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"Volunteers don’t get paid not because they are worthless but because they are priceless"-

Hans (2020)

A significant number of IDPs continue to experience gaps in assistance related to

health, education, shelter and long-term livelihood support. Also, IDPs continue to

experience protection risks due to lack of civil documentation due to loss or destruction of

birth certificates. A more nuanced and targeted approach that will address specific

protection needs of IDPs is needed.

Department of Social Welfare and Department for those affected by the crisis in

Marawil. USAID’s projects simulate the economy through supporting small businesses,

expanding livelihoods, training displaced youth and adults for workforce readiness, and offering

business sustainability training for entrepreneurs formerly operating in Marawi’s most Affected

Area. USAID works with local partners to strengthen social bonds between displaced and host

communities through youth sports events, cultural heritage activities, local governance town

halls, and small scale community infrastructure projects. (USAID, 2020)

Red Cross, Dole, and BARMM help the marawi city and volunteered to help the IDPs in

Marawi Ciy.Philippine Red Cross chapters in Metro Manila, Erna devotes her precious time and

effort to be of service to others without expecting anything in return. She may lack the financial

capacity like those who will receive the relief packages in Marawi,
Department of Social Welfare and Development in the National Capital Region (DSWD-

NCR) has mobilized its entire workforce and group of volunteers in its relief operation activities

for victims. The situation also demonstrated the heroism of DSWD social workers and

volunteers who sacrificed a lot to be able to serve others. difficulties in delivering assistance to

our kababayans displaced from Marawi. Most of the evacuees from the city are home-based

IDPs who are scattered across many different barangays. We are doing the best that we can in

coordination with local government units and barangays to reach the communities of the IDPs

so we can process the release of assistance to them,

This paper examines problems encountered during relief operations as perceived

by DSWD volunteers such as the Local Government Unit (LGU) and, in particular, USAID, but

we are unaware of the problems or struggles that the relief operation team must overcome before

the relief operation can be considered a success. As a result the researchers wish to find out or

study what are the problems encountered by DSWD volunteers for us to make people or the IDPs

aware of their challenges.

Theoretical Framework

Hannan & Freeman’s Theories of Organizational Effectiveness

A natural measure of effectiveness of an organization is how well it achieves its goals,

indicated by measuring performance. Organizational researchers Michael T. Hannan and John

Freeman used the concept of organizational ecology to argue that organizational effectiveness

depends on the environment in which the organization operates. An organization that delivers

adequate performance in challenging environment may be more effective than an organization

that performs well without encountering problems.

Despite being used quite often in evaluating the performance of an organization, as well as

redefining the company’s goals and the means to achieve them, the phenomenon of

organizational effectiveness is comparatively hard to nail down. Traditionally, the concept is

viewed through the lens of management theories, whence the complexity of the phenomenon

stems from. Indeed, the effectiveness of an organization is comprised of a range of elements,

particularly, the performance of the staff, the efficacy of the financial transactions and the

company’s operations in general, the quality of the source materials, the adequacy of the
logistics strategy adopted, etc. Therefore, in most cases, the operational definition of

organizational effectiveness is stretched to the efficacy, with which an organization meets its

key objectives; thus, OE can be defined as “the notion of how effectual an organization is in

accomplishing the results the organization aims to generate” (Manzoor, 2012, p. 37). Much to

the credit of the recent researchers, the phenomenon has lately been viewed from the point of

view of the company’s assets, therefore, relating the concept in question to the internal

processes of an organization and not the outside factors: “Organizational effectiveness is a term

often used to describe an organization’s capacity to achieve outcomes efficiently and

effectively” (Lin & Lin, 2011, p. 364).


Your company faces constraints from internal and external factors. You may not have the

money for optimal solutions or the people or raw materials you need, your physical plant

equipment may be inadequate or you may face competition or regulatory action. Hannan and

Freeman call such constraints one aspect of the environment, or ecology, in which organization

delivered the required performance, despite such constraints on their freedom to act in the most

efficient manner possible.


According to Hannan and Freeman, one of the ways effective organizations deal with

constraints that prevent them from reaching their goals is to adapt to their ecology. If you don’t

have money for the best and most efficient solution, you find a less expensive way to achieve the

results you need. If you don’t have the people with the expertise you need, you can train the
people you have to carry out the necessary work. Effective organizations find ways to perform

adequately by adapting to their environment and using the resources they have.


Hannan and Freeman identify “organizational inertia” as the obstacles preventing

organizations from adapting. Such inertia can consist of physical plant that is hard to change,

employees who are specialized in a particular field, the lack of knowledge or the capability of the

management and the history of the company that resulted in a particular culture and attitude. To

operate with high effectiveness, you have to recognize these limitations and consciously ork to

minimize their effect. Such a strategy leaves your company free to adapt changing conditions

and performance challenges.


According to the ecology concept, the most effective organizations are those that can

adapt to constraints by performing well under challenging conditions. Because all organizations

eventually experience challenges, those that can successfully adapt are the ones that survive. To

ensure that your company survives this process of selection, you have to promote organizational

characteristics that leave your company free to adapt to changes and difficult condition.

We include this idea in our research since it gives some good possibilities for an effective

relief operation system. According to this idea, a system may experience restrictions that prohibit

it from achieving its goals, such as a shortage of money or people; nonetheless, despite the

limits, the system should still produce the required performance.

Conceptual Framewor

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

 Problems S
Profile of the encountered
during relief T
respondents in terms of:
operations to
 Age IDPs as
 Sex perceived by A
 Education DSWD
 Ethnicity volunteers T
 Religious
affiliation  Reasons why are
 Marital status they G
 income experiencing
those issues

Figure 1. The Schematic Diagram of the Study

This study will aim to determine the problems encountered during relief operations as perceived

by DSWD volunteers.

The variables of the study will be the profile of the respondents such as age, sex,

education, ethnicity, religious affiliation, marital status, and income which are the independent

variables of the study. The other variables will be the problems encountered during relief

operations to IDPs as perceived by DSWD volunteers and why are they experiencing those

problems which are the dependent variables of the study.

Statement of the Problem

Generally this study aimed to determine the problems encountered during relief operations to

IDPs as perceived by DSWD volunteers.

Specifically, it will seek to provide information on the following questions;

1. What is the socio-econimic profile of the respondents?

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

1.3 Education

1.4 Ethnicity

1.5 Religious affiliation

1.6 Marital status

1.7 Income

2. What are some of the common issues that a relief operation team might face?

3. What are the reasons why they face these issues?

4. The most effective strategy for resolving the issue.

Significance of the Study

This study will serve as a resource for certain readers who want to learn more

about the issues encountered during IDP relief operations as seen by DSWD volunteers.

Specially, the results would be beneficial to the following sectors:

To the DSWD volunteers and Local Government Unit (LGU). This study can assist

the LGU and DSWD volunteers in identifying challenges that they may have in undertaking

relief operations for IDPs in the future, allowing them to develop a remedy ahead of time.

To the Internal Displaced Persons (IDPs). This study can help IDPs understand the

difficulties encountered during relief operations as perceived by DSWD volunteers, allowing

them to avoid feeling dissatisfied.

To the Future Researchers. This study could be used as a guide for students who want

to undertake research on the issues that arise during relief operations.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The researchers will determine the issues faced during IDP aid activities as perceived by

DSWD volunteers in this study. This study is exclusively open to selected volunteers from the

Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) in Marawi City.

Definition of Terms

DSWD volunteers. Is a volunteer service deliberately effort without pay or remuneration

by any individual or organization who desires to share in the responsibilities of the government

and society in uplifting the quality of life of its citizenry. volunteer work or volunteering is the

act of individuals working for or on behalf of others or for a certain cause without being paid for

their services. Therefore, volunteer work can be defined as assisting the needy in society.
IDPs. Is the person or group of persons who have been forced or obliged to flee or to

leave their homes or places of habitual residence, in particular as a result of or in order to avoid

the effects of armed conflict or human-made disasters. This may entail reading to children in a

school for the disabled, raising money to reduce poverty, coaching a community team, raising

awareness of essential issues in the community, planting trees, and offering counseling and

support, including caring for the elderly. In general, volunteer work is commonly seen as an

altruistic engagement, designed to promote public good and enhance human life.

Problems. A matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be

dealt with an overcome. (Oxford languages) In this study, problems refer to the difficulties and

obstacles encountered during relief operation. work comes in numerous forms and is also carried

out by a broad range of diverse individuals. Many people involved in volunteering are

specifically trained in the area they choose to work in, such as emergency rescue, first aid,

medicine, and education. In essence, volunteer work definition covers almost all spheres of life

and is available in such institutions as hospitals, schools, homes for the elderly, NGOs, and the


Relief Operation. Assistance and or intervention, by a government or nongovernment

entity (during or after disaster) to meet the life preservation and basic subsistence needs.

Individuals involved in volunteer work may or may not be paid for their work, while their work

profits others. All in all, volunteering brings about instrumental social changes both to the

involved individual and to society.

Concept. The Effects of Volunteering on the Volunteer Volunteering is an activity which

involves assisting others and coming to the aid of those in need. It is a compassionate and

selfless act. By volunteering, the volunteer typically improves the life of others. The volunteer is

not gaining anything financially, nor is he or she looking to obtain any financial gains. He or she

is only seeking to lend a helping hand to those who are in need of it most.

Constraints.changing environment, an organization needs an effective development

strategy to cope with the changes, keep pace with external threats and all the while making the

most out of its resources. Organizational development is a tool to assess, plan and manage

growth and management. effectively achieving set goals. It is one of the most important

components of change There are several factors that affect the success of an organization

Adaptation. One of the significant elements while discussing about organization development is

to discuss its own existing culture as the culture itself is part of organization behavior that gives

significant role in shaping organizational sustainability. Above all there is a need to recognize

the right culture for any organization to achieve excellence. is inevitable and has become a way

of life. To be able to adapt to the changes is the biggest challenge of organizations to-day, not

only to survive but also to ensure its growth and help to remain relevant in the changing times.

“Organization Development is response to change, a complex educational strategy intended to

change the

Inertia.directed toward company restructuring and repositioning, specifically my personal

experiences in a project dependant industry, and the evolution of a business structure and

organizational culture of flexibility and adaptability. Many companies operating in a project

specific and contract dependant industry are required to align employees with processes and

strategies to ensure smooth transition in an often

Selection. existent between organizational factors and workplace effectiveness (Kwantes and

Boglarsky, 2007). Knowing the importance of leadership in modern-day organizations, it is not

shocking that leadership development gets the biggest percentage distribution from training

and development resources of most organizations. The part that organizational culture plays in

the development of leaders is critical but often ignored. One motive for this is that managers

responsible for leadership development efforts

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