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Course 3647-Assignment 2-General Outline

Assessment of dietary data of 15 individuals using Communication

Skills and 24-hour recall Questionnaire.

1- Data Collection of 15 individuals:

 Ideally from same age group

 The Individuals can be Teachers, our Colleagues etc.

2- Communication Skills: Use the communication skills as mentioned in our

course book-Nutrition Assessment. You can use the following food groups to

prompt/ask the individuals what they ate at Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snacks etc

or improvise as you deem fit:

 Chappati, paratha, naan, rice, bread, pasta, cereals etc

 Meat, poultry, seafood etc.

 Pulses-Lentils, chickpeas, dried beans, legumes etc.

 Fresh vegetables salad and Fresh Fruit

 Dried Fruits and Nuts

 Dairy products e.g. Milk, Yogurt, Cheese etc.

 Beverages-Sodas, juice, tea, coffee etc

 Desserts e.g. Bakery items, Halwa, Kheer, cakes, biscuits etc.

 Snacks-e.g. Chips, French fries, candies, bakery items, packaged

products etc.

 Any other food items that the individual consumes

3- 24-hour recall questionnaire: I am sharing the one I used earlier. It’s for your

reference and to customize according to your own requirement:

Date: Profession:
Number of Family members in
Name: the household:
Gender: Time of 24 recall Questionnaire :
Age: 24 hours recall conducted by:
Weight: Site of 24 hours recall:

Food Consumption Recall

Last 24 Hours 3 days ago On Weekends Source of Food-Home/Restaurant Time of Consumption of food
Late Nigh Snacks

Water Intake Recall

Last 24 Hours 3 days ago On Weekend
Approximate total intake
With Breakfast
With Snack
With Lunch
With Snack
With Dinner

Physical Activity
Last 24 Hours 3 days ago On Weekend
Total Duration of the
Physical Activity
Type of Physical activity
e.g. Walking, cycling,
swimming etc.
Assessment of dietary data collected of 15 individuals:

Analysis of dietary data will include Review and Interpretation of Collected

Data by:

 Comparing the reference values of nutrients and see if the consumption

was above or below the using the food composition tables (FCT):


 For example, compare how much protein the individual ate compared to

what does the RDA says. If the individual shares that he took Qeema, we

will ask for the serving size and then see from the FCT table above and

compare the reference values of proteins in that serving.

Important Notes:
 This assignment to be presented individually only.

 Heading of the assignment will be Assessment of Dietary intake of (Children or

Adults) mentioning their specific age group.

 Select data from one age group (children/adults) for accurate interpretation and

assessment of data collected. Also collect data of total household income,

number of people in the household etc.

 Water intake and physical activity to be included in assessment.

 We can capture the data of 3 days in the same 24-hour recall form by adding

columns (as shared in the excel sheet screenshot above)

 No Diet plans to be made. The purpose of this assignment is the Assessment of

dietary data of 15 individuals of a specific age group (preferably of same gender

too) using Communication Skills and 24-hour recall Questionnaire.

PS: I have tried my best to compile it to the best of my knowledge. Feel free to add or

remove as per your understanding.

Best of luck with all the assignments and remember me in your prayers. Regards, Azka

Fatima Akhtar

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