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i don’t think thaht architecture is only about shelter , is only about a very simple enclosure. It should be
able to excite you to calm you to make you think

we can relate this dicum from zaha hadid on one of her works which is the London auquatics center . it
is the most jaw dropping swimming pool in the world, just like what she says as an architect she’s
considering that architecture shouldn’t considers as shelter but also to excite us and relax us. She
design an aquatics center for us to use where we can calm ourselves at the same time we can enjoy our
time with the ones we love.

Frank gehry
Liquid architecture. It's like jazz - you improvise, you work together, you play off
each other, you make something, they make something. And I think it's a way of - for
me, it's a way of trying to understand the city, and what might happen in the city

As architect gehry says that liquid architecture can help us, one of his works really reflect as he was
saying to his work Neuer Zollholf this building was build in the water front which they called it the media
harbor. He considered the design of the building that can help the people who will be able to see the
and appreciate the city and at the same time the sea .

Buckminster Fuller

“I just invented, then wait until man comes around to needing what ive invented “

Buckminster fuller s known for his circular inventions that is really interesting as he was saying one of his
works not literally building but he was featured in the time magazine that he wants the world work. That
someday as we realize things, maybe some of us would consider and make use of Fuller’s works and as
the whole world understsand this we’ll focus on this.

I.M Pei
“ Architecture is the the very meaning of life. You only have to cast your eyes on buildings to feel the
presence of the past, the spirit of place; they are the reflecton of the society

I.M Pei is considering that life is very meaningful and I know that all of us consider that too. One of his
works really reflects what he say which is the Luce Memorial Chapel and this design was so meaningful
that reminds us to accept, enjoy our life to the fullest and let our spirit grow with this chapel.

Frank Lloyd Wright

“Organic architecture seeks superior sense of use and a finer sense of comfort,
expressed in organic simplicity.”
Frnk lloyd is one of the most famous architects that really inspires us and the whole
world because one of his works really consider the importance of the nature which is
the falling water and this design really considered the sense of use and comfort
without destroying the nature.

Robert venturi
“When circumstances defy order, order should bend or break: anomalies and
uncertainties give validity to architecture”
Sainsbury Wing, National Gallery was design by Robert venturi and this explains that
we need to get out if the box and think things that could possibly help each and
every one of us allow architecture in everything we see and the function so that
we’ll be able to liv our life more easier.

Tadao Ando
When you look at Japanese traditional architecture, you have to look at Japanese
culture and its relationship with nature. You can actually live in a harmonious,
close contact with nature

Tadao ando is a famouse Japanese architect and he wants each and everyone of us to
experience the luxurious experience with or very important treasure which is our
nature. Ias a Japanese, japaneseiis really known for thei love for nature and Ando
really appliead the nature loving person to his design and one og this is the Hyogo
Prefectural Museum of art which is a place to appreciate not only our nature, but
everything that surrounds us.

Antonio Gaudi
“Those who look for the laws of Nature as a support for their new works collaborate
with the creator.”
Gauidi’s works reflects the people ‘s works and how they use these things that
comes from our creator. One of his works which is the Sagrada familia is mind blowing
design that can really caught each and everyone of our attention because of its
complexity and and forms. As this design reflects everything on what he was saying.
We ned to accept and appreciate and take cre of everything that we have because it
was given by our creator. Gauid is on of the tool that can reminds us to think and
work with the creator

Eero Saarinen
“To me the drawn language is a very revealing language: one can see in a few lines
whether a man is really an architect.
As an architect Saarinen consider “draw as a reaveling languare which is really
true. Art can really help us express everything and thiscan serve as a language. One
his works which is the David S. Ingalls rink and . It is a hockey rink which really
defines the strategical forces and it flexibility in the rink and Saarinen reflects
his works based on those people’s comfort

Richard Rogers
The only way forward, if we are going to improve the quality of the environment, is
to get everybody involved

One of rogers works , which is the Wimbledon house and this explains that he
as want us to improve and see things we should understand and appreciate .
This wimbehouse is a open-ended frame made up elements that a certain amount
fluidity and the idea was that the house could march down the garden and could easily grow as
well as change..

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