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LESI Worksheet

Legal, Ethical, and Societal Issues in Media and Information

Core Subject Code & Title : MIL – Media and Information Literacy
Class Schedule : G12 TESLA
Core Subject Instructor : MYRON T. CUBILLAN

Name: Rufa Divimer D. Lariosa


Directions: Answer briefly. Clarity is more important than brevity. Cite examples or case studies to prove your points.

1. Discuss the pros and cons of copyright and fair use policies.

Copyright and fair use policies inevitably generate both pros and cons in a manner that sets itself both as a
pedestal and a decrement for the copyright owner. Despite the effectiveness of the intellectual property code of the
Philippines, the assurance of copyright owners is still placed in predicaments that enable other people to exploit the
free-flow of information consumption to their gains. Considering the lack of a stricter punishment system for those
that are convicted of infringement, a loophole has even allowed copyright infringement violators to alter their ways
to avoid copyright infringement. Copyright and fair use policies set a gap for ambiguity to open users, especially in
today’s era of easily-accessed platforms to perform such activities.

2. What ideas validate ethics’ crucial role in media production and consumption?

The crucial role of ethical values and morals in sustaining the balance between users and creators within the
platform of media production and consumption is perhaps validated with the very idea that a massive surge of
change towards online platforms due to technological advancements is encouraged due to the inevitability of an
ever-changing socio-economic development internationally, and even more so with the current pandemic. With
great consideration with how even through online platforms, we still are humans representing our very selves onto
the web, thus ethical morals and values should still be given emphasis to avoid conflict escalation.

3. How is netiquette connected to ethics?

Netiquette is connected to ethics in a sense that it represents a set of modified rules of conduct that enable web
users to participate in online communities without disrupting the comfortability of other users within the platform and
avoid the occurrence of conflicts among users. Internet etiquette has long been published and distributed online, a
user-friendly guideline that sets out a standard for what is considered to be rude online, and its physical
correspondence it was to happen in real life.

4. What would you suggest, as a personal or societal resolve, to combat digital divide, addiction, and bullying?

Perhaps the very idea of a much more considerate social acceptance to how technological advancements give
varying effects to individuals is a big step in what seems to be a societal resolve to the concurrent behavioral
changes in individuals. In combating the digital divide that is currently happening all throughout the world, and
within the Philippines, perhaps the rationalization of certain behaviors or activities would in fact pretty much provide
a clear perspective as to why computer addiction and even bullying is evident in today’s time. To perhaps lessen
the digital divide in the Philippine context, perhaps providing cheaper and easier access to internet facilities in
areas where signals are quite remote would pretty much ease this problem.

5. Devise a way (or ways) by explaining actions to promote ethical use of media and information.

Perhaps a faster and easily accessed distribution of information regarding ethical standards and rules of conduct
would encourage ethical usage of media and information amongst users. Certain programs that can perhaps
provide better orientation as to why the promotion of an ethically-inclined usage of media and information is not a
privilege, but a responsibility amongst users. This will indicate that a certain community has begun its adaptation to
technological advancements by partaking in activities that promote the usage of media and information following
ethical guidelines that not only restrict occurrence of conflicts but also improves the online community as a whole.
✔ Content (3 points) : Ideas are anchored from the topic of study meeting elements of accuracy, correctness, and legitimacy.
✔ Mechanics (2 points) : Clear, correct and intelligible sentences using appropriate word or group of words is evident.

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