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=H ANS ia SEZ ¥ I a Ag be | k a3 @ | y LES eo iit | | LiL TL) eg Macho Women with Guns | « | | The Second Edition... a Published by: Blacksburg Tactical Research Center 1925 Airy Circle Richmond, VA. 23233 First edition, August 1988 ‘Second edition, May 1989 5 6 7 8 9 10 (whatdo these mean, anyway?) Credits - Certain individuals may be responsible for this game, but will probably deny it if asked. They include Greg Porter, ‘who might have designed it, and Darrell Midgette, who might be responsible for the artwork. Copyright 1988 by Greg Porter, but since when has any government agency admitted responsibilty for anything? Monster Chow!" might be a trademark belonging to Pi Omicron Delta (POD), the Bthulhu fraternity, and cannot be used without Bthulhu’s written permission, ‘Actually, you can, but he would get very angry, and you don't want that, do you? Macho Women with Guns Introduction - The pages of history and adventure are filled with tales of heroic women who manage to be both beautiful and deadly competent at the same time, like Red Sonja, Heinlein’s Friday and Charlie's Angels. And unfortunately, they have been getting short shrift in RPG's All the heroes are men, and all the pictures are big hulking brutes with swords and sabers and RPG-7's and Minuteman missiles strapped to their backs. Well, it’s time someone made a change, and this game is going to make up for all the neglect of history in one volume. So, you're going to see lots of macho women with guns. What? You thought this was a serious game? Well, don’t expect to get your money back. Disclaimer - Hopefully MWWG will amuse, offend ‘and chastise an equal number of people. Of course, this means at least 3 copies have to be sold, but that's another matter. While a playable game, it is intended more as satire and humor. So, if you don’t like it, too bad! Nyahhh! Character Generation - In MWWG, all players will take the part of..never mind. Character Points - All characters start with 70 character points. These are used to buy attributes and skills, and may be split between the two in way way desired. This total may be increased by taking on character disadvantages (Keep going, you'll find the section eventually). Attributes - All characters will have 5 Attributes, Strength, Dexterity, Looks, Macho and Health. These are on a 3d6 scale, and their cost is as follows. Attribute Level Cost HTH damage Level 8 5 0 Subnormal 9 2 0 10 +0 1 About average uw 2 1 2 5 1 Getting better B +10 2 4 4s 2 Real good is 420 2 16 430 3 Hero material 7 +80. 3 450 3 Godlike 19+ +10 per 4 Goddess-like Strength - A measure of the brute physical force you can deal out. The maximum load you can lift is equal to your Strength times 10 pounds. Most pieces of equipment will be rated in Encumbrance points, or Enc, and 1 Enc is 10 Pounds. The maximum speed you can run is affected by how much you carry. Up to 1/4 your Strength (round down) in Enc is no penalty. Each point of Enc after that is a -1 to your running speed. Your HTH damage is how much bruising you can deal out with your fists. Kicks do HTH damage using a Strength of two points higher. Using some sort of weapon may increase this damage, or make it lethal instead of bruising. 1 Dexterity - How naturally coordinated you are. Most skills are based on Dexterity rolls. Intrigue and technical skills aren't really needed in MWWG, so there aren't any IQ based skills. If you absolutely insist on trying to play this seriously, base them on Macho. ‘A character’s maximum running speed is based on Dexterity. Movement is based on 1 yard hexes, and the ‘maximum number of hexes you can move in a one-second turn is equal to your Dexterity. Macho - This is how commanding a presence you have, and how likely you are to cringe when the icky, nasty, slimy monsters start crawling out of the woodwork at you, Effective Macho can be increased by a high Looks when used against certain lower life forms (i.e. men). Looks - Your physical attractiveness to any race, sex or species that could possibly be affected by it. Useful persuasion tool vs. certain forms of life. Health - How much punishment you can take before expiring in a macho pile and becoming Monster Chow. Damage taken is subtracted from Health. If a character's Health goes to zero because of lethal attacks, they are dead. If it goes to zero because of non-lethal attacks, they are unconscious. If the total of lethal and nonlethal damage drops the character to zero, they are unconscious, but not dead until the lethal damage alone would kill the character. Non-lethal damage is recovered at 1 point in a number of hours equal to the remaining damage con the character. Lethal damage is recovered in a similar number of days Example - Three points of non-lethal damage would recover one point in three hours, leaving two points. A point of this would be recovered in two hours, and last point ‘would be recovered in another hour, for a total of six hours, Macho Women with Guns Skills - All characters need skills in order to survive. ‘A skill is a bonus to a roll on a given Attribute, and is listed as a modifier to the skill, like +1, +2, etc. This amount is ‘added to the skill, and compared to a roll of 346, referred to ‘as a skill roll (clever, isn’t it?). If the roll is less than or equal to the total, the use of the skill is successful. If not, it fails. Skills cost the following amounts. Skill level Cost Level +0 3 So-so 4 5S OK 2 10 Notbad 8 15 Pretty good “4 20 Expert +5 30 Fantastic +6andup +10 per Trying to use a skill that you have not bought at Teast a +0 level in means use the appropriate attribute, but take a-3 to all use of the skill. The basic skill list follows. Fae eae CnBe: im 2 Shoot little guns(Dex-based) - Like "Shoot big ‘guns, but for little guns. Throw things(Dex-based) - This skill lets you throw objects in combat, like knives, grenades, satchel charges and small children. Hit things(Dex-based) - This is the ability to swing your fists and feet to cause serious injury to anything that hhappens to be in the way. Hit things with other things(Dex-based) - This is the skill used if you want to use a sword, knife, two-by-four or baseball bat to hit something with. Cayort about(Dex-based) - This skill will increase your effective Dexterity for purposes of dodging attacks, but half (round up) of your effective Dexterity is also a reduction to your chance to hit on any turn that you dodge, so be careful Run in high heels(Dex-based) - Wearing high heels is an automatic +2 to Looks, but any attempt to move at more than 2 hexes per turn requires a Dexterity rol. This skill is an addition to Dexterity for this purpose. Modifiers to skill use are below. Moving more than 5 hexes a Moving more than 10 hexes 2 Poor terrain (gratings, ete.) 3 Shoot big guns(Dex-based) - This skill is the ability to accurately fire big guns, and to look good while carrying them. Seduce creature(Looks-based) - A successful use of this skill will allow one favor from any susceptible creature, the magnitude of which depends on how much the roll is made by. Roll made by Favor zero Very small 12 ‘Small 34 Medium 56 Big 78 Really big % Incredible Modifiers to chance of success are as follows. Modifier Amount Not enough time 3 Adequate time +0 More than enough time 8 No face-to-face contact (in any sense) 3 Bad soliloquy 4 This skill_may be used in combat against any creature that is affected by Looks, with a -3 modifier for inadequate time. The critter moves a number of hexes further away equal to the amount the roll is made by (or closer, if that is the desired effect). Failed rolls have ‘opposite effects. Drive Things(Dex-based) - This skill lets you operate any vehicle or animal that moves on the ground or water. See Expansion #1, Renegade Nuns on Wheels. Fly Things(Dex-based) - This skill lets you operate any flying vehicle or creature. See Expansion #2, Bat- ‘Winged Bimbos trom Hell. Do technical stuff(Macho-based) - This skill lets you operate such complex technological devices as radios, toaster ovens, supercomputers and digital watches. Modifiers to skill use are: Using an unfamiliar device for the first time 5 Device is easy to operate (supercomputer) 3 Device is average to operate (digital watch) +0 Device is hard to operate (toaster oven) 3 Characters may buy specific additions to this skill to cover specialized devices like vending machines or CD players. Failure on this skill generally results in the device going on the fritz for the rest of the game. 3 Character advantages - Character may spend points to buy certain advantages that may give them an edge in play, or just seemed like a good idea at the time. Plastic surgeon on retainer - This advantage allows the character to subtract 1 from any Health lost due to a hit, since they know it won't leave any marks when itis fixed up later. This costs 10 points Teflon skin - This advantage means that the character never suffers any penalties to Looks because of icky gunk that they may get into, as it all slides right off one turn after it is applied. This does not, however, confer immunity to any effects during the turn that the gunk is in contact with the character. This costs 5 points. Scriptwriter - This advantage allows the character to re-roll any one event during combat, but must live with the results. The decision to re-roll must be made before any other rolls are made. This costs 5 points. Disadvantages - To get extra character points, a character may opt fo take on certain disadvantages. Personal weakness - This is a failing of the character that renders them susceptible to certain types of objects. ‘The character must make a Macho roll with a-5 in order to confront or get within 1 hex of that object. Examples might be icky stuff, giant slugs or cockroaches. This also applies to anything that looks like the offending object. Choose 3 critters from the critter lis. This is worth 10 points. Secret love - The character has a secret love for certain things, and must make a Macho roll with a -5 in order to attack them, regardless of circumstances. This also applies to anything that looks remotely like the object in question. Examples include kittens, bunnies or Patrick ‘Swayze. Choose 3 critters from the critter list. This is also worth 10 points. Topheavy - The character is overbalanced, and cannot fire at targets downslope unless there is a railing or other prop to lean on, or they make a Dexterity roll with a A failed Dex roll means the character falls flat on This is worth 5 points. Chafing - The character is unable to wear any piece of armor that weighs more than 1 Enc, because of delicate skin, This is worth 10 points. Macho Women with Guns Combat - Yes, what you've all been waiting for! Blood-spilling, gut-wrenching, brain-splattering combat! Of course there's combat! Basics - Combat is split into one-second turns. Within a turn, characters act in order of Dexterity, highest to lowest, Characters can, however, hold their action until any point in the turn, like if you want an opponent to act first. If everyone waits until the very end of the turn, trying to make someone else go first, actions are resolved in order of Dexterity, lowest to highest. If two people would act simultaneously, resolve as follows. Who's on first? Person using little gun acts Person using big gun acts Person using HTH attack acts Person moving acts Ifyou do any movement in a turn, you are counted as moving for purposes of simultaneous action. If you haven't gotten to act yet, you are counted as doing what you ‘were doing the previous turn. Line of sight - If it looks like you can hit it, you can, Take a vote if necessary. GM (or anyone with those initials) can overrule any vote, further ties settled by mortal combat. Movement - Characters can attack anywhere in their front 120° arc. Moving a hex counts as moving a hex, and changing facing by 60° also counts as moving a hex. Oh yeah, movement cannot be saved from turn to turn, or transferred from unit to unit. (Some companies think they need to tell you this. If you needed to be told this, I've got some valuable swamp coastal property I'd like to sell you.) Stacking - No more than two entities may be in a hex, except small critters, which have unlimited stacking with anything except really big critters, which never share a hex ‘with anything except flying critters, which may pass through such a hex with no hindrance, but may not end their movement there. Is that clear? Attacking - Attacks are resolved whenever a person acts in a phase. In order to hit, the character must roll less than the appropriate skill on 346. Various skills have modifiers that apply. Little guns Modifier, Every two hexes of range a Big guns Every four hexes of range ‘Any guns ‘Taking a turn to aim 2 Each hex moved that turn a Each 2 hexes (round up) opponent moved a Firing from hip (adds 2 to Macho attacks) 2 Each 5 shots(d) in a burst (applies to all fire) -1 4 Hitting things Modifier Each hex moved that turn Bt Throwing things Every hex of range : All attacks ‘Target is dodging (may only move half as far) -(Dew/4)(u) ‘You are dodging (may only move half as far) -(Dex/2)(u) Melee combat - You can hit things in your hex or adjacent hexes. If you have a big thing to hit with, you can hit anyone within two hexes, but such long range attacks get a3 to your chance. Ifa hand-to-hand attack is successful, the target may block the attack if they roll less than their skill, using the same skill they were attacked with. Blocking “Hit things with other things” attacks without a “thing” to block with means the attack will be blocked by the character's arm, which takes damage normally. Multiple attacks may be blocked, but with a -3 to the chance for each consecutive attack. Multiple targets - Hand-to-hand weapons may attack more than once per turn, but take a -3 per attack, which also applies to any blocks the character has to tty ‘during that turn, Guns may attack a number of times equal to their rate of fire, usually in separate bursts. The number Of hits is equal to 1, plus the amount the roll is made by, up to the number of shots fired at the target. Called shots - Any attack may be a called shot to a specific location. This is a -3 to hit. If successful, the location specified is hit, doing an extra point of damage vs critters, or having the special effect of location for characters. Otherwise the attack missed. Additional -3 modifiers may be taken, allowing cumulative damage bonuses on successful called shots. ‘Another option is the "macho" called shot. Macho called shots are identical, but the person specifies an additional minus to the chance to hit, which has no effect on damage. If the called shot is successful, the attack has gory special effects of the character's choosing, and the extra minus is reversed and used as a bonus to the character's Macho for that turn, Shotguns - Carnage Assault Weapons either get a +2 to hit, or may attack each target in a single hex once per shot fired. Reloading - Reloading a weapon takes one turn. If moving, a Dexterity roll is required for success. Weapons reloaded before empty have a "round in the chamber", ic. ne extra shot, or may fire one shot even if unable to reload for some reason, Bombs and stuff - Grenades have a damage of 4 for the hex they are in, and get 1d4 separate attacks. Each hex from the explosion site reduces the damage by 1, so the damage goes 4,3,2,1,0, and the number of hits is 14, 143, 1d2, and of course, 11 (roll 16 and ignore all results except 1). Lumps of TNT have a damage of 4, plus 2 for every time you double the number of lumps. This drops down like for grenades, but TNT damage is half lethal and half bruising, any remainder being bruising. Grenades go off after ‘everyone has finished moving on the turn they were thrown. Bombs and TNT go off in the same part of the turn, but have a random delay of 1d6-1 turns (quality control problems at the fuse factory). Flamethrowers - These have a maximum range of 10 hexes, but attack everything in any hex the line of fire passes through (cross two hexsides). Targets that happen to be in the line of fire are attacked separately, with an additional -3 to the hit chance. All other weapons ignore spurious targets in the line of fir. 5 Macho Attacks - Characters in combat may attempt to impress enemies into submission, or at least stun them enough to let you blow them into little bits without interference. The macho character will affect all enemies in line of sight with the attack. Add all modifiers to Macho, and roll 306. Half the amount (round down) the roll is made or failed by is treated as a modifier to the Macho of the opponents. If they fail their Macho roll, they are awed by your machismo, and will stand stunned until they make a ase Macho roll (roll once at beginning of each turn), or until they take damage from an attack. Modifiers to Macho attacks are below. Modifier Amount Hipfiring (fre full rate of fire) 2 Using big gun a Using flamethrower 2 Macho called shot extra modifier Consecutive macho attacks in one combat “3 per Good looks(if opponent is affected) (Looks/2)(d) Wearing head armor -3 t0 Looks Wearing torso armor -3 to Looks ‘Wearing arm & leg armor -3 to Looks Good soliloquy 2 Average soliloquy 0 Bad soliloquy 2 Really bad soliloquy “4 Drunken frat boys, J.Edgar Hoover, TV evangelists ‘and chauvinist swine are affected by Looks. Example - Dee Kupp is fighting the Sexist Scum from Altair IV. She levels her Colt CAW (Carnage Assault Weapon) at the leader, says "Suck on this, chauvinist swine!", and hipfires a burst at him. She has a Macho of 14. She is hipfiring, using a big gun, and had a bad soliloquy, for an effective Macho of 19. Since these are sexist scum, they are affected by her Looks (a 14), making her Macho a 26. Rolling 3d6, she gets a 12, so she made the roll by 14. All the sexist scum in the line of sight must make a Macho roll with a -7, or be awed by her...prowess. Optional effect - Enemies that were counted as moving at the instant of the macho attack and are macho'd ‘out continue moving at the same rate in a straight line until they recover or run into something (damage of 2, with normal effects). Macho Women with Guns Damage - All weapons are given a damage they can do, like 1, 2, 3, etc. The bigger the number, the greater the damage (no kidding). When an attack strikes a character, any armor the character has subtracts directly from the attack. The remainder hits the innards of the character. ‘The amount of internal damage the character takes is based (on the location hit. Location Health lost per point Head 146 Torso 14 Legs, arms 143 Example - A weapon with a damage of 2 hitting an unarmored head does 2d6 of damage. Hitting the torso does 2d4, and hitting an arm or leg does 243. Against an armor of 1, these attacks would have done 146, 1d4 or 143, respectively. Usually, damage just subtracts from the Health of a character. If you want to take things more seriously, say that ‘each point of Health lost subtracts one from the character’s Strength and Dexterity as well. Damage Location - When a characteris hit, roll 346 Con the following table to determine the location. Roll Location 37 Head 8-9 Upper torso 10-11 Lower torso 12 Arms 13-18 Legs If character is topheavy, roll 2d6+2 instead of 346. 6 Random Scenario Generation - If the GM really ‘wants to go through the effort of designing an adventure, by all means..but for everyone else, the following applies, and lets you get the game going a lot quicker. Lawyers, Guns and Money - Macho women with guns don’t need money, they just borrow what they need. Go to the local weapons shop or military base, and ask if you can borrow some hardware. Each character makes a roli on their "Seduce Creature” skill. The amount the roll is made by is the Enc total of equipment that they will let you walk off with. If the GM is nice, they can assume they are friendly and give modifiers to the roll. Or, the GM can be nasty and do the opposite. A character getting 0 Enc of equipment can have 16 items that have 0 Enc. Other players can trade 1 Ene for 146 0 Enc items as well. Beastly Boys - Lay out the map. Use the one included or make up your own. Define any terrain hazards, like gratings, gunk, etc. Roll 1d6 for each character to see the type of random critters that are assigned, Roll Critter type 1 Cute and deadly 23 ‘Stupid and slow, but still deadly 45 ‘Mean and ugly 6 Just plain strange ‘The GM can choose 146 of the appropriate type at random from the critter list, or roll a d6 and get the type from the following tables. Cute and deadly Roll Result Roll Result 1-2. Killer rabbits 1-2 Drunken frat boys 3-4 Puppies of Tindalos 3-4 Congress subcommittee ‘Stupid and stow 5-6 Hellkittens 5-6 TV evangelists Mean and ugly Just plain strange Roll Result Roll Result 1-2 Aliens 12. Crow with a machine gun 3-4 J.Edgar Hoover 3-4 Bthulhu 5-6 Chawvinist swine 546. Isaac Azathoth Get @ die for each critter in play, preferably the same for each critter type. Grab the dice and toss them onto the map. Take any misses and keep trying. Now, separate them so that no more than one critter is in each hex. Critters don't worry about facing. Place the characters on the map at the predetermined entry point (forgot to mention that, sorry). Clear all critters away from the characters, s0 all of them are atleast two hexes from the nearest critter.

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