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communication outlets or technologies used to store and convey information or data are ref
erred to as media. The term "mass media" refers to the technology that is intended to reach a wide audi
ence. It is the most common means of communication for reaching the needs of a larger people. Newsp
apers, magazines, radio, television, and the Internet have been the most frequent platforms for mass m
edia. The general public often relies on the media for information on political, social, and entertainment 
issues, as well as pop culture news.

In this argumentative essay, I argue that globalization necessitates the use of media in order
to achieve global integration. Globalization has faced numerous communication issues in the past,
and considerable technological advancements have already been made in recent decades,
particularly in how technology allows us as a society to communicate and connect with one another.
Emerging media platforms have changed, affecting not only communication methods, but also the
ways in which people communicate. Today, the media plays a significant part in globalization. The
media has a crucial role in the integration of cultures, traditions, and companies. The media will play
a significant role in expanding the ideas and concept of cultural exchange. It allows the interchange
of data and communication. Globalization is tied to the exchange of goods, trading of value and ideas
on a broader scale. Whereas the platform is used on a global scale. It is about the global spread of
information and ideas and belief systems. Globalization helps in improving the quality of the global

As media continues to improve and immerge all over the world it helps us in the advertising
the goods and services to the local and international customers. As both an outcome, it greatly helps
in the distribution of information to the global population. It is also possible to promote any services
or products to different countries. Unlike print publications such as newspapers and magazines, the
internet is not limited to a specific geographical area or country. You can view a website from
anywhere as long as you have access to the internet. Websites on the internet are now crammed
with advertisements, as entrepreneurs have identified and acknowledged society's changing needs
and the widespread use of the internet. Because televisions are widely used in the community, many
advertisements and product promotions are made through televisions and reach a large community.
When an advertisement or commercial is broadcast on television, they are confident that they will
reach a larger population of customers. Advertising has gotten easier for entrepreneurs due to the
various digital means. This is because new technology reaches a large range of people, allowing
individual advertisement to attract a large audience of people within a short period of time.

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