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Exam 12
For consultation Call 0776802709
 Answer all questions in both sections A and B
 Circle the best alternative Answers to Section A questions must be written
in the boxes provided
 Answers to Section B should be written in spaces provided.
 No additional sheets of paper should be inserted in this booklet.


Section Marks
A (1 – 40 )

B 41







Exams? Consultations? 0776802709



1. Which one of the following is true about crossing cabbage with Radish, when each of their gametes
have 9 chromosomes?
A: the F1 hybrids are fertile
B: The chromosomes of both species can pair up during fertilization
C: F2 hybrids can be fertile, if non-disjunction occurs in F1 hybrids of both species
D: The F1 hybrids can interbreed with the F2 hybrids.

2. Which one of the following bones form the shank of the pentadactyl limb?
A: Radius and ulna B: Tibia and Fibula
C: Tarsals and metatarsals D: carpals and metacarpals

3. There is a limited biomass at each trophic level in a food chain because at each level, there is
A: reduction in numbers of organisms B: loss of energy
C: reduction in size of organisms D: reduction in amount of food

4. Which one of the following processes is the normal sequence of protein synthesis?
1. synthesis of amino acids
2. activation of amino acids
3. transcription
4. translation

A: 2,3,4 and 1 B: 1,2,3 and 4 C: 2,3,1 and 4 D: 3,2,4 and 1

5. The following proteins are important for coordination and sensitivity, except;
A: Insuin B: phytochromes C: opsin D: sclerotin

6. The following are non membranous units of the cell except;

A: lysosomes B: Ribosomes C: centrioles D: tubules

7. Which one of the following micro nutrients can result into failure of carbon dioxide carriage in
form of bicarbonate ions, when it lacks in the diet?
A: cobalt B: Boron C: Manganese D: copper

8. Which one of the following forms the biggest component of saliva?

A: Mucin B: Salivary amylase C: water D: mineral salts

9. Study the cycle below and answer the question that follow:

Nitrates in soil


Ammonia Proteins in dead organisms

Name the processes in their alphabetical order

A: Nitrification, Haber process, denitrification, Excretion
B: Denitrification, Nitrogen fixation, Haber process, Putrefaction
C: Nitrogen fixation, nitrification, Putrefaction
D: Denitrification, nitrification, Haber process and Excretion.

10. The following are characteristics of innate behaviour except;

A: it is not acquired
B: can not be modified at all
C: it is similar among all members of a species
D: it is un-intelligent

11. Which one of the following is true about a population with a static gene pool?
A: it experiences many variations overtime
B: species formation is more likely to occur
C: Evolution of its members is least likely to occur
D: New genotypes are formed, due to genetic combinations

12. Which one of the following is the substance, which stimulates the gall bladder to release sodium
A: Cholecystokinin B: enterogasterone

C: secretin D: enterokinase

13. Which one of the following is a symptom of Klinefelter’s syndrome?

A: lack of normal secondary sexual characteristics
B: possession of very small testes
C: possession of nipples, which are close together
D: possession of the folds of the skin of the inner cornea of the eye.

14. Which one of the following is not true about lenticles?

A: they can be used for gaseous exchange
B: they can allow evaporation of water from the plant
C: They are obtained from mitotic division of phloem
D: their cells are loosely packed together.

15. The type of antibody which results into clustering of the pathogens together is known as;
A: Lysin B: Agglutinin C: Precipitin D: clusterin

16. A person who is heterozygous for the gene for sickle cell anaemia is said to have a sickle cell trait,
A: the gene for abnormal haemoglobin S and that for normal haemoglobin H, are codominant
B: the gene for abnormal haemoglobin S is partially dominant to that of normal haemoglobin H
C: the gene for normal haemoglobin H is partially dominant to that of abnormal haemoglobin S.
D: the gene for sickle cell anaemia is sex linked

17. Which of the following meiotic stages, does the intimate association, between homologous
chromosomes weaken?
A: prophase I B: Prophase II C: Metaphase I D: Metaphase II

18. Which one of the following is the correct sequence of movement of limbs in tetrapods
(i) Forelimb
(ii) Left hind limb
(iii) Right hind limb
(iv) Left forelimb
A: (iv), (ii), (i) and (iii) B: (ii), (iii), (iv) and (i)
C: (ii), (iv), (iii) (i) D (i), (iv), (iii) and (ii)

19. Which one of the following adaptations does not limit loss of water from the xerophytes?
A: possession of succulent tissues
B: possession of a waxy cuticle
C: reduction in the number of stomata
D: folding of their leaves

20. Which of the following groups of fish can register bi-directional movement of salts, between them
and their environment?
A: Marine elasmobranchs B: Euryhaline fish
C: Fresh water teleosts D: Marine teleosts

21. During the calvin cycle, glycerol is formed from

A: phosphoglyceraldehyde B: phosphoglyceric acid
C: Pyruvic acid D: Ribulose bisphosphate

22. Which one of the following chromosomal abberrations, is most likely to be lethal in organisms?
A: Translocation B: Deletion C: Inversion D: duplication

23. The following can lower the affinity of haemoglobin except;

A: increase in acidity of the medium
B: increase in carbon dioxide concentration of the medium
C: Increase in carbon monoxide concentration of the medium
D: high oxygen concentration in the medium

24. Which one of the following is not true about cholesterols?

A: they can be synthesized by the liver
B: they are important constituents of the nerve cell membrane
C: the excess cholesterols are mainly eliminated from the body via renal excretion
D: their accumulation can result into asclerosis.

25. Which one of the following parts of the brain serves as the main controller of the autonomic
nervous system?
A: hypothalamus B: Medulla C: cerebrum D: cerebellum

26. The type of joint between the axis and the atlas bones is known as;
A: Glinding B: Pivot C: Hinge D: Ball and socket

27. Which one of the following chemical substances can serve a selective weed killer?
A: Auxins B: cytokinins C: Abscisic acid D: Ethene

28. Study the diagram below and answer the question, which follows.


Which one of the above segments acts as a biotransducer?

A: B B: A C: D D: D

29. What part is meant for formation of chemical energy?

A: D B: C C: B D: A

30. Which one of the following results from territorial behaviour?

A: increased variation among offspring
B: increased competition within a herd
C: Reduced inbreeding
D: Reduced frequency of genes from weak individuals.

31. Which one of the following hormones is used to prevent the degeneration of corpus luteum after
zygote formation?
A: progesterone B: oestrogen
C: Human chorionic gonadotrophic hormone D: Prostaglandins

32. Testosterone hormone is produced in the testes by;

A: leyding cells B: sertoli cells
C: seminiferous tubules D: Germinal epithelium

33. The free end of tRNA, which serves as a binding site of a specific acid, is composed of;

34. Which one of the following human secretions contains an enzyme that digests maltose?
A: Gastric juice B: succus entericus
C: Pancreatic juice D: bile

35. Which one of the following scientists is known for proving that organic evolution is possible?
A: Miller B: Darwin C: Mendel D: Morgan

36. Which of the following constitute the innominate bone?

A: sacrum, pelvis and pubis B: Pelvis, ilium and pubis
C: ischium, pubis and ilium D: Pelvis, Pubis and ischium

37. Lettuce seeds are light requiring during the range of temperature between,
A: (5 – 10)oC B: (10 – 20)oC
C: (20 – 30) C
D: at 35oC and above

38. Which one of the following is not true about cellulose?

A: it has OH groups projecting outwards
B: it has cross linkages
C: it is formed of branched chains
D: it has a strong and resistant structure.

39. Which one of the following is not a conjugated protein?

A: Antibodies B: Egg yolk C: cytochrome D: Casein

40. The muscle which pulls the limb outwards away from the body is known as;

A: Protractor B: Retractor C: Adductor D: Abductor


41. The sketch graph below shows the response of its stimulation by a single electric shock.

Tension/ g mass

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

electric Time/s

(a) Mention the labeled phases A, B and C

A …………………………………………………………………………………
B ………………………………………………………………………………….
C ………………………………………………………………………………….

(b) Define the terms;

(i) twitch
(ii) tetanus
(c) State and briefly explain the all – or – nothing law of the muscle


(d) Briefly explain the mechanism of relaxation of the muscle.


42. In Drosophila melanogaster, kidney bean-shaped eye and orange eye colour are recessive to round-
shaped eye and red colour, respectively.
A fly, homozygous for both round-shaped eye and red colour was crossed with a fly
having kidney bean-shaped and orange coloured eyes.
The F1 offsprings were allowed to interbreed and the investigator expected to find a 9:3:3:1
segregation for eye shape and colour in the F2 generation. Instead, the following progeny were
Red colour, round-shaped eye 520
Orange colour, kidney bean-shaped eye 180
Red colour, didney bean-shaped eye 54
Orange colour, round-shaped eye 45

(a) Explain why the investigator expected 9:3:3:1



(b) Briefly account for the observed results, above,

(c) Calculate the cross over value

(d) Mention any two significance of calculating the C.O.V.


43. Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow

Zone C

Zone D
anterior A B
(a) What type of movement is illustrated above?

(b) Name the parts and zone below:

A ……………………………………………………………………………
B …………………………………………………………………………….
C ……………………………………………………………………………..
D ……………………………………………………………………………..

(c) Outline any 4 differences between Part A and B

(i) (i)

(ii) (ii)

(iii) (iii)

(iv) (iv)

(d) Briefly describe how the illustrated movement above, takes place


44. (a) Define the term hormone


(b) Study the table below and then fill in the missing information

gland hormone secreted normal effect of the hormone

Promotes breakdown of
plasma proteins
Lowers Ca2+ ions and raises
the PO43 – ion in blood

Juvenile hormone

Florigen hormone

(c) State two differences between endocrine and exocrine glands


(d) Briefly explain the mechanism of action of ecdysone hormone in insects



45. (a) Define the following terms;

(i) coenzymes

(ii) prosthetic group

(b) Describe enzyme action, basing on induced-fit hypothesis.
(c) Outline any 3 differences between lock key and induced-fit hypotheses of enzyme action

46. (a) Define the following terms

(i) Biomass

(ii) Standing crop
(iii) Productivity
(b) Mention any 3 advantages of using energy to determine productivity of organisms of different
trophic levels, in an ecosystem.
(c) What advantages does a cow have as a primary consumer over a lion?
(d) What is meant by the term decomposers.

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