in joules in carrying a
(A) 0 (B) 4Q
charge +q along the closed path PQRSP between the
(C) -Q (D) -2Q oppositely charged metal plates is : (where, E is
electric field between the plates)
Q. 124 A charge q is uniformly distributed over a large
plastic plate. The electric field at a point P close the
centre and just above the surface of the plate is 50
V/m. If the plastic plate is replaced by a copper plate
of the same geometrical dimension an carrying the
same uniform charge q. the electric field at the point
P will become : (A) Zero (B) q
(A) Zero (B) 25 V/m (C) qE(PQ+QR+SR+SP) (D)

(C) 50 V/m (D) 100 V/m Q. 130 Figure shows a closed surface which intersect a
Q. 125 Figure shows a thick metallic sphere. If it is given a conducting sphere. If a positive charge is placed at
charge +Q, then electric field will be present in the the point P, the flux of the electric field through the
region closed surface :
(A) Will become positive (B) May be distributed uniformly on its surface

(B) Will remain zero (C) Must be distributed uniformly in its surface

(C) Will become undefined (D) The distribution will depend upon whether other
charges are present or not.
(D) Will become negative
Q. 136 Three concentric metallic spherical shell A,B and C
Q. 131 Two uniformly charged non-conducting or radii a,b and c (a<b<c) have surface charge
hemispherical shells each having uniform charge densities −𝜎, + 𝜎 and - 𝜎 respectively. The potential
density 𝜎 and radius R from a complete sphere (not of shell A is
stuck together) and surround a concentric spherical
conducting shell of radius R/2. If hemispherical (A) (𝜎/𝜀0 ) [a+b-c] (B) (𝜎/𝜀0 ) [a-b+c]
parts are in equilibrium them minimum surface
charge density of inner conducting shell is : (C) (𝜎/𝜀0 ) [b-a-c] (D) none

−𝜎 Q. 137 A solid metallic sphere has a charge +3Q.

(A) -2𝜎 (B)
2 Concentric with this sphere is a conducting spherical
(C) - 𝜎 (D) 2 𝜎 shell having charge -Q. The radius of the sphere is a
and that of the spherical shell is b(>a). What is the
Q. 132 A charge ‘q’ placed at the centre of a conducting electric field at a distancer r(a<r<b) from the centre?
spherical shell of radius R, which is given a charge
1 𝑄 1 3𝑄
Q. An external charge Q’ is also present at distance (A)
4𝜋𝜀0 𝑟
4𝜋𝜀0 𝑟
R’ (R’ > R) from ‘q’ Then the resultant field will be
1 3𝑄 1 𝑄
best represented for region r < R by : (where is the (C) (D)
4𝜋𝜀0 𝑟 2 4𝜋𝜀0 𝑟 2
distance of the point from q)
Q. 138 Two identical conducting spheres, having charges of
opposite sign, attract each other with a force of 0.108
N when separated by 0.5 m. The spheres are
connected by a conducting wire, which is then
removed, and there after, they repel each other with
a force of 0.036 N The initial charges on the spheres

(A) ±5 × 10−6 𝐶 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ∓ 15 × 10−6 𝐶

(B) ±1.0 × 10−6 𝐶 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ∓ 3.0 × 10−6 𝐶

(C) ±2.0 × 10−6 𝐶 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ∓ 6.0 × 10−6 𝐶

(D) ±0.5 × 10−6 𝐶 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ∓ 1.5 × 10−6 𝐶

Q. 133 In the above questions, if Q’ is removed then which
Q. 139 Two small conductors A and B are given charges q 1
option is correct :
and q2 respectively. Now they are placed inside a
hollow metallic conductor © carrying a charge Q. If
all the three conductors A,B and C are connected by
a conducting wire as shown, the charges on A, B and
C will be respectively.
𝑞1 +𝑞2 𝑞1 +𝑞2
(A) , ,𝑄
2 2

𝑄+𝑞1 +𝑞3 𝑄+𝑞1 +𝑞2 𝑄+𝑞1 +𝑞2

(B) , ,
3 3 3

𝑞1 +𝑞2 +𝑄 𝑞1 +𝑞2 +𝑄
(C) , ,0
3 3
Q. 134 The net charge given to an isolated conducting solid
sphere : (D) 0, 0, Q + q1 + q2

(A) Must be distributed uniformly on the surface Q. 140 There are four concentric shells A,B,C and D of radii
a, 2a, 3a and 4a respectively. Shells B and D are
(B) May be distributed uniformly on the surface given charges +q and -q respectively shell C is now
(C) Must be distributed uniformly in the volume earthed. The potential difference VA – Vc is :
𝐾𝑞 𝐾𝑞
(D) May be distributed uniformly in the volume (A) (B)
2𝑎 3𝑎

Q. 135 The net charge given to a solid insulating sphere : 𝐾𝑞 𝐾𝑞

(C) (D)
4𝑎 6𝑎
(A) Must be distributed uniformly in its volume

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