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For question 1-20, choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) which best completes each sentence. Circle the
correct answer.
1. Luckily, all of the puppies are __________, even the smallest.
A. thriving B. booming C. prospering D. nourish
2. Most of the birds __________ on small mammals.
A. devour B. prey C. eat D. hunt
3. We had been looking for the nest for hours before we __________ lucky.
A. hit B. beat C. struck D. came
4. Just take a __________, but you mustn’t frighten the mother or the babies.
A. peer B. view C. gaze D. peep
5. We keep the animals __________ until they are well enough to go back into the wild.
A. captured B. convicted C. captive D. caught
6. The photographer obtained some amazing __________ of butterflies in flight.
A. representation B. illustration C. portrayal D. footage
7. Remember to __________ - the doorway is very low.
A. dodgeB. dive C. duck D. delve
8. Ann had to spend the night in a cave, but seemed quite unaffected by her __________.
A. affliction B. trial C. trouble D. ordeal
9. He keeps his collection of butterflies in __________ tropical conditions.
A. eccentric B. exotic C. exterior D. external
10. It took four people to __________ the piano up the stairs.
A. tow B. tug C. draw D. haul
11. At closing time, the customers were asked to __________ their drinks and leave.
A. end B. down C. up D. sink
12. He didn’t want to __________ nay information about his past.
A. show B. tell C. demonstrate D. reveal
13. At the beginning of the working day the traffic __________ into the city centre.
A. strolls B. saunteres C. creeps D. crawls
14. As long as he’s not harming anybody, it’s best to live and __________ live.
A. allow B. leave C. let D. ignore
15. If you __________ a nap after lunch, you’ll be able to work until much later in the day.
A. make B. catch C. do D. take
16. She’s such a __________ of strength that everyone relies on her in a crisis.
A. tower B. pillar C. post D. support
17. It would help me __________ if you could go to the Post Office for me.
A. totally B. wholly C. enormously D. largely
18. I told my parents that I had been shopping but they didn’t __________ it.
A. eat B. digest C. swallow D. chew
19. Noise doesn’t really __________ me because I can just ignore it.
A. disrupt B. bother C. disappoint D. tease
20. No wonder she’s coughing - she smokes like a __________.
A. chimney B. fire C. steamer D. drain

For question 21-30, use the word in capitals at the end of the sentence to form one word that fits in the
space. There is an example at the beginning (0).
0. We really must look for staff who have good ___qualification___. ( QUALIFY)
21. She is usually very quiet and shy, but she was quite ____________________ at the party yesterday. ( CHAT)
22. Fed up with ____________________ TV programs, she went out with some friends. ( INTEREST)
23. I’m impressed by the way he can afford to look so smart and ____________________ on his average salary.
24. His ____________________ death at the age of 49 shocked his whole family. (TIME)
25. The band gave a(n) ____________________ performance of their latest record. ( ELECTRIC)
26. She cannot work in her study unless it’s maintained in a state of ____________________ with everything filed
in the correct place. (ORDER)
27. AFter hearing the distressing news she was given some ____________________ by the doctor. ( TRANQUIL)
28. What a pity that so many children are poor and ____________________ in today’s society. ( ADVANTAGE)
29. Because she had only completed 2 years of her university degree they said she was
____________________ for the post. ( QUALIFY)
30. It is hard to trust hypnotherapy because it is a(n) ____________________ profession. Anybody can do it.

For question 31-45, complete the sentences with phrasal verbs by filling the blanks with appropriate
particles. There is an example at the beginning (0).
0. Don’t hang ___up___! I haven’t finished explaining yet!
31. He has decided to put himself ____________________ as a candidate in the coming election.
32. Once Sara had gained her trust, Dot began to pour ____________________ all her emotions.
33. A lack of capital is the reason that small businesses fail to get ____________________ the ground
34. My great uncle is always rambling ____________________ about the good old days. It’s so boring for
everyone else to listen to!
35. The computers system that we’ve installed should iron ____________________ most of our payment
36. I wish you would stop talking about how happy you were in France. It’s no good raking
____________________ the past.
37. The fact that more women are promoted proves that their competition with men in the workplace is paying
38. It might be a relatively small company at the moment but it’s aiming to carve ____________________ a good
slice of the telecommunications market before long.
39. It must be difficult being a doctor, where your life revolves ____________________ the job.
40. Charlie is very dishonest, you’ll never catch him owning ____________________ any of his tricks.
41. He was passed ____________________ in the first time he applied for promotion, but he seems to stand
better chance this time.
42. Pharmaceutical companies are trying to come ____________________ a cure for cancer.
43. He was arrested for landing ____________________ in a serious trouble with the police.
44. We had to bring the meeting ____________________ to this Tuesday as the manager will be away next week.
45. We jazzed ____________________ our all-white kitchen by adding red tiles and doorknobs here and there.

For questions 46-55, read the text below in which there are 10 erros (spelling, punctuation, grammatical).
Underline the errors and write the corrections in the spaces provided. The exercise begins with three
examples (0, 00, 000).
If the icecaps were floating in the sea, global warming and the subsequent melting will have no effect, on the sea
level. Think of a lump of ice in a glass of water: it displaces only its own weight in water, so when it melts the level
remains the same. Butt the great mass of the icecaps are not afloat. Only the Arctic has a large body of such ice. In
Canada and Siberia, ice carpets the land. Antarctica's nearly fourteen million square kilometres is covered by ice
more than two kilometres thick eighty percent of the world’s fresh water. If the icecaps melted tomorow, the sea
would rise by about eighty metres. But current predictions say the next fifty years will see a rise of twenty to thirty
centimetres’. The main cause will be expansion of warming sea water, In fact as temperatures rise, more water
vapour forms. Climatic models suggest much of them will fall as snow on the Antarctic, making it thicker? This may
well balance with the ice melting at the North pole, all of which means that rising sea-levels are highly unlike to be a
danger in the future.

0. ____________________ 00. ____________________ 000. ____________________

46. ____________________ 47. ____________________ 48. ____________________
49. ____________________ 50. ____________________ 51. ____________________
52. ____________________ 53. ____________________ 54. ____________________ 55.

For questions 56-70, read the text below and then decide which word, (A, B, C or D), best fits each space.
Circle the correct answer.
Michael Nicholson, who followed the progress of the yacht Time & Tide on the third
Leg of the BT Global Challenge race from Wellington, New Zealand, to Sydney,
Australia, wrote this dispatch from the Tasman Sea.
Strapped to my bunk, I am suffering and in despair at the (56)__________ ahead. In the bunk above me, my
cameraman is groaning with the agony of a stomach that can (57)__________ no more. The (58)__________ is
dreadful and moans fill the cabin.
I move deeper into my sleeping bag, trying to (59)__________ out the sound of sea-sickness sufferers. But I
cannot ignore the fury of the storm that seems to be (60)__________ us. I cannot find a way of bracing myself to
(61)__________ the shock of being pushed hard against the hull everytime we smash into a wave.
The anticipation of (62)__________ for the next one doubles my heartbeat as the bow (63)__________ and for
seconds I am suspended in mid-air between the hull and the deck. Then comes the (64)__________ of impact. The
whole yacht shudders to a stop as if it has been driven at full-power into a brick wall. We (65)__________ the storm
at dusk and there is still no (66)__________ of it losing force.
I am on watch until 6 am. (67)__________ I must get up on deck. The yacht is (68)__________ over at such an
angle that I appear to be standing on the ceiling. The cooker is jammed almost upside down against the mast and is
(69)__________ cold soup onto our heads.
I search for my sea boots. They have slid back towards the stern and it takes five minutes to crawl to them and
another five minutes to pull them on. Then begins the dangerous (70)__________ out onto deck to face the sea.
56. A. prospect B. future C. possibility D. view
57. A. digest B. choke C. throw D. vomit
58. A. aromaB. stink C. fragrance D. smell
59. A. close B. shut C. put D. lock
60. A. drowning B. swallowing C. sinking D. overpowering
61. A. withstand B. support C. oppose D. fight
62. A. staying B. waiting C. stopping D. pausing
63. A. rises B. mounts C. raises D. ascends
64. A. break B. burst C. smash D. explosion
65. A. caught B. reached C. found D. hit
66. A. hint B. clue C. mark D. sign
67. A. Anyhow B. Somehow C. However D. Anyway
68. A. bending B. leaning C. inclining D. bowing
69. A. flooding B. flowing C. dripping D. pouring
70. A. cruise B. voyage C. progress D. journey
For question 71-85, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word
in each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).
If scientists were able to warn governments (0)___of___ an impending earthquake, even if only a few hours
(71)____________________ advance, lives might be saved and international rescue workers could be at the scene
of the disaster by the time it happened, instead of heading (72)____________________ their local airports several
hours after the event.
(73)____________________ it is, seismologists have long been able to predict roughly where earthquakes will
happen, but they are still (74)____________________ from knowing how to forecast exactly when
(75)____________________ may strike. The one and (76)____________________ successful prediction in
recorded history was for the 1975 earthquake in Haicheng, China. In the months preceding the earthquake changes
(77)____________________ land elevation and ground water levels widespread reports of peculiar animal
behaviour, and man foreshocks had (78)____________________ tot a low level warning. As a
(79)____________________ of an increase in foreshock activity, an evacuation warning was
(80)____________________ the day before a magnitude 7.3 earthquake. Unfortunately, in
(81)____________________ of their success in 1975, the Chinese failed to predict the Tangshan earthquake the
following year, which (82)____________________ an appalling 250000 fatalities.
Since ____________________ completely reliable method of prediction has been found, most governments
now focus (84)____________________ mitigating the effects of earthquakes once they strike
(85)____________________ than attempting to forecast them.

For questions 86-92, read the following text and then choose from the list (A-J) the phrase which best fits
each space. Some of the suggested answers do not fit at all. Write your answers in the spaces provided.
In my opinion, our marriage works because we do things together. We are also quite similar - (86)__________
although I’m possibly a bit quieter than Beryl, my wife. We both agree that it is important that we are tolerant of each
(87)__________ because she is so particular about cleanliness. It’s not that I am untidy or messy, particularly,
but I might say something like, ‘You’re too fussy’, although that is as far as it will go. We don’t have rows about it. I
also try to listen to my wife’s point of view (88)__________. Many couples break up nowadays because they get too
much money too easily. When we were first married, money was tight. I earned half as much on the farm as when I
was in the army.
I am not a romantic man, (89)__________, although occasionally I have bought my wife flowers or chocolates.
I even give her a card on our wedding anniversary, although I have to put it in my diary so I don’t forget. On our tenth
I bought her a food processor, (90)__________ although we did go to Bermuda on our twenty-fifth. We’ll probably go
back for our golden wedding. (91)__________, especially at our age, although we try to show appreciation. For
example, we say thank you if someone has done something for the other. (92)__________, we’re the same sort of
people that we were when we first met. Maybe that’s why it worked.
A. even though I usually buy her a lot of presents
B. I suppose we take each other for granted
C. so that can’t be the key to a long marriage
D. but I can’t remember what we did on our last one
E. although I was working much harder
F. I don’t think our marriage has changed
G. although that doesn’t mean I agree with her
H. despite the fact that we both enjoy playing golf
I. I sometimes get a bit irritated
J. neither of us is particularly extrovert
For questions 93-96, read this text and choose the most suitable heading for each paragraph (A-D).
The End of Money by David Wolman, reviewed by Jacob Aron
A. Money in all its forms/ No money in my pocket/ Is money evil?
Cash, dough or moolah - whatever you call it, you can’t live without it. Or can you? Increasingly money is an
abstraction residing on a computer drive. How long will it be until hard currency disappears altogether? In The End of
Money, journalist David Wolman sets out to discover what a cashless world might look like and how we will arrive
there. On the way, he gets distracted by those on the fringes of society. The book opens with Glenn Guest, a US
pastor who believes credit cards and online banking are tools of Satan, designed to bring about the end of the world.
An entertaining notion, but not relevant to anyone just fed up with carrying a chunk of change.
B. Cash and crime/ Loose change/ Currencies and copies
Later, Wolman visits Bernard von NotHaus, creator of the Liberty Dollar currency. Until 2009, it was available
electronically, in note form and as coins - though von NotHaus denied they were coins, which he says only
governments can mint. Such semantic wrangling failed to prevent him being found guilty of counterfeiting. It’s not
surprising as the Liberty Dollar closely mimics many features of the US dollar, using ‘Trust in God’ instead of ‘In God
we Trust’ for example. It seems odd to focus on such a strange character when, as Wolman points out, alternative
currencies such as the Brixton Pound in London succeed without failing foul of the law.
C. The cost of cash/ Social consequences/ Crime pays
The book is better when focusing on the real implications of moving away from cash: a particularly good chapter
details the mobile-banking revolution in the developing world, which is allowing countries such as Kenya to leapfrog
the need for expensive ATM and banking infrastructure. Interesting, too, are the arguments for abolishing cash, such
as the fact that making hard currency is a costly business, as much as 1 per cent of annual Gross Domestic Product
for some countries. Cash is used to prop up crime: high-value bills provide an anonymous way to product illicit
transactions. UK exchange offices no longer take €500 notes after an inquiry found that nine in every ten of them
were used by criminals.
D. Alternative banking systems/ Technological money/ The future is here
So what might replace cash? Wolman touches on energy as a unit of currency, and whizzes through virtual
currencies like World of Warcraft gold, Facebook credits and Bitcoin, suggesting conversation software could let
people pay using whatever they have to hand. Ultimately, though, one gets the feeling that the cashless society is
already with us, at least for those that want it. Early in the book, Wolman mentions his attempt to avoid cash for an
entire year, but other than a few awkward moments when splitting restaurant bills or passing lemonade stands, he
rarely refers to it again - perhaps because parting with your cash is easier than you might expect.
93. Paragraph A _____________________ 95. Paragraph C _____________________
94. Paragraph B _____________________ 96. Paragraph D _____________________
For the questions 97 - 104, decide which category (A-E) each of the statements below (97-104) falls into. You
may use any better more than once.
A. a fact or an opinion expressed by David Wolman
B. a fact or an opinion expressed by Jacob Aron
C. a fact or an opinion expressed by Glenn Guest
D. a fact or an opinion expressed by Bernard von NotHaus
E. a fact or an opinion not expressed in the text
97. Not having cash could reduce costs of government __________
98. No individual has the right to make coins. __________
99. No society can manage without money. __________
100. Not all alternatives to official currencies are illegal. __________
101. Nobody should use credit cards. __________
102. No computers are designed to manage our money. __________
103. Nobody actually need to use cash now. __________
104. Nothing is more dangerous than carrying cash you. __________

For questions 105-108, complete the sentences using no more than TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from
text for the each answer.
105. One of the questions the book asks is how near is the time when we will live in a society that is
106. Von NotHaus was unsuccessful in defending himself against the charge of …………………………….
107. In developing countries, people are using technology creatively to avoid the difficulties and expense involved in
establishing a …………………………….
108. As research in the UK indicates their attraction to those involved in crime, some high-value notes cannot be
accepted in …………………………….
For questions 109-120, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence,
using given. You must use between three and eight words, including the word given. Do not change the
word given. There is an example at the beginning (0).
0. There is a strong possibility that this species of rhino will become extinct. danger
This species of rhino is ………………….in danger of becoming……………….extinct.

109. Not many people attended the meeting. turnout

There was …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
110. If my cooker’s working again by then, I’ll have you over to dinner on Friday. repaired
Provided …………………………………………………………………………. then, I’ll have you over to dinner on Friday.
111. The product launch is unlikely to be successful unless it is planned in great detail. essential
Detailed ……………………………………………………………………………………………………....the product launch.
112. The company’s profits appear to be improving significantly this year. evidence
The company’s …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..this year.
113. She’s forever warning her husband about driving too fast, but he pays no attention. often
No …………………………………………………………………her husband about driving too fast, he pays no attention.
114. She emigrated immediately after gaining her degree. graduated
Hardly ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………abroad.
115. She’d only just got dressed when the first of the guests arrived. dressing
No sooner ……………………………………………………………………………………….. the first of the guests arrived.
116. She got her license because her father helped her learn to drive. Assistance
But ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..passed her driving test.
117. It wasn’t Susan’s fault that the dog chewed your slipper. Blame
Susan’s …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….... your slipper.
118. You must not enter this area unless you are wearing protective clothing. strictly
Entry to this area …………………………………………………………………….. who is not wearing protective clothing.
119. My father persuaded me to learn another foreign language. talked
It was ………………………………………………………………………………………………….another foreign language.
120. Phil stopped being so unrealistic when he lost his job. brought
The ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… earth.

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