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1. Differentiate between closed and open system. Nov/Dec 2019
2. Differentiate between intensive and extensive properties. Apr/May 2019, Nov/Dec 2016
3. State the Zeroth law of thermodynamics.Nov/Dec 2019, Nov/Dec 2017, Apr/May 2017
4. Differentiate between path functions and point functions. Nov/Dec 2018
5. What is the word transfer in free expansion process and why? Nov/Dec 2018
6. Define the terms equilibrium, path and process.Apr/May 2018
7. Write the steady flow energy equation for a turbine. Apr/May 2018
8. What is Steady flow process? Nov/Dec 2017
9. Apply steady flow energy equation for a nozzle and state the assumptions made. Apr/May 2017.
10. Should the automobile radiator be analysed as a closed system or as an open system? Explain. Nov/Dec 2016
11. Write down the equation for first law for a steady flow process. May/Jun 2016
12. Give the energy equation applicable for an adiabatic nozzle and an adiabatic turbine. May/Jun 2016
13. State the first law for a closed system undergoing a process and a cycle. Apr/May 2015
14. Why does free expansion have zero work transfer? Apr/May 2015
15. What do you understand by pure substances?
16. Define thermodynamic system.
17. Name the different types of systems.
18. Define Thermodynamic Equilibrium.
19. What do you mean by quasi static process?
20. Explain homogeneous and heterogeneous system.
21. Prove that for an isolated system there is no change in internal energy.
22. What are the limitations of first law of thermodynamics?
23. What is perpetual motion machine of first kind?
24. Differentiate between microscopic and macroscopic approach.
25. Differentiate reversible and Irreversible process.

1. The gas expanding in the combustion space of a reciprocating engine has an initial pressure of 50 bar
and initial temperature of 1623°C , the initial volume is 50000 mm and the gas expands through a
volume ratio of 20 according to the law PV1.25 = constant. Calculate (i) the work transfer and (ii)
heat transfer in the expansion process. Take R=270J/kg.K and Cv = 800 J/kg.K. Apr/May 2019
2. The power output of an adiabatic steam turbine is 5MW, and the state of steam entering the turbine is
pressure 2MPa, Temperature 400°C, Velocity 50 m/s, elevation 10 m. The state of the steam leaving
the turbine is pressure 15 kPa, dryness fraction 0.9, velocity 180 m/s, elevation 6 m. Determine i) the
change in enthalpy kinetic energy and potential energy. (ii) The work done per unit mass of the
steam flowing through the turbine. (iii) The mass flow rate of the team. Apr/May 2019.
3. 5 kg of air at 100 kPa pressure and 333 K temperature is compressed polytropically to pressure 750
kPa as per pv 1.3=C. It is then cooled at constant pressure to 333 K. It is then cooled at constant
temperature to its original condition. Plot the cycle on p-v diagram; calculate the work in each
process and Net work and heat transfer. Nov/Dec 2018
4. (i) Derive the expression for work done for constant volume and polytrophic process.


(ii) Determine the total work done by a gas system following an expansion process of
constant pressure between the volumes 0.2m3and 0.4 m3. Following PV 1.3=C between the
volumes 0.4 m3and 0.8 m3.given the initial pressure 50 bar. Apr/May 2018
5. In a steady flow apparatus, 135 kJ of work done by each kg of fluid the specific volume of the fluid
from a pressure and velocity at inlet are 0.37 m3/kg, 600 kPa and 16 m/s. The inlet is 32m above the
floor and the discharge pipe is floor level. The discharge conditions are 0.62m3/kg, 100 kPa and
270m/s. The total heat loss between the inlet and discharge is 9kJ/kg of fluid. In flowing through
this apparatus does the specific internal energy increases or decreases and by how
6. Discuss the following steady flow engineering devices with SFEE equations. (i) Nozzles and
Diffusers (ii) Compressors and turbines. Nov/Dec 2017
7. A stationary mass of a gas is compressed without friction from an initial state of 0.3 m3 and 0.105
MPa to a final state of 0.15 m3 and 0.105 MPa, the pressure remaining constant during the process.
There is a transfer of 37.6 KJ of heat from the gas during the process. How much does the internal
energy of the gas change? Nov/Dec 2017
8. A certain water heater operates under steady flow conditions receiving 4.2 kg per second of water at
75°C, enthalpy 313.93 kJ/kg. The water hi is heated by mixing with steam which is supplied to the
heater at temperature 100.2°C and enthalpy 2676 kJ/kg. The mixture leaves the heater as liquid water
at temperature 100°C and enthalpy 419 kJ/kg. How much steam must be supplied to the heater per
hour? (8) Nov/Dec 2017.
9. Gas occupies 0.3m3 at 2 bar. It execute a cycle consisting of processes:
(i) 1-2, constant pressure with work interaction of 15 kJ.
(ii) 2-3, compression process which follows the law pv = C and U3=U2 ,and
(iii) 3-1, constant volume process, and reduction in internal energy is 40 kJ.
Neglecting the changes in kinetic energy and potential energy. Draw PV diagram for the
process and determine net Work transfer for the cycle. Also, show that first law is obeyed by
the cycle. Apr/May 2017
10. In a gas turbine, the gases enters the turbine at the rate of 5 kg/s with velocity of 50 m/s and the
enthalpy of 900 kJ/kg and leaves the turbine with 150 m/s and the enthalpy of 400 kJ/kg. The loss of
heat from the gas to the surroundings is 25 kJ/kg. Assume R= 0.285 kJ/kg K, Cp = 1.004 kJ/kg K
and the inlet conditions to be at 100 kPa and 27°C. Determine the work done and diameter of the
inlet pipe. Apr/May 2017
11. A piston cylinder device contains 0.15 kg of air initially at 2 MPa and 350°C, the air is first
expanded isothermally to 500 kPa, then compressed polytropically with a polytropic exponent of 1.2
to the initial pressure, and finally compressed at the constant pressure to the initial state. Determine
the boundary work for each process and the net work of the cycle. Nov/Dec 2016
12. (i). Air enters the compressor of a gas turbine plant at ambient conditions of 100 kPa and 25°C with
a low velocity and exits at 1 MPa and 347°C with a velocity of 90 m/s. The compressor is cooled at a
rate of 1500 kJ/min, and the power input to the compressor is 250 kW. Determine the mass flow rate
of air through the compressor. Assume Cp = 1.005 kJ/kg K. (7).
Derive the steady flow energy equation (6) Nov/Dec 2016
13. Mass of air is initially at 260°C and 700 kPa, and occupies 0.028 m3. The air is expanded at constant
pressure 0.084 m3. A polytropic process with n= 1.5 is then carried out followed by a constant
temperature process which completes a cycle all the processes are reversible.
(a) Sketch the cycle in TS and PV planes.
(b) Find the heat received and heat rejected in the cycle.


(c) Find the efficiency of the cycle. May/Jun 2016
14. A room for four person has two fans each consuming 0.18 kW power and three 100 W lamps.
Ventilation are at the rate of 80 kg/hr enters with an enthalpy of 84 kJ/kg and leaves with an enthalpy
of 59 kJ/kg. If each person puts out heat at the rate of 630 kJ/hr. Determine the rate at which heat is
removed by a room cooler so that a steady state is maintained in the room. May/Jun 2016
15. An insulated rigid tank of 1.5 metre cube of air with a pressure of 6 bar and 100°C discharges are
into the atmosphere which is at 1 bar through the discharge pipe till its pressure becomes 1 bar.
Calculate the velocity of air in the discharge pipe and evaluate the work that can be obtained from
the frictionless turbine using the kinetic energy of that air. May/Jun 2016.
1. What is the function of refrigerator? How h its COP defined? Nov/Dec 2019
2. Why does the entropy of actual universe always increase? Nov/Dec 2019
3. Define entropy of a pure substance. Apr/May 2019
4. What is irreversibility of a process? Apr/May 2019
5. Compare source with sink. Nov/Dec 2018
6. What happens to energy, entropy and enthalpy of an isolated system and why? Nov/Dec 2018
7. State Carnot theorem. Apr/May 2018
8. Define entropy. Apr/May 2018
9. What are thermal energy reservoirs? Nov/Dec 2017
10. List the causes of Entropy increase. Nov/Dec 2017
11. What is PMM2 and why is it impossible? Apr/May 2017
12. What do you understand by high grade energy and low grade energy? Apr/May 2017
13. Heat engine with the thermal efficiency of 45% rejects 500 kJ/kg of heat. how much heat does it
receive? Nov/Dec 2016
14. When a System is adiabatic what can be said about the entropy change of the substance in the system?
Nov/Dec 2016
15. A reversible heat engine operates between a source at 800°C and a sink at 30°C. what is the least rate
of heat rejection per kilowatt network output of the engine? May/Jun 2016
16. Define irreversibility. May/Jun 2016
17. What is a reversed heat engine? Apr/May 2015
1. A Carnot heat engine draws heat from a Reservoir at temperature 600 Kelvin and rejects heat to
another reservoir at temperature T3. the Carnot forward cycle engine drive a Carnot reversed cycle
engine or Carnot refrigerator which absorbs heat from Reservoir at temperature 300 Kelvin and
rejects heat to a reservoir at temperature T3,determine
i. the temperature T3 such that heat supplied to engine Q1 is equal to the heat absorbed by
refrigerator Q2.
ii. The efficiency of Carnot engine and COP of Carnot refrigerator. Apr/May 2019
2. Air expands through a turbine from 500 kPa, 520°C to 100 kPa, 300°C. During expansion 10 kilo
joule per kg of heat is lost to the surroundings which is at 98 kPa, 20°C. Neglecting the kinetic
energy and potential energy changes determine per kg of air,


i. the decrease in availability.
ii. the maximum work, and
iii. The irreversibility. For air Cp = 1.005 kJ/kg K. And h = Cp. T. Apr/May 2019
3. If three Carnot engines of same efficiency connected in series such that the 1200 K reservoir
supplies 2400 kJ of heat and 150 K Reservoir receives 300 kJ of heat. Find out the intermediate
temperatures, efficiency and the work output of all the engines. Nov/Dec 2018.
4. During an experiment conducted in a room at 25°C, a laboratory assistant measures that a
refrigerator that draws 2 kW of power has removed 30000 kJ of heat from the refrigerated
space, which is maintained at -30°C. The running time of the refrigerator during the
experiment was 20 min. Determine if these measurements are reasonable. Nov/Dec 2018.
5. Air flows through an adiabatic compressor at 2 kg/s. The inlet conditions are 100 kPa and 310 K and
the exit conditions are 700 kPa and 560 K. Consider T0 to be 298 K. Determine the change in
availability and irreversibility. Nov/Dec 2018. Apr/May 2017
6. A drug shop is required to maintain certain essential items at -23°C in a refrigerator. If a Carnot
refrigerator having 200 W of compressor is used for this purpose, estimate the fraction of time the
compressor would run in a cold country for the cooling rate of 40000 kJ per day, where the ambient
temperature is 18°C. If the same refrigerator is used in a tropical country where the ambient
temperature is 37°C, what shall be the fraction of the compressor runs. Apr/May 2018
7. 1 kg of ice at -5°C is exposed to the atmosphere which is at 20 degree Celsius. The ice melts and
comes into thermal equilibrium with the atmosphere.
i. Determine the entropy increase of the universe.
ii. What is the minimum amount of work necessary to convert the water back into ice at -5°C ?
Cp of the ice is 2.0 93 kJ/kg. K and latent heat fusion of ice is 333.3 kJ/ kg. Apr/May 2018.
8. Describe the Carnot cycle and examine the Carnot principles, idealized Carnot heat engines,
refrigerators and heat pumps. (8) Nov/Dec 2017
9. Determine the expressions for the thermal efficiencies and coefficients of performance for or
reversible heat engines, heat pumps and refrigerators. (5) Nov/Dec 2017.
10. Establish the inequality of clausius.(5) Nov/Dec 2017.
11. A heat pump working on the Carnot cycle takes in heat from a reservoir at 5°C and delivers heat to a
reservoir at 60°C. The heat pump is driven by a reversible heat engine which takes in heat from
Reservoir at 840°C and rejects heat to a reservoir at 60°C. The reversible heat engine also drives a
machine that absorbs 30 kW, if the heat pump extracts 17 kJ per second from 5°C reservoir
i. The rate of heat supply from the 840°C source and
ii. The rate of heat rejection to the 60°C sink. Apr/May 2017.
12. A quantity of air undergoes a thermodynamic cycle consisting of three processes. Process 1-2:
constant volume heating from P1= 0.1MPa, T1 = 15°C, V1= 0.02m3 to P2 = 0.42 MPa. Process 2-3:
Constant pressure cooling. Process 3-1 : Isothermal heating to the initial state. Employing the ideal
gas model with Cp = 1 kJ/kg.K, evaluate the change of entropy for each process. Sketch the cycle on
p-v and T-s coordinates.
13. A heat pump operates on a Carnot heat pump cycle with a COP of 8.7. It keeps a space at 24°C by
consuming 2.15 KW of power. Determine the temperature of the reservoir from which the heat is
absorbed and the heating load provided by the heat pump. (7) Nov/Dec 2016
14. An inventor claims to have developed a refrigeration system that removes heat from the closed
region at -12°C and transfers it to the surrounding air at 25°C while maintaining a COP of 6.5. is
this claim reasonable? Why? (6) Nov/Dec 2016


15. A 30 kg iron block and a 40 kg copper block both initially at 80°C are dropped into a large tank at
15°C. Thermal equilibrium is established after a while as a result of heat transfer between the blocks
and the lake water. Determine the total entropy change for this process. (8) Nov/Dec 2016
16. How much of the 100 kJ of thermal energy at 650 K can be converted to useful work. Assume the
environment to be at 25°C. (5) Nov/Dec 2016.
17. A household refrigerator that it has a power input of 450 watt and COP of 1.5 is to cool 5
large watermelons, 10 kg of each, to 8° C. If the watermelons are initially at 28°C, determine
how long it will take for the refrigerator to cool them. The water my loans can be treated as
water whose specific heat is 4.2 kJ/kg. K. Is your answer realistic or optimistic? Explain.
NOV/DEC 2016
18. The interior lighting of refrigerators is provided by incandescent lamps whose switches are
actuated by the opening of the refrigerator door. Consider a refrigerator whose 40 watt light
bulb remains on continuously as a result of a malfunction of the switch. If the refrigerator has
a coefficient of performance of 1.3 and the cost of electricity is Rs. 5 per kWh, determine the
increase in the energy consumption of the refrigerator and its cost per year if the switch is not
fixed. Assume the refrigerator is opened 20 times a day for an average of 30 seconds. Nov/Dec
19. A Heat engine operating between two reservoirs at 1000 K and 300 K is used to drive a heat pump
which extracts heat from the Reservoir at 300 K at a rate twice that at which the engine rejects heat
to it. If the efficiency of the engine is 40% of the maximum possible and COP of the heat pump is
50% of the maximum possible what is the temperature of the reservoir to which the heat pump
rejects heat? What is the rate of heat rejection from the heat pump if the rate of heat supplied to the
engine is 50 KW? May/Jun 2016
20. 50 kg of water is at 313 K and enough ice at -5°C is mixed with water in an adiabatic vessel such
that at the end of the process all the ice melts and water at 0°C is obtained. Find the mass of ice
required and the entropy change of water and ice. Given Cp of water = 4.2 kJ/kg K, Cp of ice = 2.1
kJ/kg. K and latent heat of ice is 335 kJ/kg. (10) May/Jun 2016
21. A heat engine receives 800 kJ of heat from the reservoir at 1000 K and rejects 400 km at 400 K. If
the surrounding is at 300K, Calculate the first and second law efficiency, and the relative efficiency
of the heat engine. (6). May/Jun 2016
22. A reversible heat engine operates between two reservoirs at the temperature of 600° C and 40°C. The
engine drives a reversible refrigerator which operates between reservoirs at temperatures of 40°C and
-20°C. The heat transfer to the heat engine is 2,000 kJ and the network output for the the combined
engine refrigerator is 360 KJ. Calculate the heat transfer to the refrigerant and the net heat transfer to
the reservoir at 40°C. Apr/May 2015.
23. 2 kg of air at 500kPa, 80°C expands adiabatically in a closed system until its volume is doubled and
its temperature becomes equal to that of the surroundings which is at 100kPa, 5°C. For this process
i. The maximum work
ii. The change in availability, and
iii. The irreversibility. Apr/May 2015.


1. What is the latent heat of evaporation? Nov/Dec 2019
2. Why does Rankine cycle have lower efficiency compared to Carnot cycle? Nov/Dec 2019
3. Write a short note on mollier chart. Apr/May 2019
4. List the advantages of superheating of steam. Apr/May 2019
5. What is degree of superheat? Nov/Dec 2018
6. What is Carnot vapour cycle? plot the same on T-s diagram. Nov/Dec 2018
7. Draw the T-S diagram of reheat cycle. Apr/May 2018
8. Define dryness and wetness fraction. Apr/May 2018
9. Differentiate between saturated liquid and compressed liquid. Nov/Dec 2017
10. What is binary vapour cycle? Nov/Dec 2017
11. What are compressed solid and compressed liquid? Apr/May 2017
12. What are the methods for improving the performance of the Rankine cycle? Apr/May 2017
13. Is iced water a pure substance? Why? Nov/Dec 2016
14. What is the effect of reheat on (a) the network output (b) the cycle efficiency, and (c) steam rate of
steam power plant? Nov/Dec 2016
15. State the Phase rule for pure substance. May/Jun 2016
16. Mention the two working Fluids used in binary vapour cycle. May/Jun 2016
17. Draw the standard Rankine cycle on P-v and T-s coordinates. Apr/May 2015
1. The steam conditions at inlet to the turbine are 42 bar and 500°C and the condenser pressure is 0.035
bar. Assume that the steam is just dry saturated on leaving the first turbine and is reheated to its
initial temperature. Calculate the Rankine cycle efficiency and specific steam consumption with
reheating by neglecting the pump work using mollier chart. Apr/May 2019
2. A pressure cooker contains 1.5 kg of saturated steam at 5 bar. Find the quantity of heat which must
be projected so as to reduce the quality to 60% dry. Determine the pressure and temperature of the
steam at the new state. Apr/May 2019
3. In a reheat Rankine cycle steam enters the steam turbine at 30 bar and 400°C and expense in a high
pressure steam turbine to an intermediate pressure of 3 bar at which it is reheated to 400°C before
entering the low pressure turbine. The condenser pressure is 0.5 bar. If the mass flow rate of the
steam is 40 kg per second. Calculate the specific steam consumption, the network per kg, the power
output and the thermal efficiency. Nov/Dec 2018
4. Steam initially at 1.5 MPa, 300°C expands reversibly and adiabatically in a steam turbine to 40°C.
Determine the ideal work output of the turbine per kg of steam. Apr/May 2018, Nov/Dec 2017
5. Steam power plant uses the following cycle:
Steam at boiler outlet 150 bar and 550°C
Reheat at 40 bar and 550°C
Condenser at 0.1 bar
Using the mollier chart and assuming ideal processes, find the
a. Quality at turbine exhaust,
b. Cycle efficiency and
c. Steam rate. Apr/May 2018
6. Explain Mercury- water binary vapour cycle. Nov/Dec 2017
7. A vessel of volume 0.04 m3 contains a mixture of saturated water and saturated steam at a
temperature of 250°C. The mass of the liquid present is 9 kg. Find the pressure, the mass, the
specific volume, the enthalpy and the internal energy of the mixture. Apr/May 2017, 2015


8. Reheat Rankine cycle receives steam at 35 bar and 0.1 bar. Steam enters the first stage steam turbine
350°C. If reheating is done at 8 bar to 350° C, Calculate the specific steam consumption and reheat
Rankine cycle efficiency. Apr/May 2017
9. Steam boiler initially contains 5 m3 of steam and 5 metre cube of water at 1 MPa. Steam is taken out
at constant pressure until 4 m3 of water is left. What is the heat transfer during the process? Nov/Dec
10. A Steam power plant operates on an ideal regenerative Rankine cycle the steam enters the turbine at
6MPa and 450°C and is condensed in the condenser at 20 kPa. Steam is extracted from the turbine at
0.4 MPa to keep the feed water in an open feedwater heater. Water leaves the feed water heater has a
saturated liquid. Show the cycle on a T-S diagram and determine
i. The network output per kilogram of steam flowing through the boiler.
ii. The thermal efficiency of the cycle. Nov/Dec 2016.
11. A Large insulated vessel is divided into two chambers one containing 5 kg of dry saturated steam at
0.2 MPa and the other 10 kg of steam, 0.8 quality at 0.5 MPa. If the partition between the Chambers
is removed and the steam is mixed thoroughly and allowed to settle find the final pressure steam
quality and entropy change in the process. May/Jun 2016
12. In a steam power plant the condition of steam at inlet to the steam turbine is 20 bar and 300°C and
the condenser pressure is 0.1 bar. To feed water heaters about at optimum temperatures. Determine:
a. The quality of steam at turbine exhaust.
b. Network per kg of steam.
c. Cycle efficiency
d. Steam rate. Neglect pump work. May/Jun 2016
13. A Steam power plant operates on an ideal Rankine cycle between the pressure limits of 3 MPa and
50 kPa. The temperature of the steam at the turbine inlet is 300°C, and the mass flow rate of steam
through the cycle is 35 kg per second. Show the cycle on a T-S diagram with respect to saturation
lines, and determine
i. The thermal efficiency of the cycle and
ii. The net power output of the power plant. Apr/May 2015.
1. When does real gas behave like ideal gas and why? Nov/Dec 2019
2. List various thermodynamic potentials used for deriving Maxwell’s relations. Nov/Dec 2019
3. State the assumptions made in deriving ideal gas equation using the kinetic theory of gases.
Apr/May 2019
4. What is Clausius-Claperyon equation? Apr/May 2019, Apr/May 2018, Nov/Dec 2017
5. Define compressibility factor Nov/Dec 2018, 2017
6. What is the significance of Clausius-Claperyon equation? Nov/Dec 2018
7. Write down first and second TdS equation. Apr/May 2018, Nov/Dec 2016
8. What is meant by generalized compressibility chart? and what are its features? Apr/May 2017
9. What is the value of Joule Thomson Coefficient for ideal gas? Why? Apr/May 2017
10. What are reduced properties? Give their significance. Nov/Dec 2016, May/Jun 2016
11. What is the importance of Joule Thomson coefficient? May/Jun 2016
12. What is Joule Thomson Coefficient? why is it zero for an ideal gas? Apr/May 2015


13. What is the law of corresponding States? Apr/May 2015
1. A vessel of capacity 3 m3 contains 1 kg mole of N2 at 90°C.
i. Calculate pressure and the specific volume of the gas.
ii. If the ratio of specific heat it is 1.4, evaluate the values of Cp and Cv.
iii. Subsequently, the gas cools to the atmospheric temperature of 20°C,then evaluate the final
pressure of gas.
iv. Evaluate the increase in specific internal energy, the increase in specific enthalpy, increase in
specific entropy and magnitude and sign of heat transfer. Apr/May 2019
2. CO2 flows at a pressure of 10 bar and 180°C into a turbine, located in a chemical plant, and there it
expands reversibly and adiabatically to a final pressure of 1.05 bar. Calculate the final specific
volume, temperature and increase in entropy. Neglect changes in velocity and elevation. If the mass
flow rate is 6.5 kg/min, evaluate the heat transfer rate from the gas and power delivered by the
turbine. Assume CO2 to be a perfect gas and Cv = 0.837 kJ/kg. K. Apr/May 2019
3. 5 kmol of carbon monoxide is stored in a 1.135 m3 container at 215 K. Determine the pressure using
(i) ideal gas equation and (ii) Van der Waals equation. The constants in the Van der Waals equation
are 146.3 kPa.m6/ kmol2 and 0.0394 m3/kmol. Nov/Dec 2018
4. Derive the four Maxwell’s relations. Nov/Dec 2018, 2017, Apr/May 2015
5. (i) Derive the first and second Tds equation. (5) Nov/Dec 2017
(ii) Prove Cp - Cv = - T (dv/dT) 2 .p .(dp/dv).T (8) Apr/May 2018
6. Derive Clausius-Claperyon equation. Apr/May 2018
7. Explain Joule-Kelvin effect. What is inversion temperature? Nov/Dec 2017
8. 10 kmol of methane gas is stored in 5 m3 container at 300 K. Calculate the pressure by
(i) Ideal gas equation and
(ii) Van der Waals equation. Use the following constants a = 228.296 kPa.m6/ kmol2 and b =
0.043 m3/kmol for the Van der Waals equation. Apr/May 2017
9. The Latent heat of vaporization at 1 bar pressure is 2258 kJ/kg and the saturation temperature is
99.4°C. Calculate the saturation temperature at 2 bar pressure using Clausius-Claperyon equation.
verify the same from the steam tables data. Apr/May 2017
10. (i) 1 kg of carbon dioxide has a volume of 1 metre cube at 100°C. Compute the pressure by
(i) Van der Waals equation.
(ii) Perfect gas equation. Nov/Dec 2016
The Van der Waals constant a = 362850 Nm4 / (kg-mol)2 and b = 0.0423 m3/(kg-mol). (9)
(ii) write the Berthelot and Dieterici equations of state. (4)
11. (i) what is Joule Thomson coefficient? why is it zero for an ideal gas? (4) Nov/Dec 2016
(ii) derive an expression for Clausius-Claperyon equation applicable to fusion and vaporization (9)
May/Jun 2016
12. (i) A vessel of volume 0.28 m3 contains 10 kg of air at 320 K. Determine the pressure exerted by the
air using (a). Perfect gas equation. (b) Van der Waals equation. (c) generalized compressibility
chart. (Take critical temperature of air as 132.8 K and critical pressure of air as 37.7 bar ) May/Jun
(ii) draw a neat kinematic of a compressibility chart and indicate its salient features. May/Jun 2016
13. Determine the pressure of Nitrogen gas at T = 175 K and v = 0.00375 m3/kg on the basis of
(i) The ideal gas equation of state.
(ii) The Van der Waals equation of state.


The Van der Waals constants for nitrogen are a = 0.175 kPa.m6/ kg2 , b= 0.00138 m3/kg.
Apr/May 2015
1. State Amagat’s law of partial volumes. Nov/Dec 2019
2. What is the effect of adiabatic saturation process? Nov/Dec 2019
3. Identify the relation between the partial pressure of the constituents in gas mixture. A/M 2019
4. How will you define psychrometry? Apr/May 2019
5. State Dalton’s law of partial pressure. Nov/Dec 2018, 2016, May/Jun 2016
6. What is meant by degree of saturation? List the limiting values. Nov/Dec 2018.
7. So sensible heating and cooling process in the psychrometric chart. Apr/May 2018
8. State and prove Amagats law of partial volume. Apr/May 2018, 2017, 2015
9. Write the Avogadro’s law Nov/Dec 2017
10. Define dry bulb and wet bulb temperature .Nov/Dec 2017
11. What is sensible cooling and sensible heating? Apr/May 2017, 2015
12. What is mean by dew point temperature? Nov/Dec 2016
13. What is adiabatic mixing and write the equation for that? May/Jun 2016
1. Atmospheric air at 38°C and 25% relative humidity passes through an evaporator cooler. If the
final temperature of air is 18°C, how much water is added per kg of dry air and what is the final
relative humidity? Apr/May 2019
2. A perfect gas mixture consists of 4 kg of nitrogen and 6 kg of carbon dioxide temperature of 4
bar and a temperature of 25°C. Calculate Cv and Cp of the mixture. If the mixture is heated at
constant volume to 50°C. Find the change in internal energy, enthalpy and entropy of the mixture.
Take : for nitrogen: Cv = 0.745 kJ/kg. K, Cp=1.041 kJ/kg. K . for Carbon dioxide: Cv = 0.653
kJ/kg. K, Cp=0.842 kJ/kg. K Apr/May 2019
3. Atmospheric air at 101.325 kPa and 288.15 K contains 21% of oxygen and 79% of nitrogen by
volume. Calculate the (i). Mole fraction, mass fraction and partial pressures of Oxygen and
nitrogen and (ii). Molar mass, gas constant and density of the air take molar mass of oxygen and
nitrogen as 32 and 28 kg/kmol. Nov/Dec 2018, Apr/May 2017
4. If the air flow of 1800 m3 / hour at 35°C and RH of 50% is mixed with another air stream of
2100 m3 / hour of air whose both dry and wet temperatures are 20°C. If the pressure is constant
at 1 atm, Calculate (i) the dry bulb temperature. (ii) the relative humidity (iii) the specific
humidity and (iv) the volume flow rate of the mixture. Nov/Dec 2018
5. Explain the psychrometric properties and processes with neat sketch. Apr/May 2018
6. The mixture of 2 kg of hydrogen and 4 kg of Nitrogen at initial temperature of 22°C is
compressed in a cylinder Piston arrangement so that its temperature rises to 150°C. the mean
value of Cp over the temperature range for two constituents are 14.45 kJ/kg.K and 1.0 41 kJ/kg.
K for hydrogen and nitrogen respectively. Assuming the process to be reversible and polytropic
with an index of 1.2. find the heat transfer during the process and change of Entropy of each
constituent and the mixture. Apr/May 2018


7. Atmospheric air at 43°C and 40% relative humidity is to be conditioned to a temperature of 25°C
and 50% relative humidity. The method employed is to lower the temperature to dew point of
conditioned air and then to raise it to the required temperature. The volume of the conditioned air
is 25 m3/min. Find
(a) Dew Point
(b) Mass of water vapour drained out,
(c) Amount of heat required to raise the temperature from the dew point to that
of conditioned air. Apr/May 2018
8. A certain gas has Cp=1.968 and Cv= 1.507 kJ/kg.K. find its molecular weight and the gas
constant. A constant volume Chamber of 0.3 m3 capacity contains 2 kg of this gas at 5°C. Heat is
transferred to the gas until the temperature is 100°C.Find the work done, the heat transferred and
the change in internal energy, enthalpy and entropy. Nov/Dec 2017
9. Explain the following air-conditioning process. (i). Sensible cooling and sensible heating process
(ii). Cooling and dehumidification process (iii). Evaporative cooling process. Nov/Dec 2017
10. Considered a room that contains air at 1 atm, 35°C and 40% relative humidity using the
psychrometric chart. Determine (i). The specific humidity (ii). The enthalpy (iii) The wet bulb
temperature (iv). The Dew Point temperature and (v). The specific volume of the air. Nov/Dec
11. Air at 20°C, 40% RH is mixed adiabatically with air at 40°C, 40% RH in the ratio of 1 kg of the
former with 2 kg of latter ( on dry basis). Determine the specific humidity and the enthalpy of the
mixed stream. Apr/May 2017
12. A rigid tank that contains 2 kg of nitrogen at 25°C and 550 kPa is connected to another rigid
tank that contains 4 kg of oxygen at 25°C and 150 kPa. The valve connecting the two tanks is
opened, and the two gases are allowed to mix. If the final mixture temperature is 25°C, determine
the volume of each tank and the final mixture pressure. Nov/Dec 2016
13. It is required to design an air conditioning plant for small office room for the following winter
conditions: outdoor conditions 14°C DBT and 10°C WBT, required conditions 20°C DBT and
60% RH., Amount of air circulation 0.30 m3/min/person, Seat capacity of office is 60. The
required condition is achieved first by heating and then by adiabatic humidifying. determine .
the following (i) Heating capacity of the coil in Kilowatt and the surface temperature required if
the bypass factor of coil is 0.4. (ii) The capacity of the humidifier. Nov/Dec 2016
14. A rigid tank of 5 m3 contains mixture comprising 3 kg of oxygen, 4 kg of Nitrogen and 5 kg of
carbon dioxide at 290 K. Calculate the molar specific volume, initial pressure of the gas. If it is
heated to 350 K, Calculate the heat transfer and change in enthalpy. Also verify the Gibbs
theorem for entropy. May/Jun 2016
15. A room 7m×4m×4m is occupied by an air water vapour mixture at 38°C. The atmospheric
pressure is 1 bar and the relative humidity is 70%. Determine the humidity ratio, Dew Point,
mass of dry air and mass of water vapour. If the mixture of air water vapour is further cooled at
constant pressure until the temperature is 10°C. Find the amount of water vapour condensed.
May/Jun 2016
16. A gas mixture consists of 7 kg nitrogen and 2 kg oxygen at 4 bar and 27°C. Calculate the mole
fraction, partial pressures, molar mass, gas constant, Volume and density. Apr/May 2015
17. Atmospheric air at 1.0132 bar has a DBT of 30°C and WBT of 25°C. Compute: Apr/May 2015
 The partial pressure of water vapour.
 specific humidity.
 The Dew Point temperature.



 The relative humidity.

 The degree of saturation.
 The density of air in the mixture.
 The density of vapour in the mixture and
 The enthalpy of the mixture. Use the thermodynamic tables only.


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