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Macros for reference.

Finding force and reactions

Fsum,0,cont - for contact
Fsum,0,Both- for reaction forces
Then issue *Get,Par,Fsum,0,Item,component

Here the nodes in this format are always searched in between tolerance so set the tolerance first by using SELTOL,Tol
Seltol,Tol used for selection of nodes within the tolerance values

Writing text Files

('Abc' 5x 'fdfd' 10x 'asdlkf')

Getting node number

Make it on active window

Getting Maximum number of Loadstep

*Get,step,Active,0,Solu,NCMLS !Active corresponds to active set, so to find the max, issue set,last command first to make
that active loadstep and thus getting maximum number of loadsteps.

Max displacement

Max number of load steps/Substeps

*Get,step,Active,0,Solu,NCMLS for load step
*Get,step,Active,0,Solu,NCMSS for substep for active load step

Contour Max or Min in array for load steps

Use plots command Plnsol,S,Eqv or any other and then issue *Get,Reaction(I,2),PLNSOL,0,Max for any contouring max in
array .

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