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The Four Macro Skills In English

People think that communication is limited to what we

say or hear, but that’s not the case. Language is
expressed in four ways: reading, speaking, writing and
listening. These are also defined as the macro skills of
communication. These are also utilized by essentially all
languages. Babies develop language skills by first
listening and then speaking followed by reading and
writing. When learning a new language the best way to
do is by engaging in balance of each of these areas, as
they are all interconnected. As with any, skill the more
you practice the stronger and you become. The same is
true with improving communication skills.

1. Listening
There are three modes of listening: competitive, passive
and active. Active listening is considered the most
effective because the listener is not only listening with
interest, but actively acknowledging listening by brief
responses. Most individuals are not skilled at listening as
they think. Depending on the study, listeners likely
remember 25 to 50 percent of what they hear. Giving the
speaker your undivided attention and not focusing on
what you are going to say in response while he is talking
is a good way to ensure you hear more of what is being
2. Speaking can be an intimidating experience, even in
your native tongue, let alone when learning a new
language. The best way to learn how to speak,
though, is by practicing, so put your inhibitions aside
and strike up a conversation whenever you are given
an opportunity to do so. When speaking, be aware
of your pace and try not to mumble, speak clearly.
Consider being expressive when you talk; avoid a
monotonous tone. Expressions adds interest and
depth to what you are saying and it will keep your
listener interested.
3. Reading
Children learn to read by first learning ABCs and
sounding out the letters to discover what sound they
make. The phonetic approach to reading using sound
units to figure out the words is arguably the best
approach because theoretically, if you know the
sounds, you can read any word, regardless of the
difficulty level. This is also the case when learning a
new language, Reading has many benefits, including
improving memory by exercising the brain,
increasing vocabulary, and exposing you to new
4. Writing
Writing is perhaps the most complex of the
communication skills and takes the most time to
master. As with any other skill, the craft of putting
words on paper is improved through practice an
willingness to improve on past attempts. The more
practice, the better you will get! Moving beyond the
basics, many types of writing can be used, depending
on audience and purpose. Writing can be a basic
means of conveying information such as in
newspapers or it can be a tool to create elaborate
new worlds, much like those found in fiction novels
such as The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

The important macro skills in teaching a particular


An interesting feature of early language acquisition

is that children seem to depend more on semantics
than on syntax when speaking. Furthermore, the
acquisition of language facility is one of the most
interesting but perplexing phenomena in learning.
The learners’ ability to speak is marvelous and his
mastery in other areas of learning such as listening,
reading and writing gives a clear indication that he
has the distinct opportunity of being a learner of a
fantastic classroom teacher.

Important Macro-skills in Teaching a Particular

The four macro-skills in communication are the
most important skills in teaching a particular
language. Each of them is indispensable in the
learning process and teaching performance on
behalf of the learners and mentors. These skills such
as listening, speaking, reading, writing, and viewing
will use as the main vehicle to obtain definitely a
certain language and to serve as a conduit to
encompass widely the interrelated realms of
communication and global community.

An interesting feature of early language acquisition

is that children seem to depend more on semantics
than on syntax when speaking. Furthermore, the
acquisition of language facility is one of the most
interesting but perplexing phenomena on learning.
The learners’ ability to speak is marvelous and his
mastery in other areas of learning such as listening
reading and writing gives a clear indication that he
has distinct opportunity of being a learner of a
fantastic classroom teacher.

The communication skills in language teaching are as


1. Speaking is the act of talking to someone, of

making an utterance with intentional and
unintentional dealings, or of a person who really
speaks. It refers also to literary works and artistic
communications that are composed of daily
recitations, as ancient poetry and oral literature
regardless of a language spoken by the people
Oral communication is a vicious cycle which
always involves two persons or more: a decorder
and an encoder; the message, the channel and the
feedback. The teachers should create situations in
which the learners could exercise their ability of
oral expressions. Besides, in a blog release
published online, it said also two people can speak
with each other yet still not be able to
communicate anything they could speaking
different languages. Speaking is used mainly when
people are having face to face communication, but
it can also be over the phone and now over
technology such as webcams and video calling.

2. Listening is the most important skill in

communication. It is a mental operation involving
processing sound waves, interpreting their
meaning, and storing their meaning memory. It is
a communication technique that requires the
listeners to understand, interpret, and evaluate
what they hear of. It paves the way for other skills
to tower over the others because of its
significations in terms of speech, confabs and
freedom of expressions. They serve as an
approach to make everybody comprehend which
is originally derived from the given talk or
utterance. It is closely related to speaking and it
enables the person to soak in any information that
is given to them; consequently, the information
can be passed on to another party later on after
the conversation. On other hand, students will
develop prediction and anticipation skills in
listening. They will recall previous savvy or
experience about the topic of the listening text
before to the text, and will recall the cause effect
relationships in the listening text. Without
listening, communication can also be crippled. It is
vital and should be part mainly in communication.

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