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Ric Charlie J.


ABM 12 – Pythagoras

Narrative Report: Business Ethics

On the 14th day of April there is a class discussion that was held via Zoom. Almost of
my classmates attends the meeting but I, Ric Charlie J. Sumague wasn't able to attend due to
lack of internet connection. However, even if I wasn't able to attend the meeting, I asked some
of my classmates on what are the things that are being discussed on the meeting. According to
them they play quiz game and discussed the competencies that we must learn. Ma'am Cherie
also introduced to them the breakout rooms wherein there will be a by group rooms and there
is just a specific time to discuss the assigned topic that each group must discuss to everyone.
All in all, the meeting is all about our lessons in Business Ethics. Furthermore, next meeting
I'll make sure that I will make a way to attend in our class meeting, in that way I can learn more
things and gain new knowledge from my teacher as well as from my classmates. But here is
my classmates’ picture during the discussion.

Narrative Report : Business Ethics

On the 21st day of April, 2021 (Tuesday). I answered our quiz in Business Ethics through
Google forms at exactly 8:25 AM. The quiz is more on essay which is not my thing. I am
having a hard time answering when it is all about essay types but I can't do anything about it,
it's part of the being a student. Just like the
other two sets of quiz in Business Finance
as well as in Work Immersion, it is still
untimed and I am glad that it is not a timed
quiz. So I can answer the quiz not minding
the time. Also, the coverage of the quiz are
the things that was discussed last class
discussion. And even if, I wasn’t able to
attend I still know some of it through the
help of my classmates. That’s why I am
somewhat familiar on the questions not to
mention that I am already prepared on the
reflection about the porridge that is not
being essential according to Ms. Lugaw
Queen. All in all, I still gain new
knowledge in this quiz and hopefully it will help me in the future.

Narrative Report : Business Ethics

On the 21st day of April, 2021 (Tuesday).

I answered our quiz in Business Ethics through
Google forms at exactly 8:25 AM. The quiz is
more on essay which is not my thing. I am having
a hard time answering when it is all about essay
types but I can't do anything about it, it's part of
the being a student. Just like the other two sets of
quiz in Business Finance as well as in Work
Immersion, it is still untimed and I am glad that it
is not a timed quiz. So I can answer the quiz not
minding the time.

Also, the coverage of the quiz are the

things that was discussed last class discussion.
And even if, I wasn’t able to attend I still know some of it through the help of my classmates.
That’s why I am somewhat familiar on the questions not to mention that I am already prepared
on the reflection about the porridge that is not being essential according to Ms. Lugaw Queen.
All in all, I still gain new knowledge in this quiz and hopefully it will help me in the future.

Narrative Report : Business Ethics

On the 28th day of April, there is a parent’s meeting via Google Meet. But due to lack
of strong internet connection me and my mother wasn’t able to attend the said meeting. The
meeting started at exactly 9 in the morning just like what it is written in letter. Even if I didn’t
attend the meeting, I ask some of my classmate who was able to attend the parent’s meeting.
According to them, the meeting is all about the graduation, pictures like class picture and
graduation picture. Grades and subjects are also included in the meeting. Ms. Pangilinan was
also in the meeting and according to my classmate Ma’am Gizelle said that we should pass our
activities of work sheets/answer sheets in soft copy so that she’ll not get a trouble in checking
our works.

Also, having a toga or sablay are also included in the meeting. Even if I wasn’t able to
attend the manage I always make sure that I am still updated on the things that I should know
or do. All in all, me and my parents will be in favor on what will be the set up for our graduation.
What majority wants will also be our decision.


Yes, Mr. A did something wrong because he cheated the attendance to get the perfect
attendance. He did it because he needed it to be perfect attendance.

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