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Jeah: Good afternoon everyone especially to Ma’am Almero we are the 11 th Group and the

topic that was assigned to us was virus. We created a short role play in order for all of you to be
aware of virus and to know the ways to prevent it. So guys, just sit back and relax!

Zach: I am virus. I am a small infectious agent that requires intracellular parasite that’s why I
replicate only inside the living cells of other organisms. I can infect all types of life forms, from
animals and plants to bacteria and archaea even bacteria. I can have varied shapes: helical (like
a coiled spring), icosahedrons (with 20 triangular sides) or a very complex shape. I can cause
AIDS, chickenpox, common cold, dengue fever, influenza, measles, poliomyelitis, rabies and

(Look at the right then you will say…..)

Zach: Ha! A human! Another time to enjoy hahahahaha!!!!!!

( Zach will run to Cedrick then Cedrick will run)

( *After the run* Cedrick hinihingal while saying his lines)

Cedrick: Stoooppppp! You can’t infect me because I do proper hygiene, I take immunizations
and vaccines, I separately stored vegetables and meat and prepared them on separate
chopping boards, if I shakehands with someone, I avoid rubbing my eyes and nose afterwards. I
also preferably serve meat well-done and I use condoms during sexual intercourse because it
reduces the likelihood of spreading sexually transmitted diseases like AIDS. So there are no
reasons that you can affect me!!

Zach: Ahhhhhhhh!!!!! (run)

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