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Salient Features

 THE 1987 Constitution was greatly influenced and based on the American Constitution which
has greatly influenced the 1935 constitution, but this was also incorporated Roman, Spanish and
Anglo law.
 The 1987 Constitution established a representative democracy with power divided among three
separate and independent branches of government: the Executive, a bicameral Legislature, and
the Judiciary
 There are also independent constitutional commissions such as Commission on Audit
,Commission on E.lection and Civil Service Commission
 It granted President broad powers to recognize and eliminate government officials and also a
power to appoint a commission to draft a new and more formal Constitution.
1. This states that a president can mandate, govern and restrict any officials in the current
government if there are any anomalous actions that are happening within their
governance and as long as there are evidence.
2. The president has the power to appoint officials


 Upholding of national sovereignty

 Promotion of social justice
 Democratic governance and the prevention of another dictatorship
 Respect for human rights and civil liberties

 The Philippines renounces war as an instrument of national policy, adopts the generally
accepted principles of international law as part of the law of the land and adheres to the
policy of peace, equality, justice, freedom, cooperation, and amity with all nations.

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