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Wealth by Design Intensive Retreat - Sedona, Arizona - July 24-26,2014

Affirmations for Defined Centers

Affirmations For My Defined Head Center:
I am inspired and inspiring. I spread inspiration everywhere I go and I
share my ideas and inspirations with others.
Affirmations For My Defined Ajna Center:
I am gentle with my thinking and always remember that there are
many ways to think about information. I am uniquely capable of being
certain. I listen carefully to the thoughts of others and allow for
limitless thinking with grace.
Affirmations For My Defined Throat Center:
I speak with great responsibility and know the true source of my
words. I allow others to have a voice and I use my words to invite
others to share.
Affirmations For My Defined Identity Center:
I am who I am. I express myself in all that I do. I celebrate the
magnificence of who I am.
Affirmations For My Defined Will Center:
It is important for me to rest. Rest allows me to recharge my
willpower. I honor the promises that I make. I make deliberate
promises and understand that people expect me to keep my promises.
I am gentle with my expectations of others. Not everyone can just do
the things that I do.
Affirmations For My Defined Solar Plexus Center:
I take my time making decisions and know that I reach clarity over
time. I am here to be deliberate, not spontaneous.
Wealth by Design Intensive Retreat - Sedona, Arizona - July 24-26,2014

Affirmations For My Defined Root Center:

I honor my root pulse and wait for the energy to get things done. I get
more done when the energy is “on”. When the energy is off I know
that it is my time to rest and restore myself.
Affirmations For My Defined Spleen Center:
I trust my intuition. I listen to my “gut” feelings and take guided
action. I listen to my body. I rest and take care of myself. I honor my
sense of time. I remember that not everyone is as fast as me and I
flow with Universal Timing.
Affirmations For My Defined Sacral Center:
I wait with grace and patience knowing that the right opportunities will
show up for me. All I have to do is respond to the world and I will
joyfully do the right work and be with the right people. I fearlessly
honor my response and know that I am internally driven to be in the
right place at the right time, doing the right work.

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