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Submitted by:
 Marvin James G. Esing
 Ira Asjha Annika C. Ceralvo
 Jeresse Jeah R. Recaforte

Submitted to:
Mrs. Claribel

 History of

 Santacruzan

 Pageant Parades
According to popular legend, St. Helena, the mother of
Constantine the Great, went to Calvary 300 years after Christ's
death to search for Christ's cross. At the site of the crucifixion,
she unearthed three crosses, and had her sick servant lie down
on each one. Upon touching one of the three, the servant was
cured; this cross was determined to be Christ's. The
anniversary of this discovery is
traditionally celebrated on May 3rd.
In the Tagalog region, the custom of
the Santacruzan celebration started
sometime after the Immaculate
Conception of Mary was declared
official dogma in 1854, and after the
publication circa 1867 of Mariano
Sevilla's translation of the devotional
Flores de Maria or Mariquit na
Bulaclac na sa Pagninilaynilay sa
Buong Buan nang Mayo ay Inihahandog nang manga Devoto
cay Maria Santisima (The Flowers of Mary or the Beautiful
Flowers that in the Meditations During the Whole Month of
May are Offered by Devotees to Mary the Holiest).
During Spanish times, parish priests would choose hermanas or
sponsors from the daughters of wealthy families. These women
would shoulder the expenses, plan the festival and decorate the
church as well as the caroza which would be used in the

The Santacruzan is
a popular religious
festival held in many
towns and cities
throughout the
Philippines as the highlight of the month-long
celebration of Flores de Mayo during the month
of May. It is known as the queen of all May-time
festivals in the Philippines. It is usually
celebrated with a parade of decorated floats and
elaborately dressed
representing various
aspects of the Virgin
Mary and other
figures. The festival was introduced to the
country during the Spanish period and continues
to be celebrated by Filipinos all over the world.
Pageant Parades
Each figure in this group alludes to a title of the Virgin Mary (usually found
in the Litany of Loreto) or to a figure associated with her. Each letter of the
angelic salutation "AVE MARÍA" is borne by an "angel"—a girl wearing a
long white dress and wings.

1. Methuselah - A bearded old man seen

cooking grains of sand in a pan over a fire.
He represents the transience of human life,
that all things return to ashes and sand.

2. Reina Banderada - A young woman in a long

red gown, carrying a triangular yellow flag. She
represents the coming of Christianity.

3. Aetas - They represent Filipino pagans and the

state of the country before the coming of

4. Reina Mora - act as the dominant religion before

5. Reina Fe - Represents the
virtue of faith and carries a

6. Reina Esperanza -
Represents the virtue of hope
and carries an anchor.

7. Reina Caridad - Represents the

virtue of charity and carries a red
8. Reina Abogada - The defender of the poor and
the oppressed. She wears a black graduation cap
and gown and carries a big book.
9. Reina Sentenciada - Bounded by a rope and
accompanied by two Roman soldiers. She
represents the innocents who have been unjustly

10.Reina Justicia - Carries a sword and weighing

scale. She represents justice.

11.Reina Judith - Represents Judith of Pethulia. She

carries the head of a man in one hand and a sword
in the other.
12.Reina Sheba - Represents power and riches
and carries a jewelry box.

13.Reina Esther - The woman who

saved her countrymen from death and
destruction. She carries a scepter.

14.Samaritana - The woman who

Christ spoke to at the well. She
carries a jug on her shoulder.

15.Veronica - The woman who wiped

Christ's face on his way to
crucifixion. She carries a bandanna imprinted with
the three faces of Jesus.
The Tres Marias:

16.Mary of Magdala - Carries a bottle of perfume.

17.Mary, Mother of Christ - Carries

a handkerchief.

18.Mary, Mother of James -

Carries a bottle of oil.

19.Marian - Represent the many titles of Virgin

Mary. Eight girls in long white dresses with
wings, each carrying one of the letters that spell
out A-V-E--M-A-R-I-A.
20.Divina Pastora (Divine Shepherdess) - Carries a
shepherd's staff.

21.Reina de las Estrellas (Queen of Stars) - Carries a

wand with a star.

22.Rosa Mystica - Carries a bouquet

of roses.

23.Reina Paz (Queen of Peace) - Carries the symbol of

24.Reina de las Propetas - Carries an hourglass.

25.Reina del Cielo (Queen of Heaven) - Carries a

flower and is flanked by two angels.

26.Reina de las Virgines - Carries a rosary and is

flanked by two angels.

27.Reina de las Flores (Queen of Flowers) - Carries a bouquet of flowers.

28.Reina Elena (Queen Helena) - The discoverer of the true Cross,
symbolized by the small cross she carries.

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