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| +852 1234 5678 | |

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

[If you know the hiring manager’s name, personalise and address them directly. LinkedIn job ads, for
example, often state the name of the person posting the ad.]

Application for the Position of Data Analyst

It is with great enthusiasm that I submit my application for the position of Data Analyst at XYZ Analytics.
Through my 5-year career, I have extensive experience in data analytics, data mining, risk management and process
improvement. I am skilled at developing automation processes, and identifying opportunities to mitigate and resolve
operational bottlenecks. [Match your skills and strengths to the job and industry requirements, and include a brief
overview of your experience. Share metrics if you have them to provide context and scale for your work]

• Presently, I am a Data Analyst with Bank of Hong Kong, where I collaborate with a team of 10 to extract
data-driven insights for the Operations Division of the bank. I oversee the full spectrum of process
development, risk management, and client relationship management. This includes identifying opportunities
for process improvements, performing continuous internal and external data quality checks, defining
projects and deliverables, and ensuring that all customer requirements are met with the highest standards.

• Among my various achievements during my tenure, I am most proud of securing time savings and risk
control of ~70% by building and implementing automation processes after identifying potential bottleneck
and streaming opportunities.

Throughout my career, I have forged robust professional relationships with staff, colleagues and external partners,
and these have been crucial to the success of my substantial portfolios. My experience has also allowed me to
develop a thorough understanding of core competencies needed to flourish in business development, and to nurture
an analytical mindset; geared towards logical thinking, research and creative problem solving. I am confident I will
be able to apply these skillsets within your organization, and add significant value to your operations. [Focus again
on your top skills as required by the role or firm. Here, highlight key experiences that are directly relevant to the
target role.]

I am thrilled at the possibility of being part of your firm, and would love the opportunity to meet with you and
discuss how I can most effectively contribute my diverse and substantial range of experience and skills to your
organization’s continued success. Please feel free to contact me at any time via mobile at +852 1234 5678 or via
email at [Finally, end your Cover Letter with a call-to-action - show your excitement to meet
your potential employer, and provide your contact details.]

Yours sincerely,
Mark Lee

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